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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  May 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> oakland's mayor says city is continuing to make progress fighting crime and she's updating us on the struggle of dealing with homelessness. kron four's. catherine heenan is live for us in the newsroom. with all the details on what mayor sheng thao has to say, catherine. yeah, well, we know the latest crime numbers and oakland are encouraging, if not in all categories. as for homelessness, it is still going up. the mayor talk to us today about both issues and what she thinks is working. >> more people are accepting housing. the mayor talked about the fact that in the latest count, homelessness grow by 9% in oakland. those numbers released just this week, but at least the rate is slowing down. 9% does not sound as drastic. when you
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consider the city's homeless population grew. 47% from 2017 to 2019. and 24% between 2019 and and so this 9% increase is actually a significant success shows that we are, you know, closing off on some of these >> homelessness issues. of course, there's still so much to be done. i we can walk out the street still see encampments. and so that's our job is never done until everyone is brought inside in our streets. a in clear of encampments. >> she says oakland is working on making modular housing permanent and that federal housing help is coming in forms that are easier to when i advocate at the federal level for a voucher ys, we're advocating for playspace voucher so that it's easier for people to redo bc the section 8 vouchers that they don't have to go and find. >> a land where that would take it, that it's attached to
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housing units. as for the improved crime numbers recently released one number not being celebrated is the fact that residential robbery is up 110%. >> that translates to 42 home robberies so far this year compared to 20 in the same period last year. >> you know, i know that it's like it's it sounds scary. when you say 110% increase. but mind you, you know, you come from already a very small amount of numbers for you today. and and, you know, and the you know, tick in certain states certain categories, we're hyper focus on those categories. >> the mayor talks a lot about the city being data driven. she's talking in part about the strategy to try to 0 in on the people committing crimes and where those crimes are happening. home robberies, she says are often group or gang related can. all right, catherine, thank you. happening now about 4,000 pge customers are without power in
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san francisco. >> although it looks like it's getting a lot better. the affected neighborhoods include hayes valley, so much charles hill. but the outage seems to be clearing up. sfmta is also warning of traffic lights being out in affected areas. they're reminding drivers to treat intersections as four-way stops. the man convicted attacking paul pelosi will learn his fate in federal court this week. david de pap sentencing is set for friday and federal prosecutors are asking a judge for a 40 year prison sentence. the path was convicted last year for the attempted kidnapping and assault of a federal officer in october of 2022. during the trial, the pap admitted he broke into the pelosi home with full intent of holding nancy pelosi hostage. >> to the north bay. now a disturbing find inside a home in rio vista, his left or retirement community shaken elderly woman's body found by officers and the suspected killer is her own son. earlier this week, officers went to a home on birch ridge drive, which is where the trilogy
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retirement community is. and they say that concerned neighbors had called about a local woman who hadn't been seen for several days. officers arrived to the home where she lived and then we're matt at the door by her. 57 year-old son jeffrey 8. nick, things quickly escalated from there. when officers say 8, nick tried to physically stop them from checking the house after he was finally detained. that's when officers made grim discovery of aid knicks. 78 year-old mother. >> in my experience as a veteran law enforcement officer, normal people do not kill their mothers. it's a very mitch. violent crime. it's it's one of the, you know, still one of the worst murders you can do the killing of of a parent or a child. >> the megan's law website confirms that 8. nick is also a convicted offender. the full circumstances surrounding this woman's death. like why in how this happened are currently
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being investigated by detectives with the slaughter county sheriff's office. >> gm's robo taxi company, cruz has paid a settlement to a san francisco woman who was dragged by a self-driving car. it happened last october when a robo taxi drag the woman 20 feet after you. she was hit by a human driver. fortune magazine reports the settlement is between 8 12 million dollars. the woman did have life-threatening injuries after the crash. gm replaced almost all of the management team, a cruise. the dmv later suspended. cruises drivers driverless taxi permits to operate in san francisco. has more electric vehicles coming to use gas tax revenue, which funds road repairs is declining. so california is going to road charge program as a stopgap. the state is recruiting about 800 drivers to participate in the 6 month study that starts next year. drivers will be required to pay road charges each month based on the number of miles driven for their participation. california pay
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each person about $400 in gift cards. so also get a gas tax refund at the end of the pilot program. asian american pacific islander heritage month on kron 4 tonight we're learning about history made in sampath will. now the city celebrating its new police chief. brian barr is a longtime veteran of the force and is now the first asian american to lead the department. >> our current first believed to call was there on the day that he was sworn into his new position. >> against all enemies against all enemies, foreign domestic generation to brian blue bars. family on hand to watch the decorated law enforcer sworn in as pablo is next. top profession >> testament to bars, loyalty, dedication and unwavering support for those who truly know the man behind the shield
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since the start of the year, bar held the title of interim police chief. his interim status is no longer. he is also the first asian american police chief to ever serve in san pablo. coming up in the in a police department. >> no one really no one pays attention or or or cares that, you know your your air american leader, but taking taking on that responsibility, taking on the responsibility of being the chief of police, your representation of of your community, your representation of the values of your community. so i recognize that and i i embrace the values of my and asian american heritage representing my community proudly the 21 year veteran of the force taking over command of the agency from another trailblazer, outgoing chief ron retiring with distinction in december after serving as the agency's first fujian police chief. despite point, major.
