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tv   KRON 4 News at 10am  KRON  May 22, 2024 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news breaking news. oakland, former top cop is running for city council at the same time he's suing the city. and more breaking news to the city of oakland has reached a deal to sell its half of the coliseum. will tell you more about that. and jury selection is underway for david de pap the man who attacked nancy pelosi's husband with a hammer. >> from the game, local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> morning and thanks for being there. 10 o'clock. i'm darya and i'm james. we've got lots to talk about the weather as we approach the holiday weekend in just a moment. also tracking the latest with good news. some of the city of oakland. they're selling their path. their share of the coliseum talk about this when a lot of people want to this actually mean, okay. a lot of
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people also want to know what the weather's going to as they live music. today is getaway day. yeah, today i certainly could be a busy one out there. i know the airport is probably all geared up for it at this point. looking outside at sfo right now, you can see that we do have lots of sunshine. all travelers love to see that. we're going to be holding on to a lot of that sunshine in this forecast, too. visibility is fine for pretty much everyone. we do have some low clouds on the san mateo county close line. that's about it, though. future cast of wind showing the onshore push of air and that is helping to start to cool down. that is really going to be noticeable this holiday weekend. right now we're in the 50's for oakland in pacifica, 60's in berkeley, sf in hayward. well, a few 70's for the stimulant later today. we will be seeing daytime highs in the 70's to 80's a little cooler than yesterday. born your forecast to head back to you. all right. now we have more on our breaking news story, which is in oakland where the city of oakland has reached a deal to sell their half of the
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coliseum. yeah. a tentative one kron four's reyna harvey in the studio to explain who they sold their half to reyna. >> so according to the san francisco chronicle, oakland actually share it share of the coliseum to the african american sports and entertainment group. so the group is actually made up largely of black developers and investors as well. the a's they're still in the process of trying to complete their purchase. all the other 50% stake in the coliseum, which alameda county owns. but that deal could fall through depending on the outcome of a court case. the city says they initially hoped to work with the a's to sell ownership of the entire site to the developers, but they ended up working out a deal to sell their own share. this cell would actually help with the city's budget over the next 2 years. the developers consider plans to build a mega project with housing restaurants and also a new convention center. so that's what they're looking at. carly. so mayor sheng thao is going to hold a news conference is going to be a 3 o'clock to announce the details because in a lot of
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people also know how much that cell is going to be for. we're going to be the latest developments on air and online at kron 4. a setback to build at the desk. thanks, ryan. >> ok, and the other big breaking news story this morning. former oakland police chief leronne armstrong is apparently running to be on the oakland city council. a spokesperson for his campaign confirmed a crowd for that. armstrong plans on filing paperwork at city hall. any moment now within the hour. in fact, our own charles clifford is heading there, probably already is there. so we'll hopefully get video of that when it happens. but in any event, armstrong says he plans to run primarily on a platform focused on public safety. but he also wants to highlight oakland's budget crisis and rising homeless encampment population. he started as the police chief, as we know back in 2021 but was fired in february of last year due to an investigation that accused him of mishandling to police misconduct cases. however, an arbitrator later cleared him of any wrongdoing. and so now
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he's suing the city for wrongful termination. 8 candidates, by the way of already entered the race for that open council seat will see what happens. >> it's 10, 0, 3 and jury selection is underway right now in ean francisco for david dip happes second trial for hitting nancy pelosi's husband in the head with a hammer. yeah. so he's facing criminal charges filed by district attorney brooke jenkins. we have kron four's will tran at the hall of justice. >> it is now round 2 for david de pap. he finished round one with federal prosecutors. now state prosecutors. they want to get their hands on him. jury selection is under way. once that begins the trial, we'll begin and it should last about 3 weeks. he was already convicted in federal court state. prosecutors want to do the same thing to david de pap. now, let me show you the video. they will use this video during the trial. this all started back in october of 2022. when david de pap went to the pelosi home in san francisco, he was looking for
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then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. but she was not home. instead, her husband, paul pelosi, was home. he woke up. he saw pap at the foot of his bed. he call san francisco police officers. they arrived and that's when prosecutors say david dip half when he saw the police officers, they claim he hit paul pelosi on the head with a hammer, knocking him unconscious. he woke up in his own pool of blood. now i use the word alleged to because he has not been convicted in state court despite being convicted in federal court for the attack because the charges are not the same in federal court. he was charged and convicted for a 10 to kidnapping of a federal official as well as an attack on the immediate member of a federal official that being nancy pelosi. but as far as the state charges, they will have to prove that state charges include attempted murder, assault as well as
