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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  May 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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you know we're not actually pirates, right? of course we be pirates! look at me hook. hidden valley ranch. only serious about flavor. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon, oakland's fired former top cop making a major announcement law wrong. armstrong is running for a seat on the city council. plus the city of oakland reaching a deal to sell its half of the coliseum. and round 2 for
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david de pap jury selection underway in the state case against the attacker for paul pelosi. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. we're going to start with this major announcement from former oakland police chief leronne armstrong. he is saying now he is going to be running for a seat on the oakland city council kron 4 charles clifford live for us now at oakland city hall, where armstrong made this announcement. charles, what's the latest? >> well, good former chief armstrong has been on the sidelines for more than a year and now he wants to get back in the game. lp>> former oakland police chie leronne armstrong has announced that he is running for a seat on the oakland city council. he filed the initial paperwork with the city clerk's office wednesday morning. armstrong says that
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he believes his experience as police chief qualifies him to sit on the council. >> you know, as our city experiences, obviously dramatic increases in violence, budget issues, homeless issues. i think it's important bring my leadership to the table last year. oakland mayor sheng thao fired armstrong from the police department for allegedly mishandling a pair of misconduct cases. >> he was later cleared of any wrongdoing. armstrong has since filed a lawsuit against the city for wrongful termination. even though that case has not yet been resolved. armstrong says that he can work with the mayor if he's elected to the council, she made a decision. obviously, i felt like it was not the right decision. >> and i've taken legal sands as a result of that. but throughout my entire time, i have not criticized the have not been critical public about them. and i'm here to do a job serve the public. armstrong who lives in district 7 is running for the at-large seat on the council, which is currently held by rebecca kaplan. >> 8 other candidates have also announced that they are running for that office. it's
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unclear at this point if kaplan plans to try to keep her seat on the council. >> all right, back live. now voters will get a chance to choose the next at-large council person in the general election in november. >> but for now in the east bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> thank you, charles. we do have more news out of oakland now as the city has reached a tentative deal to sell its half of the coliseum to developers, according to the san francisco chronicle, oakland will sell its share of the coliseum to the african american sports and entertainment group. that group is made up of largely black developers and investors. the a's, though, are still in the process of completing their purchase of the other 50% stake of the coliseum, which alameda county owns. but that deal could fall through depending on the outcome of a court case. the city initially hoped to work with the a's to sell ownership of the entire site to the developers. but ended up working out a deal just to shift. so its own share. this sale. what help the city's budget over the next 2 years?
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the developers considered plans to build a mega housing project there with restaurants and a new convention center. oakland mayor sheng thao is going to be announcing the details of this deal this afternoon and we'll bring you those latest developments on air and online right here on kron. 4. now to some scary moments for elementary school students and teachers in san bruno after sheriff's office training exercise went wrong, chemicals were released into the air causing 20 students to get sick. kron four's. michael thomas has the details. >> school officials here in san bruno say yesterday's winds blew gas and pepper spray into the eyes and throats of more than a dozen students are in the after school hours and it came from next door at the san francisco sheriff's county jail. tuesday afternoon at fort elementary school in san bruno, 20 students and one teacher reported having burning sensations in their eyes, nose and throat. and this young lady tells me she was one of them and the feeling was like pepper spray. does in mice
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that might throw and then like and dislike the causes from the mixture of gas and pepper spray that came from next door at the san francisco sheriff's office jail property. the sheriff's office was hosting a routine tactical training class inside the jail, which has been done for the last 20 years. so how do the chemicals principal says it was the wind. >> the room was contained to win the open the doors. of that smell or some of the came out and there was a strong breeze yesterday and this must have been right in the path of it. students at felt symptoms were checked out by medical personnel, then sent home in the school says they haven't gotten any reports of additional complications. >> one parent whose son was actually involved tells me he was happy with the way it was handled and that the school even had an in-person meeting. my child had like a stinging in the eyes, a little nausea, but it went away pretty quickly to the school, out an e-mail anything or yes, they did. the superintendent did. and then we had a meeting last night. the sheriff's office put out a statement saying, quote, these trainings are
