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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  May 21, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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want to keep close parklets. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching on morning team. >> good morning. and whether you have to work or not, a lot of people are starting to take off world here. i'm darya. we'll get to the forecast here with your holiday weekend. in view in a minute. we're also following the news as well. yeah, it also down in san jose. they're going to be a stall. and 33 new. >> speed cameras been a catchy when you speed. but there try to reduce the traffic deaths were seen down. that. and taking a look at the weather tuesday going to get warm. it is today is the warmest one. so you want to get out there and enjoy some more memorial day weather could have to do it today, actually, because we actually cool down quite a lot. >> into the holiday weekend, just around the corner where we're sitting right now. you've got clear skies above the east bay hills right here. great day to venture out. if you do like that, he and that sunshine visibility is solid across the bay. look at this.
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even calm at the coastline. inland areas are breezy a step in vacaville on the top atlas peak now as we move into the weekend, it's a cooling trend in a full 15 degrees cooler inland by saturday. so as i've been saying, if you want to get out there, enjoy some 80's today isn't up to bulge chance for it. take a look at vacaville. it's only 10:00am you're already at 80 degrees. yeah, we're warming up quick temps later today in the upper 70's to even upper 80's for many spots. i'll get to that in your full forecast. back to you. all right. let's get back to the breaking news covering this tragedy all morning long where a man died. his car crashed in fremont and >> caught fire kron four's. michael thomas been following the story for us joins us again from the scene with the update. michael. >> we're really a horrific scene and the family members of that loved one are actually here. take a look behind this firetruck the coroner's office continues its investigation after taking a body into their care. they've been here since
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as early as about maybe 4 o'clock this morning. officials really investigating it's on fremont boulevard. we've got video of what the scene looked like during the early morning hours. it's between thorne avenue and peralta boulevard right in front of bogeys pet supply here in fremont. you can see that car completely burned and wrapped around a tree with the engine completely fallen out. the bottom there and the debris from this crash is spread out across the roadway. as far as 100 free from what we can see now, the speed limit in this area is 30 miles an hour. and that speed limit sign was knocked down during this crash. police have not given any details on what may have happened or how many people were involved. they actually have not even confirmed if it was a fatality or not. however, family members here on the scene say their loved one, their son was in the vehicle and did pass away back out here live. you can see that fire truck that is currently blocking the scene as alameda county coroner's bureau continues to investigate and they are said to have a press conference at 10, 30 this morning at which point we're hoping to learn
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more about what exactly happened. and we will have a crew here on the scene bringing you more details at noon when it comes to bogeys. i actually did speak with one of the managers there. she says that this is actually the second crash that has happened in front of that pet supply store. she says it's broken the window twice already. and she says speeding in this specific area is an issue. and she says that they have reported it to officials, but she says given the severity of this specific accident, she hopes that it is a sign for them to take it seriously. and in addition, she says there's also lot of schools nearby that worry her when it comes to the speeding again. but as we get more details and confirmation of exactly what happened during the early morning hours of this deadly crash, we'll keep you updated. that is the very latest here in fremont. i'm michael thomas, tara and james. send it back to you. >> thank you for that update, michael. i and how sorry and look at this. broken fire hydrant and downtown san francisco says video on the citizen app. it happened at 8 o'clock this morning. so just
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a couple hours ago on center street in taylor and mason streets look at all, why 1, 2, 3 stories up. look at that. they they are not sure what we you know, what at they're asking public to avoid as they investigate. don't know. >> you know what happened there, but avoid the area. my gosh, i'm okay. >> 10. 0, 3 is the time. we've got another big story that we're following this morning out of the south bay. we talked about it a moment ago. new details about a shooting involving police in san jose and officers shot a man who had a gun crime for shaq moment. has that story. well, the shooting here that happened sunday in the seaside san jose apartment complex is the 3rd officer-involved shooting to happen so far this year having city leaders want to look further into these officer-involved shootings when they do happen. it also has residents here at this apartment complex, a concern. >> it all started with a 9-1-1 call people living at this east side. san jose complex reporting a man shooting a gun outside his van. he was later identified as 41 year-old
