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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  May 16, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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governor gavin newsom at the vatican this morning discussing climate change were live with details on that. plus, copper police now looking for the suspects who rammed the car into 2 local businesses in the same night. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good morning and thanks for waking up with us on great thursday. i'm darya and james. yeah. but sunshine will come. in fact, some are already seeing it. we've got john in the weather center starting things off some peeks of it out there which has been nice. but some of us are specially fogged in it all depends on where you're at. >> behind me and as that. but we've actually got some pretty clear skies back there. where is your view from mount tam is looking at a blanket of cloud cover that is rushing in at a pretty fast pace into the bay area this morning. this is really going to cool things off for some of our inland areas out towards the delta. and right now is resulting in a few visibility issues, if not some mist and drizzle for some of us. now winds breezy
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astin vacaville around 30 to 40 miles per hour this morning. that notion cool. they're rushing up into the delta in doing so really quickly making for this brisk, breezy and great start 50's for current temps conquered sitting at 57 oakland-alameda at 56 sf at 54 right now later on today, daytime highs a little cooler than yesterday, but no huge changes in this forecast. i'll talk more details as we go. all right, john, thank you for that. tracking in accident along south on 80 and west, a street in hayward. >> things have been a little slow for us along 80 this morning. mission boulevard might be a good option for you if you try to navigate around those delays. checking on your bay bridge right now, 17 minutes into the city. no accidents as it's there. that's good news. last hour, we had a hazard on the san mateo bridge that's now clear. 22 minutes a 80 to richmond center fell bridge around 12 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 22 minutes, all regions. back to you. thanks. a lot of rain. a 71 new this morning. governor
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newsom is at the vatican right now talking to the pope and other world leaders about climate change across 4 is michael thomas following that story for us up in the newsroom. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. governor gavin newsom, he spoke at the vatican within the last few hours, essentially discussing climate change and what california is doing to fight it. >> the opportunity also allowed him to speak with world leaders and showcase his work as governor, which could play a role and his political future. should he decide to run for higher office? the three-day summit is all about bending the curve and bouncing forward to climate resilience. governor newsom spoke to a delegation of about 100 people. you see there. it included the mayor of paris and the governor of new york. all that are calling for urgent climate action. newsom called the climate crisis a clear and present danger causing severe droughts, intense storms in historic wildfires that have been seen across california. the governor also did not hold back when it came to calling out the fossil fuel industry. take a listen. >> calling this climate crisis, what it is the climate
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crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. it's because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil. and with respect and forgive me if this comes off a little too harsh, it's been said and repeat it. the polluted heart. of the climate crisis. are these fossil fuel companies that had been lying to us? they've been deceiving us. they've known to the science. they've denied the science. they've delayed it. van spent. we have the tools. we have the technology. we have the capacity to address this issue at a global level of skill level and they've been fighting every single advancement and we have got to call that out. >> oil companies have long pushed against newsom's allegations arguing his administration has unfairly targeted them during his time in politics when it comes to
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pope francis. well, he is an influential figure among american catholics as we know in a leader in the fight against global warming. he did speak, however, it was privately with the delegation and a message that focused on taking care of the poor and the planet tomorrow. governor gavin newsom is expected to travel over to the city of to launch a new climate partnership with the italian region of emilia-romagna. as we get more details on the world leaders that he set to speak with or the comments that he makes during his trip overseas. we'll keep you updated. that's a very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas story aging. still send it back to you thank you, michael. >> it is 703. another big story that we're following this morning. pro-palestinian protesters have taken over an abandoned building near uc berkeley. a new protest is happening. >> at an ahead complex, it's a boarded-up building next to people's partner. kron 4 sarah stinson walks us through what's going on. >> a group of pro-palestine protesters broke into head
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complex. take a look. you can see on the sidewalk here. it says free palestine. this is a boarded up building. university officials say they are aware of the vandalism that is happening at this quote, unsafe, boarded up fire, damaged building. it's a block away from people's park in 2 blocks from campus. palestine. protesters taking over berkeley's and ahead complex wednesday afternoon. resisting with palestinians who was the bravest strongest demonstrators refused to do an interview with kron 4 but did announce a list of 4 demands live. >> from people parked outside. all right. the caught happen.
