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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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true to pro-palestinian protesters and berkeley have left their encampment. but now. >> there's a new demonstration
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taking place at the uc berkeley building. and police are calling it active crime scene. and see something, say something. why south bay police are warning residents to be on the lookout around vacant homes. and a career for special needs students could be taking flight. we tagged along for their field trip to san francisco bay oakland international airport today. news station. >> he's calling news 2. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at to i'm justine waldman. we're going to begin with this pro-palestine controversy at a bay area college violence erupting as a group is taking over a building that's associated with uc berkeley. the university now speaking out saying that this latest action is criminal in nature. kron four's terisa stasko joins us here now live from the newsroom with more on this developing story. this is certainly a developing story and it is unfolding as we speak as more tents and
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barricades are going up. le 's show you some of the video that we've been able to get into the newsroom. we're at the school we show right there. that's the anna heads school and officials are saying that this group just came onto this building. you can see and they took over many wore masks or refused to talk with reporters. one did shout out their demands. >> from people car. confident are you? happen. >> here's a map to show you where this new group has set up. it is several blocks from sprawl hall and we've got this statement that that we have received from uc berkeley saying, quote, we are treating
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the site has an active crime scene. this is not nonviolent civil disobedience. the suspects are trespassing and vandalizing an unsafe boarded up fire-damaged building next to people's park. we have confirmed that the coalition with whom we reached an understanding yesterday did not initiate today's action. now, this particular site that we're talking about, that is the site of former and ahead school. >> and we're going to be reaching out to a free legal expert to talk about that balance that schools have to take about allowing free speech and then as universities saying that this is a criminal activity. we reached out to uc berkeley. police say that they are not going to be taking any action right now, but they are actively monitoring the situation there at and had school. in the newsroom. theresa stasi, back to you. all right. teresa will talk to get 3. thank you so much. we do have some developing news out of north bay right now or
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sonoma states president is on administrative leave after coming to an agreement with pro palestinian demonstrators on that campus. >> without getting permission from the university first, the letter sent out on tuesday. the president mike lee said that he listened to the demands from the protesters and then went on to announce that sonoma state would look at vesting from israel and would end exchange program with the country. protesters applauded this announcement. however, the university's leadership was not pleased. lee released a statement now backtracking on his decision saying, quote, in my attempt to find agreement with one group of students, i'm marginalized. other members of our student population and community. i realize the harm that that has caused and i take full ownership. he goes on to say that the initial letter was sent without the approval of the university system, chancellor and board leaders, the csu chancellor also put out a statement saying at the heart of mission of csu is to create an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone will have more on
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the story later on starting at 5 tonight. and now to the latest on the war in the middle east. the state department is confirming the u.s. military finished installing a floating pier off of the gaza strip that will help provide desperately needed humanitarian aid to that area. the final construction sets up a very complicated delivery process. more than 2 months after president joe biden ordered it to help people and palestine. u.s. officials are saying as much as 500 tons of food will begin arriving on the gaza shore within the coming days back to the bay and floyd mitchell officially became oaklands top cop over the weekend. mayor sheng thao shared this video on social media of the private swearing-in ceremony. this is coming more than a year after she fired the wrong armstrong. and at a time when the city is facing some positive changes about lower crime rates. but there are still some problems. the chiefs last worked in lubbock, texas, where he was also a police chief. there. and mitchell said that his top goals coming into the
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department are building public trust and a safer community during kron for news at noon today i spoke with mayor sheng thao who shared confidence that she has a lot of that in the new police chief. >> we finally have a police chief. you know, so the community is excited. i department and make files excited, you know, stability is going to be key and played. mitchell is the guy for that job. and so he's come to come in and really be able to this younger, a generation of opd officers. opd remains under the supervision of a federal court. >> the court appointed monitor since the riders case in 2003 and what a group of officers was exposed for beating and framing mostly black oakland residents. mitchell is now the 12th chief in oakland in the last decade. general motors, the robot taxi company crews has now paid a settlement to a san francisco woman who was dragged by one of its self-driving cars last