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critical to law enforcement because they allow peace officers to test the safety of equipment for potential leaks and they provide staff with hands-on experience with chemical agents, preparing them for both physically and mentally for real life situations. we sincerely apologize to pirtle elementary school, its faculty and students and their families for the unseen event, which must have been especially scary for children. as of now, the sheriff's office is pausing all of its training classes as it continues to review its practices. that it's a very latest here in san bruno. i'm michael thomas will send it baok to live in the studio for now. >> uc davis, police need help finding this missing student. police say 18 and main left campus friday and took amtrak to mission street in san francisco where she was last seen she was reported missing on monday. anyone with information should call uc davis police. jury selection now underway and david de pap second trial. path is facing criminal charges filed by district attorney brooke
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jenkins. kron will tran is at the hall of justice in san francisco with the details. >> it is now round 2 for david de pap. he finished round one with federal prosecutors. now state prosecutors. they want to get their hands on him. jury selection is under way. once that begins the trial will began and it should last about 3 weeks. he was already convicted in federal court state. prosecutors want to do the same thing to david de pap. now, let me show you the video. they will use this video during the trial. this all started back in october of 2022. when david de pap went to the pelosi home in san francisco, he was looking for then speaker of the house, nancy pelosi. but she was not home. instead, her husband, paul pelosi, was home. he woke up. he saw pap at the foot of his bed. he called san francisco police officers. they arrived and that's when prosecutors say david dip half when he saw the police
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officers, they claim he hit paul pelosi on the head with a hammer, knocking him unconscious. he woke up in his own pool of blood. now i use the word alleged to because he has not been convicted in state court despite being convicted in federal court for the attack because the charges are not the same in federal court. he was charged and convicted for a 10 to kidnapping of a federal official as well as an attack on the immediate member of a federal official that being nancy pelosi. but as far as the state charges, they will have to prove that state charges include attempted murder, assault as well as burglary. the trial should last about 3 weeks. back to you. more than 700 stolen cars have been recovered oakland and in the east bay since the chp began a sting operation this year, the governor's
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office saying >> in the last 3 months, 726 stolen vehicles have been recovered. 355 suspects have been arrested. and 46 crime linked firearms have been seized. charges now include auto theft, transportation of narcotics, dui and felony gun possession. we're taking a live look outside right now from our camera on top of mount tam. so we can get an idea of what's happening outside today. looks nice out. low marine layer. we have meteorologist columbus with details on the weather. hey there. yeah. nice day today. thought it started yesterday. how warm did it get, right? we've got pretty warm. santa rosa got to 89 degrees at the sonoma county airport. >> 88 in concord and pittsburgh. 85 in livermore. so you can see these temperatures are pretty impressive in the 80's in san jose as well. 69 officially in san francisco that we do have a few gauges that went up to the 70 71 degree mark. but pretty nice day out there right now. blue skies, certainly as we take a live look here. but i was shocked. temperature ends as we look
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towards the north, they'll take santa rosa as an example today, a little bit cooler looking out for 84 degrees. that will cool down even more as we get to thursday. notice by friday into saturday. we're really getting those temperatures down there below average before rebounding. that has everything to do with them on shore flow returning right now, we've been seeing more of a northwesterly flow, meaning wind coming from the north and the west kind schering in a warmer, drier air mass with that means is not a nice temperatures for us and also some very blue skies out there. and you certainly see that at stormtracker 4 confirming it for. you can see where those clouds of just kind of pulled away a little bit from the coast. this is half moon bay. and you can see that we've got some blue skies out there. so they're getting a little bit of a break. having said that, they still have a bit of onshore flow. so right now. 59 degrees. we're already at 80 in santa rosa, 70's san jose livermore concord 60's in oakland and san francisco still hanging out in the 50's highs today. we'll still be lovely. just not as warm as yesterday. that
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cool down coming, though. we'll talk about that. what it means for your weekend when come back in just a bit. thank the north bay now are the california senate approved a bill that would help address police staffing shortages in vallejo? >> this legislation would allow qualified retired officers to work up to full time for the solano county sheriff's office state senator bill dodd wrote this. bill dodd says the department is authorized to have 132 officers, but it's down to 31. the city council declared a local emergency due to the staffing issues at the police dodd says allowing retired officers to work will give the department aide by they continue to recruit and train new officers. another round of layoffs announced here in the bay area. this time walmart is making more than 560 cuts. it's san bruno and sonny bill offices. so the company is asking other employees to relocate offices in arkansas, new jersey and in other places in the bay area. but the company did not give a reason for the layoffs. wal-mart's
