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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  May 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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tonight, all of you will stand before the men and plead your case. i can't believe i'm doing this. -[bleep] -i knew it. >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news that breaking news out of the space tonight where police are at skyline high school in oakland where we have now confirmed there was a shooting there. thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 10. i'm ken wayne and
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i'm vicki liviakis. the school is holding a graduation ceremony this evening. so it was packed with the graduates, their friends, their family and faculty. >> kron four's dan thorn joins us now live from skyline high school in oakland with the latest there. dan. yeah, they can can. we're still waiting to hear from oakland police, but as you can see, a huge police presence still. >> at the road leading up to skyline high school after that shooting. that happened here earlier this evening. we just heard from oakland police who said that there were multiple victims. we don't know the extent of those injuries. we also don't know if any arrests have been made. but again, chp is out here. the oakland police department out here as well. we saw the scene here some video that was provided to us chaotic scene with a number of emergency responders, police cruisers, ambulances on scene. lots of students also seen leaving the school as this graduation was going on here. several
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witnesses telling us one of a graduate of skyline, high school saying that they heard several gunshots rang out as this. ceremony was wrapping up earlier this evening. they also say they saw people that were running and then the students were then being taken to a gym locker room for safety. here's what some of them told us a little bit earlier. >> everybody was you know, it's a graduation. pushed a run first. i i was there with those part they had like a bad man. >> unlike after that, as you see, everyone started ready use it. it was like 20 shots like. good >> yes, so again, you can see a number of police officers still out here this evening. we're still awaiting word from the oakland police department. they're going to be holding a press conference here in just
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a bit. number crews out here on scene awaiting word getting more information about what went on here again, we don't know if any arrests have been made. how many victims there were the extent of the injuries of those victims or if there's an active situation going on right now in search of the shooters. but of course, as we learn that information, we'll bring it to you. ken and vicki, back to you. >> tonight, people who live in an encampment hammer fell say that this music has been playing loudly from a nearby business. 3 nights in a row. now as our kron 4 sarah stinson reports tonight, a federal judge is now ordering that business to stop the music. >> people who live in this encampment say over the weekend music was blaring coming from the business next door they say was happening in the overnight hours. one man even described it as psychological warfare saying he's relieved to federal court, ordered the music to stop.
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>> that's how loud it was. rock concert about the second and 3rd night i was unable to sleep at bruce moved into this refill encampment last year following a series of unfortunate events. >> i stopped to get medications for mental illness rnia and mike rupp was stolen while it was in their says music started playing loudly overnight friday from the business east bay tire i called the police tend the police did nothing about it. so he decided to call homeless advocate. robbie paulsen, who came down to the encampment to start documenting it. was a godsend. basically we take took a decibel readings of the >> of the sound and we measured that the metal the decibels were between 5218 decibels in general. it was far above the bill moyers ordinance. so that was it was illegal.
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>> on monday 1000 filed for a restraining order against east bay tire co a judge ordered the business to stop playing the music immediately house and says that higher company's response was the music was coming from their security system along the fence. we reach out to east bay tire co, but they did not respond to a request for comment. get to us what they're trying to do. they say >> we haven't been good neighbors to them. but they didn't come up with any police reports. tell us and says they have another court hearing for the music order late next just sample. kind of that the atmosphere we're living in arrest, and >> displacement. >> the music stopping may be a win for this encampment, but they are still fighting the city to stay here on june 24th. there will be another federal hearing against the city if saying or fell winds from people who live here would be kicked i'm sarah stinson reporting in sandra fell kron. 4 news. >> want to give you a live
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look at san jose airport. a busy holiday weekend. travel weekend is underway. airport officials say they're expecting more than 376,000 passengers through the end of the month. our photo journalists, rudy garcia, is at the airport right now providing with the u.s. with these live pictures of the busy travel area outside the airport. earlier, he had a rather unusual encounter. >> we're explain why you're just here at the airport. i'm here to pick up a friend who always need to smile so showing up in unexpected cost. things kind i i think between like she's one of a kind this is not the first time i've been greeted by a frog at the airport, but it makes me happy every time. >> can argue with that. so the frog was picking up or friend. richard was flying in from portland. you know that what they say in portland keep portland weird. >> and as you heard, this is kind of their thing. she shows