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>> protesters set up tents, hung a palestinian flags and even spray painted the sidewalks in parts of the building. it's unclear if these are cal students or even berkeley residents. this protest does fall on the 55th anniversary of people's park which is being turned into new housing for students and low-income residents. it's been closed and blocked off since january, which has since sparked many protests. nicholas alexander says he was there the first day. the park closed, but he became visibly upset at the presence of these protesters. it seems like they're just here i mean, to get attention, frankly. >> because i don't know. i haven't seen them before. you know, why were you here on january 4th, when i was chased by swat while a cal alumni walking by says he sees no problem with people protesting on vacant land. like why shouldn't they be able to take that space? it's out of the way and it's not causing traffic or anything like that. they should be able you know, protest here. police have been seen around here taking
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pictures monitoring the situation, but no one has been removed, nor arrested says definitely a fluid situation. check kron 4 dot com. >> for the latest, i'm sara stinson reporting berkeley. back to you. >> all right. well, meanwhile, up in the north bay, sonoma states president is on administrative leave now after coming to an agreement with pro palestinian demonstrators there on campus without getting permission from the university. first. so in a letter sent out on tuesday, president mike lee said that he listen to protesters demands and that, quote, none of us should be on the sidelines when human beings are subject to mass killing and destruction, end quote, he went on to announce that sonoma state would look at divesting from israel and would end an exchange program with that country. protestors applauded the announcement. however, the university's leadership was less than pleased. state senator scott wiener also weighed in. >> what i saw the announcement from the president of sonoma state. my jaw drops absolutely
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unacceptable. what sonoma state is proposing to do is to basically block plus israeli academics. it's a complete academic. we caught it any kind of student exchange between sonoma, state universities in israel. >> well, ali has since released a new statement backtracking on his decision saying, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one group of students, i marginalized other members of the student population and community. i realize the harm that this has caused and i take full ownership of it. he went on to say that the initial letter was sent without the approval of the university system's chancellor and board leaders. the csu chancellor also put out a statement saying the heart and mission of csu is to create an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone. >> in east bay to businesses in concord were rammed by a car with stolen plates on the same night. and in both cases, the thieves left without taking one thing. both
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break-ins happened monday night. first here at micro measurements and pacific instruments. that's a business on pi claim. the company makes data systems for customers like nasa and u.s. military and surveillance video shows the thieves slammed the stolen plated car into the roll-up door. they look around inside and then leave empty-handed. then a couple of minutes later, a couple miles away on solano way. you see the white car slammed into the front of h s d engineering and other high-tech business. and again, after they go in, they come out and take off without stealing anything. >> decided to trash their car my door and right away. i suspect they're looking for a marijuana grow house. luckily the only thing that saved them from completely demolishing through our building was are. >> recently purchased forklift. >> it also has doubled as the new way to open and close the door. you have the forklift was in the way and now the company is offering a 500
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dollar reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the crew that broke into the business. teachers across the bay area are rallying for better conditions. teachers at fairfield unified plan to rally this morning at the district office says they want to bring attention to their contract negotiations. this is all going to be happening after class organizers want attract snd retain highly qualified educators, they say with a salary that keeps up with today's cost of living so far, they say there has not been progress with their negotiations with the district over new contract. they're still resuming their talks. and in the meantime, just doing a demonstration and teachers with the contra costa county schools, education association. they're going to host a rally at the county office of education. and here's video from rally. they held a few years ago. this is happening as their bargaining team is sitting down with the county pushing for better pay and a different intake procedure for students. the
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group says that they may strike in the fall if a deal isn't reached >> all right. we're going to take a break at 7.10, but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco's only black woman owned cannabis shop is at risk of closing. now the owners asking for the community to help. plus a hungry thief leads. police on a chase will tell you what they say. this woman stole to satisfy craving. >> and game changer in america's fight against opioid walgreens is getting into the arena explain what they're doing. coming up in a live report and may be pretty great for most of us this morning. but some afternoon sunshine on the way. >> sf and oakland, you'll stay in the 60's. san jose holding on to those low 80's. i've got your forecast a little slow go out there depending where
