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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  May 17, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> now the kron morning news. a dozen protesters arrested after taking over buildings. why more people's park in berkeley? we'll talk more about that. and the man convicted for attacking pelosi with a hammer is set to be sentenced this morning. we are
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live at the courthouse with those details. and oakland's mayor says city is making progress curbing crime. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good friday morning wake with bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news here on may. 17th. i'm reyna harvey. all right. well, today in terms of the temperatures like john has been talking about things supposed to be just a touch cooler job. but how cool for us around the bank morning? yeah, we're looking at another cool one. yesterday was below average spots like conquered. only got up to 71 degrees yesterday. >> it is not super normal for this late in the year, but hey, we will take a little bit of a break from the warmth and today into the weekend, we're looking just a school for many areas looking outside this morning. we do have a lot of fog. a marine layer pushed right up against the east bay hills, which is heavier bull's eye of where ads right through the golden gate. when we do
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see the strong ocean breezes like we have visibility is fine for most areas. this blanket of cloud cover we have this morning is for the most part sitting right above the bay. but those winds do continue and will continue into the weekend steering some of that ocean cooled air well into our inland areas and very much so moderating our temperatures keeping most of us in the 70's today. now, daytime highs will eventually get a little bit warmer. but right now we're actually a little cooler than we were yesterday. oakland, dublin livermore in san mateo, each at 53 degrees later today. look forward to some 70's in london by the bay shore 60's closer to the coastline. i'll be talking more on this cool weekend forecast. still ahead, as for your roads, what we have right now pretty smooth sailing conditions across all spans with the friday ligha. well, that still remains the question, but it certainly is so far. san mateo bridge, 12 minutes to make your crossing. well, the richmond center fell
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almost entirely empty than the golden gate bridge. also looking nice just watched for a strong ocean breeze making its way through there, right? all right, john, thank you for that. let's turn now to our top story because pro-palestinian protesters might now be facing a number of charges. demonstrators are arrested last night after authorities say they broke into a vacant building that was uc berkeley owned. >> rovers dent or has that story? >> pro-palestinian protesters facing off with a large number of police outside of the and ahead building near uc berkeley. officers had just cleared out another group of protesters who are occupying the abandoned space thursday night. at least a dozen of those people were taken away in handcuffs. they're now possibly facing charges of vandalism, trespassing and destruction of property. just a day earlier, police had called the takeover of the vacant building a crime scene. beyond the police barriers, people chanted to free
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palestine, a recent graduate of uc berkeley says he's all for the protests but was not fully on board with this occupation. i mixed opinions about this, but i'm proposing, you know, i think they're doing a good, good work here, michael. the investments mission they have going at one point, protesters did get close with officers trying to move the perimeter back, but it did not escalate from there. well, that was actually dan thorn reporting for you this morning. >> now, this is several blocks from sproul hall on the cal campus. protesters set up encampments about 3 weeks ago. those involving clear. but uc berkeley officials say the 2 groups are not associated ok, listen to the north bay because at sonoma state that students faculty, they're now trying to sort things out after the university's president. what role and made a deal with the protesters without checking with his bosses. he's now been placed on administrative leave. there. the chancellor of the csu system says president mike
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lee's agreement was made without the appropriate approvals. that agreement included and academic boycott on israeli universities. some students in sonoma think the chances reaction is unfair. >> i support the president and on the agreements against genocide. kind of crazy. how a statement about lake ending genocide is like. crazy, crazy thing that has put someone on leave. student activist group said the agreement lay down a 3 page letter was a win, but he's clearly controversial. >> it's seen as anti-semitic by some. >> nature of the program being in southwest asia, north african studies was made without consulting with subject matter. experts in the middle east of whom i consider myself. one of them is done a really good job up until now as president. i think that he did not handle this this situation. well, but i personally would hope you'd be given another chance. >> it's unclear how long president lee is going to be on leave. now. graduation is scheduled for tomorrow. the
