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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  May 18, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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ks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll come along next time as we go into the wild. >> now on the kron 4 morning news authorities are warning communities of potential threats to the upcoming 5 months. and in oakland church is attempting to rebuild, but they are asking for from the community. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7.
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>> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it's saturday. may the 18th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning day. well, good morning, stephanie. welcome back and morning, everybody. and we're looking with our traditional fog to start things off. but don't worry that will clear out even around the bay at the coast. a little bit more on the starboard side, but you might get a few rays of sun working here, but warming up nicely. we see this weekend for those inland spots to so. >> this is the shot of the east bay shoreline. we still some work to do here as this kind of trapped right here at the surface a bit. it's a dry upstairs. so we'll get that mixing process. here's the projections, though. as far as that ground fog is concerned, that should be taken care of well before noon. but some of that fog clouds and so forth that remain at the coast a little bit through the afternoon and then return again for tomorrow morning. not as aggressively, though, for your sunday morning. so the me a little bit better heating. no major systems up on the pacific. there is a little weak way down in socal that's actually going to hit
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up against the mountains later on today. we'll see some showers going probably south of tahoe for the most part of the winds on shore. as you can see, other single digits. couple double digits as you get up to a solano county readings in the middle to upper 50's. 58 for antioch at this hour. 53 for redwood city about 59 for hayward and for comparison. pretty close to yesterday's numbers, as you can give or take a degree on either end. so the breakdown today knowledge in some of that morning fog there. the fog clouds and all for for the morning hours. at least 67 by 11 o'clock it to renew about 74 and a little bit of a minor warm up for you in the early part of the week. more on your forecast in a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> our top story this morning, a worldwide travel warning for the lgbtq+ community. the u.s. state department says people traveling overseas should exercise caution because of potential terrorism kron four's. dan thorn spoke with local organizations about this. >> the u.s. state department issuing a global security alert friday warning of
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potential violence against the lgbtq+ community. the federal government cautioning u.s. citizens traveling overseas for next month's pride events to be vigilant. we're always deeply concerned that our community is continually have to face hate. >> it is cool. you know from to us. >> just sometimes unknown source sources, oakland pride board, president george smith. the 3rd says his organization is taking the alerts seriously. >> earlier this month, the fbi and the department of homeland security warned terrorist groups could target pride. celebrations here in the united states ongoing. for communities. stay safe it's sad and unfortunate that, you know, that this hate is this other local lgbtq+ groups say they're glad to receive the alerts because it shows the government is paying attention to vulnerable communities. we
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really do need to be on the alert. >> and to watch out since you've done to lgbt, you gabriel and television is board president of the billy to frank lgbtq+ community center in san jose. they say they're not surprised about the potential for hate at pride events. >> as it appears their community is facing increasing threats. we have to. >> watch over out back our world very small because where we you know, not many places for lgbtq+, people looking to travel abroad for pride month. >> both smith and tell of its say it's important to research find lgbtq+ safe spaces and consider not traveling alone. i know sometimes traveling alone and the exciting, but maybe this is not the time to on. so you've always got somebody keeping an eye on
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>> and that was dan thorn reporting for us this morning. a call for help in oakland this morning after a historic church was damaged in a fire kron four's to recess to reports. >> to the >> experience. >> you deal with that a lot and consoling people that went through it. when that happens to you really? in the moment to you don't have emotions can. >> processing. >> pastor robert lacey junior says in a flash, everything has changed. >> his church, a historic landmark with a focus on helping people now desperately needs assistance. pastor lacey says last friday a massive fire broke out at saint andrews missionary baptist church in oakland. he was inside with others praying before choir rehearsal. >> it started to get hot. in the building and what i will open the windows is kind of warm in here.
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>> and we're in the choir. stand the years. that's where the fire started. and the house next door to church. open up one of the windows and the sanctuary. and i heard the fire crackling and popping >> pastor lacey says that he and a parishioner grabbed fire extinguishers, but the flames were fears. i spoke with pastor lacey as he returned from getting food for workers clearing the burned debris. >> westerly shares of the church is an historic landmark. fact, the history of the church. >> 1916, it was built. by the african american episcopal church. to provide support for earthquake victims of sepsis going 19. 0, 6, and it has always been. community service center. >> he and each day they help the community with meals. and we're gearing up to help west
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oakland residents with a summer lunch program for children. the building is restricted free use temporarily. pastor lacey says that they want to rebuild and continue to serve the community. pastor lacey says that they helped service outside in the parking lot last weekend. >> they have set up a gofundme account, but it will take a lot to recover. >> our engineers actually looking at the project and there they're in the hundreds of thousands. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. >> theresa kron, 4 news. david de pap the man convicted of assaulting nancy pelosi's husband. >> we'll spend 30 years in federal prison for the brutal attack in october 2022, a federal judge in san francisco sentence to pop on friday after he was sentenced. we heard from one of his 2 sons. >> you really tried his best to be a kind person. and the thing is because i know him personally. know that there is no real heart and percent.
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>> the fbi also issued a statement saying they believe justice has been served. the now faces a state trial. jury selection is set to start next week. kron four's lezla gooden spoke with a legal expert about how friday sentencing at the federal level could have set the state proceedings. >> for david de pap the man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi is home and assaulting her husband with a hammer 2 years ago. a federal judge on friday sentenced him 30 years in prison for salt in 20 years of attempted kidnapping, a federal official, the sentences will run concurrently. the government wanted to say here is that we have to protect. >> our governmental officials and we have to protect our american system democracy. and this was much bigger than just the pelosi family. this was sent to the community. and i think that was loud and clear. legal analyst steven clark
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says >> the sentencing could determine the outcome of dip happes upcoming state trial. some charges he's facing their includes attemated murder, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. but the key will be did he have specific intent to commit murder paul pelosi? and i think that would be the big fight. >> in the state case, if he's convicted of attempted murder, he will face a life sentence. but if he's only convicted of assault, it will be a much want less sentence. 44 year-old the pap admitted that he had planned to hold the speaker pelosi hostage and break her kneecaps if she liked him. >> both the prosecution and defense stated that conspiracy theories played a role in the attack. >> lou, janell statements and conspiracy theories. he was espousing. >> both before and after. >> the incident with mister pelosi, i think is going to go a long way in. >> the state court to show that he did not have the specific intent to commit murder, that this should be an assault with a deadly weapon. clark says there is another
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factor into paths federal case that the defense did not focus on. >> but it could be a key point in the states. the mental health issue is going to be much more important in the state case and it was in the federal case. and i think that. >> well, before front in the defense presentation, he did not have the specific intent to kill. and, you know, they will acknowledge he hit mister pelosi with a hammer but not 2 killed. >> and the pap state trial is expected to start its jury selection next wednesday. we'll have those updates here and online newsroom. let's go in. kron. 4 news. police in palo alto are looking for 2 men accused of robbing a carrier. it happened thursday just before noon in the paing lot of the south with apartments on middlefield service worker was delivering mail when 2 men approached him and demanded ke. wallet and phone police saya fistfight ensued and the suspects knocked the carrier to the ground. the attackers then drove off in an older model. nissan altima. coming
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up here on the kron, 4 morning news after being put on administrative leave, sonoma states president makes another decisive decision. >> plus, food pantries help many families across the country, but some bay area nonprofits say their food supplies are starting to dwindle. and after the break, the tsa prepares for a busy holiday season, but they are saying could be record numbers for travelers. >> and for your saturday, we do have that pesky fog at the coast and the bay that's going to mix out. we'll see those temperatures even along the bay approaching around 70 in well to the business, the mid to upper 70's inland. looking to upper 70's inland. looking at a
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>> welcome back. 7.13, this gorgeous saturday morning. taking a live look outside now at sfo. looking pretty nice out there. the tsa says it's ready for the busiest summer travel season ever between may 23rd to 29th. the tsa expects to screen more than 18 million passengers at airport checkpoints nationwide. and next friday is forecast to be the busiest day of the long memorial day weekend with 3 million people expected to fly. >> there will be some days the summer that we will likely see 3 million travelers in our screening checkpoints across the country records. about 2.9 million. but we expect 3 were 3.1 million travelers on most likely during the busiest during the court's summer in in july and early part of august. >> so far this year, but tsa says passenger travel is up 8%. all right. well, taking a live look outside now at walnut creek this morning. traffic moving along pretty smoothly at 7.14. dave, let's
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check in with you for a look at the weather where things looking like a good morning, 70. good morning, everybody. you can see well inland. that's an has already started to its activities. meanwhile, at the bay are still fighting some of this fog. yeah, this is the east bay shoreline shot and some work to be done. >> right above us. the major problem being the heir is very warm. it's up to lake near 70 degrees or so. you get a few 1000 degrees up there. a few 1000 feet up there. >> and it is dry. but we have to get this cold, dense air to rise to start mixing out. that's the mixing process again. all right. 50's on the board. 61, antioch at this hour. we have the 50's up north. we're going both a 54 san francisco in half moon bay, some nice and cool for all the runners and so forth. 57 san jose and 61 again, antioch, checking things out on futurecast for notice how slow it is to clear here, particularly at the coast. you my 2 o'clock this afternoon and the nice little flare up of some showers are referenced this earlier. little wave in socal coming in from the coast. actually, it's all south of topple. however, just
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some afternoon showers with the daytime heating. it dissipates when the sun goes down. here's the fog progress overnight. not particularly very aggressive. looks like on sunday. so we should see a little bit more sun earlier and better clearing tomorrow earlier than we're going to see for today. so that means even at the coast, but get better and more rays of sun by tomorrow. then we're going to see even this afternoon winds, a good stiff wind will be working here to onshore. that's going to add to a little bit. the cooling really. so it won't feel as warm as it actually is pretty towards the coast yet again. and you can see it's taken that quarter right across the golden gate up to the carquinez strait. numbers are popping. there's you noticed in the double digits. no wind advisory has been posted for solano county, but get too close. that range sfo return. we come back to that again. there's delays being reported out of sfo, but pesky coastal fog to deal with. and you see a little bit of a fog bank here, mostly sunny, mild 60's. and 70's is what you can expect both for the bay and well in what now tomorrow, quicker fog clearing a second
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to be aggressive as we just walk through us. much warmer happening inland to that's going to bump those numbers up to around 80 or so and away. we go early into next week. now, tuesday should be the warmest days will pop up there about 85. but backing off again to the mid 70's come next weekend. but we're staying dry in this program today, noting some of that morning fog. 64 will called variable cloud san francisco on balance today. mild 68 4, oakland sunny afternoon and 77 sunny and mild san jose. but it will pop some upper 70's going on. well inland. looks like a 74 up there to santa rosa. 64 san francisco in, as we said, it should be more of a mostly sunny story by sunday at 78 79 on monday. and we're just a little warmer still for tuesday. so warm up nicely on tuesday. and temperatures will backtrack. yeah, that distant now. well, you know, it's been lovely, enjoying the sunshine that we've had this past week. yes, get that, too. but will take a while to get there, ok? all right. thanks so much. day. >> well, a fence is now up at a building in berkeley after a
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dozen people were arrested for occupying a vacant facility. the building was taken over by pro-palestine demonstrators earlier this week. police say last night 12 people blocked an entrance of plywood and shields and violently resisted arrest using crowbars to hit officers. police are reviewing video to see if they can id those who attacked the officers. sonoma state university president mike lee has decided to retire just days after he was placed on leave. this comes after an agreement he made with ceasefire. demonstrators looking to diversed looking to look into divesting from israel rather, the chancellor of the csu system says president lee's agreement was made without the appropriate approvals. graduation at the campuses today. nurses at san francisco's public hospitals and clinics say they want to strike. yesterday. the group voted to authorize the move after they say the city failed to address staffing shortages. the nurses gathered friday to
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count votes. this does not mean the nurses walk off the job immediately, but it does allow the nurses bargaining team to call a strike once their current contract expires at the end of june. >> san francisco shopper 7 new place to get groceries. trader joe's opens up a new location and hayes valley. this is the 7th location in the city. residents say they're excited to have the new option close by. >> we're so excited because this is part sort of revitalize neighborhoods. so so excited. it's yeah, it's tough to get to grocery store a lot of the time. and it's so nice. i looked like a block away. so i'm excited that i can actually it on plan is launching a groceries going to be it's a great community. so i think it'll be a a place. >> the story opens every day from 09:00am to 09:00pm. deaths from drug overdoses in the u.s. dropped for the first time in 5 years. preliminary data from the cdc, cdc rather
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shows there were 107,000 overdose deaths in 2023. that's a 3% decrease from 2022. prescription painkillers were once the driving force of overdose deaths in the u.s. that has switched over the years to heroin and now fentanyl. the nonprofit group, faith, food, fridays and allay is struggling to meet demand and support local families as kron four's philippe djegal reports food donations there are way down. >> every little bit helps neighbors dropping off food donations. corporations offering cash, volunteers giving their and a dedicated committed to fighting hunger in vallejo. it's really the community driving this and and supporting it. that makes it happened. mary and dogs and her husband, benjamin co-founded faith, food friday's in 2011, the non-profit accepts donation drop-offs and offers volunteer opportunities. 7 days a week
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at its pantry on salon away. it hosts food, distributions 3 times a week giving out at least 10,000 pounds of food. on those days. we would never are tired history. you run out of food after distribution and we've done that consistently for the last 4 months eggs says it has been a struggle lately. keeping the refrigerators school and even the lights turned because donations all around are down. despite the demand for services jumping at least 50% since the start of the pandemic monetarily and food supplies. plus, we a lot of volunteers behind me, but we need more faith food, friday's partners with the food bank of contra costa in-salon serving as a distributor. the organization also provides groceries to homeless vallejo city unified school district students to keep them fed when schools closed school district academic support providers here logan pix, the food every week and the 2 of them look
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forward to it. and it's not just because they receive a bad, but i believe because it does them. >> and help them over the weekend volunteers say their work is fulfilling safina. laces donates her time every friday. i think that we're doing a good job, but we have a very nice >> women, especially women. and of course, we do come into india. >> we quote, in a well, we get food you know, from individuals lemmons off their anything you know, if you're clearing out your pantry as long it's not will take will put to good use. and in all likelihood you will be helping out a neighbor. >> in vallejo, philippe djegal kron, 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, the white house moves to reclassify a schedule. one drug. what this could mean for the cannabis could mean for the cannabis industry. etwork is no network for business.
