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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 24, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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announcement comes at a time when many retailers have closer union square locations. >> jewelry, store. sure. even company closed earlier this month after operating in union square for 172 years. ceo of the union square alliance, marisa rodriguez saying, quote, this exciting addition, heralds a new era in retail experiences, blending family friendly fun with the cutting edge spirit of san francisco's renowned gaming and technology sectors. but using union square reaffirms the district status as a premier destination when people come because they want to go to nintendo, they're actually going to avail themselves everything else that is available at union square. we saw that with the ikea store opening. i think it means that that we're going to see a big boost in. >> regional draw. this will be nintendo second official store in the u.s. joining the first located in new york city. >> it's scheduled to open in 2025. in san francisco, rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> a man in san jose has been arrested after vandalizing. 26
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newly planted trees. police say it happened last week to these trees are recently planted on willow street near alma dunn avenue. investigators say they used surveillance video to find the man the trees have been planted just the beginning of the month to celebrate a community event. summer unofficially starts this weekend, of course, but there's a warning before you head to the coast to cool off the list of the top 10 locations with the highest bacterial levels in the water includes a popular spot here in the bay area. linda mar beach in pacifica reportedly has a 54% bacteria rate surfrider foundation which focuses on improving coastal water quality across around the world released its report saying water quality conditions could be putting public health at risk. today on kron 4 news at 2 o'clock. we spoke with chris devry, the blue water task force manager for surfrider san mateo about their findings. >> what you want to do is you want to check local water
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quality reports before you get into the water. we the surfrider foundation posts are water results on instagram, facebook and online. you can find or not this information, sir. fred, a downward but also pay attention to swim advisories and avoid swimming right after it rains. i don't swim or surf near a creek such as pedro creek or other outlets. storm water drains and then important you know, you want people to rinse off with clean fresh water before you when you leave the beach. >> water testing reports are posted online every week. santa clara county is going to be spraying for disease carrying mosquitoes. this treatment will be focused around machado lane near story road. >> and fleming avenue since early april. the county says it's found at least a dozen bugs from a mosquito, species that is known to carry diseases, including the zika virus. they will start spring wednesday. we'll have more details about what you should do during mosquito spraying
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son. our website kron 4 dot com. and triple a predicts this will be the busiest start of a summer holiday weekend in travel for i guess in the past 20 years they're saying and if you're planning on driving, you can, of course, expect to pay more than the national average for gas. which is $3 and $0.61 must be nice. nearly 44 million people are expected to drive at least 50 miles from now until monday. >> do yourself a favor. take your car to ahead of time. check things like your battery. your fluids in your tire pressure. those are the 3 most common reasons. the aaa will be called to help people on the side of the 89,000 californians last memorial day weekend to want to do better avoid being stopped at the side of the road. just preventative maintenance. >> here in california, people pay 5.17, right now for a gallon of regular across the bay area. cheapest gas you'll find is in solano and santa clara counties, most expensive
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napa county, which is averaging 5.48. for a gallon of regular. so you go to battle rock you can get the most expensive >> taking a live look outside these folks going on a little vacation us. the embarcadero got a cruise ship out there. believe that's one of those carnival cruises. i think that, but i think so when part it's windy. yeah, my ears hurt earlier. is that right? yeah. i mean, it's been blown around quite a bit here in the bay area and what we're going to see more of that. >> into the weekend bringing that cool breeze. now, here's the good news. i think as we get in toward memorial day, we'll see a change in the pattern. we're going to start to warm things up again. so as we celebrate the folks that really gave the ultimate price for all of us, we're looking at temperatures warming up morning fog, giving way to some sunshine, 70, some low 80's inland inside the bay of find some really comfortable weather on monday. 65 to about 73 along the coastline. still some patchy fog there 50's and some low 60's out the door right now looking from the east bay hills out over the
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bay. a lot of clouds already sitting in the bay and you're going to run well on shore overnight tonight, speaking of traffic, boy, we've been seeing a very, very busy around the bay area. of course, we've had numerous accidents out there on the roads and things get busy out there right now. that's for sure. that's the mateo bridge right now and looks like we're going to see more of those winds as we head through the evening as a was talking about some gusty winds. some of those winds gusting over 30 miles an hour. and we're going to see more of that tonight tomorrow. those will begin to back off just a little bit. still in the high country. you see a couple of lightning bolts up there. that's what have to watch out for. if you're headed in that direction. a couple thunderstorms popping up over the sierra nevada going to be isolated. but even here we've got this weakening front that's going to drop through. there's a chance we could see some drizzle along the coastline overnight tonight and tomorrow morning really making for a mild afternoon tomorrow. should be comfortable, though. well inland, though, you're talking 60's into san jose about 60, even with some afternoon sunshine in oakland, a little cooler. the san francisco at 57 degrees. >> thank you, lawrence. state
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legislators are now back in their districts for the long weekend, but not before advancing hundreds of bills this week ahead of a key deadline kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports with a look at some of the major bills that made it. yeah, we're talking more than 800 bills on all kinds of matters from speeding. >> to child trafficking. >> we have a serious problem holding back tears, bakersfield, republican state senator shannon grove delivered emotional remarks on the senate floor about the issue of child trafficking across the state. we cannot sit idly by children are bought and sold in california like pieces of meat and underground grocery store. that's why grove says she's been fighting to get her bill sb 1414, past from its house of origin of the state senate and get it over to the state assembly ahead to friday evening's deadline groves bill would classify the purchasing of a minor for commercial as a felony. that could increase penalties and jail time for those convicted. but to groves, great frustration.