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university of california responding to workers voting to authorize a strike. the union representing those workers say they approve. that's right. because they believe the university mishandled demonstrations at uc campuses. specifically they're looking at ucla counter protesters attacked a pro-palestinian encampment for several hours without any police intervention. so a tele, the associate vice president of systemwide labor relations, 4 university of california cal, let the strike illegally saying w's decision to strike over non labor issues violates the no strike clause of their contracts with the uc and sets a dangerous and fair far-reaching president that social political and cultural issues matter how violent they are that are not labor related can support a labor strike. time-out five-six happening today. the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi is going to be sentenced in san francisco this morning. david, a pat could face up to 40
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years in prison. pat was convicted last year for the attempted kidnapping, assault of a federal official in october 2022. during that trial, the pop minute that he broke into the pelosi home and intended to hold former speaker of the house nancy pelosi hostage. the california highway patrol and hayward. they're looking for the driver who hit and killed a man. police say they found the man's body wednesday night. this is near 80 on the well in boulevard just west of embers. way to have any information you to contact police. oakland's mayor talking with kron for news on how her city is continuing to make progress and fighting crime. she also gave us an update on the struggle dealing with homelessness from was catherine heenan has that story? >> more people are constructing housing. the mayor talked about the fact that in the latest count, homelessness grew by 9% in oakland. those numbers released just this week, but at least the rate is slowing
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down. 9% does not sound as drastic. when you consider the city's homeless population grew. 47% from 2017 to 2019. and 24% between 2019 and and so this 9% increase is actually a significant success shows that we are, you know, closing some of these >> homelessness issues. of course, there's still so much to be done. i we can walk out the street still see encampments. and so that's our job is never done until everyone is brought inside in our streets. a in clear of encampments. >> she says oakland is working on making modular housing permanent and that federal housing help is coming in forms that are easier to when i advocate at the federal level for a voucher ys, we're advocating for playspace voucher so that it's easier for people to redo bc the section 8 vouchers that they don't have to go and find it. >> a land where that would
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take it that it's attached to housing units. as for the improved crime numbers recently released one number not being celebrated is the fact that residential robbery is up 110%. >> that translates to 42 home robberies so far this year compared to 20 in the same period last year. >> you know, i know that it's like it's it sounds scary. when you say 110% increase. but mind you, you know, you come from already a very small amount of numbers for you today. and and, you know, and the you know, tick in certain states certain categories, we're hyper focus on those categories. catherine heenan kron, 4 news. >> well, saint andrews missionary baptist church, they're asking their community for help. that surtax caught fire last week after a neighboring house went up in flames. so oakland, fire department, they were able to say the church but not before a fire damaged parts of the building. the church is a designated landmark in oakland. it's been helping the
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community since that 19. 0, 6, earthquake for more information on how you can support. we have on our website kron 4. if you have hired these 3 men for roofing work over the last year, likely been scam. san mateo police are looking for possible victims of the trio. they say the group opposes contract workers and overly charge ret. well, elderly residents for unfinished and likely and necessary work. police say the suspects used at least 2 different names for their company, statewide roofing and siding and tackle ruffini and masonry. the first reports can happen in november of last year. and most recent case on may 8th, all 3 were booked into san mateo county jail. well, a new area code is coming to northern california to help the 5, 3, area code. the one of the largest air cold in california. it actually stretches from the edge of the bay area all the way to the oregon border. the public utilities commission
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announcing yesterday starting january 2025, he will receive a new number could now get 8, 8, 3, 7 area code. decision comes after such a high demand for the new phone numbers in the area. let's talk about travel, transportation, security administration or tsa. they say they're ready for the busiest summer travel season ever. so that started with upcoming memorial day weekend. that starts may 23rd may 29th tsa expects to screen more than 18 million people airport checkpoints nationwide. that's friday's forecast to be busiest day of the la memorial day weekend with 3 million people expected to fly. >> there will be some days the summer that we will likely see 3 million travelers in our screening checkpoints across the country records. about 2.9 million. but we expect 3 or 3.1 million travelers on most likely during the busiest during the court's summer in in july and ea ly part of august. so far this year, the