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chief people, officer released a statement about the layoffs saying, quote, here, some parts of our business have made changes that will result in a reduction of several 100 campus roles while the overall numbers are small in percentage, we're focused on supporting each of our associates affected by these changes. up next here at noon, we're going to keep track of travel expectations ahead of memorial day weekend. >> plus, first responders put to the test. are they prepared to respond to a major earthquake? and ice cream shop turning into a crime scene when one man decides to smash when one man decides to smash glass right up to a child. when you host, your bathroom
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can feel like a revolving door... keep things fresh with febreze small spaces. it's an outlet-free air freshener that fights odors for 45 days. so even after every flush... you know your bathroom smells amazing. ♪ lalalalala ♪
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the south bay. a man is in custody after san jose. police say that the sky smashed the windows of a baskin robbins and sent glass flying on to a man and a child were inside the shop. >> it happened last month. but officers just made an arrest. kron four's jack moment has the story. >> let's set the scene here for a moment. it is springtime in east side. san jose. the temperatures are warming up and you want to escape the heat. so child head to baskin robbins and once you do head to this baskin-robbins, you head inside, you wait for the ice cream when all of a sudden boom, a man runs up seemingly randomly breaks the glass, sending shards of it. flying on to you and your kid. you both go running has neighbors here quite concerned over the safety here and that has police looking for those victims. shocking surveillance
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camera video from last month depicts the attack. you see that child sitting down inside the baskin robbins off a born square and then glasgow's flying sending shards of glass towards that child. you can see them and they're screaming. that's horrible. happened to like, like i said, i come with my my nephew, my knees in something like happen. it will be very scary. living rivera lives in this neighborhood off capitol expressway and says this baskin robbins to is a family staple. well, it not not so good because we come to relax and have a good time in nearly a month since that incident, san jose finally announced they arrested the suspect identified as pay ms farhi. >> he's booked into county jail and charged with child abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. >> and while police haven't shared much info about the suspect, mandeep singh who works the liquor store next door says he's familiar with. i know is that guy cars use becomes almost or i like shopper mandy says the last time as far was here, it was about a week ago and has bought beer here for the last
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9 months. >> he says crime in the area has been increasing the need to fix them. i think that and this was made possible because we have a partnership. the district attorney's office. meantime, san jose police say while as far awaits his day in court, they want to make right with the victims at the heart of the incident. i don't really want full closure for this case in san jose. jack moment. kron 4 news. in the east bay police. >> in oakley believe that they cracked a assault cold case from 2002 after a man's dna popped up in the national database when he was arrested in idaho in 2002 police say a girl was walking her dog near laurel road in oakley when a man got out of his car pointed a gun at her and demanded that he get in the back seat and then sexually assaulted her. officers say she was able to escape and go to a home nearby for help. they say no dna matches were found until 2022. when a hit showed up. and that database which identified a
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man living idaho and oakley police say they went to idaho last week to collect dna from the man and then compared it to that cold case file. and they say it was a direct match. they say they have now arrested eric ferguson on several charges. police say he's now in custody in idaho but will be brought to contra costa county later on this week. all right. we've got a holiday weekend ahead of us. we want to see what the weather has in store or taking a live look outside here at the embarcadero and san francisco. meteorologist kyla grogan in the weather center with details on what's happening out there. hey, there's some blue skies are happening out there. in fact, you can see all across the bay area even of a mount tam are looking pretty good right now. not a whole lot of clouds out there. half moon bay. >> also looking good, little breezy and san francisco, san jose's got the sunshine. so we've been getting the wind out of the north-northwest. you certainly see that a point raised san francisco even over in concord, right, that direction of the wind bringing in this nice warmer air mass. but we're starting to now reverse that a little bit.
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eventually that time we get to the end of the week, we'll start to see temperatures drop because the onshore flow is going to take over. but right now we're looking pretty good. san jose. 75 degrees for you. 74 for redwood city, oakland, 65 degrees. 63 already in downtown san francisco, 80 in fairfield and santa rosa are spot pick up the warmest number from yesterday. up to 89 degrees. already seeing 80 degrees here at the noontime hour. so we've got high pressure sitting right here. hasn't moved a whole lot. everything's been relatively static. that will change as we get into the weekend. we start to see a front track through. that's when we'll start to see the onshore flow move back in the marine layer, move back in and the temperatures drop. but it's kind of short-lived rates right now are looking really good. you're going to be out and about today in walnut creek. we'll get into those upper 70's, maybe about 80 degrees. if you're out on the patio working today with the exception of a little bit of a breeze, i think it's going to be a pretty nice day to be out. there may be taking the dog for a walk. let's talk about what happens over the next few days. so today, tomorrow, very similar. we stay with lots of sunny skies.