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>> and cycle always stood out. leaving a lasting impression on me surrounded by law enforcement leaders from throughout the bay area family. other retired air force on force. >> respond, billy, i had and father with his wife, 3 grown kids, mother, father and mother-in-law watching bar recounts his rise to the top. >> remembering where it all started. born on a u.s. military base in south korea while his father served his country in his wife's mine.
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>> hope bar lauds his asian american pacific islander heritage and other api top cops that paved the way for his promotion. i appreciate and respect and remember the even before fred lau. >> i'm heather francisco pd and the struggle for these leaders, asian american leaders that created the past for to allow me to even get to this point. so it's it is an honor be recognizing view apart of mayor asian american in in public safety in the bay area. >> barr's first day as chief kicked asian american pacific islander heritage month on may. 1st in san pablo, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 >> tune into kron 4 every thursday this month for stories highlighting the bay
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area's api community all leading up to our special that airs on thursday may 23rd at 06:30pm. that's on par 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look outside right now and >> as a vote and if you're planning on flying to texas or you're expecting somebody to arrive from texas, lawrence may want to check with the airline to see it's going make it. you're headed there, you might want to just load on. downright just grew slowly out there right now. they've got some big time storms rolling through there tonight. big thunderstorms, of course, they had some massive amounts of rain last couple of weeks. some of those storms, a foot, 2 feet of rain, parts of texas. and now we've got a major storm that is headed to that area right now. heavy storms bringing tremendous amounts of rain. the potential for some severe weather out there. again, some tornado warnings have gone up. no official are being reported, but there has been some very strongest nearly 60 miles an hour with the frontal system been passing by. and they're watching for more severe weather this evening. flash flood warnings are posted across many of those areas of that front begins to move on
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by again, many of these rivers in the rivers already swollen from the previous storm and we're already flooding due to that. and now you get all that rain on top of that several inches, more rain behind that. we've got more storms. this one taking aim at san angelo. some strong storms moving through there and that is only moving eastward. that means that is also headed toward that area. the possibility of more flooding coming along. forecast. things are active out there. not tonight and tomorrow. i think across much of the south you can see that again as the storms continue to roll on through. so hughes back another round potential for some severe weather across the south. that will be pushing further easton. probably new orleans going to see that as we head toward tomorrow afternoon with a potential for some severe weather there. not only heavy rain and thunderstorms, but the possibility of more tornadic activity as those storms roll on. by the meantime, though, yeah, we're starting to see the heat cranking up in the desert about 101 in phoenix tomorrow. 99, las vegas. you tell summers not that far away. all
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right, lawrence, we just got word that flight aware says 470 130 cancellations in houston. >> officials celebrating 90 years of the east bay regional park district today. the milestone recognized on the house floor by contra costa county. congressman mark the song, a says the district's leadership and working to improve quality of life and community well-being, quote, is something he looks forward to continue in the years to come. next. in sports, annual dwight clark legacy series charity event. >> taking place in san jose tonight where fans can connect with former forty-niners plaaers. we're going to have a live report from the event live report from the event coming up. ow network is no network for business.