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democrats on the senate public safety committee added amendments to the bill to exempt 16 17 year-olds in the legislation out of concern. some in that age range, maybe taking advantage of in lord into the purchasing of commercial notion is 16 17 year old children. >> are somehow less deserving of additional protections is absolutely absurd. stockton, democratic senator susan talamantes eggman called up members of her own party for adding in the exemption. i'm done with us. >> protecting people who would buy. and abuse our children. i'm done. >> i don't want to more black and brown men to prison. i don't want more people in prison, but i don't want people buying girls. i don't want people buying little girls anymore. and i'm tired of saying it's ok, we have a moral responsibility to say enough, we have given away enough on this area and we've got to move back into the we all look like fools. it seemed for colleagues agreed. >> 36 0. the measure passes in
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the assembly. members passed a bill refer to as the pet rent bent. in essence, requiring landlords to accept tenants with pets. but landlords still would be allowed to limit the number of pets apartment buildings with fewer than 15 units would also be exempt. on the issue of transportation. senator scott wiener's bill to place technology known as speed governors into vehicles to slow them down. if they go over the speed limit also passed its chamber. the goal of this legislation is to save lives. too many people are dying and calibration >> and now that these bills passed the house of lords and they will now be up to the other house to determine whether to send them to the governor's desk reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news >> lawmakers also approved a bill banning snacks with certain kinds of food dye and california schools ab 23 16 cleared the assembly on a unanimous 59 to 0 vote yesterday. 21 lawmakers did
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abstain from voting on the measure. this would ban food products like flaming hot cheetos and fruit loops from being served in public and charter schools across the state. the bill now heads to the senate. kron. 4 is celebrating api heritage month and celebrations of all kinds are happening across the bay area, including a culinary extravaganza in san francisco. this weekend is the child fun event. dozens of delicious local restaurants in the excelsior and ocean view. maher said heights ingleside neighborhoods are taking part on kron. 4 news at noon. we spoke with the organizers about the significance of having this event in that part of san francisco. >> i live here in exception for 44 years. and we've never really had patient specific celebrations and 50 by 55% of the residents. here are asians. so i thought would be great to api heritage month by
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supporting our small business owners as well. it is no better way to get to not culture done through food. >> the child fund i'm out of that starts tomorrow and will last until the following saturday. for more information you can head to kron 4 dot com. >> kron four's been highlighting things during a api heritage month and in the east bay. there's a college program that provides really vital resources to asian american students at programs also helping to fuel students interests and api culture and experience kron four's. gayle ong has more from chabot college in hayward. >> a movement and be and both of you our annual. >> music. food. and plenty to celebrate. the night market is one of the biggest annual events for movement. the asian american and pacific islander
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learning community chabot college and leo can last is one of its lead. organizers. i see it as a family, a support group and >> just knowing that i have people that look like me and higher education. it means a lot movement also give students more opportunities to learn api history and literature. arnold is director of student life at chabot college. just so important to that this is students see themselves in the curriculum. they understand their history and their culture and just have these opportunities to engage in that. >> with luck with their own culture, the name movement comes from other ethnic studies. movements dating back to the 1960's. but it also describe something that happens a lot at community colleges can last is hoping to transfer and study political science at uc berkeley. you know, community college students are mostly forgotten because it's not a way for people to go to college movement provides counseling and support for students like
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and who wants to transfer to four-year universities. says students are driving force behind the program and this was their idea to do this. and so we're just kind of supporting our student leaders in our community really want to >> come together and do something a little bit different in this community to celebrate asian american native hawaiian pacific islander heritage and organizers say when this night market started 3 years ago, they started when about 5 vendors and over the years that participation has grown to dozens of vendors who want to take part in this event and they hope to host this every year. it takes a village to organize year. that's about it said family. it's a great support group and i wouldn't i am right now. if it weren't for movement reporting in hayward, gayle ong kron, 4 news. >> coming up, final plans being set sent to officials for the california high-speed rail project. what's required for clearance and efforts continue to rebuild uvalde 2 years after that tragic mass
