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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  May 20, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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lationships... nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen anxiety. teacher: saved by the bell! ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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>> now at 2 danger at an apartment complex in san jose. police shooting a man suspected of unleashing gunfire. we're live with the latest and a mural depicting the war in gaza. defaced with hateful symbols. how the community is reacting. plus, after getting a 30 year sentence, the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi has to be re-sentenced because of an error made by the judge. we're speaking with the legal analyst about what we should expect there. thanks so much. >> from news station. he's calling for news 2. >> so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 2 on vicki liviakis. we have developing news out of the south bay, a man accused of firing a gun near san jose apartment complex is in the hospital after being shot by police officers responding to a call just after 4 o'clock of a man
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actively firing a firearm on kolmar drive. that's near story road and east capitol expressway. crown prince charles clifford live for us at the san jose police department with the latest. hi, charles. what can you tell us? >> well, good afternoon. the police department has cleared the scene there in east san jose. but the investigation continues as one suspect remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. >> for sunday afternoon, san jose police officers arrived here at the 2700 block of coal. more drive on reports of a man firing a gun in the area. police department says that the officers ended up shooting the suspect. he was transported to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. no officers were injured in the suspect's weapon was recovered from the scene during the investigation into the shooting, a large this apartment complex was closed down overnight and well into monday morning. police also closely examined a silver minivan parked near the apartments. it
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a san jose police department cruiser were eventually taken away from the scene as of midday monday. the identities of the suspects in the officers involved in this case have not been made public. it's also not clear why the gunman was firing a weapon in the neighborhood. the san jose police department's office of internal affairs and the santa clara county district attorney's office are also involved in this investigation. >> all right, back live. now the police department is going to hold a press conference at 3 o'clock this afternoon here at the headquarters. hopefully we'll get some more in this case, including, you know, how many officers were involved and what might have been this man's motive for firing a gun sunday afternoon. but for now in the south bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. thank you, charles, from san jose to the east bay. now police in oakland. >> are investigating a fatal shooting just outside city hall happened just 2 o'clock this morning on 14th street right near frank ogawa plaza and broadway officers found a man who'd been shot. he did not survive. anyone with
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information is being asked to contact police. a mural in know, we've ali, san francisco has been defaced several times this afternoon. the jewish community relations council of the bay area is speaking out. our kron four's. tiffany justice joins us now live from the newsroom. and tiffany, they're calling the latest inactive violence and hateful. >> right. the council says there are symbols on the mural that are anti-semitic and they're working to get that mural removed. a mural in san francisco's knowing valley neighborhood is grabbing people's attention. it was painted in opposition to the war in gaza, but some are calling it antisemitic. others have no problem with the mural. i don't think this is anti-semitic at all. i think is just a message of what's actually going on >> picture of the reality. people are looking at the big picture and i think that. >> they don't realize how much of a bully israel is and the situation cities like sf and stuff like this. you actually have people who protest the
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mural has wording that says stop the genocide in gaza. now it depicts bombs falling on rubble and debris. >> along with painting splotches of blood monday, the jewish community relations council of the bay area speaking out against the mural. >> saying this mural is blood liable. fortunately, this mural is anti-semitic and there's a couple things that we would point number one is its blood liable to. >> accused israel of genocide with the blood dripping down. this is a horrific, horrific war, too many civilians have been killed. but this is not a genocide and take the queues israelis of genocide goes back to this anti-semitic trope, a blood libel. second, you see the star of david replaced with a dollar sign and that goes back and anti-semitic trope of the money, june where the to controlling the media where the governments and that indication is deeply inappropriate. tyler gregory of jcrc says they have spoken with supervisor rafael mandelman about year-old. >> it is on private property
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in gregory says he hopes to see the mural gone and replaced. a lot of just don't feel safe in the area. they're not they don't feel a sense of welcoming us to help. the mural will be replaced with something that brings communities together. some residents remaining neutral. i demonstrators and grant amnesty to those who are facing disciplinary action related to the unrest. university officials say the strike is illegal because the
