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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  May 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> heartbreaking loss. city officials say alvarado worked as a union stationary engineer and san francisco. they say he was an integral part of the half moon bay community. in the south bay, santa clara county nurses reached a tentative deal with county leaders for months. both sides were at odds with the county over raises worker safety and a proposal to float nurses between different hospitals. the registered nurses professional association says the latest deal includes a 15% raise over 4 years. the union voted to ratify the deal. now it goes before the board of supervisors on june 4th for final approval. is your local election headquarters. the news at climate and dance vote fest kicks off in berkeley tomorrow. organizers say they hope the event helps to get out the vote for the november election. this happens at the freight and salvage club starting at 07:00pm and tickets are available at the door. >> up at our state capitol, some lawmakers are still hoping to advance bills
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providing reparations for descendants of enslaved black americans. capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports on which bills made it through so far and which failed to advance. >> well, it's been mixed results for reparations bill so far. but back into the proposals, tell me they believe they're off to a good start. >> a standing ovation in the state assembly after lawmakers voted 62 to nothing to advance a reparations bill calling on the state of california to publish a formal apology letter to descendants of enslaved black americans. the most important thing is making sure we can we get it out there. south los angeles, a someone member reggie jones, sawyer authored the legislation while he acknowledges california was never formally a slave state. he says since its inception in 18, 50, the state has implemented policies negatively impacting black californians to this day noting california's first governor peter burnett was a slave owner from the south to openly called for creating a whites only american west and
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helped put in place. a lot 10 slaves back to the south. if they flan a not only talking about elephants, complicity. >> chattel slavery. but making sure that california actually east apologizes for what has happened not to make anyone feel guilty. but the be served at healing other reparations bills advancing including one requiring grocery stores to provide advance notice before closing down in underserved communities. >> and a proposal by senator steven bradford to formally create what would be called to the california american freeman affairs agency in charge of overseeing the reparations process in the state of california. critically important. >> for setting up the framework for reparations going forward. i think we have a good foundation work from but several reparations related bills did not make it, including bradford's proposal to fund housing and property tax assistance for descendants of enslaved black americans. i disappointment reparations about. >> land. that's why we build generational wealth in this country african-americans have
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been denied ownership to redlining restrictive covenants, all kind of other restrictions not included in any of the reparations bills this year, direct cash payments. democratic leaders overseeing the state budget they would have liked to advance more reparations bills, but they add it just would have been too costly as the state faces a projected multibillion-dollar deficit. it's just a challenging budget time. and so we need to be responsible, responsible taxpayers money. so that's why we had to make some tough calls. and lawmakers whose reparations bill to not make it through this year. tell me they will try again in future years reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 news. >> families of uvalde victims are filing lawsuits against meta. the developers of the video game call of duty and a gun manufacturer last friday marks 2 years since the deadly elementary school shooting in texas, 19 students and 2 teachers were killed in that shooting. the families argue
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those companies share responsibility for the products used by the teenage gunman. some of those families have also filed a 500 million dollar lawsuit against texas state police for their botched response to the shooting. we are tracking those powerful storms sweeping across the southern and eastern parts of the country. this memorial day weekend destroying homes and killing dozens of people. this is a look at the aftermath of a funnel cloud that touchdown in decatur, arkansas, early yesterday morning. it just tore through several buildings and homes. it brought down trees and a lot of power lines as well. take a look here. you can see one of the funnel clouds touching down near abilene, texas, as well. there are some social media reports of downed trees there, loss of electricity, roof damage and some farm animals killed. community members say to rv homes were also in this tornado. but no one was hurt as such a difficult situation for folks who live out in that