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tsa says passenger travel is 8%. >> 7 of the 10 busiest passenger screening days in tsa history have been in the past 12, much 2 of them just last week. still ahead, a kron 4 morning news pushback from san francisco leaders after mayor london breed asked them to raise money for the zoo's new pandas. why one supervisor says the money will be better served elsewhere. we'll be right back. we are 4 things do
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today. visit oakland says a total of 3.4 million people visited the town marking a strong 87% recovery since the
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pandemic. the city says the total economic effect. so stay more than 5500 jobs generated 9 million dollars in state and local tax revenues. california launching a new mental health website allowing folks to connect to crisis services, counseling treatment and real-time support. it's a health dot ca dot gov. it's meant to be a one-stop shop for anybody seeking mental and behavioral health resources, children, older adults. well, california and salmon fishing in the state's rivers or second year in a row because they say the salmon population is struggling. states fish and game commission canceled recreational salmon, fishing lama states river system. and talking sports astros beat the 8 to one last night. well, looks like they beat a's going to start a new series against the royals this afternoon on the road. first pitch is at 4.40. if you want to look to do this weekend, big bay area tradition that happening,
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mothers are going to take that might for bay to breakers on sunday. people are bound to job. you can even dance your way to the finish line. many of them are going to be wearing some pretty interesting outfits, including runner he's been doing this since 1975. these no plans of slowing down for 50th race this year. >> more than ever. it's the people and it's it's the racecourse itself. it's so fantastic. going through golden gate park and getting down to the beach. it certainly is help prevent three-d foreigner. the surgeries. the last was in 2006 and a doing pretty well. 5 decades is nothing right >> like that attitude. started off with a group 6 runners. they eventually upgraded their costumes to incorporate of floats. they all run and that's dedication and won best costume in the year 2000 for dressing up as a group of this
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year he's running friends going to be joining him once again for a special reunion. a wonder what they're going to be this year. but whatever it is, maybe their costumes, johnny, to be a little bit warmer because i know cooling down. yeah. that's the best thing about running those warm share, right back up and today i would be surprised if they just went to town just as much as they have been. >> we are looking outside at the bay bridge right here, looking nice and clear this morning. it's not because it's necessarily clear just that foggy blanket is a little bit higher aloft. we're still seeing some really strong winds ripping through the bay area this morning making for what is going to be another moderated day by that cool coastal setup is similar. jet is set up shop just to the east of us have a cold front to our north. but that high pressure ridge is making sure that any rain from that cold front stays to our north. but in the meantime, we do just have some warm but mild conditions inland overall and that fog hang out towards the coast. this morning's marine
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layer just as dense as yesterday, even though it sitting just above the bay area, get a ticket that will burn off by the afternoon. we do see that sunshine briefly now their push a fog into tomorrow morning. and we start the pattern over again. in fact, this weekend is going to stay just as cool as yesterday. did even cooler in some spots upper 50's to low 60's for the city and the coastline today looking at some 60's to 70's elsewhere and only a few 80's barely hanging on today. san jose. you're actually dropping into the upper 70's much as the rest of the santa clara valley. well, the east bay also down into the low 70's along the bay shore, upper 70's inland concord at 78 oakland, up to richmond in the 60's. only a couple of spots like antioch in vacaville, actually even holding on to the low 80's today. let's get you look ahead. temperatures remain in the 70's consistently through the weekend and really into early next week, too. lots of sunshine during your afternoon hours, but definitely foggy and great mornings. as for
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your roads, things are doing just visibility, as i mentioned is okay for most of us, which is definitely helping out with the start of this morning commute. san mateo bridge. 12 minutes for your crossing there. still pretty empty at the richmond, sandra fell. it is friday. light look and conditions little bit of fog out towards the golden gate, right? all right, john, thank you for that. >> an all-clear was given after a government building in sacramento was evacuated because of a threat. the swiss-based building is home to the offices of the governor, state assembly and the senate in downtown sacramento, according to cross for a tom wallace who was among those evacuated the california highway patrol asked everybody inside of the 10 story building to leave just before 5 o'clock yesterday due to a suspicious package threat claim the package included anthrax. and now after that evacuation, spokesperson for governor gavin newsom says specialist team. so if we tested the substance and confirm that it was not anthrax or dangerous.