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ricardo view, every out and by the time police arrived shortly after 4 in the afternoon. >> this prompted a separate officer to discharge his firearm striking the suspect man was critically injured. one neighbor showed us this parking garage where she says police march the bullet holes and additional details are still unfolding. but one thing's certain people here are on was scared. it was care. mendoza moved here just this year and says his family was watching tv when fort and where we hear one shot. >> and simon, later, we're late. >> 6 saying he heard what happened from a neighbor. she was in the on the guy is what you know? and the weather couple shows in as a view, every al has served 10 years before for assault on a police officer. the gun he had sunday. >> was unregistered frequency of san jose police officers being shot at or hit by gunfire. he's gone from a rare anomaly to a regular occurrence. san jose police say the threat to officers is
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increasing and they want to form a group to study each time an officer was shot at in the coming days. i will bring together a group of internal and external partners for the purpose of analyzing these attacks. now, san jose police says that the shooting is still very much under investigation. questions as to why the shooting happened in the first place or why neighbors called saying that there was a man shooting out of his van. those are still yet to be determined. meantime, the every hour remains in the hospital in critical condition were any side san jose? jack moment. >> kron 4 news. >> it's 10. 0, 5, and new this morning, the city of san jose is going stall. 33 traffic cameras to catch speeders. yeah, this comes up obviously is in the wake of the number of traffic fatalities we've seen in that city. it's been going up and up and reyna. harvey is here with more on how they think this might help but yeah, exactly. it's been a lot of deaths out there and by the next year, like you mentioned, those 33 cameras are going to be installed. >> and hi collision areas across san jose. it's all a part of assembly bill. 6.45, which includes installing cameras not only in san jose,
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but also oakland, san francisco and 3 others down in southern california by 2032. so for the first 60 days of the program, drivers are getting a warning, but they're going to be fine. low-income drivers, they'll be asked to provide community service hours rather than pain. law enforcement will not have access to the camera footage and the cameras will only be used to enforce the speed limit. most of it's being paid by a grant from the safe streets and roads for all program. but the city is also matching funds of around 2 million, which will be told on by the city where this could be voted on and be told on voted on by the city council sometime next month. now the city council will also vote later on this year where the cameras are going to be placed. and the city leaders say the goal is for cameras to evenly split across the city. they want to make sure communities of color and low income neighborhoods keep the intention that they need. we'll send it back to bill to the desk. >> all right, brandon, thank you very much. time as 10. 0, 7, and happening right now, san francisco city officials
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and nurses at soccer san francisco general are announcing new legislation that they believe will address the nursing shortage that they're experiencing. so this ballot measure, what specifically address shortages of both nurses and 9-1-1, operators. they say the legislation would approve the retention and recruitment of nurses and it would also give 9-1-1 operators, the same retirement benefits as other first responders. if it's approved, the measure will be on the november ballot to elect to update you on details of that. when a press conference is a completed which is underway as we speak. so stay tuned for more. and also today, more than 200 rideshare delivery drivers with lyft. uber doordash are rallying outside the california state supreme court building. >> in san francisco, that's because right now the high court is considering a legal challenge to prop 22, that's the law that says the drivers for companies like they're independent contractors. and so they're not entitled to benefits after the law passed, a lower court ruled it was unconstitutional. but that
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ruling was later reversed. so now it's gone all the way to the state's highest court and they are hearing the case. they are hearing what workers have to say. workers don't support it because they say it denies them the ability to make a living wage and basic rights like paid sick leave in overtime, which is a 42 other california workers. the rally is at 12 30 today and for the california supreme court building in san francisco. okay. other developing news this morning. legal experts are now weighing in on the re-sentencing of david de pap. >> so the path was convicted of attacking paul pelosi to san francisco home. he was initially sentenced last friday to 30 years in prison. but after the hearing, a federal judge said she'd actually failed to give the pap the opportunity to speak during his sentencing, which legal experts say is a very important thing in this case. >> it takes consideration whether the defendant, the accused and now they're convicted in this case, the pop is sorry for what he did. >> well, that was kron. 4 legal expert michael cardoza.
