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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  May 22, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news, oakland, former top cop is running for city council at the same time he's suing the city and more breaking news. the city of oakland has reached a deal to sell its half of the coliseum. what we know about that deal and jury selection is scheduled today for david de pap the man who attacked nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> thanks for hanging out with us on wednesday. i'm darya and i'm james. we're going to start this hour with a check of the weather and traffic as folks are now that we're halfway through the week. start to think ahead to the holiday weekend. yeah. do real days in the news travels in the news. what's the weather going to be like job? definitely easy for traveling in a little easier to get outside. if you're not a huge fan of how hot it got yesterday. that's because we are in for a nice little cool down in the next several days. looking out there this morning, lots of sunshine from the east bay hills and a set
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up that is going to make it even cooler towards the weekend. that cool sea breeze kicking back up just a little fog towards the coast in san mateo county. winds are not a huge deal this morning, but just president push that cooler ocean air on him and temps are in the 50's to low 60's right now. brent, what you are close to spot to 70 degrees. take it back. vacaville and kelsey bill, you're even closer right on the cusp of it later on today, it will be 70's to 80's for highs just a little cooler than yesterday was. i've got more in your forecast. still ahead, rain. all right, john, thank you for no major hot spots out there. but lots of congestion out there. 8 o'clock hour was busy or still seeing some traffic lingering. 14 minute ride. you're traveling into the city right now. 17 on the san mateo bridge. maybe you have on the richmond center fell about 13 and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 34 minutes county. james, back to you. thank you. reyna 901. and breaking news. the city of oakland has reached a tentative deal. >> to sell its half of the
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coliseum. according to the san francisco chronicle, oakland will sell its share to the african american sports entertainment group, which is a group made up largely of black developers and investors the a's. they're still in the process of completing their purchase of the other 50% stake in the coliseum that's owned by alameda county. but that deal could fall through depending on the outcome of a court case. the city says initially they hope to work with the a's to sell the ownership of the entire site together to developers. but the city ended up working out a separate deal to sell its own share. the developers have been considering plans to build a mega project with housing restaurants and a new convention center. oakland mayor sheng thao is going to news conference at 3 o'clock today to disclose more details about the deal. >> and more breaking news. former oakland police chief ron armstrong is running to be on the oakland city council. his spokesperson confirms the crown for her to kron 4 that armstrong plans to file the
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paperwork at oakland city hall, about 10 o'clock or so this morning. so in an hour, armstrong says he plans to run primarily on a platform of public safety, but also wants to highlight oakland's budget crisis and rising homeless encampment population. armstrong started as police chief back in 2021 until he was fired in february of last year due to an investigation that accused him of mishandling to police misconduct cases. however, an arbitrator later cleared him of any wrongdoing. and so now he's suing the city for wrongful termination. 8 candidates, by the way, have already entered the race for that open council seat. >> time now is 902. and happening today, david de pap is going to be back in a courtroom in san francisco this time facing charges that have been filed by district attorney brooke jenkins. kron four's will tran following the story for us out of the hall of justice. will. >> it is now round 2 for david de pap. he finished round one with federal prosecutors. now
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state prosecutors. they want to get their hands on him. jury selection is under way. once that begins the trial, we'll begin and it should last about 3 weeks. he was already convicted in federal court state. prosecutors want to do the same thing to david de pap. now, let me show you the video. they will use this video during the trial. this all started back in october of 2022. when david de-pap went to the pelosi home in san francisco, he was looking for then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. but she was not home. instead, her husband, paul pelosi, was home. he woke up. he saw pap at the foot of his bed. a call san francisco police officers. they arrived and that's when prosecutors say david de pap when he saw the police officers, they claim he hit paul pelosi on the head with a hammer, knocking him unconscious. he woke up in his own pool of blood. now i use the word
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alleged to because he has not been convicted in state court despite being convicted in federal court for the attack because the charges are not the same in federal court. he was charged and convicted for a 10 to kidnapping of a federal official as well as an attack on the immediate member of a federal official that being nancy pelosi. but as far as the state charges, they will have to prove that state charges include attempted murder, assault as well as burglary. the trial should last about 3 weeks. back to you. 904, is the time. >> and we heard live this morning about the scary moments at an elementary school where students and teachers in san bruno. >> ended up having it. she a painful red this road because of something that was in the air. yeah. we've got kron four's. >> michael thomas standing by out at that school to explain what exactly happened to michael.
