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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  May 20, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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re-sentenced because of an error of the judge made last week. will explain and lawmakers vote on a state bill that now paves the way for a new electricity charge for you. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> and thanks for waking up with us on a monday. i'm darya and james, it's got a clear pretty early this morning. the wind is at least calm down in our shot here in the sun is out. spent a signaling a nice warm day. i john. yeah, a nice calm, warm, sunny day ahead of us. some pretty nice to kick off a week that way. >> we're even looking at sunshine out there at the golden gate bridge behind me this morning. this is your view right here from the east bay hills, looking down into the day under what has been nothing but sunshine. skies for most of us, as you can see, visibility is perfect in clear all the way out to the coastline. now our current winds are nice and light. we will see winds kick up just a little bit later on today, but
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compared to some of our windier days last week, it's not much so today is a pleasant one. all in all right. now it's 50's to 60's for most of us vacaville europe to the low 70's already later on today, most of us will spend the afternoon in those 70's with just a few spots for the stimulant rising into the low 80's. back to you. all right. let's take a look at the commute right now. starting with. >> the golden gate bridge, which is really cleared out, as you can see here. it's just 22 minutes to get up in nevada from highway 37 south by 1, 1, to the spot that you see right here. >> and then over at the richmond saint fell bridge, 1, 2 cars. look at that. cleared out so fast. >> just about 15 minutes ago are looking double that drive time. but you can see nobody's there. san mateo bridge is a breeze. now it just 13 minutes, right. hand side is westbound. 92 and the golden gate bridge has i'm sorry. the bay bridge is also gone down and now the commute. there's just 14 minutes to the maze. >> okay. now let's get to the developing news this morning
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out of the south bay where police shoot and critically injured gunman in san jose. and we find out more about how this unfolded with kron four's michael thomas live in south saint michael. >> the shooting happened yesterday around 4 o'clock. and today, more than 14 hours later, they're still investigating. we've moved to the opposite end of the complex. this is capitol expressway. you can see investigators behind the complex specifically investigating what looks like an older honda odyssey van. and we were trying to give you the best view that we can because they do have a police cruiser blocking that alleyway of the apartment complex. but police have been there searching through that van. and also it appears that the back window of that van is shattered. now we've got a map up on your screen to show you exactly where all of this took place. it's near the main intersection of story road in capitol expressway. it is on homer drive, which just sits right off of capitol expressway. and this is video from what the scene looked like yesterday at around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. you can see dozens of police
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vehicles outside of the complex that we just showed. you. police say they received calls about a man who was actively shooting. they arrived and police did shoot the man causing him serious injuries. he was then taken to a nearby hospital and remains there. as of this morning, we haven't gotten any updates on his condition or the details of what may have caused this incident. but back out here live, you can still see police are out here investigating. they say no officers were injured in this shooting, but that man is at the hospital this morning. we are expected to hear more later today. there's a press conference with san jose police department set for around 3 o'clock today. so we'll continue to have crews out here bringing you the latest. and in the next hour, i'll show you some video that we got of that silver van that a police continue to investigate. they also have some tow trucks out here. and there's not just one but 2 truck truck. so maybe there's possibly more vehicles involved in this shooting than just the one that they're currently focusing on. so as we get more information, we'll keep you updated and continue to try and speak with neighbors to find out just exactly what happened here yesterday at around 4 o'clock.