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academic workers have a no strike clause. the strike and uc santa cruz could be the first of a potential series of labor strikes on campuses across the uc stis system. and now to the latest on the war in the middle east. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court says he is looking into arrest warrant for israel and hamas leaders. karim khan is citing war crimes of murder, rape and torture by hamas leaders and crimes against humanity by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense. the announcement was a symbolic blow. israeli leaders condemned the move is disgraceful and anti semitic. president biden calling it outrageous. a panel of judges will decide whether to issue those arrest warrants. and a big story that we're following for you. the helicopter crash that killed iran's president, foreign minister and other officials is rocking washington and the rest of the world. jessi tenure reports now on the latest response from the u.s.. the white house
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has not commented on the deadly crash. and top defense officials are still deferring to iran for more information. >> i can't speculate on what may have been the cause of the accident. the pentagon is still waiting on details from iran about what led to the helicopter crash that killed president ibrahim or i see the royals are investigating a will trust again and so see what outcome is uncertain. investigation is complete. but defense secretary lloyd austin said he can confirm one thing. you know, states no part to play in that crash. search crews found rice e along with the country's foreign minister and other officials dead monday hours after their helicopter crashed on a foggy mountain side in iran. ultimately it's the right government that is responsible for the decision to fly a 45 year-old helicopter in. >> what was described as poor weather conditions in a controversial move. the u.s. stood and participated in a moment of silence at monday's
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un security council meeting. we regret any loss of life. you want to see anyone. dinah helicopter crash, but state department spokesperson matthew miller said that does not change the reality of rice's record. he was involved in numerous horrific human rights abuses. that's why miller said it's not surprising that some iranians are celebrating rice's death. we continue to support the iranian people in their fundamental struggle for freedom. >> and the crash comes as the israel-hamas war royals, the middle east, iran and israel traded fire for the first time ever just last month. in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >> new details in the search for a missing east bay hiker, the east bay regional park district police department confirming now alex stature has been located. he went missing while hiking with his dog over the weekend. in the alone, a regional wilderness. we haven't learned whether the dog was also found and what conditions stature is in right now. the man accused of attacking paul pelosi at his san francisco home and 2022.
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will be re sentenced later this month. david de pap received a 30 year prison sentence on friday. the federal court says that it did not give the pap the trans to make a statement before his sentencing as a requirement for a federal criminal procedures. that error is unlikely to affect his 30 year sentence. but it does give him the chance to ask for leniency. coming up on kron. 4 news at 2. we're going to be speaking with our legal analyst michael cardoza, about what we could see in the courtroom little later on this month with the sentencing being reopened. that's coming up at 2.15. meantime, let's talk about the forecast as we get a live look outside at the transamerica pyramid. and you can't help but notice those trees blowing in the wind there. it's pretty blustery out there. that's right. we're getting that north to northwesterly flow. i wanted to talk or second about this fancy graphic. it's climatology. so we're looking at. >> basically what's going to happen over the next couple of weeks are looking ahead. long-range forecast, bottom is
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precipitation, but i want to take your eye up to temperatures and notice that part of the country will be warm right there. going to be those oranges and yellows, meaning that they have above average temperatures over the next few weeks. but we are either in the grade of the light blue meaning that we are either average or slightly below average. another reason i tell you, this is today tomorrow, the next couple of days, we have some really nice warm temperatures and they're not going to last or going to big change as we get towards the weekend. but right now it is a little breezy out there. temperatures, though, really lovely cocker just hit 80 degrees. we're in the 70's and santa rosa livermore in san jose, san francisco that 63 oakland, 68 a nice out there. a little cool out of half moon bay, but even happen based on a little sunshine today as the marine layer is giving us a break here, you can see storm tracker. 4 is clear as a bell, a little high pressure off the coast. a little low pressure to the south of us. what that translates to along with a little bit of north northwesterly wind is a little bit of a warm-up. so tonight it will be nice and clear out there. mostly clear skies clouds will be confined to the coast. temperatures not bad
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between about 48 57 degrees and the moon. you have a good shot at tech. checking it out tonight. it is going to be a full moon on thursday. so nice and bright last night with these clear skies. nice and bright tonight, too. we do cool down just a touch as we get to wednesday and thursday. but a big change coming on friday. i have details on that when i come back in just a bit. >> thank you. kyla. coming up in east bay community, remembering a homeless man was found dead on a sidewalk. why his death is now being investigated as a homicide. a rare sight to see orcas hunting seals off the coast of northern california. we're northern california. we're going tell you where.