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>> good morning. everyone will essentially the wind blew over gas and pepper spray that got into the eyes of about 2 dozen students during the after school hours. and we've got video up on your screen so i can break it all down. it happened yesterday at around 3 to 4 o'clock or so. and there was a total of 20 students that were involved and one teacher, they started getting reports of them having burning sensations in their eyes, their nose and their throat. and i spoke with one girl who says it got in her throat and she essentially couldn't stop coughing. so at that point, the principal was still here on staff trying to figure out exactly what happened. and, you know, ryan was happening so they eventually realized it was coming from next door from the san francisco sheriff's office jail property. the sheriff's office was hosting a routine tactical training class inside the jail, which is where they've done it for the last 20 years. so how the chemicals get outside? well, take a listen to he principal. had to say. the room was contained to win the open the doors. >> of that smell or some of
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the came out and there was a strong breeze yesterday and this must have been right in the path of it. >> my child had like a stinging in the eyes, a little nausea, but it went away pretty quickly. >> that second, and that was apparent as you heard his son was involved in that. he went on to tell me that after he actually heard that his son was involved in the school, even had an in-person meeting in the principal. did talk a little bit about that with us as well. but back out here live, all of those students were checked out by medical personnel. and at some point they were given the okay to be released to parents and they went home. they say as of this morning they haven't gotten any information regarding if anybody else had more complications. so as of what we know now, all of the students are fine. the sheriff's office also did put out this statement. it's up on your screen and you can telling us essentially that, you know, they do apologize for this to say that these trainings are critical to law enforcement because they allow peace officers to test the safety of equipment of potential leaks and they
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provide staff with hands-on experience with chemical agents, preparing them both physically and mentally for real life situations. and again, they go on to apologize. back out here. live everything has been paused when it comes to those tactical training classes. so as we get more information, we'll continue to keep you updated. and in the 10 o'clock hour you'll hear that young girl who says she got it in her throat. that's the very latest here in san bruno. and michael thomas story. james, we'll send it back to does show you how strong pepper spray is. i think it like let's say you're spraying. was a defense and it goes right? absolutely. >> yeah. and to give you perspective of how far the school and the jail is, it's probably i would i mean, i could see it from here. there's a big trees. you can see it. but i would say maybe about like 100 feet or so. maybe 200 feet. so if it blew that far and it still affected the kids, just give you an idea of how strong it incredible. okay. michael, thank you very much. >> 908, is the time. let's go to the south bay now where a man is in custody in san jose after police say he smash the
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windows of a baskin robbins, sending glass flying down on the customer's yeah. and the child was right against the window when it happened. this happened last month. but just recently, an arrest was made. concorde jet moment has more. >> let's set the scene here for a moment. it is springtime in east side. san jose. the temperatures are warming up and you want to escape the heat. so you and your child head to baskin robbins. and once you do head to this baskin-robbins, you head inside, you wait for the ice cream when all of a sudden boom, a man runs up seemingly randomly breaks the glass, sending shards of it. flying on to you and your kid. you both go running has neighbors hare quite concerned over the safety here and that has police looking for those victims. shocking surveillance camera video from last month depicts the attack. you see that child sitting down inside the baskin robbins off a born square and then glasgow's flying sending shards of glass towards that child. you can see them and they're screaming. that's horrible. happened to like, like i said, i come with my my nephew, my knees in something like that happen. it will be by scary living rivera lives in this
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neighborhood off capitol expressway and says this baskin robbins to is a family staple. well, it not not so good because we come to relax and have a time in nearly a month since that incident, san jose finally announced they arrested the suspect identified as pay ms farhi. >> he's booked into county jail and charged with child abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. >> and while police haven't shared much info about the suspect, mandeep singh who works the liquor store next door says he's familiar with. i know is that guy cars use becomes almost or i like shopper and says the last time as far was here, it was about a week ago and has bought beer here for the last 9 months. >> he says crime in the area has been increasing the need to fix them. i think that and this was made possible because we have a partnership. the district attorney's office. meantime, san jose police say while as far awaits his day in court, they want to make right with the victims at the heart of the incident. i don't really want full closure for