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that's the very latest reporting in san jose and michael thomas, tara and james. we'll send it back to you. >> and thank you. michel 903, is the time. and the sonoma county sheriffs have arrested a man for a fatal shooting. a 2 year-old child was killed in lake county in clear lake. this is on march 23rd and now the clear lake police have issued while they've arrested. 31 year-old fernando lugo garcia. he was arrested in petaluma last weekend. now he's in the sonoma county. sorry to lake county jail with no bail. >e the man who was convicted of attacking paul pelosi. >> with a hammer and pelosi's san francisco home in 2022, he's going to be re-sentenced because of a mistake. david de pap got 30 years in prison. he was sentenced last friday, but it turns out they did not give him a chance to make a statement which is required by law in sentencing. so after finding out about the error
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now they will redo that even though they don't think it will affect the 30 year sentence that he got. but he is able to speak and that could happen. well, supposed to happen on may 28th will be that hearing. meantime, he still faces a separate trial on state charges for what he did in the jury. selection for that is this wednesday. >> well, sad morning for raider nation as mister rader himself, jim auto has passed. he died yesterday. the hall of fame center join the team in its first season in the american football league. way. back in 1960, never missed a game. actually. he completed 210 consecutive regular season games and 300 and h street total contest. despite some of this undergoing 9 operations on his knees during his career. never missed a game. jim auto was 86 years old. happening right now, fairfield has launched its click it or ticket campaign ahead of memorial day. the police department says the campaign is supposed to remind drivers to buckle up and also to make
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sure their kids are secured in their car properly as well. they say drivers will see officers on patrol looking for everything from drivers and passengers who aren't wearing their seat belts. the campaign runs, by the way, till june 2nd. we'll also be looking for cars where children aren't secured properly in car seats or aren't in the right seat for their age. don't forget there is or an age restriction for certain seats in the car. the department says the number of people killed in california crashes who weren't wearing seatbelts has actually gone up by 12% in 2021. >> it's 905. and a man was rescued after he was thrown from his car which went over a cliff off of the sonoma coast. take a look at where this car landed and you can see the rescue operation there. this happened yesterday morning. the jewel, goats, myers, great area of highway one near jenner. >> and it was a park ranger. >> who spotted this car that had gone 200 feet down on off of the roadway. it was stopped
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right there by a giant tree. so it didn't go further. but the man did cause he flew out of the car and they actually spend it. our look, there's you wasn't in the car. they spend an hour looking for him and they found him laying in a patch of brush about 300 50 feet down from that crash site. >> and he was taken flown to the hospital. he is expected to be okay. look, when they found him, it's really miraculously. he survived that 906, right now. and state bill. >> that was going to scrutinize this new planned electricity feed. this charge is going to be our monthly bills. now it's not moving forward. so the assembly appropriations committee was looking at it, but they killed the measure on friday. the public utilities commission, which is full of appointees from the governor's not elected body. they approved a new fixed rate charge of $24.15 per month. that pg e and the other utilities are going to add to your your monthly bill. this is regardless of how much power
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you use in exchange, the utilities agreed to lower slightly lower the rate for a kilowatt of power. but this is going into effect now and are rates are the highest second highest in the nation. so that will be addressed. but this new fee sparked outrage. that's why this bill is introduced to like relook at how they could do this with the committee to explain why they killed it. but it's done. it's not moving forward. >> in the east bay, teachers in contra costa county have reached a tentative agreement now with the office of education over a new contract. the contra costa county school educators association will be receiving a raise starting on july. 1st, once it's ratified and then that will include a 6% raise. that's retroactive to last july and one percent raise that kicked in this year. the agreement allows for the salary in the next school year to renegotiated based on a cost of living adjustment. it's 908. and it's the day after a lot of people did a
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big run in san francisco to bay to breakers were 20,000. people went through the streets. yeah. all of them colorfully dressed as you can see in the costumes of their choice. >> we have kron 4, sarah since and she was actually in the middle of it all. >> thousands of people woke up early sunday for bay to breakers. race is 113 year-old tradition in san francisco. you know, i think it's probably one of the the longstanding traditions in san francisco participants gathered on main street around 8 in the morning to walk jog and run to ocean beach on the other end of the city, was like super positive energy. it's his first is so i yeah, it was fantastic time. definitely saw all of san francisco come together. a lot of clock ticked rooms, the costumes at the quirky 12 k run never disappoint this san francisco couple. gina and brad dressed up as hot dogs. we money and really