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>> 7.13, is the time and we're taking a look here outside where it's a little gray out, depending where you are. even misty and some spot. i know. yeah, it's a little too high for you see in that shot. but there are flags up that kind of really flapping in the wind. yeah, that wind is relentless and has not let up and increased actually today. and that is going to help keep temperatures down. >> it's because this is an onshore wind transporting all that cool ocean air and putting it right into the bay lot of mist drizzle and cloud cover for that matter in half moon bay. right now we're seeing a lot of that through the golden gate. berkeley hills. >> and for a lot of the north bay, too high pressure ridge is blocking anything from really coming through or direction, disrupting the steady trend that we've been on. any changes have been minimal. yesterday was the warmest. and after that, it's
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just a downward trend of temperatures and facts. next week. our extended outlook is showing temperatures that are going to be cooler than average for this time of year across the but used to be allergies. it's that wind across the whole state. so that cooler than average temperature trend, futurecast shows you that mister isil that we have out along the coastline, this wind pushing inland will help to moderate temperatures, especially into the delta where winds are the most noticeable. now as we move move into tomorrow. we start the morning with a lot of cloud cover burning off into the afternoon. the trend is very steady and very predictable at this point. it's a lot of stuff we've been saying consistently lately 50's and 60's for san francisco and the coastline. well, looking at some 70's to low 80's on the warmer side of things. carlos down through palo alto at 77 south bay. temperatures in the low 80's while the east bay looking at some 70's to low 80's yourselves, although doubling up to conquer down in the 70's today, oakland up to richmond
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down in the 60's in vacaville from yesterday's 89 to just 80 degrees today. let's get you a look ahead tomorrow. temperatures even cooler yet inland areas down in the upper 70's on average where we're going to stay for the rest of the forecast. well into the middle of next week rated. all right, john, thank you for we've been tracking in accident and some issues along 8.80. this is at west a street. you can see a screenshot from a caltrans can see that accident. there. >> they got this traffic break going on right now. that's why we're seen all the slowness going along 80 right now. mission boulevard might be a good option. so there's able to clear that off of the highway. last hour, we had an accident there. now we just got a brand new one, 90 minute ride into the city. no accidents, but more people traveling there. 24 min right across the mateo bridge last hour. we have a traffic hazard. there's no hazards there currently. so that's good news. one of the south bay up 10 minutes, 40 minutes. 85 to menlo park to 82 looking good. not backed up in a full. i want to want to suggest hopping on those crockett on
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towards the maze. a 30 minute ride reaches back to you. thanks. a lot 7.16, for your money. this morning. buyers are coming back to the used car market. we like to say preowned and planet fitness has a teen's workout free deal for the summer. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more high j. >> all right. good morning, sir. planet fitness again, launching its high school summer pass program that promotes teams to work out over the summer for free. so this is the 4th year that they've done this. it will start saturday, june 1st for teens between the ages of 14 19 and they can sign up for free at all of the planet fitness gyms and you get access to certified trainers, all of their workouts and the planet fitness app as well. walmart made more than a million dollars a minute to last year. but the wall street journal reports that retail dominance may be at risk. amazon saw 12% growth last year. that was double what wal-mart solve. the problem is about 90% of americans already shopping wallner. well, wal-mart, so there's not a lot
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of room there for more growth for walmart. will the used vehicle market is up and running again. admin says people who've been on the sidelines about a vehicle purchase are now stepping in and buying used. car prices fell again in april and they're down 17% from the pandemic high. well, for more americans, there's a big difference between a trip and a vacation motel. 6 in one poll say a vacation is travel for relaxation. the trip has a purpose may be a work-related event. whether on vacation or taking a trip. 3 fifths of americans up to drive to their destinations this year. but for the nasdaq market site, i'm jane king back to daria trip vacation to okay. >> got >> i'm going somewhere about that. we don't say we don't say working vacation. a work trip right? >> i think we should change the whole thing to us to be like it. the brits, a light holiday going on holiday makes it very clear. >> thanks. >> 7.18 right now not with the ongoing drug crisis is
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happening around the nation. walgreens is offering a. >> she perversion of nar chaos sold right over the counter. don't even have to up the pharmacy to ask for it. kron four's will tran live at walgreens to explain. well. >> and james, it's $10 less than an ar can brand. all you have to do by the end of this month. walk down the aisle for pain medication and you, too, can get narcan at $35. a pop right now. it's $45 for the newark and brand. but walgreens rolling out their brand because they realize just how bad the epidemic is last year, according for the centers for disease control, 107,000 people in our country overdosed. most of them because of opioid and newark and fights that that actually was released over the counter last year. as far as the name brand by reducing obviously cheaper accessibility. and as you mentioned, james, you don't have to go to the
