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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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>> good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow a worldwide travel warning tonight for the lgbtq+ community. the u.s. state department says people traveling overseas should exercise caution because of the potential for terrorism. this alert follows similar warnings from the fbi and the department of homeland security earlier in the week. kron four's dan thor talks with local lgbtq+ organizations about the warning. he joins us live in the newsroom with specific. say >> hey grant. yeah. these warnings come just weeks before pride month begins in june. the state department says terrorist organizations might seek to exploit lgbtq+ events and venues and local organizations say these potential threats are an ongoing concern. >> the u.s. state department issuing a global security alert friday warning of potential violence against the lgbtq+ community. the federal
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government cautioning u.s. citizens traveling overseas for next month's pride events to be vigilant. we're always deeply concerned our community is continually have to face hate. >> it is cool. you know from to us. >> just sometimes unknown source sources, oakland pride board, president george smith. the 3rd says his organization is taking the alerts seriously. >> earlier this month, the fbi and the department of homeland security warned terrorist groups could target pride. celebrations here in the united states ongoing. >> for communities, stay safe it's sad and unfortunate that, you know, that this hate is this. >> other local lgbtq+ groups say they're glad to receive the alerts because it shows the government is paying attention to vulnerable communities. we really do need to be on the alert. >> and to watch out since
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you've done to lgbt, you gabriel and television is board president of the billy to frank lgbtq+ community center in san jose. they say they're not surprised about the potential for hate at pride events. >> as it appears their community is facing increasing threats. we have to. >> watch over out back our world very small because where we you know, not many places for lgbtq+, people looking to travel abroad for pride month. >> both smith and and tell of its say it's important to research find lgbtq+ safe spaces and consider not traveling alone. i know sometimes traveling alone and the sighting that maybe this is not the time to on dew points. got somebody keeping an eye on you. >> well, tonight alert comes on the same day the state department is commemorating the international day against
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homophobia by phobia, inter phobia and transphobia. the state department warning is also advising all traveling americans to exercise increased caution because of generalized terrorist attacks in the newsroom. dan thorn kron, 4 news. thank you, dan. >> david, to pack the man convicted of assaulting nancy pelosi's husband. paul will spend 30 years in federal prison for the brutal attack in october of 2022, a federal judge in san francisco sentenced up at today to pat appeared in court this morning in an orange jumpsuit. he showed very little emotion during the proceedings and the pelosi is daughter christine bread. a statement saying paul is still struggling with injuries suffered in the attack after dipak was sentenced, one of his 2 sons spoke saying he saddened by what's happened. >> you really tried his best to be a kind person. and the thing is because i know him personally. i know that there
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is no real heart and that person. >> the fbi also issued a statement today saying they believe justice has been served. >> up next for pap is a state trial where he faces 6 felony counts. jury selection is set to begin next week. kron four's lezla gooden has more on how today's sentencing at the federal level could affect the state proceedings at federal trial is finally over for david de pap the man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi is home and assaulting her husband with a hammer 2 years ago. a federal judge on friday sentenced him 30 years in prison for salt in 20 years of attempted kidnapping. the federal official, the sentences will run concurrently government sent a very loud message. >> to the united states citizens that we are not going to tolerate this type of conduct where our politicians and leaders are attacked regardless of their political ideology. legal analyst steven
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clark says the sentencing could determine the outcome of dip happes upcoming state trial. some charges he's facing their includes attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. but the key will be did he have specific intent to commit murder of paul i think that would be the big fight in the state case if he's convicted of attempted murder, he will face a life sentence. but if he's only convicted of assault, it will be a much want less sentence. 44 year-old the pap admitted that he had planned to hold the speaker pelosi hostage and break her kneecaps if she liked him. both the prosecution and defense stated that conspiracy theories played a role in the attack. >> lou, janell statements and conspiracy theories. he was espousing. >> both before and after the incident with mister pelosi. i think it's going to go a long way in the state court to show that he did not have the specific intent to commit murder, that this should be an assault with a deadly weapon.