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recognizes marijuana for medicinal and research purposes and acknowledges its lower potential for abuse. the change, though, does not legalize marijuana for recreational use. the administration is taking a major step toward reclassifying marijuana from a schedule. to schedule drug under federal law that would put marijuana in the same category as things like ketamine and some anabolic steroids. but some opponents argue marijuana is still not a safe substance. what they're doing is saying marijuana has lower potential for abuse at a time when the science is telling us the potency of this drug is unlike it has ever been before. the change is long been discussed. but the white house made the announcement as it also works to shore up support in key voting blocs. the reality is while white black and brown people use marijuana at similar rates, black and brown people have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted at disproportionately high rates. the white house argues the
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policy shift will have a positive impact on minority communities. the president's actions today further his commitment to reverse longstanding injustices and to right historic wrongs. the drug enforcement agency will now have a public comment period for this with formal approval expected to happen at some point later this year. >> reporting in washington, i'm trevor shirley. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. some highways around the bay area are closed for repair this weekend. we'll for repair this weekend. we'll tell you where and when they
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♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ...the monthly one-and-done you want.
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>> the first mayoral debates have been put on hold and why
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the city says that they are rather why an organization behind this event has said they've chosen to cancel this event. is just goes annual bay to breakers run kicks off on sunday. we've got more details on the fun straight ahead. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thank you so much for joining us today. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with dave sphar. hey, there day. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're starting off of that traditional fall yet again. now today is going to be bit extra heavy lifting bit because it is warm up stairs is hard to get cold, damp air to move. >> even though the area's dry that will help out later on today. but the early morning, it's a slow going. we're going to see inland clearing a lot sooner as we've already seen this. the shot in the east bay shorelines around the bay. you can see. >> again, a full stubborn. it should clear out, though, the ground fog part at least pretty nicely. however, we look overcast skies along the coast until we get to the afternoon get some breaks in that to now. it does come back again to morning. but nothing like this morning. so we should see a better
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better event for the bay to breakers. there. be a bit on the cool side, though. we don't see any major systems coming our way over the weekend. it looks like a there is a a system that will drop south midweek. that will kind of break the back of this warming phase will have by tuesday. 61 current reading for any act. most of them in the 50's, however, will see some better decoupling. once we get some daytime heating, though, this morning and for those inland spots, 67 by 11, mid-afternoon were already in the mid to upper 70's expected better than that for your sunday to now. more on that longer range forecast. check the 4 zone to stephanie. >> thanks so much, david. thousands of people hit the streets of san francisco on sunday morning for the annual bay to breakers run kron four's rob nesbitt reports on what makes this race so special. >> from the starting line, the creativity is evident with the runners, a bay to breakers. it's become a tradition for tony. am raul to and this has been a or they're also in charge of coming up with different group costumes for their friends every year. 80's
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aerobics instructor. >> for the year that we got married, we did a big group of bridesmaids together and we had to case. we throw strangers. and this year argue cost you ms cheerleaders. they'll join around 21,000 other runners who have signed up for the annual 12 k. >> race director kyle meyer says the fun of the race is always the biggest draw. one of those days of the year in san francisco that everybody kind of supports the runners supports the neighborhoods are coming out. course, just to have a good time and celebrate. francisco meyer says this year there will also be a 2 person relay option with one person starting the race while they're running partner finishes the 2nd half. in addition to the race that started as a symbol of san francisco's rebuilding after the 19, 0, 6, earthquake hansford. the city turned rally around and get people excited about something. 10 francisco really back. so that i was in 1912 at its peak bay to breakers was the largest road race in the world over
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100,000 people. organizers have had to make some changes over the years to ensure public safety, no more floats and alcohol checkpoints have been added along the route. what's always remained is the fun that even spectators join in on first year the san francisco bay to breakers. and it's just such a great entry into the city >> you get to see how vibrant and while the city can it's just such a great time. there will also be several road closures along the route from 03:00am to 04:00pm on sunday. you can find the full list of details about those road closures on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> and happening right now to highways in the bay area are partially closed as crews work on repairs. highway 37 is closed between sonoma and solano counties. crews have detours beginning at the highway. 37 highway one. 21 interchange near sears point. the closure runs through 5 in the morning on monday lanes on 6 ad also closed tonight. caltrans says that affects southbound 6.80, between al
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costa boulevard in san ramon and the i 5, 86, 80 connector in pleasanton roads reopen at 4 in the morning on monday. the partial closure is one of 2 with another set for the weekend of may 31st. if you plan to head to big service weekend highway one is back open to traffic. part of the highway collapsed in late march after a bad winter storm. just a half a mile north of the bixby bridge, a permanent repair project is expected to start by spring of 2025. and now to the story that's playing in this video here. oakland's community leader carl chan is now among the many people in the bay area to get their car broken into. >> he says his car got hit last night at agave uptown restaurant in oakland. that's a business that's also been dealing with burglaries. chan says the thieves took off with his golf gear. chan is one of the leading organizers of an effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. and a new nonpartisan state report finds governor gavin newsom's budget
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deficit is far larger than he says it is. but it also finds he's put the state on track to solve it. capitol correspondent eytan wallace brings us more. >> 27.6 billion dollars. that's what governor gavin newsom believes is the size of the state's projected budget deficit. but this new report from the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or independently reviewed newsom's budget and concluded the governor is facing a 55 billion dollar deficit twice the size of his projection. why for the analysis in newsom's budget presentation. last friday. he did not include a 27 billion dollar reduction. he's already budgeted in implemented for schools and community colleges. the says when you factor that in, it actually shows newsom faces a 55 billion dollar deficit. but legislative analyst gabe paddack who authored the report stresses even with the updated deficit projection. his analysis concludes newsom's proposed spending cuts, deferrals and delays are putting the state in his
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words, a better fiscal footing going forward. he adds his analysis as the governor's budget takes difficult but important steps to slashing the deficit, including more than 18 billion dollars in cuts to various programs and a plan to dipping into the reserves. but not all of them. is this a crisis? >> well, we still view it as a serious budget problem. we do not think of it as a crisis because right now and under this proposal, even you know, the state will retain the the majority of its budget reserves. that's really very prudent. in addition the governor's proposal begins addressing the future, your deficits that we and their office had identified previously. and so this helping this helping the state get on the proper fiscal trajectory. >> hd palmer with the california department of finance responded to the report on behalf of the newsom. administration would know that. >> regardless of political affiliation, the legislature's own independent analysts in
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their initial review, the governor's proposal believes accomplishes a lot of important fiscal goals. we have a balanced proposal that we believe a is a is a difficult but necessary way to do that. that still protects a lot of the core programs and services to people in the state reliable republicans question newsom's numbers arguing he has not been transparent with the budget process. the governor. >> chosen to present his budget in a way that is not particularly a straightforward. it's confusing. and it seems like almost purposeful act to station. >> and in the coming weeks, the is expected to release an analysis about what impact the governor's proposals could have on the state's fiscal condition in future years. reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> community political organizers with the nonprofit together sf action announced on friday. the group is canceling its san francisco mayoral debate. this after 3
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of the candidates dropped out of the event, it was supposed to happen on monday. organizers said 4,000 people were set to attend this mayor london breed and supervisor aaron peskin chose not to participate over concerns. they said of together sf ties to candidate mark farrell, nonprofit's ceo and candidate daniel lurie. also pulled out of this event. and one mayoral debate set for tuesday is set is still set to go. rather the harvey milk club plans to host the top canditates on the ballot. the debate is set to happen at the first unitarian universalist church and center in the cathedral hill area. the kron 4 is your local election headquarters. hundreds of republicans across the state are set to converge in burlingame this weekend for the state gop convention. let's take a look at video from last year's convention this year. more than 800 people are set to attend this, including republican national committee co-chair lara trump.
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the party's chairwoman says this weekend is all about garnering support and spreading the party's message ahead of the november election, including an effort to keep republicans in control of the house. >> california republicans responsible for bringing to house majority the road to holding on to that house majority and rally that house majority come straight from california. you know, we picked up 5 house seats in the same time that democrats have lost 6 house seats right here california. they're going to come at us with everything that they've got. the problem is they don't have solutions. republicans are showing up. >> the convention will also address internal matters, including a vote on bart party bylaws. a shortage of animal veterinarians is forcing shelters to put down dogs and cats. a survey by the san francisco spca shows a 33% increase in the euthanasia rates of healthy animals at local shelters. the vet emergency group in san ramon is looking at how animal
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hospitals and shelters can work together to increase the number of vets. >> giving them that that don't just, you know, why on being on the floor giving them quality of life. amenable schedules, things like that can all help. >> the veterinary emergency group also started a program called little vets which teaches kids about what it's like to become. is that entry animals? friday marked the 70th anniversary of the landmark brown versus board of education decision. it outlaws segregation of public schools across our country. our washington correspondent jessi turnure reports and how far officials say schools have come since that historic case. >> i was just a 6 year-old girl. going to school. gail etienne can still feel the hate she endured on her first day at an all-white school in louisiana that look like if they could get to me, they
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would kill me. and i didn't know why at cnn. leona tate are members of the new orleans for 70 years ago. the brown versus board of education decision paved the way for black students to integrate schools. we must accept they have today. before they even decided to place us in the clash. but a justice department ceremony tuesday celebrating the decision's 70th anniversary. officials say segregation still exists. there's still so much work that we need to do to protect our kids. kristen clarke, the assistant attorney general of the civil rights division, says examples of segregation include an equal access to higher lhvel courses and disciplinary actions against students. we need a level playing field that gets every kid a fair chance. the government accountability office reports more than 18 million students still attend a segregated school today to fight back. clark says the justice department sues schools to reach settlements. we can take progress for granted. education secretary miguel cardona says his department is
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also fighting back against curriculum changes and book bans in some states. we all know that black history is american history. these officials argue equal access to education ultimately means equal access to other opportunities. >> like jobs and housing. in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news allergy season is upon us. why experts say this could be a tough season for could be a tough season for some.