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burglary. the trial should last about 3 weeks back to it. >> all we'll also be watching for the sentencing on the federal charges tapping on tuesday. >> okay. now to some scary moments for elementary school students and teachers in san bruno. sheriff's office training. exercise went wrong. students were impacted. yeah. >> and this was the release of pepper spray can be very strong. kron four's michael thomas has been following this live all morning long from fort hill elementary school talking to the acting principal and parents about what happened. michael? >> yeah, good morning, everyone. essentially yesterday they say in the afternoon during after school hours the students started cough and feel a burning sensation in their eyes and then also teachers as well. so they started to investigate, finding out who's coming from next door, which is one of the jail's. take a listen. tuesday afternoon at fort elementary
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school in san bruno, 20 students and one teacher reported having burning sensations in their eyes, nose and throat. and this young lady tells me she was one of them. and the feeling was like pepper spray. does in mice and mice row and then like and dislike the cause was from the mixture of gas and pepper spray that came from next door at the san francisco sheriff's office jail property. the sheriff's office was hosting a routine tactical training class inside the jail, which has been done for the last 20 years. so how do the chemicals get outside the school principal says it was the wind. >> the room was contained the open. the doors. of that smell or some of the came out and there was a strong breeze yesterday and this must have been right in the path of it. students at felt symptoms were checked out by medical personnel, then sent home in the school says they haven't gotten any reports of additional complications. >> one parent whose son was actually involved tells me he was happy with the way it was handled and that the school even had an in-person meeting.
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my child had like a stinging in the eyes, a little nausea, but it went away pretty quickly to the schools and any emails or anything or yes, they did. the superintendent did it. and we had a meeting last night. the sheriff's office put out a statement saying, quote, these trainings are critical to law enforcement because they allow peace officers to test the safety of equipment for potential leaks and they provide staff with hands-on experience with chemical agents, preparing them for both physically and mentally for real life situations. we sincerely apologize to pirtle elementary school, its faculty and students and their families for the unseen event, which must've been especially scary for children. as for now, all of these training classes have been suspended there at the jail, as they say, they're going to continue look into their practices and see exactly how they can stop this from ever happening again. and principal here tells me he didn't even really know that there was a jail nearby. so he says this is normally not an issue. and as they both said on each side, they've been doing this for
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the last 20 years. and this is kind of just one time thing. they're hoping that will happen. says we get more details from the sheriff's office. we'll keep you updated. that's very latest here in san bruno michael thomas story. and james, we'll send it back to you. okay. thank you, michael. >> it is 10. 0, 8, let's go to the south bay now where a man is in custody in san jose after police say he smashed the window of a baskin robbins, ice cream shops and a glass flying in the customer's yeah, a child is right by that window and must been hurt. >> but they can't find the family. they did, though, recently making arrests. come for jack moment has more. >> let's set the scene here for a moment. it is springtime in east side. san jose. the temperatures are warming up and you want to escape the heat. so child head to baskin robbins and once you do head to this baskin-robbins, you head inside, you wait for the ice cream when all of a sudden boom, a man runs up seemingly randomly breaks the glass, sending shards of it. flying on to you and your kid. you both go running has neighbors here quite concerned over the safety here and that has police looking for those victims. shocking surveillance
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camera video from last month depicts the attack. you see that child sitting down inside the baskin robbins off a born square and then glasgow's flying sending shards of glass towards that child. you can see them and they're screaming. that's horrible. happened to like, like i said, i come with my my nephew, my knees in something like that happen. it will be by scary living rivera lives in this neighborhood off capitol expressway and says this baskin robbins to is a family staple. well, it not not so good because we come to relax and have a time in nearly a month since that incident, san jose finally announced they arrested the suspect identified as pay ms farhi, he's booked into county jail and charged with child abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. >> and while police haven't shared much info about the suspect, mandeep singh who works the liquor store next door says he's familiar with. i know is that guy cars use becomes almost or i like shopper and says the last time as far was here, it was about a week ago and has bought beer here for the last 9 months.
