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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  May 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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>> now at 10, a house fire being investigated tonight in san francisco after a man says he's been receiving racist threats. >> veteran files a lawsuit over how university has been handling encampments on campus. a man smashes a window
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at an ice cream shop sending shards of glass onto a child with police in neighbors are saying about this violent attack. >> when fun time. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> good evening. thanks for joining us for kron for news at 10. i'm ken wayne and i'm vicki liviakis. first. he says that he's been receiving races packages for weeks now and then tonight, san francisco dog walker is without a home after his house while his parents were inside was engulfed in flames. his parents remain hospitalized from force. grant lodes joins us here in the studio with the details. grant. >> guys, this is really gone quite bad to somehow worse for terry williams, a longtime resident lives in this house, a guy who's beloved by almost everyone in his community. and he was actually meeting with a member of mayor breed's office at city hall when his home here on grove street near alamo square in the painted ladies caught fire. it was
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late this morning. williams was discussing ways to address repeated racist threats. he says he's endured in recent weeks and then sudden news of this fire. it's not clear how it started. but williams can only hope this was not an escalation of the hate crimes. you are. you sick or he started his own business? you don't start to racist >> racist member out. the one thing about it was the case. about what and how support him when he is another phone call about you know, last of soul of i've been in force working with us start also.
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>> going to work hard >> a feel some of the racist hate crimes he's endured. reportedly include packages with just blatant racist slurs on the left at the home, including a a black doll with a noose around its neck. a toy grenade among other things, supervisor dean preston represents that area and last week issued a resolution condemning the hate crimes against terry williams and his family and urging police to figure out who's behind who's doing this and the resolution also is there to support williams family in the meantime, while they work to find the perpetrators tonight, preston says he's working to find temporary housing for the 7 people who were living in that home. we'll keep you posted. vicki and ken, back to you. >> all right, happening now bunny alert has been issued for this 12 year-old last seen in timber on the chp says emerald walker was last seen around 7 o'clock this morning in the area of ned's way and
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to boulevard at the time she was wearing a black hoodie, black, pent up pants and possibly carrying a black backpack. anyone who's seen her is being asked to call 9-1-1. >> new at 10 tonight, the san francisco sheriff's department is apologizing after exposing dozens of children to tear gas during a training exercise. several students and teachers at portola elementary school in san bruno reported experiencing burning sensations and their eyes, their nose and their throat. a spokesperson for the sheriff's office says the agency was holding a routine tactical training class for crowd management inside a building on an isolated section of their jail property near the school. and when gas was from the inside somehow released? and it drifted outside the office says that this is the first time such an incident has happened in there more than 20 years of conducting the drill in response. the department says it's pausing
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all future chemical agent training exercises while it reviews current practices. a disturbing incident in the south and shatters the glass window of an ice cream shop where a child was sitting inside tonight. >> that man is in custody on charges of assault child abuse and vandalism. kron check moment has the latest from san jose. >> let's set the scene here for a moment. it is springtime in east side. san jose. the temperatures are warming up and you want to escape the heat. so child head to baskin robbins and once you do head to this baskin-robbins, you head inside, you wait for the ice cream when all of a sudden boom, a man runs up seemingly randomly breaks the glass, sending shards of it. flying on to you and your kid. you both go running has neighbors here quite concerned over the safety here and that has police looking for those victims. shocking surveillance camera video from last month depicts the attack. you see that child sitting down inside the baskin robbins off a born square and then glasgow's
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flying sending shards of glass towards that child. you can see them and they're screaming. that's horrible. happened to like, like i said, i come with my my nephew, my knees in something like that happen. you will be by scary for us and for them too. >> let me read lives in this neighborhood off capitol expressway and says this baskin robbins to her is a family staple. well, it not not so good because we come to relax and have a good time and have something like that happened is >> nearly a month since that incident, san jose finally announced they arrested the suspect identified as pay ms farhi. he's booked into county jail and charged with child abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. >> and while police haven't shared much info about the suspect, mandeep singh who works the liquor store next door says he's familiar with. i know is that guy cars use becomes august or i like shop but he never gave us any trouble. mandy says the last time as far was here. it was about a week ago and has bought beer here for the last 9 months. he says crime in the
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area has been increasing the need to fix them. i think that somehow and this was made possible because we have a partnership. the district attorney's office. meantime, san jose police say while as far awaits his day in court, they want to make right with the victims at the heart of the incident. i don't really want full closure for this case in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> in francisco, all 5 candidates trying to be the next san francisco mayor gathered tonight for their first town hall. each got around 30 minutes to answer questions and explain how they would make the city a better place. kron 4 sarah stinson is there. she's going to have highlights coming up at 10, 30. >> new at 10 tonight, more than 30 legal and civil rights groups are asking stanford to drop disciplinary charges against students who voiced support for palestine. in a letter they say stanford is filed concerns against at least 13 students that could lead to probation or suspension. they say 2 of the