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♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection. crashing down on at least 2
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homes in the north bay. >> it happened friday in novato. crews say no one was hurt. one man says he was working at home when he heard that tree come down. >> my office actually overlooks the tree and probably around 11, 30 sounded like large cans being dragged across tree in a rebel of sorts which i thought maybe was an earthquake. but nothing's moving. and then seconds later, just enormous pop. and then i saw the right down the middle of the street. >> neighbors tell us that tree was more than 300 years old. health officials warn this year's tick population could be larger than last year. thanks to the recent weather and experts want you to take steps to protect yourself. >> spend time outside during peak season. one of the things that some of measures that they need to take into consideration, which wear long. and it's a long and.
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>> experts say it's a good idea to check for ticks when you return indoors. the bugs can be commonly found around the waist of belly button behind the needs in between fingers and toes under arms and around your neck and hairline. well, if you find yourself sneezing, a lot know this. this year's allergy season may be worse than years past. >> scientists say people are finding themselves allergic to airborne irritants for the first time. they say a warmer climate and recent heavy rainfall are to blame. we spoke with a doctor at stanford medicine on ways that people can find some relief. >> keeping windows closed. i tell folks when they come home after hold outside, shower quickly get it off of change clothes. some by local honey is something that will be good for microbiome. its nutrition sits he can't hurt you. and it might just help you down the many months from now. >> the doctor adds up preventing allergies is key.
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you can do that but reducing your exposure to trees and pollen. all right. well, taking a live look outside now from our mount tam camera this morning. when a pull that up for you in just a moment there. in the meantime, yeah, just view of vote. but the super bloom we're seeing out there and it's not just right look from our mount tam camera and it's looking pretty overcast out there. do what i think this stuck in the fog say that that's the deal. you know what my the cameras look like that too. >> how about this setting you up to diamond peak about that. they're already switching over to the spring season. they got the memo. >> so now we're finding going in the right direction. and you like the forecast, too, by the way. so looking good there on the patio that come in the next couple of days. sunshine, 60's and upper 50's starting to get that short sleeve shirt, whether they're hard to believe a couple of weeks ago. we're talking about new across the lower 48, it's also feeling very much like spring.
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we're talking about the west coast in just a bit. one a little bit more of the southeast will problem area. you can see your strong storms. different is washing out here. this is a little late in the season to see this kind of activity. this part of the south, this use the shifts further north. these yellow boxes are severe. thunderstorm warnings are about to expire and then flash flooding. but lot of heavy stuff happening. they're in the last couple days will continue now. meanwhile, upstream for us. well, stay and ride will be some shifts in temperatures which will show you the extended forecast getting into next weekend. however, it looks like another cool. those more aggressive marine layer kind of drill, all that stuff as you can see, bringing in that onshore winds. and again, we're going to chip away at those temperatures. but today looking pretty good, except that morning. fog had to take care of that in the afternoon. we'll get some clearing in san francisco at 64 at the coast. very slow going 60 ish. basically. we're going to go with 67 for burlingame to the southwest, right about 74 palo alto in redwood city in the south bay. 77, san jose
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milpitas. also 77 middle to lower 70's lighting up the east bay shoreline to tri valley. let's call today upper 70's. but some folks may scr tch near 80's. 75 for danville. 76 conquered 63 for berkeley. so even given the set up, we have a little separation in some cases, almost 10 degrees separation there. little chilly vallejo onshore winds at work here. 74 fairfield you will be blowing right across the quirkiness straight. 71 for napa and 74 for santa rosa. now we did promise a bit of a warm-up that we're looking for early part of the week. we get to about tuesday. there we go to about 84. so then backtracking. a little bit of things break down, keeping it dry, though, into next weekend, stephanie. but temperatures will be reduced again looking for the lower 70's heading into next weekend, which we'll shock afternoon around 80 or mid 80's, ok? all right. so i'll appreciate the sunshine while we've got it. yeah, we'll get this afternoon to be patient, ok? will have a a light jacket handy. that's right. that's what you think. selected.
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>> now to the latest on w nba expansion team coming to the bay area. the golden state valkyries won't play until next year, but the team is already building a fan base here in the bay area. the team says they've already sold 10,000 season tickets so far. >> says a lot that we had 7500 deposits before we announced our name. it says even more that fans double down at that point and said we're definitely and understand what you're building and we want to be a part of it. the biggest piece for us is we know the various a special place and we feel really privileged to bring a wnba team in the first expansion team since 2008. >> to the bay area. we lead the world here and being innovative and progressive and be able to bring community together through women's sports in this manner. it's going to be an incredible statement, but it's also going to be a lot of fun. >> the team is throwing a block party at san francisco's chase center today from 02:00pm to 06:00pm. it will include appearances from the 40 kay lonny and pillow. the tickets are sold out online. so now it's first come first serve for the rest of those
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seats. so show up early. >> like the right to your knowledge. being grateful for the sometimes every the best day. we have remind yourself why you're here. >> bay fc player kiki pickett giving some wellness advice to girls. they have sutter health are teaming up to host a series of clinics this summer. the series is called be you players in health care professional speak with girls about mental health body positivity and more afc says the goal is to address barriers that keep girls and young women from playing sports. the giants were looking to get a win in their first game of the series against the rockies. despite losing one of their stars for the season. kron four's. erin wilson has the details. >> just when the giants top, they might be turning a corner in, you know, making a nice little run in the nl west. they were >> having to deal with some pretty tough news on friday.
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that's when they found out that junk actually, we'll be out for the rest of the season. he undergo season ending surgery for a torn labrum in his shoulder that he sustained on that play. >> he was initially diagnosed with a dislocation of the shoulder. they received a second to pay in income from the show that would require surgery. now we will have the operation in the next couple of weeks of the doctors say that he should make a full recovery. that's exciting. and the giants with him in mind, i'm sure made a full recovery on their own on friday, hosting the rockies. you knows the rockies that jumped out early on the giants leading 42 in the 5th tyro strategy came up with 2 runners on deposit his 7th homer of the season for him. this one over the left field wall and this win with one swing of the bat takes them up on the lead 5 to 4 to end. the inning continue to motto. she hits aedribbler down the 3rd base line. the perfect swing. but chapman comes into score and the giant daily. 64 the rockies. they
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begin within one run. but the giants they added on just for good measure to more in the 7th marco luciano flared a liner to short right one here. to bring in one of those and the giants barely below. it was 85 mottos. the man fairly in center field, ripped another shot down the left-field line rattling along the while. incomes. 2 more runs. matos was 2 for 4 with 5 rbi the giants. they win in comeback fashion in this one, 10 to 5 with the final. >> game 2 today at oracle. it's all a half. that's awesome. to at the des. >> aaron, thank number one ranked golfer in the world, scottie scheffler was arrested yesterday after a chaotic incident when he was attempting to drive onto the valhalla golf course prior to show for to the course a fatal accident involving a tournament worker was being investigated by louisville police. the world's number one player tried to enter the property after a confusing exchange with an officer.
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according to police, floor refused to comply. and when he moved the vehicle forward, the officer latched onto his car, dragging him a few yards scheffler than stop. the car was pulled out by police and was handcuffed and arrested. there are various versions of this incident. but we do know for sure that scheffler was booked and charged with 3 misdemeanors and second-degree assault of a police officer, which is a felony. he was released with no bail and that's about how a golf course and they does t time for the second round. his arraignment is scheduled for tuesday after his round scheffler spoke about his early morning ordeal. >> happened this i did spend some time stretching in a jail cell. that was a first for me. you know, i was part of a warm-up was just sitting there waiting and the officers inside the jail were couple of them made some jokes. i think when figured out, you know who i was and what happened you know how i ended up there, you know, this one. this one older officer looked at me as i was doing, like my fingerprints, whatever any, me so. you want
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the full experience today? and i kind of looked at on site i don't know how to answer that. you like emmanuel sandwich. will slide takes a which it breakfast yet. and so i mean, they're really kind. i i'm i'm grateful to have a i'm grateful that we have, you know, such strong police. and you know, there there are protectors out there. and, you know, like i said, we just got into a chaotic situation, is warning israel was. >> scheffler will have his arraignment on those charges this tuesday. and we'll be right back.
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>> still ahead on the next hour of kron, 4 morning news,
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u.s. authorities warn of potential threats to this year's pride month. celebrations. what people are asked to take extra precautions. plus, a historic oakland church is asking the community for help after a fire breaks out in the neighborhood. and the man convicted of attacking nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer was sentenced in federal court. details on where he's headed next. when the kron, 4 headed next. when the kron, 4 mo network is no network for business.
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the kron. 4 morning news. authorities are warning communities of potential threats to the upcoming pride month. and in oakland church
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is attempting to rebuild after a fire that they're asking for from the community. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. may the 18th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave spahr. good morning, today's good morning, stephanie. welcome back. good morning, everybody. we're dealing with a pretty decent weekend here, but we have that traditional fog to get things started in some of the fog clouds are lingering. even at this hour took a look at san jose state. they're still looking at kind of overcast for now. but that will break up for you in the late morning hours. here's the east bay shoreline instill the ground fog. hang around here, covering up the bay and plane below. here's a look at futurecast for we go through the fog, the ground fog, as we just showed in the east bay shoreline, still hanging around a little bit. so this is not advance to this level yet, but the projections are
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that will mix out to overcast to them. break that up for the afternoon. that's from the standpoint of the bay. now the coast is a little bit more rough going. that will be harder to do. major problem is a little warmer above us and warm air is a bit less dense, although moist air tends to be also less dense. it's cold at the surface and that's the problem. getting it movi-g. so we need the sun to come up. kind of help us out a little bit here. this is what happens tomorrow morning. only it's 01:00am at this shot, but still by tomorrow morning, we won't have as much in the way of this aggressive fog which to deal with upstream. we don't see any troubles happening are ways except some systems to kind of correct a little bit of warm up. we're going to have by tuesday and wednesday, winds on shore. pretty much single digits. we have some popping in about 24. so for fairfield, solano county will get good stiff wind this afternoon. 50's for the most part, although antioch racing ahead at 61 upper 50's that that too, for comparison, we're pretty close to the numbers of yesterday. so again, noting some of that they fog late in the morning a
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bit. we'll going to mostly sunny for picking those inland areas and high temperatures. upper 70's. we'll take a closer look at your forecast coming up in a bit. stephanie. they thank you. our top story this morning, a worldwide travel warning for the lgbtq+ community. >> the u.s. state department says people traveling abroad should exercise caution because of potential terrorism. well, it was dan thorn spoke with local organizations about this. >> the u.s. state department issuing a global security alert friday warning of potential violence against the lgbtq+ community. the federal government cautioning u.s. citizens traveling overseas for next month's pride events to be vigilant. we're always deeply concerned our community is continually have to face hate. >> it is cool. you know from to us. >> just sometimes unknown source sources, oakland pride board, president george smith. the 3rd says his organization is taking the alerts seriously. >> earlier this month, the fbi
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and the department of homeland security warned terrorist groups could target pride. celebrations here in the united states ongoing. >> for communities, stay safe it's sad and unfortunate that, you know, that this hate is this. >> other local lgbtq+ groups say they're glad to receive the alerts because it shows the government is paying attention to vulnerable communities. we really do need to be on the alert. >> and to watch out you've done to lgbt, you gabriel and television is board president of the billy to frank lgbtq+ community center in san jose. they say they're not surprised about the potential for hate at pride events. >> as it appears their community is facing increasing threats. we have to.