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governor newsom was not in the building at the time. he is on an official trip out of the country in italy. investigation is underway to determine who sent that package. website is now helping people find out if your information was involved in a data breach. in today's tech smart, we have rich demuro explains how it works. gives tips on how you can protect your information. >> another day, another data breach. here's a letter 18 t recently sent to customers saying their information was released on the dark web. so when we say things like 18 saying you cannot be removed from the 18th tee data breach because tens of thousands of people have it now because it's published on the inc that and it's easily downloadable planning. troy hunt runs a website called have i been it's a way to check if your personal information and passwords have been exposed. as of tonight is 767,000 bridges in including leaks
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from facebook, adobe, linkedin, dropbox and more. problem is when your password is exposed in a breach, hackers try to use it to log into other websites mask order might add. it's time really really volumes and suddenly because you breezed past across someone's now into social media council, whatever else it might we've few freeze as pensions, which is why it's so important to use a password manager to create strong, unique passwords for every site. so you never get remember 100 plus pass puts so that you make. so what most people do is to i like my dog and i went to university and this year. so they is my passion. and use that everyone. there is a password alternative called pass keys where your phone approves loggins. but this can be confusing, especially sinking across various devices. and we're trying sort of dragged people from something very familiar and easy to use 3 to something that's much more secure china hunt believes it's just a matter of time
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before the next breach that i think we're judging companies look by the fact headed out of rage and more about have handled it. and if your information is already out there, there's not much you can do to pull it back. services that claim to remove your personal information online. typically only deal with sites like people finders and data brokers. so my concern is they well intentioned they do a good job of taking you out of the least dangerous places. but they come take you out of the west places. if your info is on the dark web, it's usually there for good, which is why prevention is key. if you want to link to the website, have i've been poned. you can find it on mine. just go to rich on tech dot tv. >> that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> well, any trader joe's is set to open today. hayes valley, the popular grocery chain at its 7th location in san francisco district supervisor dean preston says quotes, we are thrilled to fill this long vacant space, a grocery store after all these years location on fulton street in hayes valley has
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been subject to encampments and vandalism over the years neighborhood residents say they are excited to have more options closer to them. the store hours are going to be 09:00am to 9 p m 7 days a week. i love the problem. morning news. a woman was found dead in the north bay. why police be
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>> oakland woman has been charged felony assault after an unprovoked attack on another woman at a convenience store. a lindsey jessica blaze followed a woman into the store on 23rd street in oakland and immediately started attacking her with what police say was a
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backfield. the bottle of jack daniels. the entire incident was actually caught on store surveillance footage lays out to be taken to jail and still awaits her sentencing. police san francisco are looking for man who they say tried to kidnap an 11 year-old boy in the mission. investigators say the boy was walking to a bus stop right near 20th and mission street all wednesday afternoon when a man driving a van approached him, they say the man pushed the boy into the van that the boy was able to fight off the alleged kidnapper and run away. pickleball and tennis players in san francisco that could set up a 5 bucks to reserve some courts in the city. park. officials voted wednesday night to require the people make an online reservation at 28 of the 55 court. you find a full list of the court get that on our website. kron 4 dot com. the fee plan. we'll now go to the city's board of supervisors for final approval. >> in just a few hours now, the man who attacked paul
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pelosi with hammer hitting him on the head 3 times. will find out from a federal judge how much time he will spend in prison. i
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>> welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. a lot going on this weekend. we're talking about bay to runners are going to be out there. i'm sure a lot more. hey, john has been talking about how cool things are going to get. so just just a little be a good job. weather, bad sitting in the backyard of unless you're a little bit further and then it's fine. but if you're going to be in san francisco. >> this is what you got over head of which is a whole lot of that cloud cover that
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marine layer scooting on inland as a part of this strong ocean breeze out of the west yet again today. good news is visibility is okay. that blanket is sitting just above us. we do have a few misty drizzly spots out there, though. winds today comparable to yesterday's about 15 to 20 miles per hour. so just a touch lighter, but still having that cooling effect. temperatures in the 50's currently hayward mountain view, san jose on the more mild side just below 60 degrees while petaluma and santa rosa little bit closer down into those 40's down into low 50's this morning. now, as far as temperatures go later on super similar to yesterday, in fact, our inland areas on average right back to the 70's which hey, is not bad for this time of year. i'll be talking what the weekend hold. still ahead. as for your roads, definitely been okay morning on their roads so far bay bridge, only 8 minutes to make your crossing. no need for the metering lights yet. san mateo bridge right at 13 minutes. that's the limit. while the