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students were involved negotiations with school officials and they claim they never stayed overnight in the encampments. there. >> graduation ceremonies are set for tomorrow at san jose state and we visited the campus today. students protesting the war in gaza. there still camped out on campus even after school leaders told them that clear out last week student protesters tell us that they met with school officials tonight. no word if anything was decided in their meeting. >> today, likely the warmest day of the week. things start changing. may have felt that this afternoon tomorrow morning. well, wake-up weather forecast and starting out with a couple of patches of fog along the coastline. that will be a change from what we've seen. temperatures generally in the 50's see a lot of sunshine. i think most a mostly sunny skies as we head toward 8 o'clock. if you're headed out for the commute, temperatures in the 50's low 60's that we start to warm up but kind of backing off on the temperatures just a little bit. a lot of 60's by 10:00am expect some cooler
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temperatures on the way. more in your 10, 10 coming up a few minutes. thank you, lawrence. one man is dead another in the hospital after a fiery crash in fremont. the dramatic moment was captured on surveillance video. we want to warn you some of the video may be difficult to watch for some viewers. video shows the car bursting into flames. police say it was heading southbound on fremont boulevard around midnight. police officer arrived within seconds and tried to put out the flames. a few moments later, the officer along with neighbors pulled a man from the burning car. one witness says the quick thinking of the officer and the neighbors probably saved the passenger's life. >> i couldn't even really process what i was witnessing it first. honestly, if it wasn't for the cops show first and the people who came out partner complex. >> i i honestly >> the driver who died has been identified as a 65 year-old man from fremont. his name was not released. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. this november, voters in san
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francisco could get a chance to vote on legislation aimed at improving the shortages of nurses in 9-1-1, dispatchers. >> supervisor ahsha e who is running for mayor announced new legislation today that would change the city's charter. he says it would improve the retention and recruitment of nurses. it would also give 9-1-1 operators, the same retirement benefits as other first responders. >> we believe this is a recruitment tool. this is a retention tool but also makes fiscal sense for our city. >> the legislation still needs to be approved by the board of supervisors before it can appear on the november ballot. >> still ahead tonight, a lawsuit claiming home insurance companies have been defrauding bay area customers. plus and now because of they have to do lawsuit. >> hear from the veteran who filed a lawsuit over how universities been handling encampment on campus the bay area known for its high rent prices. but that's changing in
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one city where experts say rent prices are actually going down.
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>> 2 people are without a home tonight following house fire in los gatos this morning. crews say heavy flames came from the garage and then spread to the attic. they say the cause of the blaze was due to an electrical failure in the garage. nobody was hurt during the fire. alameda county da pamela price is suing several home insurance companies are accused of defrauding their own customers. price announced the lawsuit was filed on behalf of state homeowners. >> farmers insurance group is
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included in the lawsuit and they're accused of using software to charge homeowners premiums for policies that don't properly protect homes or compensate them in case of a big loss. >> we believe that the evidence will show that these insurance companies have utilized a software application that allows them essentially to defraud homeowners by charging them premiums for insurance that provide inaccurate and low replacement costs for insured homes. >> rice also says they violate several state regulations, rules and laws designed to protect consumers while rent prices in most bay area. cities are on the rise. oakland is seeing a decline data from apartment list found oakland's asking rents fell by 10% in the last year. kron four's rob nesbitt spoke with someone who deals with rental properties in the east bay. the data from apartment list
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found that the median asking rent for a one-bedroom apartment in oakland. >> in january of 2019 was about $2400 a month. the median rent for that same apartment last month was $1800 a month. a 10% drop in rent prices in oakland is getting people's attention. >> andrea rentals is located in the city and helps match renters with tenants owner andrea day says rent prices usually go up in may, but that's not what's happening in the east bay. there's more concessions. people are >> you know, they're just who's here and it feels like they have more >> time and space and opportunity to choices. and so it just feels different while rent prices for apartments and more affordable bases, locations still matters. seeing more of a decline in monthly rent in downtown oakland compared to other areas. >> there are places where previously the rams were sort of you know, really pushing that to top of the market that
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have really fallen. but then there are other areas kind by oakland or mills where you're actually seeing an increase in rents. there are also more incentives being offered to tenants in oakland. >> at some locations, andrea rentals offers a month free as long as 10 inside their leased by a certain date day says that's because of the 2.3% rent cap and the city. if you have the places rented for 2400 and you say, oh, we you know, we're not finding anybody. >> and you just dropped it. it could take it will take you years to recover because you can only incrementally raise it unless it's a single family home or new construction. the data from apartment list also found that work from home has an impact on rent prices, less people working in office in downtown oakland has less people renting apartments downtown. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> of the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look at san francisco on this tuesday night, lawrence.