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he says that the paps lawyers could try to continue appealing the case despite the judge correcting a mistake, the pats re-sentencing hearing is set now for next tuesday. man is san ramon is under arrest now in connection with a freeway shooting. police say they arrested o'connor of forest hill after identifying him as the shooter in this incident. that happened on 6.80, just north of l costabile of art during the arrest. police say they also found a gun in the are in o'connor's car. nobody was hurt in that freeway shooting. but you can see vehicles were struck by bullets, 10, 0, 9, 2, people were arrested for robbery last night. >> after they stole money and a car and led police on a chase. and also, by the way, they hit something unexpected during that chase, the the alleged robbers did. so first. the robbery took place south of market overnight. nathan folsom streets. police ended up filing finding the suspects in a stolen vehicle. they tried to pull him over, but
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the car and the robbers led them on a chase. eventually that car crashed into a driverless car on foles 14th street near costco. and both of those people were taken to the hospital first with life-threatening injuries and then arrested happening today. people live in antioch are going to be rallying this afternoon. they want the san joaquin joint powers authority to keep the antioch amtrak station open. last month. officials voted to close the pittsburg antioch station and move it over oakley. but these residents say the train system is their main source of transportation and will really impact seniors, veterans and students and the working class. the rally is at 12, 30 on i street. >> 10, 10 is the time it looks like the port of oakland has been seeing quite a bit of business recently. fact, over the last 6 months, port officials say they've seen a 70% increase in container imports compared to the same time last year. and the port also posted an increase in exports as well by nearly 7%.
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officials say the recent infrastructure upgrades have gone a long way in boosting the port's productivity and helping the volume of both imported and exported goods returned to the highs they enjoyed before the pandemic. >> 10 11 and still ahead on the kron. 4 morning news, a new bill aims to change how healthcare workers report suspected domestic abuse that they notice in their patients and supporters think it's actually going to help the situation. police have ruled what the reasoning is for a homeless man dying. now. they have to solv
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>> 10, 14 and oracle park is named among the best sports venues in the whole country by a website called gambling dot com. they ranked oracle park ninth-best and they looked at the state is based on a reviews online from google. tripadvisor and facebook and oracle park is of the number 9 on the list, which is pretty good. it can hold 42,300 fans as we know it has great patient. yeah, it's just and it's a beautiful whether or not you like just go anyway for the food. if you're curious, the green bay packers, lambeau field, right? number 100, they'll shareable weather related to view and the view the view, ok, i beg to differ. but you know what? we know. i protest. all right. let's get over. speaking to the view. let's get over to john. he's got a great one in the weather john. speaking of views, this is a nice one right here from the top of mount tam where you've got the sunshine up above. >> and a little bit of the evidence of that ocean cool. they're down below. that is
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quickly burning off. we are going to be seeing our warmest day of the forecast today. >> inland areas rising well into the upper 80's in some cases doesn't seem like a lot's changed out there, right? well, we do have changes around the corner. hence why today is the last of our days where we're going to see some upper 80's in this forecast after today. it is a downhill slide into what is a cooler than average memorial day weekend. just around the corner today, it's mostly a northerly breeze. so not a lot of that push of cool ocean air tonight, though, we'll see that western wind kicking back into gear. that's going help to start to cool us down into tomorrow after system skirts just to the east of us resulting in a chance of a few sprinkles in the sierra over the weekend. but for us really just contributes to a much cooler next few days after today, today's highs 60's to 70's for sf and 60's at the coastline. lot of 70's to 80's elsewhere. burlingame at 76 in carlo, 79 redwood city, through mountain view into the south bay solidly in the 80's
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today. same for the east bay 70's to a tease for you. even some spots that are usually kind of cool like richmond all the way up to 77 while antioch, pittsburgh, fairfield and vacaville, our warmest spots at 87 degrees. each look at these next 7 days. gradual cool down. really taking shape tomorrow. low 80's inland at the warmest by thursday as trend of 70's at the very warmest and by saturday, our coolest day of the forecast barely even making 70 degrees for our warmest of areas. james. >> all right. thank you very much, john. 10, 16 the time and businesses in berkeley will have to decide exactly how much they want to keep those parklets that they've been enjoying. that's because they're going to have to pay. the city of berkeley has now decided they plan to charge rent since those spaces are in parking spaces, outdoor dining areas. the kron four's rob nesbitt with a look. >> the city of berkeley has provided an example for how much it will cost to business to keep a parklet using the costs of how much it is to
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park in a parking space. for example, 2 parking spaces with an hourly rate of the $1.50. will cost around $8100 a year for a parklet businesses and restaurants in berkeley. we're left with tough decisions during the pandemic. >> many of them converted outdoor parking spaces into parklets, including solves restaurant and delicatessen during covid the park. that was a lifeline that enabled us stay in business and continue operating. >> i'm now it's become just a wonderful feature. co-owner sam told us explain to me how saws has to outdoor dining options. >> street spaces that were turned into a public park years before covid and parking spaces that were turned into outdoor dining back in 2020. the city is now requiring businesses to apply for permits to add or keep their parklets having an outdoor dining space has been free for the last 4 years. but starting monday, they will come at a yearly cost, going to be a big expense. that was going to be hard for us to absorb. so we asked if you can pay the monthly they said yes to that. so are paying about 1500 bucks