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>> he says crime in the area has been increasing the need to fix them. i think that somehow and this was made possible because we have a partnership. the district attorney's office. meantime, san jose police say while as far awaits his day in court, they want to make right with the victims at the heart of the incident. i don't really want full closure for this case in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. alright, tension is the time and still ahead on he kron 4 morning news. alameda county's district attorney is suing several home insurance companies. >> claiming their defrauding customers will explain and hundreds of vehicles recovered by the chp in the east bay. we'll have the numbers in a minute. >> and trevor shirley in washington, senate democrats are expected to bring up another border security bill tomorrow. what will it pass and why do republicans say and why do republicans say this is just a political
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this homestyle chicken salad wrap from subway this is how you do it. savory chicken, crisp veggies all wrapped up— these wraps are amazing. people can hear my thoughts?
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that's a problem. stay fresh out there with all—new wraps from subway. ♪ from the mountains to the coast... ♪ ♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪ we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. make the call. because we care too. ♪♪ home instead. to us, it's personal.
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>> it's may 22nd and on this date in history, an arcade game we have light like was released. yes. and johnnie carson said farewell. his final appearance as host of the tonight show news nation's markie. martin looks back. >> today is may 22nd and if you enjoy playing a game of cards, it happens to be national solitaire day in 19. 0, 6 on this date. the wright brothers flying machine was patented mexico entered world war 2 by declaring war on germany, italy and japan. and in 1972, richard nixon arrived in moscow, which was the first ever visit by a u.s. president to the soviet union in 1980, the arcade game hackman was
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released. comedian johnny carson made his final appearance as host of the tonight show. >> in 1995, fans of laverne and shirley. we're excited as the 20th anniversary reunion, special air and the world's tallest tower. tokyo skytree standing at 2080 feet open to the public. what you get from the top of that. >> she'll be ul hassan way fun times. all right. back in a show you probably don't remember. and what the problem morning know sure acquino remember, we're in and i our or on this show and not just a look at the remember, laverne and shirley to be i mean, yeah. current period. >> get that sunshine today with transamerica building right there sitting that side cooler day than yesterday.
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little bit of fog up and down the san mateo coastline. that's about it, though. high pressure ridge still in the same spot that it's been a while now, low pressures will drop in just to the east of the bay area and the state in general. this is going to be enough for a pretty sizable cool down in your memorial day weekend, as well as a very slim chance of a sprinkle or 2, especially if you're planning the holiday weekend up in the sierra where we could see some isolated showers towards friday and early saturday, maybe a brief trip or 2 here in the bay area. now, today is a day of transitioning out of the hottest day, which was yesterday and back down to a much more mild forecast 60's for your highs near the coastline and then pretty consistent 70's elsewhere along the peninsula anyways. still some low 80's for some inland spots. and the south bay, san jose at 80 degrees today pleasanton you'll be at 78 while oakland at 73 concord, 80 to sonoma and napa. both rounding us out
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right at 80 degrees. a look ahead shows tomorrow. a trend of 70's begins in saturday. we briefly break that trend. but for the cooler only in the 60's, even for inland spots. temps will rebound slowly after that to the upper 70's by memorial day. back to you it's getting by a coyote. >> yeah. next to diaz, i know. and i saw one of the day before that and east bay park officials are warning, you know, the coyotes are out. its get were out there. and if you go to parks as you're most likely place to so they say avoid hiking alone, keep your kids and pets close by dogs on a leash. be aware of your surroundings, what whatever you're doing, stay on the trail and then never attempt to feed a coyote. if you do encounter one, walk away, calmly and leave quickly or just drive into the garage like i here at kron, 4 hurricane is out there on the streets. >> i-10, 17 the time a new telehealth line is launching in san francisco for unhoused % people to start their recovery treatment. the pilot program will provide a real-time connection with a doctor to help prescribe medication and
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offer a space to begin treatment for fentanyl and opioid addiction. the program was tested out in march and the city found. 55 people started treatment for opioid addiction. 173 people have tele-health visits and nearly a dozen people entered residential treatment. well, this november voters in san francisco will get the chance to vote on legislation aimed at improving the shortages of nurses and 9-1-1, dispatchers supervisor ahsha safai. i who's running for mayor announced those new steps yesterday. he says this legislation will change the city's charter and would improve the retention and recruitment of nurses and give 9-1-1 operators, the same retirement benefits as other first responders. >> we believe this is a recruitment tool. this is a retention tool but also makes fiscal sense for our city. >> yeah, the legislation still needs to be approved by the board of supervisors before it can appear on the november ballot. >> it's 10, 18 and this week senate democrats are going to
