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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  May 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> breaking news tonight at 6 fire crews taking down a large blaze in redwood city. this is near blair island over by bed with shores and the hiller aviation museum, bay area. air quality officials say the smoke appears to be coming from sims metal, a recycling facility. good evening on
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stephanie lin. now we know that this fire started just before 3.30, this afternoon. let's get right over to kron four's. dan thorn is live for us now in redwood city tonight with the very latest. dan. >> yes, 70 that smoke is starting to dissipate. the water from the fire department is no longer being shot on to this. scrap metal here at sims metal, which is metal dealership, a metal scrap dealership anyway, we saw a lot of smoke here earlier, especially when we're coming down the freeway on 101, also along seaport boulevard a lot of smoke just pushing through into some of these businesses really thick black smoke. at times, we talked to some people in the area that we're saying that it was some sort of boom that they heard. they heard some sunday sound coming from the facility and then we pulled up. we saw the heavy machinery moving around these chunks of metal. the fire p% department says this all started around 3.20, this afternoon. they responded to
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the scene. it's been isolated to just this sims metal scrapyard area. but the smoke, though, has been blowing through the communities all throughout as far down as sunnyvale. people in mountain view say that they were also smelling it as unclear at this point exactly what started fire and then eventual huge plumes of smoke that went into the air. >> we caught up with one woman who works on close by at housing shelter for people and said that she heard some sort of noise and was concerned for the clients that they serve and whether or not it was something they really need to be worried about. she came by here earlier and explain the from hearst perspective. just a short while ago. take a listen. >> it started a couple. like right now like just started seeing the smoke from where i work, which isn't that far from here. and i just observed that i'm off duty and so did start to come. check it out. just think it's going to let
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>> so that heavy machinery behind me here still shifting some of that medal around. we saw at times the clumps of it was getting pulled up and was actually on fire. but fire crews thankfully on scene here to help put out those flames again, the water has stopped being poured on to on to this pile of scrap metal. that's been getting sort of shift around. we're not clear on the source of this fire at this point. it seems that they're kind of digging into it to find out what may have caused it. again. this is at sims metal here in redwood city, which is a scrap metal dealer ship. we're going to hanging out on the scene here this evening to find out a little bit more about what went on here. and we know that the bay area, air quality management district is also investigating the cause of this. as we that learn that information, we'll bring it to you on air and online. stephanie, back to you. yes, some incredible visuals captured by our dan thorn out there. thank you so much for your coverage. >> the city of oakland today entered an agreement to sell their half of the oakland
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coliseum site to the african american sports and entertainment group. this finally puts the site one step closer to being redeveloped with a focus on the community. kron four's. dan kerman reports. >> i have faith that in partnership with the african american sports entertainment group that the potential that we always talk about here in oakland, that potential specifically here in deep east oakland that it will finally be realized redeveloping the 112 acre site that now houses the oakland coliseum. >> has been discussed for decades now. a significant move forward as the city of oakland has agreed to sell its half of the site. >> to the african american sports and entertainment group. >> there's a new beginning. a new chapter of new everything. new sports teams, new housing, new development, new green space knew everything. so that's what this is all about. originally focus just on cg is now focused on what's best for the community. >> and the mayor says that's what will make all the
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difference. >> it takes a partner that understand that there is a return on investment that doesn't necessarily show up on that balance sheet. that is just not all about the money, but it's about the community and making sure that they're thriving. when this is built, that it's built for the community so that they can realize their family trees. wednesday's news conference was held that castleman high school. >> where students have been working on designs for the coliseum site. well, nothing has been finalized. the mayor says several things will be required. >> the future of the coliseum complex as envisioned would include the development of thousands of much needed new affordable units and market rate housing increased curating outdoor green space commercial and retail spaces. of course, all of this done in community. this is just the very beginning, folks. we have a lot more to be done. >> the oakland arena will also remain for entertainment. but the project will move forward with or without a professional
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sports team. but any significant movement forward, we'll rely on the oakland a's selling the other half of the coliseum to a a s e g i can say >> that we are unhealthy negotiations and they've continued and they are moving in a positive direction in our objective clearly is too be able to acquire that side as well. >> the sale price is 105 million dollars which comes at a good time as the city of oakland faces a significant budget shortfall. an ordinance authorizing the sale of oakland share of the coliseum will be introduced at the city council next week with final approval expected 3 weeks. >> the cg is able to buy the other half of the coliseum. it's possible we could see shovels in the ground as early as 2 to 3 years from now. castleman high in oakland, dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> the federal bureau of prisons goes to trial next year over claims that allowed