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october. a robotaxi dragged her 20 feet after she was hit by another car. fortune magazine is reporting the settlement is between 8 12 million dollars. the woman had life threatening injuries and after the crash, general motors replaced almost all of the management team at cruz. the dmv later suspended cruises driverless taxi permits to operate in san francisco. now to the south bay where police in los altos are warning residents to be on the lookout for thieves are breaking into empty building squad for charles clifford joins us now live from los altos with details here. what are these allegedly trying to steal? >> well, they appear to be targeting large items like appliances for refrigerators, things like that. and they're doing breaking into these vacant and under construction homes in the middle of the night. the police department asking for the public's help in figuring out who's responsible. >> in a note posted on facebook, the los altos police department says that in recent
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weeks thieves have been targeting homes that are for sale and unoccupied, according to authorities, the burglars are entering these vacant houses and stealing items, including appliances that have been staged inside the thieves have also been stealing appliances and items that are left inside buildings that are still under construction. thieves stolen. >> large appliances. so refrigerators and construction tools. >> police say that most of these burglaries have happened that night or in the early morning. so far, police have not identified the locations where these burglaries occurred. they've also not released any suspect descriptions or said what kind of vehicle is being used to move the stolen goods. they are asking residents to report any suspicious activity at construction sites or houses that appear to be vacant. if they do see something suspicious, especially during those hours of darkness, people >> construction site at a home remodel site to please call 9-1-1. the last out of police department and observe. let us
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know what they observe if during the course this observation they're able to get a license plate or suspect description that would help us out greatly. they're also reminding neighbors to keep doors and windows locked and to make sure home alarms are working. >> all right, live. now. that is the very latest here in the south bay, charles clifford kron. 4 news. charles, thank you. >> all right. we're taking a live look outside at the graham made covering san francisco right now. other parts of bay area. nice and sunny. we have meteorologist kyla grogan here with details. yeah, that's that's a church tower camera. sometimes you get up a little higher. really see those clouds pretty well. but you can see from the east bay here, there is some sunshine. in fact, i think there's a little more today than we had yesterday, but depending on where you are, you may or may not be able to see, you know, the sun is well as others. i'm having a little trouble get my computer to go. your son is going to walk over here. keep talking second seed
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back and make it but we've got some temperatures that are pretty cool in spots. you can see santa rosa, just it's 61 degrees. san francisco at 57. but we're in the 70's in spots like san jose and livermore where we're looking a lot when does wind is out there too today? so notice fairfield about 24 miles per hour. so we are breezy. >> and as you can see, stormtracker 4 showing the north bay really hanging on to that marine layer today. while others are starting to get a little bit of sunshine going as we zoom out. it's not just it's the entire coastal california dealing with that marine layer today. so tonight, as we take a live look here from up up in elevation again, up at mount tam. you can see where the marine layer is ready to roll and head in for tonight. so this evening, get ready for some more of those clouds to tick up. we're going to temperatures between about 49 and 55 degrees. i'm gonna come back out and say goodbye to you guys, because i'll be back in a little bit with your seven-day forecast. i got to work back to you. >> residents are ditching
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their cars for a more eco-friendly commute today. it's bike where every day and people in san francisco and san jose gearing up to ride to work and to school, even just for fun. energizer stations are up across the south bay to get brighter streets in supplies by the bike in san francisco. the bicycle coalition hosting a rally at city hall this morning to support the sfmta is biking and rolling plan. this plan proposes more accessible bike lanes across neighborhoods and bike safety education programs for kids. and in the east bay berkeley residents also taking part in the biking holiday. 16 stations across the city handing out free food and biking swag. even some bubbles. city officials say it's a great day to show off the new bike lanes that were% recently placed around berkeley. >> about by writing in berkeley. protected parts. now
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we're bike lanes on major streets and up for me, it's always been among one of the cities in the united states with the highest migrating >> and if you're interested and hopping on 2 wheels today, you can pledge to write online and see a full list of events front national bike month. all right. coming up here, oakland says tourism is reaching near pre-pandemic levels and >> the city has got the number to prove it. also, the biden administration taking another step towards reclassifying marijuana as a lower-risk drug. what this means for the easing of federal restrictions. plus, it seems like most san franciscans were rejoicing. the announcement pandas returning to the san francisco zoo. but there's one candidate for mayor was speaking out against bringing them back to the city by the them back to the city by the bay. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed?