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pap of the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi his san francisco home in 2022. >> received a 30 year prison sentence last friday. but a few hours later, it was announced that re-sentencing hearing would take place because of an error that was made by the judge. that hearing has been set now for may 28th here to understand what is going on and what may happen is our legal analyst michael cardoza. hi, michael. what just >> well, you know, in the courts it working in court as long as i have judge is made for state's lawyers makes the state's clerks to you hate to see it happen on this largest age. but the judge did make a mistake which she had readily. it isn't. that mistake was not asking mister to pop as he wanted to make a statement to the court. now, that's important because they take
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consideration whether the defendant, the accused and now the convicted in this case, the pop is sorry for what he did. it didn't have a chance to express that if he has it. so wrote to the court. so that's what this is all about. error. that's going to be corrected. >> so does this mean leniency for him? >> you laughing because i know what happened with the defense when the prosecutors, the government realized that the judge had ask mister de pop if they wanted to make a statement, they immediately went to the court and said you've got to reopen this sentencing and ask him whether he does want to make a statement to the court. but the defense objected to that. that said, no, no, no, no, no. we've already filed appeal. and that's what are the grounds for our jails. so the defense is going to try to
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take advantage of either on appeal or in court and say if they can get a pop and knows what he's going to say with all of his mental issues, whether he, in fact, has contrition and that the question will be if he doesn't express says that to the court, will the court take that into consideration and reducing the are ready given 30 years sends? i doubt even if the pop says that he's sorry that she's going to reduced by. she ending the judge in this case, it's going to reduce the sentence 2 lesser than 30 years. but who knows? maybe it might happen. maybe she will not call 5 years or so. i don't know. so, michael, i mean, as you pointed out, one can only wonder what he might have to say. but the bigger question here is, is a technical. they're like a risk of this.
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>> whole case being overturned or isn't am i making too much of this? >> well, you never can make too much. thank you because stranger things that's happened. i mean, to give you a small example, a jury stayed out about 16 minutes on the case. one time in the appellate court reversed that said, you sure you couldn't come. that would just session that quickly. so we're going to reverse that case. i appellate courts to look for nothing's overturned, but they do look at the technicalities that happened in the courtroom to see whether it's fair or not fair to the defendant. i don't see th overturned because of this. this was an oversight. but heart really goes out to the judge because like i said, we're all human. we all make mistakes. and she just happened to make very, very large stage. but she's owned up to just let's bring it back. let's reset. and give them a chance to talk and tell
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the court, you know, whether it does have contrition or not about this she will take that under. i'm not sure submission, but she will consider that i've done is going to really change much. but as far as your question, well, it reverse this case on this and there's not a chance of that in my all clearly we have not heard the last of mister de pap is got the state >> trial that he's going to be facing as but i don't understand, you know, whether states going to do that like because they got 30 years, they're going to prosecute him for burglary and attempted murder. and even the runs i just don't get that spending. that kind of money going after this guy on a state level. but who knows what they're thinking? those? all right. well, there's time to talk to you when that actually happens. we'll be back to you, though. they thank you so much. our legal analyst, have a good afternoon here's now to
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talk about the weather. here is a live look at san francisco. >> i'm a bit hazy out there. it is high little that. yeah, you're you're not seeing things. they did. check air quality are going to talk about that a little later in the show actually so well done. and also thanks for getting up early for us. >> good to have you here for i love that vicki liviakis. okay. everybody lets talk about blue skies. they are beautiful out there. it is a gorgeous day. a little breeze going on in san francisco right now. >> but it's a pretty nice day altogether. as we look here, we could see that our high pressure is still here. it is a little far off the coast. low pressure to the south of us hanging off the coast by a los angeles. and that leaves us right here with some gorgeous blue skies. we do have a bit of a northerly flow. you can see the wind there, the direction from the north northwest that is ushering in some warmer temperatures for us and start to pick up right now. as i mentioned, breezy and san francisco are up to 18 miles per hours. that just popped up. same story of point. raze. again, you see that north northwesterly direction, but notice it's also kind making its way over to oakland right
