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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> now at five-thirty, oakland's mayor says her city is continuing to make progress in fighting crime and she's updating us on the struggles of dealing with homelessness force catherine heat. it is in the newsroom tonight with details on what the mayor had
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to say. good evening, catherine. hello to both of you. and you know that the latest crime numbers in oakland >> are really very encouraging. if not in all categories. as for homelessness, it is still going up. the mayor talk to us today about both issues and what she thinks is working. >> more people are accepting housing. the mayor talked about the fact that in the latest count, homelessness group by 9% in oakland. those numbers released just this week, but at least the rate is slowing down. 9% does not sound as drastic. when you consider the city's homeless population grew. 47% from 2017 to 2019. and 24% between 2019 and and so this 9% increase is actually a significant success shows that we are, you know, closing some of these >> homelessness issues. of course, there's still so much to be done. i we can walk out
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the street still see encampments. and so that's our job is never done until everyone is brought inside in our streets. a and clear of encampments. >> she says oakland is working on making modular housing permanent and that federal housing help is coming in forms that are easier to when i advocate at the federal level for a voucher ys, we're advocating for playspace voucher so that it's easier for people to redo bc the section 8 vouchers that they don't have to go and find. >> a land where that would take it, that it's attached to housing units. as for the improved crime numbers recently released one number not being celebrated is the fact that residential robbery is up 110%. >> that translates to 42 home robberies so far this year compared to 20 in the same period last year. >> you know, i know that it's like it's it sounds scary. when you say 110% increase. but mind you, you know, you come from already a very small
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amount of numbers for you today. and and, you know, and the you know, tick in certain state, a certain categories. we're hyper focus on those categories. >> the mayor does talk a lot about the city being data driven. she's talking in part about the strategy to try to really 0 in on the people committing the crimes and where the crimes are happening. home robberies, she says, are often group or gang related grant. catherine, thank you for that. >> now to a developing story and a disturbing discovery inside a rio vista home that has really left a retirement community shaken. police say they found an elderly woman dead and the suspected killer is her son. earlier this week, officers went to a home on birch ridge drive. they say concerned neighbors had called about a woman who hadn't been seen for several days. officers arrived to her home and were met at the door by the woman's 57 year-old son. they say he is jeffrey, a
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things. they say quickly escalated from there. when officers say a nick tried to physically stop them from coming in and checking on things in the house after he was finally detained. officers say they found knicks. 78 year-old mother dead. >> in my experience as a veteran law enforcement officer, normal people do not kill their mothers. it's a very mitch. violent crime. it's it's one of the, you know, still one of the worst murders you can do the killing of of a parent or a child. >> the full circumstances surrounding the woman's death are being investigated. >> in san pablo, an oakland woman was arrested for allegedly stealing a taco truck. police say they found the truck on the other side of town. the woman was inside at the time rummaging through it. she confessed to stealing the truck because she was hungry. taco truck was returned to its owner. san francisco's first
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and only cannabis shop owned by a black woman is at risk of closing pasha. green cannabis boutique at hunters point needs $200,000 to stay open because the owner of the building is planning to sell the property after the lease is up at the end of the month. shop owner, spent an says her dispensary has become something positive in the neighborhood. >> nobody believed in his neighborhood. i was nobody want to be on his back. when i got here the crime, you know, and i took a chance on this neighborhood. i want remain here so we can have black woman owned business in this community as we should. >> benton has set up a gofundme page to try and meet her financial goal. >> let's take a peek outside here on a thursday night. the view from out where the fog is right near the tippy top. and it is a lot of other places as well. i want to run down that path just like jump onto the clouds. they feel they look so
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comfortable to that. i like it looks like it would be really nice. incumbent. it doesn't look like you just about their play doesn't but >> yeah, we've got comfortable clouds here. other parts of the country, not so much. really some dangerous weather now breaking out in texas, you can see the big storms rolling through there now and severe weather? yeah, they already had a ton of rain before and that caused many of the rivers there see some flooding. and now they're getting a lot of rain again and reports some very strong storm. some hail, some thunderstorms they watch out for some tornadoes tonight. the very latest you can see a flash flood warnings are being posted across the area as they're seeing some very heavy rainfall stake in this way in toward lake charles just south. now of the houston area as well. and they're expecting more of that on the way behind that. they've had so much rain expected to see some flooding continuing there as well. many of the rivers there just last week had tons of rain and the amount of more than a foot. and now you're getting all this rain on top of that. that