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a month >> to read this outdoor space, $18,000 a year. >> a cost that many business owners at berkeley will have to decide if it's worth it to keep their outdoor spaces. a tough decision to make but hopes hopes the city will work with owners who have struggled with keeping their doors open. post-pandemic in our experience, the city was accommodating of our request and was able to make it work for us. and we just hope that the city and other local businesses can also >> reach sort of mutually beneficial. agreement so that we can keep more outdoor dining options in the city in berkeley. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. it's 10, 18 and happening today, alameda county district attorney pamela price announces a major lawsuit. >> against home insurance companies. she's going to make the announcement at a news conference shortly. 11 o'clock this morning in oakland. she is filing this lawsuit. she says on behalf of homeowners in alameda county, we will find out about it. a crime forcefully to call is going to
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be there. so stay tuned for the latest right here on channel 4 and online. there's a new bill that aims to change how health care providers and california report domestic abuse to the police right now they face misdemeanor charges. if they don't report suspected abuse to the police, even if the patient does not want them to be involved now, if this new bill passes, then health care providers would only have to report violence that requires lifesaving treatment. in other cases of abuse that is suspected. they would only have to refer that patient to a victim advocate service. supporters of this say the victims fear if police are called their children could be taken away or if it's an undocumented immigrant, maybe their family is going to be at risk of deportation. the bill passed the state assembly and now it's on its way to the senate. >> well, home depot is using ai at south checkouts to constantly watch customers while they're checking out to try to avoid shoplifting. so cameras are going to be
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monitoring the area. ai-powered computers are going to be identifying what they call complex baskets at checkout. and the staff are alerted when the computer system seas and spots a complex basket so that the human can scan what's inside. make sure everything is accounted for. this all comes as home depot says it has not publicly announced that these cameras are going to be installed or put up signs in stores to warn customers yet. but the retailer originally brought in the system to warn staff if shelves were untidy or stocked, looked damaged at any moment when they reached when they branched out and started using it to target theft. so they're applying it to a new use. a new report from the wall street journal says that elon musk's brain implant company neuralink has received the green light. now from the fda to proceed with a second patient news nation's kelsey. current state has the story. >> they plan to implant the ultra thin wires deeper into the patient's brain. so it doesn't come loose like it did for the first patient despite
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these minor glitches, the results have been astounding. elon musk, brain implant company started looking for its first volunteer to try out their new technology. so during that procedure, robot then inserted the chip the size of a quarter into the patient's brain. that advice and collects data from the brain and then translates to patients thoughts into commands a computer can been understand. but this project has not been without its own controversy. neuralink started testing the device on monkeys. it then led to several of the primates dying and then sparked protests across the country like this one in austin, texas, where you put something few minutes, take a long time to prove the i >> maybe a year or 2, it can be approved for general so the name of this first patient has now been revealed. he's just 29 years old and his name is nolan arvo. >> he's paralyzed from the shoulders down and this implant has allowed him to
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move a mouse pointer on a screen just by thinking since his transplant, he's been able to communicate with friends, family, loved ones and even play games. musk hopes in the future that you'll be able to treat other conditions like obesity, autism and schizophrenia. >> those kelsey kernstine reporting now our boss says he did notice the implant stop working about a month after surgery. so that's some of what your link fixed in this next patient. they do expect to make that implants sometime in the next month. so we'll see how that goes 10. 22 on the clock and a mural in the city. >> in one bay area city opposing the bombing going on gaza is drawing criticism
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>> it's 10 25 in the north bay. one person has died and 2 others are in the hospital because it was a car crash in vallejo that happened sunday night. it was on kurt hola parkway, west of lemon street. 2 cars were involved. it was a nissan that first hit a center divider, lost control and went into oncoming traffic. that vehicle hit a honda. the driver of the nissan died at the scene. a passenger in the nissan and the driver of the honda. that man taken to the hospital and police say so far does not appear that drugs or alcohol is a factor in the crash. garbage truck catches fire in san francisco. look at the >> smokin. can you imagine the smell of that? if you're in that area to the tenderloin near hyden ellis streets that the fire broke out yesterday morning about 11 in the morning. and firefighters put it out as quickly as they could. they're not sure yet
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haven't told us what caused the fire. >> and another fire in san francisco. this one out at martin's cleaner on polk and broadway. this is in the russian hill neighborhood. firefighters say one of the machines inside apparently caught fire at about 3 o'clock or so yesterday took him an hour or so to get it under control. nobody was hurt. thankfully. >> we're going to take a break or 10, 26. but coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news fly. home depot now has to pay more than a million dollars following one of its locations catching fire in san jose. plus, a stop sign now hangs where traffic like used to oakland will tell you the city is making that change.