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push ahead on another border security bill several months after republicans tanked a similar bipartisan bill. dc correspondent trevor shirley has the latest. >> that vote is slated to happen later this week, although it's not expected to go anywhere in the house. why we bring this bill up the second time. >> the answer is simple. democrats about border security. that's the message of senate democrats as they try again to pass a border security bill this week. democrats believe. that we have an opportunity to continue to bring thi case to the american public to try to change minds in the republican caucus so that we can finally come together. republicans and democrats and do something about border security. but already some republicans say this is nothing more than a messaging bill with no hope of going anywhere. pretty obvious >> not like in senate and certainly wouldn't immigration remains a major issue that
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could cause problems for democrats in this year's elections. republicans say their colleagues aren't serious about fixing the problem. the reason all of a sudden they're interested in doing something or at least appearing to be doing something is because they know they got a big political or ability on this. and while the bill may pass the senate. >> it's not expected to survive the house. even brought up for a vote. >> so the president needs step up to it. do everything you can do on his own because legislation, obviously he's not going to clear. this year. >> the senate expected to vote on this legislation tomorrow reporting in washington on trevor shirley. >> one a at a cannabis cafe in the bay area. you might be able to soon. the state assembly just passed a bill to allow california to have cannabis cafe's kelly, gavin amsterdam, where they sell food, non-alcoholic drinks, host live entertainment all while you buy and use marijuana products inside the state senate hasn't approved
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this, though. yeah. and governor newsom vetoed a previous version saying that it would violate state laws on smoke-free workplaces. that's an interesting pickle. for your money this morning. new details of the high cost of homes in california for the first time ever. the median price to buy a single-family house surpassed $900,000 in april. comedians, nearly a million really like over 900,000 itself, 11 0.4% from last year coming from the california association of realtors. home prices have climbed more than $100,000 in just over 2 years. >> well, ucsf is going to lead the first long-term study on cancer among asian-americans. the national cancer institute awarded usc, i should say, ucsf, 12 million dollars to and recruit asian americans throughout the u.s.. it's going look at why asian american women who have never smoked are susceptible to lung cancer and why asian americans have become the first ethnic
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group cancer is the leading cause of death. researchers also plan to study the increasing rates of cancer, especially among young asian american women. asian americans are the fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the u.s. and comprise about 7% of the population currently. the san francisco stories celebrating a milestone the bay area's first-ever k pop store opened 4 years ago this week. this friday hello is celebrating 4 years at sunset district location, owners cesc a routine and kevin tang began their journey with pop-up stores back in 2020 but opened up this store after they quickly outgrew the 3 other locations they had as part of this friday celebration. the story is partnering up with kay kahn which puts on k-pop conventions and concerts around the world. the event will feature boba and local k-pop vendors. a lot of fans, i'm sure going to be there and tune into kron 4. we hope that you're there tomorrow for our asian american pacific islander heritage month
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special. >> which features all of the special stories that we've done. that's tomorrow at 6.30. >> coming up with the kron, 4 the bay area, which is known for a high rent prices are seeing our prices go up and up and up. but in one city, they're actually coming down. we'll take you
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>> 10 24 right now. and rapper sean diddy combs is facing another new lawsuit. this one alleges former model krystal mckinney was forced to perform a act on him at his new york city recording studio in 2003, it alleges mckinney was given alcohol and marijuana, which she later came to understand
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was laced. mckinney says she then lost consciousness and woke up later in a taxi. and assaulted. neither combs nor his representatives have commented on these new allegations. >> 10 25 is the time in the east bay. oakley. police say dna helped them crack a assault cold case for more than 20 years ago. it was in 2002 that the victim was walking her dog near laurel road in oakley when a man sexually assaulted her at gunpoint. she eventually got away and ran to a nearby home for help. police collected the attacker's dna but found no matches in the national database at the time. but then in 2022, they received an alert that a possible match had been discovered in idaho where a just been arrested. oakley police just recently went there last week collected dna from that man and compared to the sample they had on file. investigators say it's a direct match. the suspect identified now as 49 year-old eric ferguson. police say he was a resident of contra costa
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county back in 2002, he's currently in custody up in idaho, but he will be brought to contra costa county were told later this week. >> 10 26 and pixar is laying off the animation studio, cutting 14% of their workforce. and that's impacting about 175 employees at pixar as emeryville animation studio. according to reports, those job cuts will allow pixar to shift its focus back to projects that are meant for theatrical screenings rather than streaming releases. it's 10. 26. and coming up on the combo morning news we hear from san francisco mayor london breed. >> and the candidates that want to take her job.
