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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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network is no that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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station, this is. at 11. now at 11, a man is in custody in san jose tonight after police say he smashed this window at a baskin robbins. >> it sent glass flying on to a yan and a child. more importantly, he was sitting right there on that bench. good evening. thanks for being with us tonight on kron 4 news at 11, i'm grant lotus and i'm noelle bellow. the incident happened last month, but officers recently made the arrest kron four's jack moment reports from san jose. >> let's set the scene here for a moment. it is springtime in east side. san jose. the temperatures are warming up and you want to escape the heat. so child head to baskin robbins and once you do head to this baskin-robbins, you head inside, you wait for ice cream when all of a sudden boom, a man runs up seemingly randomly breaks the glass, sending shards of it. flying on to you and your kid. you both go running has neighbors
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here quite concerned over the safety here and that has police looking for those victims. shocking surveillance camera video from last month depicts the attack. you see that child sitting down inside the baskin robbins off a born square and glasgow's flying sending shards of glass towards that child. you can see them and they're screaming. that's horrible. happened to like like i said that, come with my my nephew, my knees in something like that happen. it will be by scary levy rivera lives in this neighborhood off capitol expressway and says this baskin robbins to hurt is a family staple. well, it not not so good because we come to relax and come of the time in nearly a month since that incident, san jose finally announced they arrested the suspect identified as pay ms farhi. >> he's booked into county jail and charged with child abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. >> and while police haven't shared much info about the suspect, mandeep singh who works the liquor store next door says he's familiar with. i know is that guy cars use
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becomes august or i like shopper and says the last time as far was here, it was about a week ago and has bought beer here for the last 9 months. >> he says crime in the area has been increasing the need to fix them. i think that somehow and this was made possible because we have a partnership. the district attorney's office. meantime, san jose police say while as far awaits his day in court, they want to make right with the victims at the heart of the incident. i don't really want full closure for this case in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> not a sad story in san francisco. first they were facing races threats. now the home goes up in flames. san francisco dog walker is going public tonight with his frustration once again. terry williams is a longtime resident beloved by almost everyone in his community. he was actually meeting late this morning with a member of mayor breed's office at city hall. when his home here on grove street near alamo square in the painted ladies caught fire. williams was discussing
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ways to address the repeated races threats he's endured in recent months. and then sudden news of the fire came me ran home. it's not clear how this thing started, but williams can only hope this was not an escalation of the hate crimes you are you sick or he started to do don't want start to races tax. >> racist member now. >> yes, out. so the one thing about it was the case. >> about what can be done, how support him. when you get another phone call about 2005. >> supervisor dean preston represents that area and last week issued a resolution condemning the hate crimes against the williams family urging police to find out who's been doing this and 2
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support the family. in the meantime, tonight, preston said he's working to find temporary housing for the 7 people who lived in that home. >> happening now and ebony alert has been issued for this 12 year-old she was last seen in temper on chp says emerald walker was last seen around 7 o'clock this morning in the area of ned's way and temper on boulevard at the time she was wearing a black hoodie, a black tank top black pants and possibly carrying a black backpack. emerald stands about 5 foot, 6 inches. she weighs 150 pounds. anyone who sees her is asked to call 9-1-1. the san francisco sheriff's office is apologizing tonight after exposing dozens of children to tear gas during a training exercise. talking about 20 students and one teacher at port whole elementary school in san bruno reported experiencing burning sensations in their eyes, their nose, their throat. >> according to the sheriff's office, the agency was holding
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a routine tactical training class for crowd management intervention. it was being held inside and isolated section of their jail property near the school. but they say gas from in the building somehow drifted outside the office says this is the first time such an incident has happened in there more than 20 years of conducting this trial. >> in response, the department's pausing all future chemical agent to training exercises while it reviews its current practices. >> new at 11 san francisco sting operation has led to 30 people being arrested. police say for about 8 nights in the mission recently, undercover officers arrested 17 people who were paying for acts and they arrested 13 people who are accepting money for acts. police say they are focusing on shotwell street and south van ness avenue. more than half of the people were from outside san francisco and even california police say the goal is to decrease the amount of workers and create a safer
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neighborhood. kron four's your local election headquarters and all 5 top candidates for san francisco mayor tonight gathered for their first town for sara stinson. was there. she breaks down some key issues from each candidate. >> 5 candidates vying to be san francisco's next. mayor spoke at a town hall tuesday night. this being the first time we're hearing from them in a forum. the harvey milk, lgbtq democratic club posted president jeffrey kwong moderating candidates answered questions about issues like homelessness, public safety police saying and affordable housing. it kicked off with candidate daniel lurie, levi's aaron founder of an antipoverty organization. >> you're not the point the board of supervisors, da or the police chief for the commission's. i am going to be a that you can hold accountable. second up, current mayor london breed.