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officials meeting today to discuss the possibility of bringing panda bear's to the san francisco zoo funding. >> for the care and transportation was a topic of discussion at today's board of supervisors meeting last month. mayor london breed asked supervisors to pass a resolution that would allow various city departments to begin raising money from private entities. now candidate for mayor ash u.s. off. it is arguing that money going towards zoo attraction. it's less useful than funding programs that support youth and help the unhoused. fact that we're facing 25 million dollars in cuts. >> i believe it's truly
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unconscionable at this moment. to prepare for a facility when there's not 100% certainty that we're going to get. so this is about prioritizing our future. this is about prioritizing our children over pandas. and if we can rally to fund a home for pandas, we certainly can rally to raise money for essential programs that impact every single corner of this city. >> of now, there's no specific timeline as to when the pandas would arrive in san francisco. we'll go to the east bay that with the city of oakland is touting the latest tourism report tourism. they're nearing pre-pandemic levels. according to visit oakland, which is the city's destination marketing organization, a total of 3.4 million people visited the town and the total economic impact was 817 million dollars. visitors spent 670 million dollars in the city, which is 84% of what they spent in 2019 tourism generated more than 5500 jobs
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and made more than 90 million dollars in state and local tax revenues. governor gavin newsom is at the vatican to take part in a climate summit. he's there with world leaders and the pope kron four's. michael thomas has the details. >> governor gavin newsom arrived at the vatican early this morning. he spoke about climate change and what california is doing to fight it. he was also able to speak with world leaders and showcase his work as governor, which could play a role in his political future. should he decide to run for a higher office? this three-day summit is all about bending the curve and bouncing forward to climate resilience. governor newsom spoke to a delegation of about 100 people, including the mayor of paris and the governor of new york all calling for urgent climate acts calling this climate crisis. what it is. >> the climate crisis is a fossil fuel crisis. newsom called the climate crisis a clear and present danger causing severe droughts, intense storms and historic wildfires have been seen across california when it came to calling out the fossil fuel
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industry. the governor didn't hold back is because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil. and with respect and forgive me if this comes off a little too harsh, it's been said and repeat it. the polluted heart. of the climate crisis. are these fossil fuel companies? oil companies have long pushed back against newsom's allegations arguing his administration has unfairly targeted them during his time in politics. and as for pope francis, he was an influential figure among american catholics and a leader in the fight against global warming. well, he spoke to the delegation privately in a message that focused on taking care of the poor and the planet. tomorrow. governor newsom is expected to travel to the city of to launch a new climate partnership with the italian region of emilia romagna. as we get more details on the governor's visit overseas will continue to keep you updated. that's very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas. >> all right. we'll talk about our forecast now live. look
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outside here at a breezy shot of san francisco looking out towards the bay bridge in this that the fog there. in the background i looking yes, it yes, yes, it is. and, you know, some places like the north bay have not really lost the fog today. i was talking to my mom who's up there and she was like, yeah, still kind of cloudy, but blue skies here in san francisco, breezy conditions. not a bad day, though. pretty nice. and i was looking at san francisco's almanac and averaging 64 degrees this time of year. we're looking at about 63. in fact, that's where we are right now. would you believe that in 2008, it got up to 92 degrees in san francisco. pretty crazy. but true. here's where we are right now. 63 in downtown san francisco. it's 77 in antioch. you can see sunday 60's around the bed. a few low 70's like hayward. but check out santa rosa were just 61. and that has everything to do with the cloud cover not half moon bay also has a spot that's kept cool today. just a 57 degrees. so you don't see a whole big difference between yesterday and today, right? high pressure is hanging out.