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richmond center fell and the golden gate have plenty of fog overhead, but 0 delays as far as traffic, right? all right, john, thank you for that. happening today, the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi. >> in his san francisco home will be sentenced today. david depape is facing up to 50 years in prison, however, is will tran is live at the federal courthouse. so we'll what are you learning there? >> well, what i'm learning is prosecutors are asking the judge to hand down a 40 year sentence, which means he's 43 years old right now. and if he serves the full term, he'll be 83 years old before he gets out of federal prison. but his troubles are not over because the state also wants to take him to trial. now, let me show you the video from october 28th of 2022, when it all went down, david de pap went to the pelosi is home in san francisco looking for then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. but she was not home. it was paul pelosi who woke up
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and saw pap standing over his bed. he managed to call the san francisco police department when they arrived, according to prosecutors, david de pap realize that his plan had foiled. they did not work was coming apart. that's when he hit paul pelosi 3 times in the head with a hammer. paul pelosi suffered a broken skull. he actually woke up eventually in a pool of his own blood. the pap, obviously was arrested at the time. he has been in jail ever since. federal prosecutors say he has not shown any remorse of the attack and actually has been bragging about it. he was convicted last year trying to kidnap a federal official as well as assaulting an immediate member of a federal official. nancy pelosi was not home at the time. she was actually in washington, d.c., to pat did testify that he went there looking for nancy pelosi and if she lied em, he
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would break her kneecaps. she was not home. and i mention that because had she been home, secret service would have been at the home in might have prevented the attack. instead, paul pelosi was the one who was ultimately attacked in all of this when this is over, he also will face state prosecutors because they also want to try him as far as what's going to happen today, it will happen at 10 o'clock this morning. the pap not only is not excuse me to pat is not only in trouble with federal officials and state officials. he's also in trouble with ice because he's actually a canadian resident who came into the u.s. back in 2008, his visa only allowed him to stay in the united states for up to 6 months. he's been here ever ice also wants to ultimately get him and ultimately deport him once this is said and done back to you. >> all right. well, thank you for that breakdown. there. so
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listen to the east bay because one person has died after a triple shooting. this happened in richmond may 11th of poland avenue right near carson boulevard. richmond police responded to reports of a shooting and found 3 people have been shot. one victim died at the scene. we don't have any word on the condition of the other victims. police are now looking for any suspects. and a man was hit and killed by a suspected drunk driver in fema earlier this month has been identified. he was identified as 26 year old 10, ali. if au of oakland he was hit and killed on may 3rd and fremont boulevard. the driver who hit him is from sunnyvale crashing into a traffic pole. it was arrested for suspected dui, putting his family. they've put together a gofundme campaign to cover funeral costs. he leaves behind his pregnant wife, the 3 little babies you see on the screen as children. this is actually the first traffic fatality in free ma this year. now know the identity of the man who was killed while riding an e-bike. and hey, where that victim, 22 year-old saw rahm
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gola poly from hayward. he was riding an e-bike on may 8th right near mission boulevard. lee was struck by vehicle. he was taken to a local hospital with life-threatening injuries passed away 2 days later, polly was a graduate student from india and he pursuing his master's degree in computer d% science. the cal state east bay. this marks the 4th fatal collision. and hayworth this year. at least one san francisco city supervisor now pushing back on the plans to bring giant pandas to san francisco. this week. supervisors discussed paying for the care and transportation for the animals. military previously asked the group to pass a resolution. allowed various city departments to raise money from private entities, supervisor and candidate for justify argues that money going towards animals is less useful than funding programs for the youth and even the unhoused. >> so this is about prioritizing our future. this is about prioritizing our children over pandas. and if
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we can rally to fund a home for pandas, we certainly can rally to raise money for essential programs that impact every single corner of the city. >> and a fundraising efforts would not begin until at least mid-june, if not later, there's still no timeline on when the pandas will arrive in the city from china. state lawmakers spent suspense day deciding which pieces of legislation we'll move on in the legislative process and which ones will die. capitol correspondent eytan wallace has a look which runs got the x, which ones made the cut. >> well, just take a look at all of these pages featuring a list of bill after bill after bill that got taken up. as you can imagine, lawmakers whose bills made it through say they're relieved while others, his bills faced a different outcome, say they're disappointed. environmental advocates making their voices heard outside the state capitol, urging support for a package of bills they believe
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will help california phase out fossil >> all of it taking place on what's known as suspense day on this day, the assembly and senate appropriations committees considered 1009 bills that could have fiscal impacts on the state, specifically their piece of legislation that would require the state to spend aleast $50,000 from the general fund or $150,000 from another special fund. all the more significant this year as the state faces with the governor believes is a 27.0. 6 billion dollar deficit do pass among the bills that advanced ab 27 16 by some one member isaac bryant. the proposal would impose a $10,000 daily fine against oil wells if they're near communities. >> and producing less than 15 barrels per dae. but i talked to the oil industry, don't often do about the stripper wells. they told me the environmental impact is the same furlough producing wells and high producing wells.