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>> 29 and they call memorial day like a boating season start, but could be a little chilly. it might be. yeah. we're talking like down to the 60's for john, yet down into the 60's in napa saturday for a bottle rock. what is this nope, it's make still and it's just going down. oddly. but hey, that is just fine. getting a little break from some of that heat we saw yesterday. and i think a lot of us might be ok with a day back down in the 60's in bunt, looking outside from the east bay hills. lots of sunshine out there. we're going to be looking at that sunshine throughout the day. in fact, for most areas we have just a little bit of fog up and down the san mateo coastline. now, futurecast of winds does show an onshore push of winds. it's not aggressive, but it is just enough to keep temperatures down a little bit from yesterday. 50's at the coast 60's along the bay shore. some 70's inland as we move into the afternoon today, daytime highs will be in the 70's to low 80's at the warmest darren
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james saying slot 10, 30 right now. and new this morning, the governor's office continues to crack down on crime in the east bay with its chp operation. yeah. and this morning they're announcing the recovery of hundreds of stolen vehicles. we've got. >> reyna harvey here to explain in the studio reyna. yeah, they've been pretty busy. so governor gavin newsom's office says over 700 stolen vehicles have been recovered since chp officers were initially deployed back in february. the governor's office says in the last 3 months, 726 stolen vehicles have been recovered. 255 suspects have been arrested. 46 crime linked firearms have actually been seas. they say the installation of about 480 cameras in the city of oakland and the east bay freeways help chp identify crimes linked cars says the deployment of chp officers have suspects have been arrested for charges including auto theft, transportation of narcotics, dui and felony gun possession that law enforcement presence in oakland and the east bay. it's gone up by 900% since
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this operation first started. i'll send it back to bill to the desk. thank you. raining ground for your local election headquarters in all 5 candidates for san francisco mayor, including the mayor, the current mayor. they were at a town hall debate each other. yeah, a cropper. sara stinson was there. she gives us a look now at some of what they talked about. >> 5 candidates vying to be san francisco's next. mayor spoke at a town hall tuesday night. this being the first in a forum. the harvey milk, e- lgbtq democratic club hosted with president jeffrey kwong moderating candidates answered questions about issues like homelessness, public safety police saying and affordable housing. it kicked off with candidate daniel lurie, levi's aaron founder of an antipoverty organization. >> you're not see me playing. the board of supervisors was the da or the police chief for the commission's. i am going to be a that you can hold accountable. second up,
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current mayor london breed. >> i'm concerned that someone lose people graduate with they can afford to be in the city anymore. doesn't know what it feels like to actually have to pay rent. is not a solution. also say that, you know, the fact i've very aggressive with my hasn't policies mostly because of my experience of growing this late in the 3rd quarter down the street. next, attendees heard from candidate osha sofi who says he's been fighting for homelessness. wow. supervisor. >> and then made a dig at breed for not prioritizing kids in the city administration cut. >> 24 25 million dollars from youth programming in our city. and then a couple days later, she knows one of the water is 25 million dollars for pandas. the 4th candidate was supervisor. aaron peskin. >> he addressed criticisms about not being pro housing.
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>> dollars has been spent by astroturf organization and a handful of plutocrats trying to spend that narrative. but the facts are the facts. the facts are. 24 years that i've been in office over 100,000 units of housing. people are talking. i'm actually doing things the latest up on stage was former san francisco mayor and supervisor mark farrell. i believe that we need to build more housing years here just go to make our city more formal, plain and simple. the mill club has not announced an endorsement yet. >> but this town hall will influence that decision. the club hopes to have that endorsement by labor day. i spoke with some attendees afterwards, many saying that this town hall was helpful, but they still hope to see a debate before the election. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. kron. 4 news now. let's take a closer look at the flap over the pandas. the mayor has gotten pushed back to her. >> plan to fund the pan does
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stay in san francisco at the zoo because it's going to cost some money to create that new home. she's moving forward. the plan, even though she has had opposition. she's asked the city departments to be allowed to raise 25 million dollars in private funds to pay for the project. but as we said, supervisor in candidate ashes stuff. it is arguing that money should be spent elsewhere. mayor reed came to the kron 4 studios and says she feels the pandas are a good investment. it does a disservice to what we need to do to make sure that the city is put first. >> and we're prioritizing the work that we need to do for the city as a whole. the economic opportunities alone make pandas worth it. it's not just because pandas are cute and cuddly, but it's because of financially what it could do for not just but also our economic recovery in san francisco. last week, a board committee rejected the funding proposal saying that it needs some amendments.