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>> watch over out back our world very small because where we you know, not many places for lgbtq+, people looking to travel abroad for pride month. >> both smith and tall of its say it's important to research find lgbtq+ safe spaces and consider not traveling alone. i know sometimes traveling alone and the sighting that maybe this is not the time to on. you've always got somebody keeping an eye on. >> that was dan thorn reporting for us this morning. not a call for help in oakland after histori al church was damaged in a fire kron four's terisa stasio has the details. >> to the >> experience. >> you deal with that a lot and consoling people that went through it. when that happens to you really? in the moment to you don't have emotions can.
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>> processing. >> pastor robert lacey junior says in a flash, everything is changed. >> his church, a historic landmark with a focus on helping people now desperately needs assistance. pastor lacey says last friday a massive fire broke out at saint andrews missionary baptist church in opening. he was inside with others praying before choir rehearsal. >> it started to get hot. in the building and we're live all open. the windows is kind of warm in here. >> and we're in the choir. stand the years. that's where the fire started. and the house next door to church. open up one of the windows and the sanctuary. and i heard the fire crackling and popping >> pastor lacey says that he and a parishioner grabbed fire extinguishers, but the flames were fears. i spoke with pastor lacey as he returned from getting food for workers clearing the burned debris.
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>> westerly shares of the church is an historic landmark. fact, the history of the church. >> 1916, it was built. by the african american episcopal church. to provide support for earthquake victims of san francisco in 19. 0, 6, and it has always been. community service center. >> he and each day they help the community with meals. and we're gearing up to help west oakland residents with a summer lunch program for children. the building is restricted free use temporarily faster. lacey says that they want to rebuild and continue to serve the community. pastor lacey says that they helped service outside in the parking lot last weekend. >> they have set up a gofundme account, but it will take a lot to recover. >> our engineers actually looking at the project there they're in the hundreds of thousands. the cause of the fire is still under
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investigation. >> theresa kron, 4 news. david de pap a man convicted of assaulting nancy pelosi's husband will spend 30 years in federal prison for the brutal attack that happened in october 2022. >> a federal judge in san francisco sentence to papon friday. after that sentencing, we heard from one of his children. >> you really tried his best to be a kind person. and the thing is because i know him personally. know that there is no real heart and percent. >> the fbi also issued a statement saying they believe justice has been served. the pap now faces a state trial. jury selection is set to start next week. kron four's lezla gooden spoke with a legal expert about how friday sentencing at the federal level could affect the state proceedings. >> a federal trial is finally over for david de pap the man convicted of breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi is home and assaulting her husband with a hammer 2 years ago. a federal judge on
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friday sentenced him 30 years in prison for salt in 20 years of attempted kidnapping, a federal official, the sentences will run concurrently. the government wanted to say here is that we have to protect. >> our governmental officials and we have to protect our american system democracy. and this was much bigger than just the pelosi family. this was sent to the community. and i think that was loud and clear. legal analyst steven clark says >> the sentencing could determine the outcome of dip happes upcoming state trial. some charges he's facing their includes attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. but the key will be did he have specific intent to commit murder paul pelosi? and i think that will be the big fight. >> in the state case, if he's convicted of attempted murder, he will face a life sentence. but if he's only convicted of assault, it will be a much want less sentence. 44
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year-old the pap admitted that he had planned to hold the speaker pelosi hostage and break her kneecaps if she liked him. >> both the prosecution and defense stated that conspiracy theories played a role in the attack. >> lucia null statements and conspiracy theories. he was espousing. >> both before and after. >> the incident with mister pelosi, i think it's going to go a long way in. >> the state court to show that he did not have the specific intent to commit murder, that this should be an assault with a deadly weapon. clark says there is another factor in the paths federal case that the defense did not focus on. >> but it could be a key point in the states. the mental health issue is going to be much more important in the state case. it was in the federal case. and i think that. >> well, before front in the defense presentation, he did not have the specific intent to kill. and, you know, they will acknowledge he hit mister pelosi with a hammer but not 2 killed. >> and the pap state trial is expected to start its jury
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selection next wednesday. we'll have those updates here and online newsroom. let's go in. kron. 4 news. police in palo alto are looking for 2 men accused of robbing a mail carrier. it happened thursday just before noon in the parking lot of the south would apartments on middlefield road. police say the postal service worker was delivering mail when 2 men approached him and demanded his pos wallet and phone police say a fistfight ensued and the suspects knocked the ca to the ground. the attackers drove off in an older model. nissan altamonte. coming up on the kron 4 morning news after being put on administrative leave, sonoma state president makes another decisive decision. >> plus, food pantries help families across the country, but some bay area nonprofit safe their food supplies are starting to dwindle. how you can help. and after the break, tsa prepares for busy season ahead. what they are saying could be record travel numbers. >> and fog a slow going around the bay, although we should be mostly sunny already within another hour or so inland.
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70's, middle to upper 70's expected this afternoon. nice start your work week to look at your forecast to come back to kron. 4 morning news continues. good morning.
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welcome back to kron. 4 morning news. we're still taking a look at fog in the east bay shoreline. it's covered up. this is ground fog going on here, too. so it's not just the overcast skies. >> things are starting pun up a little bit in the south bay. and we've already seen some of that happen in the inland spots to upper 50's for good chunk of the east bay, antioch, at 61. meanwhile, 50's up north. 55 san francisco, futurecast for
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here. we take care this morning fog except along the coast. that's going to be slow going. get a lift it then you've got to get rid of so you get up. you have overcast skies and you've got to get rid of it. well, in san francisco, they'll probably happened this afternoon and at the coastal probably see some breaks happen in the afternoon right before it comes back again. other issue, too of note have some showers firing up in the mountains south of tahoe. now. and this is due to aowave coming in from the coast. this is not from the east from like last weekend. this is coming from the westerly direction. it's going to run out of moisture so it won't fire up tomorrow. here's the fog tomorrow morning. and boy, that's week. so we'll see a lot more sun for everybody. it looks like a little bump on those temperatures to wouldn't hurt and we'll see a warming trend into early next week. tuesday is the big day to look for the peak of the week and then we'll be dropping down keeping a pretty much mostly sunny, but will be breathe entering the 70's well inland. another factor to play into this and it is somewhat typical. the onshore winds at work. good coverage area. nice pop happening here in solano county where the double digits
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tomorrow afternoon and w. now i- overnight into monday, you can see the pop that happens there and and a little bit of an off shore pop that starts to happen there. we've got to watch these as we start to get to the drier season with offshore or land breeze is starting to work here. there's the fog bank starting to peel away from sfo, pesky coastal fog at work here, mostly sunny, mild with 60's and 70's. again, it's going to slow going at the coast, maybe just barely making it the lower 60's. now, tomorrow we have the fog clearing going on here. we've got us much warmer temperatures inland here, but the really jump is going to happen by tuesday. we'll get yeah warming through tuesday. mid 80's and we got the mid 70's going on by the weekend. so that just shows you the big drop that starts to happen. there. all right. here's a look at the forecast today. we got 64 san francisco called variable clouds covering the morning overcast with a better afternoon clearing 68 oakland, 77, san jose. feast your eyes
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on highs today. we could get more more oranges there in the east bay but will hold on to upper 70's for now middle to lower 70's. meanwhile, up north in us much warmer tomorrow, stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you so much. a fence is now up at a building in berkeley after a dozen people were arrested for occupying the vacant facility. the building was taken over by pro-palestine demonstrators earlier this week. police say last night 12 people blocked an entrance with plywood shields and violently of resisted arrest using crowbars to hit officers. police are reviewing video to see if they can id those who attacked the officers. sonoma state university president michael lee has decided to retire just days after he was placed on leave. this comes after an agreement he made with ceasefire demonstrators to look into divesting from israel. the chancellor of the csu system says president lee's agreement was made without the appropriate approvals. graduation at the campuses today. nurses at san
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francisco's public hospitals in clinic say they want to strike. yesterday. the group voted to authorize the move after they say the city failed to address staffing shortages. the nurses gathered friday to count votes. this does not mean the nurses walk off the job right away. but it does allow the nurses bargaining team to call a strike once their current contract expires at the end of june. francisco shoppers have a new place to get their groceries trader joe's opens up a new location and hayes valley. this is the 7th location in the city. residents say that they're excited to have a new option close by. >> we're so excited because this is part sort of revitalize neighborhoods. so excited. it's yeah, it's tough to get to grocery store a lot of the time. and it's so nice. i looked like a block away. i'm excited that i can actually it on plan is launching a groceries going to be it's a great community. so
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i think it'll be a a place. >> the story opens every day from 09:00am to 09:00pm. deaths from drug overdoses in the u.s. dropped for the first time in 5 years. preliminary data from the cdc shows there were 107,000 overdose deaths in 2023. that's a 3% decrease from 2022. prescription painkillers were once the driving force of overdose deaths in the u.s. that has since switched over over the years to heroin and now fentanyl. san jose is set to get 8.5 million dollars in federal funding to enhance boat safety in the city. officials say the money will be used on a speed camera program. they say the goal here is to reduce traffic deaths so far 17 people have died from traffic collisions this year. the nonprofit group faith food friday's in vallejo is struggling to meet demand and support local families has called was philippe djegal reports food donations are way down.
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>> every little bit helps neighbors dropping off food donations. corporations offering cash, volunteers giving their and a dedicated committed to fighting hunger in vallejo. it's really the community driving this and and supporting it. that makes it happened. mary and dogs and her husband, benjamin co-founded faith, food friday's in 2011, the non-profit accepts donation drop-offs and offers volunteer opportunities. 7 days a week at its pantry on salon away. it hosts food, distributions 3 times a week giving out at least 10,000 pounds of food. on those days. we would never are tired history. you run out of food after distribution and we've done that consistently for the last 4 months eggs says it has been a struggle lately. keeping the refrigerators school and even the lights turned because donations all around are down. despite the demand for services jumping at least 50%
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since the start of the pandemic, monetarily and food supplies. plus, we a lot of volunteers behind me, but we need more faith food, friday's partners with the food bank of contra costa in-salon serving as a distributor. the organization also provides groceries to homeless vallejo city unified school district students to keep them fed when schools closed school district academic support providers here logan pix, the food every week and the 2 of them look forward to it. and it's not just because they receive a bad, but i because it does them. >> and help them over the weekend volunteers say their work is fulfilling safina way donates her time every friday. i think that we're doing a good job, but we have a very nice >> women, especially women. and course, we do come into india. >> will well, we get food you know, from individuals lemmons
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off their anything you know, if you're clearing out your pantry as long it's not will take will put to good use. and in all likelihood you will be helping out a neighbor. >> in vallejo, philippe djegal kron, 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, the white house moves to reclassify a schedule. one drug. what this could mean for the cannabis could mean for the cannabis industry.
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dupixent can help people with asthma breathe better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent.
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administration is moving one step closer to formally classifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. >> as washington correspondent trevor shirley reports, it's a major shift in u.s. drug policy. >> the change would recognize marijuana as a drug with less potential for abuse than other substances. it's currently classified with if finalized. >> roundup marijuana will no longer hold the higher level classification. it currently hold over fentanyl. >> and meth. the proposed rule recognizes marijuana for medicinal and research purposes and acknowledges its lower potential for abuse. the change, though, does not legalize marijuana for recreational use. the administration is taking a major step toward reclassifying marijuana from a schedule. one to schedule drug under federal law that would put marijuana in the same category as things like ketamine and some anabolic
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steroids. but some opponents argue marijuana is still not a safe substance. what they're doing to say marijuana has lower potential for abuse at a time when the science is telling us the potency of this drug is unlike it has ever been before. the change is long been discussed. but the white house made the announcement as it also works to shore up support in key voting blocs. the reality is while white black and brown people use marijuana at similar rates, black and brown people have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted at disproportionately high rates. the white house argues the policy shift will have a positive impact on minority communities. the president's actions today further his commitment to reverse longstanding injustices and to right historic wrongs. the drug enforcement agency will now have a public comment period for this with formal approval expected to happen at some point later this year. >> reporting in washington, i'm trevor shirley.