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is only going to cause more problems on many of all those swollen rivers behind them. we've got more strong storms. these was headed towards san angelo right now. sterling city in the middle. and right now watching for some flash flooding. but look at that huge line of storms that are now rolling on through that is going to be pushing eastward as it does. it is going to be headed towards san angelo. so they're talking about a stormy evening ahead, even with the potential for some severe weather. now tomorrow, again, parts of the south looking at more severe weather, mostly activity down south to mississippi and alabama stretching toward the panhandle, florida as well. more active weather out there. looks like ahead. in fact, latest forecast shows things are really rough, especially we head toward tomorrow afternoon. that low begins move further to the east and as it does more strong storms headed that direction. guys, back to you. thank you, lawrence. if you cook berber burgers, that is to the proper temperature. they say don't worry about the bird flu. that is the message tonight from the u.s. department of agriculture. >> that comes as the virus continues to spread among the nation's dairy cows. so far
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it's affected. 42 herds in 9 states during a briefing on the outbreak, officials revealed the results of a recent study where scientists injected high levels of bird flu into ground beef and tested it. then it various cook temperatures. they say they found as long as the burgers are cooked to 145 degrees or higher. they're safe to eat. >> at the state legislature, it was a big day today for more than 1000 bills. all part of what's known as suspense day lawmakers officially decided which pieces of legislation will move on in the legislative process and which ones will for us. capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, just take a look at all of these pages featuring a list of bill after bill after bill that got taken up. as you can imagine, lawmakers whose bills made it through say they're relieved while others, his bills faced a different outcome, say they are disappointed. environmental
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advocates making their voices heard outside the state capitol, urging support for a package of bills they believe will help california phase out fossil >> all of it taking place on what's known as suspense day on this day, the assembly and senate appropriations committees considered 1009 bills that could have fiscal impacts on the state, specifically their piece of legislation that would require the state to spend at least $50,000 from the general fund or $150,000 from another special fund. all the more significant this year as the state faces with the governor believes is a 27.0. 6 billion dollar deficit do pass among the bills that be 27 16 by some one member isaac bryant. the proposal would impose a $10,000 daily fine against oil wells if they're near communities. >> and producing less than 15 barrels per day. but i've talked to the oil industry, don't often do about the
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stripper wells. they told me the environmental impact is the same for low producing wells and high producing wells. >> so why are we allowing these low producing wells to even exist? another proposal, his to enshrine into the california constitution, the right to clean air and water. also advanced on the republican side, a bill by bakersfield senator shannon grove to classify the solicitation of a child for is a felony. >> made it through as well. and while more than 60% of bills did make it through, many did not among the killed bills. one that would have created a medicare for all types system in california. another that would have required an employer to provide employees with the right to disconnect after work and one that would have limited fixed utility bill charges to reparations bills by senator steven bradford calling for housing in property tax assistance for descendants of black enslaved americans also failed. always your reaction. i disappointment, property ownership. that's how we build generational wealth in this
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country of african-americans have been denied. >> ownership to redlining restrictive covenants. it's just a challenging budget time. and so we needed to be responsible, responsible taxpayers money. so that's why we had to make some tough calls today. >> and as for the bills that did advance, now they move from their house of origin to the other house, only with the approval there. can they make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> governor gavin newsom is at the vatican to take part in a climate summit with world leaders and the pope early this morning, newsom addressed the delegation of about 100 people, including the mayor of paris and the governor of new york during his remarks, newsom called the climate crisis a clear and present danger pointing to severe droughts, intense storms and historic wildfires. become all too common in california. he also did not hold back and calling out the fossil fuel industry. >> it's because the burning of coal, the burning of gas and the burning of oil. and with
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respect and forgive me if this comes off a little too harsh, it's been said and repeat it. the polluted heart. of the climate crisis. are these fossil fuel companies that had been lying to us? they've been deceiving us. they've known to the science. they've denied the science. they've delayed it. van spent. we have the tools. we have the technology. we have the capacity to address this issue at a global level of skill level and they've been fighting every single advancement. >> oil companies have long pushed back against newsom's allegations arguing his administration has unfairly targeted them. tomorrow newsom is expected to travel to launch a new climate partnership with the italian region of emilia romagna. >> the annual dwight clark legacy, serious charity event is happening in san jose tonight where fans can connect with former niners players.