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>> 10 29 right now. i don't know why we're catching up what shows we need to watch. >> it's a holiday weekend. it's going to be nice. it's nice today with. >> outside i'm telling. don't want you keep watching. what a job. only watching the morning. it only here we are looking at a good forecast. yeah. get outside. absolutely. and spend as much time towards the weekend out there. and if you love the warmth trying to get out there today, it's the warmest one of the forecast looking outside at the golden gate bridge. yeah, there's a little bit of fog in there. we haven't had an overwhelming dose of fog this week, though. it's actually been pretty clear, as you can see near visibility map a little bit breezy up in the north towards vacaville atlas peak not so much of the coast, though. so it's not a bad coastal day. san mateo and concord at 71 right now, vacaville at 80 degrees. you actually got there at 10:00am this morning. so you can see those signs of the warm afternoon. we have already that he is building back in daytime highs today at
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our very warmest will rise into the upper 80's. back to you. >> thanks a lot of 10, 30 right now and it turns out that in elkland intersection used to have traffic lights, but so many people were stealing the copper from them. they've actually had to change the whole year, said, yeah, no lights, no lights anymore in out, stop kron four's. sara stinson gives us a closer look at what's going on. >> we're traffic lights used to hang stop signs now. great drivers at the intersection of 12th street and 16th avenue in oakland right off of 8.80. the change at many drivers hesitant when going through on monday. business owners in the area like bruce says the switch was made in response to frequent copper thefts, the spotlight the fight with my maybe. >> when he we just just to get high. picks >> this intersection is covered and skid marks from sideshows and sits in the midst of a 3 block long encampment is in those.
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>> people were stealing even the buildings you. they has owned quality tech automotive for nearly 4 decades. he says the tents and rv's have been there for the last 8 years. 40 years. >> on top of the encampment, them says crime has become rampant in the area. you front. >> all the time. will you lot of money. >> associate on that it and do >> long says he make sure his security cameras are always working to protect his employees. he says something has to change
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>> time right now since hoping that step say, you know what, this we reached out to the mayor's office city administration and city councilmember nikki fortunato bas but did not hear back in time for this report. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. >> 10, 33 is that i'm an oakland police now asking for your help in the unsolved killing of a father and fiance. they say that george, keith off off a key scene was shot and killed a crosby avenue near foothill boulevard on november. 26 of last year. you're seeing photos of him. officers say he was standing outside with friends when it all happened. witnesses say several suspects were seen leaving the area in a dark car. we'll keep you updated as that investigation unfolds. 10, 30 through right now. and they've done enough investigating to figure out. >> how a homeless man died, but they don't know who killed him. it was blunt force trauma to the head and chest that
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killed the man. you see here, a picture of desmond co and you can see people place cards and flowers where he lost his life. also, investigators at that crime scene found a big rock. they're not sure yet if that may have been the murder weapon. we talked to some people who know him. >> mean, you know, i mean, i think he had his issues. >> but the big, you know, you never did wrong anybody that i know. you know, mean, it would talk out loud little bit, you know, but >> that was just him. >> now they have to figure how he died. >> in the south bay, home depot set now to pay more than a million dollars following a massive fire that broke out one of its stores in san jose alvarez. reyna harvey has more on that. ran yes. so they actually have to pay more than 1.3 million dollars. but for this arson that happened back in april of 2022. blossom hill road. so this is video when that fire tore through the store, santa clara county district attorney's office says dylon go, qui start the fires. he was trying to still
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tools. there were numerous violations of that store contributing to it getting so big. the da's office says firefighters they were blocked from the fire lane by hi piles of pallets. and they later found a broken sprinkler system that home depot was aware of, but did not try to fix. since then, the da's office began investigating other home depot stores in the county 2018 to 2023 that 13 other stores across the county were issued notices of violation under the fire code. so people is going to pay $850,000 and civil penalties $150,000 to nonprofit focusing on fire prevention and outreach in the county. meanwhile, you have the lingo. qui has not entered a plea despite several court appearances, his 11th time in court is scheduled to happen next month for enter frame it. i'll send it back to both of the desk. thank you. reyna. >> well, a mural in san francisco's know a valley is grabbing attention to be sure ask. some think it's a
