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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  May 20, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> now at 5 businesses in berkeley will need to decide if they want to keep their outdoor dining spaces they created during the pandemic. tough choice. thanks for joining us on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis that the city will now charge rent for
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parking spaces. >> that have been turned into outdoor dining in parklets and it's not cheap. kron four's rob nesbitt spoke with one business owner about the choice of paying rent tearing down. >> the city of berkeley has provided an example for how much it will cost to business to keep a parklet using the costs of how much it is to park in a parking space. for example, 2 parking spaces with an hourly rate of the $1.50. will cost around $8100 a year for a parklet businesses and restaurants in berkeley. we're left with tough decisions during the pandemic. many of them converted outdoor parking spaces into parklets, including solves restaurant and delicatessen during covid the park. that was a lifeline that enabled us stay in business and continue operating. >> i now it's become just a wonderful feature. co-owner sam told us explain to me how saws has to outdoor dining options. >> street spaces that were turned into a public park years before covid and parking spaces that were turned into outdoor dining back in 2020.
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the city is now requiring businesses to apply for permits to add or keep their parklets having an outdoor dining space has been free for the last 4 years. but starting monday, it will come at a yearly cost going to be a big expense. that was going to be hard for us to absorb. so we asked if you can pay the monthly they said yes to that. so are you paying them about 1500 bucks a month >> to read this outdoor space, $18,000 a year. >> a cost that many business owners at berkeley will have to decide if it's worth it to keep their outdoor spaces. a tough decision to make but hopes hopes the city will work with owners who have struggled with keeping their doors open. post-pandemic in our experience, the city was accommodating of our request and was able to make it work for us. >> and we just hope that the city and other local businesses can also reach sort of mutually beneficial. agreement so that we can keep more outdoor dining options in the city in berkeley. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news.
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>> police in san jose are investigating an officer-involved shooting that left a man in critical condition. >> it happened just after 04:00pm yesterday at an apartment complex here on kolmar drive. officers responded to a report that a man now identified as 41 year-old ricardo villarreal was shooting a gun in the back of the apartment complex with the first 2 officers arrived on scene. police savior out started firing at them before for treating into the complex itself. additional officers responded and located very out reportedly continued firing at police. one officer returned fire, hitting villarreal. what unfolded yesterday afternoon was another reminder of just how dangerous being a police officer is. >> illegally present possessed guns continue to proliferate our streets. plus our community and officers in danger. i couldn't be more proud of all the officers who responded to this call for help. put others before themselves and that saves lives.
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>> the santa clara county district attorney's office is investigating. police in oakland are investigating a fatal shooting that happened just outside of city hall. >> happened after 2 o'clock this morning on reet, right near frank ogawa plaza and broadway officers found a man witgunshot wound who was unresponsive. thesay that he was taken to a nearby hospital where he died of his injuries. anyone with information is being asked to contact oakland police. >> the massive search in alameda county has ended with good news. a hiker went missing over the weekend in the regional wilderness is resting safely. tonight. >> kron four's lezla gooden is there to give us an update. >> that's right. a multi-agency search has ended for the search of the missing hiker here and snow. now, according to police, he was discovered safely miles away off of his original path, according to the east bay regional park police, alex stature and his dog apollo
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were found near the san antonio reservoir on monday around 12:15pm. >> the 2 appeared unharmed and in good health. alex was transported to nearby hospital for overall evaluation. now, alex, it off for his high on friday at an all regional wilderness. the 2 are scheduled to meet for a pickup on saturday afternoon at the devolved which apart. but when he did not show up, a search began, we were told that the 2 were discovered by 2 utility workers in the area near the reservoir. and once we get more information, we will keep you updated here and online. >> and son all was so good in kron. 4 news. >> all right. great day for a hike as we take a live look here above san francisco. just a beautiful monday in the bay. >> laurette you are saying this is about as good as it's going to get. yeah, boy, i mean, what a nice start the week, right? we've been enjoying it outside lots of sunshine around the bay area. little weak, offshore wind brought sunshine, even with the call along the coastline.