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our kate is there and she'll our kate is there and she'll have a live report coming up. oo network for business.
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that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet!
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switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> one of if not the most iconic moment in forty-niners history is the catch. joe montana is legendary through, of course, the dwight clark that really kick started san francisco's dynasty in the 80's yet. now the forty-niners celebrate the late wide receiver yearly with the dwight clark legacy series. that's where we find kron. 4 sports reporter. >> kate rooney this evening. hi, kate.
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>> hi, noelle. high. great. yeah. i'm here tonight at the california theater in san jose for the annual dwight clark legacy series, he left a huge impact on this team not just on the field but also for his work in the front office and for his charitable work. so tonight's fundraiser benefits the golden heart fund which supports forty-niners alumni with mental health, emotional service as all sorts of other services. and we're joined with a lot of forty-niners players tonight, both current and former tonight's panel will feature quarterback steve young brock purdy. alex smith, jeff garcia on hand and a whole bunch of their current and former teammates. i'm joined by one of those right now. harris spartan, 3 time super bowl champ. 2 time, all pro former offensive lineman with the forty-niners played alongside the legendary dwight clark. harris, thank you so much. was it like for you to play alongside white and to continue to celebrate his legacy? all these years later? what do i was blue? that made this work? you know, he was here 3 decades and
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>> the front office was a player. and we all kind of grabbed 2 on dwight and when he got sick and passed away from a less realize we had to do something to keep us it's very important to dwight to to take care of of the players that that had come before him and pick up come after him. and that's what we're doing tonight, trying to help out the golden heart fund is so unique in the nfl. not every organization has something like this. why is it so special and important to this organization were the only team that has we started about 4 years ago. we raise a couple million dollars. mister barlow gave a million dollars. doctor york a million dollars we raise other a million dollars from various people around the bay area. and we give the players that they they need when when they're 40 years old and went 50 years old and new in their 70 years old. and a lot of guys, a lot of people say all these guys they wasted their money will just doesn't make any money. and so they becoming the bad health one in the 50's and 60's and they need help. and that's what the gold heart fund have seen. a lot of forty-niners fans milling around here already
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some cool a forty-niners attire and they're really excited for tonight's panel which features. >> some real who's who of forty-niners players. how excited do for this quarterback panel to make all really excited. you know, brock purdy here. i he deserves to be on that panel he's one of the greats i'm expecting great things the future. and jeff garcia's here and see young alex smith. i mean, >> it's going to be a great night to be a great night. well, another one of the greats joining us. here's burton. thank you so much for your time. shows about ready to kick off here. and we will, of course, have more tonight from san jose at the california theater and the dwight clark legacy series grant. well, i'll send it back to you guys. >> thanks, kate. what a fun event. and, you know, the niners have such a great legacy and such a great team right now. and the money goes to such a great cause. so happy to see that kind of jealous of kate. good to be there. that should be had really nice evening out there. >> taking a live look at the embarcadero this evening. doesn't look as nice little chilly, little windy. lot of fog, lawrence. what's going
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on? >> yeah, you know, a lot of that fog. i having people headed in towards right now outside right now, you've got plenty of the thick fog rolling in around the bay area. looks like overnight tonight that is going to fill and all the interior valleys overnight as well. very deep marine layer developing outside time or drizzle out there as well. you always tell when we've got all that fog in the cool weather here. you just see some wondering people a rolling on through, but only if you want. it's nice out there on sunday and half moon bay. of course, you see a lot more people headed out toward the coast, but that fog has moved in that school down the temperatures high today, just a little bit below the average at 63 degrees in san francisco. 68. >> right on the average in oakland, atm, warm in san jose. that was one of the warmer spots. 78 in livermore, 71 in concord and 65 degrees in santa rosa. but overnight tonight, we'll see more of the clouds, deeper marine layer tonight, patchy coastal drizzle, maybe even some drizzle inside the bay tonight as well. tomorrow morning fog then mostly sunny by the afternoon. but lingering clouds of the coastline. then yeah, we'll see those clouds over the weekend to some cooler weather as we got a cold front that's likely to