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pharmacy says and a lot of people they have that stigma. why are you asking for this? it could be embarrassing because it's over the counter. you don't have to ask anybody you can grab it as far as walgreens. what you can get it online. but of course, a lot of people walk into the stories as well. you can just pick it up. this is very important because sometimes it takes a while to allow a company to roll out their brand because of the patent. but the fda, they said it was a necessity for other places, including walgreens. and you don't be surprised if other pharmacies do the same thing so they can help fight nor can start of scares me. fight overdose. and the good news is it can work sometime. i mean, obviously we're not doctors case somebody has not breathing. you can apply and it might not. the opioid. and even if that's the case. well, you will not harm that particular person. it could have been something out so very safe and effective drug. and now in about a week and a half or so $10 less back to
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you. thank you very much. well, >> and san francisco's first and only black woman owned cannabis shop is a risk of closing. now the owner of the building, which is in hunters point is looking to sell the building after the lease is up in the end of the month. that means that this business is out of luck. the shop owner, east benton, you see her here. she has just weeks now to come up with money to go into a new space. the dispensary posh green cannabis boutique, she says, has become a real positive in the neighborhood and she wanted to go there when nobody else did. she is hoping that this won't run another small business out of business. >> nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here the crime, you know, and i took a chance on this neighborhood. i want remain here so we can have black woman owned business in this community as we should.
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>> she has a goal. she needs to rage $200,000 for a down payment so that she is able to move in, set up shop elsewhere and she believes she can do it. she wants to serve the community. >> it's 7.21. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the state utility commission votes to add a flat fee to your electric bill. and now lawmakers are thinking, well, lawmakers are thinking, well, how can we help?
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get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. >> 7.24 is the time and for your money this morning, a new bill is in the works now to try and reduce the new flat
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fee on utility bills. for many californians, if signed the legislation would prevent any new fee increase from going over the rate of inflation. it would also stop the california public utilities commission for making a fixed charge greater than $10 per month after 2028, the newly fixed cmarge says we know is 24 15 per month. the utility companies have long said they need this to this fix charge to help pay for grid maintenance and the state's transition to green tech. this bill will go before the assembly appropriations committee this week. >> it's 7.24 in the south bay, san jose. garbage and recycling rates are going up again. the city is proposing a 4% rate increase per month for single-family service and 2% for multi service family service. a spokesperson for the san jose environmental services department says the rate increases are because the rising costs covering living adjustments and operational fees. the department says it raised rates last july after
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reviewing their costs and revenue, a city council membpr and also executives are different organizations in the city say price hike is modest, but still it's going to impact people who are facing financial challenges, a public hearing and a vote on this will be held june 4th. beginning this month, low-income families can visit the monterey bay aquarium for free. and this is thanks to the museum is for all program which launched back in 2014. anybody any family that's on food stamps can go to the aquarium and all you have to do is present your valid calfresh card and a photo. i d with a matching name and you can bring up to 3 guests also for free, the program begins may 27th. >> we're going to take a break in 7.26. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. the fbi now sending out a warning about terrorists targeting pride terrorists targeting pride events here in san francisco. ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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>> 7.28 right now and we're just chatting with john about, you know, how it looks like you're in this stormy foreign location, not the bay when it gets this you can see that. ray graham got a lot of white caps out there on the bajan. yeah. that wind has been relentless and scooting through at and even more accelerated pace this morning allowing with that. a lot of that cooler ocean air and fog in with that. >> you can see above the fog, a gorgeous view from right above it at mount tam right here. sunshine up above some of those taller pine trees barely sticking up above that blanket. now some of us up in the north bay as well as the
