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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> farmers group incorporated and several of its entities are listed as defendants in the complaint filed in superior court of california by the alameda county district attorney's office. the lawsuit was submitted late last month on behalf of the people of california. it seeks injunctive relief and civil penalties. accusing farmers group of using software to charge homeowners premiums for policies that do not adequately protect homes or compensate them. in case of a major loss. insurance companies use a third-party software that we identified in the complaint that generates estimates based on generalized features and not on the actual. >> features of a particular home or properly estimating the cost to replace the home. during a news conference in oakland tuesday announcing the legal action district attorney pamela price as the people impacted by the lawsuit. >> represent about 15% of the state's homeowners offering these lower premiums based on
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inaccurate estimates. insurance companies gain competitive advantage at the expense of proper coverage. price adds they also violate a number of state regulations, rules and laws designed to protect consumers, homeowners, especially seniors. and we've alleged that in the complaint are entitled to full disclosure as well as fair treatment from insurance providers. prices office says it is in the process of serving the defendants to kron. 4 reached out to for comment but have not received a response in oakland. philippe kron. 4 >> a teen has been arrested in san jose. he is accused of armed carjacking according to investigators. the crime happened overnight back in april. 4th, 4 suspects approached a car parked on a home driveway and broke the driver's side front window. the cars owners woke up when they heard the car alarm going off as the victims approached
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the vehicle, one suspect threatened to shoot them. once investigators identified the suspect, they executed a search warrant at his home on may 15th. they arrested the teen and recovered the handgun used in that car jacking. no word on the other 3 suspects. police in atherton are getting creative trying to catch crooks. several bait houses have been set up in neighborhoods that have higher burglary rates. >> police say the decoys homes have cutting edge surveillance equipment, allowing police to quickly responding collect video evidence of people breaking and entering residents interested in participating in this program and people want to give feedback on it. can contact atherton police. >> san jose is installing 33 new high-speed cameras throughout the city by late 2025. city is trying to see if the cameras will help reduce high speed crashes. later this year. city council will decide where the cameras will be placed. city leaders say the
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goal is for those cameras to be evenly split across the city to make sure communities of color and low-income neighborhoods also receive some of the cameras. >> the half moon bay mushroom farms involved in last year's fatal shootings will pay nearly half a million dollars in damages to employees over labor violations. federal investigators say both farms, house workers, unquote, sickening conditions where they slept on dirty mattresses were exposed to insects, trash in bold. this happened at concord farms and california. terra gardens, according to the probe from the u.s. department of labor. investigators say the farm's owners also deducted money from the workers paychecks for the substandard housing and failed to pay workers overtime. >> mayor breed says the excitement over her push to bring 2 giant pandas to the san francisco zoo is being tainted by politics. it's part of what you talked about with kron 4 today. catherine heenan
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joining us from the newsroom with details. hi, katherine. tai noel. yeah, i think the mayor probably not surprised that she's run into some pushback on the plan to. >> bring 2 pandas from china, but she is sounding exasperated at this point. some question whether the san francisco zoo can properly accommodate the pandas. but the immediate concern breed recently asked the board of supervisors to pass a resolution allowing city departments to raise money for the panda project. a supervisor and candidate for mayor ahsha safa er during that money should be spent elsewhere. >> you haven't seen anything yet. it's going to be like politics at its worst all year, whether its members of the board who are running for mayor folks outside everyone's going to say everything under the sun to create problems in chaos. and i think it does a disservice to what we need to do to make sure that the city is put first and we're prioritizing the work that we need to do for the city as a whole. the economic opportunities alone make
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pandas worth it. it's not just because pandas are cute and cuddly, but it's because of financially what it could do for not just but also our economic recovery in san francisco. we have not. i have not at least start making request for money because i can't unless this legislation is passed by the board of supervisors. >> last week a board committee rejected the fundraising proposal saying that amendments are needed there. but the mayor making it clear she is determined to continue this fight. the mayor also talked today in detail about exactly why she decided to skip the mayoral debate that had been set for last night that was eventually canceled. we will hear more from her coming up at 6 grant. look forward to that. thanks, catherine. >> tonight, mayor breed is joining supervisors aaron peskin and south. i e as well as former interim mayor mark farrell and nonprofit executive daniel lurie for san