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this case in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. >> it's 9.10, right now. and 2 people are without a home this morning because of a fire at their house in los gatos. it broke out yesterday and the flames were first coming from the garage. fire department got there. they spread to the attic. they knocked it down. pretty clip quickly. as you can see, it demolished the garage and investigators got and they think the blaze started because of an electrical failure in the garage. but i he's a car's demolished, but at least nobody is >> we're going to take a break here. 9.10, still ahead on the kron. 4 morning news, a housing project for farmworkers in half moon bay is moving forward. more on that. well, as alameda county's district attorney is suing several home insurance companies. tell you why she's claiming their defrauding customers. and we're going hear from san francisco mayor london breed and the other candidates hoping to have that job come next year. >> and we are looking at a day that is going to be bringing with it a slightly cooler afternoon 60's 70's to
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>> my 13 right now talking about the weather and also what everybody has planned. maybe if it's a long weekend for you from wild that's right. if you're going away staying at home, the weather's going to be on your john, yet looking good. we're definitely cooling things down from yesterday, which was the warmest day that we will have had in this forecast today. still warm. but you can see a little bit of that fog scooting in over the san mateo coastline. that is a sign of some of that cooler ocean air that's starting to slip back in bigger pattern. also resulting in some changes, high pressure. ridge still remaining offshore, as we've been saying for well, over a week now, but are storm tracks remain to the north up in the
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pacific northwest will dive in a little bit closer. our direction this weekend resulting in that cool down, but also a chance of a few sprinkles towards friday night into saturday, mostly up in the sierra. if you happen to be heading up into the mountains over the holiday weekend, you can see those little spots of green popping there. nothing major, but also just don't be surprised by that cooler. slightly cloudier and potentially brief sprinkle that we could see into your holiday weekend in the bay area. we're starting to see that signs of a cool down today. still holding up those 60's at the coast making for a pleasant day for coastal areas. a lot of 70's to low 80's elsewhere. that range of 80's cooler than yesterday's san jose barely making it to 80 degrees. fremont at 75 dublin at 76 concord and walnut creek. be in the low 80's. antioch, in vacaville, our warmest spots in the mid 80's today. tomorrow's temperatures will dip a little further and 70's inland will start come saturday. only be 60's regardless of if you're along the bayshore inland. our
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coolest day of the forecast memorial day on monday looks nice with some upper 70's that the warmest right now. all right, john, thank you for that. still busy in the 9 o'clock hour, especially on highways. >> seeing a whole lot of red still. 54 minutes traveling at 1, 0, one. 85 to menlo park. now to 80 82 might be a good option for you right now. we're still waiting for those to keep going down. 14 minutes into the city. no accidents on your bridges. the senate hilbert about 15 minutes, rich december filbert and golden gate bridge. no hazards to stop you. there. your little slow but not terrible delays at this time. still on the let's check on 80 clocking up towards the maze. but 32 minutes, we started off the morning with an accident there. that's been clear. but since then, we've seen residual delays darya. james, back to you. >> all right. time to talk winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black. joining us this morning on this wednesday. as we're inching closer to the memorial day rob, what are you seeing out there?
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>> lot of nothing ultimately this morning we've got a weak consumer readout of target target's not quite as cheap as walmart and perception nor do they have the massive discounts of costco. so consumers are struggling. they can't really afford to pay for fast-food. it's 4 times as expensive as he did come. it's a lot of people are going to walmart. great now. stocks are record highs. the fed is going to come out with some notes later k probably no big impact. and those are your big business stories of the big for it in videos come out with numbers tonight. that will be big for got okay. well, big for me is the fact that wendy's is trying to undercut mcdonald's with >> are we beginning the week we talked about but target and wal-mart doing their low price. worst thing. we see that on the fast food front, too. picked up the theme that i was wanting me to pick up value. meals basically means the consumer and the economy is struggling and slowing down. when i can up more debt. >> so mcdonald's franchisees are complaining because they