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now, too. now the effect of this wind is that it's helping us warm up and then you can see in some spots we're up to about 5 degrees warmer. then we were this time yesterday and tomorrow we're going even higher with temperatures. let's see where we're at redwood city. wow. 78 degrees right now. 75 in san jose and freemont dublin at 75 berkeley at 62. 64 in downtown san francisco. that's pretty nice, too. 77 in nevado and 80 in fairfield. they made it up to that 80 degree. mark. so the other part of this is that this is our fog cast tonight. and that's to say that the marine layer is not going to be doing its thing very much tonight. just a little bit along the coast there, but that's about it. and you can see tomorrow, another beautiful, sunny day that's going allow us to warm up even higher. so you can see temperatures tomorrow could likely be in those low to almost mid 80's inland, upper 70's around the bay and 60's at the coast. nice on wednesday and thursday by friday. big pattern change. you can see, the weekend is a very different profile here as we start to cool down, bring
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that marine layer back and then it looks like we do start to warm up a little bit for that holiday on monday. back to you. all right, kayla, we'll take it. >> a sad morning for raider nation. mister rader himself, jim otto died yesterday. the hall of fame center join the team for its first season in the american football league. back in 1960, and he never missed a game competing in 210 consecutive regular season games and 308 straight total contest despite undergoing 9 operations on his knees. and that's even during his playing career. jim otto was 86 years old. still ahead, a historic launch into space over the weekend, some 60 years in the making. and another beloved oakland restaurant shutting their doors for good. why the lakeshore cafe? >> is closing up shop after more than 2 decades in business. after 22 years in
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business, the lakeshore cafe in oakland is announcing that it's closing its doors for good in just one week, memorial day will be the final day for the popular breakfast and lunch spot near lake merritt. the owner is making that announcement on social media. they don't say why they're leaving, but they did say that a new restaurant will soon be opening in its place. the casual seafood, the restaurant red lobster has filed for bankruptcy last week. the restaurant chain closed locations all across the country, including 2 right here in the bay area. the 56 year old chain posted an operating loss of more than 11 million dollars during their endless shrimp deal last
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year in a court filing read, lobster says it will use the bankruptcy to pursue a buyer for the chain. red lobster still has more than 600 locations, which are expected to continue operating. a former player with the angels allegedly made bets with the same bookmaker who led took wagers from shohei ohtani's former interpreter. espn reporting now the david fletcher, a former infielder, the angels organization and teammate of oh honey ohtani rather bet on several sports but not baseball ohtani's former interpreter the pay me to hire a that with the same bulky and stole millions from the japanese superstar to pay off his debt. major league baseball is expected to investigate fletcher who is currently playing in the atlanta braves minor league system. up next, california plans to set aside millions for a program that uses gift cards as an incentive to stay clean. why officials say that it's helping addicts kick their drug addiction. and sean
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diddy combs responding to the video of him violently attacking his former girlfriend. >> singer cassie what he said in a recent social media post. but first, an east bay community remembering a beloved homeless man whose beloved homeless man whose death was considered ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas, ticks, tapeworms, and more. use with caution in cats with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard combo,... ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ ...the monthly one-and-done you want.
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. when you host, your bathroom can feel like a revolving door... keep things fresh with febreze small spaces. it's an outlet-free air freshener that fights odors for 45 days. so even after every flush... you know your bathroom smells amazing. ♪ lalalalala ♪
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>> blunt force trauma to the head and chest. that's what police say was the cause of death for a homeless man found dead last week. an antioch and as our kron four's philippe djegal reports following an autopsy, his death has gone from suspicious to now being ruled a homicide. >> a block away from where he was found dead last wednesday. patrons of a gas station
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on-loan tree way at country hills drive in antioch. remember raheem co? he was a nice guy. i mean, you know, i mean, >> i think he had a issues. >> but the big, you know, you never did wrong anybody that i know. you know, mean, they were talking out loud little bit, you know, but >> that was just him. flowers have also been placed took his last breath. all homicides are taking very was homeless and well known by people who live and work in the area. you always stuck to himself. always had a small. his lap is very contagious. sadly, just after 7.15, wednesday morning, antioch police officers responded to reports of a man down on the sidewalk. and lieutenant desmond bittner says the 48 year-old had already passed away when they arrived. felt that the situation was suspicious. so they notified our investigations division. we sent out an investigation. surgeon as well handful of investigators and following an autopsy, lieutenant victor says cole's death has been ruled a homicide. it was