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up in costume to make her friend smile and also to share some smiles and happiness with. >> other travelers, i love it. well, as we take a look live now at the san mateo bridge. >> on the road, triple expects over 38 million people to travel this weekend here in the bay area. they say the best times to drive going to be early in the morning or after 07:00pm. the worst time about 11:00am tomorrow. they also say i-80 between san francisco and napa. we'll see the heaviest traffic. kron four's. a lawrence karnow joins us now with a look at all the conditions at point. you believe, guys, we are talking about the unofficial beginning to summer, but here we go. we've got changes coming our way, too. as we head in toward this unofficial beginning as we're going to see a cool down has more clouds on the way tonight. not bad so far but more clouds on the way fog likely develop overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. >> overall, yeah, you can see a big change to our north. we've got a cold front that's begin to drop in. that is going to be the culprit that
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is going to bring some cooler temperatures. the bay-area impact running well below the average, at least to start out the weekend. you see it as a drops in with the computer models here yet by tomorrow. we've got a lot of clouds rolling on through winds going to come kick up, going to be breezy around the bay area. mild temperatures outside too. so tomorrow we're talking numbers 50's in the san francisco only 60's, sunny, mild in the open. that breeze will be blowing in the afternoon about 65 degrees. but mostly sunny in the afternoon. the san jose for your holiday weekend. yes, starting out well below the average. probably temperatures topping out low 60's warming up on sunday memorial day. looking good. we'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. i've lawrence tonight. police in san francisco are investigating a shooting in the bay view. >> where they say at least one officer fired his gun citizen video shows many officers in the area of jennings street in carroll avenue this evening. they say they got a report of someone with a rifle. and then when they found the suspect, one officer ended up firing their gun. they say that the suspect was not shot. he was
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taken to the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries for what they say was a less lethal use of force, but they didn't specify what kind of force the police department says it will hold a town hall meeting within 10 days. >> it is said to be a busy week for attorneys representing david de pap the man convicted at a federal level for attacking paul pelosi. the husband of congresswoman nancy pelosi, pappas said to be re sentenced on tuesday for his federal conviction. but at the state level, things are just getting started. i talked with attorney michael cardoza what we can expect. the judge in the federal case said she made a mistake. what happened? well, what she did was after she's sentenced a pop. >> she realized she didn't give him the opportunity to make a statement to the court and then federal court, i think over 80% of defendants want to say something to the court. one of the big things i noted was that the prosecution after the case said he showed no remorse at all. and a lot
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of people sort of giggled at that. and so we'll wait a minute. didn't give him a chance to show any remorse or to talk. so basically it's not a small point. it's not going to reverse this case. it's not going i think have much effect would be shocked if the judge after listening hip-hop, if he decides to talk whether she reduces that or not. and he still has a state case which could add more prison time to what he's already. >> yeah, well, i i when i was a prosecutor a lot of if. state prosecutor to the case and the federal government had a case they would often times just drop in and say, ok, you've got convicted in state court or vice versa. in this case, they're not doing that. a lot of people are asking. >> well, it's not double jeopardy. you're being tried for the same thing is really not because the state has added 4, 5 different counts.
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one of which is, of course, the attempted murder case and issue is, are elements different improving the cases in the state court in the elements are different and federal the south, the what's going on in state court. so i don't think jumper double jeopardy will hold. >> cardoza went on to say the judge in the federal case may be worried about the whole case been reversed and that's why she's pushing for a re-sentencing. we will be following both the federal and state cases on air and online at kron 4 dot com. still ahead tonight, crews helped rescue a fallen rock climber in the north bay. what they say he didn't write. >> that was crucial to their fast response. the biggest that we saw was really to speak. listen to. people need to process trauma. >> a bay area nurse returns home after helping out the victims of the war in ukraine. can understand you when you're a victim like that. you know,
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i like i said, i went through 2 whole nights and not sleeping. >> and east bay woman gets her truck back after someone stole it. how she says the thief. it. how she says the thief. got a hold of her keys first. o network for business.
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that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month.