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an environment where guard sexually abused inmates at the women's prison in dublin today was the first public hearing since that prison shut down last month. the judge scheduled another hearing for september. the case is set to go to trial by june of next year. inmates have been transferred out of the facility. some of them suing the prisons bureau claiming the agency failed to root out abuse. so far, 5 prison officials have pleaded guilty to sexually abusing inmate. 2 others have already been convicted. jury selection got started today for the state trial of david de pap, the man who attacked paul pelosi with a hammer. the path is already been convicted in federal court because the attack happened in san francisco. the state is now seeking their own charges last week to pack on a 30 year prison sentence for his federal conviction. but the court did not give him a chance to make a statement before his sentencing. that's a requirement for federal criminal procedures. prosecutors notified the court after realizing the mistake and because of that error, the
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path will be re-sentenced on tuesday. it's not likely the air will change his 30 year sentence, but it does give him the chance to ask for leniency. other news tonight, the investigation continues into the deadly stabbing of a 25 year-old trans woman in san francisco. as prof was tiffany justice reports tonight, the victim's family and friends are remembering the victim as a light in the community. >> i life was just beginning. and so for her to be murdered at the age of 25 is just so heartbreaking and so many ways. >> wednesday, the trans community mourning a good friend with a kind heart who was killed. san francisco police say there was a physical altercation between 2 people around 2 in the afternoon on may. 15th at a residence near jones street just north of geary officers finding a woman with stab wounds. she did not survive. family friends and colleagues identified that person as 25 year-old michelle henry, big
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loss for the community says honey mahogany director of the office of transgender initiatives, san francisco. so this personal for the community. you know, i'm this is one of her own and >> again, you know, there was such a huge children b pack, some other bar with people and to go it was out the door and so many people were touched by her personally and shared their stories of who she was as a person, someone who loved fashion, someone you know, it's kind of shy, quiet, but really knew how to lift spirits. somebody who had an infectious laugh specifically because she was so connected. and so all of, you know, i i'm really saddened by the fact that, you know, we don't get to kind of 2002 a d the impacts that you could potentially have had our community. and on the city of san francisco. >> henry was a trans woman who was growing into her true self. a vigil was held for her tuesday night at mother a spot
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she used to frequent according to the medical examiner's office. michelle's cause of death is a fix yet due to neck compression is with significant. want to pull sharp force injuries. so we're seeing an increase violence. racine, increase in depression and suicidality. and, you know, us to be touched by violence in the trans community here in san francisco is no really shocking. the san francisco police department arresting 33 year-old ramani. you ha she for the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. now, police say although an arrest has been made, this remains an open and active investigation. >> anyone with information is asked to call sfpd is tip line reporting in the newsroom. tiffany justice kron. 4 news. >> a high school student is hospitalized after a stabbing in gilroy. it happened at christopher high school and that's where we find kron four's lezla gooden was the what have you learned? >> yes, i'm here at kris for high school. and at the tell you all the spoke to today
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said that they are very worried and they're very scared. and this comes after the school went on a hour lockdown earlier today after a physical fight broke out in the locker room between 2 boys. now during the fight, one of the boys staff, the other. now, according to get or police, they said that a resource officer was there to intervene and did arrest that doing before they got there. now i spoke with one parent who says that this is a very scary time for the community. >> be a lot of heading before bed, i think you know, conversations we'll help them feel more comfortable about feeling safe about going to but i i don't envy. >> families and i'm very sorry to hear that this happened them all best. >> now the student who was
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stabbed was transported to a nearby hospital to get treatment and the other individual was arrested and was sent out to the gym and a so we will keep you guys updated here on online. and i will. be sure to let you know everything. you know, that the parents are saying that the students are saying. so we're hoping that we can talk to and those students back to you all. >> leslie, thank you. as memorial day gets closer, chp has maximum enforcement period goes into effect starting this week. you can expect more officers on the roadways starting at 6 friday evening through midnight next tuesday. chp says more than 46 people died during last year's holiday weekend. police arrested more than 1100 people for dui. the agency says that averages out to one arrest every 4 minutes. all right. now to our 4 zone forecast live picture of >> the beautiful outdoors at the transamerica. building out their gorgeous blue skies up above in kathy, just a touch of a breeze to looks like. >> tell you, it is downright
