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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> welcome back. now at five-thirty, more arrests, more stolen cars recovered and the seizure of more illegal guns. the governor's office has released new numbers from its sting operations in the east for theresa has those details and explains what happens next. this is one of more than several dozen guns tied to criminal activity taken off the streets in the last 3 months. >> it is all part of a continuous crime prevention operation launched in oakland and other parts of the east bay. back in february, the partnership was initiated by governor newsom. in a statement, quote, the governor said i commend the work of the chp to support local law enforcement efforts statewide, including in the east bay to ensure the safety of our communities. the state will continue to hold perpetrators accountable for criminal
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activity. here's a closer look at the numbers being released since february. the governor's office says that the targeted enforcement has recovered 726 stolen vehicles may 355 arrests and seized 46 crime late firearms. >> ever every we've been out in the 10th and the city of oakland, we've been working with the law enforcement, including a hope and a police department. and we've been price target vehicle that as well as organized retail crime and other violent crimes. >> this is chp spokesperson art montel. we are trying to make an impact so that the people face safer so that the >> so more marty's when they're in the city of oakland. >> in april, the chp teamed up with san ramon police to arrest 2 women and conduct search warrant on to oakland homes as they busted a fencing operation. we're more than
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$326,000 worth of stolen goods were recovered. other arrests involved, drug smuggling dui and the rest an outstanding warrants. another part of the governor's 10 point plan in support of oakland involves caltrans lending a hand and tackling homeless encampments and blight abandonment initiatives. furthermore, the governor announced a 480 high-tech cameras will be installed around oakland and the east bay to identify vehicles linked to crimes and give real-time information and alerts to law enforcement will have the information on the a lot faster than if were to do a regular investigation where we have no cameras. the bill. >> as for how long the chp will be deployed to aid in crime reduction efforts that has not been addressed. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> former oakland police chief leronne armstrong has announced plans to run for oakland city council. he filed the initial paperwork with the city clerk's office wednesday morning. last year. oakland
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mayor sheng thao fired armstrong from the police department for allegedly mishandling a pair of misconduct cases. he was later cleared of any wrongdoing. armstrong has since filed a lawsuit against the city for wrongful termination. even though the case has not yet been resolved, armstrong says he harbors no ill will towards the mayor. he says he believes his experience as police chief qualifies him to sit on city council. >> you know, as our city experiences, obviously dramatic increases in violence, budget issues, homeless issues. i think it's important bring my leadership to the table. >> armstrong's running for the at-large seat on the council, which is currently held by rebecca kaplan. 8 other candidates have also announced they're running for that seat. it's unclear at this point if kaplan plans to try and keep her seat on the council. >> we're getting some new information on that breaking news coverage that we've been talking about, the fire that's been burning at a recycling facility in redwood city.
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heavy smoke still impacting the area there. kron four's dan thorn joining us live from the scene with the latest details. dan. >> well, it seems like the smoke is beginning to dissipate just a little bit here along seaport boulevard in redwood city. this scene happening right over my left shoulder here. the water still getting sprayed by fire crews. there were times where we're seeing sort of this clause like machine at a business called sims metal were. it was sort of picking up some of the debris may be some of the recycling that they go through their ad. i don't know if it's a scrap yard or if it's a recycling facility. but some of it was on fire. so there is something burning somewhere in there that the crews are still working on getting through and sort of sifting through. but you were able to see the smoke as you're coming down 101 or going up in the redwood city bay area air quality management district has been out investigating. of course, they're still trying to figure out what the source of this fire is. but crews are still out here working. we know
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mountain view has also come out here. the mountain view fire department and sonny bill crews because smoke has been sort of moving down that way. and they've been telling people, hey, close your windows, avoid being outside. if you smell smoke, what i have been smelling here is sort of this burning plastic sort of industrial type smell. and you can see in this video, it was very thick earlier today. fire crews say this first broke out around 3, 23, 30 this afternoon at this. a facility here not far from a lot of boats like the dock. and we actually caught up with a lady works nearby this area and said that she works at a shelter for people and said that she's like heard some sort of noise and then said, ok, what is this a concern for us? and we caught up with her or her earlier in. this is what she had to say. >> it started a couple. like right now like i just started seeing the smoke from where i work, which isn't that far