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plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> rescue grabbed a rock climber the north bay after they say he fell about 20 feet while rock climbing near the coast to happen this
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afternoon. just south of stinson beach, the man suffered moderate injuries. crews say the man was not alone and he had gone rock climbing with a buddy and as we enjoy this nice weather, know that good to keep in mind that you should have somebody with you if you go out to go rock climbing or anything that could be dangerous. so somebody can call for help if something goes wrong. >> all right. now back to our breaking news out of oakland. a shooting at skyline high school is that school was holding a graduation ceremony. oakland police giving an update now. let's go ahead and go to that live press conference. do we have that responded to the school? >> and 2 victims suffering from gunshot wounds. at that time, there an event going on high school graduation. the 2 victims were transported to local hospitals with the currently listed in stable condition. we just finished up
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with a search of the with the assistance with chp. the school is currently clear. at the we're in the preliminary stage of the investigation. our investigators are out. a piece in all the information together. and again, it's the stages of of the investigation. just. >> correct one of their? need the both adults. one male, one female. >> where was the location? of the shia woods in the school northside school? it inside the school. yes. know >> there are some reports some kind of that is being looked into.
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>> currently, not at the moment. so we do know there multiple suspects, but we're trying to identify exactly how many. >> not the caliber and we're still looking into how many. >> but there were multiple shots. >> believe they were >> looks to be an isolated incident. but again, we're in the preliminary stage, an investigation. >> block down the one we did multiple assisted with isolation and containment. the school. party like to thank california highway patrol for the assistance they sent out multiple units from all throughout the north bay to with the search have continue
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to which allowed us conduct the investigation and conduct of the church the sport. >> more is fact that there was an event happened? >> our very professional. so we pretty well trained at that critical incidents. so we were able safely get everyone out. there as far as multiple people finally scored one time. >> one last question, that they weren't told where and we heard something about somebody being raised >> at the all i can tell you is that they're both in stable condition and they were both adults. >> and they make afford it. we don't know that group graduation get to finish its right? >> pull away from that press oakland police department
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commenting about shooting tonight at skyline. high during a graduation ceremony to people hit by gunfire taken to the hospital. and 2 people arrested a man and a woman. so it does not appear that any students or young people were struck by gunfire. >> we don't know to the extent of the man and woman's injuries at this point. we just know they were taken to the hospital and 2 people arrested. but it sounded like in that news conference he said they looking at potentially more suspects as this investigation continues. they did say the shooting took place inside the school. but we're not clear exactly where the graduation ceremony was taking place in the gymnasium or something like that. if it took place at the area where the graduation ceremonies are underway or some place near that area. we have our reporter dan thorn on the scene does not appear that anyone is at risk at this point. so it seems that they have subdued. >> the suspects and the 2 people who were injured by
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gunfire have been taken to the hospital. we'll keep following the story throughout the night. and dan is still working to get more information. we get that we'll pass along now to the 4 zone forecast as we give you a live look in san francisco. our first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow here to talk about, you know, a lot of people ready taking off for the holiday weekend. >> it's cold out there. >> well, it's definitely cooling down from what we had. of course, we've been enjoying really some beautiful weather temperatures up in the mid 80's. even upper 80's in some of the warmer spots around the bay area. couple days. but now things are beginning to shift gears. the high road pressure ridge start to break down all of a sudden we're going to talk about some much cooler air begin to filter into the bay area. we saw a little cool down around the bay area today, but much cooler in the coming days. in fact, today's temperatures, out to knock down just a bit. in fact, as much 3 to 4 degrees cooler around the bay area today as high pressure starting to weaken somewhat. and that's going allow for some cooler air to begin to move on in. so highs today, right at the
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average in san francisco. 64 degrees. 66 in oakland, 77 degrees. a nice day in san jose. a little bit above the average 79 in livermore. still a warm 82 in concord in 82. also in santa rosa. but out the door now we've got that colder air moving along the coastline, got some 40's and 50's there. 52 now in san francisco, still 60 degrees in fairfield. 56 napa and 54 degrees and snow. but the pattern beginning to shift gears. we're going to see some cooler air begin to work its way onshore. so these next couple of days of temperatures are really going to start to come down. you can see the sea breeze kicking up 20 with some 30 mile an hour winds in the san francisco. that's going to strengthen. i think as we head toward tomorrow, in fact, tomorrow could be a pretty breezy afternoon. some of those winds gusting over 30 miles an hour, especially along the coastline through some of the mountain gaps will be prepared for that by tomorrow afternoon. that wind really begin to pick up overall, though, more clouds on the way, maybe even a little drizzle as we start out your holiday weekend. so cooler temperatures on the way. get ready for a cool start to the summer.