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determined that the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head and chest. investigators took a large rock away from the crime scene. but it's unclear if that was the murder weapon. man who neighbors say lived a tough life but did not take that out on anyone else. what happened just very saddened. >> i yeah, i have no words for its terrible. i mean, you know, it's weird. i mean, and yachts. >> got to the point where it's like everywhere like this. you know, that site. that's all the time or another. >> we don't know what to think. you know, this is the city's 5th homicide of the year. none of them classified as justifiable in antioch. philippe djegal kron. 4 news. >> the judge overseeing donald trump's hush money trial briefly closed the courtroom, forcing reporters into the hallway after he admonished the defense witness for his behavior on the witness stand. it happened just minutes into the testimony of robert costello, a former federal prosecutor who has publicly blasted the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen
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costello, aggravated the judge repeatedly in his testimony by making comments under his breath and continuing to speak after objections are sustained to signal to witnesses to stop talking. costello testified that cohen told him trump knew nothing about the hush money payment to after stormy daniels. that is at the center of this case. the mayor of antioch is in hong kong right now. mayor lamar thorpe is participating in the 2024 silicon valley mayors, china trip organized by china. silicon valley. it's a a nonprofit organization founded back in 2012 to foster investment business and tourism exchanges between china and the silicon valley. the mayor is promoting antioch, strategic trade and economic strengths and potential expansion. this is the first trip back to china organized by china, silicon valley since the start of the covid pandemic. the harvey
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milk lgbtq democratic club is planning on hosting a mayoral town hall. the san francisco mayor, london breed and her challengers in the upcoming election supervisor. aaron peskin supervisor aishah sof it. former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel lurie are all set to attend. set to happen at the first unitarian universalist church in center and cathedral hill san francisco tomorrow evening at 6.30. gilroy resident killed after being hit by a car driven by a minor. this happened early yesterday morning in gilroy on no name. you know, deer and your street rather saint louise regional hospital, the victim was 23 years old. the minor waited for police to arrive and is cooperating with the investigation. not clear, though, what caused the crash. sean diddy combs is breaking his silence after a now viral video was released capturing him brutally beating his ex-girlfriend at an la hotel
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in 2016 in a video that was posted on social media and emotional come says that he hit rock bottom reporter will reach or rachel met not celebrity and legal reaction to the video. so sorry. >> a seemingly remorseful, sean diddy combs appears in an edited instagram video apologizing for his actions. he's referring to this surveillance taken from a los angeles hotel in 2016 where the hip-hop mogul is seen punching kicking and violently dragging his then girlfriend, cassie ventura. >> i take full responsibility for my actions in that video. discussed. >> kathy sued her acts in november, alleging years of physical, emotional and abuse. they settled a day later. now some of the entertainment industry are reacting to diddy's viral video model emily rabbitohs ski commented on the video writing, quote, monster rapper and longtime
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rival $0.50 repost. it a clip of the video and said sarcastically, quote, now i'm sure puffy didn't do it. he is innocent. this proves nothing. this is what his lawyers are going to say. aubrey o'day also condemned her former mentor saying did he did not apologize to kasey. he apologized to the world for seeing what he did. diddy is still facing for civil lawsuits, claiming misconduct and illegal activity. his la and states were also rated ktla. legal analyst allison triessl says combs can't be charged for the assault. seen here, but the video can be used in his pending litigation. >> this apology from p diddy is not only too little too late, but it actually may act as an aid mission hurt him in future cases down the line. >> and that was rachel menitoff reporting for this afternoon. program in
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california is using gift cards to combat drug addiction. the state is spending more than 60 million dollars in this battle. and officials say it's working in the coming fiscal year. california is expected to allocate 61 million dollars to this program focusing on addictions to drugs like meth and cocaine. so hear how does how it works to start out. patients have to show up to their designated clinic twice a week to provide a urine sample. and if they're clean, they receive a small stipend on a gift card and that increases as they continue. and if they fail, well, there are no consequences that just encouraged to show up and start again. the approach is called contingency management, which is based around rewarding people for a behavior, not punishing them. since california's pilot program launched in april 19 counties throughout the state enrolled almost 3,000 participants. we spoke to a program director at the treatment facility nevada county, california, who admits the program doesn't work for all patients, but says it's