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>> i'm concerned that someone might lose people graduate with. they can't afford to be in the city anymore. doesn't know what it feels like to actually have to pay rent. is not a solution. also say that, you know, the fact i've very aggressive with my hasn't policies mostly because of my experience of growing late in the 3rd quarter down the street. next, attendees heard from candidate osha self who says he's been fighting for homelessness. wow. supervisor. >> and then made a dig at breed for not prioritizing kids in the city administration cut. 24 25 news dollars from youth programming in our city. and then a couple days later. >> she knows one of the water is 25 million dollars for pandas. the 4th candidate was supervisor. aaron peskin. he addressed criticisms about not being pro housing. >> dollars has been spent by
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astroturf organization and a handful of plutocrats trying to spend that narrative. but the facts are the facts. the facts are. >> 24 years that i've been in office over 100,000 units of housing. people are talking. i'm actually doing things the latest up on stage was former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell. i believe that we need to build more housing years here just go to make our city more formal, plain and simple. the milk lab has not announced an endorsement yet, but this town hall will influence that decision. >> the club hopes to have that endorsement by labor day. i spoke with some attendees afterwards, many saying that this town hall was helpful, but they still hope to see a debate before the election. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. kron. 4 news. >> graduation ceremonies are set to happen tomorrow at san jose state. we visited campus today. students protesting the war in gaza are still camped out on that campus even after
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school leaders told them to clear it out last week. protesters tell us they did meet with school officials tonight. however, no word on if anything was decided in that meeting. whether time here as we get a live look outside the view from the top of mount tam, a whole lot of >> fog has rolled in after a warm day in the bay. >> finned fog, can still see the city lights. laura? yeah. thinking up overnight tonight, i think special on the coastline. that's a sign really of things begin to change now in the atmosphere. what a beautiful day. >> today, though, but tomorrow, still going to be a nice day. it's just going to cooler than what we've seen out towards coit tower. mostly clear skies, a little haze outside temperatures. yeah. how about antioch? still 71 degrees. so you can see that cool marine air has not worked its way all the way, the interior valleys, but that will change here in the next 24 hours. you can see the clouds kind of a rotating southward as we have that northerly flow again. but tomorrow we'll see more of a westerly component, win. and that's going to be that sea breeze kicking in seeing a
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little bit of that tonight. and that's where we're seeing some of that haze and fog begin to form outside. so tomorrow should be a gorgeous day. just a little bit cooler said of age are going find 70's into san jose. how about 72 and sunday? nice in oakland. 64 becoming mostly sunny in san francisco. thank you, lawrence. >> though she's received pushback on the plans to bring 2 giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. san francisco mayor london breed says she is moving forward currently asking for city departments to be allowed to raise 25 million dollars to fund this project. however, as we recently reported supervisor and candidate for mayor ahsha safa e is arguing the money should be spent elsewhere. today, mayor breed visit kron 4 shared why she feels pandas are a good investment for the city. >> it does a disservice to what we need to do to make sure that the city is put first and we're prioritizing the work that we need to do for the city as a whole. the economic opportunities alone make pandas worth it. it's not
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just because pandas are cute and cuddly, but it's because of financially what it could do for not just but also our economic recovery in san francisco. last week, a board committee rejected the fundraising proposals saying amendments are still needed. >> the mayor, however, was clear. she is determined to continue this fight. >> happening tomorrow the bay area will celebrate harvey milk day milk was the first openly politician in california. and tomorrow would mark his 94th birthday. he tragically, though, became a martyr not long after being elected to the san francisco board of supervisors when he was assassinated at city hall in 1978 each year on may 22nd. it serves as an opportunity. the city says to help and celebrate the lgbtq+ community. >> coming up next at 11, the latest from half moon bay, how the city is working to create new homes for farmworkers.