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coastline are really fogged in so much. so you've got some heavy mist and drizzle coming down. sunshine peaking back out from sfo down to the south bay, which is nice to see winds will continue to the inland areas this afternoon moderating temperatures a little bit more. very much so our strongest winds out to the delta and the car this morning or it's just pulling that ocean cool there on its way into the valley. temperatures in the 50's currently. and later today we will be looking at daytime highs just a couple of degrees down from yesterday in the 70's to low 80's rain. all right, john, thank you for that. well, that accident we're tracking along 80 in hayward. >> lanes just opened up there. but you have residual delays, things just a little slow, 15 minute, right? alien showdown at 2.37. and your bridges of starting to see traffic building. they're a little more so 23 minutes into the city while there are no accidents or hazards, we did have a hazard in the last hour on the san mateo bridge. 24 minutes there, 80 to 101. richmond, sandra fell bridge around 14. so i think we started at about 7 minutes
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this morning and a 31 minute ride. 37 to the tolls are james. back to you. thank you. reyna 7.30, and alameda county district pamela price. find yourself back on the campaign trail. just 16 months after he took off. and yeah, she has to convince voters not to recall her this november proper. stephanie justice has the story. >> we are ready to tell people the truth. wednesday district attorney pamela price and supporters with protect the wind for public safety gathering in oakland. >> defending her time as district attorney 2 weeks ago. the alameda county board of supervisors certify the signatures required for recall tuesday evening. they voted that recall will be part of the general election in november. the recall effort coming from a committee called save alameda for everyone da prize addressing what she believes has been misinformation disseminated about her. we will tell the truth and we will counteract the lies and the misinformation campaign.
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>> that has been amplified by certain folks in the media and >> certain people. there's been a whole lot of misinformation. price says she will continue to do her job as district attorney while campaigning saying that the people in 2023 took to the polls to vote her in. >> it was the first time in 45 years since there was a contested election. >> the people of alameda county went to the polls to elect a district attorney for the first time since 9, the mid 1970's in over 45 years. we have not had a contested election. i'm the first non appointed non anointed district attorney in this county in 100 and so the people exercise their democratic right to elect a district attorney and we won that election has ms gets fair and square with 53% of the vote. >> behind a price, a group of supporters and volunteers. he
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raised parents they're just hating on for no apparent reason she's doing her job. alameda county says combining the recall election with the general election will cost 4 million dollars as opposed to between 15 20 million dollars. it would cost to hold a special election. the decision to go by the 2 was supported by prize price, reiterating that the alameda county registrar of voters did not follow the charter, saying the recall process was in legal reporting. tiffany justice kron, 4 news. in the north bay. a disturbing find inside a home in rio vista has left or retired community shaken elderly woman's body found by police. now. >> and the suspected killer, they say is her own son. so earlier this week officers went to a home on birch ridge drive, which is where the trilogy retiroment community is. they say concern neighbors have called about a local woman who they hadn't seen for several days. so they asked police to do a welfare check. when officers arrived at the home, they say they were met at the door by her. 57 year-old son identified as jeffrey at can. now things
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they say quickly escalated from there when police say i could tried to physically prevent them from entering the home to check on the elderly mother and after he was detained, police went in and made the grim discovery. they found that can 78 year-old mother's body. >> in my experience as a veteran law enforcement officer, normal people do not kill their mothers. it's a very mitch. violent crime. it's it's one of the, you know, still one of the worst murders you can do the killing of of a parent or a child. >> you know, the megan's law website also confirms that 8 can is also a convicted offender. the full circumstances surrounding his mother's death by the how that's all being investigated. now. >> time now 7.34 and the union that represents about 48,000 academic workers in the uc system has voted to give their executive or the ability to strike at any time. the union
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members believe that the university of california mishandled the pro-palestine demonstrations that happened on campuses specifically this one at ucla where counter protesters attacked a pro-palestinian encampment for several hours without police intervention. the vote does not guarantee a strike. 8 of the uc campuses still have a month of instruction before the summer break. half moon bay's planning commissioners approve new housing for low-income senior farmworkers. threatened legal action over a delay in the plan. the 40 unit affordable housing project is going to move forward. now more than a year after the deadliest shooting in the country's history. that happened at that farm worker area. the migrant worker area, the governor met with the survivors and the families and looked at the deplorable living conditions that they were and and he's budgeted millions in funding and resources to ensure that the farm workers receive support from the state.