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francisco's first mayoral candidate. debate the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club will be hosting it at the first unitarian universalist church in center in cathedral hill starts at 06:30pm tonight. >> let's take a live look outside now at downtown san francisco folks probably had a jacket on earlier today. got to take it off, though. cause it's nice and sunny and warm out there. >> feels like summer. if you like it warm, then this is for with a look at how things will play out throughout the week. yeah, but a good taste of a summer-like weather out there around the bay area. this start to cool down those the ridge of high pressure will start weekend. we're going to see a few more clouds coming our way, maybe below average as we head toward our holiday weekend. but overall, things look great outside right now at sfo, no clouds to speak of their no delays being reported there either. in fact, sunny skies. how about 73 degrees right now at sfo, they are seeing some delays on some departing flights. and that's because of the construction that continues there at the
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airport across the country. not bad said are looking good. all good in oakland, some delays there in oakland, a% excuse me, chicago o'hare, as seeing the temperatures in the 80 seconds. but pretty stormy weather headed their way right now. show you that in just a moment. but here it is. i got a series of storms are now making their way across the country. and here we go again. it has been a rugged month and a half or so of weather across the country's midsection. look at all the reports. the storm reports out there of hail, damaging winds and yeah, even tornadoes again across the country. and you can see that strong line of thunderstorms. tornado warnings are now up along that storm system as it makes its way eastward behind numerous reports he's got a history. numerous reports of tornadoes down on the ground. now you do with all that rain and the flooding there as well. and they're far from done, in fact, that the system is going to push a further south back to see another branch moisture at the potential for some more severe weather. unfortunately in texas again, where they have been pounded by extreme rainfall there the past couple of weeks, they're going to get more of it. the storm is going
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to roll on through looks like as we head in toward tomorrow afternoon. they'll begin to pick up and here you go, possibly read become severe as we head toward tomorrow afternoon, more tornadoes, more heavy rain and flooding likely in those areas. guys, back to you. thank you, lawrence. >> more americans are going into debt because of rising grocery costs. data shows the average price of groceries costs about $5,000 a year about $475 a month, according to the data, about 70% of all grocery transactions are through credit or debit cards. and with high credit card rates, many users aren't making their minimum payments. households with greater levels of food, insecurity were more likely to use payday loans. buy now pay later programs or even their savings accounts to pay for their basic needs. meantime, biden administration is set to release 1 million barrels of gas in an effort to lower gas prices this summer, according to the energy department, the approach will
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create a competitive bidding process to ensure gas can flow into local retailers ahead of the july 4th holiday and sold at competitive prices. >> several organizations and san francisco are calling for the director of the you need to resign from his position in a letter written to mayor breed and you need the group accuses jeff tomlin of multiple failures and inadequacies in his management of critical transportation projects. they go on to say tomlin's continued failed leadership has ruined public trust and confidence in the agency's ability to keep people safe. the group says the failed projects include the valencia center running bike lane and the west portal station. san mateo county supervisors agreed today to provide the planned parenthood is in their area with nearly $400,000 to ensure women have access to high quality local reproductive health care. the
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money will be used to more effectively serve patients, they say and increase capacity. planned parenthood mar monte operates 3 clinics in san mateo county that provide comprehensive and reproductive health care, gender, affirming care, behavioral health and family medicine services. the clinic served about 13,007 tail county residents a year. >> coming up, the epa is warning the nation's water supply could be under imminent threat. will explain why. and former president trump's attorneys rest their case without trump taking the stand. still ahead, the latest developments in this alleged developments in this alleged hush money shot. ow network is o network for business.