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depicting what's really going on. others think it's anti-semitic. let's take a closer look. >> i think this is anti-semitic at i think is just a message of was actually going on picture of the reality. people are looking at the big picture. >> and i think that. >> they don't realize how much of a bully israel is and the situation cities like sf and stuff like this. you actually have people who protest the mural has wording that says stop the genocide in gaza. now it depicts bombs falling on rubble and debris. >> along with painted splotches of blood monday, the jewish community relations council of the bay area speaking out against the mural. >> saying this mural is blood liable. fortunately, this mural is anti-semitic and there's a couple things that we would point number one is its blood liable to. h> accused israel of genocide with the blood dripping down. this is a horrific, horrific war, too many civilians have been killed. but this is not a genocide. and ku's israelis of
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genocide goes back to this anti-semitic trope, a blood libel. second, you see the star of david replaced with a dollar sign and that goes back and anti-semitic trope of the money, june where the controlling the media where the governments and that indication is deeply inappropriate. tyler gregory of jcrc says they have spoken with supervisor rafael mandelman about year-old. >> it is on private property in gregory says he hopes to see the mural gone and replaced. a lot of just don't feel safe in the area. they're not they don't feel a sense of welcoming us to help. the mural will be replaced with something that brings communities together. some residents remaining neutral. i think this era. >> such moves create conversation that you very critical and >> in today's environment, 14 tiffany justice kron. 4 news. >> 10 37 right now and take a look at the new vending machine where you can get narc can for free. it's at the maguire correctional facility in redwood city.
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>> and it has a box and arcane with 2 doses. anybody can go and get that inmates, their families and members of the public walking in can also picked up. and the vending machine has a touch screen with information about other county services, for food, housing and mental health. kron four's your local election headquarters in san francisco's mayoral candidates are going to gather tonight for their first debate. the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club is hosting a town hall at the first unitarian universalist church in center at cathedral hill. it's at 06:30pm tonight. it will be mayor london breed supervisor. aaron peskin supervisor ahsha safai. e former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel lurie, all in attendance. >> well, we've got ginger is which is a popular lgbtq bar in san francisco set to host its grand reopening during pride week. the bar's manager said they've been dormant basically since the pandemic. so they're very excited to bring everything back to this
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bar in the city, which is located on hardy place. gingers going to be holding a blessing and ribbon cutting ceremony on june 28th and it's going to be hosted by ever excitable sisters of perpetual indulgence. that will be fun. then we're going to follow that up with a party and then saturday, the following side of that next day, they're going to have another party featuring different performances and then a day party on sunday. so packed weekend for the grand reopening. and kron 4, by the way, celebrating asian american pacific islander heritage month. we've been featuring a lot of different stories and this one. talks about a unique way of brewing a cup of coffee, a south bay couple recently quit their tech jobs and follow their passion of brewing coffee in a mobile form. it's all out of the back of their brand new cybertruck. check it out. you can see the truck there under the awning. their business is called moon way coffee roasters from grinding to pouring. the whole thing is run out of that cybertruck. they plug into the back to use
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the power of the trial. all of that meaning and mabel say they realize their love for coffee when they were both out there earlier tech jobs. ming was working at tesla at the time. any news media lee, when the cybertruck was unveiled, this was the vehicle. they need it. >> had a bigger bed so you can put a lot more stuff in there and air suspension so we can actually lower that working surface to the person's height. we still want to maintain that opened kind of >> transparent like interaction of our customers. so the great thing about the cybertruck set up is that it's a very open platform, if you ever been by the farmers market, you know, we have our booth and then we stop right out of the back of the truck. and there's no walls. >> well, manning is originally from indiana mabel's actually born and raised here in the bay area and she says her grandparents actually ran a chinese restaurant in cupertino and that sort of help her transition from tech to hospitality and dining. they also say that they're looking to asian countries to influence their coffee flavors and their experiences. so we'll see if they can provide
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something unique. they're already delivering it in a unique way. 10, 40, that i'm a reminder as we wrap up that story that you want to tune in this coming thursday because we are going to wrap up our whole month of highlighting the bay area's api community with a special set to air at 06:30pm, right here on kron 4. we're going to bring together some of the best stories we've done this month into one fantastic half-hour. special. >> it's 10, 40 in the federal transit administration is investing billions into this san francisco's public transit system. the portal, it's a project to connect caltrain and california's high-speed rail. what high-speed it's coming again when it comes will have this transit center all ready to go in downtown san francisco at the sales force tower plaza. there. and this is what is supposed to look like on monday yesterday, the federal transit administration vested 3.4 billion dollars in this project. former house speaker nancy pelosi says she is proud of how san francisco is pushing the boundaries for