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windy in some spots across the bay area, especially san francisco. you can just see those wind to making the leaves dance and the trees. so it's absolutely beautiful, but breezy, hold onto your hat if you're heading outside as far as the winds go, look at 30 mile per hour winds just rushing through the golden gate. so we do see lots lots of wind and you see some of them coming out of the north going right along the california coastline. temperatures right now cool in places such as half moon bay. 56 degrees. san mateo 64. but downright toasty. still in antioch, at 81 in santa rosa, also at 81 degrees. but oakland, only 63. these numbers are a lot cooler than yesterday. it was quite a blip. warm temperatures yesterday as many as 11 degrees cooler right now in novato compared to yesterday and 4 degrees cooler in fairfield. not much change in half moon bay. coming up, i've got the extended forecast. all right. looking forward to kathy, thank you. coming up,
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former oakland police chief leronne armstrong is running for city council. what he says he's qualified for the job. >> plus, university of california workers rallying on campuses statewide today, including here in the bay area. we hear their demands.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> you see service in patient care workers statewide rallied on uc campuses today, including in san francisco kron four's gayle ong. was there. >> university of california service and patient care
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workers rallying outside the ucsf campus in san francisco wednesday afternoon. another that. parker is senior custodian at ucsf. job she's had for 17 years. greg, you pay is too we food it up and shown up since the pandemic. we have been nonstop to do in and it would not been it at kercher is just one of several uc workers taking the time to pick it on their lunch break. >> to have their voices heard about accessible housing and better health care wages. these were the frontline heroes during the covid pandemic. stenhouse is the spokesperson for the union representing the workers. they cannot afford to living in in the communities where they and many of these members are commuting 3, 4, hours. >> every day just to get to their jobs, leaving in their priced out of the housing market. the workers are also rallying to call on the university of california to divest its investment holdings
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from industries property of the war in gaza. you see is the state's 3rd largest employer with single largest landlord. it has billions of dollars in unrestricted assets land. it refuses to lift finger to help these workers with the very real housing crisis that's plaguing love, california. according to a spokesperson from the university of california, negotiations started in january and the first tentative agreement was reached this week. >> a statement to kron 4 reads in part, quote, we have the guys with the challenges are me represented employees face, especially california, is increasing cost of living. our goal is to acknowledge their growing contributions, appreciate their commitment and offer a financial package that helps alleviate some of their financial strains. we look forward to continuing those exchanges of proposals and discussions. >> meantime, a spokesperson from the union says we can expect more of these rallies soon. it's san francisco, gayle ong kron. 4 news.
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>> the solemn day in the south bay, san jose police officers gathered to honor those who lost their lives in the line of service. a memorial in flag ceremony unfolded to remember 13 men who died between 1924. in 2016. san jose mayor matt mahan addressed recent shootings that injured 3 officers on the job just last year. >> 3 of our own san jose police officers been hit by a bullet on duty since we last gathered here. thankful we will not be reading their names to to date the best that we can hope to do here today. just properly honor these men. i remember in their stories. celebrating their heroism. and committing ourselves to keeping their memory alive. >> earlier this month to san
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jose police officers were injured in a shootout with a suspect that man now faces attempted murder charges. and that will patrol staffing shortage at the vallejo police department being addressed at the state level. if a bill approved by the senate this week passes through the legislature, it could bring the department much needed relief. but as kron four's philippe djegal reports, not everyone is on board. >> human rights attorney melissa nold has filed past and currently pending civil rights lawsuits against the vallejo police department and is skeptical about state senate bill. 13 79. it would allow retired officers to skirt current state law and exceed the 960 our annual cap on work hours for retired cops now pa-based democratic state senator bill dodd wrote the bill in order to bring more officers to the dwindling vallejo police department. the city council has already declared a local emergency. you're saying it's a state of emergency, but >> don't make the state of
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emergency worse by bringing in officers. it make more emergency loans as an independent entity should be required to examine the retired officers records and says they should not be retired. vallejo cops, a dotd spokesperson says the senator is also concerned about the police department and allegations of abuse and correction and then shoes. the bill specifically authorizes qualify. deputies from the solano county sheriff's office to be eligible. david harrison's cousin willie mccoy was gunned down by vallejo police in 2019 and the family was represented by an old earlier this year when they settled the 5 million dollars. civil rights lawsuit with the city of vallejo. is that a good idea to get these out of work officers and getting back to work while the out of work he's getting there. but these are properly vetted officers in past all the post standards and have you know the requirements, background checks. >> you know, mental health examinations and they're being required in same guidelines would have no issue with that.
