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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  May 27, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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-are all these our kids? -these are all our kids. -oh, wait, i thought he was my -- you're not my dad? -no, 'cause we're kids. -you're not my sister. -oh, i guess we're related. are we adopted? did you adopt us? -you're all kids. you can't be his mother. -you can't talk to us like that. you're not my dad. dads. -i'm so drunk right now. -one of you is adopted. -no. never. -we're drunk. we're kids. -can i get some of that? >> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> we are following multiple breaking news stories across the bay area tonight. police standoff have been reported in the south bay and the east bay. we begin in san jose where we've just learned a
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homicide is being investigated. thank you for joining us here in cannes for news at 10. i'm noelle bellow and i'm stephanie lin, san jose. police responded to the scene shortly after 6 o'clock tonight. a suspect is now in custody. this all taking place on north 20th street just a block away from san jose high school. and that's where we find kron four's jack moment. he joins us live now with the latest details on this. jack. >> yes, stephanie know well, police are still calling this a possible shooting. but what neighbors are telling us is that they heard around the 6 shots, at least around 5.50, this evening. and of course, as you just said, police responded shortly after 6 there. and now police are confirming that they found an outdoor deceased woman inside the residents. here. now, a little bit of details about this place is what neighbors told us is that that woman did live in that house, that what neighbors are telling us along with her son who is a man in his mid 20's. we don't know that those people are. if the
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shooting kind of correlate together with that. but police did say they did apprehend the suspect inside. and if you look at some video that we took a little bit earlier, you can see police taking somebody out of the house. they're in a gurney. it is pretty pretty good or bad. i guess hard to pinpoint exactly how it is footage. it's shocking for the community here really to see that looks like swat crews out there. police say around 100 different officers here for san jose. police responded to the scene here and this really is this memorial day weekend. so it's a time where families can gather together, celebrate the holiday weekend be together. in fact, we're walking here during the scene. we saw many families sitting eating outside amid just next door 100 more than 100% a police officer here, of course, and the sum of the quick details we do, we did find out the last 10 minutes or so is that police did find adult female located inside the home. and police are now investigating this as a homicide. now, police did say that this is going to be quite a long night, especially for
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many of the people living here because they are expecting to investigate this instance as a homicide. and they said that they will keep their crews here probably for the next couple hours here. so again, along that for many folks here on what's supposed to be a holiday weekend meant to be with family will send it back to you guys. >> all right, jack, thank you for staying on top of that story for us. and breaking in the east bay this hour, conquered police. they responded to 2 reports of barricaded suspects tonight, the incidents happening just within minutes of each other kron 4. sarah stinson has been out there this evening. she's joining us live now from concord with details there. >> yes, shelter-in-place has been lifted but conquered police. they're still here on rose book court investigating this. it is an hour-long situation. so they have a lot to figure out. police say they got called to a home here on roseboro court just off of kowal road around 6 o'clock tonight. mom lives in this home with her 3 daughters, i'm
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told and a neighbor came over armed with a gun. police say that man was threatening them and the family then fully got out of the home safely. they ran out called police officers on scene. they got here got all the resources here. but they and then heard gunshots from inside the home shelter in place that was put in place shortly after for people who live nearby. then police say they were gathering their resources, making a plan to get the man out safely. then he came out on his own peacefully around 08:20pm, tonight he brought it was brought into custody. he's okay. everyone is okay. thankfully, 47 year-old christian stewart was brought into custody. now police are still church trying to figure out what happened. they're trying to see if he was maybe on drugs or alcohol. what led him to his neighbors home. but meanwhile, officers were also at the scene somewhere about 2 miles away from here, an apartment complex on detroit avenue. neighbors said a man was screaming acting crazy with a blowtorch weaving