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>> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. some highways around the bay area are closed for repair this weekend. we tell you where and when they tell you where and when they take place.
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♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection.
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debates have been put on hold while the group putting it on say they've decided to cancel that event. and francisco's annual bay to breakers race kicks off on sunday. we have a look at why this race has meant so much to local community. good morning. welcome back to the proper morning news. i'm stephanie lin. thank you so much for
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being here with us today. let's get you started this half hour at 8.29. this saturday morning with a look at our forecast with dave spahr heyday. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. looking pretty grand for the weekend, although we do have to do with that morning fog, particularly around the bay, even at this hour, still hanging around. >> although it start to pull away from those inland spots, very nicely. looks like a warm up nicely to the upper 70's for those inland spots. there. right now, the shot that we have for you. here's the south bay here and opening up those overcast skies very nicely here, too. so when san jose state to turning to a mostly the ground fog situation on the forecast says that most of it should be handled by now. but we'll have to deal with again, the clouds and at the lift it to the next layer to kind of just evaporate those clouds away with the drier layer above that no, tomorrow looks like a little in the way of some fog developing, however, not as aggressively as this morning and that means mostly sunny earlier in the day that we're seeing today, most rating still hang in the 50's. it's all but mechanical
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work that has to do its thing. 61 going on for antioch. so already warming up inland. there. our temperatures are close to yesterday's readings, a degree or 2 in the direction here in the breakdown today puts us about 70 by 12 o'clock at 3. 76, we're going to be warming up the next couple of days. warmest. they were probably be on tuesday. that will backslide to next weekend. but keeping it all dry, we'll take a look at longer range forecast of the 4 zone, 2 and a bit. stephanie. >> like to thank you. thousands of people hit the streets in san francisco sunday morning for the annual bay to breakers run from for rob nesbitt reports on what makes this race so special. >> from the starting line, the creativity is evident with the runners, a bay to breakers. it's become a tradition for tony. am raul to and this has been a or they're also in charge of coming up with different group costumes for their friends every year. 80's aerobics instructor. >> for the year that we got married, we did a big group of bridesmaids together and we had to case. we throw strangers. and this year argue
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cost you ms cheerleaders. they'll join around 21,000 other runners who have signed up for the annual 12 k. >> race director kyle meyer says the fun of the race is always the biggest draw. one of those days of the year in san francisco that everybody kind of supports the runners supports the neighborhoods are coming out. course, just to have a good time and celebrate francisco meyer says this year there will also be a 2 person relay option with one person starting the race while they're running partner finishes the 2nd half. in addition to the race that started as a symbol of san francisco's rebuilding after the 19, 0, 6, earthquake hansford. the city turned rally around and get people excited about something. francisco really back. so that i was in 1912 at its peak bay to breakers was the largest road race in the world over 100,000 people. organizers have had to make some changes over the years to ensure public safety, no more floats and alcohol checkpoints have been added along the route.
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what's always remained is the fun that even spectators join in on first year the san francisco bay to breakers. and it's just such a great entry into the city >> you get to see how vibrant and while the city can it's just such a great time. there will also be several road closures along the route from 03:00am to 04:00pm on sunday. you can find the full list of details about those road closures on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> happening right now to highways in the bay area are partially closed as crews work on repairs. highway 37 is closed between sonoma and solano counties. crews have detours beginning at the highway. 37 highway one 27 interchange near sears point. the closure runs through 5 in the morning on monday. lanes on 6 ad are also closed this weekend. caltrans says that affects southbound 6.80, between a costa boulevard in san ramon and the 5, 86, 80 connector in pleasanton roads reopen at 4 in the morning on
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monday. >> the partial closure is one of 2 with another set for the weekend of may 31st. >> okay. community leader carl chan is now among the many people in the bay area to get their car broken into. he says his car got hit last night at agave uptown restaurant in oakland, a business that's also been dealing with burglaries chance as the thieves took off with golf gear. chen is one of the leading organizers of an effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. a new nonpartisan state report finds governor newsom's budget deficit is far larger than he says it is. but it also finds he's put the state on track to solve it. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace brings us this story. >> 27.6 billion dollars. that's what governor gavin newsom believes is the size of the state's projected budget deficit. but this new report from the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or independently reviewed newsom's budget and concluded
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the governor is facing a 55 billion dollar deficit twice the size of his projection. why for the analysis in newsom's budget presentation last friday. he did not include a 27 billion dollar reduction. he's already budgeted in implemented for schools and community colleges. the says when you factor that in, it actually shows newsom faces a 55 billion dollar deficit. but legislative analyst gabe pennock who authored the report stresses even with the updated deficit projection. his analysis concludes newsom's proposed spending cuts, deferrals and delays are putting the state in his words, a better fiscal footing going forward. he adds his analysis as the governor's budget takes difficult but important steps to slashing the deficit, including more than 18 billion dollars in cuts to various programs and a plan to dipping into the reserves. but not all of them. is this a crisis? >> well, we still view it as a serious budget problem. we do not think of it as a crisis because right now and under this proposal, even you know,
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the state will retain majority of its budget reserves. that's really very prudent. in addition the governor's proposal begins addressing the future, your deficits that we and their office had identified previously. and so this helping this helping the state get on the proper fiscal trajectory. >> hd palmer with the california department of finance responded to the report on behalf of the newsom. administration would know that. >> regardless of political affiliation, the legislature's own independent analysts in their initial review. the governor's proposal believes accomplishes a lot of important fiscal goals. we have a balanced proposal that we believe a is a is a difficult but necessary way to do that. that still protects a lot of the core programs and services to people in the state reliable republicans. question newsom's numbers arguing he has not been transparent with the budget process. the governor. >> chosen to present his budget in a way that is not
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particularly a straightforward. it's confusing. and it seems like almost purposeful act to station. >> and in the coming weeks, the is expected to release an analysis about what impact the governor's proposals could have on the state's fiscal condition in future years. reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> community political organizers with the nonprofit together sf action announced friday. the group is canceling its san francisco mayoral debate. this after 3 of the candidates dropped out of the event, the event was supposed to happen on monday. organizers said 4,000 people were set to attend mayor london breed and supervisor aaron peskin chose not to participate over concerns. they said of together sf ties to candidate mark farrell, nonprofit's ceo candidate daniel lurie also pulled out. and one mayoral debate, though, set for tuesday is still set to go. harvey milk
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club plans to host the top candidates on the ballot. that debate is set to happen at the first unitarian universalist church in center in the cathedral hill area. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and hundreds of republicans across the state are set to converge in burlingame this weekend for the state gop convention. let's take a look at video from last year's convention this year. more than 800 people are expected to attend, including republican national committee co-chair lara trump. the party's chairwoman says this weekend is all about garnering support and spreading the party's message ahead of the november election, including an effort to keep republicans in control of the house. california republicans responsible for bringing house majority the road to holding on to that house majority and rally that house majority come straight from california. you know, we have picked up 5 house seats in the same time that democrats have lost 6 house seats right here california. they're going to come at us
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with everything that they've got, that the problem is they don't have solutions. republicans are showing up. >> the convention will also address internal issues, including a vote on party bylaws. a shortage of animal veterans is forcing shelters to put down dogs and cats. that's according to a survey by the san francisco spca which shows a 33% increase in that euthanasia rates of healthy animals at local shelters. the vet emergency group in san ramon is looking at how animal hospitals in shelters can work together to increase the number of vets. >> giving them that that don't just, you know, why on being on the floor giving them all the of life. amenable schedules, things like that can all help. >> the veterinary emergency group also started a program called little. that's which teaches kids about what it's like to become a vet. friday marked the 70th anniversary of the landmark brown v board of
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education decision. it outlawed segregation of public schools across our country. our washington correspondent justin jessi tenure reports and how far officials say schools have come since that historic case. >> just a 6 year-old girl. going to school. gail etienne can still feel the hate she endured on her first day at an all-white school in louisiana that look like if they could get to me, they would kill me. and i didn't know why at cnn. leona tate are members of the new orleans for 70 years ago. the brown versus board of education decision paved the way for black students to integrate schools. we must accept they have today. before they even decided to place us in the clash. but at justice department ceremony tuesday celebrating the decision's 70th anniversary. officials say segregation still exists. there's still so much work that we need to do to protect our kids. kristen clarke, the assistant attorney general of the civil rights division, says examples of segregation
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include an equal access to higher level courses and disciplinary actions against students. we need a level playing field that gets every kid a fair chance. the government accountability office reports more than 18 million students still attend a segregated school today to fight back. clark says the justice department sues schools to reach settlements. we can take progress for granted. education secretary miguel cardona says his department is also fighting back against curriculum changes and book bans in some states. we all know that black history is american history. these officials argue equal access to education ultimately means equal access to other opportunities. >> like jobs and housing. in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news allergy season is upon us. why experts say this could be a tough season for could be a tough season for and for today
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studies show people like to get more for less. so i'm giving you not just 1 jumbo jack burger... ...but 2, for only 5 bucks! statistically speaking that's a lot more for a lot less. at jack, every bite's a big deal. welcome to jack in the box!