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public transit. >> we show that san francisco is in forefront that saffron. all for the nation. and that's not just say we need this. we need that >> showing what's happening here. >> the project would extend the caltrain line by nearly 2 miles and developed to more underground stations reaching the salesforce transit center. and once it's done 11 transit systems will be connected. the project still needs 2 billion dollars to be fully funded. and the hope is that it would be open sometime in 2030. and when i hear that, i'm giving you a little skepticism in my voice 2030, i'm not gonna hold my breath. 10. 42 right now and i'm hopeful. still ahead on the ground for more news, you got to see what this rookie has done with the worriers. >> well, it's the sky's the
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10. 44 right now and there's a standout basketball player on the worriers, a rookie who's >> made who made the nba's all-rookie first team, the draft. we've got sports director jason dumas with that >> one brand of a jet ski got drafted almost a year ago. you can just sense the quiet confidence he had in himself and it was on display all season long. he didn't start the year off in the rotation, but you heard the stories behind the scenes. just super competitive getting on draymond green. one of the most respected voices in the organization over a turnover in a pickup game. that's when everyone knew this kid
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eventually before. steve kerr is hand and became a mainstay in the rotation, even starting for a large chunk of the season. and on monday, the nba honored brandon for his efforts naming him to the all-rookie team. >> he spoke about that honor and finding his voice as a young all the vets and that lack of it. >> i think my my leadership role within the team you know, the rookie. in organization like this, you know, you come in and you want to listen and learn and then you kind of take what you can from that and try to apply it. and for me as being natural leader, i think towards the end of the season, i was able to apply more. i think it just gives more confidence. you know, not only on the court, but, you know, off the floor, talking teammates stuff like that. >> fellow warriors rookie trayce jackson-davis missed the second team by one vote. meanwhile, luis matos, he won
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national league player of the week for the giants. the giants started series today against the pirates. meanwhile, the a's their home taking on the rockies. all right. that's your look at sports. >> all right. thank you, jason. from basketball to baseball. now tonight, the oakland ballers are kicking off their inaugural season. we're going to be taking on the glacier range riders. it's a six-game series. first pitch is at 6 now. this is a way so they're not going to be home. if you want to see it on the big screen with a group of people, the athletic club. oakland is hosting a watch party for the season opener. it will be at the sports bar on grand avenue near webster street from 5 until 10 tonight. >> 10. 46 right now and checking out the weather for it may be a short week for you or next week. we the holiday weekend. and the weather is key. think it's going to cool off. that's the kind of a weird like today. if you were to date, like way hotter than you're about to be towards saturday when inland areas will barely make the 70's. so a much cooler than average
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memorial day forecast around the corner. lots of sun out there today. relatively calm winds as well. so not a lot of that transport of cool ocean air to our inland areas. >> same set up as we've been seeing for so long now with a high-pressure well up to the west of us temperatures despite being today are by no means scorching hot. it's just warm compared to where we're headed. daytime highs today will be aided and a lack of cool ocean air. but tonight that westerly breeze kicks back into gear transporting ishan cooled air back into the bay. and tomorrow temperatures will begin to cool down. now the weekend we do see a cool system pushing in from the east. this is going to result in a few showers up in the sierra come the weekend. but for us in the bay area, just a noticeable cool down. that means if you like the heat really like that heat and sunshine today as one for you, 60's and 70's towards the coastline. well, 70's to 80's elsewhere that are very warm us today. some spots will get up close to the 90 degree mark. but no one's quite
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getting there. san jose. you'll be 83 while fremont at 80 degrees. union city up through oakland and richmond in the mid to upper 70's while our warmest spots pittsburg, antioch, fairfield and vacaville each up to 87 today. after today. it's all down hill and take a look at where we're headed towards the weekend and particular saturday. low 70's inland at our warmest in a lot of 60's along the bay shore. definitely not your normal memorial day weather. back to thank you, john. 10:40am, for your health. leading pediatricians in the u.s. have now made a dramatic about-face in their guidance. >> on whether it's safe for mothers with hiv to breastfeed, their babies. the american academy of pediatrics now says that moms with hiv can breastfeed their baby as long as they're taking medications that are effectively suppressing the virus that causes aids. that's a complete reversal of what was in place since the start of the hiv epidemic. back in 90 days. this report