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shooting. >> the settlement reached between victims, families and between victims, families and the city. network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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>> today marks 2 years since one of the worst school shooting tragedies in our nation's history. >> and 2022, a gunman killed 19 children and 2 teachers at robb elementary school in uvalde, texas. since then, a 2 million dollar settlement has been reached between victims, families and the city of uvalde. this settlement was reached specifically between families of the 19 children killed and the 2. >> who were injured. >> and they say it won't stop
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there. the families of the shooting victims filed a 500 million dollars federal lawsuit against nearly 100 state police officers over the botched response to the shooting. >> the world court has ordered israel to halt military operations in rafah. the landmark ruling says israel must ensure access for any fact-finding or investigative mission sent by the united nations to investigate genocide. allegations brought by south africa, the top united nations court has also ordered israel to open the rafah crossing between egypt and gaza to allow humanitarian aid. israel has rejected claims by south africa, the nation with historic ties to the palestinian people. >> spotlight will shine on the divide over the israel-hamas war when israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addresses a joint session of congress. speaker mike johnson announced the address last night. israel's approach to
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the war has fractured the democratic party over the impact on civilian palestinians. washington correspondent basil john reports. >> there is no date set, but prime minister benjamin netanyahu will appear in the halls of congress soon. and while some democrats say they are united, some experts would disagree. we're going to stand together while addressing an audience commemorating israeli independence. house speaker mike johnson announced that the israeli leader would soon address congress, the jewish people. >> we'll never be alone. we will stand with as the top house republican johnson reiterated support for israel as he sets. other leaders are back peddling their support. they tell us they support israel, but they give cover to anti-semitism. this is no time for equivocation as the number of civilian deaths in gaza grew and pro-palestinian protest took over college campuses. some democrats broke ranks sharply criticizing israel, said the house is where you'll have some
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progressive democrats who was just >> absolutely outraged that this is happening. aubrey jewett, a university of central florida political science professor says the issue had driven a wedge in the democratic party. it's been a very difficult spot. politically for president biden and the democratic party. house democratic leader hakeem jeffries does not agree. it's nothing but puppies and rainbows. on the house democratic caucus jeffrey says the only ones to blame republicans. the republicans have repeatedly tried to. >> israel a partisan political issue. and divide democrats and they have failed. the un also put pressure on israel. its top court ordered is avail to stop any military operation in rafah. >> over the humanitarian situation there reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> our weather time here as we get a live look outside. it just looks cold. you see uniting the ominous skies
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above coit. our what a change compared to earlier this week. >> i thought i was going to get a little sun today and when i tried the wind assault me, yeah, you have to be searching for that sunshine. i think especially tomorrow by the afternoon was going to start to clear things out. really it's sunday. temperatures taken a major drop. in fact, when i check in on some of the temperatures throughout the day, some mountain tops are still in the 40's even in the afternoon. that is incredibly cold for this time of year. but that cloud deck surging onshore already pushing to the golden gate bridge going make its way well onshore throughout the night. very deep marine going to be settling into these temperatures. what much cooler, 18 degrees cooler in congress say 15 degrees cooler it little more but all around the bay area. this temperatures taken a major drop over the last 24 hours. and that's we're going to head again for tomorrow. even cooler than that highs below the average 56 degrees in san francisco. 57 11 degrees below the average in oakland. 64 degrees in san jose. 63 in lemore 65 degrees in concord and 74 degrees. one of the warmer spots of saint rose it
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does look really cold out there. look at the fog moving in right now. it's kind of damp in the atmosphere. you've got that wind blowing out there to tonight. i think that marine layer is going to be deep enough that we may actually see a little drizzle tomorrow morning. so maybe us little slick along the coastline and just inside the bay to start out the morning by the afternoon, we start to clear things out, make some sunshine. and here's the trend right now. you can see the winds pushing low clouds a further on shore already and more that come. that's going to really fill in overnight tonight. you'll see on the models here. some of that drizzle moving on through as we head toward tomorrow morning. so if you're up early, you may see see about patchy drizzle early on. a lot of cloud cover around the bay area. that will start to clear out by the afternoon. some drier starts to mix in. but the temperatures the damage already done. it's going to stay cool out there. this just going about 55 degrees in the sunset downtown. maybe only about 57 degrees breezy too coastal years. you're going to see some patchy fog. some drizzle in the morning. some sunshine into the afternoon. but cool temperatures in the mid 50's little warmer inside the bay, but not by much. as you head toward palo alto. 62