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knives around this. happening around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, police responded and learned the man had been evicted from that apartment complex a couple of weeks ago. he returned to that apartment and broke in and he spent hours there and police say he was pouring liquid in there. he had a blow torch. they were very concerned. they had fire there. they had paramedics, police. they even had a crisis negotiator on scene trying to get him out. eventually they used a police dog and that dog actually bit the man inside the apartment and that man has since been brought to the hospital with a wound from that bite. he's expect to be ok, minor injuries. i'm told that man is 35 year-old ahmed davis and he will be brought to jail after he's being treated. meanwhile, back here on scene, as i said, a lot more to figure out about this story. neighbors here. they say it was a very scary situation. just seeing all the police here. not only that, but the shelter-in-place that
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happened. and it was a very scary situation. thankfully no one got hurt in both situations. i'm sara stinson reporting live in concord. back to you. >> definitely not how we want to end. >> the holiday weekend, we're also following breaking news in sacramento tonight where police say at least 5 people, including a child have been shot. officers say this happened shortly after 8 o'clock this evening in a neighborhood in south sacramento. everyone shot taken to the hospital. but we do not know the extent of their injuries. multiple officers are on scene right now looking into what led up to that shooting will continue with updates on all of the stories throughout the evening. >> and dozens of seniors left in limbo tonight after this force them out of their care facility over the weekend. it's not a pretty sight a bathroom tub overflowing with black water. officials say that hub is on the second floor of the facility. the black liquid made its way down the home to the building's main electrical room.
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investigators say this appeared to be a mix of substances, but exactly what is still under investigation. residents said there are a number of issues with the building and none have been addressed. in the meantime, residents are still waiting to hear when they can go back to their building. >> want to complain comply. give us 72 eviction notices up year. but charges the good kids get looks pretty good. >> we set up light is. >> fire crews say residents were sent to a nearby hotel. >> tonight, people heading back home from the long weekend running into some delays. we ran into a few travelers at san jose international airport this evening who said their flight was delayed for about an hour. pretty manageable compared to what they say they have to deal with on their way to portland out of this airport a few days ago. we got told hour before late. >> and that was almost like
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delays. and we got where 3, 4, in the morning. >> played long i long delay, you when you've got that well, just >> airport with little ones, you i mean, it was a goal to the little a little light. troublesome like 3 in the morning and then there's like nothing that he like, nothing's open. and you're like what they're going to that. >> according to flightaware, there have only been 2 flights delayed today out of san jose airport. not too. >> well, now it looks like tomorrow morning to the start off some low clouds and fog going to be a little thick in spots as we head around the bay area early tomorrow morning. in fact, maybe even a little patchy drizzle outside. let's check out wake-up weather early tomorrow morning. we've got some clouds up above will be rolling on through. yeah, foggy start to
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the day. maybe a little damp out along the coastline as those temperatures hovering in the 40's in the 50's by 08:00am still mostly cloudy skies. everybody's going to be the 50's by then. then we'll start to see a little bit of sunshine poking out. i think it's some of the valley's maybe even inside the bay staying cool out of the coast. lawrence, thank you. >> driver is dead tonight after a car got pinned underneath a truck. it happened in san jose this afternoon on the corner of montague expressway and o toole avenue. the cause is under investigation. but people who work near this intersection say they've seen drivers here travel fast and recklessly. >> i know that this is very dangerous because i usually walk to catch another bus when there's no route here and i feel kind of and say, you know what i'm doing to cross road. so cars are coming really fast. >> police plan to offer more details on this crash tomorrow. new at 10, a gathering tonight for palestinians, east bay
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organizations calling for cease-fire in the middle east. they put together this vigil at the lake merritt amphitheater in oakland. tonight's event was called all eyes on rafah following an israeli air strike that killed at least 45 people in a tent camp late sunday night. 2 of those people killed are said to be hamas terrorists. white house national security spokesperson said israel has a right to go after hamas, but they must take every precaution possible to protect civilians. israel's prime minister is calling this a tragic mistake with an investigation now underway. happening tomorrow. scott peterson, the man convicted of killing his wife, laci, is set to appear in court via zoom. his defense team is trying to get him a new trial by gathering new evidence. but the stanislaus county district attorney's office is opposing the motion. the nonprofit representing peterson wants to do a dna test and they want to do that test on a rope and a stolen van that was burned