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>> well, los altos police department that warning people about an uptick in burglaries at home construction sites and in unoccupied homes for sale. police say thieves are stealing appliances, staged in these homes or ones that were delivered to construction sites and that these crimes tend to happen at night or early in the morning. they're urging people, therefore, to lock their doors and windows, set your home alarms and utilize whatever security devices you may have to prevent these thieves. in san pablo, an oakland woman has been arrested now for allegedly stealing a taco truck in san pablo. police there responded to these calls about a taco truck being stolen and within an hour they were able to track it down to the other side of town. woman was discovered inside rummaging through the things there. and apparently police say she confessed to stealing it because she was hungry. the top of truck was returned to its owner. >> time now is 7.36, and the fbi is warning of threats targeting the lgbtq+ community during pride month. and we've
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got kron four's. dan kerman reporting now that these threats are in fact coming from known terrorists. san francisco's pride parade is a little over a month away. but pride events begin the first of june. not only here in the bay area, but in various cities across the u.s. now, this year's pride events come with a warning from the fbi and homeland security, the foreign terrorists or their u.s. base supporters, a target lgbtq venues and events. isis propaganda has made reference to lgbtq community bats. >> we want to make sure that all of community, but especially in this case, the lgbtq community is aware of that. and exercising appropriate situational awareness when they attend events. the fbi says the volume and intensity of that propaganda has increased following the october 7th hamas attack in israel. that coupled with next month's anniversary of the 2016 pulse
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nightclub massacre in orlando is reason to get the word out. people a very good grasp what's normal behavior for their surroundings encourage them. but they see something that's very suspicious, very out of the that they report that many in san francisco's castro district were caught off guard by the terror warning for pride month but said it won't deter them from taking part. i think that being a part of the community being in something like this, it makes you feel more. >> well, coming in more safe. i know that that the community does things to prevent things like this. so i don't think it will change. we want to do and be a part of it. we should let your hair or any kind of. you know, kind of weak deter us because we're standing for ourselves. but for all those who can stand up for themselves is worrisome. but that's not going to deter us from showing our support and being a part of the community. that means the world to pride festivities are slated to take place throughout the month of june in san francisco.
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>> culminating in a festival as well as the parade the last weekend of the month. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> and the san francisco police department plans to honor families who've been impacted by homicides. they're going to have a march this afternoon to pay tribute to the lives lost and the families that continue to remember their loved ones. that march begins at 3 this afternoon at margaret high. oh, hey, we're park on the guna street and then after that, the police chief district attorney and others will speak on the steps of city hall. get ready to fly out of the new harvey milk terminal at sfo. it's almost done. >> come mid june. travelers will be able to go through their new shops. restaurants displays and then get through new gates. you can see they've got all kinds of amenities. there should make your trip smoother alaska and delta plan to move operations into that new terminal later this year.
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the project cost 2.5 billion dollars. but airport says it's worth it. >> we really invest heavily in the features, the amenities, the experience inside the terminal. we get that back in the form of people are spending more money in the terminal there, shopping and dining more. they're spending more time enjoying their stay in the terminals. >> the new rv milk terminal opens to the public with a ribbon cutting that's happening june. 11th. >> it's pretty cool. all right. and a big milestone for the city of oakland, oakland, unified has become the first district in the county to have 100% electric fleet of school buses. yesterday was the first day the buses were officially put into use. obviously, our cameras were there. manufacturers say all 74 of the school buses will also be providing energy to the city when they're not in use. usd says these buses will help reduce emissions throughout the community. they are thrilled to have them now in service. >> talk a lot about equity in
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oakland. equities is the center of what we do in the school district. the families of oakland are just personally disadvantaged in affected by high rates of asthma and exposure to air pollution from diesel fuels. so by electrifying and having this vision. we're not worrying about students being sick. we're not worrying about emissions. >> zoom plans on tackling san francisco and los angeles school districts next. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the giants aren't done yet. we'll tell you how they avoided a sweep against the dodgers. >> meanwhile, an iconic los gatos night club is closing its doors. how the community feels about that news. >> and today's going to be another nice one. temperatures down a little bit from yesterday for a few of a lot of 60's in sf and oakland, wall few low 80's hangout spots like san jose. i got your forecast we're starting to pick up out there as we approach our 8 o'clock hour. keeping and we're back at