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only have about 10% margins and they have to take a 30% cut to do a value meal which might have chicken nuggets, fries and a coca-cola koch was going to pay for a lot of the advertising for that because mcdonald's is an early kind of mean franchisees halfway bite today, wendy's announced in month in sandwich. eggs, bacon, cheese some like mcmuffin and make reference prieto's coming back instead bacon, which is more expensive than chicken. sausage is time $3 for breakfast. $5 for lunch. you start to see where the consumer is going. yeah, absolutely. going where the prices are a little bit cheaper before we get to our action first mate story have you seen this. comcast plans. speaking of. >> saving money, 50 bucks, a sort of streaming bundle. what's that about? >> yeah, this is going to be probably the best bundle out there. we went from cable bundles to individual a streaming channels. they started getting more expensive comcast is going bundle together. what's called super streamer. you can get peacock,
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which is going to get news and sport. and late night tv, apple tv, which is kind of the hbo now it's got the best television shows on it. and you also get netflix with that. this will create less churn for all 3 of them. it will let netflix bill there. ad business will have a apple built. their subscription business could be about 15 bucks a month which sounds like a screaming the deal. could all this put together would be about $30. >> okay. all right. well, we did a story earlier this morning about california's average home sale prices actually taking up above 900,000, but home sales, as i see here actually slipped unexpectedly last month would be read into that. >> home sales slipped. but home prices didn't. that's important note home sales month to month down 1.9% year over year down 1.9% sales were supposed to increase because it's that time of year there's about a 3 and a half months supply which still is really in the seller's favor. we need
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to get plant about 6 month. there's not a lot of supply. there's not going to be a lot of supply more than this. james, because interest rates are so low. i don't want to and that's the sentiment of a lot of americans out that the average none of the median home was $407,600. well below the california home. but that's a 5.7% year-over-year. you of no million dollar homes are seeing a big push, an inventory and million dollar. plus, homes are seen a big push in sales. the tuna 40% more supply month over month in 40% sales month over month. so pretty good numbers out year over year for the sales. okay. but pretty good if your million dollar plus. under that, there's nothing moving it's tough out there for those looking to buy a home to say about the price is just get further and further out of reach. anyway, we'll keep talking about that over the course of the year this morning on are tech smart segment. we had rich demuro talking about how >> microsoft is putting out a new laptop computer with a i built in everybody's getting in on this. and i amazon with
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alexa, no different time. >> yeah. the real killer app for ai is going to be on this thing down the road, phone out pc that they'll be able to recall smear memories. it will be a bit like what did you i talk about last month. if you want to recall that can't go back in time, but you'll also be able upside your photos and make them up better. but what we're seeing today is amazon. it's an election is going to more ai conversational that go to a subscription model. it sold over 500 million of these devices. amazon alexa's kind of stuff. apple series little to basic for to simple tasks. what's the sportscore? what's the weather turn on the raw black show. things like that. but they're going to try to amazon's go try to make amazon's alexa more conversational, set up a subscription. you won't get it for free with prime openai has got a great conversational chat bot which we saw this week with scarlet johansen's voice. we also google scott, one in the works rolling out slowly so it's just about
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getting a little bit more chatgpt you can talk to ways you can be flirtatious with it. you can change language us with real time again, just make an amazon, alexa and apple siri now apple to get their upgraded in june with their developers good things are calm, let's just say those products where they're a little bit, maybe 10 years too early because they never added up to much, even though they were early example ok, a quick before i let you go. we got a few seconds left. we did a story earlier about. >> pixar announcing layoffs. if you had to slap of a winner or loser label on what would you do? stock perspective winner from a stream or if you disney plus a loser. so disney is the focus less. >> with pixar on the streaming, more on toy story. 5 and inside out to sell more for the theaters, which are more profitable streaming at this point in time. >> interesting, ok, rob, thank you as always. we'll chat with rob again tomorrow. still here tomorrow, right? yes, sir.
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then we'll chat with him tomorrow. if there's a company or a story you want to talk about. let him know now you can reach out to him on facebook on x, you can e-mail directly that black dot com. thanks a lot, rob.
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>> 9.24 is the time right now in east bay park. officials are warning you about coyote zits getting warmer and you're visiting parks more and more. they're seeing coyotes out and about. so they want you to be a ready if you see one avoid hiking alone, keep children and pets nearby. so your dog should be on a leash. and i want to run around and be aware of your surroundings,