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>> alameda county's district attorney pamela price is now suing several home insurance companies accusing them of defrauding their own customers. so price announced this lawsuit on behalf of state homeowners farmers. insurance group was named in the suits, factions accusing them of using software. the charge, homeowners premiums for policies that don't properly protect homes or compensate homeowners in the case of big losses. >> that the evidence will show that these insurance companies have utilized a software application that allows them essentially to defraud homeowners by charging them premiums for insurance that provide inaccurate and low replacement costs for insured homes. >> price also says that the company violated multiple state regulations rules and laws designed to protect consumers. >> we all know that rents are expensive in the bay area and most cities around the bay rents are on the rise, but not
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in oakland. yeah, it's actually declining, at least according to data from apartment list. it found that oakland's asking rents fell by 10% in the last year conference rival as it takes a closer look. the data from apartment list found that the median asking rent for a one-bedroom apartment in oakland. >> in january of 2019 was about $2400 a month. the median rent for that same apartment last month was $1800 a month. a 10% drop in rent prices in oakland is getting people's attention. >> andria rentals is located in the city and helps match renters with tenants owner andrea day says rent prices usually go up in may, but that's not what's happening in the east bay. there's more concessions. people are >> you know, they're just who's here and it feels like they have more >> time and space and the opportunity to choices. and so it it just feels different while rent prices for apartments and more affordable bases, locations still
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matters. seeing more of a decline in monthly rent in downtown oakland compared to other areas. >> there are places where previously the rams were sort of you know, really pushing the tippy top of the market that have really fallen. >> but then there are other areas kind by oakland or mills where you're actually seeing an increase in rents. there are also more incentives being offered to tenants in oakland at some locations. andrea rentals office a month free as long as 10 inside their leased by a certain date day says that's because of the 2.3% rent cap and the city. if you have a place as rented for 2400 and you say, oh, you know, we're not finding anybody. >> and you just drop it, it could take it will take you years to recover because you can only incrementally raise it unless it's a single family home or new construction. the data from apartment list also found that work from home has an impact on rent prices. >> less people working in office in downtown oakland has less people renting apartments downtown reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt
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kron. 4 news. >> here's >> a rally that happened yesterday. we're at workers were pretty vocal outside the state supreme court on tuesday in san francisco because they are hoping the court rules against proposition. 22, they want it called unconstitutional because they don't like it. that's what proposition was passed by voters in 2020. and it classifies these luber app drivers as independent contractors instead of employees. they say by doing it that they don't get benefits. >> it was a person in california or any other state. if you work in that state, you got on the plane you get workers comp, you get sick maybe get may view some vacation. as a good workout in the park. 22, you get none of those rights. >> but supporters say that the
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brought you yesterday here on the kron. 4 morning news. one man was killed and another is in the hospital. and the dramatic moment was captured on surveillance video. and we want to warn you, this video may be difficult for you to watch. take a look. take a look at the car just burst into flames. it was going southbound on fremont boulevard around midnight and smashed into a tree. an officer got there within seconds trying to put those flames out. moments later, that officer and several neighbors pulled a man from the burning wreckage with that. one witness says it was a quick thinking officer and the neighbors that saved the passenger's life. >> i couldn't even really process what i was witnessing it first. honestly, if it wasn't for the cops show first and the people who came out hartman complex.
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>> i i honestly >> it was split in half that vehicle. there's the aftermath. as we said, the driver was killed. but at least the passenger was able to be pulled from that burning wreckage. they're still investigating what caused the crash. >> well, happening right now, uc davis, police need your help finding this missing student. take a good look. her name is diane men. apparently she left campus last friday ooard an amtrak train to mission street in san francisco. and that's the last time anybody ever sar. she was reported missing monday. anybody with information is asked to call uc davis police. well, the california senate has approved a bill that would help address police staffing shortages in vallejo. that legislation would allow qualified retired officers to work up to full time for the slaughter county sheriff's office essentially providing additional deputies needed to aid the label during the staffing crisis. senator bill dodd wrote that legislation
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the city council declared a local emergency due to the staffing issue there at the police department. dodd says the department is authorized to have about 132 officers, but it's only got 31. he says allowing retired police to work. we'll give the department some help right now while they continue to recruit and train new officers, which, by the way, can take up to 2 years on average to complete that training. >> it's 10 41 and still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. first responders test their skills when it comes to a major earthquake. and a super bowl champion is giving back bowl champion is giving back to the bay area.