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>> way, you know, it's busy. that picture was a fog out there. but i think we're going to see that. >> forming overnight tonight. maybe just a couple of fingers of fog. as you wake up toward tomorrow morning across san francisco. not going to be there for very long or so to see a lot of sunshine tomorrow. but big change in the weather pattern now. it kind of pete today. some of the temperatures soaring well into the 80's. now seeing a little more haze out there tonight. no official fog, but it won't be long. that will begin to move on shore. and it looks like more of that on the way in the coming days. temperatures, though, today more they spiked 11 degrees. warmer in santa rosa's. they 7 degrees warmer in the battle. 8 degrees warmer in san francisco. get the idea. high pressure that northerly wind really have to crank up the temperatures. you're in the upper 80's in concord today. 88 degrees. 89 one of the warm spots in santa rosa. 69 degrees in san francisco. 73 in oakland and 83 degrees in san jose. tonight got a variety of temperatures. the seabreeze kicking in cooling off coast side. we've got some 40's and 50's as you get closer. the coastline still look at concord. still very pleasant, 71 degrees. so that
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up feeling that ocean air just yet. but that will likely change here in the next 24 hours or so. overall looks like the pattern begin to shift a little bit. high pressure has been overhead. we've had that northerly component win. that really cleared out along the even along the coastline had nice sunshine there. but things going to change overnight tonight. we're going to see more of that sea breeze kicking and we're seeing some of that now and eventually that will bring with it. some of that cool air. some of the fog likely to form out toward the beach is still going to be nice day tomorrow. we do have weak frontal system. the drops over the top of the bridge ridge going to start to weaken some more fog on the way, at least along the those temperatures not bad at all. how about upper 70's in the san jose about 72 and nice to know come. 64 degrees. little cooler in san francisco. >> at delivery workers rallying a at the state supreme court today in the city. there, hoping that the court finds prop 22 constitutional the prop passed by voters in november of 2020.
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it classifies app-based drivers as independent contractors instead of employees. supporters say this gives drivers more flexibility but they don't get benefit. >> as a person in california any other state if you work in that state, you got on the plane show you get workers comp, you could maybe gets maybe you some vacation. as a good look at an apartment. he knew none of those rights. >> the state court has 90 days to issue a ruling on prop. 22 new at 10 tonight at counter protesters filed a federal lawsuit against uc davis and uc administration for how it's handled the ongoing pro-palestinian encampment as cristian. that martin reports that protesters have been on the uc davis squad for more than 2 weeks now. >> one of the main allegations of this lawsuit is that this encampment is not ada the plaintive shares with us the
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middle of the main walkway on the quiet isn't close within the encampment infringing on his rights as a disabled veteran and counter-protester be left me in a situation where i could not safely be a counter protester. >> and now because of that, they're they have to do with my lawsuit. jonathan groom is lawsuit against uc davis chancellor gary may and other uc administration alleges that the encampment sitting in the middle of the quad is not ada compliant. i'm disabled veteran. i'm i'm disabled for both my knees. my back and i have a condition called nears disease. >> which requires me to be on kind stable foot paths. here's roughly where the popular university for the liberation of palestine encampment is on. uc davis is memorial quad. it sits right on top of the quads main path from the memorial union to peter j shields library. we took the issue directly to uc davis polk jonathan government, specifically. >> what what is he doing here? who is he to campus? what is he doing here? i did. then harassing students, an
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intimate trying to intimidate them out of speaking. and what does that to do with accessing the cement in the center of the club? the encampments 10 for mcconahay tells fox 40. >> that they would immediately allow someone with access needs through something determined case by case. but grohmann alleges that the university is giving the encampments permission not only to block a safe path, but a different point of view. there's a trove video people getting pushed and bumped and blocked. >> i in particular was hit multiple times with an umbrella i gave, you know, i reported that to the davis police department. i never heard back. you know, i communicated that id that information, too. the chancellor's office. i never heard back. >> we also did reach out to uc davis for their response on this lawsuit. they say to us riding in a statement in part when the university received the complaint of denial of reasonable accommodation, anti-semitism or other offensive behavior, it immediately reaches out to the affected parties to provide support and resources and