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some beautiful temperatures and then we start to see things change as we get into our friday. notice you start to see these clouds building up by the time we get later into the day on friday. now are really start to see a difference. and some drizzle even popping up overnight friday into saturday in particular. now, does this mean we're going to get rain? well, i don't think it's really going to be impressive. but it does mean we have a little bit of drizzle showing up that could potentially be slight. measurable rain, meaning, you know, 100th of an inch to 5, 107 inch. so not a whole lot, but enough to make it interesting thing of course, we started may with some rain, right? so it's been an interesting month already. there's that cool down coming and breezy conditions as well. friday into saturday. we're going to rebound just in time for the holiday to get some nice sunshine for memorial day events. how right east bay park officials are warning about coyotes as it gets warmer. more people are visiting the parks. and it's now offering these coyotes safety tips. so avoid hiking alone, keep children and pets nearby. keep your dogs on a
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leash. be aware of your surroundings as you walk jog or run around. also stay on the trails and never attempt to feed a coyote. if you do see one walk away calmly and leave the area quickly. hi, we all know that the big one is coming. the question is, are you ready for a major earthquake? so that was put to the test in a big way during a major exercise in sonoma county kron four's ken wayne reports. >> it's the one. a massive quake has struck northern sonoma county. >> dozens of first responders gathered at the citrus fairgrounds in cloverdale to test their skills in responding to such a disaster victims. we've got about 50 victims in there. >> so you're going to be very, very busy. this is the definition of a mass casualty incident. >> there's a lot of prep going into this. dozens of students go through makeup to simulate head injuries and broken bones. the fire police, medical responders are overwhelmed by simultaneous
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incidents. buildings are down some on fire. 2 buses collide leaving dozens of students and adults firefighters have to pry their way through the metal to get to the victims. cell phone towers are out and for the next hours and days, first responders won't be getting outside. help because those agencies are responding to their own emergencies. that's where the search come in. search is community emergency response. team civilians often your neighbors who train to step in when professional first responders are overwhelmed by disaster. >> practice getting victims to safety by and freedom operate. >> lessons from past disasters have shown many residents won't evacuate. lesser animals are accounted now they're see that the california veterinary emergency team, they'll work with cart the community. animal response team to make sure everything from a dog or cat to livestock are treated and put their owners minds at
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ease. >> we can make sure that we're giving the best care possible to animals and then turn people can keep themselves today. safe. my knowing that those animals are getting the appropriate care. >> still ahead, all eyes on u.s.. secretary of state antony blinken as he is set to testify again on the israel-hamas war. hi, i'm katie. i live in flagstaff, arizona. i'm an older student. i'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. i do a lot of hiking and kayaking. i needed something to help me gain clarity. so i was in the pharmacy and i saw a display of prevagen and i asked the pharmacist about it. i started taking prevagen and i noticed that i had more cognitive clarity.
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it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. health this afternoon. ucsf is going to lead the first long-term study and cancer among asian-americans. now that the >> national cancer institute
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awarded ucsf 12 million dollars. the study will recruit asian americans throughout the u.s.. it will look at why asian american women who never smoked are more likely to get lung cancer and why asian americans have become the first ethnic group cancer is the leading cause of death. researchers also plan to study the increasing rates of cancer, especially among young asian american women. asian americans are the fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the united states and make up 7% of the population. memorial day weekend is basically here and a lot of people plan to hit the road according to triple a 38 million people are expected to drive for that long weekend. >> meaning they'll drive about 100 miles or more. that's the most people since the company started tracking this data in the year 2000 and a lot of people say, yeah, they want to do this, but they're thinking about the gas prices. >> we're thinking all splitting the gas so we all help for it. our polling is
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like butterfield. yeah, too. so. >> right now the average price for gas in california is around $5 a gallon for regular triple. a also predicts nearly 2 million people will be flying or taking the train memorial day weekend >> next at noon, a house fire now being investigated in san francisco after man says that he has been receiving racist threats. plus the bay area known for its high rent prices. but that's changing in oakland will take a look at lower numbers. >> rio rancho, a man from their has made it now his mission to preserve new mexico's other worldly history. the state's lesser history. the state's lesser known incidents.