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low pressure is kind of moved off. another little bit low pressure right here. but for the most part, we're just kind of stuck in this pattern where we're just going around in circles but the marine layer coming in the marina here going out and very typical that you can see where the north bay, it's really hang on right there, right? so they haven't gotten the sunshine that others have. but petaluma looking pretty good right now and expecting that to be a spot. they could get those upper 70's, even potentially an 80 degree mark today. and we're going to those clouds rolling in as we get later into the evening because of the marine layer. but between now and then pretty nice, right? if you want to head out for a walk, this is the fog cast, though, as we go into our afternoon and the first part of our even this about 6 o'clock. you can see starts to rebuild and then really starts to push inland. we have the potential for that coastal drizzle as well. and then tomorrow morning, we're going to wake going to do it all over again. starting off cloudy and then working our way towards a little bit of that afternoon. sunshine. so the forecast is rather steady over the next 7 days. we are going have that fog in the morning. but the sun in the afternoon to see temperatures dropping a couple degrees on saturday and sunday. but we
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really don't cool down until we get to midweek of next week and then we're going to be running below average, though, enjoy it. while we've got these afternoon. sunny days. back to thank you. san francisco city officials are celebrating a major milestone in its homeless outreach program last year. the city launched its heart program that stands for homeless engagement outreach response. and this program is meant to engage with those experiencing homelessness. >> as an alternative to law enforcement, the teams are only dispatched to engage with community members when there is no indication of crime, violence threats, mental health or a medical need. so the city says that they helped about 300 people every week and its first year heart addressed more than 13,000 calls to service and completed all of those requests, including blocked sideways and small encampments. hart also placed 144 people into emergency shelters or put them on a waitlist and completed
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168 applications for calfresh and medical. well, the justice department has formally move to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug and a very historic shift after generations of u.s. drug policies doing the opposite. a proposed rule sent to the federal register recognizes the medical uses of cannabis and acknowledges it has less potential for abuse than some of the nation's most dangerous drugs. the plan does not legalize marijuana. wanna i write for recreational use, the dea is going to take public comment on this proposal to move marijuana away from its current classification as a schedule. one drug alongside heroin and lsd. if it does move to a schedule 3, it's going to be alongside ketamine and some other steroids. and national news fireworks in court today as michael cohen resumes his testimony in former president trump's hush money trial. defense lawyers pressing former attorney michael cohen on his criminal record and
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past lies, tried to convince jurors not to believe this star witness cohen did admit to lying under oath about the work he did on a trump real estate deal in russia. a defense attorney for trump today also yelling ako during cross-examination, trump's defense team accusing cohen of lying about a phone call with trump's bodyguard. cohen testified it was about paying hush money to the star. stormy daniels to stay silent about her alleged encounter with trump. the former president speaking outside of court before things started today. >> this a case that 7 years ago. >> cohen argues most of his lies were for for the benefit of an even at the direction mister trump. the jury is going to sort that out once deliberations begin likely the
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last week of may. still ahead, a swim through shark-infested waters. we will meet the peninsula teacher who made history. >> after freestyling across the waters underneath the golden gate bridge and the state of california looking to pay some drivers to test out their new road charge program. their new road charge program. so we'll see how this works.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair. with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off.
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bounce, it's the sheet. electric vehicles reached the roads, gas tax revenue, which funds road repairs is declining. so california. >> it's going to test a road charge program to help fill that void. the state is now recruiting about 800 drivers
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to participate in a 6 month study. it starts next year. drivers will be required to pay row charges each month based on the number of miles driven for their participation california will pay each person about $400 in gift cards. they will also get a tax, a gas tax refund at the end of this pilot program. and you can sign up at sea. a road charge dot com. if you have chia seeds at your house right now, you should listen to this one because there's a brand that's being recalled due to possible salmonella bacteria. this recall affects 32 ounce bags of the great value organic black. she is seats. they were sold at walmart stores across the nation. the packages have an expiration date of october. 30th 2026. the company that distributes them natural sourcing international will provide a replacement product upon proof of purchase. so far there have been no reports of people getting sick. all right. up
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next here, a very less expensive version of a life saving drug. how walgreens is helping to fight the opioid epidemic. also, we're going to hear from the fbi about their plan to help keep pride events in san francisco. safe. but also we have a cool event to also we have a cool event to share with you about some.
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okay, so here's my most requested hack for stubborn odors. you'll need vinegar, a large salad bowl and... oh, hi! have you tried tide fabric rinse? it works after your detergent to fight deep odors 3 times better than detergent alone. i love that. try tide fabric rinse. >> the head of the tsa expects this to be busy summer travel season ever. and today special needs students along the peninsula took a field trip to the san francisco bay, oakland international airport. kron 4 super report. some of the kids are considering future careers in travel.