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>> was jumping up and down when i saw it coming down the road because cops came in first and then the go. we've got we've got it. and they just i'm going >> castro valley woman relieved tonight after her stolen truck was found to kron four's rob nesbitt. caught up with the woman in the parking lot where her truck was stolen. >> there was so much garbage. ask stephanie goose eat hoops about her blue toyota tacoma and she'll call the trucker prized possession. that's why it was so upsetting when she could not find her keys after shopping at this petco in castro valley, she had triple and lock the vehicle in the parking lot but no keys inside. that's when she feared her keys had been stolen and out all the information in my truck. >> just in case somebody came back and stole that. sure enough 9.30, that night. her and 2 accomplices came back and stole my truck. she called
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9-1-1 to report that a truck had been stolen. detective kristen fegley and the alameda county sheriff's regional auto theft task force began investigating. >> searching for a blonde woman caught on surveillance video picking up to see toups keys from the ground. i think suspect just saw this crime of opportunity. she found these keys and just >> just driving around as if it was only able. detective fegley says the woman was identified, arrested and charged with felony vehicle theft. though the sheriff's office is not naming the suspect, the truck she allegedly stole was returned to its owner. >> you can understand when you're a victim like that. you know, i like i said, i went through 2 whole nights and not sleeping. and just imagining all the bad things. police using the crime as a reminder to always be vigilant. detective bagley says keep your keys on you and vehicle locked because thieves often look for crimes of opportunity in castro valley. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news.
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>> the new monument in salmon tail was dedicated to first responders who lost their lives in the line of duty standing in the city's central park downtown. the monument represents a branches of the u.s. military and the san mateo police and fire departments. may this memorial service a beacon of hope. a place of solace. and a reminder of the enormous debt we owe to those who have given everything for our safety and freedom. >> a symbol of remembrance and thanks in celebration of all of our soldiers and now all of our public safety officers. >> the monument is located near the fight poll on the central park lawn. >> park rangers and one bay area county could soon lose their ability to make arrest. why we could be taken away from them. plus $90,000 in cash stolen from 2 people in antioch, white. the victim say that they were holding so much money what's coming to
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oakland's lake merritt that oakland's lake merritt that organizers say w (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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(♪♪) get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more.
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sonoma county could soon lose their ability to make arrests and carry batons. >> park officials say that this would eliminate training and hiring requirements, allowing positions to be filled faster. but several rangers argue the change could put visitors at risk. i believe that the solution will create a ripple effect, greater issues that will not affect rangers and our department staff but also have drastic effects on visitors who will not have the support and response that they require and have come to expect from us. county supervisors endorse
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the move on a 41 the proposal must come back to the board for a second boat before it can be implemented. >> uc berkeley is updating its brand from cow to the letter b school officials say the changes so more people are aware that cal's actually in berkeley, they say in their research, many people thought calland uc berkeley were 2 different schools. seems like a lot of students don't really agree with the change. more than 2000 people have already signed a petition to reverse the re-branding. but some students say they like the new logo. >> my first thoughts were is that it's like a super simplified which now like set with it for their own 3 minutes. i kind of seems he was very like was cool colonial system. and this is. he's like a rebrand maybe in the right direction. but at least it's simple. it's easy look at and be like. a nice
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yellow. and i think it's like half the year will be written and everybody was like, okay, that's been >> previously the school had suggested it might also change its sports team names, but they decided against doing that. >> coming up next, we're going hear from bay area nursed back home after helping out the victims of the war in ukraine. and the lawsuit moving forward that could bring down the cost of concerts and other live of concerts and other live network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet.