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recognizable really ran the whole race. and everyone was dog and my kids than ever. and it's just plain that these girls dressed up as the inflatable tube man. often people dress up in group costumes, whether it be traffic cones or minions was really fun. everyone came out out it's a super >> yeah, really good vibe. lots of partying on the side. bay to breakers at its peak used to be the largest road race in the world with 100,000 people participating. race director kyle meyers says they're starting to see registration numbers rebound from the pandemic. 21,000 people registered this year, which is after back, you know, 20% from last year. so not quite. >> pre-pandemic numbers yet, but definitely trending in the right direction. meyer says they work to ensure everyone is safe while having fun with alcohol checkpoints along the route and patrols. yeah, we have our own private security companies and then we work with very, very closely with
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sfpd crews could be seen cleaning up as people continue to party in the panhandle. >> ow and everyone was dancing and having that have these long-standing traditions are all about celebrating vibrant city. i fell in love with it. when i moved here, i just think it's one of those things that >> just kind of brings the city together. we're giants fans and there was a dodger fan that we made friends list. so if you can one thing to breakers is that it brings people together. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco kron. 4 news. >> well, after the race, of course, everybody was able to enjoy some free music courtesy of san francisco's oldest musical band. they performed at the concourse in golden gate park where dozens showed up to enjoy this free concert. that banned by the way, was founded in 18. 82 and every year and host a six-month long summer concert series. and this time around, at least for this performance, the band
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decided to play some fun songs inspired by those who participated in the bay to breakers. little quirky songs to represent the quirky people who ran. if you'd like to see this historic band perform just head out there every sunday head ovek to the spreckels temple of music in golden gate park. it is free. just a come and enjoy. >> the bay area celebrating the arrival of our new golden state. val curry's women's basketball team at the chase center will take you to the center will take you to the party.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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>> 9.14, is the time right now. checking out the weather. it's time for, you know, gatherings, pecan bar becuse likely had a johns which is so great. what it what a wonderful is. nice time on saturday. john, thank you think for covid just so fun to be out there out and about on saturday and sunday for runners and bay to breakers. >> all of it was under a good dose of sunshine. and today we're going to get a little bit more of that. so keeping it going, anyone else has a backyard barbecue happening today? looks great. we're definitely taking a step back from what had been a bit of a fog year week last week for a lot of our coastal areas, the high-pressure ridge that you're seeing way out there to the west is still having an influence on our forecast, although not immediately overhead. so we're not really seeing any heat waves building in just a continuation of dry. and overall mild weather winds predominantly out of the north this forecast last week. it was a lot of westerly winds which is just pushing that fog right into the bay. so we still have the moderated temperatures but a little bit sunnier skies 60's from san
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francisco down the coastline while looking at 70's to just barely make in the low 80's elsewhere. definitely a pleasant day and believe it or not, this is going to be on the warmer side of things. this forecast tomorrow being the very warmest itself heyward at 73 today, livermore 78 concord, antioch, nap among a few spots that will barely hit the low 80's for your afternoon. highs tomorrow. as i mentioned, just a little bit warmer and then it's down. here we go with memorial day weekend for bottle rock, all your activities is looking really nice and cool, actually considering what time of year we're in with highs only in the 60's to 70's, daria. let's take a peek what little traffic there is out there because the roads look great right this the best time to commute right? >> 9.16 in the bay bridge world. i mean, look 13 minutes. nobody is in your way at all. the san mateo bridge westbound 90 to the right hand. side is 13 still so quick and easy at this time
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would benefit if you get to leave the house at this time. richmond center fell bridge is 9 minutes. just nothing in your way. and the golden gate now back to drive time. so moving at the limit with no holdups all the way from nevado and highway. 37 down to this spot. the toll plazas levy and a san francisco. >> time now to talk winners and losers on wall street financial expert rob black. joining us on this first day of a new week, robin, it looks like we're green across the board. still flying high from a the numbers we saw on friday. little bananas, right? and hit records across the board. >> in all, 3 of the big indexes in the united states, small caps not so much but s and p 500 and nasdaq. the dow jones industrial average all hit record highs. dow hit 40,000. that's a big round number. >> of no more teen of the 21 of the world's largest stock markets, including japan, india, canada and brazil. >> they're also hitting all-time highs. so lot of wealth being created around the world. i hope you're participating in your 4, 1, k
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or form be or your 4.57, you don't have to own individual stocks to creating small. all right. speaking of creating wealth around the world. cristiano ronaldo, yeah, raked in some cash. >> yeah. and my kids play soccer. just not that well, rinaldo is getting older. i think. yeah. simplest now. so he's he's in decline. played for al nasri's makes 200 million dollars here. now that's in a bogus kids. it's saudi arabia's trying to start a leagues. they're overpaying. starr is to get star 200 million dollars a year. their plus 60 million dollars in endorsements. 260 million dollars to play football soccer from that group overseeing special called football. you get the idea that drives good, honey. yeah, crazy, all right. let's bring it closer to california. we have tesla also actually. >> chalking record here with what their 3 millionth car produced in a is that the fremont tesla factory.