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7.43, a popular santa cruz brewery is coming to pier. 39. >> take a look. it's the humble, see brewing company. they put out this coming soon. banner over what was a boarded-upystorefront out at the pier? no word on exactly when it's going to be a open. but you can already check out their beers if you'd like. they've got a couple area locations, one in alameda and the other in pacifica out calls issue, drink some beer. watch the s-line joy ferris wheel. >> uc berkeley is hosting a naming contest for those 4
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falcons that we love to watch. they recently hashed at camp neil tower. cal falcons group of scientists says that they've got 2 females and 2 male chicks in this nest that they need to name. they hatch to annie and her new partner archie last my gosh, i love watching. and he now has had 22 checks organizers of the contract contests say that you can suggest a name on their social media platforms until sunday at noon and they're going to announce the top suggestions on monday and then the winning names will announce those when they decide later next week. the names should be connected by theme. and normally they somehow relate to uc berkeley. keep that in mind i mean that the checks 7.45. is the time. we'll see what it's like outside for those chicks as >> well, coming into thursday, under gray skies may be in
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berkeley. i think maybe. yeah, they're they're down there. i think that's the tower at their uc berkeley. so >> we're about the birds right now. actually be quiet. they're sleeping looking outside. we've got some gray skies which might be keeping you a little sleepy this morning, too. but we are going to see brightening skies this afternoon and especially for the south bay sfo, inland areas. you've already cleared out. definitely some stubborn fog towards the coastline. high pressure ridge still, but it's up to the west. still a blocking high. so nothing coming through disrupting this overall dry trend of weather that we've been experiencing. the west coast. our extended outlook from the spc is really showing a continuation of cooler weather yesterday was the warmest day of this week's forecast likely to be the warmest day we have lingering into next week, too. as we do see below average temperatures leading through this forecast here in the bay area. some of that can be attributed to this onshore breeze and some fog and mist at the coastline this morning. we'll see some misty conditions this afternoon out along the coastline as well after some afternoon sunshine
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today. sea breeze pushes right back in some more fog into the evening tonight. and we repeat the process as we make our way through the next few days. today's highs, not a lot of changes here, but just enough of a cool down, especially for inland areas to make today. just a slightly cooler day than yesterday was for a lot of us will still be well into the upper 70's, if not low 80's, like in the south bay today, inland east bay in for a bit of a cool down dublin all the way up to conquer down in the 70's. now, while oakland up to richmond in the 60's vacaville, our biggest drop from yesterday's 89 to 2 days, 80 degrees and those winds to the delta in solano her really noticeable transporting that cool air your direction. tomorrow starts trend of 70's for inland spots. that is not going anywhere remaining in the 70's all the way into the middle of next week right now. all right, john, thank you for that lot. more red than green out there on our highways and bridges right now. >> just starting to pick up along 80 in the east bay 8.80. we had a few earlier issues
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here that are clear. still residual delays, highway 4 and even won a one in the south bay bay bridge right now. 21 minute ride into the city while there are no accidents, you clearly see there's an uptick in traffic. 70 min run along a richmond center fell bridge before last check in 30's. we've only gone up 9 minutes. 39 along a crockett out towards the maze. 34 minutes you start to build a soon as you hit san pablo and 24 lot to 5.80, to 60 minute ride. yesterday we have some construction there. looks like we still do on the eastbound side not seen that major delay. all right. james, back to you. >> thank you very much for 87. 47 is the time the family of angelo came reach milton, a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. he, too, was a filipino american veteran who died. bikes. fix you after police knelt on his neck back in 2020 his family says he was having a mental health crisis when they called for help. as part of the settlement approved by the city council tuesday night. the family will be awarded now
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7 and a half million dollars. civil rights attorney john burris as this case has the potential to save the lives of others like keto. >> given a new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around that we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when different form interaction, intrusive form, a less aggressive form i could could have resolved it differently. >> the mayor of antioch was there as well. let's go on to the other story that we're following this morning, which unless is it los gatos? it's the last call for the south bay business at the center of the los gatos night seen they've been there for 50 years and it's called charlie's bar and nightclub and they're going to be closing on sunday, june 2nd, there's dancing there and performances themed events like trivia night, which happened last night. the
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business opened as mountain, charlie's in 1972, it's changed hands multiple times over the years. customers say that charlies has been like a second home. >> start a stranger's. we turn to friends and we turn to family. i guess we're just going to have to be a family somewhere else. but it's it's it's kind of sad we're so familiar with these doors these walls, we have a great collection of people to meet people. it's very interactive, very friendly. and now we're wondering, where do we go from here we do it? >> charlie says closing because the owners sold the business. they plan to hold a big closing party on saturday. june first called one last dance. >> well, turning to bay area baseball. the giants were looking to avoid being swept by the dodgers last night at oracle park. we've got kron 4 sports director jason dumas with a look at how that went.