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♪you're the one that i want!♪ nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease and more... all in one delicious, monthly soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard® plus. the one you want for one-and-done protection.
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>> first facing races threats, fire at his home. a san francisco dog walker is speaking out today. terry williams was actually meeting with a member of mayor london breed's office at city hall when his home on rose street near the painted ladies caught on fire. it was late yesterday morning when williams was discussing ways to address the repeated racist threats he's endured in recent months and then came the news, the fire. it's not clear how it started. but williams only hopes now this was not an escalation of the hate crimes. you are you
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sick or he started do don't start to racist text. >> races member now. yes, out. so the one thing about it was the case. about what can be done, how to the season for him when he is another phone call about 2005. >> supervisor dean represents this area and last week issued a resolution condemning the hate crimes against williams and his family urging police to find out who's behind it and to support his family. in the meantime, supervisor preston said he's currently working on finding temporary housing for the 7 people who lived in that home. while rent prices in most bay area cities are on the rise. oakland seeing a decline data from apartment list found that oakland's asking rents fell by 10% in the last year. kron four's rob nesbit has the story. >> the data from apartment list found that the median asking rent for a one-bedroom apartment in oakland in
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january of 2019 was about $2400 a month. the median rent for that same apartment last month was $1800 a month. a 10% drop in rent prices in oakland is getting people's attention. >> andria rentals is located in the city and helps match renters with tenants owner andrea day says rent prices usually go up in may, but that's not what's happening in the east bay. there's more concessions. people are >> you know, they're just who's here and it feels like they have more >> time and space and the opportunity to choices. and so it it just feels different while rent prices for apartments and more affordable bases, locations still matters. seeing more of a decline in monthly rent in downtown oakland compared to other areas. >> there are places where previously the rents were sort of you know, really pushing the tippy top of the market that have really fallen. but then there are other areas
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kind by oakland or mills where you're actually seeing an increase in rents. there are also more incentives being offered to tenants in oakland. >> at some locations, andrea rentals office a month free as long as 10 inside their leased by a certain date day says that's because of the 2.3% rent cap and the city. if you have the places rented for 2400 and you say, oh, you know, we're not finding anybody. >> and you just drop it, it could take it will take you years to recover because you can only incrementally raise it unless it's a single family home or new construction. the data from apartment list also found that work from home has an impact on rent prices, less people working in office in downtown oakland has less people renting apartments downtown. >> reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> alameda county district attorney pamela price is suing several home insurance companies. they're being accused of defrauding customers. price announced this lawsuit filed on behalf of state homeowners. farmers.
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insurance group is included in the lawsuit and they are accused of using software to charge homeowners premiums for policies that will properly protect homes or compensate them in case of a huge loss. >> we believe that the evidence will show that these insurance companies have utilized a software application that allows them essentially to defraud homeowners by charging them premiums for insurance that provide inaccurate and low replacement costs. >> for insured homes. >> price also says that they violate multiple state regulations, rules and laws designed to protect consumers. and although she's received pushback on the plans to bring 2 giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. mayor of london breed says she is planning to move forward with she's currently asking for city departments be allowed to raise 25 million dollars to fund the project. however, as we recently reported
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supervisor in candidate for mayor ahsha is arguing that that money should be spent elsewhere. mayor london breed visit with us yesterday during kron 4 news at 3 and shared why she feels the pandas are a good investment for the city. >> it does a disservice to what we need to do to make sure that the city is put first and we're prioritizing the work that we need to do for the city as a whole. the economic opportunities alone make pandas worth it. it's not just because pandas are cute and cuddly, but it's because of financially what it could do for not just but also our economic recovery in san francisco. last week, a board committee rejected the fundraising proposal saying that amendments are needed. >> but the mayor was pretty clear. she's determined to continue with this fight. and just like your card notifies you when you don't wear your seatbelt, drivers could also be alerted if they're speeding. there's a new bill in the california legislature that would require all new