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from here. and i just observe that i'm off duty and so did start to come. check it out. just think it's going to let >> so just over my left shoulder here, if you can make it out, there is some something that's burning. and i don't know if this is a part of the same pile or if there's just some sort of issue that seems to be going on here at sims metal. we know that again, crews around here, they're still actively pouring a lot of water on whatever sort of pile of stop that these heavy machines are moving through. crews have been out here for a few hours now. smoke still visible in the area, but not nearly as bad as it was earlier. but again, it appears to be blowing southward toward sunnyvale. some people in mountain view of also said that they were smelling it as well. so we're going to be hanging out here this evening trying to figure out what went on and we'll keep you updated as we learn more from officials know, i'll grant back to you. the fire hasn't
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spread to any other nearby businesses. it's pretty industrial. that area right down. >> right. yeah. it seems to be isolated just to one specific area, whether that's a recycling yard or a metal yard, some sort of scrap yard. it's been just isolated in that area. again, heavy machinery. >> moving that stop around. don't know if they're trying to dig to the bottom to get to the source of where this fire came from. but it's yes, it's only in just this area and it does not appear to be threatening any nearby businesses. >> all right. dan thorn live for us tonight in redwood city. thank you, dan. >> new at 5 fire officials in santa rosa are looking into what caused a fire that killed a man earlier this week. investigators say it was a at a tiny home built on a commercial pop property without the city's approval as happened monday night on hampton way, just off sebastopol road crews found the man dead inside the tiny home after they put the fire out. a cause of death has not
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yet been determined also new tonight, a bill to combat infant fentanyl deaths unanimously passing the senate floor today. the bill authored by san jose state senator dave cortez. e was prompted by recent stories of children being killed by fentanyl poisoning. this bill is part of the working together for a safer california bill package. it's intended to strengthen the state's public health response to prevent more young children from being exposed to opioids. the california senate has passed 2 significant car related bills. >> one of them is aimed at curbing speeders in kron four's. catherine heenan is live in our newsroom with details on that catherine. yeah, well, the man behind both of those bills grant senator scott wiener. he says both measures simply make a lot of sense. >> this isn't going to stop everyone from driving excessively, but some people will slow down. senator scott wiener says speed is a huge factor in the number of people dying on california roads.
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>> more than 4,000 people a year. that's up more than 20% in the last 5 years. the senator says he thinks he has a way to make at least some people more aware, so-called speed limiters. >> so this is existing tec nology that use in some cars right now. and it's very simple that it if you go more than 10 miles over the speed limit. the car will alert you a little bit. but beat watching a lie just to alert. you're not. it's a salacious one time, but lot of times people are intending to go into excessive speed until realize how are part traveling. >> the bill would have the speed devices and all new cars made or sold in california by 2032. with a 50% fason by 2029, senator wiener is also behind a bill that could make things a little easier for
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victims of car break-ins. another huge problem, maybe even discourage the criminals. the bill would get rid of what's considered a useless loophole. >> we have this bizarre new poll in our >> law that doesn't only have to prove that he broke into heart. >> they also have to prove that the car doors were all locked. so if someone can't remember whether they lock their car doors or they are visiting another thousands of miles from the possible the prosecution or fall apart. so we're closing out full to make sure that actually prosecute people breaking into cars. >> the car breaking ball that looks like clear sailing and passed the senate by unanimous vote of snow headed for the assembly. as for the bill calling for speed device is not as clear how that will end up. but it could eventually of past affect all new car sales in the u.s.? no. alan grant, catherine, thank you. >> some national news now. multiple people dead after a
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devastating tornado tore through greenfield, iowa officials. they're not confirming the number of deaths because they say search and rescue efforts are still ongoing. this all happened yesterday. the storm just barreling through this area video showing widespread destruction. the tornado destroyed homes and toppled trees and power lines all across the city. according to some reports, the deadly twister may have been won on the ground for more than 40 miles. that is quite a span. kron. 4 s chief meteorologist lawrence karnow has been tracking all this wild weather across the country for the last couple of weeks, lawrence, yet other devastating one. yeah, just terrible. look, doesn't look like that's going to be a lot better here across the country. >> as we've had a severe weather breaking out really last month and a half now, of course, we're right at the peak of tornado season. these all the tornadoes touched down yesterday in iowa had more than a dozen tornadoes touching down, reported that the worst to be hit in greenfield. that's where we saw that devastation there