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>> so why are we allowing these low producing wells to even exist? another proposal of his to enshrine into the california constitution, the right to clean air and water. also advanced on the republican side, a bill by bakersfield senator shannon grove to classify the solicitation of a child for is a felony. >> made it through as well. and while more than 60% of bills did make it through, many did not among the killed bills. one that would have created a medicare for all types system in california. another that would have required an employer to provide employees with the right to disconnect after work and one that would have limited fixed utility bill charges to reparations bills by senator steven bradford calling for housing in property tax assistance for descendants of black enslaved americans also failed. always your reaction. i disappointment, property ownership. that's how we build generational wealth in this country african-americans have been denied. >> ownership to redlining restrictive covenants. it's just a challenging budget time. and so we need to be responsible, responsible
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taxpayers money. so that's why we had to make some tough calls today. >> and as for the bills that did advance, now they move from their house of origin to the other house, only with the approval there. can they make it to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, for your health, california has launched a new mental health website. his website allows people to connect with crisis services, counseling, treatment and real-time support the dot ca dot. gov is meant to be a one-stop shop for anybody who might be seeking mental behavioral health resources, children to older adults. it's going also provide information about proposition one, which will increase the number of mental health and addiction treatment facilities across our state. well, the year in a row salmon fishing along rivers is banned in california on wednesday. the state's fish and game commission canceled recreational salmon fishing along the state's river system. officials say the salmon population is
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struggling. multiple factors including climate change. you have drought years harmful algae blooms. this comes after months after federal officials ban commercial salmon fishing off our coast for the second time. i was 5.39. ahead of what the tsa expects to be the busiest summer travel season ever. special needs students along the peninsula took a field trip to the san francisco bay, oakland international airport over lead a goal tagged along with them and has their story. >> simulated flight to hawaii for students from over bay middle school in san carlos thursday starts like it does for all of us who fly with the tsa security screening at san francisco bay oakland international airport. ask questions before boarding southwest airlines captain sean welsh explains with the kids with special needs should expect on reassuring them. they are in good hands everyone. the risk is thing i do is drive to work. the
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safest thing i do is actually perform my job at work when ready for that. yet safety on board. flight attendants lay out the itinerary and demonstrate safety protocols in case of an emergency. this tie into what the students are learning in the classroom, not taking a field trip like this before. >> we're also in science right now for some motion with them focus on flight. so really ties in nicely to our curriculum right now the airplane ever took flight. but teacher jane morgan says over the kids have been in the air at least once before. they also got a chance to sit in the cockpit some saying they can see themselves piloting one day. we're enjoying a career as a flight attendant 7, our passengers being out and visiting cool cities. know it's like living life like a rock star. basically, you know, you're in a city out of city in a hotel at a hotel all in all a special day for special kids thinking about their futures as they continue growing the best part about flying doing nothing.