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acknowledges that routinely prescribe drugs can reduce the risk of transmitting hiv through milk to less. then one percent. see see covid of philadelphia's says that she was diagnosed with hiv at the age of 20 and she was not allowed to breastfeed her first child and she says that led her into a spiral of postpartum depression. >> not being able breastfeed. my first child was extremely depressed. enough, though, toxic to home. i thought that i had carried him 7 and a half minutes and i was able to keep him safe free of hiv that long. but take my medication, you know, going the doctor doing things that i knew that i needed to do. but now since he was no longer my body, now like i was some type of harm could cause some type of harms >> and look at just how vibrant and happy she is. now
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she was able to successfully breastfeed her second child. and she took the prescriptions as directed. she also gave the baby was given drugs to prevent infection. and it all worked out for her now, they do say that, you know, this is a big change from what happens happened decades ago where 30% of infections are transmitted. you know, from mom to baby hiv. but now, as we said, it's less than one percent. >> a lot of smiling faces. there is a new playground is officially open in oakland, piedmont avenue, elementary school held a ribbon cutting ceremony yesterday morning for their new and improved school yard. the project is all part of steph and ayesha curry's. eat learn play foundation. the school's student council even got to help design the new playground. they eat. learn play foundation has been around since 2019. they say
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they plan to transform 25 school yard in oakland, creating play structures, outdoor classrooms and reading space is of designing cool spaces. >> we're going to see some art about 2 seconds. watch this. that is done by high school students and they are the winners of this year's congressional high school art competition. take a look at are works of art that were done and you can see the first one of the winners here, the grand prize winner is micaela wong of berkeley high. her piece called me a gen z girl that's going to be displayed in dc with the other winners and then also the runner-up goes to raven gillis of jesse jesse bethel, high school. chelsea green is the county winner and iris. you is the winner from contra costa county. congrats to all of the winners and everybody which is participate really everybody did, too. you can do are express yourself more power to you.
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>> all right. well, 10 52 is the time in ike's sandwich shop is opening up a new location in san francisco. this is a picture of the front of it. it's located out at doctor maya angelou way, which is a short 5 minute walk from oracle park 15 from chase center. when asked about when they might open officially because the signs don't say we were told they really can't devote to that just yet. so stay tuned. we'll let you know. you also didn't mention after eat that giant sandwich. you can't walk walk there. now. we'll be back with more in a minute.
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>> and we're back at 10. 55. get ready to say goodbye here on the kron. 4 morning news. but before we do, let's check in with jessica wills standing by with a look. what's coming up live in the bay today. hi, jess. hey, good morning, james. coming up today on live in the bay, we continue our celebration of api heritage month with the least of performing arts dance academy. we have a live performance in studio from their talented dancers. >> that memorial day is around the corner. we're getting red, white and blue in the kitchen with some snacks to serve up this holiday plus, the fort mason, the spring artwalk honoring agricultural workers. we chat with artist oscar lopez about the unveiling of the new project. and as always, we want to hear what you have to say about our question of the day. go ahead and scan that qr code to chime in we want to know and honor eat more fruits and vegetables. day which fruit or vegetable do you eat the most and how let us know in your answer could be read live today on the show. 01:00pm
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right here on kron 4, james, on the veggie side, carrots rauh. >> and on the fruit side, blueberries, i love him. just a handful of blueberries are delicious, jess, thank tell you about food. deputies it right before we go, the best play from the past weekend series between the cubs and the pirates. >> wasn't made by a player on the field list. it went to a day. he caught the foul ball and with his bare hands with maybe i want to drop the kid. go for that but he did both. now, if you would have won in extra who do if you're holding a beer? question is yop the beer? that may choice total never look at we are looking at a nice forecast. cooling down a lot. come this weekend. highs dropping from this 80's to the 70's to the 60's was this is what happens. my dad dropped me and not the
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ball. and that's the story that explains a lot about. ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪
10:59 am
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11:00 am
narrator: the following program contains strong sexual content. viewer discretion advised. today on dr. phil, molested by their grandfather. as a mother, what the hell were you thinking allowing these girls to be around this perverted human being? narrator: they claim their grandmother knew.


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