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>> it is the it's technically california. the yeah. know its fremont 3 billion that's big round number. there's they have a lot of problems or fire. lot of people right now demand for evs are slacken but 3 million, 3 million. and it's worthy of note. they hit 2 million 17 months ago. they produce about 59,000 cars a month out of fremont. pretty lot of knocks on elon musk's socially recently, but he really he really did bring a lot of marketing value to a tesla electric vehicles. now, no doubt. >> well, since we're talking about cars, let's focus on the upcoming memorial day holiday weekend. got a lot of people going to be traveling this weekend and i see we're going to break it down here with you road travel and also air. yeah. so walk me through is what we're talking about driving first right? i've got to drive up travel. philip, the to the gasoline first. >> prices are little bit higher last year, but not a
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lot interesting to know. go through about 8.6 million barrels gasoline a day. that's down 1.4% year-over-year. california. the gas prices, $5 and $0.24. but the average is last year's 3.54. so a little bit of inflation, not too shabby. we expect prices to go up. another $0.10. a california drug up to about $5 and $0.34 what's cutting demand. this is it's it's fuel efficiency its hybrid vehicles and ev. these are obviously replace and gas. and then there's just, you know, lets people still drive into the office to 2 the pandemic and working from home. so all good things. if you want less gasoline to be consumed on the planet. >> okay. and then on the flying front, is this right? flags actually cheaper this year for most? >> yeah, don't forget. the last year was most expensive year ever. so we're getting
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some disinflation on a two-year trial one year trend. it absolutely is. so for the average flight in the united states right now, it's down about 5.8%. if you're going to europe, it's down. about 8% age is about the same. it's about the same price as last year. so for way, what it's worth, tokyo's $1372 round trip. that's up about 2%. so you're seeing a little inflation in tokyo, little inflation, canada, south america, east to africa, the middle east and africa the right way of saying that checked bags. obviously. add to the inflation costs, but not necessarily ice, the and kind of weird numbers to play with of know, best time to bun domestic flight, one to 3 months for a domestic flight in front of the event 2 to 4 months or 3 to 4 months for international. try to book early and it's the best way to save. he did other things like traveling on weekdays like monday and tuesday. but that's the best time to do it.
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>> got a final comment for your question. really? so earlier we talked about buffalo wild wings is offering now mondays and wednesdays. all you can eat boneless wings and fries. and i'm wondering if that's a smart idea for them given what happened or red lobster and their endless shrimp thing that didn't end too well for the company. >> red lobster has bigger problems. they were acquired by one of their distributor and they just have really poor management last 5 red lobster obviously cleared bankruptcy today. it was an american staple in my part of the when i growing in the united states sheet meal for a family. it's kind of weird scene institution die, but not. i want to put buffalo wild wings that much better management and it got football season coming up. so you won't see the discounts football. start have no doubt. everybody loves wings on football. okay. >> rob, thank you. as always. going drop again tomorrow. so let him know now if there's a company or if there's a story you want to talk about, you've
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got his social media handles there and his e-mail, rob at there and his e-mail, rob at rob black dot com.
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♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪
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♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪ at 9.24. in the north bay, a man has been arrested suspicion of driving under the influence in connection with a hit and run crash in petaluma. so that crash happened on east washington street right after 1 o'clock in the morning on sunday. police say crash involved 2 cars and then a man and a woman were injured. but when officers arrived on scene, they actually saw different man since identified as frank monticello running into the creek. that runs right between east washington and maria drive nearby resident told in the monticello is actually hiding in their backyard before jumping the fence to the river
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officials. officers, i should eventually found him hiding in the creek. so they arrested and is now facing multiple charges. in the east bay. the chp arrested a suspect on in connection now with a fatal hit and run in san leandro. so police say the driver hit and killed someone wednesday night. you see located on the map here. the victim was found lying in the street weldon boulevard and embers way. police say they later found the car wanted in connection with this on friday. that suspect has since been book now into the santa rita jail and being held on $125,000 bail. >> it's 9.26. and another mail carrier in the bay area has been robbed and it happened thursday in palo alto is in the parking lot of the southwood apartments on middlefield road. and the 60 year-old postal worker was delivering mail there when 2 men approached him and they demanded his postal keys and his personal belongings. >> he turned over the keys,