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but we're going to see some changes coming our way as we head throughout the week out the door right now that sea breezes kick back in beautiful shot over quite tower this evening. overall, though, we've got what looks like a nice weather pattern set up at least for the next couple days. and we really start to cool things down numbers out the door right now. a beautiful 76 degrees in san jose. 72 very nice and fremont right now. 76 in santa rosa. 77 degrees in nevada on 78 in concord. get toward the coastline, though. much cool there. we've even had a couple of with some fog along the coastline. 55 degrees now in half moon bay and cooling down little more like a boat and the wind there. that's that offshore wind exhibit loan, the fog away. and that means we've had a really nice day even along the coastline. i think republican watch that set up again for tomorrow tonight. if you're headed out the door, it is cool, of course, by the coastline, skies are going to stay mostly clear. the sun setting after 8 o'clock tonight and looks like it is going to stay mostly sunny throughout the time. guys, back to you. thanks. alerts. new at 5 home depot will have to pay 1.3 million
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dollars following an investigation. >> but the santa clara district attorney's office, the da's office began investigating home depot stores in the county following an arson fire at the blossom hill location in san jose. investigators say the store had several fire code violations that hurt firefighting efforts. that includes a broken spent sprinkler system that the da's office says home depot was aware of, but did not try to fix this fire was in 2022. dylan go. queen is accused of starting the fire while trying to steal from the store. the fire destroyed the whole building. the da's office says the case against coqui is pending. and there's a fire in san francisco today here at martin's cleaners, polk and broadway, russian hill, the san francisco firefighters on scene say one of the machines seemed to catch fire, happened about 3 this afternoon. they said they were able to but the fire out within an hour traffic was delayed while crews cleaned up all lanes of traffic are flowing again. no
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injuries were reported. >> the man convicted of attacking paul pelosi at his san francisco home in 2022. will be re sentenced later this month. david de pap received a 30 year prison sentence on friday. but the judge in the case is now saying that an error took place. our first reason statue explains what happened and whether this could affect the pap sentence. >> david de pap took the stand in his defense during his federal trial saying that he regretted injuring congresswoman nancy pelosi's husband, paul, the chilling assault captured on police body worn cameras when officers responded to the pelosi specific heights home in october of 2022. >> working in court and long as i have judge just made for state's lawyers makes mistakes. clerks to you hate to see it happen on this largest age. but the judge. >> did make a mistake. now, the judge in thn case admitting she made a mistake this past friday, failing to
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give path the opportunity to speak up during his sentencing legal expert michael cardoza. that mistake was. >> not asking mister to pop as he wanted to make a statement to the court. now, that's important because they take consideration whether the defendant, the accused now they're convicted in this case, the pop is sorry for what he did. >> cardoza says that the air does not mean that the whole case will be retried. i don't see this and tire case being overturned because of this. this was an oversight. but heart really goes out to the judge because like i said, we're all human will back state. >> legal expert michael cardoza says even though the judge has ordered the re-sentencing of do pap the defense can still use this as an appeal down the road in this case in the newsroom. terisa stasio kron. 4 news.
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>> caught on camera. really a wild rescue. sonoma county authorities rescued a man who drove ofhen cliff and was thrown from the car. this was yesterday morning off highway one near jenner in sonoma by the coast. crews say his car landed about 200 feet down. and the driver then was shot out. he was about 350 feet from where the crash happened. the driver was taken to the hospital in critical condition, but is expected to survive the word tonight on what caused that crash. >> happening tomorrow, the harvey milk, lgbtq democratic club is planning on hosting a mayoral town hall. san francisco mayor london breed and her challengers in the upcoming elections supervisor. aaron peskin supervisor ahsha e former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel lurie all set
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to attend it is going to be happening at the first unitarian universalist church and center in cathedral hill in san francisco tomorrow. may 21st. it's supposed to start at 6.30. >> take a look. san mateo county has installed in newark and vending machine at the maguire correctional facility in redwood city provides a box of narcan with 2 doses to anyone who wants it. that includes inmates, their families and members of the public. the vending machine also offers a touch screen with information about other county services for food, housing and mental health. >> coming up, california for ever is planning to hire for their proposed utopia solano county. >> plus, why more than 1500 academic workers if uc santa cruz went on strike today. >> and a battle brewing in san francisco over a picture targeting israel. how the community is reacting to the mural in the middle of this mural in the middle of this controversy. ow network is no network for business.