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and becoming sunny in the afternoon. 67 degrees in mild in san jose. you'll still find some mild temperatures well inland mid 60's maybe into the tri valley about 60 for walnut creek. 65 in hercules said that delta breeze going to blow, but some warm temperatures well inland fairfield to make it to 70 degrees. maybe 74 in vacaville and maybe 71. if you're lucky in santa rosa over the next couple days, the unofficial beginning of summer. we are starting on the cool side. then warming up on sunday. i think by monday getting close to 80 degrees in some warmer spots inland and those temperatures drop off again as we head toward the middle of next week. so kind of a cool start. but you have to worry about overheating tomorrow. it will be very cool in the waters out there if you're going to swim. and we're talking about 56 degrees. that's pretty chilly. and the winds are going stay through tomorrow. not going to be a strong, but it still will be breezy by tomorrow after most of the 30 mile an hour gusts probably some 20 mile hour gust tomorrow afternoon to bottle rock. sunday's going to be warm and that's that's what i'm going use. year is going to be there. i can't wait
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>> cylinders, thanks well, if you're planning on flying this summer to bottle rock or elsewhere, you could be facing high prices and fewer options. according to bloomberg, u.s. air carriers are facing a shortage of seats on planes for the travel season. there are multiple causes for that, including a shortage of planes from boeing due to recent manufacturing issues. airbus also recently had an engine recall and airlines are cutting back on routes in certain areas. bloomberg says the shortages are worst in the southern part of the u.s.. the california high-speed rail authority is expected to submit final plans next month. >> to obtain complete environmental approval to connect los angeles and san francisco by bullet train. the segment between palmdale and burbank is the last section that needs environmental clearance. it's also one of the most complex and challenging portions because it requires carving out some of the longest tunnels ever constructed through
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mountainous terrain. >> francisco, the annual carnival festival will be taking over the city's mission this weekend. the two-day festival will feature 60 musical performances, including noel torres and as well as food and crafts. the event is the city's yearly celebration of latin america and caribbean culture. and that all wraps up at the grand parade starting at 9.30 sunday morning. >> the weather should cooperate for that. belly rubs and beer. the family event for people. if you want to adopt maybe a little forever friend. what's up buddy?
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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>> cal animals first-ever california adopt a pet day east bay spca is hosting a community run with shelter dogs at their dublin location. visitors can enjoy the outdoors while helping shelter dogs get some exercise and they even potentially meet their new four-legged companion. all adoption fees will be waived at both the dublin and oakland locations. the event starts on june. 1st. >> and speaking of berkeley's the east bay humane society will be hosting its award-winning 10th annual pints for paws craft beer festival and it will be participating in the first-ever california adopt a pet day. a statewide initiative where all animal adoption fees are waived. this takes place next saturday, june 1st and will feature more than 180 california welfare organizations offering. free
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adoptions at their shelters or out in their communities. and they say it's going to be more than 2000 pets in total, which is a lot of pets to find homes for, they're running with the animals. are you're drinking beer thing for everybody. at the same time make it fun. >> that's it for kron. 4 news at 5, oh, my gosh. a lot more ahead on kron for news for the last time we've got ken and vicki, getting back to the pints and the animals don't care. what you're doing just hanging out. look at your right. so that is what everyone as long as they're participating, they're happy. spoken like a true fleming tells what you we're going to hear a lot more about that coming up. but in the meantime, thank you know, well, grant, here's what we're working on for 6 holiday. >> weekend travel, not up to a smooth start in some parts of the bay area. we tracking the latest conditions on the bay bridge where big rig caught fire early this morning and shut down several lanes made a
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mess all afternoon. plus, learning new details about a deadly. big rig crash in the south bay that spilled fuel all over 101. >> plus, an opening announcement that as many gamers jumping for joy when nintendo says it plans to open an official store in san francisco's union square. i'm ken wayne. >> and i'm vicki liviakis. the news at 6 is next.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6.


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