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we know you care. [music plays] but if this is all too real for you and your loved ones. ♪♪ make the call. because we care too. ♪♪
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home instead. to us, it's personal. all of the things that you're looking for in a pad, that is always discreet. look at how it absorbs all the liquid. oh my gosh! and locking it right on in. look at that! totally absorbed. i got to get some always discreet. bother the bugs. not your family. ahh! zevo is made with essential oils which attack bugs' biological systems. it wipes cleanly, plus is safe for use around people and pets. gotcha! zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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>> we are back at 10. 44 and we all know the big one is coming. just a matter of time. the question is, are you prepared for it? >> and they put that to the test in a big way with a major exercise in sonoma county covers. ken wayne reports. >> it's the one. a massive quake has struck northern sonoma county, dozens of first responders gathered at the citrus fairgrounds in cloverdale to test their skills in responding to such a disaster victims. we've got about 50 victims in there. >> so you're going to be very, very busy. this is the definition of a mass casualty incident. >> there's a lot of prep going into this. dozens of students go through makeup to simulate head injuries and broken bones. the fire police, medical responders are overwhelmed by simultaneous incidents. buildings are down some on fire. 2 buses collide leaving dozens of students and
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adults firefighters have to pry their way through the metal to get to the victims. cell phone towers are out and for the next hours and days, first responders won't be getting outside. help because those agencies are responding to their own emergencies. that's where the search come in. search is community emergency response. team civilians often your neighbors. we train to step in when professional first responders are overwhelmed by disaster. >> practice getting victims to safety by and freedom operate. >> lessons from past disasters have shown many residents won't evacuate. lesser animals are accounted for. now they're see that the california veterinary emergency team, they'll work with cart the community. animal response team to make sure everything from a dog or cat to livestock are treated and put their owners minds at ease. >> we can make sure that we're giving the best care possible to animals and then turn
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people can keep themselves today. safe. my knowing that those animals are getting the appropriate care. >> this memorial day weekend is your last chance to hit the slopes in tahoe palisades tahoe is winding down this weekend. i can't believe this still open yet, but they are. they have the longest ski says they always try to step in the long as of this time. >> they're closing on monday. kirkwood in sugar bowl already wrapped up on april 28th. how sides going to be open from 08:00pm to 02:00pm on memorial day. weather conditions permitting the cheese has be cold enough and it is going to you know, cold enough. i spelling is going to snow. let's find out for sure how cold it is. is it going to be up in tahoe job is getting chilly the next few days up there. yesterday was a warm one. felt like spring felt like summer. >> but temperatures are going to slide in towards the weekend. snow level will actually fall to some of those upper peaks. again, only higher up. you won't see it at
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lake level, but there will be the chance of a couple sprinkles up there this weekend with temperatures dropping well into the 40's and 50's. so definitely cool. comes saturday. mostly up in the sierra. as for the rest of the weekend, temperatures are just going to be on the cooler trend as this high-pressure ridge. that is certainly still in place. it's getting nudged out just a little bit by some descending lows that are going to sneaker direction. a little closer so far this past week, any sort of rain has been well up into washington and oregon. but with these lows comes, the temperature cool down and that chance of a few isolated showers drifting as far south as the sierra. you can see those little blips of purple and pink. that's that rain snow mix only at those highest of elevations. so this weekend does bring that chance of a sprinkle up to the sierra. just a where some layers for if you are heading to the mountains for memorial day weekend. as for today, the bay area is starting to show signs of that cooling pattern ahead of us. yesterday was the warmest day of the forecast. and now that that is over,
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temperatures are still going to be warm today. but as much as 5 to 7 degrees cooler than yesterday, san jose down to 80 degrees. fremont at 75 oakland at 73 for your daytime high today looking at some mid 80's at the very warmest for spots like vacaville and antioch. now, as far as your memorial day weekend is concerned, we will be seeing our coolest day on saturday. 65 degrees for your average bay area. daytime high. that includes some inland areas will start to see temperatures rebounding after that low 70's by sunday by memorial day on monday. daytime highs will climb back up near 80 degrees for inland spots. so definitely a cooler trajectory as we make our way into the holiday weekend. spear eddie, to go for that. let's warm feel. thanks a lot, john. and today the bay-area celebrates harvey milk day. >> he was the first openly politician in california. and today he would have been 94 years old. but he was shot not a lot. not long after he was