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another tool to help combat addiction. >> it starts off a $10. the end of the first weeks. they might be making $20. it goes up like a dollar and a half. every to so does increase. and that's another important part is that we're increasing. it's a sort puts them into it. it took them into participating more and more and they don't want to lose a day because that resets the clock to back to $10. >> california has dedicated significant amounts of money to efforts aimed at curbing drug addictions. the state says the rate of residents dying from stimulants doubled from 2019 to 2023. unfortunate. all right. let's talk about the forecast as we get a live look outside right now at sfo. kyla grogan here with us kyla. it doesn't look foggy out there. that's a good sign. >> right. little bit of haze. we do have the marine layer that has moved now to the south. you can see it's still hanging out around the central
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and southern california coast lines up and that is reflected. and so the temperatures moderate, just 61 degrees or you can see la get a little bit warmer there. 68 82 in bakersfield, 81 up in sacramento and here in san francisco, this is the view from mount tam. or you can see there's a little bit of haze out there now, some of that can be attributed to the marine layer. having said that, i did check air quality. you can see we've slipped a little bit to moderate in san francisco, up in nevado over in oakland and down in san jose. even out towards concord. so that is not to say that it is bad air quality, but it is moderate meaning if you're sensitive to it, you might noticing that today. we do have a pretty stiff breeze going about 18 miles per hour. as we take a live look here at the embarcadero. this is in san francisco. you can see temperatures in san francisco in the 60's. same story oakland, but we are in the 70's in many spots right now. san jose livermore and santa rosa. we are at 80 degrees in concord and half moon bay. a little bit cooler out at the coast as to be expected. now wanted to point this out because for me today is the day when i'm like the weather's great time to take a walk. we've got 14 hours and
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22 minutes of daylight meeting sunset is not until 08:17pm. this keeps going up until that june. 21st. we have our next solstice. so maybe get out and enjoy it this afternoon and evening. he's going really lovely. you can see half moon bay that marine layer is hanging out there, but they got some good sunshine tomorrow is going to be a really warm day. we do start to cool it down. really big time as we get into the weekend. we'll talk about that when i come back. characters of great performers at disneyland have voted to unionize. >> the 1700 employees are going to be represented by the actors equity association workers are calling for higher pay and stronger safety practices on the job. they're also demanding better schedules, parade performers in particular have trouble getting full-time hours. other departments at the disneyland resort like food and beverage. they've also unionized character and parade cast members at walt disney world in florida have been unit in. i since the 1980's. disney has a week to file any challenges
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to those election results. federal regulators are recalling several models of cars. they also include honda, bmw and ford. 187,000 honda ridgeline trucks are being recalled for a rearview camera issue. bmw recalling 30 to 100 of its 2020 for 2025. vehicles. the models include the x 5 x 6, 7, the seat belt system may not detect that passengers in the vehicle are belted. and ford is recalling 8700 cars. the power train software may cause the car to shift into neutral unexpectedly in the ford escape. the lincoln corsair and ford maverick model years are from 2022. 24. a historic launch blue origin. the space tourism in exploration firm that was founded by billionaire jeff bezos. that flight delivered 6 people from texas to the edge of space, including nasa's first black astronaut candidate reporter
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jennifer mcgraw is in exposition park to show us how the flight was decades in the making. >> a dream of a lifetime taking launching from west texas, america's first black astronaut candidate has finally made it into space and 0 g has started for our astronauts. the 11 minute journey has astronaut soaring past the karman line. more than 60 miles from earth for the 6 on board a perfect flight. there it is. touchdown of the crew capsule. and here at exits, ed white. >> this gentleman has waited a long time to go to space. >> in the 60's dwight was championed by president john f kennedy to become the first black astronaut to fly. but he wasn't picked to every as is most of been a most of as a
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look at the full suffering with my role in the prices was >> over conversation about blacks and hispanics. and sauce served a purpose and i was never prime. now at 90 years-old flying with jeff bezos, rocket company, blue origin. >> he finally gets the recognition to blast out of this world and the man. what a flight for him. >> the rocket roaring and rumbling and the noise, that that i would enjoy the and that he did. >> for space wrong made. right. and it's just kind of a really cool thing that somebody finally gets to go and do their dream and giving the youth the reason to dream big. it just proves that you can do anything at any age. you have a limit to what you can do. and i think it's an encouragement, a testament that. >> and you don't have to stop just because it seems like an opportunity was missed a mission complete and dream of
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a lifetime to become an astronaut. now at 90 years old plays can bring people together. >> everybody with space for to say, oh, my god, what place is who workable go back and make the world. >> what an amazing dream come true. that was jennifer mcgraw reporting for us this afternoon. coming up, an incredible site off the california coast where a coast guard crew captures the moment. >> a pod of orcas go hunting for their next meal. and what target is doing to attract inflation, worried buyers. but first, it's a joyous time for high school students who looking to make a college campus their new home. but it can also be very tough on the parents. after the break, we're going to speak with a we're going to speak with a psychiatrist about how yo