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plus trains, planes and automobiles. why this year's memorial day weekend is memorial day weekend is expected to be record setting.
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we're in the middle of... livin' large! and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! >> man is dead and another is in the hospital following an early morning crash in fremont. 3rd dramatic moment was captured on surveillance video. and we do want to warn you it is tough to watch this video. it this is what happened here. fiery crash. police say the car was headed southbound on fremont boulevard around midnight when it smashed into a tree and then burst into flames. a police officer arrived within seconds and tried to put out
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the fire. a few moments later, the officer along with several neighbors pulled a person from the burning wreckage. witness says the quick thinking of the officer and the neighbors probably saved that passengers life. >> i couldn't yearly process what i was witnessing it first. honestly, if it wasn't for the cops show first and the people who came out hartman complex. >> i i honestly >> the exact cause of the crash is being investigated. >> housing project for farm workers is officially set to get underway in half moon bay this week. today, the san mateo county board of supervisors voted unanimously to invest 12 million dollars. and 47 homes for low-income farmworkers. the homes will be built at stone pine road about a mile from downtown half moon bay out of the 47 homes. 19 of them will be for families displaced by the mass shooting last year. 7 farmworkers were killed. and since that shooting, san mateo county has
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been focusing on creating proper housing for the farm workers. as for the mushroom farms involved in that deadly shooting, they will be paying nearly half a million dollars in damages to employees over labor violations. federal investigators say concord farms and california terra gardens house workers in, quote, sickening conditions where they slept on dirty mattresses and were exposed to insects, trash and mold. investigators say the farm's owners also deducted money from the workers paychecks for the substandard housing and failed to pay workers for overtime. memorial day weekend is almost here. many people are planning to hit the roads. of course. >> according to triple a 38 million people expected to drive for the long holiday weekend meeting. drive 100 miles or more. and that is the most amount of people expected to do that since aaa started tracking this stuff in the year 2000, lots of they're thinking about the gas prices.
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>> we're thinking all splitting the gas so we all help for it. our polling is like butterfield. yeah, too. so. >> win-win. right now, the average price of gas in california is about 5 bucks a gallon for regular triple. a also predicts nearly 2 million people will be flying or taking a train over the holiday weekend. >> if you are planning on visiting a state park this holiday weekend, caltrans and california state parks are asking people to take some steps to protect our outdoor spaces. that includes taking your trash with you. when you leave choosing reusable bottles and food containers over single-use items. and time downloads in your truck and trailer so they don't fly out during your trip. curious if it's a good weekend to go on a little a trip. lawrence was going on weather wise. think it will. it just depends going to be a little cooler along the coastline. there's no getting around that. in fact. >> cooler for everybody. but you can see more sunshine in the valleys still outside tonight, the hazy out there
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right now. we've got some patchy fog that is beginning to form as the weather really starts to change now, temperatures topping out today, some places in the 80's. now with all that haze around the bay right now. so more of that on the way golden gate bridge looking good so far tomorrow morning, probably going to see some patchy fog lingering toward the golden gate bridge early on high pressure, starting to weaken. now, we've got another front that's going to drop over the top of that ridge. and that's going to weaken it somewhat. i think that's going to change with patterns lightly. and that means, yeah, we're going to still see a little more like component of the northwest wind as we head toward the morning. and that means probably some of that patchy fog. you see it right here overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning. patchy fog making a return. the side of a cool down under way as we head toward the next few days here in the bay area. and then late in the day starts to break up just a bit. still, the temperatures. we'll reflect some of school seabreeze numbers in the 50's and the 60's in the san francisco along the immediate coastline 50's and some low 60's out there. some partly cloudy skies probably going to see some lingering fog along the san mateo county coastline inside the bay, though, a lot of sunshine, really some
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comfortable weather about 64 degrees embryo. 66 in burlingame, 70 degrees in redwood city tomorrow about 67 woodside, the south bay. instead of the 80's, you'll be in the 70's tomorrow. so really nice weather still maybe see some 80's and the tri valley. 72 degrees in hayward, a breezy in the afternoon. that will be the winds are going to kick up tomorrow afternoon. you'll feel the effects of that sea breeze. so quicker, cooldown late in the day, but really not a bad day. just cooling off a few degrees. that's a nice temperatures ahead. as we watch those numbers dropping up. so as we get into thursday, more cooling on friday, maybe some partly cloudy skies by friday into saturday as we head into the holiday weekend. the good news is we kind of bottom out on saturday that we'll start to warm things up again as we head in towards sunday and on memorial day, always cools down on the weekend we're just hoping it doesn't rain. i mean, that's kind of what we're looking at right now. it's still a slight possibility, not thinking that's going to happen. but we'll see thanks, lawrence. thank you. and these bay
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tonight, there's a watch party for the oakland ballers play their first game. they were on the road. >> oakland athletic club posted this watch party. you can see lots it. oakland spirit, bowlers spirit. called the the ball is one game. first came ever against glacier range riders. they play up in montana. one. 76. so i close one next game tomorrow night. and they will play the range riders again. that's up near glacier national park. >> pretty good turnout out there. >> coming up, the forty-niners opened up their voluntary workouts today in santa clara. workouts today in santa clara. and as is tradition, etwork is o network for business.