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reviews allegations. under the university's anti-discrimination policy. meanwhile, we also did talk to the encampment and they tell us that they expect to have their next negotiation with uc davis administration sometime this week here at uc davis. kristin vartan. >> san mateo county supervisors have agreed to provide $400,000 to planned parenthood in their area. they say that the money will be used to more efficiently, serve patients and increase capacity. the clinic served about 13,000 san mateo county residents a year. >> vince fong, a state assembly member backed by former president donald trump will be finishing out kevin mccarthy's term, which runs until january fong won the special election tonight. it's not clear when he'll be sworn in. that decision falls to current house speaker mike johnson. mccarthy resigned last year after being ousted as house speaker. >> in the bay area, police are now setting up fake houses to
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catch thieves who have been breaking into homes. plus, why the death of actor matthew perry is now being taken over by federal investigators and legal threat by celebrity who says if a area ai company is coffee with her voice.
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>> federal investigation is now underway into matthew perry's death. the actor mostly known for playing chandler and friends found dead in his home in los angeles. back in october on autopsy was revealed. the actor died from acute effects
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of ketamine. investigators say he was reported to be receiving kemine infusion therapy for depression and anxiety. but the ketamine in his system at death could not be from that infusion therapy. >> here's to indicate that perhaps the theory here is that someone mailed these drugs to matthew perry using the postal service and therefore the federal government would be involved. our sister station los angeles talked with a retired dea agent who says this case could be very similar to the michael jackson death investigation. >> doctor was prescribing ketamine outside the scope of what was medically necessary. he says the doctor could be charged in the case. jackson died of an overdose of propofol in his doctor was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. >> san francisco based company i says that they are stopping the use of one of their chatgpt voices after actress
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scarlet johansen says it sounds similar to her own voice. hello, i'm here. >> sure like this money. >> that's johansen's voice in the movie. her where she voices and ai assistant. the actress says i contacted her last year about lending her voice to its newest system. but she declined. johansen says that she was shocked and angered when the chat gpt voice was released. she says openai agreed to take down the voice after she hired lawyers. openai says the voice is not johansen's and was never intended to resemble >> coming up next, we hear from san francisco mayor london breed and the candidates hoping to take her job answered questions tonight at a town hall. are you ready for the big one? first responders test their skills in responding to a major in responding to a major earthquake. if you're happy and, you know it, clap your hands
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>> for your elections headquarters in san francisco, all 5 candidates trying to be the city's mayor. they gathered tonight for the first town hall. tonight's event happening after a debate originally scheduled for last night was canceled at the last minute after 3 of the candidates dropped out kron 4 sarah stinson attended tonight's town hall. she joins us now live with a breakdown of the key issues from each candidate. sarah. >> each candidate had about 30 minutes to answer some very tough questions. and tell the crowd why they would make the best mayor of san francisco. 5
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candidates vying to be san francisco's next. mayor spoke at a town hall tuesday night. this being the first time we're hearing from them in a forum. >> the harvey milk lgbtq democratic club posted president jeffrey kwong moderating candidates answered questions about issues like homelessness, public safety police saying and affordable housing. it kicked off with candidate daniel lurie, levi's aaron founder of an antipoverty organization. >> you're not missing the point the board of supervisors was the da or the police chief for the commission's. i am going to be a that you can hold accountable. second up, current mayor london breed. >> i'm concerned that someone might lose people graduate with. they can't afford to be in the city anymore. doesn't know what it feels like to actually have to pay rent. is not a solution. also say that, you know, the fact i've very
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aggressive with my hasn't policies mostly because of my experience of growing this late in the 3rd quarter down the street. >> next attendees heard from candidate osha self who says he's been fighting for homelessness. wow. supervisor and then made a dig at breed for not prioritizing kids in the city administration cut. >> 24, 25 news dollars from youth programming in our city. and then a couple days later, she knows one of the water is 25 million dollars for pandas. the 4th candidate was supervisor. aaron peskin. >> he addressed criticisms about not being pro housing. >> dollars has been spent by astroturf organization and a handful of plutocrats trying to spend that narrative. but the facts are the facts. the facts are. 24 years that i've been in office over 100,000 units of housing. people are talking. i'm actually doing the latest up on stage was