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senator dodd's office says the police department is authorized to have 132 officers. >> but it is currently down to just 31 patrolling the entire city. his bill passed the senate tuesday and will next head to the assembly. in a statement, dodd says, quote, allowing them to temporarily work more hours. well, recruitment ramps up for permanent officers can save taxpayers money while deterring crime and improving responsiveness. concerned that. >> you're going to end up catching some of the better days while trying to people back in the city's mayor, chamber of commerce, solano county sheriff and deputy sheriffs association support the bill. >> if it passes through the assembly, it will end up on the governor's desk. and senator dodd's office says could likely be signed by september. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> all right. now to our 4 zone forecast taking a live look outside at this gorgeous view. kron 4 meteorologist kathy trafton joins us live now with a look at what else we should expect. a there.
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>> well, nothing but beautiful conditions right now. clear skies across much of the bay area. it is just perfect a bit breezy if you really like it breezy will. san francisco, of course, is a great place to be. so we're looking at this evening's forecast. looks gorgeous. mostly clear conditions. the moon may look full to tonight. it's 19, 9.8% full. pretty close tomorrow is your full moon. but the sun sets tonight at 8.19. so it is a great evening to go out and maybe have a bit to eat because it's pretty much cloud-free. and this is the kind of day we're going to see. we're going to keep it clear overnight. so mostly clear conditions into tomorrow morning as you head toward tomorrow, we're going to see beautiful conditions 50's 60's for san francisco. 59 degrees in the sunset district. also 59 degrees in daly city. so not exactly a warm day. these numbers have come down quite a bit compared to yesterday's warm temperatures cooler today, even cooler again tomorrow. that cooling trend
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continues right along the bay shoreline in the 60's tomorrow and looking again tore numbers in 60's and 70's as you head south toward redwood city, 70 degrees and a little bit warmer, but not quite a tease. you head toward the very south bay camel at 77 degrees. see something close to 80 but not to necessarily in livermore. so we're looking toward great conditions. five-day forecast does show temperatures start to come down for a few more days and then really chilly on saturday they start to rebound just a little bit as we head into sunday, ok? so just have dress in layers, perhaps have a cold reading. absolutely. and you know again the memorial day weekend. you never know. but this one looks to be a little chillier side than you normally might expect. okay. very good. thank you so much for that, kathy, appreciate it. >> all right. coming up, another tax on chevron's richmond refinery. one step closer to being on the november ballot. >> why one council member says she's voting yes on the idea.
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>> your local election headquarters? another tax on chevron's richmond refinery is moving closer to the november ballot. city council members voted unanimously last night in favor of a tax on oil refining in the city, including chevron's richmond site, richmond city attorney will now work to prepare a measure for the november ballot, leaving the issue for voters to decide. city leaders say the tax would also help richmond's 34 million dollar budget shortfall. councilmember claudio jimenez last night citing the harm caused by oil refining ahead of her. yes, vote.
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>> so yes, we pay rates because to pay that fetch i sitting here and had to choose eye. you pay no money to pay the to be and resources to pay for a teeming that what it and it's still >> the state data shows asthma rates for richmond. residents are higher than 90% compared to other californians. and dozens of people spoke in favor of the measure during public comment recalling the 2012 chevron refinery fire and a number of subsequent flaring incidents since then. >> my vision for richmond. >> is to have these polluters pay the city. that's so we can continue to build up our communities to give everyone a better quality of air and life. i want to be able to go to work to go to the richmond
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farmers market to walk the richmond marina without having to fear toxic air. >> chevron is richmond's largest employer and taxpayer netting over 21 billion dollars in profits last year and paying nearly 46 million dollars in taxes. we reached out to chevron for comment on the proposed tax and have not yet heard back. still ahead at 6, 2, new car related state bills are getting a lot of attention. what is california speeders the other at the problem of car break-ins.
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