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>> simulated flight to hawaii for students from over bay middle school in san carlos thursday starts like it does for all of us who fly the tsa security screening at san francisco bay, oakland international airport. ask questions before boarding southwest airlines captain sean welsh explains with the kids with special needs should expect on plane. reassuring them. they are in good don't everyone? the risk is thing i do is drive to work. the safest thing i do is actually perform my job at work when ready for that. yet. >> safety on board. flight attendants lay out the itinerary and demonstrate safety protocols in case of an emergency. this into what the students are learning in the classroom, not taking a field trip like this before. >> are also in science right now for some motion with them focus on flight. so really ties in nicely to our curriculum. right now the airplane ever took flight. but teacher jane morgan says, oh, the kids have been in the air
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at least once before. they also got a chance to sit in the cockpit some saying they can see themselves piloting one day. we're enjoying a career as a flight attendant 7, our passengers being out and visiting cool like living life like a rock star. basically, you know, you're in a city out of city. >> in a hotel hotel all in all a special day for special kids thinking about their futures as they continue growing the best part about flying doing nothing. >> doing absolutely nothing but just west watch tv and do all that stuff. sit back, relax and let the pros do the work. >> at san francisco bay, oakland, international airport. philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> san francisco fire crews out and about this morning on the san francisco bay. this is part of their week-long surf and bay rescue training. once
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firefighters complete this course they will be designated rescue swimmers, but they also must pass a by yearly recertification course. walgreens says its generic brand of naloxone will be available over the counter by the end of the month. the product will be available in the pain aisle in all stores. it's a lifesaving medication used to reverse opioid overdoses last year. more than 107,000 people died from an overdose. most of that from opioids. the walgreens near brand will be around. $35. that's $10 cheaper. that actual nor can. a union representing about 48,000 academic workers in the uc system voted to give the union's executive board the ability to strike at any time. union members say they believe that the university of california mishandled the pro palestinian demonstrations that uc campus campuses specifically at ucla where counter protesters attacked a pro-palestinian encampment for
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several hours without police intervention. the vote does not guarantee a strike. 8 of the uc campuses still have a month of instruction before summer break. the san francisco police department honoring families impacted by homicides during a march that happened this afternoon. the department wants to pay tribute to the lives lost and the families that continue to remember them. that march will begin at 3 at markets, heyward park on laguna streets afterwards, the police chief district attorney and others are going to speak on the steps of city hall. and to the east bay. now are the family of angelo keep reached a multimillion dollar settlement with the city of antioch. he was a filipino american veteran who died by a fix yet after being knelt on the neck by antioch police in 2020. his family says he was having a mental health crisis when they called for help. as part of the settlement approved by the city council on tuesday night, the family will be awarded 7 and a half million dollars. civil rights attorney john burris says the case has the
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potential to save other people. >> given a new mindset that has developed here in this city some of the other cities around. we won't have seeking help families seeking help losing their loved ones at a time when death of form interaction, a intrusive form, a less aggressive form i could could have resolved it differently. >> and the mayor of antioch was there. he says, well, it's unusual for a city official to take part in a settlement announcement. he says this is the start of change. chp officers in oakland arresting a man they say was in possession of about a half a pound of meth. last week. officers pulled over a car that did not have a license plates near the west side of the park street bridge officers located that crystal meth along with other drugs, said paraphernalia, plastic baggies and a digital scale. the driver who was already on probation was arrested and booked into the santa rita jail on felony charges related to drug possession. they say
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with the intent to distribute and in the north bay, a disturbing find inside of a home in rio vista has left a retirement community shaken an elderly woman's body has been found by officers and the suspected killer is her own son. earlier this week, officers went to a home on birch ridge drive, which is where the trilogy retirement community is located. they say concerned neighbors had called about a local woman who had not been seen for several days. officers arrived to that home where she lived, where they were met at the door by her. 57 year-old son who's been named as jeffrey add nick. and they say things quickly escalated from there. when the officers say that he tried to physically stop them from checking the house after he was finally detained. that's when officers may that grim discovery of ed next. 78 year-old mother. >> in my experience as a veteran law enforcement officer, normal people do not kill their mothers. it's a very violent crime. it's one
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of the, you know, still one of the worst murder she can do the killing of of a parent or a child. >> so the megan's law website confirms that advocates also a convicted offender. the full circumstances surrounding the woman's death, such as why and how this happened are currently being vest fake. investigated by detectives with the solano county sheriff's office. san francisco's first and only canada shopping. the hunters point neighborhood which is owned by a black woman is now at the risk of closing the owner of the building and hunters point is looking to sell and after the lease is up at the end of the month, that's when the problems really going to start here. that's going to leave the owner respect. and with just weeks to come up with the money to buy the space, she says her dispensary called posh green cannabis boutique has become something positive in the neighborhood. so now she's hoping they don't turn it. they don't become another