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introducing the best rated burger in fast food. my new smashed jack. a quarter pound smashed patty with perfectly imperfect edges, melty cheese and new boss sauce on a soft brioche bun. just one bite and you'll have a new favorite burger. try it today! welcome to jack in the box! >> spend time outside during peak season. one of the things that said, the measures that you need to take into consideration, which wear long and it's a long and. >> he was just referencing that expert. they're talking about ticks and things to be aware when we step outside. now, again, that expert does say it's a good idea to check for ticks when you return from a hike from outside. you come back inside. the bucs can be commonly found around the waist and the belly button behind the needs in between fingers and toes. your
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underarms. plus, you want to check around your neck and your hairline as well. if you find yourself sneezing a lot this season know this. this year's allergy season may be worse than years past scientists say people are finding themselves allergic to airborne irritants for the first time. they say a warmer climate and recent heavy rainfall are to blame. we spoke with a doctor at stanford medicine on ways that people can find some relief. >> keeping windows closed. i tell folks when they come home after hold outside, shower quickly get it off of change clothes. some by local honey is something that will be good for microbiome. its nutrition sits he can't hurt you. and it might just help you down the many months from now. >> the doctor at adds that preventing allergies in the first place is key. you can do that by reducing your exposure to trees and pollen. all right. let's take a live look now outside from the golden gate bridge this morning where it's looking just a bit overcast out there with the touch of a breeze as well. we
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could see that moving through the american flag on the right hand side of our screen and a 45 this saturday morning and day we were just talking about allergies. how long is that allergy weather going to stick around? you know don't have any rain coming. so everything's got to the pollen has to do with societal here. it's going to be around for a while. good morning, stephanie. good morning. all. >> here's the sunshine for you. would send you up to tahoe. not a bad forecast. it looks like for this weekend and early next week about this 60's. we'll call it over the next few days. and lots of sunshine going on. we do see a little pop of some showers, but that's going to be the south. so already we're flipping the page to kind of like the summertime forecast short sleeve shirts and all that. so pretty nice weekend are doubly snow was just a few weeks ago lower. 48 this what's going on here? not much on our coast out of the southeast. real quickly here. this is flash flooding that you see in red. and boy, those cells are real. tend to see this earlier in the season. traditionally, the stuff starts to gravitate more further to the north. the
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midwest are going hear about for the next month or so before it gets up in july, august into the upper midwest. let's get back to the west coast here. this we got got cooking here. not much. so it looks like pretty good for the week ahead. we're going to peak on tuesday. temperature wise. then that breaks down a little bit. have no fear. doesn't look like we have a real shot of rain, although it does break down a bit and we will see that were aggressive. marine layer will have the onshore winds, all that we're having to this today and this weekend. however, sir, as part of our forecast as well, so again, we'll probably see the same type of thing next weekend we warm-up midweek. here's your 4 zone forecast covering today. 64 san francisco. the coast is going to be a problem area because you raise the fog what you do. it's in the sky at the dried out mix with the drier air. that's a lot of energy in which to do that. and that's a little tough to do with the coast. 67 burning game. 71 for foster city. 74 for palo alto. in the south bay. 77 san jose, east bay shoreline, lower to middle 70's, noticeably
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warmer, however, inland tribe. ali, you're looking at mid 70's as a base upward to the upper 70's today. 76 for concord. 63 for berkeley might have a token, a tier here. and there onshore winds definitely in place here with toledo to chile. 61, 74 for fairfield. 71 also for napa and santa rosa. we're going about a 74. all right. a longer range forecast warming up nicely for tuesday. look at that. 84, if you want it warm and then we break things down to the following weekend. but for on ballots on only dry, but you'd see a decent amount of sunshine. and i got a couple dates here for first day of summer. the solstice northern hemisphere. that is june the astronomical summer is here. the logical some return to saturday okay. yeah. so we're and the earliest sunrise will get here. 5.47, that will the 6th of june. yeah, interesting. and you know, it's just incredible how quickly the also, one of the thing for the north american
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monsoon season, technically they call june 15 to september. 30th. i know hurricane season is june first. wanted to do that, ok? well, you know, i'm just excited to see a little bit more cited for us for you from. thank you so much day for making that happen in your day off all right. wonderful. well now to the latest on the w nba expansion team coming to the bay area. >> the golden state valkyries will not play until next year, but the team is already building a fan base in the bay area. >> the team says that they've already sold 10,000 season tickets. >> 7500 deposits before we announced our name. it says even more that fans double down at that point and said we're definitely and understand what you're building and we want to be a part of it. >> the biggest piece for us is we know the various a special place and we feel really privileged to bring a wnba team in the first expansion team since 2008 to the bay area. we lead the world here and being innovative and progressive and be able to bring community together through women's sports in this manner. it's going to be an
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incredible statement, but it's also going to be a lot of fun. >> the team is throwing a block party at san francisco's chase center today from 02:00pm to 06:00pm. it will include appearances from 40 kay lonny and pillow. the tickets are sold out online. so it's now a first come first serve bases for the rest of those seats. so get there early, if you can. >> like the right to your knowledge. being grateful for the sometimes every the best day. we have remind yourself why you're here. >> afc player kiki pickett giving some wellness advice to girls afc and sutter health are teaming up to host a series of clinics this summer. the series is called be. you play rs and health care professional speak with girls about mental health body positivity and more they have see says the goal is to address barriers that keep girls and young women from playing sports. and the giants
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were looking to get a win in their first game of the series against the rockies. despite losing one of their stars for the season for sarah most and has the details. >> just when the giants top, they might be turning a corner in, you know, making a nice little run in the nl west. they were >> having to deal with some pretty tough news on friday. that's when they found out that junk actually, we'll be out for the rest of the season. he'll undergo season ending surgery for a torn labrum in his shoulder that he sustained on that play. >> he was initially diagnosed with a dislocation of the shoulder. they received a second to pay in income from the show that would require surgery. now we will have the operation in the next couple of weeks of the doctors say that he should make a full recovery. that's exciting. and the giants with him in mind, i'm sure made a full recovery on their own on friday, hosting the rockies. you knows the rockies that jumped out early on the giants leading 42 in the 5th tyro strategy came up with 2 runners on deposit his 7th homer of the season
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for him. this one over the left field wall and this win with one swing of the bat takes them up on the lead 5 to 4 to end. the inning continue to lose motto. she hits a dribbler down the 3rd base line. the perfect swing. but chapman comes into score the giant daily. 64 the rockies. they begin within one run. but the giants they added on just for good measure to more in the 7th marco luciano flared a liner short right one here. to bring in one of those and the giants barely below. it was 85 mottos. the man fairly in center field, ripped another shot down the left-field line rattling along the while. incomes. 2 more runs. matos was 2 for 4 with 5 rbi the giants. they win in comeback fashion in this one, 10 to 5 with the final. >> game 2 today at oracle. it's all a half that saw some to you at the des. >> aaron, thank you. and we'll >> aaron, thank you. and we'll be right back.
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black restaurant week, the foodie event kicked off yesterday and runs until may. 26. >> the event started 4 years ago as a way to expose more people to the black culinary scene and boost local businesses. chefs in oakland. tell us how important it is to keep this tradition going >> it's very important people to again, the diversity here. that's what my rest represent is the calm, you know, community bringing everybody together. and that's what we want to do as black
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restaurant. a space where everyone feels infighting? >> thank so excited to >> you can get your tickets online at black restaurant week dot com and find a full list of participating businesses. still ahead on the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news u.s. authorities warn of potential threats to this year's pride month. celebrations. >> why people are asked to take extra precautions. plus, a historic oakland church is asking the community for help after a fire breaks out in the neighborhood. and the man convicted of attacking nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer was sentenced in federal court. details on where he's headed next with the kron. 4 headed next with the kron. 4 morning news continues.
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the kron 4 morning news. authorities are warning communities of potential threats to the upcoming pride month. and in oakland church is attempting to rebuild what they're asking for from the community after a devastating fire. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday. may the 18th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good
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morning, dave. hey, good morning, stephanie. welcome back of morning everybody. we're looking at this bay fog, which is all stubborn even on the east bay shoreline here. but it's open up very nicely in some of the inland spots we've already seen. and that's going to send a swell of the business of the upper 70's. so not quite the 80's just yet. we'll see a lot more of that early into the week. our cool down looks like in the next weekend. keeping things dry here. san jose state for you and they were overcast. just about an hour to hour and a half ago. so it shows you the progress that we're starting to get the east bay shoreline is next. now, the ground fog pretty much all taken care of as we get to the mid morning hours. however, that will be kind of in the form of overcast. that's the next step to get that moisture above us. get that evaporated away tomorrow morning. the fog is not as aggressive as you'll max out a lot sooner. we don't see any real interference coming in upstream, although that high will break down by midweek to latter portion of the week that allowed those temperatures to drop off a little bit. there's your onshore winds, single digits. they're going to pop a little
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bit. insulin will come a little later on tomorrow and into early next week. most readings in the 50's, but we're already getting up to 64 for antioch, 60. meanwhile, for hayward, 57, both oakland, san francisco. that's all that ahead of where the numbers were this time from yesterday. keep the sunshine cooking inland, at least most of the day, middle to upper 70's. now sunday looks pretty good as well. we'll have more on that weekend forecast a bit. stephanie. >> our top story this morning, a worldwide travel warning for the lgbtq+ community. the u.s. state department says people traveling overseas should exercise caution because of potential terrorism kron four's. dan thorn spoke with local organizations about this. >> the u.s. state department issuing a global security alert friday warning of potential violence against the lgbtq+ community. the federal government cautioning u.s. citizens traveling overseas for next month's pride events to be vigilant. we're always deeply concerned that our community is continually have to face hate.
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>> it is cool. you know from to us. >> just sometimes unknown source sources, oakland pride board, president george smith. the 3rd says his organization is taking the alerts seriously. >> earlier this month, the fbi and the department of homeland security warned terrorist groups could target pride. celebrations here in the united states ongoing. for communities. stay safe it's sad and unfortunate that, you know, that this hate is this other local lgbtq+ groups say they're glad to receive the alerts because it shows the government is paying attention to vulnerable communities. we really do need to be on the alert. >> and to watch out since you've done to lgbt, you gabriel and television is board president of the billy to frank lgbtq+ community
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center in san jose. they say they're not surprised about the potential for hate at pride events. >> as it appears their community is facing increasing threats. we have to. >> watch over out back our world very small because where we you know, not many places for lgbtq+, people looking to travel abroad for pride month. >> both smith and tell of its say it's important to research find lgbtq+ safe spaces and consider not traveling alone. i know sometimes traveling alone and the exciting, but maybe this is not the time to on. so you've always got somebody keeping an eye on you. >> and that was dan thorn reporting for us this morning. a call for help in oakland now after a historic church was damaged in a fire four's terisa stasio has the details. >> to the >> experience. >> you deal with that a lot
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and consoling people that went through it. when that happens to you really? in the moment to you don't have emotions can. >> processing. >> pastor robert lacey junior says in a flash, everything has changed. >> his church, a historic landmark with a focus on helping people now desperately needs assistance. pastor lacey says last friday a massive fire broke out at saint andrews missionary baptist church in oakland. he was inside with others praying before choir rehearsal. >> it started to get hot. in the building and but i will open the windows is kind of warm in here. >> and we're in the choir. stand the years. that's where the fire started. and the house next door to church. open up one of the windows and the sanctuary. and i heard the
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fire crackling and popping >> pastor lacey says that he and a parishioner grabbed fire extinguishers, but the flames were fears. i spoke with pastor lacey as he returned from getting food for workers clearing the burned debris. >> westerly shares of the church is an historic landmark. fact, the history of the church. >> 1916, it was built. by the african american episcopal church. to provide support for earthquake victims of sepsis going 19. 0, 6, and it has always been. community service center. >> he and each day they help the community with meals. and we're gearing up to help west oakland residents with a summer lunch program for children. the building is restricted free use temporarily. pastor lacey says that they want to rebuild and continue to serve the community. pastor lacey says that they helped service outside in the parking lot
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last weekend. >> they have set up a gofundme account, but it will take a lot to recover. >> our engineers actually looking at the project and there they're in the hundreds of thousands. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. >> theresa kron, 4 news. david de pap and then convicted of assaulting nancy pelosi's husband will spend 30 years in federal prison for the brutal attack that happened in october 2022. >> a federal judge in san francisco sentence to papon friday after he was sentenced. we heard from one of his 2 children. >> you really tried his best to be a kind person. and the thing is because i know him personally. i know that there is no real heart and that person. >> i also issued a statement saying they believe justice has been served. the now faces a state trial. jury selection is set to start next week boards lezla gooden spoke with a legal expert about how friday sentencing at the
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federal level could affect the state proceedings. >> a federal trial is finally over for david de pap, the man convicted breaking into former house speaker nancy pelosi is home and assaulting her husband with a hammer 2 years ago. a federal judge on friday sentenced him 30 years in prison for salt in 20 years of attempted kidnapping, a federal official, the sentences will run concurrently. the government wanted to say here. >> is that we have to protect our governmental officials and we have to protect our american system democracy. and this was much bigger than just the pelosi family. this was sent to the community. and i think that was loud and clear. legal analyst steven clark says the sentencing could determine the outcome of dip happes upcoming state trial. some charges he's facing their includes attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse. but the key will be did he have specific intent to commit murder paul
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pelosi? and i think that would be the big fight in the state case if he's convicted of attempted murder, he will face a life sentence. but if he's only convicted of assault, it will be a much want less sentence. 44 year-old the pap admitted that he had planned to hold the speaker pelosi hostage and break her kneecaps if she liked him. >> both the prosecution and defense stated that conspiracy theories played a role in the attack. >> lucia null statements and conspiracy theories. he was espousing. >> both before and after. >> the incident with mister pelosi, i think it's going to go a long way in. >> the state court to show that he did not have the specific intent to commit murder, that this should be an assault with a deadly weapon. clark says there is another factor in the paths federal case that the defense did not focus on. >> but it could be a key point in the states. the mental health issue is going to be much more important in the state case. it was in the fedeial case. and i think that. >> well, before front in the
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defense presentation, he did not have the specific intent to kill. and, you know, they will acknowledge he hit mister pelosi with a hammer but not 2 killed. >> and the pap state trial is expected to start its jury selection next wednesday. we'll have those updates here and online newsroom. let's go in. kron. 4 news. police in palo alto are looking for 2 men accused of robbing a mail carrier. it happened thursday just before noon in the parking lot of the south would apartments on middlefield road. police say the postal service worker was delivering mail when 2 men approached him and demanded his postal keys. wallet and phone police say a fistfight ensued and the suspects, not the carrier to the ground. the attackers drove off in an older model. nissan altima. deaths from drug overdoses in the u.s. dropped for the first time in 5 years. preliminary data from the cdc shows there were 107,000 overdose deaths in 2023. that's a 3% decrease from 2022. prescription
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painkillers for once the driving force of overdose deaths in the u.s. that has switched over to the years to heroin. and now fentanyl. >> hey, here's a look at what we're going to have for today. lots of sunshine taking those inland valleys. we're working on that fog around the bay. the ground fog is a little stubborn this morning. doesn't want to get out of that. you know, sleeping in 74 looks like by 4 o'clock. pretty sweet weekend for you. we'll have details on kron. 4 morning news continues.