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san francisco's knowing valley neighborhood has been defaced several times. >> this evening, the jewish community relations council of the bay area is speaking out he's got 4.70, justice explains. they're calling the latest act of vandalism, hateful. >> a mural in san francisco's knowing valley neighborhood is grabbing people's attention. it was painted in opposition to the war in gaza, but some are calling it antisemitic. others have no problem with the mural. i don't think this is anti-semitic at all. i think is just a message of was actually going on
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>> picture of the reality. people are looking at the big picture and i think that. >> they don't realize how much of a bully israel is and the situation in in cities like sf and stuff like this. you actually have people who protest the mural has wording that says stop the genocide in gaza. now it depicts bombs falling on rubble and debris. >> along with painting splotches of blood monday, the jewish community relations council of the bay area speaking out against the mural. >> saying this mural is blood liable. fortunately, this mural is anti-semitic. and there's a couple things that we would point number one is its blood liable to. >> accused israel of genocide with the blood dripping down. this is a horrific, horrific war, too many civilians have been killed. but this is not a genocide and take the queues israelis of genocide goes back to this anti-semitic trope, a blood libel. second, you see the star of david replaced with a dollar sign and that
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goes back and anti-semitic trope of the money, june where the controlling the media where the governments and that indication is deeply inappropriate. tyler gregory of jcrc says they have spoken with supervisor rafael mandelman about year-old. >> it is on private property in gregory says he hopes to see the mural gone and replaced. a lot of jews don't feel safe in the area. they're not they don't feel a sense of welcoming us to help. the mural will be replaced with something that brings communities together. some residents remaining neutral. i think this era. >> such moves create conversation that you very critical and >> in today's environment, 14 tiffany justice kron. 4 news. more than 1500 academic workers that uc santa cruz going on strike over the schools handling a pro-palestinian protest. the academic workers allege their free speech was violated during the protest. they are demanding officials negotiate with pro-palestinian demonstrators and grant amnesty to those who are facing disciplinary action
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related to the unrest. university officials say the strike is illegal because the academic workers have a no strike clause. the strike and uc santa cruz could be the first of a potential series of labor strikes on campuses across the uc system. >> now to the the war in the middle east, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court says he's looking into arrest warrants for leaders of israel and hamas. karim khan is citing war crimes of murder, rape and torture by hamas leaders and crimes against humanity by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense there. the announcement was a symbolic blow. israeli leaders condemned the move is disgraceful and anti-semitic. president biden called it outrageous. the panel of judges will decide whether to issue the arrest warrants. and a reminder you can watch kron 4 on air and visit us online for the latest info on the war in gaza from campus. protests here to the conflict itself to
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the hostage situation. just head to our website. kron 4 dot com. >> the mayor of antioch is in hong kong right now. mayor hernandez thorpe is participating in the 2024 silicon valley mayors, china trip. it's organized by china, silicon valley. it's a nonprofit organization founded in 2012. their motto is to foster investment business and tourism exchanges between china and silicon valley. the mayor is promoting antioch, strategic trade and economic strengths and potential job expansion. this is the first trip back to china organized by china, silicon valley since the covid-19 pandemic. >> let's take a live look outside here at sfo. welcome to allergy season. i guess he's been here for a while now. >> yeah, things can get dicey that they can in. lawrence expert he's right. yeah, boy, they've been really get me this year and a lot of folks. and that's because all those grasses, all that wonderful rain that we've had last
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couple years, everything blooming out there and >> again, now those grasses are really blooming again. and so we're seeing a rise in the pollen counts around the bay. area's been rough this last week, especially. and i think this week ahead, probably be rough here's latest pollen forecast over the next few days here. we'll see that rise up, especially on wednesday and thursday, possibly on friday. at least the first part of the day. the pollen counts are running high. then they start to back off again on saturday. so if you're allergic, especially as the grass pollens you might be affected for this week ahead. watch out for that up the door. right now. we do a little bit of a sea breeze that has kicked in after that nice offshore wind. you can see the haze in the atmosphere as some of that sea breeze blowing right through the golden gate bridge. at this time winds. yeah, i've got a little pretty decent breeze out there. some of those winds gusting over 30 miles an hour in san francisco right now to 20 at sfo, generally 10 to 12, even 13 miles an hour elsewhere around the bay area. so a nice little breeze outside right now after a warm day. and i think we've got another nice day coming our way for tomorrow. high