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>> justice department is moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug. a proposed rule sent to the federal register recognizes the medical use of cannabis. and acknowledges it has less potential for abuse and some of the nation's most dangerous drugs. the plan approved by attorney general merrick garland does not legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. the dea will take public comment on the proposal to move marijuana away from it. current classification as a schedule. one drug alongside heroin and lsd. the plan moves cannabis to schedule 3 alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> one of the most iconic moments in forty-niners
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history is all know what i'm talking about. the catch. joe. montana's legendary. throw to dwight clark. that kick started. san francisco's dynasty. now the forty-niners celebrate the late wide receiver yearly with the dwight clark legacy series. that's why we that's where we find kron. 4 sports reporter kate rooney k you are spending the night with some forty-niners royalty all for a great cause. how is it? >> hey, jason, i'll tell you what. there are a lot of 40 niner fans here tonight. people are decked out in their gear. it's almost kind of like a game environment except he's been so good to watch football on the field. they get to participate a silent auction. they get to participate in a panel with some real great get to that in a second. and there's some legends walking around here tonight. i've seen harris barton, ronnie lott, aldon smith, and of course, this guy. but i'm gonna mention to you, jeff garcia. now tonight is the quarterbacks panel. all right. so that means that a bunch of forty-niners quarterbacks are
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going to talk to benefit this right park legacy series. steve young, alex smith, brock purdy garcia all on hand tonight. they're going to be chatting about football. they're going to be chatting about family and a bunch of other staff and it is all to benefit the golden heart fund, an organization that is completely unique to the forty-niners that helps forty-niners alumni who didn't make a lot of money with the team that helps them with health services, mental health services therapy, even things like finding housing if they needed a really great organization. and so that is why we're here celebrating dwight clark and benefiting them tonight. a few months ago, i spoke with jeff garcia about what to expect from his can. take a listen to it will an interesting night just to see how are teed up, what we're going to talk sir. we'll get some questions about the biggest hit we experience and how our bodies, bill and all those sort of things. but >> i think more than anything, just the opportunity to be a leader on the forty-niners play the quarterback position. the leader out on the most of
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us played at candlestick rockets to play at levi's now, but should just be a fun night recognizing what dwight clark was all about for the stamps. go, 49 or organization who's carrying on that legacy? as far as the dwight clark award and how people can help. through donating and participating in what the golden helmet fun is all about. dwight clark served in the forty-niners front office for a long time. even after his playing days of his contributions to the team are extremely significant. one thing that always strikes me about events like this is you everyone from current forty-niners to guys who played 30 40 years ago. they all want to come back. and when i asked them, they say it's because from the top down starting with ownership, this is an organization that takes care of its players and truly feels like a family. so that's what everyone who's here tonight is getting to experience just a little taste at the california theater in san jose. kate rooney kron 4 sports. thanks, kate. i know that food spreads going to be
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crazy. go get you up late. >> all right. let's head out to valhalla golf club in louisville, kentucky, for the first round of the pga championship. we'll start with scottie scheffler. the best golfer in the world playing in his first tournament since becoming a dad. the eagles, his first hole of the day. no arrest there. he finishes his round tied for 11th 4 under par. rory mcilroy. he's on the par 4, 6, he chips in the birdie putt. he would finish tied for 4th 5 under par. but it was an der shoe flames day. he dominated round one. birdies his final hole. ends the round atop the leaderboard 9 under he just 9 under par. he shot a 62. that is the lowest round ever at a major and get this. it's the second time he's done that. but he still never won a major. so let's see if he can keep that play going throughout the weekend. all ready. that's
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your look at sports. back to you guys. all right, jason, thank you. now to our 4 zone forecast with a live look at 6.80, in walnut creek first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joining us to talk about this glorious weather we're experiencing. yeah. how about that? i mean, we get that fog in the morning. the most areas clear out to get the sunshine, the nice weather. but >> we'll see a bit more fog on the way as we head throughout the night tonight. still some sunny spots around the bay area now taking a live and outside. we do have some clear skies looking toward the mateo bridge rightdnow. little busy out there on the bridge. the sun is shining brightly there, but that fog already gathering steam in moving on shore. see that toward the sfo right now. more that on the way, even some patchy drizzle along the coastline, maybe even a couple patches inside the bay tomorrow morning. fog giving way to mostly sunny skies. but that stubborn fog is likely to hang out along the coastline. looks like as we head in toward the weekend. still some patchy fog in the forecast and some afternoon clearing, right? let's talk temperatures around the bay area tomorrow. 50's and 60's in the san francisco in to be on the cool