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state on trails and also never attempt to feed a coyote. if you do encounter one, walk away calmly and leave quickly and they could be big or small. there's a small on this but living around kron. i saw him yesterday. johnson could be a different one. cause johnson. he's a little bit bigger and people are walking in the air and everything. it's just like 5 in the morning. you know? yeah, so be careful. it will yet 9.25. the time do >> ok, let's talk here about the state assembly. they just passed a bill that would allow cannabis cafes here in california. kind of like what they have over an amsterdam, these cafes, food and non-alcoholic drinks and the host entertainment music, a dj. whatever. all while you are enjoying marijuana products inside. now the state senate has yet to approve the bill. and governor gavin newsom don't forget, actually vetoed something pretty similar. not too long ago. his argument is that what it would violate state law regarding
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smoke-free workplaces. so we'll see if they have some solution for that. in the meantime, the biden administration now set to release 1 million barrels of gas in an effort to lower gas prices northeast reserve established after superstorm sandy. again, this is hopefully to get gas prices down for the summer. according to the energy department, the release will create a competitive bidding process to ensure that gas can flow into local retailers. ahead of the july 4th holiday and sold at competitive prices. we struggle with that here in california. >> it's 9.26. and pixar studios. they just cut 14% of their workforce in the last are going to affect about 175 employees at there and reveal animation studio. apparently the reports say these job cuts will allow pixar to shift its focus back to projects that are meant for theatrical rather than streaming release. >> all right. we're going to take a break at 9.27. up next on the kron. 4 morning news. the bay area known for its high rent prices. but that's
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actually changing in one city. we'll tell you where rents are going d
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>> we right now we're checking out the weather for ya. things are looking terrific. yesterday was sunny and warm. yeah. it kind of the same kind of the same. a little cooler, though. and that is that the trend going into the weekend, john? yeah, definitely on the getting cooler as we go into memorial day weekend, especially on saturday. if you're a fan of cooler weather, get out there saturday. as much as you can. sitting this morning. we do have those 50's some sunshine, not a bad way to start things out. lots of sun across the bay. aside from a little fog hugging the san mateo coastline. as for our winds,
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not a huge factor but fairly breezy at the coast. and most of that wind is coming from the west pushing some ocean cool there in across the bay, the 60's for those current temperatures, brett would being one of our first spots to get into the low 70's. just one of many of us that will be in the 70's later on today. a few low 80's for one more day before we cool even further. i've got that. your forecast rain. all right, john, thank you for that. well, happy to see a lot of improvement, especially on your bridges here in the 9 o'clock hour. >> a 15 minute ride into the city while it looks like things are still busy, they're not as bad as it was. the start of the morning. 15 minutes on the san mateo bridge. and this is typically where we are around this time. ridge was ever feel rich. 12 minutes, golden gate bridge somewhere around. 23, let's check out some of those highways and we're still seeing some congestion like 1, 0, one. 51 minutes. 85 to menlo partner. 82 might be a good option for you right now. all right, james, back to you. thanks. a lot of rain. it's 9.31. couple is your local election headquarters in all 5
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top candidates for san francisco mayor got together last night for a town hall debate. yeah, our own sara stinson was there and gives us a look at some of the key issues they tackled. >> 5 candidates vying to be san francisco's next. mayor spoke at a town hall tuesday night. this being the first time we're hearing from them in a forum. the harvey milk, lgbtq democratic club hosted with president jeffrey kwong moderating candidates answered questions about issues like homelessness, public safety police saying and affordable housing. it kicked off with candidate daniel lurie, levi's aaron founder of an antipoverty organization. >> you're not see me playing the board of supervisors was the da or the police chief for the commission's. i am going to be a that you can hold accountable. second up, current mayor london breed. >> i'm concerned that someone lose people graduate with they can afford to be in the city
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anymore. doesn't know what it feels like to actually have to pay rent. is not a solution. also say that, you know, the fact i've very aggressive with my hasn't policies mostly because of my experience of growing this late in the 3rd quarter down the street. next, attendees heard from candidate osha self who says he's been fighting for homelessness. wow. supervisor. >> and then made a dig at breed for not prioritizing kids in the city administration cut. 24 25 news dollars from youth programming in our city. and then a couple days later. >> she knows one of the water is 25 million dollars for pandas. the 4th candidate was supervisor. aaron peskin. >> he addressed criticisms about not being pro housing. dollars has been spent by astroturf organization and a handful of plutocrats trying to spend that narrative. but the facts are the facts. the facts are.