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clark says there is another factor in pats federal case that the defense did not focus on. >> but it could be a key point in the states. the mental health issue is going to be much more important in the state case than it was in the federal case. and i think that. >> well, before front in the defense presentation, he did not have the specific intent to kill. and, you know, they will acknowledge he mister pelosi with a hammer but not 2 killed. >> that was lezla gooden reporting for us. jury selection is set to begin next wednesday. the state trials expected to last until late june. our weather time now as we get a live look sfo on a friday night and some weeks just feel longer than others. yeah, i don't know why this one did, but here we are. i don't know if it was the fog coming in and going out and just kind of >> made things drag on a little bit more. the good news is the weekend is upon us. it is here and it looks like the weekend going to be. >> a little bit better weather wise. i think see a little
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more sunshine around the bay area. of course, that fog not going to able to get rid of that entirely. we're seeing that move over san francisco right now. parts of the bay to start to ramp up just a bit, but not as deep of a marine layer out there tonight. so that being said, temperatures out the door. you got a lot of 50's around the bay area right now that cool marine air working its way well inland. so far. but the fog not going to be a stick tonight. that means going to burn off a little bit earlier as we head in toward tomorrow. winds. yeah, they've been little gusty in spots those winds gusting over 20 miles an hour along the coastline still. but i think it will care that fog in the bay, maybe a couple patches inside some of the valleys. but overall starting to see a little bit of a northerly wind kick in today and that helping to erode some of the low clouds and the fog. so not a deck tonight. that means we're going to see a little more sunshine by tomorrow afternoon. in fact, san jose. what a beautiful day there. warm sunshine all day long. 77 degrees. sunny, a bit breezy into oakland at 72 and 62, a mixture of fog and son in san francisco. thanks,
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lauren. it's oakland's community leader carl chan is joined a long list of people here in the bay area. >> who've had their cars broken into. take a look. he says this car got hit last night outside agave uptown and oakland, the restaurant that has also been dealing with multiple burglaries. chan says the thieves busted the small window of his suv and manage to take the seat down and they took off with a bag that had a parable golf shoes the gulf glove and elbow strap and golf, his golf bag, even though we've got bit chan is trying to make light of the situation, say hopes the thief plays golf and can fit into the shoes. chan is one of the leading organizers of an effort to recall alameda county da pamela price saying she is not tough enough on crime. >> palo alto police are investigating yet another incident of a mail carrier being robbed happened yesterday just before noon in the parking lot of the south would apartments on
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middlefield road. police say the usps worker man in his 60's was delivering mail when 2 men approached him and demanded his postal keys. wallet and his phone, the mail carrier turned over the keys, but he refused to give up his personal property. so the suspect started fighting him and knocked him to the ground, leaving him injured. police are looking for 2 men described to be in their 20's, both standing about 5 feet 8. the victim said they were both wearing a black hooded sweatshirts with the hoods up. but the men drove off in an older model. nissan altima. four-door sedan. with paint that looked old, the bay area celebrating black restaurant week black owned food trucks, bakeries, restaurants, they're all inviting people to explore african cajun and caribbean cuisine. the foodie event kicked off today and will run through may 26th. it was started 4 years ago now as a way to expose more people to the black culinary scene and help boost local businesses owners. tell us how important it is to keep the tradition
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going. >> it's very important people to again, the diversity here. that's what my rest represent is the call. you know, community bringing everybody together. and that's what we want to do black restaurant. a space where everyone feel infighting? >> thank so excited to and the caribbean. >> looks good. you can purchase tickets and find a full list of participating businesses on the black restaurant week website. >> next at 11, the valkyrie czar. hear how the new team is celebrating their arrival in the bay area. >> plus, with local nurses are demanding is there one step closer to going on strike? >> and the latest in the race for san francisco mayor when they'll be debating each they'll be debating each other. network is no network for business.