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drop into the fog along the california coastline. cold front to our north, dropping out the gulf of alaska, but not much energy but look at that fog couple of fingers. the fog making their way in toward the rose area right now. also right through the golden gate bridge bouncing up against the east bay hills already. and more of that on the way. in fact, a little clouds they're going to be with us tomorrow morning. when you wake up plenty that early on. so plan on that may be a little slick out toward the coastline as well with some of that patchy drizzle temperatures by tomorrow afternoon, 50's 60's in the san francisco cooler out toward the beaches. again, not much in the way of clearing out toward the coast. 64 millbrae to see some sunshine there in the afternoon. a breezy a 67 degrees. and sam, tell 69 and what side the south bay enjoying temperatures very comfortable tomorrow, right around the average in the santa clara valley will be warm. 70's across the board, upper 70's in the interior valleys tomorrow. little bit cooler to get inside the bay. that breeze going to be more of a factor by tomorrow afternoon. now make those temperatures feel a bit on the cool side in spots. 71 in sunny in benicia and 74 degrees and snow. a coastal areas, though, yes,
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talking with the fog almost all day some brief clearing a little further north and not much. that's going to keep you cool out there the next couple days as temperatures. hovering right around average cooling down a little bit, especially as we head in towards saturday and sunday. just a tad. but boy, not much change along the coastline. that's the thing you get the fog. so we start to talk about these changes right along the coastline, it's like go from 59 to 58 and you got that fog there. yeah. you got to bundle up. you've got yeah. you got to bundle up and enjoy the nice cool weather out there because but other spots around the bay area. that's where start to get hot. yeah. this is one of called cut tunnel separate go from one extreme to the next and you see more of that in the days ahead. that's for thanks alerts. thanks. >> oberst to sell a in rutherford is the most beautiful restaurant in california. that's according to open table which chose one restaurant from each state to have this title of the most beautiful. the french cuisine was founded in 1981 and is known as napa valley's first
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fine-dining establishment. not only can you dine-in taste wind that michelin-starred restaurant also features a spa and other resort activities as well as an absolutely gorgeous view of got to go all the way up into a hill to get there. let's go there. it is. that was great. yeah. haha on my way. coming up. we hear from a loyal and creative bay to breakers runner as he looks back on 50 years of costumes back on 50 years of costumes for the race. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape
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>> a big bay area tradition
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happening this weekend, runners will take their mark for bay to breakers on sunday. folks are invited to to run jog or dance to the finish line. whatever you'd like, many of them will be wearing some interesting outfits, including runner he's been participating in the race since 1975. he has no plans of slowing down for his 50th year around the city. >> more than ever. it's the people and it's its the racecourse itself. it's so fantastic. going through golden gate park and getting down to the beach. it certainly has helped me. had foreigners. the surgeries, the last was in 2006 and the doing pretty well. 5 decades is nothing right >> wow. for knee surgeries and he is still pete started off with a group of 6 runners. they eventually upgraded their costumes to incorporate afloat that they all run in they won
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best costume back in 2000 for dressing up as a group of dogs. can see there this year. he's running friends will be joining him once again for a thus a special reunion peng or root beer. they're all kangaroos. okay. so they pick an animal, i guess maybe a different animal. each i'll be interested to see what you are. is this time. all is off the charts. with those that group of friends, i bet there some front. yeah. they got to keep pace. quite quite a task. >> that's all we have time for. ken and vicki are here now with the news at >> sometimes there's no costumes at all, which is interest that yes, yes. i'd like to say the only thing we run. >> his arm out. haha, we're good at it. on that note, here's what we're working on for kron. 4 news at 6. thanks. you is day 2 of a pro-palestinian protest in berkeley. more than a dozen demonstrators.
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>> they've taken over an empty building owned by uc berkeley. how a group representing jewish people in the bay area is condemning the lack of response by palace officials. and we're following a developing situation. could be serious in sacramento, building that houses the offices of the governor and state lawmakers has been evacuated because of a threat. with the latest on that, i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is liviakis. the news at 6 is next. network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business.
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6:00 pm
>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking breakings


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