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but wouldn't give up his personal stuff without a fight. and the thieves ended up knocking him to the ground, injuring him. >> and then the 2 robbers took off in an older model. nissan altima. >> right mall by what we hope to share with everyone. >> look at all those amazing food that you could eat. black restaurant week is here. kicking off in the bay area will tell you how long is and will tell you how long is and who is participating.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. >> 9.29 right now and on a monday morning is pretty nice out. there it is. yeah, a lot of sunshine out there. we're
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not socked in with that typical fog. john. this is it's not great, although in lots of sunshine all the way out to the coastline, which was not something we saw so much last week when it was obviously so foggy out there for a lot of the coast. most of the week. this is your view of half moon bay this morning. not a cloud in the sky overhead. love that nothing may gray about it at the coast. visibility is holding just fine all across the bay area today. a little bit breezy out into the delta and up in the north bay mountains. but the rest of us are actually pretty nice and calm. >> temperatures in the upper 50's to low 60's for most of us right now. right now we have vacaville sitting at 71 brentwood at 67. well, berkeley and oakland in the upper 50's later on today. we'll be looking at temperatures back up into the 70's for pretty much everyone. just a few low 80's for inland areas. and that's about as warm as it's getting today. i've got more on your forecast. still to come. >> back to all right. we want to traffic even though really isn't any traffic. so just looking at the nice cameras
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here at the golden gate bridge, which is a breeze of a commute. very nice there. and mostly looking at the weather. i mean, look at the region south of it. 8 minutes. you count the cars. no problem. there. lots of sunshine on the san mateo bridge as well. and it's just 13 minutes. the right hand side is westbound. 92. >> and then over at the bay bridge, boy, it's even more deserted than the gold again. and let's has 20 minutes. i got that 13. that's my eyes tell right? yeah. all right. 9.30, is the time. >> in the east bay, a historic oakland church was damaged by fire. you see the pictures there. now the pastor is appealing to the community to pitch in and help calm for us to resist. also takes a look. >> to the >> experience. >> you deal with that a lot and consoling people that went through it. when that happens to you really? in the moment to you don't have emotions can. >> processing. >> pastor robert lacey junior says in a flash, everything is
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changed. >> his church, a historic landmark with a focus on helping people now desperately needs assistance. pastor lacey says last friday a massive fire broke out at saint andrews missionary baptist church in oakland. he was inside with others praying before choir rehearsal. >> it started to get hot. in the building and they but i will open the windows is kind of warm and year. >> and we're in the choir. stand the years. that's where the fire started. and the house next door to church. open up one of the windows in the sanctuary. >> i heard the fire crackling and popping >> pastor lacey says that he and a parishioner grabbed fire extinguishers, but the flames were fears. i spoke with pastor lacey as he returned from getting food for workers clearing the burned debris. >> westerly shares of the
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church is an historic landmark. fact, the history of the church. >> 1916, it was built. by the african american episcopal church. to provide support for earthquake victims of san francisco in 19. 0, 6, and it has always been. community service center. >> he and each day they help the community with meals. and we're gearing up to help west oakland residents with a summer lunch program for children. the building is restricted for use temporarily faster. lacey says that they want to rebuild and continue to serve the community. pastor lacey says that they helped service outside in the parking lot last weekend. >> they have set up a gofundme account, but it will take a lot to recover. >> our engineers actually looking at the project and there they're in the hundreds of thousands. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. >> theresa kron, 4 news.
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>> some tense moments on yerba buena island. all eastbound lanes of the bay bridge had to be shut down for hours saturday after a grass fire broke out the incident held up traffic in both directions as crews both on land. as you can see here with the hoses and also on the water with the water tenders work together to put this out say that saturday, strong winds did make it easy for him. but >> they did manage. >> california highway patrol canine sniffed out more than 500 grams of fentanyl during a traffic stop in san francisco. check it out. chp says they stopped a driver for mechanical violation on westbound 80 last week. and when the driver couldn't provided driver's license, that's when they searched the car. and the canine came up with, as you can see there on the list, more than 500 grams of fentanyl 150 grams of meth. 73 grams of heroin. and 80 grams xanax. the driver was booked into jail on multiple