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>> good morning. welcome back to kron. 4 morning news and a look at this town of san jose state. blue skies prevail in the santa clara valley. already our working on in the immediate bay area with that stubborn fog that just doesn't want to get out of bed. 60 for hayward. also for redwood city in popping about 64 complements of that fog ripping away up to the north bay. we're still holding on to mid to lower 50's. 57 san francisco. so yeah, lot of fog to deal with in the morning hours. that should depart. now and with daytime heating, we're seeing some flare up in the mountains of some showers this afternoon. i know it was snow just a couple weekends ago that won't affect tahoe hauritz point south. she is 17 national park will probably get some of this tomorrow. it runs out of the moisture but we don't. we'll see a little bit of fog develop tomorrow morning. not as aggressive, not as total coverage and will rip away a little sooner in the day. we'll probably see numbers. minor league warmer than today, but we're still hanging in the 70's to lower 80's. a pop is expected by
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tuesday on that front. now. also, well, where traditional onshore winds, they're going to be in the wind prone areas around the quirkiness straight right across the golden gate bridge. there is a flip that's offshore. we don't like seeing this. this could be problematic. but little bit of that offshore wind temporarily as we start to warm up by tuesday. here's the low down here. pesky coastal fog, mostly sunny for the afternoon mile with 60's and 70's. bump that up a little bit inland. we'll start to get maybe close to about 80 but middle 80's by tuesday. and middle 70's by next weekend. so it's short lived. and we go back to, you know, that spring very inconsistent here. we're not even into the summer yet. alright, 64 san francisco variable clouds on balance. we'll call it 68 for oakland, 77, san jose sunny and mild warming. those temperatures inland into the upper 70's to near 80 little bit more sluggish in the north bay, maybe mid 70's that that san francisco coming in at 64 next couple of days. we have some work to do here we take you hear the ground fog, half moon bay, but still aloft. it's
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drier, but it's warmer. that's the problem. target that the mix 78 sunday and by monday, 79 again, we're looking for the middle 80's come tuesday. more on that longer range forecast in a sums cooking what's going >> that's absolutely right, dave, thank you. a kron 4 is celebrating api heritage month highlighting local organizations and businesses honoring the rich cultures we have here in the bay area. and joining us live now to teach us a thing or 2 about indian cuisine is jeff up her vote. pancho who heads through palo alto. good morning to you, chef. good money, stephanie. i'm great. really great lad again to be out and for the api heritage month. yes, yet we're so happy to have. you know, we're so excited to have you teach us a thing or 2 about indian cuisine. you're quite the expert at thank you so and today i'm going to show you renowned to side >> okay. that's basically of region to some based street food off which is very much in
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the east on the respondent thinned out bit in east monday and invest because can tell, i just do kind off of innovation. though, beal with that united came out. spring and into 02:00am and maybe get good amount of to not to vote here. so let's start of with we have the chopped a avocado and some asian green mangoes young, onions. okay. and you know, it's interesting when you talk about tuna salad to like typically what i think to i think it's a very american dish, but this is a very indian yes, on. >> do. >> give it a conch on it some john eastman chopped. interesting. okay to that. add a little in nice thing of finding chilies. selanne tow. i love the color. the colors. great. this is the hidden
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spice on and and disease. that's the chatham asylum. they hid inside the secret spies. yeah, we the south, cameron and date. check me. fantastic view to mix this. what is the secret to a good shot? me? would you it's basically cooking it for a longer time on cementing it and then changing and spicing it up. right. but amount of fo. didn't get followed or to the i yes, that's how you get a good technique. fantastic and use just incorporated that into the dish. right? right here. we have the 2 out of a just go in mind a bit, but some lime juice. and this is a raw tuna. the draw yellowfin some spice. as i okay. you
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love your spices. and yeah, i mean, i'm it's always they him talking to you is a good spice to give the mommy flavor. how do you make sure that you're not adding too much buys? you're adding just the right amount. again, it's not it's not. it's not to put it in foot is not supposed to or fall with spicy people. always miss. and this time indian food. but a lot of spicy chili something. it's a bent off spices which we cook together that we mix together and be. mix. okay. so this is how i'm going repeat sign. it with the base of a car. do okay. what do you to my this plate is of a design, a play use it in. ron's. yes, yeah. okay. so you have a to know you go. i can't wait for the grand and then
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again, we topped out the scene. that's it you to fall. a lot condos. and this is something that's on the menu right now. andrew pollack, is us if palo alto. fantastic. yes, because you also have a san francisco location, right? very good. look at those colors. so fragrant to to. yes, not to add country adding japanese case. you have a little of fun. eastern asia right now as well. so basically a way save pale pale is it's a mixture of fall vegetables bit the rice so. buffets goes, as we've said is as i just to wipe the plate.
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course. yeah, the presentation has. they're right. so okay. very good. and i assume that the the race on top is also to add some texture as well to experience right? >> there it goes all look, want to know. >> and this and that just ready to greet to the side. it. okay. fantastic. not done that some kind of food. radish. okay. that's still pretty. you cut in the shape of flour. yes, some cool on that. the pickled and let's give it a beauty. look by some greens and some love was, oh, that's lovely. and this double as well. these out on fly was also to give it >> they see foot. that's the
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to be called the fantastic. this is a decadent dish. my goodness. so that cr tuna cited that we serve the time to do >> and it's going to be a too. the ap i had and yeah, all the fuss eye to room and on so fantastic. that's not a view to full. so what can you tell us a little bit about what inspired you create this and have it on the menu at so it that's what i said since is basically a very renowned street food india, which is famous, famous in the east on the best part of be just gave to this by adding. >> the avocados on the to gnaw on sometimes with underage to up shuns be add some green to be are some mommy the asada fit. so that's basically. lead us made this dish and put it down on menu on. that's how the peatones like a wonderful. it smells delicious. and it
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looks so delicious and >> want to congratulate you on all your success at the restaurant i stopped by just, you know, and is just full of people. people really love your food it and i'm just to tie things off here. >> you have a message for people. this api heritage month. how wonderful evening. >> but would to come to i'm food. >> you know, head yes, full of wonderful wishes for all of our viewers will. thank you so much. with rupaul to thank you so much. thanks for having me out here today. all right. it's a pleasure. all right, wonderful. we'll be right back.
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>> the biden administration is moving one step closer to formally classifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. as washington correspondent trevor shirley reports, it's a major shift in u.s. drug policy. all right. we had some technical issues, but we're going to work through that. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, looks like, oh, my producer's telling me that we do have the package. ok? yes, we do is go ahead and play that. >> the change would recognize marijuana as a drug with less potential for abuse than other substances. it's currently classified with if finalized. >> roundup marijuana will no longer hold the higher level classification. it currently hold over fentanyl. >> and meth. the proposed rule recognizes marijuana for medicinal and research
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purposes and acknowledges its lower potential for abuse. the change, though, does not legalize marijuana for recreational use. the administration is taking a major step toward reclassifying marijuana from a schedule. to a scheduled drug under federal law that would put marijuana in the same category as things like ketamine and some anabolic steroids. but some opponents argue marijuana is still not a safe substance. what they're doing to say marijuana has lower potential for abuse at a time when the science is telling us the potency of this drug is unlike it has ever been before. the change is long been discussed. but the white house made the announcement as it also works to shore up support in key voting blocs. the reality is while white black and brown people use marijuana at similar rates, black and brown people have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted at disproportionately high rates. the white house argues the policy shift will have a positive impact on minority
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communities. the president's actions today further his commitment to reverse longstanding injustices and to right historic wrongs. the drug enforcement agency will now have a public comment period for this with formal approval expected to happen at some point later this year. >> reporting in washington, i'm trevor shirley. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news. some highways around the bay area are closed for repair this weekend. we for repair this weekend. we tell you where and when ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward?
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>> the first public mayoral debates have been put on hold in san francisco. why the group putting it on say they decided to cancel that event.
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as san francisco's annual bay to breakers run kicks off on sunday. we have all the details straight ahead. good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. thank you so much for joining us. let's get you started this half hour at 9.29. this saturday morning with mister dave spahr was a look at the weather for us a day. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. still slow going getting rid of that fog around the immediate. they'll though it's a open up very nicely inland, even in the south bay to we'll get some sunshine going on. >> even for folks in the bay, it's couple of little rough going though at the coast as some of that ground fog will make its way to overcast. how about that? san jose state checks in with nice blue skies already in place. they were overcast just an hour and a half ago. so keeping that in mind, it just shows where the fog lingers and it looks like one of the troubled areas will be up there in marin county to get along the coast, even at the ground. it looks like that may be a problem. and certainly the overcast skies remain tomorrow morning. not quite the same deal will mix this fog a little quicker in
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it won't be as intense and numbers are starting to move in response to the 67 antioch, 60 per livermore. most readings are in the 50's on the big map there. and for comparison, we're a couple degrees ahead of yesterday. but trailing in places like half moon bay, not a surprise with that. so today basically mostly sunny skies will prevail. 72 at 1 o'clock and 4. 73 little slow going in. san francisco were clearing will late morning and for tomorrow for the yeah, we should get the fog departing by midmorning there, although we'll have some early morning fog there. temperatures warming up early week. i'll have more on that longer range and you're forced onto bit, stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank thousands of people hit the streets in san francisco sunday morning for what they've just described there, the annual bay to breakers run kron four's rob nesbitt reports on what makes that race so special. >> from the starting line, the creativity is evident with the runners, a bay to breakers. it's become a tradition for tony. am raul to and this has been a or they're also in
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charge of coming up with different group costumes for their friends every year. 80's aerobics instructor. >> for the year that we got married, we did a big group of bridesmaids together and we had to case. we throw strangers. and this year argue cost you ms cheerleaders. they'll join around 21,000 up for the annual 12 k. igned o- >> race director kyle meyer says the fun of the race is always the biggest draw. one of those days of the year in san francisco that everybody kind of >> supports the runners supports the neighborhoods are coming out. course, just to have a good time and celebrate francisco meyer says this year there will also be a 2 person relay option with one person starting the race while they're running partner finishes the 2nd half. >> in addition to the race that started as a symbol of san francisco's rebuilding after the 19, 0, 6, earthquake hansford. the city turned rally around and get people excited about something. francisco really back. so that i was in 1912 at its peak bay
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to breakers was the largest road race in the world over 100,000 people. organizers have had to make some changes over the years to ensure public safety, no more floats and alcohol checkpoints have been added along the route. what's always remained is the fun that even spectators join in on first year the san francisco bay to breakers. and it's just such a great entry into the city >> you get to see how vibrant and while the city can it's just such a great time. there will also be several road closures along the route from 03:00am to 04:00pm on sunday. you can find the full list of details about those road closures on our website. kron 4 dot com. >> reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> happening right now to highways in the bay area are partially closed as crews work on repairs. highway 37 is closed between sonoma and solano counties. crews have detours starting at the highway. 37 and highway one. 21 interchange near sears point. the closure runs through 5 in the morning on monday lanes on 6 ad are also
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close this weekend. caltrans says that affects southbound 6.80, between al costa boulevard in san ramon and the i 586, 80 connector in pleasanton roads reopen at 4 in the morning on monday. the partial closure is one of 2 with another set for the weekend of may 31st. local community leader carl chan is now among the many people in the bay area to get their car broken into. he says his car got hit last night at agave uptown restaurant in oakland, a business that's also been dealing with burglaries. chan says the thieves took off with golf gear. chan is one of lee, the leading organizers of an effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. a new nonpartisan state report finds governor gavin newsom's budget deficit is far larger than he says it is. but it also finds he's put the state on track to solve it. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace brings us this story. >> 27.6 billion dollars. that's what governor gavin newsom believes is the size of
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the state's projected budget deficit. but this new report from the non-partisan legislative analyst's office or independently reviewed newsom's budget and concluded the governor is facing a 55 billion dollar deficit twice the size of his projection. why for the analysis and newsom's budget presentation last friday. he did not include a 27 billion dollar reduction. he's already budgeted in implemented for schools and community colleges. the says when you factor that in, it actually shows newsom faces a 55 billion dollar deficit. but legislative analyst gabe pennock who authored the report stresses even with the updated deficit projection. his analysis concludes newsom's proposed spending cuts, deferrals and delays are putting the state in his words, a better fiscal footing going forward. he adds his analysis as the governor's budget takes difficult but important steps to slashing the deficit, including more than 18 billion dollars in cuts to various programs and a plan to dipping into the reserves. but not all of them. is this a crisis?