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cars sold in the state by 2032. to start to be put drivers when they go over the speed limit by 10 miles per hour. the bill narrowly passed its first vote in the state senate yesterday indicating that tsere might be some trouble getting this all the way to the governor's desk. experts are saying the technology is not new and it's being used right now in the european union. but drivers they're able to turn that function off. and in the south bay, san jose city leaders and santa clara county leaders are calling on voters to reject a tax measure this november. the taxpayer protection and government accountability act is on the november ballot. it aims to change state and local government rules for imposing taxes, fees and other charges. and if past it would require voters to continuously approve local taxes for general purposes. opponents of the measure say the legislation% would cut money set aside for critical services and infrastructure, forcing taxpayers to shoulder
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additional costs due to the cuts. officials will hold a news conference today to talk about this measure. and we'll have the latest for you coming up later on this afternoon right here on kron. 4. all right. we'll talk about our forecast now with a live look here at sfo. looks a little hazy out there. kyla grogan has details on what's going hey, there you have it. it's a pretty nice day, right? we're looking from mount tam. you can see our visibility is a little bit better than it was yesterday. so certainly, yeah, there is some marine layer out there but not bad temperatures are going to be a little bit cooler than yesterday. but having said that, still really nice. you can see we're already up to. >> 63 in downtown san francisco got some nice 70's in spots like mountain view in livermore, 81 in antioch, up in the north bay. we've got 77 in nevada about 80 in santa rosa. little bit of a breeze happening here in the city as we take a live look here in san francisco, giving a nice day today. tomorrow is well, a little bit cooler. and then by friday, we're going to start to really cool it down friday into saturday and that kind of changes our pattern. we're
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going to get a front that's going to track through. speaking of friends, i want to take a look at the national picture because you may have heard about the tornadoes that went through iowa and sadly there was a loss of life. there looks like they've been rated an ef 3. i'm happy to say they're pretty calm today, but you can see all of this line of storms here. just incredible all the way from texas up towards pennsylvania, new york state. these are severe thunderstorms. and you know, these around some of the big areas like dallas right now, you can see this warning is out and the thing about severe thunderstorms there, thunderstorms that have the possibility of rotation. so these are the ones you watch out for 4 tornado danger. this is in and around memphis just taking up towards nashville. also another one there just northwest of nashville. and then you can see it rolls right on up into parts of western pennsylvania. so a big area here in texas where we're looking out for the worst of it today under a tornado watch. thankfully, we don't have a lot of that to worry about. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about our local weather and our 7 day forecast. all right. now as the war in gaza continues u.s., secretary of state antony blinken will be testified before congress
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again today. >> his appearance at a hearing yesterday drew protests over policies in the middle east. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple has the latest. >> tensions over the war in gaza were on full display tuesday with republicans. democrats and protesters taking aim at the u.s. is policy toward israel in its war against hamas. >> demonstrators were carried out of the hearing tuesday in the latest show of protest over the war in gaza were standing with israel's effort ensure that what happened on october. 7th never happens again. secretary of state antony blinken told lawmakers the u.s. is also trying to get more humanitarian aid to gaza. but maryland democratic senator chris van hollen says not enough is being done. that hurts our credibility around the world and it sets a dangerously low bar for what's acceptable going forward. the hearing comes after the international criminal court's chief prosecutor said he's pushing to arrest israeli and hamas leaders over alleged war
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crimes. blinken denounced the move. the shameful equivalents. implied. between hamas. and the leadership of israel. i think that only complicates the prospects for getting such an agreement. >> meanwhile, idaho republican senator james risch said the u.s. should be doing more to support israel, criticizing the paws of a recent weapons shipment. the administration is imposing costs and israel must stop blaming israel, but israel removed from from gaza. >> that is the only way to move forward. >> now secretary blinken will be back on capitol hill again today. he's testifying before the house foreign affairs committee and in appropriations committee in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. the roswell ufo incident is pretty famous. but new mexico's history of unidentified flying objects is. >> far richer and way weirder. so now we're going to hear from an expert who explores the history of ufo's at the land of enchantment. i'm not saying it's extraterrestrial.