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we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> now at 10, 30 at bay area nurses back home after volunteering in ukraine. the last 2 years. tens of thousands of civilians and soldiers >> have lost their lives after
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russia started attacking kron four's lezla gooden talked with that nurse about what he witnessed in the war-torn country. the war between russia and ukraine continues and non profit organizations like global care force are filling in the gaps with much-needed health care for the people of ukraine. among the volunteers is bay area's own ryan anson. >> who spent 2 weeks providing care? it was that moment actually the second anniversary of the war. >> was really clear. my mind things have not improved and there are still tremendous loss of life. i felt like our it's a 10 minute ago. >> 2 years now and i'm not going just keep the lane bryant who is in advanced practice nurse as a typical day for him included hearing air raid sirens go. of winning land mines and serving in makeshift exam rooms and sauce and doing in carrick on job that united states in san francisco and just helping people with their hypertension diabetes, chronic pain and
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physical treatment was not the only line of care that is needed in these communities. biggest thing that we saw was really being listen to people needed to process trauma and tell their stories. and that has direct repercussions on their health effects or blood pressure. the diabetes control even chronic pain is heavily influenced. i won't experience the trauma during his trip. ryan says their medical team treated over 200 people sharing. he hopes his active service. >> lets the people of ukraine now they have not been forgotten for i just i think that model of primary care is wonderful. and if we can help support that the united states we need to, because it's it's our responsibility. >> in san francisco, let's look at kron 4 news. >> man has pleaded not guilty to the murder of a 29 year-old san mateo woman who officials say died of a fentanyl overdose. investigators say she was found dead in her home last year. they tell us that
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they found text messages with her alleged drug dealer. according to the lawsuit, 2 months before her death, she was warned that the dealer well, he had nearly killed her with the drugs that he sold and in may of 2023, he sold drugs to her laced with fentanyl. again, that that ended up killing the woman. the suspected dealer is set to return to court in september for preliminary hearing. >> the university of san francisco's published a new study into the fentanyl crisis in san francisco. the key takeaways that people are not injecting fentanyl. the researchers say the belief among users is that smoking is safer and is less likely to lead to an overdose. however, usf researchers found that there's actually an increased risk in overdosing from the residue that sticks to the smoking equipment. and users are not aware of the traces of fentanyl left behind. just hours after the contra costa county fair wrapped up over the weekend to employees attempting to deposit money at
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a bank in antioch were robbed at gunpoint of almost $90,000. police say the employees were tasked with taking the money collected from admissions fees to the bank and use the atm on monday. it 2 o'clock in the morning no word on why they were told to do it at that time. they say when they parked the bank's parking lot, another vehicle pulled up and the person asked for the money and their cell phones. police say they're looking for a suspect. >> this weekend, a new summertime series is lautching on the shores of oakland's lake merritt, free live music and a community picnic will be part of the kick off festivities over the past few years. the lake has been the subject of an uptick of vandalism and crime. the goal for this new series is to bring a little joy and vitality back to the area. >> we're gathering together to save the lake. it's a sacred place for openers. and so you know, basically memorial to labor day. we want people to enjoy things are already happening that you don't have visibility on walking dance
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classes. community clean-ups where elbowing out what it's negative and bringing back what is positive. and that's that's what this top line for us. >> the first concert and community picnic will take place this saturday from one to 4 in the afternoon. >> let's take a live live look at sfo where the airport expecting more than a quarter of a million passengers to pass through the airport through monday. they say that's about an 8% increase over last year. oakland is expecting about 130,000 passengers at that airport for chief meteorologist lawrence karnow with the weather as you travel. yeah, it's hard to imagine all the going through there but going to be a busy weekend, folks getting out and about. and yeah, we've got your get away forecast for you tonight. if you plan to do a little traveling only here, but maybe around the state looks like the weather is going to be changing in that out could bring some thunderstorms in the high country that certainly an issue over the next couple of days throughout the weekend to. but right now out of sfo, we have got some hazy
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conditions outside. well, have some delays there. but looking good now, no delays being reported. sfo, oakland or san jose are free and clear to come and go as you like as things are staying open right now. tomorrow that may be a different story. but the high country so far so good, although we have some storms popping up in the afternoon. that's you have to watch out for some random thunderstorms could be a possibility as we head in toward tomorrow afternoon. again, as we head in towards sunday. all right. we've got changes coming our way as we've got some cooler air moving in. let's get you get forecast in the monterey bay. you're looking at 50's and 60's and fog kind of hugging the coastline all day long in the moderate pacific grove will be cool there in the carmel. yeah, a little bit on the chilly side. even southern california for this time of year. this pretty cool. 59 for high in long beach mall. 65 in san diego about 66 degrees downtown as you make when los angeles, the high country you can see 60's there tomorrow. but yeah, they're skiing up there for at least this last weekend. some of the ski resorts there. but well, you can water ski during the day as well as those temperatures starting to warm up 60's by day as we get