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it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> the debate has been canceled. the nonprofit together sf action has announced tonight they've canceled what was supposed to be the first mayoral debate in san francisco after 3 of the candidates dropped out. the debate was set to happen monday. and according to organizers, 4,000 people have rsvp going to be a crowd. we first learned wednesday that mayor london breed and supervisor aaron peskin will not be participating. the mayor's office, it conflicts with her schedule and the format of the debate together as of action announced today
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that candidate danielle lawrie also pulled out making former mayor and supervisor mark farrell and supervisor ahsha e as the only would be participants and their cancellation announcement. the nonprofit said their refusal to show up and speak to the largest community of voters in san francisco proves our movement to hold our elected officials accountable. 2 results is working if the mere announcement of a real mayoral debate in which candidates would be asked tough questions causes this much drama, the political establishment must be really afraid of change and quote. one mayoral debate is still set to go. the harvey milk club is hosting the candidates for debate tuesday. it will be at 6.30, at the first unitarian universalist church in center on franklin street. mayor london breed representative aaron peskin city supervisor ahsha e former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel
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lurie. we'll all be there. >> meantime, hundreds of republicans from across the state are set to meet in burlingame this weekend for the state gop convention. this video is from alas convention. more than 800 people are expected to attend this weekend's event, including republican national committee chair co-chair lara trump party chairwoman jessica millan. partisan says this weekend is all about garnering support and spreading the party's message ahead of the november election, including an effort to keep republicans in control of the u.s. house of representatives. the convention will also address internal matters, including a vote on party bylaws. >> nurses at san francisco's public hospitals and community clinics say they're ready to strike. they say the city's department of public health refused to take meaningful action to address staffing shortages. >> today the nurses voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike. the result doesn't mean they'll walk off the job immediately. it allows the
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nurses bargaining team, though, to call a strike after their current contract expires on june 30th. if they still don't have a new contract. all right. let's talk weather as we take a live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza on a friday night. not too much action there on the weekend. but >> lot of people going to be moving in shaken bay to breakers. is this weekend. the giants are home this weekend. lot going on hopefully some good weather lawrence. yeah, you know, not going to be halloween, but you're going to see a lot of costumes this weekend around the bay area. thbt's right. we've got the bay to breakers this weekend, really a san francisco event. and if you're headed out to that, that fog, well, it's going to be there in the morning. so a little cool to start out your race. here's the forecast years. he lot of fun things out there. that's for sure. 08:00am near. start out the mid-fifties little cool. maybe even a little drizzle to start out the race. mostly cloudy skies. >> and then you head toward the coastline with that light breeze kicking in, be prepared. those temperatures running cool side all the way to the coast out there right
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now. we do have some fog and some low clouds stretching on shore, making their way into the bay and some parts inland. not as extensive, though overnight tonight it will be more patchy around the bay area morning fog tomorrow. then mostly sunny skies. i think sunday going to be very similar. going to see a beautiful day. but some fog in the morning hours giving way to some sunshine into the afternoon. high pressure just off the coastline. we've got a couple of weeks system that a roll right over the top of that ridge, then start to see that the ridge kind of weakened a little bit. that's going to be some cooler going to be in the move into the bay area, but not bad temperature wise. so you'll be cool to san francisco. you're looking at 50's in the sunset about 61 degrees in downtown san francisco. 59 golden gate park. 58 degrees in half moon bay tomorrow. 58 also in pacifica. but the fog can i the coastline again all day inside the bay, you'll find some warmer sunshine and 63 degrees. pretty good breeze on the afternoon in the millbrae. also the san bruno. 64 and sunny skies in burlingame. then you head down the peninsula. weather turning out to be very nice. 60 some low
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70's, then a lot of 70's, maybe couple low 80's into the santa clara valley tomorrow afternoon with sunshine. really all day long. beautiful as you make your way inland. tomorrow you mid to upper 70's in the tri valley about 76 and snow. 69 degrees in union city and about 72 degrees in moraga. 65 little cooler in the berkeley and some of that foggy start to reach into the bay in the afternoon. start to move in that direction. 75 degrees in pittsburgh and 73 in fairfield. so yeah, overall looks like a nice weekend ahead. temperatures running maybe just slightly below the average but still very comfortable outside monday, we may get warm up just a couple degrees. then we'll cool back down a little bit on wednesday through thursday. so looking like a good race weekend. if you want to get out there costumes would help because it's going to be a little chilly out there. all right. yeah. so so much so. so where something i would say that some people don't okay, but this might be one of those races that you just might want to. because, yeah, you got that cold air. you've got the maybe a little drizzle and