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was. we've had very powerful storms rolling on through tornadoes, touching down the possibility of more activity as we head through the night tonight, although the track is heading further south, you can see very active pattern outside a lot moving south and east now. but you can see another batch of rain is moving right through the northern parts the states and that is going to drop into the plains once it does across the rockies and brings that cold air and clashes with some of that warm air come out of south of all the sudden we get more storms on the way right now. the target seems to be texas tonight. you can see some heavy storms rolling through there. they're watching out for the possibility of some more tornadoes. in fact, a tornado warning has been issued a further south. there you can see near the waco area watching out for some flash flooding there. but a very strong storm moving eastward. now that will continue as you make your way in towards shreveport, that possibly developing in the tornado. we're starting to see some rotation there in the doppler radar watching that one very closely. not the only one we have some tornadoes touching down the just to the west of san angelo. tornado watch continues in that area. and, boy, it's just going to be
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active. in fact, more activity continuing to the north as more flash flooding along that line with heavy storms but not a whole lot better by tomorrow afternoon, we're talking about the potential for some more severe weather right across the country's midsection. iowa. you could be in that once again. scary. all right. thank you, lawrence. coming up, closing the achievement gap california's 3rd attempt to make. >> kindergarten mandatory. >> and the biden administration cancels billions of dollars in student debt. the group's benefiting debt. the group's benefiting from the really ow network is no network for business.
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that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> president biden has canceled another 7 billion dollars in student loan debt. 160,000 borrowers will benefit the majority. are those in public service positions like teachers, librarians and firefighters. so far, 167 billion dollars in school loans have been forgiven for about 4.7 million borrowers. it's all part of the biden administration's larger strategy to chip away at the debt bit by bit. this comes after the supreme court struck down his much larger plan to cancel federal loans for 43 million americans. >> to the extent i can without. >> the courts for us. >> altogether, the biden administration has approved some debt relief for about one in 10 federal borrowers. this summer. frontier will be offering nonstop daily flights to 5 destinations at the san jose mine at the international airport starting july 22nd
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service will start for flights heading to denver and san diego. then on august, 13th flights to las vegas, los angeles and phoenix will be added frontier. airlines says it's offering discounted fares at under $30 for certain dates. you but you do need to act quick. the tickets need to be purchased before monday. may 27th. >> only about half of americans say they feel prepared to help when someone is experiencing a medical emergency. that's according to a new poll by ohio state university that revealed only about 51% of americans think they would be able to perform hands-on cpr. in addition to that sobering news, only 49%. think they could slow serious bleeding. and if somebody is choking to death, 56% said they could step up and help save the person from that frightening ordeal. the heimlich, the people behind the poll say training for lifesaving skills is available through many different local organizations. and 9
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organizations will soon receive a total of a million dollars in grant money from sonoma county to reduce wildfire risks. the board of supervisors says the money should be used to finished projects across the michael moss mountains and along the russian river quarter. they say the work will range from creating buffers that prevent fire from spreading to grahing programs that will utilize animals, namely goats, too, reduce vegetation as we take a live look outside on this wednesday night, breezy out there in san francisco. but no fog and lots of sun. yeah. lots of blue sky out. there was quite warm today. lawrence certainly was nice. temperatures around the bay area backed off from yesterday. just a bit. that cooling trend. >> that is going to take us into the weekend. probably kind of a below average as we start out the weekend before warming up on sunday and on memorial day up there right now that sea breeze. >> kicking in the fog. yeah. it's cleared out toward the golden gate bridge. looking good. just a gentle breeze out
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there toward the golden gate right now, temperatures. yeah, they came down just a bit today as we saw more of a sea breeze, that ocean near kind of effect in the bay area. so as much as 7 degrees cooler in the battle. also the san francisco and hayward 4 degrees cooler in livermore concord. so starting to see a change in the pattern. now, temperatures topping out a very comfortable 67 in san francisco, oakland checked in at 68 degrees. 78 in san jose livermore a warm 83 in concord in 84 in santa rosa. we are seeing a return to the sea breeze right now just a bit. we had some patchy fog kind of flirt with the coastline in the half moon bay. but overall, another cold front sweep by bringing us some drier air in the bay area. that means less fog as we head toward tomorrow. nice warm temperatures inland, still just a little bit cooler. but we're going to see a lot more fog on the way tomorrow. not so much, but them as we get in toward friday. things change. you can see return that sea breeze more significant onshore flow. you see that fog begin to fill in by friday morning more. so when we start off the week and probably some drizzle as we start out saturday morning to some to watch out for temperatures