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>> today both sides rested their case in the alleged criminal hush money trial against former president donald trump. despite saying multiple times over the past few weeks, he would be happy to take the witness stand. the former president did not testify in the case. he's accused of falsifying business records as part of a scheme to bury stories to that cbuld hurt his 2016 campaigns, specifically an alleged encounter with adult star stormy daniels. closing arguments are expected to begin next tuesday. >> the senate is set to vote again this week on a border security, an immigration bill. democrats say the bipartisan bill would make it more difficult to gain asylum in the u.s. and increased detentions and deportations of illegal migrants. they also say the measure would allow the president to shut down the
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border if migrant encounters got too high. >> it is strong and realistic. and most importantly, a bipartisan proposal. >> senate republicans block the legislation earlier this year at the urging of former president trump that time it was part of a larger security package that included funding for ukraine and israel. house speaker mike johnson says this new bill will be dead on arrival in the house. it is being called the number one killer of children in america talking about gun violence. doctors from all over the country were on capitol hill today to call for action. >> washington correspondent reshad hudson has more. >> not only does doctor ashley, jackie treat gunshot patients on july 4th, she became a victim herself. i've been hit, get down ice cream with uncertainty. jackie was one of dozens shot at the highland park, illinois, 4th of july parade. 7 people were killed. the celebration had
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turned into a war zone as gunshots blazed overhead. dozens of doctors did rounds on capitol hill to treat a disease they say is the number one killer of children. it's a bullet. the group of doctors are calling on lawmakers to pass new laws that strengthen background checks and require safe storage of guns. the best way to treat a gunshot wound is to prevent it from happening. the call for action comes ahead of the 2 year mark since the tragic mass shooting that claimed the lives of 19 students and 2 teachers at robb elementary school in uvalde, texas, illinois democratic senator durbin says his party needs help to address this issue. he is calling on voters to elect people who want to pass legislation that would make it tougher to get high powered guns, women and men. >> we have a sense of responsibility to change once and for all will speaking over the weekend to members of the nra, former president donald
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trump said he would roll back the new gun laws passed after uvalde and let there be no doubt the survival of our second amendment is very much on the ballot. the former president said he wants to stop any attempt to restrict gun ownership reporting in washington. reshad hudson. >> the environmental protection agency is warning community water systems across the united states have increased cyber attacks. the epa says it. they've issued an alert saying water systems depend on computer software to operate treatment, plants and distribution systems. cyber attacks can disrupt water treatment. the epa also says the attacks can alter chemical levels to hazardous amounts. the epa says organizations affiliated with russia and iran have recently targeted utilities in pennsylvania and texas. secretary of state anthony blinken was in the hot seat as he testified before the senate and face questions about u.s. policy. >> as it relates to israel,
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this comes as tensions between the 2 countries remain high after the u.s. withheld a shipment of weapons over israel's plans to invade rafah. basil, john reports. >> those pressure from all sides on the state's secretary as protesters were quick to interrupt, secretary blinken at the start of the hearing. police carry protesters out of senate hearing as secretary of state antony blinken. >> faced pressure over the administration's handling of the war between israel and hamas. >> we're standing with israel's effort ensure that what happened on october. 7th never happens again as we do everything we can to bring an end to the terrible human suffering in gaza. but the protesters aren't the only ones who are upset. is the president going to stand by his red line? administration is imposing costs and israel, idaho republican senator james risch for punishing is a
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veiled by pausing. a weapons shipment must stop blaming israel. what israel removed from from gaza. >> that is the only way to move forward. and democrats like maryland senator chris van hollen are disappointed. the administration does not acknowledge that the israeli government failed to comply with international law. mister secretary. >> that hurts our credibility around the world and it sets a dangerously low bar for what's acceptable going forward. the international criminal court applied for arrest warrants against israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> and some hamas blinken says the u.s. stands against it. the >> shameful equivalents. implied. between hamas. and the leadership of israel. i think that only complicates the prospects for getting such an agreement. >> blinken was also asked by texas senator ted cruz of the world is better now that the iranian president is dead. blinken said yes. and that, quote, the army and people are probably better off reporting
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in washington. i'm basil, john. >> i bring it back to the bay and taking a live look outside here as we check out sfo. >> it's a little windy out there, lawrence. today. >> yeah, kicking up now, especially that sea breeze starting to blow around the bay area that a sign of things to come is that onshore flow is going to kick in and said that offshore wind brought the warm temperatures for today. so things are changing the atmosphere right now. it looks like they'll continue to do so as we head in toward the unofficial beginning of summer. that's right. the memorial day weekend, just days away now and it looks like we're headed to a cooling trend. so the temperatures going to be dropping off it was a pretty toasty one out there around the bay area. that sea breeze, though, blowing the flags. so wave in there on the embarcadero looks like we'll see more of that wind overnight tonight with some more fog developing along the coastline. still, it is mostly clear along the coast right now. you're looking good out toward the golden gate bridge. that wind is blowing just a bit. but boy, these temperatures jump today is we have those offshore winds and some of the numbers much as 11 degrees warmer in santa rosa.