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charges. 9.34 right now in on the peninsula. daly city police arrested a woman for stealing money from an old navy. >> cash register. this happened inside the old navy at the serramonte shopping center earlier this month. the woman went in and she ended up throwing the cash register several times on the ground until it broke open. and she made off with about $300. she was caught later at a nearby store or and arrested. police are investigating a woman who was shot and killed in valais. whoa. this was saturday night on redwood parkway near hands. part that police responded and discovered the woman who had been shot. there's also a man had been shot. she died at the scene. he was taken to the hospital and now he's expected to survive. they're trying to figure out exactly what happened. >> in the east antioch, police have identified a man who was found dead last week. the man was found on a sidewalk on country hills drive. and a
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police got him to the hospital but it was too late. 48 year-old raheem co how he died is still under investigation. we're not sure. >> well, the sacramento county sheriff's office is going to be increasing its enforcement on rivers and lakes this summer. they want to patrol the 300 miles of waterways that are in their purview. and they're reminding everybody, especially boat owners that you have to have a life jacket for each person on your boat. and if there are any kids 12 and under, they've got to wear them at all times. also, well, passengers of a boat are allowed to drink alcohol. the driver is not supposed to another important thing to keep in mind. the current snow melt has the water. they're feeling a whole lot colder than it typically does in the summer. >> could be 100 degrees outside. but the water can still be 57 degrees, which which is pretty shocking on the enough exposure could potentially cause hypothermia. >> that warning comes as
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sacramento firefighters rescued a man who fell out of his kayak yesterday afternoon and the american river crews say this was just south of encinal hoffman park when they got on scene. they found him not wearing a life vest clinging to a branch in the middle of the river and he's a rescue boat to bring him safely to shore. nobody was hurt. thankfully. >> it. i think it just shows the power of things we really get behind and support something that we believe in. we can make expansion so this, you know, we've asked for views and i cannot support has garnered over the last couple years to bring some attention to women in this sport. >> and we can make this happen and so many other cities that don't have a team make happen. >> that's right. that was a singer. okay. lonnie, earlier you saw a rapper e 40. they were out there performing for fans of the first ever. golden state valkyries block party at chase center. that's good. it's going to be raining purple. purple rain like i
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love that. they're eilers. it rolled out. the purple carpet coffers. lezla gooden was there. >> yeah. it's been less than a week to announcement of the bay area's wnba team. the golden state boundaries and minivans are already showing their support. some of them telling me they're here because it's more than just basketball for hundreds made their way to the chase center for the golden state. valkyries first ever block party fans like shannon engine me says having a wnba team in their backyard is long overdue. it is a dream come true. it's it is something necessarily know what happened and it has and we're very, very excited. the couple says the bakries arrival is sending a message to everyone across the country because we've been basketball fans alike. time we're fans of stanford, women's >> and the quality of life just gets better and better and better at the party were performances and appearances from folks from around the bay. the overall theme was
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woman empowerment. a sentiment coming from the top of the organization be at such a >> high level of notoriety together having women leading women on court showcasing was really right now, specifically the double game and the world really took a closer noticed a petition to get along with during the bubble, right. when they look understood there's so many sides to this aptly going. by the they're also incredible and important and fans are making sure to stack up on the balcony by late gear. and they're already predicting a championship win from the team. women's basketball just as good as men, basketball. if not it's going to be a time on the can expect to see the boundaries play right here. the chase entered come 2025. but until then, to have their fans waiting on them and know what's going on for >> march, love that. and if you love to eat and who doesn't, do you know that this is the beginning of black restaurant week and black on food trucks, restaurants,
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bakeries are inviting residents. >> to really enjoy this it cajun african and caribbean cuisine. it all starts this saturday. and it actually it began 4 years ago as a way to expose more people to the black culinary scene and help support local businesses. chefs in oakland say that this is important and they're ready. >> it's very important people to again, diversity here. that's what my rest of is. the call. you know, community bringing everybody together. and that's what we want to do black restaurant. a space where everyone feel invited? >> thank so excited to and the >> that food looks so good. expand your palate dry. a few things never had before. you can get a ticket online at black restaurant week dot com.