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>> the talent gap between the dodgers and the giants hasn't been more apparent over the last couple of days. giants haven't beaten them all season. they were looking to avoid the sweep on wednesday. logan webb on the bump. that's a great sight you're trying to get things going. bottom of the 3rd, no score man offer mike yastremski. he drives this one to right. it will land on top of the arcade section. giants strike first on yet to run next. same score? oscar hernandez right-handed power headed to be sent this one deep to center. but check out luis matos on its course. robs them of a home run. doing his job to lead. imitation who? hurt himself doing some similar a couple days ago. all righty. when we talk about him at the top, he was really, really good. on wednesday, he gets hernandez swinging out of the zone. threw 6 shutout innings,
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struck out 5 bottom of the 8th gines up to matos showed us his glove. now he shows us his bat. that is going to drive in lamont wade. three-run game happen tonight. camille of the law into close things out. dodgers threatening though. he gets freddie freeman to ground out the tyro estrada. that's your ballgame, folks. giants get their first win of the season against the dodgers. in other baseball they lost to the astros. they look to avoid the sweep today and the forty-niners schedule came out yesterday. make sure you go on kron 4 dot com to check it out. that's a look at sports. >> oakland's new baseball team. the ballers want those bleacher seats left over the raiders when they were at the coliseum. the seats of just been collecting dust out in the stadium parking lot since the team moved to vegas. so the ballers made an official request to buy those seats.
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they want them for their new baseball field on the part opening day, by the way, is a june 4th. so what just a couple weeks away from now. if you sit in the right, you've got to call the black hole seats, maybe even if there some kind of yeah. >> all right. we also have the contra costa county fair starting today 8 watching watching on i hate go down. haha. >> yeah. there's going to be out of the fairgrounds and now in antioch in until may 19th. they're going to have a whole bunch of stuff here. they've got the livestock pavilion here that you see. they've got the extreme sports zone. carnival course all the fair food that you want. and on fair in antioch in until may 19th. they're going to have a whole bunch of stuff here. they've got the livestock pavilion here that you see. they've got the extreme sports zone. carnival course all the fair food that you want. and on they
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bunch of stuff here. they've got the livestock pavilion here that you see. they've got the extreme sports zone. carnival course all the fair carnival course all the fair food that you want. and on xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> and we're back 7.55. is the time. and nasa released images of the biggest solar flare in nearly 2 decades. and we saw solar flare just this this. this happened last tuesday and that follows, of course, last weekend's severe solar flare those aurora borealis sightings all across the northern hemisphere. of course, it also to disrupted or have the potential to disrupt a lot of power and communication systems. luckily, everything was fine but turns out our plan. it's not in the line of fire with this latest solar flare. so we just get to see it on the sun. but the radiation won't be coming towards earth.
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>> off of it. you hit that guy. he should have been standing there. >> i was so young. so many people remember this classic, gilmore and took it out. netflix has greenlit happy gilmore to. why we're bringing it up. adam sandler the a lot. a lot of the original they're going to be part of it any so can't golf is that? apparently he can. he can drive really well because he's annex occupied i-96. that was 1996 adams and sander. they're pretty cool. we're going to i got to rewatch the old one out. he said, >> coming up on about home morning news, alameda county's district attorney just a year and a half after getting elected is fighting to keep her job will tell you the latest on the recall. and
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governor newsom is at the vatican this morning talking climate change with the world leaders. plus congress police are looking for the people who rammed a car into 2 different business
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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news. alameda county district attorney pamela price fighting to keep her job after a date has been set for recall. governor gavin newsom is at the vatican right now to discuss climate change. we're live with details of what's happening and conquer. police looking


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