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>> well, we still view it as a serious budget problem. we do not think of it as a crisis because right now and under this proposal, even you know, the state will retain majority of its budget reserves. that's really very prudent. in addition the governor's proposal begins addressing the future, your deficits that we and their office had identified previously. and so this helping this helping the state get on the proper fiscal trajectory. >> hd palmer with the california department of finance responded to the report on behalf of the newsom. administration would know that. >> regardless of political affiliation, the legislature's own independent analysts in their initial review, the governor's proposal believes accomplishes a lot of important fiscal goals. we have a balanced proposal that we believe a is a is a difficult but necessary way to do that. that still protects a lot of the core programs and
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services to people in the state reliable republicans. question newsom's numbers arguing he has not been transparent with the budget process. the governor. >> chosen to present his budget in a way that is not that it's really a straightforward. it's confusing. and it seems like almost few station. >> and in the coming weeks, the is expected to release an analysis about what impact the governor's proposals could have on the state's fiscal condition in future years. reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> community political organizers with the nonprofit together sf action announced friday. the group is canceling its san francisco mayoral debate. this after 3 of the candidates dropped out of the event, the event was supposed to happen on monday. organizers said 4,000 people were set to attend mayor london breed and supervisor aaron peskin chose not to participate over concerns. they say of together sf ties to candidate mark farrell, nonprofit's ceo and candidate
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daniel lurie also pulled out. mayoral debate set for tuesday is still set to go. the harvey milk club plans to host the top candidates on the ballot. that debate is set to happen at the first unitarian universalist church in center in the cathedral hill area. a is your local election headquarters and hundreds of republicans across the state are set to converge in burlingame this weekend for the state gop convention. this is video from last year's convention. and this year, more than 800 people are expected to attend, including republican national committee co-chair lara trump. the party's chairwoman says this weekend is all about garnering support and spreading the party's message ahead of the november election, including an effort to keep republicans in control of the house. >> california republicans responsible for bringing house majority the road to holding on to that house majority and rally that house majority come straight from california. you know, we have picked up 5 house seats in the same time that democrats have lost 6
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house seats right here california. they're going to come at us with everything that they've got. the problem is they don't have solutions. republicans are showing up. >> the convention will also address internal matters, including a vote on party bylaws. a shortage of animal veterinarian says 40 shelters to put down dogs and cats. a survey by the san francisco spca shows a 33% increase in the euthanasia rates of healthy animals at local shelters. the vet emergency group in san ramon is now looking at how animal hospitals and shelters can work together to increase the number of vets. >> giving them that that don't just, you know, why on being on the floor giving them all of life. amenable schedules, things like that can all help. >> the veterinary emergency group also started a program called little. that's which teaches kids about what it's like to become a vet and take care of animals. the nonprofit
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group face food, friday's invalid, who was struggling to meet demand and support local families as kron four's philippe djegal reports food donations are way down. >> every little bit helps neighbors dropping off food donations. corporations offering cash, volunteers giving their and a dedicated committed to fighting hunger in vallejo. it's really the community driving this and and supporting it. that makes it happen. mary and dogs and her husband, benjamin co-founded faith, food friday's in 2011. >> the non-profit accepts donation drop-offs and offers volunteer opportunities. 7 days a week at its pantry on salon away. it hosts food, distributions 3 times a week giving out at least 10,000 pounds of food. on those days. we would never are tired history. you run out of food after distribution and we've done that consistently for the last 4 months eggs says it has been a struggle lately.
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keeping the refrigerators school and even the lights turned because donations all around are down. despite the demand for services jumping at least 50% since the start of the pandemic, monetarily and food supplies. plus, we a lot of volunteers behind me, but we need more faith food, friday's partners with the food bank of contra costa in-salon serving as a distributor. the organization also provides groceries to homeless vallejo city unified school district's students to keep them fed when schools closed. >> school district academic support providers here logan pix, the food every week and the 2 of them look forward to it. and it's not just because they receive a bad, but i believe because it does them. >> and help them over the volunteers say their work is fulfilling safina way donates her time every friday. i think that we're doing a good job, but we have a very nice
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>> women, especially women. and of course, we do come into in a >> will well, we get food you know, from individuals lemmons off their anything you know, if you're clearing out your pantry as long it's not will take will put to good use. and in all likelihood you will be helping out a neighbor. >> in vallejo, philippe djegal kron, 4 news. >> alright, fog slow clearing around the bay and nears half moon bay. speaking of which we've got upper 70's going on to near about 80 next couple days. the bunch seems to be about tuesday and then we'll backtrack back in the 70's next
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welcome back to kron. 4 morning news. we're take a little shot up in tahoe. what's going on there? sunshine is prevailing in the even have a spring time forecast. >> oh, yes. short sleeve shirt weather is coming. it's a little chilly for that. but 64 going on tomorrow by monday. 58 65 meanwhile, on tuesday, i mentioned earlier about some showers firing up in. that's going to be south of tahoe. and that's really today. tomorrow we're looking at a lot less of that. the lower 48 most the action is audi's but up from the pacific. we're only look at little interference come the latter portion of the week and that's not a rain producer. but yeah, in the southeast, this front's getting stuck. start starts to happen sometimes this time of year. but most volatile action is going to be shifting little higher up into the midwest over the course the next month or so in the upper midwest. we get to july. but this is flash flooding there. looking out for some of the cells at some severe thunderstorms with the earlier. so a week ahead, we have temperatures warming up
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and 2 tuesday. that's obr day to look for in the breaks. back down again. notice how we're going this wave our backyard kind of we have right now. that really gives the the marine layer lot if you will, and we get this aggressive fog temperatures a bit colder. all that looks to check in again next weekend. but it's not a rain affair. doesn't that moisture which to work with that much so that will be good on that front. but a little warmer middle the week cooling off next weekend. 64 in this 4 zone forecast. we'll get the skies opening up in san francisco. we get to later in the morning. 60 ish at the coast where it's a lot of cloud cover for today. looks like 67 burlingame, 71 foster city was 74 redwood city, palo alto. meanwhile, the south bay, upper 70's expected today east bay shoreline, lower 70's to maybe middle 70's tribe. ali, get into the upper 70. so a little coupling happening partially due to the fact scene quicker clearing mid 70's. you can see there for walnut creek and concord. 71 san leandro. 63 for berkeley
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richmond. 65 a chilly 61 for as we have these winds coming in from the bay. 74 for fairfield. 71 for napa and 74 for santa rosa. well to spring time forecast. so temperatures bounce all over the place. but keeping it dry, looks like we'll do about 84 come tuesday. and there's a little drop that i mentioned earlier as we head on into the weekend as temperatures get a bit cooler, kind of like what we're doing for this morning. so therefore, we need raise the kinetic energy a little bit. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you so much for that. >> all right. well, kron 4 is celebrating api heritage month, highlighting local organizations and businesses honoring the rich cultures we have here in the bay area. >> and joining us live now are dank yo and with free ones. tie cultural council. good morning to the both of you. good and it's lovely to have the both of you here with athletes. first of all, tell us a bit about that. i cultural council in we just
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started to fall ago and they need without insulin piece to chair the temple be a like high in between to san francisco and san jose. mena, middle. >> and before long, high cost coal. so a few months apart by ca pike years this year, survey team so congratulations on 10 years. it's been of. so tell us a bit about the tight community in fremont as well as are very sizable community out there. he is about the 2000 2000 total members. yeah. and in the bay area, would you say it's it's pretty large as well. yes, it but a small that. and ali, ali, it's tie people that they're ok, wonderful and tell us a bit about the services that the cultural council offers to the community as well. all do have like a classes to highland quest advance sick and also at this and practice, ok, if
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every sunday we do have clouds and also saturday and sunday during the week, we do like to make a case in classes and he but one. what's what has it been like for you being involved with the cultural council? >> it's very interesting. and i come from and of course, an american point of view and to see that the council and the temple a cultural center is you're probably familiar with many churches, etc. it's a it's been very interesting and very enlightening to see the community come together and the that she mentioned are all either students or the dancers from thailand that we bring over once every year we bring over 3 or 4 graduate students from bangkok. yeah, they teach our children. >> how fantastic. yeah. we tried to keep of a cause or a c because it that going up.
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the didn't know then left the and white to keep them a live look at what the family came from. alright. you know, lee, you both of you actually alluded to the dancers and we're really excited for our viewers to see this tell us a bit about what they'll be performing today it to it's a past 10. yeah, like i earlier and this is so it's just like at the end still to bris people. and this is like from more like i'm enjoying flood the new year. joyful of the and there's different parts of thailand with different kinds of dances. so the one that will present today >> is one of those. so but there might be if you're from the north of thailand, you might have a lot of drums and up very fast music. and but of course, all of this is thai classical dance and music. and of course, if you go to bangkok, if you go to thailand, you might see other
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things like if elvis presley and some people want to get involved, they want to learn more about the cultural council on is there a good way for them to do that? yeah. stance. just to the temple at in fremont and be helped day and whips and the website is a. >> what boudin orange dot or dot org. i'm okay. one. okay. is there an easy way to spell that? >> yes, there is w a t b udd ha and u.s. or okay, wonderful. want to make sure we get thank you so much. silly and a with that. i cultural council fremont. we appreciate your time. thank you. thank you so much. thank and please enjoy this performance.
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>> the bay area celebrating black restaurant week. the foodie event kicked off yesterday and runs until may. 26 the event started 4 years ago as a way to expose more people to the black culinary scene and boost local businesses. chefs in oakland. tell us how important it is to keep that tradition going. >> britain, people to again, the diversity here. that's
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what my rest rest of is. the call. you know, community bringing everybody together. >> and that's what we want to do as black restaurant. a space where everyone feel invited? >> thank so excited to and the >> all about looks delicious. you can get your tickets online right now. black restaurant week dot com and find a full list of participating businesses day. >> and you have the sunshine going it's really good agree. it is looking really good on that. and we have to take care of this fog this morning and give a little time here in london already been handled upper 70's. we're going to pop about 84 tuesday just for you, off into the end of the week i will take any warm-up. that's suspect. it's pouring in dallas. the yeah. yeah. can't wait for some are thanks so much. that's it for us to pick from firm warnings. we'll see you back here tomorrow at 07:00am. 07:00am. >> take care. ow network is no network for business.
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