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>> doing absolutely nothing but just west watch tv and do all that stuff. sit back, relax and let the pros do the work. >> at san francisco bay, oakland international airport, philippe djegal 4 news. still ahead, a brothel morning news. a's did manage to avoid the sweep well on the road. and you still take a look at the highlights after the break. highlights after the break. we'll go.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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(hamlet) it's beggin'! smoky beggin'... ♪ (ominous music) ♪ meaty beggin'... tasty beggin'... beggin'!!! oh, i love you, i love you... (vo) dogs go bonkers for beggin'! vote for your chance to win free beggin'! today. uc berkeley police arrested 12 protesters. they say took over the and ahead
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building next to people's park campus. police say the protesters took over the building on wednesday. officers cleared out last night. say the protesters are possibly facing charges of vandalism, destruction of property and trespassing. alethea with patrol. and hey, what they're looking for. the driver who hit and killed a man. police said they found man's body wednesday night. right near on the well in boulevard west of embers away. >> and a new area code coming to northern california to help the 5, area code public utilities commission announcing yesterday starting january 2025. next year, people receive a new number can now get the area code 8, 3, 7, breakers is going to return to the city this sunday. people are going to start on the embarcadero and run through the 9 neighborhoods in the city all the way to great highway and crashed in the ocean beach. the race starts at 8, 8, now let's head over to bay area baseball. >> is finishing up their
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series with the astros home to break their four-game losing streak. sports director jason dumas takes a look at last night's game. >> the a's came into thursday's game. having lost 4 straight. they were looking to salvage a win and avoid the sweep in houston they're trying to stay optimistic amid recent skid, the vibes are a bit ides. haven't been great. bottom of the 3rd, no score bases loaded for jan or diaz and that's going to find the gap in left center field. >> space is cleared. afros grab a 3, nothing lead later in the inning. after is up by 4, 1, off or joey loperfido that was a ball swing. but it was effective golf swing, 2 run, bomb. that capped off a six-run 3rd inning a's fall 8 to their 5th straight loss street. they will head to kansas city to take on the royals. so not a great stretch for the a's. all that's a look at sports.
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>> all right. jason dumas reporting for us. as for the giants, they started series once again with the rockies. first pitch is at 7 tonight at oracle park. all right. let's get moving on a friday. you need to know how to dress for the weather and maybe you're going out to see a game or 2 or you're running in bay to breakers wanting know good bay to breakers. whether is it good for sitting in the stands? well, as long as you're bundled up, it is. we're looking outside of the bay bridge. a lot of cloud cover overhead and that breeze not stop in from the coastline. >> we have had a rather than this coastal breeze from the west the past few days. and guess what, today? it continues. so that is going to moderate temperatures. no heat wave ahead of us. that high pressure. ridge is well to the west. it's enough to send the jetstream to the north of no storm systems either this holding pattern continues of foggy conditions at the coast in warm yet comfortable weather for the rest of us. you can see this blanket of cloud cover this morning. mostly sitting just about the bay. so you're not seeing a lot of visibility issues, which is good, but it is
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dense. so it's going to take a while to burn off and this will keep temperatures down a little bit as we make our way into tomorrow. we will start the day with a little bit more cloud cover, but expecting it to burn off just a little bit quicker for your saturday. today's daytime highs are going to be in the upper 50's to low 60's in san francisco into the coast. well, looking at 60's to 70's elsewhere in the bay. definitely a good day to be getting outside, especially for the 2nd half of the day when temperatures will be comfortably in the 70's for so many of us pleasanton pleasant. 77 hayward, 72 oakland, up to richmond. you'll be hanging out in the 60's only 2 spots, antioch in vacaville, barely hanging on to the low 80's today. let's get you a look ahead at the next 7 days tomorrow and sunday remaining in the 70's inland as well as by the bay shore. definitely cool and windy at the coast. only a couple of days next week could see some low 80's other than that. this is a pretty unchanged forecast each year next. 7 days. as for your
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roads are looking unchanged as well. know, metering lights. just yeah. in 12 minutes to make your way across the bay bridge. not so bad for almost 05:00am or almost san mateo bridge at 14 minutes. you're a little bit longer on that drive time but also doing okay. both the richmond, sandra fell and the golden gate also moving along, just fine. all right, john, thank you that. let's head to the east bay, his former workers and oakland hotels are going to be rallying today. >> the many ways compensation from their former employer. so last october, radisson hotel commit wage theft against more than 120 workers voting more than $400,000. department of workplace and employment standards or d w s or at the hotel to compensate its employees. those employees say they haven't received any money. raleigh is going to be the radisson hotel oakland airport each avenue one in the afternoon. north a community is pretty shaken up after police found a woman's body.