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small business tragedy. >> nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here the crime, you know, and i took a chance on this neighborhood. i want remain here so we can have black woman owned business in this community as we should. >> so benton has a goal of raising $200,000 for this down payment. she understands that's a big goal, but she wants to continue to serve the community. the fbi warning about threats targeting the lgbtq community during pride month, which is in june as kron four's. dan kerman reports the threats are coming from terrorists. >> san francisco's pride parade is a little over a month away. but pride events begin the first of june. not only here in the bay area, but in various cities across the u.s. now, this year's pride events come with a warning from the fbi and homeland security, the foreign terrorists or their u.s. base supporters, a target lgbtq
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venues and events. isis propaganda has made reference to lgbtq community and bats. >> we want to make sure that all of community, but especially in this case, the lgbtq community is aware of that and exercising appropriate situational awareness when they attend events. the fbi says the volume and intensity of that propaganda has increased following the october 7th hamas attack in israel. that coupled with next month's anniversary of the 2016 pulse nightclub massacre in orlando is reason to get the word out. people a very good grasp what's normal behavior for their surroundings. encourage them that they see something that's very suspicious, very out of the that they report that many in san francisco's castro district were caught off guard by the terror warning for pride month but said it won't deter them from
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taking part. i think that being a part of the community being in something like this, it makes you feel more. >> well, coming in more safe. i know that that the community does things to prevent things like this. so i don't think it will change. we want to do and be a part of should let your hair or any kind of >> you know, kind of weeks deter us because we're standing for ourselves. but for all those who can set up for themselves is worrisome. but that's not going to deter us from showing our support and being a part of the community. that means the world to pride festivities are slated to take place throughout the month of june in san francisco. >> culminating in a festival as well as the parade the last weekend of the month. >> in san francisco, dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> a 55 yearold pacific. a woman is believed to have made it swimming history. amy groups or swim almost 30 miles from the golden gate bridge to the farallon islands last week. she's the first person to swim in that specific direction. outbound towards
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the island, which happens to be famous for having great white sharks. she started at 3 o'clock in the morning saturday and then swam for 17 hours. the water temperature. 43 degrees. >> open water. swimming is not about how fat you're it's about what you can and do are and what you can withstand. and i have a very strong aptitude for the cold and i've always seen the swim that direction. i used the current to launch me out tore the island and then halfway through the women to begin was the beginning of the of the actual hard part of this wet. >> so the longest swim that she's ever dawn was in the santa monica bay. that was 43 miles. she also did the strait between ireland and scotland. and after she finished the journey, which is this is pretty cool video that we have shown her doing it. she posted on facebook, quote, i had a little swim on saturday. just the little all right. we'll talk about the weather
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forecast for now. looking outside here in san francisco. nice blue skies, windy from % this shot. kyle us here. so she said the water temperature was 43 degrees. yes, okay. so i just check this out. and if you go right by the golden gate bridge right now and she looks like she's sending a very early hours. it was it's 58 degrees right now. >> but if we kind of go out to where she was swimming in from to the farallon islands, you can see right now it's at 50. so she was going, you know, early in the day. it's absolutely yeah. could be in those 40's and awfully chilly. amazing. incredible. i'm so impressed by that. i don't think i can even swim well like to pull lengths may up it. let's take a live look at temperatures outside right now from the east day. you can see you've got a little sunshine out there and certainly the marine layer is hanging out temperatures right now. 57 in san francisco, 60's in oakland, some nice 70's in san jose livermore concord, just at that 70 degree mark with santa rosa has been chilly today because of the clouds and obviously half moon bay out of the coast. staying cool as well. it's been a little breezy. the breeze is starting to pick up and you see that. it's a very breezy and
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fairfield all day today, kind of hovering around that. 24 25 mile per hour range. you notice we've got teens in concord in oakland, in livermore, out half moon bay as well. so if you're one of my work from home, people maybe are out on the patio today. you're in santa rosa. you might skip the patio and just headed inside because of some of that cloud cover that's out there. you can see as we get into the evening, going to drop into those 50's there. looking ahead as we look at the next couple of days here, you know, it's going to be a very kind of quiet forecast. a very nice weekend, though, with little little bit of cloud cover in the morning. certainly possible. be can see some upper 70's. we are going to cool it down as we get into next week. i'll be back in just a bit with details on that. sounds great. well, coming up today is bike or every day. and we're going to talk with one of the organizers about what they organizers about what they hope this day will accomplish.