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and there's also a full list of the participating businesses there. and speaking of business, check out this. a celebration of chicken and beer for businesses in the east bay. the korean brewing company called don't cave year has just held its second annual chicken and beer festival in oakland. this was saturday. look at all these people coming together. >> enjoying some different types of korean style. southern also craft beers and the ceo of don't gave their young won. lee says that this is about connecting with the oakland community. >> represent our culture. and you know, being, you i don't like or, you know, i want to bring communities together and i want >> do kbr is one of the fastest growing bay area, breweries and lee is hoping that business will continue to inject diversity into the
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craft beer world. >> well, tune in every thursday here on kron 4 this month as we share stories highlighting the bay area's api community all leading up to that special. you see the information there on the screen. it's thursday. may 23rd a 3rd at 06:30pm, right here on kron 4. put together all those great stories into one giant special. we're going to take a break or 9.41. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news for the first time since the pandemic. the silicon valley mayors, china trip is underway. we'll tell you how east bay mayor is promoting their city in hong kong. plus, the giants were looking to sweep the rockies out at oracle park over the weekend. we'll tell you they were able to do john. >> and a look outside of highway. 24 not looking too bad this morning. traffic's bad this morning. traffic's moving along just fine. skies
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>> i-44 right now and we are checking out the weather for you. it's sunny, right from the grey like last week. yeah. beautiful out there. john, can we have this all week with you know what? we're going to keep a lot of this around all week. it's definitely going to be a sunnier week even out towards the coastline. this is your view from mount tam this morning. little evidence of some rain cool there. >> but not a lot of fog to be talking this morning. in fact, skies are really clear all the way out to half moon bay and point rays right now. so love to see a little sunshine for those areas that usually get grey in full force where we're sitting right now, a northerly flow across the region is helping to keep conditions relatively moderated. so even though we have high pressure ridge influencing a drier trend of weather, we're also seeing some generally cooler conditions than we oftentimes do see this time of year winds
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from the north will pick up a little bit this afternoon, but also not as windy as last week was. so we're not as foggy, not as windy. still nice and mild. sounds like a pretty good recipe for the week. temperatures in the 60's for san francisco and along the coastline today and a good dose of sunshine for those spots. 70's for most of the rest of us foster city at 72 saying carlo, 75 south bay temperatures, upper 70's just shy of 80 in the south bay. well, mid 70's to upper 70's across the east bay hayward, 73, oakland and richmond at 72 concord, antioch, vacaville napa, a few spots that will be in the low 80's. and that's at the very warmest tomorrow will be the warmest day of the forecasts. after that, we cool things down memorial day weekend is really cool. daytime highs only in the 70's at our warmest inland, including spots like napa for bottle rock james. >> all right, john, thank you very much. 9.46, the time. let's check the roads this morning. they are once again
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looking good. a little bit of a backup here at the bay bridge. you can see things starting to stack up with the toll plaza about 26 minute ride, according to the sensors to get from the maze into san francisco, the san mateo bridge looking pretty good. 13 minutes to get from hayward out to the peninsula this morning. all in all, not bad. we're looking at a smooth ride to here at the richmond. sandra fell bridge west bound 5.80, from richmond out to sandra fell just 7 minutes. and then lastly, the golden gate bridge where you ride southbound. i want to one through marin county heading into san francisco's running about 20 minutes from the battle down to the city. more weather traffic updates in a bit. let's go back to the news right 47 and the mayor of antioch is in hong kong right now. mayor hernandez store is participating in. >> the silicon valley mayors, china trip. it's organized by china, silicon valley. that's a nonprofit founded in 2012 that fosters investment business and tourism exchanges between silicon valley and china. and the mayor is out there promoting antioch, strategic trade and economic
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strength, some potential job expansion opportunities. it's the first trip that's been organized by china, silicon valley since the covid pandemic, which greatly impacted travel as we know of all kinds. the harvey milk, lgbtq democratic club is going to host a mayoral town hall tomorrow. san francisco mayor london breed and her challengers are all going to be in this supervisor. aaron peskin safai former interim mayor. i'm mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel lurie. that is at the first unitarian universalist church and center in cathedral hill tomorrow at 6.30. >> bay area's get ready to celebrate harvey milk this wednesday for harvey milk day, it's celebrated every year on his birthday he would have been 94 years old. the first openly politician in california. as we know, tragically became a martyr not long after taking office on the san francisco board of supervisors and becoming california's first openly
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elected official, he was assassinated in that building. back in 1978 and so each year since on may 22nd, the city has come together on that day and used it as an opportunity to help and celebrate the lgbtq+ community. in the north bay. the bottle rock music festival is set to return to the napa valley this friday. megan, thee stallion pearl jam and sharon, and you can see a whole host of others are going to be headlining the festival. the festival runs through friday or from friday through sunday. so it will be huge this weekend. a lot of extra traffic in the north bay. so give yourself plenty of time. if you're getting through the area. >> happening today, the eat learn play foundation holds a ribbon cutting ceremony for their newest playground. it's going to be piedmont avenue elementary and here you can see steph curry in a second gun on the sly. watch this because stephen aishah created this foundation to support kids and their endless streams and they've open many different programs and playgrounds. this is one of them. so will be another one
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today. >> okay. turned a bay area. baseball now with the giants were looking to sweep the rockies and snag themselves a 4th straight win. let's take a peek at the highlights with kron four's kate rooney. it's a tough time to play in the nationally west. the dodgers have created more separation of the top than any other division in major league baseball. but it's only may and it's a long season in the majors. this still a chance for every game and every series win to have a major impact. so after avoiding a series sweep against the dodgers earlier this week. >> the giants got out the brooms for their date with the rockies sweep in colorado and earning their first series sweep of the season. now the giants head east for the 3rd time this year. they'll take on the pirates and the mets and manager bob melvin said they're feeling pretty good after winning 4 games in a row. i think all along we have. >> we have a good feeling that, you know, we're going to work our way out of these things. we've done a lot better in every facet here recently during the stretch to win, you win. you know, you
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get bogged down with, you know, to can't get that 3rd one. now we've got the 4th one. we get off day, probably so the 3rd east coast trip her home. mean, is what it is. when is it on and >> i just feel like we're just going to keep it going at the moment and just keep going have a better starts make it 5 saying what every vote we're going we're going to make it door, besting his work hard play hard. >> after getting the call up from the minors eligio the loudest cheers of the day here at the ballpark when he hit a solo home run in the 6th inning, it was his first home run of the year. he becomes the 14 different giants player to go yard this season time the giants for 3rd most different players to hit a home run this year at oracle park. kate rooney kron 4 sports. >> thank you, kate. it is not 51. and decades after nasa selected the first black astronaut candidate ninety-year-old at dwight finally made his trip to space. take a look.