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side, specially coastal areas. but inside the bay should be nice find some sunshine little breeze in the millbrae. 64 70's and carlos, 70 mountain view tomorrow. lots of 70's, even upper 70's and santa clara valley by tomorrow afternoon. i think we're going to back off in the 80's many spots inland tomorrow, maybe upper 70's into livermore and pleasanton about 74 walnut creek. 76 in concord about 69 degrees in hercules about 70 in napa and 77 degrees and fairfield back toward the coastline. we'll see that fog kind of lingering along the coastline. the better part of the day. if you want the sunshine, you stay away from the coast, you'll find 73 in saint rose about 7 in petaluma at 72 in samara belt next couple of days. those temperatures in seas off just a little bit on saturday and sunday, warming up on monday and tuesday before cooling back down about the middle of next week. thank you, lawrence. and state capitols a big day with more than 1000 bills to consider gets called suspense day. >> it's when lawmakers officially decide which bills are going to move on in the legislative process and which ones will die. capitol
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correspondent eytan wallace gives us a look at which got the ax and which made the cut. well, just take a look at all of these pages featuring a list of bill after bill after bill that got taken up. as you can imagine, lawmakers whose bills made it through say they're relieved while others, his bills faced a different outcome, say. >> they are disappointed. environmental advocates making their voices heard outside the state capitol, urging support for a package of bills they believe will help california phase out fossil fuels. >> all of it taking place on what's known as suspense day on this day, the assembly and senate appropriations committees considered 1009 bills that could have fiscal impacts on the state, specifically their piece of legislation that would require the state to spend at least $50,000 from the general fund or $150,000 from another special fund. all the more
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significant this year as the state faces with the governor believes is a 27.0. 6 billion dollar deficit do pass among the bills that be 27 16 by some one member isaac bryant. the proposal would impose a $10,000 daily fine against oil wells if they're near oommunities and producing less than 15 barrels per day. but i've talked to the oil industry, don't often do about the stripper wells. they told me the environmental impact is the same for low producing wells and high producing wells. >> so why are we allowing these low producing wells to even exist? another proposal, his to enshrine into the california constitution, the right to clean air and water. also advanced on the republican side, a bill by bakersfield senator shannon grove to classify the solicitation of a child for is a felony. >> made it through as well. and while more than 60% of bills did make it through, many did not among the killed bills. one that would have created a medicare for all types system in california.
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another that would have required an employer to provide employees with the right to disconnect after work and one that would have limited fixed utility bill charges to reparations bills by senator steven bradford calling for housing in property tax assistance for descendants of black enslaved americans also failed. always your reaction. i disappointment, property ownership. that's how we build generational wealth in this country of african-americans have been denied. >> ownership to redlining restrictive covenants. it's just a challenging budget time. and so we need to be responsible, responsible taxpayers money. so that's why we had to make some tough calls today. >> and as for the bills that did advance, now they move from their house of origin to the other house, only with the approval there. can they make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 ( ♪♪ )
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>> uc berkeley is hosting a naming contest for the 4 little falcons that recently hatched that company. lee tower. cal scientists say that there are 2 female and 2 male chicks and that nest and they the hatch to annie and her new partner archie last month. organizers of the that people can suggest names on their social media platforms until sunday at noon. they say that the names should be connected by theme and relate to uc berkeley. somehow an entire california town is up for sale. campo in southeastern san diego county is selling for 6.6 million dollars. it's been. >> owned by las vegas investors since the early 2, thousands, its about a mile away from the mexican border includes 16 acres of land and
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92,000 square feet of building property. it has about 100 residents. but i don't think they're for sale you just get the land. looks like they could use just little tlc. see could use just little tlc. see united 10. ow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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