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>> 24 years that i've been in office over 100,000 units of housing. people are talking. i'm actually doing things the latest up on stage was former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell. i believe that we need to build more housing years here just go to make our city more formal, plain and simple. the mill club has not announced an endorsement yet, but this town hall will influence that decision. >> the club hopes to have that endorsement by labor day. i spoke with some attendees afterwards, many saying that this town hall was helpful, but they still hope to see a debate before the election. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. kron. 4 news now. let's take a closer look at that debate over the pandas that the mayor wants to bring into san francisco. the 2 giant pandas coming from china. >> are going to need money to get their home set at the san francisco zoo and mayor breed is moving ahead. she says with this plan, even though she's getting some pushback, she's asking the city departments to be allowed to raise 25 million
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dollars in private funds for this project. as we said, others beg to differ. supervisor and candidate for mayor ahsha safai. it is one of them saying the money should be spent elsewhere. mayor breed visit kron 4 and shares why she feels the pandas are good investment. it does a disservice to what we need to do to make sure that the city is put first. >> and we're prioritizing the work that we eed to do for the city as a whole. the economic opportunities alone make pandas worth it. it's not just because pandas are cute and cuddly, but it's because of financially what it could do for not just but also our economic recovery in san francisco. >> last week a board committee rejected the funding proposal saying amendments are needed. >> in the north bay, we've got red county deputies now arresting 2 people in connection with a burglary at a home in longer need us. that burglary happened just after midnight tuesday at a home on corona avenue. now, deputies
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say the homeowner surprise 2 they were breaking into the home. he was able to detain one of them. the other, though, ran off back to the car out front and sped away. it was a 3rd suspect as the getaway driver in that car. but about 15 minutes later, central marin police got a call of reckless driver near sir francis drake in san fralcisco. boulevards. that's up in san anselmo. officers were able to pull that car over right near terrace avenue. the front passenger jumped out and ran away, leaving the driver to be arrested. police say the 2 they have in custody now are identified shalala cherry. and clarissa anderson, they've both been booked into the marion county jail. they're still looking for that 3rd suspect. uc davis police, meanwhile, need your help finding a missing student? take a good look. this is diane men. she left campus last friday apparently boarded an amtrak train to mission street in san francisco. and that's where she was last seen. she was reported missing on monday. anyone with information is asked to call uc davis police.
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>> on the peninsula, san mateo county supervisors have agreed to spend about $400,000 for planned parenthood is in the area and use that money to get them to operate more efficiently, serve patients and increase capacity at planned parenthood. mar monte locations. the clinic served about 13,000 san mateo county residents every year. new telehealth line is launching in san francisco for unhoused people to start their recovery treatment. the pilot program, we'll provide a real-time connection with a doctor. how prescribe medication and provide a space to begin treatment for fentanyl and opioid addiction. this program was actually tested out and march in the city found 55 people started treatment for opioid addiction and 173 people had telehealth visits nearly a dozen people have entered residential treatment. now. >> well, after 10 police are getting creative in trying to catch crooks. several bait houses have been set up in
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neighborhoods that have shown higher burglary rates. police say these decoys houses, they've got cutting edge surveillance equipment inside of them. and that would allow police to respond quickly and collect video evidence of these. the break-ins residents interested in participating and giving feedback on the program are free to contact police. alameda county district attorney pamela price is now suing several home insurance companies accusing them of defrauding their own customers. so price announced this lawsuit on behalf of state homeowners farmers. insurance group is named in this lawsuit. they're accused of using at this point software to charge homeowners premiums for policies that don't properly protect homes or compensate homeowners in case of big losses. >> we believe that the evidence will show that these insurance companies have utilized a software application that allows them essentially to defraud homeowners by charging them
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premiums for insurance that provide inaccurate and low replacement costs for insured homes. >> price also says they violate multiple state regulation rules and laws designed to protect homeowners. >> time now is 09:30am. we all know the rent prices are high in the bay area and on the rise in most cities except oakland is seeing a decline funnily enough. you data from apartment list found that oakland's asking rents fell by 10% last year. >> proper rob nesbitt has the story. the data from apartment list found that the median asking rent for a one-bedroom apartment in oakland. >> in january of 2019 was about $2400 a month. the median rent for that same apartment last month was $1800 a month. a 10% drop in rent prices in oakland is getting people's attention. >> andria rentals is located in the city and helps match renters with tenants owner andrea day says rent prices usually go up in may, but
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that's not what's hanpening in the east bay. there's more concessions. people are >> you know, they're just who's here and it feels like they have more >> time and space. an opportunity to choices. and so it just feels different while rent prices for apartments and more affordable bases, locations still matters. seeing more of a decline in monthly rent in downtown oakland compared to other areas. >> there are places where previously the rams were sort of you know, really pushing that to top of the market that have really fallen. but then there are other areas kind by oakland or mills where you're actually seeing an increase in rents. there are also more incentives being offered to tenants in oakland. >> at some locations, andrea rentals offers a month free as long as 10 inside their leased by a certain date day says that's because of the 2.3% rent cap and the city. if you have the places rented for 2400 and you say, oh, we you know, we're not finding anybody. >> and you just dropped it. it