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>> this gentleman has waited a long time to go to space. love selected in the early 60's as the first. black astronaut to fly, although he did not get to fly. today was his opportunity. and the man, what a flight for finally an official astronaut. >> and he made that ride aboard that blue origin rocket. that flight was held yesterday. dwight was an airforce pilot. captain in the 1960's and then president john kennedy chose him to be a candidate to become an astronaut. he didn't make it into the program then. but he made it to space. now. now the oldest person to travel in space actually beating at actor william shatner, who is was a few months younger when he went up into space. >> 9.52. right now. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news
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had have insurance. we're going to take a closer look at what it costs in california to make sure that your dog or cat can get the medical care.
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that's 9.54. and new this morning plans to reintroduce wolverines. >> back into california have hit a major snag in sacramento, wolverines disappeared from our state more than a century ago. and they say it was trapping and hunting. there is a bill that was studying to determine what it would take to bring back the animals to the california mountains. but the state assembly appropriations committee struck it down because they cited the state's
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budget deficit. there is still a similar effort to reintroduce wolverines, but it's in colorado into their states. so they're working on it. they they look so cute until you see their teeth so >> all right. well, the numbers are in for this weekend's box office with the movie. if falling just shy of what expectations were for it. that fantasy comedy movie was directed by john krasinski starring ryan reynolds and others. it did come in number one. i'm making about 35 million dollars. but they were protecting it to make about 40. all right. let's hear the review. jameson it right away yes, yeah, it's a great family movie handed fields in there and it's obviously for more than just kids because you know it. i went with all adults and half of them said they got kind of misty eyed 40 through. they have yet. it's a good story, >> 9.56 right now coming in the next hour. the combo morning news. >> lawmakers have done something that will allow the way to be clear for your electric bill to go up by almost $25 a month. we'll tell
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you what happened. and a pro football player known as mister rader has passed, will have more on legacy. >> police shot a gunman over the weekend in san jose. we're going to take a look at his condition and what the police condition and what the police say happened. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ teacher: ...but it's still true. there are four states of matter. there are solids, liquids, gases... teacher: trevor? teacher: not quite? plasma. teacher: lights please. teacher: now, states of matter are comprised of relationships between molecules. teacher: molecules' relationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety.
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teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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kron. 4 morning news police shoot a gunman in san jose. he's in the hospital now. we'll tell you what happened. and the man who paul pelosi with a hammer at his home in san francisco has to be
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re-sentenced because the judge made an error. plus, lawmakers vote on a state bill. actually they trashed, which gives the way for pg need to raise your electricity bill with a flat fee. >> from the local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> see it on see, i mean, it's going to be gorgeous this monday heading into a long memorial week are short, depending on if you've got the day's off coming up. and john is here with the weather, i was going to be just in the sweet spot, john, i think not too hot. not too cold. i think so. i mean, 70's, that's my sweet spot. i have the 70's and today we're going to get a lot of those some 60's out towards the coast, which is ok, too. but you're getting a good dose of sunshine today. >> golden gate bridge sitting under some brighter skies. and we're seeing those bright skies all the way out to the coastline for your morning hours will continue to see that into the afternoon.


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