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>> i'm not saying its military. some of these cases. it remains a question. mark. david marler tells the story from the original military reports from kirtland air force base back in november of 1957, the object actually violated the base perimeter at kirtland air force base and to seize and air force personnel were observing the object from the control tower at kirtland with binoculars. marler is the executive director of the national historical records center warner says the military personnel who saw the 1957 albuquerque radar incident say the uefa looked like a car standing vertically on its end with a bright light at the bottom. the super speed incident occurred just 2 years later in 1959. morris says it's especially unusual because it wasn't just one or 2 radars that picked up the unknown object. but for
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separate stations, original military report, the object was tracked coming in across the mexican border. moving into new mexico. it then moved over towards the hobbs, new mexico area move towards level and texas then came back into the state of new mexico. the original radar report estimated the objects speeded more than 2000 miles per hour and show the object making sharp angular turns forced the point of this documentation is not to make people quote, believers rather. his goal is to help preserve the history and record. we're not saying extraterrestrials. we're not saying aliens. those are 2 words that you often hear me say. >> what we're saying is they're simply unidentified objects that do not conform apparently to conventional aircraft or any type of prosaic explanation longer continues to bring those records together. >> curating an ever-growing collection for the national
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historical records center. >> microsoft's powerful new ai computers that remember everything you do this. you can find exactly what you're can find exactly what you're looking for. i'm rich demuro ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok. looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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>> all right. let's talk baseball now. the a's back at the coliseum last night looking to bounce back from a losing streak. so they kicked off a series with the rockies. kron. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson has the highlights. well, a's came home on tuesday night after a long and losing road trip. they welcome colorado. >> to see, i'm hoping to get
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back to their winning ways. but can they? it was a beautiful night in oakland. the a's fans looking for bottom of the 5th, this pick it they were down by j b davis gets all of this one to its going deep to left it that no doubt about that when they get on the board with that one and they're still trailing by one at that point. no worries to bottom of the 7. now, 42 rockies lead man office sent brown and rockets this 1, 1, to deep center right there. and that will just cleared the wall. the 2 run blast ties the game for peace. now we've got a game or hands wear. >> hits a laser shot out to write this lynch. and you can that one goodbye va, they take the lead on total solo homer in the dugout. live it every bit of that with the celebration as to the night where mason miller, the closer for the a's is closing things out and he was striking out not one see them. they're not even it. but 3 bad just slam
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the door on the colorado rockies in that last strike out with 103 miles per hour to put the exclamation point on it. well, that come from behind and win the a's. do 5 to was the final as they snapped their eight-game losing streak on tuesday. game 2 is later on today at the oakland coliseum. >> that's also back to you guys at >> in the east bay, there was a huge watch party for the oakland ballers first game yesterday was hosted by the oakland athletic club. you can see lots of oakland team spirit here. the bowlers took the win against the glacier range riders in montana. they one 67. their next game is tonight at 6 for a second game against that range riders team. that's near glacier national park. a san francisco stories celebrating a major milestone. the bay area's first-ever k pop store opened up 4 years ago this week. so
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this friday's rain, hello celebrating 4 years sunset district location. owners began this journey with pop ups in 2020, but they opened up a big store after they outgrew 3 other locations as part of friday's celebration. the store's partnering with kay kahn which puts on k-pop conventions and concerts around the world. and make sure you join us for more stories highlighting the bay area's api community and it will all be on our special that airs tomorrow night at 6.30, and now we've got our final check of the forecast here at noon. more weather coverage throughout the day, though, especially during 2, 3. but here's what it looks like outside right now in san francisco, blue skies. but it is a little hazy out there. how what's happening? yeah, pretty nice, though. we're in a really nice day. the marine layer is giving us a break here. see, we're a little bit breezy. there is a look at the flag here at the golden gate bridge. >> temperatures will not be as warm as yesterday, but that doesn't mean they won't be warm if you are inland. right? so that's where we're seeing these temperatures already start to pop up 80 degrees
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right now in santa rosa. you can see we're in the 70's in the south bay parts of the inner east bay. cool out at the coast. we're doing that thing again with our micro climates where we're at 59 at half moon bay and we have a split. the difference in oakland there about 65 degrees. so we've had this breezy condition with us for the last few days. still today, yet again, that northwest flow, you see it there point raise half moon bay that direction of north northwesterly bringing in a drier air mass that's helped to warm us up. and you kind of see that there with some of the wind barbs. but things are going to change a little bit. we're going to see more of an onshore flow returns. so let's talk about today. we do get breezy. we get a little bit of on-shore flow in the afternoon. again, that does start to cool us down slightly as we get into tomorrow. this is your thursday. but look what happens on friday when we have front start to track through friday into saturday, we get very, very breezy conditions, a very pronounced onshore flow. you will notice that we get into our friday and even the first i think of saturday. so let's take a look at this and just show you today. obviously, really nice. you don't see any clouds in the sky. hardly as we get into