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could take it will take you years to recover because you can only incrementally raise it unless it's a single family home or new cons ruction. the data from apartment list also found that work from home has an impact on rent prices, less people working in office in downtown oakland has less people renting apartments downtown. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. 9.40. is the time. just like your car notifies you. when you don't wear your seat belt with that. >> dinging sound. you might soon hear something similar if you're speeding. that's if a new bill in the california legislature actually makes it to law. it would require new cars sold in the state by the year 2032 to have these beeping alerts to notify drivers if they're going more than 10 miles over the speed limit. the bill narrowly passed its first vote in the senate yesterday, which means it might have a tough time getting all the way to the governor's desk. we'll see. experts say the technology is nothing new to actually being used right now in cars in
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europe, but drivers they're actually able to turn it off. so we'll see how are. proposed beep sound eventually evolves. >> 9.41 is the time. and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. cheers from fans of the new ballers team. and it's their first win. we're going take a look at the watch party. >> and of course, we're looking ahead to memorial day weekend. we've got a lot of changes ahead of us into the holiday weekend. saturday. going to be the coolest day of the forecast. only in the 60's followed up by slow warming into memorial day itself on monday. i've got your forecast. today. might be a better day to get things done before. lot of people out on the roads over the next 9.44, r
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and memorial day weekend is almost here. a lot of people are hitting the road. aaa says 38 million people. >> are going to be driving 100 miles or more over the long weekend. and that is the most people that they've seen since they started tracking these numbers in the year 2000. lot of people, though, say they are watching the high grass prices. >> we're thinking all splitting the gas so we all help for it. our polling is like butterfield. yeah, too. so. >> got a pitch. and if you want to write my car, james can't have electric guests to sit around 5 bucks a gallon in california right now. and by the way, if you're not driving a lot of people, 2 million are flying. we're taking a train this holiday ok? well, anybody is staying local its final with the weather is going to be like here for the holiday weekend ahead, we're sticking around. we are now 20 john.
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you're sticking around to yeah, i don't even know what do yet. but hey, it is going to be nice. whatever we may be up to here in the bay area. >> definitely some changes. as i noted before the break, we got quite that cool down heading into memorial day weekend, looking at the coastline right first sign of some of those changes. this is half moon bay and we've got some low stratus singing out overhead that blanket of stratus out along the san mateo coastline as a sign of the return of that cooler sea breeze that is going to be pushing inland today and making for our first of our cooler days. high pressure ridge is still in place to the west, but generally the jet just dips a little further down our direction, allowing these low pressure areas that have been well to our north to dive in a little closer to us. and with that comes the cooler weather and even a chance of a few isolated sprinkles for the sierra and maybe even the bay come friday night into saturday morning. you see those popping up in the sierra nevada. so if you are heading up that direction, anticipate that cool down and that chance of a very limited, isolated
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shower. as for today, temperatures in the 60's for san francisco and at the coastline elsewhere in the bay area. lot of 70's to low 80's for most of us. it's definitely going to still be on the warmer side of things compared to where we're headed. so if you like that warmer feel enjoy today because tomorrow gets even cooler yet. and so on into the weekend, oakland at 73 today, antioch, in vacaville, our warmest areas. 84 85. tomorrow starts a trend of 70's inland. and by saturday, even our inland areas are holding in the 60's with a few passing clouds will rebound after that climbing back up near 80 inland come monday, all right, john, thank you for that, megan. some really good time. all your bridges right now. it might a good time to get things done. >> for traffic starts to bill tomorrow. you can make a really good time in under 60 minutes across the bay bridge. and sam, a tail at about 11 minutes for richmond center fell bridge still around. 22 minutes for the golden gate bridge, your highways, why you're seeing some improvement
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there. still slow an antioch, if you're traveling there, we do have a car. fires are traveling, westbound highway 4. 21 minutes, antioch to concord. you can still get through. see that little patch of slowing there. 24 walnut creek down to 5.80, about 14 minutes. lowest as you're entering into arena. that down to fremont along southbound 6.80, around. 22 minutes and along 80 over the east bay crockett down towards the maze. traffic start to slow down. as soon as you hit pablo, the 24 minute ride. all right. james, back to you. >> thank you very much. rain in 9.47. the time we're also learning more about that fiery crash in fremont. we first told you about on the kron 4 morning news. one man died. another is in the hospital. the dramatic moment was actually captured on surveillance video. and we want to warn you may be difficult to watch. but this is what happened to the car. police say see it on fire there. police say was heading southbound on fremont boulevard about midnight when it crashed into a tree and burst into flames. police officer arrived within seconds