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frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask with peptide complex. fortifies hair bonds at a molecular level. helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. keep living. we'll keep repairing. what if you could go from this to this. with just one step tresemmé silk serum. time for the ultimate humidity test. weightlessly smooth hair your turn. new tresemmé keratin smooth collection. ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪
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♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ >> you know, graduation can be a very exciting time for students who may be preparing to leave home for the first time to start their new journeys. but a huge life event like this can also lead to a range of emotions, including anxiety and stress. you know, some parents might experience what is known as empty nest syndrome, which is that sort of grief that is felt when the kids leave help. so here to talk about this topic is doctor catherine erickson right out she's a psychiatrist kaiser permanente. santa rosa, thank you so much for joining us. >> if you're to get you know, it is a roller coaster of emotions. you can't wait for the kids to grow up and leave the nest and they when they do. >> now, what do i do with i know now? say the days are
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long, but the years are short, right? so i you know, i have kids myself at the 7 for one year already scared and messenger because your life become so focused on your children. >> and the more you get involved in the more you have to be involved as they get older, do you know from one event to another being the mom or dad? taxi? the can become really they're like kind of overcome you take your square. you might even forget your own hobbies such so child transitioning after graduation may be leaving, the house can be a big transition. >> back in the day before there was facebook, instagram find my friends. i mean, yeah, really apparent was really in the dark. but there are ways eye on your kids now. >> it's a so, you know, i really encourage patients who might be experiencing empty nest syndrome or are, you know, coming up on a child's graduation. it and trying to plan for it, right? so that it that's one great solution for
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it, right? you stay connected with your young person through technology, right? you can use it appropriately to connect. hopefully not spy. so much now. what we it's but certainly using that to connect with your children, but also using that for yourself to reconnect with maybe old friend to relationships that maybe you didn't pay as much attention to it. you raising your children remembering finding ways to schedules top some fine, right? so remembering, ok, what are the things that i used to enjoy before my life became all about my did i use like to run or cooked? i have hobbies explore you things that you can do following your child's lead. that can be really helpful to write. so let's say that. your child is transitioning. they're leaving the home. they're starting college or some job are moving to a new city. you know, that comes the stress is and i'm finding ways to connect and to
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keep those lines of communication through social media and ways technology can integrate that communication can be really helpful. both your child to stay connected there. but then too, understand what they want in their life and what role you can play as that is changes. so, doctor, even though we're on time, my producers it. >> kill me for this. but i think it's really important. also look at what does this do to the marriage to the primary relation show? oftentimes doesn't that put a lot of pressure once the kids are gone, then you're looking at each other like. >> i'm so glad you brought that up a it changes the whole dynamic in the family rate. and so it can be a great opportunity to reconnect with your partner to reassess. what are your values and goals, what values and goals you have shared. what you want your life to look like together leaning on that partner and finding ways to connect with them as well. to really, you know, either create new traditions, re focusing on things you can do together and
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finding ways to support each other while monitoring for you notes. when are feelings reading? it's reaching some threshold beyond empty nest syndrome and maybe into anxiety depression where you might need some extra help joining together and finding shared meeting, finding things you can do together having shared routine. those can be all really healthy ways to prepare for for the empty sanogo indeed. and actually it is. it's remarkably fine. went every great advice. thank you so much for your wisdom, doctor. catherine erickson right out with kaiser permanente. santa rosa. >> have you know that you're having tea? >> been restored to a majority of residents in houston who were powerless for days following deadly storms there. this comes as hot weather is moving in now. utility crews worked tirelessly to restore electricity after hurricane force winds, downed power lines and then brought the houston area basically to a standstill, a tornado even touched down in a suburb. a