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thursday. still looking good. this is friday morning. so this is when things start to look a little bit different. and by friday afternoon, you notice a few pops even drizzle coming in in the overnight particular friday into saturday. that's that front that's going to track through. that's why we cool down so much. you know, is it going to be anything significant? know? we're talking, you know, several 107 inch of rain. but there might be a few spots along the coast. that pickup some measurable rain. the good news is we do rebound for our holiday on monday. we do get the sunshine back. we do warm up a little bit. you can see, this is what i'm looking out for for that forecast. inland highs will be about 75 to 80 degrees. so nothing extreme, but it should be some really nice weather for any of the ceremonies that are be going on for memorial day. quick look at your extended forecast. puts it all together for you. cooling it down saturday and then pick it right back up again as we head towards sunday and monday. and today is rich on tech rich demero checks out the latest computers from microsoft called the co pilot pcs. they're built from the ground
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up with ai. there's one new key feature here called recall, which lets you find files images and more instantly. >> and event here on their redmond campus. microsoft unveiled a new class of computers called co pilot plus pcs. these have a i built in it powers a new feature called recall. this will help you find any image web page or document on your computer fast. >> all fantastic to be here at their newly modernized campus. in redmond, microsoft, refreshing windows for the ai age, the future of computing is here for called co pilot plus pcs for microsoft. they have at least 16 gigabytes of ram 256 gigabytes of storage. and most importantly, a special chip to i locally. microsoft showed off its first 2 new computers to have the
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distinction surface laptop and surface pro. notably it's not intel inside, but qualcomm snapdragon chips promising better performance and best battery life yet what we needed for these new laptops, a brand new processor and needed to be more powerful. have a cpu the gpu and then we call euro processing unit in running at over 40 trillion operations per second. other pc makers will have computers with a new designation. microsoft showed several new ai features, including recall, which remembers everything you do on your computer. so you can use even the most obscure keywords to find any file image or website. you visit it. we can run ai locally on the device. that means that is yours. this information is got built-in privacy controls, so you can always pause your content. you can delete your snapshots. live captions translate audio. even video chat in real time. >> see mostly switching between 40 languages.
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co-creator combines your sketches with ai one of the things that microsoft was very clear about here is that this is going to help you do your job. it's going make you more productive. it's going to let you have a little bit more and it's going to do so it. slowing down your computer killing your battery life. >> microsoft's new surface computers start at $999 that are available for preorder. now they ship on june 18th. microsoft believes the industry will sell 50 million new ai pcs in the next year in redmond, washington, that rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >> next at noon, zoos are sharing their new babies with some a cute announcement. so we'll meet some of these new additions when you stick around.
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all right. check this out. it's another baby boom across the nation and the world. zoos as they share their new additions with everyone on social media, we even have some new babies right here in the bay area. so oakland zoo has now welcomed 3 new baby bison telling patrons to watch out for the little ones from its bison overlook the zoo wrote on social media fresh fuzzies. we are proud to report our bison herd has welcomed 3 new baby bison over the past cute. the babies are referred to as red dogs because of their light colored for which darkens as they get older and they will eventually go help replenish the bison population in montana. but you can go see him at the oakland zoo and new orleans to celebrate the birth of screaming hairy armadillos.
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they were born to be the first ones in north america since 2018 and according to the zoo screaming hairy armadillos are native to south america and they got this name because the sound they make when they feel threatened the zoo said that the pop star named birkenstock and tebow following a family tradition of naming them related to shoes and once they're older and more mature, they'll move to new homes and start families of their own. thank you so much for joining us here during kron. 4 news at noon today. i'm justine waldman. i see you again during kron. 4 news at 2, 3, but for now live in the bay is up next. hey, thank you so much. just and we have a great show coming up today on live in the bay. we're talking about some art displays that you have to check out our amazing kid and her incredible talent. >> and national wine day is just around the corner. so just around the corner. so we've got to talk about that
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get kardiamobile today for just $79 at or amazon. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus.
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the bay. we have a great show for you today. coming up. >> the artist that's bringing color to the east bay through murals and exhibitions will chat with a local painter to find out where you can catch her latest work. >> and the bay area and teen meeting for a good cause. >> chat with one of our amazing kids to learn how these tasks are helping the palo alto, humane society. >> and the bay area, clothing and accessories, brand lands, traditional elegance with contemporary style. we hear from the founder of nori the label. plus national wine day is here and we're exploring a wine region. that's a hidden gem in sonoma county. >> when wine and travel expert, daniel stops by. there's so much happening today on lin


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