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part of the country. now, on that note, we're going to send things over to chief meteorologist lawrence karnow for a check of the weather conditions. and lawrence, just a tough situation for folks out. it's been a really terrible, a really explosive tornado season this year. >> seeing over 900 tornadoes compared to the average, which is usually about 700 plus or so. so extremely we're far from done is another very active afternoon around much of the country. you see the storm just kind of rolling toward the eastern half united states. and you see all the tornadoes that touched down on the backside of that system. so very active weather out there now not as active as yesterday, but still we've got a couple of spots are taking a close look at a possibility some of those storms rolling on through. you got flash flooring. flood warnings are up and some possibility of some tornadic activity, although that started back off. now, that area of low pressure just begin to move off the coastline right now. so catch a little break there. but still very unsettled weather to calm. you can far south down into texas. would you know they've got the
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bull's eye on them for tomorrow with the chance of another round of severe weather. and still another chance of some severe weather up toward the great lakes as well and the northeast. so this has been an unusually active season. it looks like it is going to continue far from done yet over the next 24 hours. here's the very latest forecast. you can see the clouds once again rolling through the great lakes some afternoon storms developing. and then as you make your way further south, again, things really get going in the texas temperatures, big contrast in temperatures. that's why we're seeing the big collision of air masses. now you've got the hot weather, the south of cooler weather the north in between. you've got some very warm moisture coming up on the south. you have the dry air coming out of the north and all of a sudden you see the atmosphere really want to turn itself upside down. looks like more severe weather headed boy, i just do not see an end to some of the severe weather around the bay area. guys, back to you. >> and it's as with every memorial day, many people flock to san francisco's national cemetery today. yeah. and the site hosted a long list of speakers and events to honor our nation's fallen heroes. kron 4 charles
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clifford was there. >> well, here in san francisco's national cemetery on memorial day, hundreds of people gathered to pay their respects to those who gave their lives in the line of duty. the san francisco national cemetery was created in 18 80 for every year. they put out around 30,000 flags on all the graves. despite the chilly weather here on monday, hundreds of people came out to the service to pay their respects, including former kron 4 ken wayne, who served as master of ceremonies. there was also a coast guard flyover. former house speaker nancy pelosi was also here on monday and she called on everyone to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, but also to try to build a better world in their memory. >> so we have to work together to come together. one nation. one destiny. to honor the vision of our founders, the aspiration of our children. and the sacrifice of the men
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and women in uniform. be permitted, committed 2 working to gather to build a future worthy of the sacrifice of all of >> now, pelosi also said that she plans to travel to normandy, france next week, too help commemorate the 80th anniversary of the d-day invasion. but for now in the presidio, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> many stores are closed for the memorial day holiday. but if you're looking to get some last minute shopping done, there are several that are still open. they include walmart and target hours may vary by location. so make sure you reach out to your neighborhood store for more specific information and a reminder that government buildings are closed and no mail will be delivered by the u.s. postal service today. most ups shipping services like fedex are also not open. coming up, a closer look at how president joe biden paid his respects to our fallen his respects to our fallen soldiers.
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>> president biden paid tribute to our fallen troops today in an annual ceremony at the arlington national cemetery. >> the president laid down a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. he was joined by vice president kamala harris and defense secretary lloyd austin. that ceremony included a 21 gun salute and the playing of taps shortly after the president delivered some quick remarks showing gratitude for fallen service members. >> 160 years ago, the first american soldier is laid to
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rest on hallowed grounds. there are no big ceremonies. no big speeches, no family, family members are mourning their loss. just a quiet grief. the rolling green hills surrounding them. today we join grieve with gratitude. gratitude to our fallen heroes are gratitude to the families left behind and gratitude to the brave souls who continue to pull the flame of liberty all across our country and around the world. >> over the weekend, president biden spoke at the west point commencement ceremony as well. he told cadets there they will tackle threats around the globe. quote, like none before end quote. as we approach the 80th anniversary of d-day, the legacy of the battle of normandy is felt in many ways worldwide. that's as a navy warship continues. the fight for freedom. murray, alana belarus has the story.