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former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell. i believe that we need to build more housing years here just go to make our city more formal, plain and simple. >> and the milk club plans to announce an endorsement of one of these candidates by labor day. this town hall will certainly impact and influence that decision. now we caught up with people after the town hlll attendees and they told us they were very glad that they tended they got to hear perspectives that they had not heard yet before. and when i asked who did the best, a lot of people were kind of torn and they said they have a lot of thinking to do. sara stinson reporting live in san francisco. back to you. >> thank you, sara. several >> thank you, sara. several organizations and san director of s m mta. do resigned from his position in a letter that was written a mayor london breed. and you need the group accuses jeff tom, one of multiple failures and in adequate sees in his
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management of critical transportation projects. and they go on to say tomlin's continued failed. leadership is ruined public trust and confidence in the agency's ability to keep people safe. the group says that the failed projects include the valencia center running bike lane and the west portal station after him. police are getting creative, trying to catch bad guys. several bait houses have been set up and >> neighborhoods with higher burglary rates. police say the decoy houses have cutting edge surveillance equipment, allowing police to respond quickly in collect video. evidence of suspects breaking and entering residents interested in participating in giving feedback on the program can contact atherton police. >> east bay park officials are warning public of the public about coyotes as it gets warmer. more people are visiting parks and they're offering these coyotes safety tips, avoid hiking alone, keep kids and pets nearby and keep your dogs on a leash. be aware
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of your surroundings as you walk around, jog or ride and stay on the trails and never attempt to feed a coyote. if you do happen to encounter a coyote. just one point calmly and leave the area quickly. >> that are 4 zone forecast as we get a live look at the golden gate bridge. yeah. nice and not actually common rather peaceful here. a whole different story in other parts of the country. lawrence loud. i mean, really scary. this has been some kind of season, very, very active tornado season this year. and it's been going on since april. it continues again today. more people, unfortunately, have died in the series of tornadoes that touched down today. so all right, now very active situation and looks like it will continue not only tomorrow will be on the right here in the heart of tornado season. really? tornado alley just been pummeled. see the storms kind of rolling on through headed eastward and producing a lot of the tornadic activity today. that's exactly what we saw. a look at the tornadoes dropping down across a nebraska. love
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those doing some major damage to those areas greenfield was devastated by that storm is a rolled on through and you see numerous tornadoes touching down there. and so, yeah, very active night. things settle down a little bit for them. but of course, to go along with that, we've had a tremendous amount of rain and flooding continues there as well. and we're not done with maybe the tornadoes overnight tonight. in fact, they move further to the east. but you see milwaukee, very strong storm system rotating through here. tornado watch currently in effect there watching that for tonight. and i think another very active afternoon tomorrow as weve got looks like that pattern going to shift a little further to the south down, unfortunately into the texas area. all the way up across parts memphis and also into st. louis may season more of those thunderstorms rolling through tomorrow afternoon with the potential for some more severe weather. so here comes the forecast shows that storm system really wrapping up by tomorrow afternoon. then what's unfortunate? not only can we see severe weather, but they continue to see flooding from previous storms over the last couple of weeks. you're
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talking about intense storms, more heavy rain, more flooding and of course, the possibility of more tornadoes around the bay area tonight. the ball trying to form outside right now. not a whole lot just yet, but i think we'll see more of that on the way as we head through the night tonight. so tomorrow morning, expect some patchy fog in the morning. then that will give way to plenty of sunshine as we head toward the afternoon in most spots, maybe lingering up toward the coastline, though some cooler temperatures go to start to settle a little breezy. and the san francisco, 64 downtown about 59 in the sunset. 58 degrees in half moon bay inside the bay of find that warm sunshine in the afternoon. heating things up as you head down the jury of the peninsula in the south bay city 80's tomorrow. 80's today. going to see some 70's for tomorrow in the south bay and maybe couple 80's as you make your way to pleasanton and livermore. 72 in hayward, 7682 in concord well about 83 degrees in fairfield. so nice, warm weather out there, at least in the but the temperatures starting to cool off a bit. that trend will take us right. the holiday weekend looks like those numbers really dropping off saturday. maybe only topping out in the 60's around the bay