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when you see what it's really like when our skin touches wool... you see why we need downy free and gentle with no perfumes or dyes. it not only makes your clothes softer, it is gentle on your skin. it breathes life into your laundry.
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>> all right. people all across the bay ditching their cars for more eco-friendly commute today. it's park bike to every day and people in san francisco, berkeley and san jose gearing up to right now. i guess at this point home from work and school, they're all doing it for some fun. joining us now is christopher white with the san francisco by coalition. christopher, thank you for joining us. thanks so much for having me today. so you've been celebrating this for 30 years. >> 30 years. it's true. and it's the biggest biking day of the it's the day that we really invite everybody around san francisco to just to try out biking for everyday transportation and see how much it improves your day. we hear from people all the time that it's not as hard as they think it's going to be. and it just up lift their mood. the feeling of camaraderie is incredible. and around the city, we've got energizer stations all over the place
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where if you show up on a bike, you'll get one of our iconic bike tour. everyday bags. we would love to see you out there. well, i do love some free march. so you've got one. >> with people trying to, you know, get outside more. we know it's so much better for mental health to get out and like move around a little bit. does biking kind of fit into that? you know, piece of the puzzle. absolutely. i you know, there's no better way to start off your day. then went to a bike ride. it even have to be that far. but we we have the opportunity to ride this morning supervisors to city hall and all of them spoke to, you know how much better it made them feel and people in the community find that as well. >> so how do you think the biking system is in san francisco. are there enough safe spaces for people to ride? are the traffic conditions? okay? like what is it like to be a biker in san francisco? i feel like you would now. >> yeah, that's you know, i love baking in san francisco.
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such a beautiful city and board more infrastructures appearing all over the city. we are fighting every day as major bicycle advocacy organization in the city to make sure that there are more and more bike lanes that they're protected from motor vehicles and even car free spaces or car lights spaces like slow streets around the is there like a specific tip that you would want to give bikers or even drivers about what what it would take to make it safer in san francisco. like what's the number one tip when you're talking with your your? >> bicyclists friends about it. >> absolutely. i think for everybody who's young the streets, the biggest thing is to try to behave as predictably as possible. whether you are driving your car or if you are on your bike and if you are in a car, give, you know, ample distance to anybody who's riding their bike at these 3 feet as the law. but you can more is even better. and i understand that it when there infrastructure that is dedicated people on bikes, it is there to keep
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people safe and it is helping people get out of their cars reduce traffic across the city. so we're kind of hitting into the afternoon hours here. there's a lot of stuff going on this morning. we've been showing video of all those little energizer stations. what's happening as kind of kick off to come home from school on the ride home from work. yeah, we've said we've again got energizer stations across the city and we've got tons of volunteers out there. all of them will be cheering you on swinging pompoms around. getting you to come over, said that they can give us back and sent you out on your way. and if you want to find out where those energizer stations are, you can go to sf bike dot org slash btw d. i do think we'll do this again next year. will be out there. absolutely will keep doing it until every day of the year. is bike to wear every day for bike everywhere. day bike, everywhere. day. my son has been riding his bike to i'm self recently. so we've kind of hit like that. >> like separation. so i'm just like kind of proud of of him. i just want to share to
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have them to thank you. all right. he's going to be like i can't believe you told everyone christopher white with the san francisco by klisz and thank you so much for joining us. thank you. at just barest myself. all right. a big milestone for the city of oakland as oakland unified has become the first district in the county to have 100% electric fleet of school buses. yesterday was the first day the buses were officially put into use makers say all of the 74 school buses will also be providing energy to the city. one it's not in use. the school district says these buses will help reduce emissions in the entire community. we talk a lot about equity in oakland. equities is the center of what we do in the school district. >> the families of oakland are disproportionately disadvantaged and affected by high rates of asthma and exposure to air pollution from diesel fuels. so by electrifying and having this vision. we're not worrying about students being sick. we're not worrying about emissions.