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elected to san francisco board of supervisors who was assassinated at city hall in 1978 each year may 20nd serves as an opportunity celebrate the lgbtq+ community. this summer, frontier airlines, they're going offer nonstop daily flights to 5 destinations from san jose mineta international starting july 22nd. they'll have service with planes going to denver and san diego. and then august 13 flights to las vegas, los angeles and phoenix frontier says that this is going to be discounted deal $30. i'm not kin you. and they do say you have to act quickly. you have to buy your tickets before monday. may 27th and i i so this is out of san jose which is new. i flew for the first time only a couple weeks ago. frontier from san francisco enjoyed the i was leery because it's so cheap, right? but i got to tell you, i loved i love the service. the organization was good. the gate, by the way, to
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suppose. really nice. yeah. i got no complaints, ok? all right there. yeah. no complaints against are among. >> baller fans as they gathered together here to watch party to cheer on the team in their first game of the season yesterday it was hosted by the oakland athletic club. and you can see a whole lot of folks came together sharing their team pride, the ballers taking the win in this one against the glacier range riders. they won. 76. their next game is set for 6 o'clock tonight. again, that will be up near glacier national park. so there you have that. meanwhile, speaking of sports, one of the bay area's produced a number of incredible athletes around the world and often you'll find him coming back home to do good once their careers are over, even during their careers. the kron 4 sports director jason dumas has the story of 2 bay area brothers who made it big but didn't forget where they came
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from. >> short par 4, 300 yards with a right? >> a fun day on the golf course. >> not all for a good i my in the league post what i mean coming to go of n sync. interested in the sport, not realize the best way for guys wship in large numbers be outside. >> no enjoy. the company have fun everyone likes to have fun doing something for the per bowl champ in former all pro safety tj ward and his brother, hosted a celebrity golf tournament on tuesday in danville. it benefits their charity. >> ward boy project which benefits underserved kids here in the bay. there's a lot of kids out there who are just >> getting by or do we have i didn't have any help. and we want to be like that beacon light to give them some guidance in, get them through their child and get on to college and stuff like that to, you know, the golf programs, getting them
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interested in sports and things that they would normally interested. and i have knowledge about. >> financial literacy, health and wellness, what they're putting in their bodies. you know, there's a lot of aspects of life that, you know, you have to maximize in getting his former college and nfl teammates to the bay area was a no-brainer for tj. the people who are, you know. >> really honest and real. and i we take that everywhere we go. and very prideful. >> as as as bay area natives and like you said, my teammates are probably say i rip and a really hard, you know, you know, my let that be stated not only by my my words, my actions and kerry muscle for ways to donate or volunteer go toward boy project dot com. >> in danville and jason dumas kron, 4 sports. >> 10 53 the time. we'll be right back.
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>> dogs were on their best behavior at this year's patch gala in new york. 18 dogs put their best outfit offer casey museum of the dog night last night and inspiration came from, you know, like their owners like gigi hadid, jennifer lopez, shakira. >> well, nice. wow. all of the out are going to be on display at the museum through have been i don't know if i feel bad all right. one final note. i get to turn out, we've got a rare celestial event. i know
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it's science, but i love it. yeah, it's going to grace the sky next you won't need any special glasses, know, binoculars like eclipse viewing goggles. nothing like that, ok? we've got the alignment of a lot of these planets coming together. you can watch it with the naked eye on june. 3rd. >> right around dawn, look towards the rising sun because all these planets are going line up pretty close to one side of the sun at the same time. but if we look up, is it going to look like 3 stars in a row? so check it out. if you don't catch it on the june to don't worry. there's another opportunity august same line that's going to happen. it was. so you'll soon 3rd, but it has to be clear on not put you on the spot. now. i know. haha, i do write like a cause. still a ways away, lee still be on the eastern horizon, though. out over the ocean >> but we are looking at a forecast that gets a little cooler it by a line for a good weekend to get outside and
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enjoy your memorial last weekend. so i will see you later. (♪♪) (♪♪)
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11:00 am
narrator: today, it's a dr. phil house call. i cannot believe i am actually driving down khalood's street. stop, stop, dr. phil! narrator: he drops in on the monster-in-law. it's khalood and me, one on one. i don't have a chance. do they know i'm here? no. guess who's here.


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