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well, where phil check, this is at the rio vista home. investigators believe the woman's son is behind her death. shot. it has that story. >> there was tension between the mom and the son. he was living here for 2 months. he was emotionally. stable, worried neighbors on birch ridge drive in the trilogy. retirement community called rio vista. police said they hadn't seen her in a while. >> after their 78 year-old neighbor hadn't been seen for several days. there was a conflict. something was boiling there and it. >> when you know the boy over cops got the call requesting to check on the elderly woman yesterday evening. they were met at the door by the woman's 57 year-old son when additional officers arrived. he tried to stop them from. >> checking the residence to check the welfare of that's when the altercation ensued to
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try to move to physically block them from getting to doorway. officers conducted sweep of residents founder deceiving. >> she was a very nice lady. rhea vista. police ended up arresting the sun on suspicion of homicide. he's identified as jeffrey 8. nick seen here on the megan's law website. he is a convicted offender. in my experience as a veteran law enforcement officer. >> normal people do not kill their mothers. it's a very mitch. violent crime. it's one of the, you know, still one of the worst murders you can do the killing of of a parent or child. there are many unanswered questions as to why and how this happened. but chief john maser says the investigation is active and under way. >> he commended the victims, neighbors for getting involved and contacting them. this came to light because we had some
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potentially gone completely undetected. things may have transpire. where would have been almost impossible for us to know what happened. i'm not afraid to to step up fun. see what needs to be done. you know, there's no harm. asking for help. you either get it. and something works out. are there's a good result? you know, either either way nd have something have to be to growing niche. attics kron, 4 news. >> well, residents in martinez might see flaring this month as the martinez refining company. so it's a major maintenance project last month, mr. cbn, restarting equipment to make sure they're processing units are good shape. company says flares are essential part of their system safely manage excess combustible gases while burning them off effectively
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and efficiently. mercy hopes to minimize or prevent any flare and are in the process. more than 70 million dollars gone into upgrading equipment. that is touting his latest tour is a report as it seems to be reaching pre-pandemic numbers. according to visit oakland, the total of 3.4 million people visited the town mark in a pretty strong 87% recovery since the pandemic. the city says the total economic effect sustain more than 5500 jobs and generated 90 million dollars. state and local tax revenues. well, still to come on the kron 4 morning news and new reports by the cdc showing overdose deaths in the u.s. of overdose deaths in the u.s. of bo you can't leave without cuddles. but, you also can't leave covered in hair.
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with bounce pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. bounce, it's the sheet.
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dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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>> well, justice department, they've submitted a proposal to the federal register, the formal process of reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous substance. president joe biden announcing the move in a video posted on his administration has previously signaled support for reclassify marijuana as a schedule. 3 drug. right now it's classified as a schedule. one drug. that means it is treated as the more dangerous than fentanyl and meth now triggers a 60 day public comment period in tyre, classified process could take up to a year. the national oceanic and atmospheric administration updated their climate outlook for the summer. so forecasters predict above average temperatures across the nation between june. 1st and august 31st. they say la nina conditions, going to pave the way for higher temperatures. those conditions cool pacific
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ocean waters. let's keep the jet stream further north. that is a great, really dry hot conditions in the southwest. at the same time we have above average rainfall that's being predicted in the south and northeast. helena public about the morning news convicted of attacking paul pelosi is set to be sentenced morning. >> we live the courthouse with the details on that. plus, multiple protesters arrested after taking over a building near people's park in berkeley. the charges officials say with the face now.
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>> the dozen protesters arrested after taking over a building near people's park in berkeley. the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi with a hammer set to be sentenced this morning. live at the courthouse and oakland's mayor says the city is making progress curbing crime. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> let us be the first to say and i'm james. yeah, the weather couldn't be better. >> at for the whole weekend ahead. i think so morning, it's looking good. nice, steady into the weekend. no huge changes here. no chance of rainfall and hate for bay to breakers this weekend. perfect jogging weather in the city may be aside from the breeze that you're going to be running into what we look at across the bay area's another morning with that blanket of low grade.


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