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>> so which is the company behind the buses, says it plans to tackle the san francisco and los angeles school districts next. and next up, we're going to talk about our forecast. that fog bank is just getting bigger as it moves in. slowly creeping in. we have kyle here to go over what's going on. not only here but across the country. yeah. i wanted to show the national picture just because we do have some storms that are actually kicking up. tornado warnings down in parts of texas and louisiana. >> this has been going a lot lately and it's because we've got that kind of mix of warm and cold air kind of clashing together. you see that at this time of year. so, you know, you notice in dallas, you see that 66 degrees in new orleans about. >> 84. so it's almost a 20 degree split there. and that's where we start to get all that activity notice in las vegas and phoenix. 93 94 degrees. we are cooler than that in most spots. but hey, bakersfield, 92 for you right now. 89 in fresno, 86 in reading. but you head out towards the coast and obviously things are a lot cooler. los angeles right now
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sitting at 65 degrees. it's all about that marine layer today. not just for us. we can see all the way down the coast of california says we zoom in here. we've got some pretty decent clearing with the exception of the north bay, which has really been just cloudy today in most spots, not getting a whole lot of a break there. but san jose is it's 78 degrees right now. 76 in livermore obviously cool in half moon bay out of the coast at 57. we're kind of splitting the difference in some spots like fairfield, but notice and get up to the towards bay. nevada at 72, but santa rosa still just at 61. so that that cloud cover that is going to be moving in again. you can see it already here at the golden gate bridge, starting to get a little more pervasive. so we're in this pattern where it's kind of quiet, but the marine layer just hangs out. comes in, comes out. we're playing again tomorrow. same story am fog pm sun calmer weekend and then cooler times ahead. and that got me thinking about climatology. here now is looking at livermore as an example out of the 15 day so far this month we've had 11 of them be above average in just
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4 below average. if we look over the next few days, you know, we're quiet taken into the weekend. this is your saturday. you can see just a few sprinkles, perhaps in in spots like in the sierra. but other than that, we're just really super quiet right now. so many give you a quick look at your seven-day forecast just to show you with the exception of the temperatures going down. a couple of degrees up a couple of degrees until we get to next week around wednesday. we start to cool down. we're just kind of steady as she goes back to you. all right. up next here in napa valley restaurant has been named. >> the most beautiful in all the golden state. we'll tell you which one.
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>> the online reservation service open table has released this year's most beautiful restaurant that a napa valley restaurant is on that list of all the places to even the whole country. it's considered one of the most beautiful. also, it's the restaurant at a bare stage. so lay in rutherford. it's the only restaurant california that made the list out of the 50 that were crowned. so the french cuisine was founded in 1981 and is known as napa valley's first fine-dining establishment. not only can you dine and taste wine this michelin starred restaurant also features a spot other resort activities looks lovely. >> who exceeds i
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>> can something youtube series hot ones can now order the wings for delivery in select southern california city is this includes hollywood and downtown l a winds will be available in 6 or 12 pieces. with the hot sauces ranging from mild to hot. there's also a spicy chicken sandwich on the menu as well as some plant-based chicken options. and you can order and doordash uber eats are the hot ones website. if you dare. >> almost 7,000 independent artists center in their submissions to enter and npr's nationwide tiny desk competition and a sacramento position is the winner. christian gates who performs with his band. the philharmonic one with his song. what's it all mean? and pr staff says it wasn't just the performance, but the
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soulful feel of the song that clinched it for the win here. they feel because of that will resonate with many americans. congrats to him. all right. don't go anywhere. we have another hour of news ahead, including this big story. we're watching stoves, refrigerators, construction tools, all stolen. we have. >> the latest warning from authorities in the south bay also occupying active crime scene. what a free speech legal expert has to say about the new demonstration that's popped up a uc berkeley popped up a uc berkeley boarded up building.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do?
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i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. >> now from the area's local


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