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pressure overhead, little bit of a northerly component. and that means a little bit of an offshore wind developing. i think that will be in place for tomorrow, too. so tomorrow's numbers? yeah, they're going to be very nice up by tomorrow afternoon. but watch changes after that. as we watch high pressure kind of break down and temperatures going to start to cool off but a warm sunshine in the may be up after 2 of fog along the coastline. not going to be much. and then a lot of sunshine coming your temperatures break down like this. how about a warm 82 in san jose. even in oakland tomorrow, about 78 degrees in the san francisco. very pleasant see mostly sunny skies in san francisco. i think this will be one of those days. maybe you see him to fog along the coastline right up toward the sunset. not going to be much you miss sunshine in downtown temperatures go around the bay like that. we'll be back for summer to work. it's going it's going make a return. all right. thanks, alexis. teachers in contra costa county of reached a tentative agreement with the office of education over a new contract. >> the contra costa county school educators association will get a raise starting july first, once the deal is
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ratified, that will include a 6% raise retroactive to last july. plus, a one percent raise for this year. the agreement allows the salary for next school year to be renegotiated for a cost of living adjustment. >> the group working to build a new city in solano county says that they can provide more than 15,000 jobs in the next decade. california forever says that they can bring employers from multiple sectors for everyone ranging from construction companies to ai. they released a list of the companies they say are committed to employing in the proposed city. and that includes hadrian and aerospace company served robotics and be rex. that of financial services companies. and that motive, which is a fleeting truck company, though they are still a few years away from breaking ground. california forever says that some of the companies have already started negotiating terms and most will start breaking ground if the ballot measure for the proposed city passes in this year's november ballot.
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>> big doings there. piedmont avenue elementary school in oakland today. they had a ribbon cutting ceremony for their new improve school yard. the project was part of steph and ayesha curry's. eat learn play foundation initiative according to the foundation's website, they plan to transform. 25 schoolyards and oakland creating play structures, outdoor classrooms and reading spaces. >> the impact that this is going to have on my school is tremendous. there's something for everyone on this playground, whether it is basketball, foursquare, the play structures or reading a book in our new nature center. this playground is great for kids to just engage and enjoy their recess. >> boy, the currys never fail to impress and inspire the school's student council. even
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got to get in on the action. they helped design their new playground. >> still ahead, new figures from the port of oakland show increase in shipping activity. we have details on that road.
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>> after 22 years in business, the lakeshore cafe in oakland has announced it is closing its doors for good in a week. memorial day will be the final day for the popular breakfast and lunch spot near lake merritt. the owners made the announcement on social media. they did not say why they're
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leaving, but did say a new restaurant will soon be in its place. >> the port of oakland is seeing a lot of activity. port officials say april's cargo volume builds on a six-month long growth trend. there's been a 17% increase in container imports this year compared to the same time last year, according to officials, the port also posted an increase in exports which rose by nearly 7% this year. officials say recent infrastructure upgrades have given the poor drill boost upping the volume of imported and exported goods return to pre-pandemic levels. casual seafood restaurant chain in red lobster has filed for bankruptcy. the restaurant chain already closed a number of locations across the nation. and here in california, including the location in fremont and rohnert park. it posted an operating loss of more than 11 million dollars during their endless shrimp deal last year in a court filing read, lobster says it's going use the bankruptcy to pursue a
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buyer for the chain. red lobster still has more than 700 locations globally. triple-a projecting more than 42 million americans are going to be driving this memorial day weekend. that is a 7% increase since 2022, nearly 3 million more people are going to be on the road compared to last year. triple a says that this will be the most since. well, times before the pandemic, they predict nearly 2 million people will be flying or taking a train. so if you're hitting the roads are flying, you want to give yourself a lot of travel time. california plans to set aside millions of dollars for a program. >> he uses a creative prize for people who can stay clean. why officials say it's helping addicts kick their drug addictions. plus, the california high-speed rail project cleared another hurdle. details on the latest accomplishments and what's next for the bay area. east bay community is remembering a homeless man was found dead on the sidewalk. why his death is
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now being investigated as a now being investigated as a homici
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>> tonight at 5.30, blunt force trauma to the head and chest. that's what police say was the cause of death for a homeless man found dead last week, an antioch and as kron four's philippe djegal reports following an autopsy. >> his death went from being called suspicious to now being ruled a homicide. >> a block away from where he was found dead last wednesday, patrons of a gas station on-loan tree way at country hills drive in antioch. >> remember, raheem co? he was a nice guy. i mean, you ,


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