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cruise do hope to get the power back on to those still without it. by wednesday, kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan has our forecast. yes, but let's talk about this because frightening, so frightening. and then we're at the time of year where in certain parts of the country now the heat. >> is no joke. and texas is one of them. so let's take a look at temperatures. i just looked 89 degrees right now in houston, 90 in dallas. you can see where that heat is. and, you know, here's the thing. it's not just about the heat. it's also about the humidity levels and in texas. never been to houston, but i spent part of my childhood in florida now, florida. we know humidity, houston knocks me out when it comes to humidity, have spent some time there and it makes those temperatures feel a whole lot warmer. so i'm very happy that they're getting their power back as i'm sure they are. you can also see the weather is nice and clear there right now. now, tomorrow, looking out for the potential more severe weather and this time it's going to be in the midwest. we're talking about iowa. we're talking missouri. we're
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talking about parts of illinois tomorrow. as you can see, some of the storms moving through there today. but i'm real concerned about what's going go down there tomorrow. so we're keeping an eye on that. meanwhile, back in california, we're having a gorgeous day. it's just beautiful here. all throughout the state. lots of blue skies out there in the marine layer is giving us a break. you can see here those blue skies at the golden gate bridge. mostly clear tonight. so that will give us a nice quiet evening as we get into tomorrow. that's going to be the warmest day of the week. we're going continue to warm up in the beautiful sunshine and the limited marine layer now don't get too used to that because by the time we get to friday, we're going to change that pattern. cool it down. bring the marine layer back in which means our weekend is going to be a cooler one. but let's start with where we are right now. which is 75 degrees in san jose. 80 in concord, an antioch. we're at 64 in downtown san francisco and napa sitting at 71 degrees. pretty nice out there taking walnut creek here as an example. and you can see we've got little bit of haze in the sky there, but mostly blue skies tomorrow. we're looking at 83 degrees in walnut creek.
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78 77 wednesday, thursday. that's pretty nice. and then there we go. that's the pattern change. i was talking about. we have a front that's going to track through and that is going to knock temperatures down. it will be dry for us. but boy, it will bring that marine layer back with a vengeance saturday. you can see highs only in the 60's. and the good news is by the time we get to the holiday on monday, does that look like we're going to be pulling those temperatures up a bit? >> thank you. kyla. a coast guard crew spotting a pod of orca as they're on the hunt. the u.s. coast guard's monterey station sharing this video with us on facebook, 4 or cause just stocking a group of seals and sea lions out there in the monterey bay. the post calls the video pretty incredible local. well watchers say that now actually is the peak time for spotting or cause in the bay. coming up next, remember those debt cards sent out by the state to help you out with inflation? turns out that some people turns out that some people still haven't use them. how
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introducing kardiamobile. with kardiamobile, the fda-cleared smart device, you can take a medical-grade ekg in just 30 seconds from anywhere. every morning i check, make sure i'm in good shape. and it makes me feel pretty good about my heart condition. kardiamobile is proven to detect atrial fibrillation. and it's fda-cleared to detect normal heart rhythm, bradycardia and tachycardia. i mean, you might as well be in a doctor's office. get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me.
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just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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more than 600,000 people here in california have a used debit cards meant to ease the burden of inflation. the franchise tax board started issuing the middle class tax refund by direct deposit and debit cards back in october of 2022. last september, the last round of payments have been sent out. the payments are as high as $1000. more than 9 million people received a debit card in the mail. 10% of those cards have not even been activated yet. a californian still have about 2 years to activate and use the remaining funds. target is lowering prices on thousands of items
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starting today. the move is meant to lure back shoppers concerned about inflation and its impact on their wallets. the big box chain announcing the price cuts will apply to name brands including clorox and prime energies. well as in-house products, target sales fell last year for the first time since 2016. the company has predicted a sluggish 2024 and will update investors on earnings on wednesday. don't go anywhere because we have another hour of news ahead of battle brewing in san francisco over a picture targeting israel. how the community is reacting to that mural in the middle of this controversy. plus, why there's a growing memorial of flowers and balloons at a gas station in antioch. i'm vicki liviakis kron. 4 news at 3 is liviakis kron. 4 news at 3 is next. looking for a smarter way to mop?
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try the swiffer powermop. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> we don't know what to think. >> now it's 3 a growing memorial in antioch for a well-known homeless man found dead and police are investigating his death as a homicide. thank you so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 3 on vicki liviakis. community members say that 48 year-old raheem co would often hang out at the gas station where this memorial is located. kron four's philippe, you call spoke with neighbors. >> 48 year-old raheem co kept to himself say people who live and work near lone tree way and country hills drive in


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