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and tried to put those flames out and few minutes later, the officer along with several neighbors pulled the man, as you can see here from that burning wreckage. one witness says the quick thinking of the officer and neighbors probably saved the passenger's life. >> so that's what i was witnessing it first. honestly, if it wasn't for the cops show first and the people who came out complex. >> i i honestly don't get it >> the exact cause of that crash is still under investigation. >> yes, >> we can. this is the rally cry of app delivery workers who are rallying outside the state supreme court yesterday in san francisco. they are hoping that the court rules against prop 22 and says it's unconstitutional. this is a prop that was passed by voters in 2020 and it classifies, you
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know, over lift type of an app driver as an independent contractor and not an employee supporters say gives the drivers more flexibility. but the drivers say they don't get benefits. >> it was a person in california or any other state. if you work in that state, you got on the plane show you get workers comp, you get sick maybe gets maybe you some vacation. as a good workout in the park. 22, you get none of those rights. >> the state court has 90 days to issue a ruling on prop. 22. south bay, san jose city and santa clara county leaders are calling on voters to reject a tax measure on the november ballot. it's the taxpayer protection and government accountability act. >> and it aims to change state and local government rules for imposing taxes and fees. >> if it passes, it would require voters to continuously approve local taxes for
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general purposes. and opponents say that legislation will cut money set aside for critical services in infrastructure and for u.s. tax payers to shoulder additional costs. officials hold a news conference today on this and speak out against the measure at 10, 30 this morning at the san jose fire department. 29 on innovation drive. it was a san francisco prostitution sting operation that led to the arrest of 30 people. police spent 8 nights on this mission in the mission. there were these undercover officers were posted and they ended up arresting 17 people paying for acts. 13 people accepting money for acts. police were focusing on shotwell street and south van ness avenue. more than half of the people are from outside of san francisco in outside of california. the goal of the sting was to and lower the amount of workers and create a safer neighborhood. in the north bay. the california senate approved a bill to address police staffing shortages in vallejo. the
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legislation allows qualified retired officers to work up to full time for the sauna county sheriff's office providing some additional deputies that are needed because of a has a staffing crisis right now. senator bill dob authored the bill. the city council in vallejo declared a local emergency because the staffing issue in the police department and dodd says now at this, it will help the department authorizes. well, for example, right now, u.s. 31 officers, but they're authorized to have 132. so they really need a law. and this bill allows retired officers to come back and work up to full time. and that will really help because they say recruitment and training takes about 2 years from start to finish to bring in officers. >> is here. fans coming together to the open ballers in their first game yesterday.
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lot of fun because the ball is won. that also housed and that this is the oakland athletic club. a lot of team spirit there. as i said, the ballers won this one against the glacier rained riders in montana. final was 6 to 7 with the ballers on top. their next game is tonight. first pitch at 6 o'clock will be their second game against the range riders up near glacier national park. we'll be right back with more in
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>> it's 9.55. and this memorial day weekend could be your last chance to hit the slopes. palisades tahoe says they're going to have a great final full weekend of operation. they are known for having lake tahoe's longest ski season. can you believe it? there? they're still open there. that's like above longer than everybody else this. we get last for them. kirkwood sugar bowl. they wrapped up their season on april 28th palace palisades sorry. they're going to add their lasky day on monday. that is so crazy from 8 to in the afternoon weather permitting. they say the conditions obviously, but it's a it's going to be cool be great. yeah. >> if you do to party at an airbnb this memorial day weekend, you want to watch out because airbnb is taking action to stop rental homes from becoming the party houses. airbnb uses technology, they say to identify potential problematic renters and block them from making reservations last year. more than 67,000 people across the country were kept from
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booking homes during the 4th of july and memorial day holiday. yeah, you know, you review the airbnb house when you leave and then they were few years. so >> that could be a good tenant. that 56 right now. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the man who attacked paul pelosi is set for a second trial and the jury selection begins on that today. we're live. >> outside to tell you what's coming up. san jose police want your help to find a family. you can see child they got hit was glass. there's been an arrest in the case, but they can't find the boy or the man was with them. and more than a dozen students and a teacher in san jose are sorry. san bruno. they were exposed to some tear gas. how did that happen in our they this morning? we'll have a this morning? we'll have a live report.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news breaking news. oakland, former top cop is running for city council at the same time he's suing the city. and more breaking news to the city of oakland has reached a deal to sell its half of the coliseum. will tell you more about that. and jury selection is underway for david de pap the man who attacked nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer. >> from the game, local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> morning and thanks for being there. 10 o'clock. i'm darya and i'm james. we've got lots to talk about the weather as we approach the holiday weekend in just a moment. also tracking the latest with good news. some of the city of oakland. they're selling their path. their share of the coliseum talk about this when a lot of people want to this actually mean, okay. a lot of


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