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>> it's a legacy embedded into the uss normandy. you're carrying forth with you. >> all not only the history of the actual invasion, but all the giants came before us and make this, you know, 30 plus-year one of the greatest for ships ever to grace united states remnants of a battle 80 years ago filled the really was a catalyst to bring to the the end of one of darkest periods in. >> in the history of the the guided missile cruiser commission in 1989 and is homeported in norfolk, virginia. >> well, the ship recently returned from a lengthy deployment. the entire crew is crossing the atlantic once again to be in normandy for the 80th anniversary of d-day. >> for us to go here. and to witness that moment. this is the ship's commanding officer captain aaron robinson hopes to spend time with d-day veterans. well in normandy. >> i'm looking forward to talking. experience lives
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here. what it was the impact of that moment. >> something command master chief o'connor hopes resonates with younger sailors to go the beaches of normandy on the 80th anniversary with with soldiers who were there alive on that day and fought in the battle and it really drives home the point of of why we do, we memories that will inspire the crew of the normandy for years to come in all i'm marielena balouris. >> the golden gate bridge today celebrated its 87th birthday on this day in 1937, the bridge open to the public for the first time it was under construction for 4 years connecting marin county to san francisco and the peninsula. so what an anniversary that very cool to see all those pictures and obviously know what it looks like today. and yeah, he walking across
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regularly 100% and we're so fortunate to have such a beautiful structure here to drive on it. whatever you want. yeah, absolutely. well, while we have a lot of things that we want to scratch off of our bucket list right is just how many have we actually gotten to have you done any of them more than once? >> yes. one high flying 140 year-old from central texas is actually living out. his dreams, just jumped out of an airplane. wow. for the second time able remind that has the story. >> gearing up to jump out of an airplane can be a lot of gloves, 0 temperature. look at any time. you want know why we are and you can't forget about the perfect at 104 years old there any columbus is a thrill seeker. and on this day, the thrill takes him of thousands of feet into the sky as this world war, 2 veteran went
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skydiving for the second time. i just >> decided that i just i was going to here. he is on the way down, enjoying every second of the free fall. i can see everything around and the guy back there was talking with me i was all tied up to he was paired with victor cruz. easy for the jump, says tandem skydiving. he's opened the door for some who might not be able to jump alone. >> its it's much easier now. what? and i'm scott, i think we're just happy to somebody was very, very, very experienced. and we hope you along the ernie served in the army. but after the war, he got into the air force where he served the remainder of his 26 year career. but he never jumped out of an airplane until later in life. and now he's hooked. i didn't know we and tell out there and no floating. >> for august about a minute.
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pash. open check coming that's where will be skydiving anytime soon. i let him answer that. someone asked me if i don't do it again. i thought i don't know. but i think yeah, got to comes upon a use. it. >> how 2 times, not enough. times. not enough, apparently. and our producer is telling us actually ernie actually said he would jump again, but he would do it on his 100 and 7th birthday. also giving himself 3 more he gets back out for him. and that is we're skydive before. never skydive. i didn't jump into a waterfall. a couple summers ago. i don't plan on doing it again. >> but, you know, practice. so yes, exactly. so maybe all consider jumping out of a plane yesterday. this year's memorial day weekend was slow at the box office. in fact, have the lowest holiday earnings and more than 20
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years going to the movies a little play in the mad max prequel furiosa topped the box office from friday to sunday with 25.6 million dollars. the garfield movie estimated to finish the four-day weekend with 31.9 million dollars. however, both movies are coming in way lower than expected. sadly, it's time to put away the skis and snowboards tahoe ski season officially closed. palisades tahoe was operating lifts until the early afternoon today. kirkwood and sugar bowl had already wrapped up their seasons back on april 28th. next. the resorts are getting ready to host summer activities like mountain biking. now, a lot of folks love paddleboard on the land whatnot. so there's lots of stuff to do up there. yeah, absolutely. and well, taking a live look now outside at the embarcadero in san francisco. just gorgeous perspective out there. you have beautiful blue
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skies. yeah, absolutely great, lawrence. been a nice little holiday weekend for us. yeah. about that weather working out very nicely here in the bay area around state who looks like a lot of sunshine. >> away from the immediate coastline out to the beach is a bit on the cool side out there and that >> is going to be the story as we head throughout the week ahead as we're going to see some odd weather actually setting itself up. i think it's some of the valley's maybe some low 90's, at least inland out toward the golden gate bridge. the low cloud starting already creep back on shore. it will make a pretty good run of the 2 overnight tonight. probably pushing well inland throughout the night and into early tomorrow morning. temperatures today turned out to be a warm and inland at 80 degrees in livermore, 81 in concord, 70 degrees in santa rosa. 76 degrees in san jose. 67 degrees just slightly below the average in oakland. 63 in cooler in san francisco with the clouds. party begin to roll back on shore again. likely going to see a couple patches, a coastal drizzle not really wet, but a little damp at times tomorrow morning clouds early on, then plenty of afternoon sunshine really kind of a nice summer pattern ahead where you can pick and