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area. warming up a little bit on memorial day. if you've got of showers not going to go yeah, but you bring a lot lip flopped and sleeveless tank top on monday. there you go. i know you've got it. ready to go. oh, thanks, lauren. thanks. >> but a happy folks there. san jose mayor matt mahan celebrating the opening of the first dispensary load located downtown purple. lotus is on west santa clara street for years. the city has strict rules on where dispensaries can operate, relegating them to industrial areas. last year the city council revise regulations on where dispensaries rent space, which allowed them to move downtown. >> pixar animation studios has cut 14% of its workforce. the
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layoffs are going to impact about 175 employees at its emeryville animation studio. now, according to reports, job cuts are going to allow pixar to shift its focus back to projects that are meant for theatrical rather than streaming releases. >> we all know the big one is coming. the question is, are we ready for a major earthquake that was put to the test in a big way during a major exercise in sonoma county. >> it's the one. a massive quake has struck northern sonoma county. >> dozens of first responders gathered at the citrus fairgrounds in cloverdale to test their skills in responding to such a disaster victims. we've got about 50 victims in there. >> so you're going to be very, very busy. this is the definition of a mass casualty incident. >> there's a lot of prep going into this. dozens of students go through makeup to simulate head injuries and broken bones. the fire police, medical responders are overwhelmed by simultaneous
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incidents. buildings are down some on fire. 2 buses collide leaving dozens of students and adults injured. firefighters have to pry their way through the metal to get to the victims. cell phone towers are out and for the next hours and days, first responders won't be getting outside. help because those agencies are responding to their own emergencies. that's where the search come in. search is community emergency response. team civilians often your neighbors who train to step in when professional first responders are overwhelmed by disaster. >> practice getting victims to safety by and freedom operate. >> lessons from past disasters have shown many residents won't evacuate. lesser animals are accounted for. now they're see that the california veterinary emergency team, they'll work with cart the community. animal response team to make sure everything from a dog or cat to livestock are treated and put their
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owners minds at ease. >> we can make sure that we're giving the best care possible to animals and then turn people can keep themselves today. safe by knowing that those animals are getting the appropriate care. so we have learned from the particularly the wildfires that some people won't evacuate and leave unless they have their animals with them not or can get them. so. >> now state agencies are county agencies are starting to respond to that and recognize that to get the people out. they might have to get the animals with them as well. and so they're all working together. make that happen, says good. she want to leave your buddy behind. no, you don't. >> well, a new study is ranking oracle park among the best in the country for sports venues. u.s. sports website gambling got comment ranked oracle park number 9 out of 30. the study ranked stadium's based on google. tripadvisor and facebook reviews. oracle park is first right by the
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water and you can, you know, can hold up to 42,000 fans, the green bay packers, lambeau field ranked number one overall. we can mention what was last. yes, know what it is? yeah. oakland coliseum. all right. it's a price on that note. wrapping it up. kron four's erin wilson standing by with a look at what's coming up. a lot of nba playoff action. busy night, a busy night. and although no great rates on the oakland coliseum, some great baseball from the oakland a's tonight, which will break down tonight in sports night live as well. so obviously the giants are first. >> as they are on the road looking to continue their winning ways. but could they do it tonight? will it look rough on the road? so we'll explain. plus the forty-niners they open up their voluntary workout today in santa clara. and it's a tradition. there are some notable, no as you know, kate rooney is there, but explain all of and more after the break in sports after the break in sports night live.
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>> throw it in the corner route takes 5 3. >> jalen brown has the crowd on their feet as he forces ot in the first outing of the eastern conference finals. thanks for joining us for 25. i'm your host erin wilsn


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