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5 to 6 degrees warmer elsewhere. 8 degrees warmer to san francisco. so to not be a nice day, 69 degrees above the average in san francisco. 73 warm in oakland. then a warm 83 in san jose. 85 and live more. you get your hot there in concord and santa rosa in the upper 80's. but overnight tonight, skies stay mostly clear signal more patchy fog along the coastline. tomorrow should be mostly sunny out toward the beaches. a little tricky. a little fog again, move in along the coastline and then we'll start to watch as temperatures co,ling down throughout the week. so high pressure going kind of scoot out. the wave got a couple of weeks for us and you can drop over the top of that ridge. that's going help to ramp up that onshore wind and it will bring some cooler weather to the bay area overnight tonight, the up to patchy fog developing along the coastline. just a finger fog there. but you see it start to really encroach as we head toward tomorrow morning and by the afternoon tomorrow start to break up a little bit. but again, make a surge well on shore. so temperatures going to take a little bit of a hit tomorrow. plan on numbers generally the 50's and 60's and breezy in the san francisco for tomorrow coast side. you look at numbers
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generally in the 50's out toward the beaches and a little bit cool inside the bay will warming up. but yeah, these numbers going back off just a little bit. 68 degrees and mild and palo alto. 72 him out to the south bay, enjoying those temperatures up in the 70's. instead, the 80's by tomorrow afternoon and the interior valleys may be 82 degrees. one of the warm spots in livermore, 78 to know walnut creek, 81 in concord. you get the idea. some nice warm temperatures inland, but these numbers backing off tomorrow breezy as you approach the coastline. so next couple days, we'll temperatures really kind of tumble. few more clouds come away on friday into saturday that one of the computer models want the people a chance of rain to begin the holiday weekend. i'm thinking that's wrong. yeah, that's got to be wrong. this the holidays, it's got to be wrong, but we're going to keep out about right, though. and then all of a sudden, yeah, it doesn't look like if it is. but if you're headed the high country, be careful. >> thunderstorms expected over the weekend get to things aren't. >> 4 is celebrating asian american pacific islander heritage month and innovative
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way of roasting a cup of joe a south bay couple recently quit their tech jobs to follow their passion of brewing coffee. yeah, this is an interesting one. they're now running this mobile cafe au field. >> but one of those cybertrucks, you know, the ones check it out. their business is called. >> moon wake coffee roasters from grinding to pouring the cafe is run. they say 100% off the couple cybertruck one of those tesla things being and mabel say they realize their love for coffee while at their tech jobs being was working at tesla at the time. so the new, despite what people might say about it. cybertruck was capable of really serving their needs. >> and a bigger bed. so you can put a lot more stuff in there that air suspension so we can actually lower that working surface to the person's height. we still want to maintain that opened kind of >> transparent like interaction with our customers. so the great thing about the cybertruck set up is that it's a very open platform, if you ever been by
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the farmers market, you know, we have our booth and then we stop right out of the back of the truck. and there's no walls. >> certainly some to talk about well, who waiting for the cup of coffee mains from indiana. mabel is a bay area native. she says the grandparents run a chinese restaurant in cupertino, which kind of helped her transition into hospitality. they also say they looked to asian countries to enhance their coffee flavors and experience. pretty cool and tune into kron 4 for more stories highlighting the bay area's api community and for our special which airs this thursday, a couple days at 06:30pm. >> a new list has ranked all 30 mlb stadiums from best to worst. next, we'll tell you worst. next, we'll tell you where oracle park states.
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>> and just a few minutes, the oakland ballers will kick off their inaugural season starting at 6 o'clock. they'll take on the glacier range riders for a six-game series will be on the road. tonight's contest in the next few games will be away from the bay. their first home game is in oakland, june 4th against the yolo high wheelers. where are they? >> well, a new study is ranking oracle park amongst the best in the country for sports venues. no question. why u.s. sports website gambling dot com ranking oracle park. number 9 out of 30. the study ranked stadiums
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based on google. tripadvisor and facebook reviews. oracle park right by the water. of course it can hold up to 42,300 fans. it's always fun to go there. oakland coliseum. came in at number 30 dead last on this the green bay packers, lambeau field, ranking number one overall. >> so that is baseball venues. it's all of sports. and number 9 is out that for an overnight reports. that's a great ballpark. and that wraps up curran 4 news at 5. a lot more ahead on companies at 6 icky. and ken are here with details and a baseball stadium with a hot dogs. pretty good. yeah, yes, it's the garlic fries. there you go. here's what we're working tonight. at 6, we're learning new details about a house fire in san francisco. >> it sent 2 people to the hospital and we're now learning that the people living there have recently received racist threats. plus, as most of the bay area faces rising rent prices, the city of opa is actually seeing prices fall.
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>> we'll hear from some experts tell us why that's happening. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 rent prices seem to be on the rise in most bay area cities. but oakland now sing quite the opposite. good evening, everybody. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm ken wayne data from apartment list found that oakland's rising rents are asking


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