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choose your whether you like to hot stuffy head of the interior valleys. you like the cool stuff. and along the coastline like between, you're stuck inside the bay. fog out there right now on a sliding further south, a little northerly component. the winds right now dragging that direction. but the same time we've got a bit of a westerly component that's kicking in that will bring with it. more fog, low clouds overnight tonight and tomorrow morning. we'll see if dealing with the models overnight all the way in the tri valley in the east bay. by tomorrow morning. it start to break up by 9.10, o'clock or so begin to pull back toward the coast. leave behind a lot of sunshine with just some trailing fog out toward the beaches. otherwise temperatures breaking down like this in the san francisco. you've got a mix of 50's and a couple low 60's breezy along the coastline with some patchy fog and much cooler out toward the peninsula. as you're going to see those numbers about 59 degrees in millbrae 60 in burlingame, then warming up a jet for the south 65 degrees. and sunny in palo alto about 68 degrees in mount to the south bay, enjoying really some nice temperatures. tomorrow afternoon. it will be comfortable 60's and 70's in the santa clara valley to get the east bay, though, that's where we start to feel those temperatures heating up. probably some 80's by tomorrow afternoon. 83 in pleasanton
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about 84 in livermore. 65 degrees and breezy in hayward. 73 in round up and about 80 degrees in brentwood in the north bay. those temperatures on the warm side to 70's a few 80's out there back along the coastline. much cooler with that breeze and a couple patches of fog. next couple days. so those temperatures kind of hold steady and then we're going to things up on thursday and friday, probably some rolling into town. first time we've been able to talk about that cooling down a little bit on saturday and sunday and speaking of skydiving, you've got to try it. i've done it before. so, get to that. when you finally get the ground, you're so glad that you're alive. you think i could do anything? she said she'd never do it again. i would never do it again because the thing is the guy that was, you know, attached and yeah, he did a somersault out of the plane. you somersault is out of the plane. you didn't get it was a little scary. yeah. >> yeah. yeah. i would do it again. ok? the first one to jump out, though. it's just so hard to breathe you're going so fast. so wrapping like sticking your head out of a
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car driving really fast, right catch your breath? yeah, so i didn't. i didn't know that this is a lot of information to consider. let you be the tie breaker. yeah. haha. unfortunate news to deliver this memorial day. former nba star bill walton has passed away at the age of 71. he fought a long battle with cancir. >> walton led the ucla bruins to 2 national championships and an incredible 88 game winning streak. he later helped the portland trail blazers win the 1977 nba championship. and despite injuries, he won another nba title with the boston celtics in 1986. before he retired, the nba commissioner says, quote, bill walton was truly one of a kind as a hall of fame player. he redefined the center position, end quote. after walton retired. he became one of the most popular announcers in college basketball.
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>> national popcorn day. it's a wonderful day. it's oregon. sun was happy birthday. happy birthday. i tell you. >> i'm not a very good touch much better getting high getting. >> you can see why people loved him. he is survived by his wife and 4 sons. well, stil
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chance to win some big money. the mega millions jackpot has now grown to 489 million dollars. >> that's about 226 million dollars in cash. and while no one won the jackpot, a player in california did match 5 numbers and the megaplier winning over a million dollars. lucky them. the next drawing is set for tomorrow. love that song. who doesn't? disney plus has released a new documentary. >> about one of the country's favorite southern california boy bands. that's right. a deep dive into the music of the beach boys. the film explores new stories from the iconic group like how they got started, how their signature sound came about and how they were able to capture the essence of the california dream. >> ladies and gentlemen, 4.
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>> the beach boys represent some sort of fantasy. they were participating in the creation of the california dream. >> the ban was signed to capitol records before any of them even hit. 21 today the band still performs. you will have a chance to catch them live at this year's california state. fair. you can of course, watch that act now on disney. plus. >> right. and calling all book warms the oakland public library is inviting readers of all ages to participate in its summer reading challenge. the goal is to read for 20 days this summer, you meet that achievement and you get any book for free grand prize is also include a nintendo switch. golden state warriors, tickets and ferry passes throughout the summer of a library. also offers special kid events, including magic shows and petting zoos. so lots to do. and steph and ayesha curry are now officially parents of 4 yesterday. the couple
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announced the birth of their baby excuse me, baby boy kious chai. he was born may. 11th. big. congratulations to q q. that's a good day to that's my brother's birthday all you mothers day weekend to so happy mother's day. i'm sure for it absolutely. >> that wraps up kron. 4 news at 5. but we do have a lot more ahead on kron. 4 news at 6, 0, stay with us.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. n


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