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throughout the holiday weekend. i think by monday we may be up actually in the low 70's next coming days. here we go. a chance of thunderstorms on the way i think for tomorrow that will be coming up in the afternoon hours. saturday looks okay. sunday. another chance some thunderstorms begin to pop up outside as well. all right. out the door right now he's conditions of fog likely to form overnight tonight and we'll be in place tomorrow morning when you wake up all around the bay area's that's going to bring down the temperatures. more of a sea breeze kicking him. you'll feel the affects by tomorrow afternoon 50's in the san francisco. if you're headed there, make sure you grab a light jacket or sweater cool on the coastline fall. kind of hugging the coast all day long inside the bay to find some sunshine. but as temperatures going down, the winds will be blowing to those winds cranking up 2030, plus miles an hour through some of the mountain gaps where we had 80's just a couple of days ago, the santa clara valley public 60's by tomorrow afternoon. so big change and the weather pattern. still some 70's hanging on in some of the interior valleys. but because we get the first part of the holiday weekend, i think these temperatures all probably in the 60's, the warm spots inland and of course, cooler out along the coastline. so here's your 10,
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10 good news for the whole day. those temperatures really kind of dropping off as we head in towards saturday sunday. we start to warm up and here's the good news by memorial day. those temperatures getting back toward normal 70 some 80's, very comfortable weather out there. maybe a little barbecue. you want to go to enjoy time. some friends. there's going to be a nice monday around the bay area that it is. even for those who work, that's even front, that will be all right. thanks, lauren. thanks. >> the justice department is suing to break up entertainment giant live nation. it's the latest move in the government's ongoing investigation of the ticketmaster owner and all those fees to get added to the ticket price kron four's catherine heenan has more. >> that will this lawsuit says that the country's biggest concert promotion and ticketing company has created an illegal monopoly. one that drives up prices kills competition. the attorney general made it really clear today. the justice department is coming after live nation. >> we allege that live nation has illegally monopolized
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markets across the live concert industry in the united states for far too long. it is time to break it up. >> 29 states, including california and the district of columbia are suing live nation. the attorney general says live nation has created a monopoly which squeezes out smaller concert promoters hurts artists means higher prices for fans. live nation is apparently furious with the announcement saying in a statement the doj is lawsuit won't solve the issues. fans care about relating to ticket prices, service fees and access to in-demand shows you have more competition. you have a better product. california was recently in the news for also taking aim at the company just last month. assembly member buffy wicks introduced a bill that would have no longer allowed just one company to be the first to sell tickets for a concert or sporting event. that bill failed to move forward in
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today's move, the justice department says live nation not only suffocates competition. it leaves fans drowning in fees. those include ticketing fees, service fees, convenience fees, platinum fees. price master fees. per order. fees handling fees and payment processing fees. >> among others. >> the justice department says if it does prevail in all of this, fans could pay lower ticket prices in the future saying that's because broader range of companies would be able to offer show tickets. catherine heenan kron. 4 news. bottle rock music festival kicks off tomorrow in napa. there will be wine food and of course, plenty of music. >> stevie nicks and megan, thee stallion are among those performing tomorrow. the kicks off at noon and then runs until about 10:00pm, know, my
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little dog is named in honor of stevie nicks, but her name's stevie licks. >> because she's a liquor. adorable. and that wraps up kron 4 news i said that for no reason in particular. you know, don't want chase mas is here with what's going on and 2 amazing baseball games we really didn't come back kids. that's what about to start calling both of those games. guinness some baseball to share about. we start with the giants. of course. >> they played the padres padres. pirates in. it's been a crazy series. honestly all the way around. we will have highlights from the rubber match coming up in a bit. meanwhile. clinton. denver. they also had a crazy series, colorado. i guess you call him their endeavor. all that and more coming up on sports night live. on the ground base hit.
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>> there is going to come around and he's going to score to tie the game. >> all of a sudden the giants are the comeback kid's baby. they keep teasing us with potential. they got a couple of young bucks who have been playing great baseball. thanks for rocking with me here on sports night live. i'm jason dumas. now the aforementioned giants. they blew a four-run lead. and the bottom of the 9th onsd


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