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yeah, definitely right. i guess you going say valkyrie. he's >> will not be play until next year. but the teams already building a big fan base here in the bay. the new wnba team says they've already sold 10,000 season tickets. a lot that we had 7500 deposits before we announced our name. it says even more that fans double down at that point and said we're definitely and understand what you're building and we want to be a part of it. >> the biggest piece for us is we know the various a special place and we feel really privileged to bring a wnba team in the first expansion team since 2008. >> to the bay area. we lead the world here and being innovative and progressive and be able to bring community together through women's sports in this manner. it's going to be an incredible statement, but it's also going to be a lot of fun. >> the team's throwing a block party at san francisco's chase center tomorrow from 02:00pm to 06:00pm. so some nice weather for that as well. there's going to be snacks appearances from the 40 kalani
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as well as the tickets are sold out online. so it is first come first serve for the rest of the seats available. if you want to go make sure you get there early. bay to breakers. is coming back on sunday for its 100 13th year about 21,000 runners, joggers ghalib enters and dancers are going to take to the streets for the annual 12 k we were just talking about it. it's a pretty quirky event known for participants showing up in all kinds of costumes. race director kyle myers says the fun is always the biggest draw. >> one of those days of the year in san francisco that everybody kind of supports the runners supports the neighborhoods are coming out. course, just to have a good time and celebrate francisco. >> several road closures along the route are going to be in effect sunday from 3 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. there are some
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changes that have been made this year. you cannot be in a float. and there are alcohol checkpoints that have been added as well. as lawrence asked. is that where people can pick up alcohol or is that were there checking on their sobriety? we don't know. you are. asked to arrive about an hour early for this one. so have fun this weekend. the giants finally received an answer on jung lee's shoulder. >> well, the good news, aaro
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, just when the giants thought that they might be
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turning the corner in making a nice little run with, they would now having to deal with some bad news because they found out today the joe who leave undergo season ending surgery for torn after that play right here where he crashed into the center field wall where it was a dislocated shoulder. >> but then obviously mris and a second opinion turned up day was confirmed. it would need some surgery. it was some structural damage there with a torn labrum in. that's to say that they should be having the surgery in a couple weeks. put. he should make a full recovery. the giants well, they made a full recovery today without lee hosting the rockets tonight, the rockies actually, and they jumped out early on the giants leading 42 in the 5th time try to he came up with 2 runners on in deposit his 7th home run of the season over the wall in lift. and put that one swing of the >> they lead 5 to 4. any continued as well as what else he hits a dribbler down the 3rd base line right here. it
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was the perfect swinging, but you see it it shipment comes into score and the giants they lead. 64 after that one, the rockies, they did get within one run with the giants. they added 2 more in the 7 marco luciano. he flared a liner to short, right, right here and to bring in one of those running. the giants lead is just started to balloon. they went up 8 to 5. my toast and taking over fairly in center field. he ripped another shot down the left-field line rattling. along the wall. you see if their incomes, 2 more runs. matos was 2 for 4 with 5 rbi the giants. they win in comeback fashion 10 to 5 with the final game. 2 is tomorrow. and for folks that opened up a 3 game series on the road in kansas city in ballpark, they threw a ball, a bullpen game. if the royals in this one. well, it worked for a while. in the states, the royals, they were of one to hothing. i'm an offer. michael massey, who >> lifts it high in deep field
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and out to right. it was his 4th of the season. the royals, they take a 3, nothing lead. then the floodgates opened in the 7 to one 2 out for feel right here. garcia the sinker way out to left. no doubt about that. one is not coming it was his 5th of the season. the royals, they go up 6 to nothing. and then we had to show an a's highlight because obviously is chelan right here in the 9th and last a month to home or at the that one went out for season. 21 feet with kids home or of the season. but the royals, they win this one. 62 was the final in that one. so at least the giants, they came up. they feel shorten this one. but but the giants still have. >> few games this weekend to of folks are going to be a parent. therefore, i think we've got good weather, too. is that what i heard a few times? yes. so what about that golfer? we've got to rest. goodness. grace, is that no out him? yes, because you drive through, you don't comply. you do comply. you get
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the right away. you don't get the right. we don't know what happened with he got a risk to get the most out of filmmakers tea time and did well. >> as the first things ever stretch to jail. so, that was a good straight you mind we a good straight you mind we ever get network is no network for business.
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♪ ♪ >> shocking arrest. >> he's going to jail. >> the number one golfer in the worlul


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