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around the bay area for tomorrow, we're enjoying a beautiful day outside about 62 degrees. little breezy in the san fra%cisco tomorrow. count on that about 59 in the sunset right along the coast. legend find a mixed bag. maybe couple patches of fog there. not much. and you can see some sunshine in between. temperatures will be cool. do with that sea breeze highs. they're generally in the 50's inside the bay to find more sunshine. 63 millbrae about 62 south san francisco as you're equate down the peninsula. beautiful weather outside. 68 uncomfortable in redwood city. 67 in palo alto in the south bay enjoying lots of 70's by tomorrow afternoon. these numbers, right? maybe a little bit below the average, but not by much. 77 degrees in lemore. 77 in pleasanton about 74 in snow, breezy 70 degrees in hayward about 71 san leandro. 78 degrees in walnut creek. 79 in pittsburgh, a beautiful, sunny 77 in napa. so late today, we may see some high clouds drifting on in and then we'll start talking about more clouds on the way in the next couple of days. so cool down in the works. the wind's going kind of ramp up blustery. i think as we head toward friday
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afternoon, more clouds to start out your holiday weekend. the temperatures running below average them start to warm up on sunday memorial day. looking good should be sunny and bright for most of the bay area. the data barbecue hang out with friends. yeah. really nice. really nice. unofficial beginning to some way to kick it off. some nice weather coming our thanks, lauren. thanks. >> kinder garden could soon be mandatory across california. a bill to make it happen is on its way to the state senate. it require kids across the state to complete one year of kindergarten before enrolling in first grade at a public school starting in 2026, the state assembly passed the bill this week. if the state senate approves it, it would then head to governor gavin newsom for a final decision. the governor did veto a similar bill just 2 years ago saying its costs were not accounted for in the state's budget. >> a major feat for an 11 year-old she's graduating from college this week. more on the college this week. more on the record. she is breaa slow netwoo network for business.
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don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> like just some reminders now as people fire up the grills for memorial day, maybe a cookout. health experts are reminding people what to do. they say it's critical to keep raw meat. from other foods, of course, things like fruits, veggies or whatever. also avoid transferring any harmful bacteria between food sent to do that. they recommend using a separate cutting board for each item when grilling try your best to prevent the juices from the meat from dripping and mixing with other foods. wash your hands frequently and they say do not let cook food sit outside for
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more than an hour, especially on a hot day. tax. >> a young girl in southern california is getting ready to set a school record. athena yelling will graduate from irvine valley college tomorrow at just 11 years old. looking on the cap and gown, elling will become the youngest graduate of the college beating. the record set just last year by her own brother who was just 6 months older than she is at the time. >> chase, my brother climbed a competitive with all the way calculus because he really right to and so he starting classes here when he younger. i am both proud and a little bit in awe of my own children that they've already >> developed so well. and i i wish i could claim credit. i wish i could say. but the secret classes. >> that's wow competitive. that's right. with her brother at the know will be graduating with honors tomorrow receiving a liberal arts associate's degree. she did it all while
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juggling taekwondo acting singing and dancing. she is well rounded as they congratulations, man. that is quite the accomplishment. what next year college grass, right? exactly. were no, i i there's always the stories at the end of every year. and i'm just always blown away by how many kids are actually, you know, this intelligent, like she said, well rounded and then all about so wow, feels like they're moms kind of blown away really know what to do about it this half. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5 o'clock. a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6. stephanie lin is here with more. hey there. good to see you guys. what we do start out with the breaking news tonight at 6. we are continuing to follow that breaking news out of redwood city. >> a fire burning at a recycling plant. we are live at the scene with the very latest. plus, the city of oakland reaches a deal to sell its half of the oakland coliseum. the city says it expects to benefit from the sale going forward. i'm
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stephanie news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> breaking news tonight at 6 fire crews taking down a large blaze in redwood city. this is near blair island over by bed with shores and the hiller aviation museum, bay area. air quality officials say the smoke appears to be coming from sims metal, a recycling facility. good


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