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>> and >> now kron 4 sports. well, after finishing off a 6, 3, homestand, the giants are out on the road once again for a six-game road trip. so the first stop. >> just 3 games in pittsburgh at the beautiful pnc park where >> yawning giants fans are just trying to stay awake for their 5th straight win. but they have to get that 5th straight win for stun the pirates. will they lent a helping hand early on to the giants offense in the first inning? 2 on and 2 women floor he hits a high pop up to short cruz. well, he looks like he has a beat on it. does it loses that one drops it to run errands for son is trying to both of come into score the diet. they have a 2, nothing
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lead that swelled to the 5th with the giants lead 2 to one man offer stratum takes a shot high and deep to left. that's a 2 run. homer his 8th of the season. and well, a 4 to giants now, logan, when he was in a groove for the giants, he gave up 6 hits. 2 runs in 6 innings pitched along 6 strikeouts. but the giants bullpen and fill them with right and the nice see it they put up 4 runs in the inning. crews dropped the pop-up earlier made up for with this rbi double off the wall in right. and that tied the game up 6 apiece and then they hit into extra innings behind so then the giant they didn't score in their half of the 2. but nick gonzales, well on eric miller's for the pie, his first pitch in lined rbi single to center field right there in the comeback was complete. you see right there up the middle of the giant as well. 4 run lead in the 9th. they lose. 76. >> in 10 innings. >> have a bad way to start a
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road trip on a well, they're back at the coliseum hosting the rockies, hoping to snap their recent the bottom of the states with the a's down by today, davis gets all of this one deep to left. no doubt about they get on the board well. they're still trailing by one at that point. no worries. bottom of the 7th, 42 in the rockies. favorite man office said brown, rockets this one deep center. and that will just cleared the wall together. the 2 run blast ties the game as for then we head to the next inning. where is the same score? abraham toro's right here hits a laser shot to right. and you can scale that that one is. headed out of nba's. they take the lead on row solo homer in the dugout. given that a celebration, top of the night is what we find mason miller. the closing schools are closing out will he struck out not once, not even but 3 right there. 3 batters to slam the door on the rockies. last
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strikeout was actually 103 miles per hour. the a's they come from behind to win it 5 to boys. they snapped a two-game losing streak. game 2 3 is tomorrow. now the forty-niners they open up their o-t-a's today in santa clara and as usual, there were some players that we're not participating for one reason or another today. obviously, brandon aiyuk was out there who is awaiting for a new contract extension. >> well, he's skipping the voluntary portion of the season program following receiver joe juan jennings. >> he's also a while from santa clara. but the missing players don't seem to be much of a concern to any of the players coaches right now. they all know it's a part of the process in well in will be resolved. and everyone in santa clara will be a happy camper at some point. >> i mean, i think it's extremely important. you know, he's playmakers love, thrown love, be as person. so, yeah, it's definitely i've said this before. it's out of my but for me, i'm showing up there to
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try to get better with the new guys the guys that are here and that that is what it is. but hopefully, you know, get settled soon. >> hopefully get settle soon. >> that's what they thanks. yeah. haha. get settled tonight. will be tomorrow. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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