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near the peterson's home around the time his wife laci went missing the da's office is asking the judge to deny the motion because of the evidence previously used to convict peterson in 2004. santa clara county nurses have reached a tentative deal with county leaders, keeping them on the job and off the picket lines for months, nurses and the county of been at odds over raises and worker safety. the union voted to ratify the deal. they say it includes a 15% raise over 4 years. it's set to go before the board of supervisors next week. still ahead, smoke clouds, the skies in the east bay as crews work to investigate a lumberyard fire. >> plus, privacy concerns over a new microsoft feature which remembers everything you do on your computer. >> and another flight caught in severe turbulence. why some experts say ev
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>> a truck caught fire in napa today. it sparked afternoon off of crews at canyon road. firefighters quickly put out the flames before they spread any further. no word on how this fire started. >> oakland, fire crews are still cleaning up after a massive fire destroyed a portion of a lumber yard. and the flames broke out sunday night. trump was lezla gooden walks us through the extent of the damage is. yeah, that's right. nearly 80 firefighters respond to this fire at the lumber yard around 8 o'clock last night. now crews were >> able to eventually put the
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flames out. but right now there are still working on certain parts of this property. >> flames filled the skies sunday night around the lumber company off of interstate 80 in oakland. while no one was injured, the fire spread quickly and ended up destroying at least one building has a large footprint so tight. it's showroom. it's administrative offices. >> a warehouse and then a large lumber yard outside full of for what? so it burned for several hours. michael hunt with the oakland fire department says crews initially struggled gaining access to the lumber yard and the surrounding area property. >> sits the border. the border czar railroad we could put all we can bring was hose lines on the railroad track put. on one side of the property and the high street also borders. it's getting apparatus into the property was a challenge. fire crews were out on the scene all day monday working with the owners to go through the property for any additional hot spot destination crews,
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the heavy equipment operators assistant to the park property at officially. make sure that any flare ups are being quickly extinguished throughout the process. all of the parking structure that need to to be demolished last night. you know, there were several small recant goals which were quickly unit. >> and officials say it's still not clear at the fire started inside or outside of this property. and this remains as an open investigation reporting in studio going kron 4 news. >> all right. now to the 4 zone forecast as we take a live look from mount tam looking a bit overcast. skies above. look nice and clear yeah, they definitely do. but karl has definitely come to play tonight, lauren. yeah, fog and the surging well onshore tonight is on its way now already bounce up against the east bay hills is going to be pushing the interior valleys as we head throughout the night. so we've got plenty of fog to start out your day tomorrow by the afternoon. think many spots inland, not bad. going to look at some
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sunshine and some warm temperatures. again, maybe some places again sneak up in the 80's. but along the coastline, you can see plenty of that fog just kind of hugging the coast all day. out there right now. that cloud deck developing outside going deep in overnight tonight. >> temperatures as you might expect. yeah, other cool. we've got 50's along the coastline. 53 in san francisco that cool breen air all the way to conquer now, 55 degrees to hold on to a warm 71 in brentwood. still, 66 degrees in vacaville, but overall, yeah, it's been all about the low clouds and the fog and we really locked into kind of a summer pattern. and the 2nd half of may now looks like that's going to stick around for the time being at least through the week. we're going to see some variables here likely going to see some much warmer weather toward the end of the week, at least in the valleys in the bay. but on the coastline, probably not a whole lot in the way of change. you've got to have plenty fog out there now. high pressure breaking down a little bit little front. it will work over the top of the kind of flatten out that ridge for tomorrow. still, we're going to squeeze in some nice numbers outside. that means temperatures going to b- heating up in some spots. well inland, but not so much in the
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san francisco got the cool fog there. little sunshine by the afternoon. still, the breeze blowing keeping the low 60's in the san francisco mid 60 should be a breezy afternoon, but mostly sunny in oakland, san jose, sunny and warm about 73 degrees next couple of days. that's where we see the changes as all of a sudden, we're going start to really warm things by thursday, talking about some hot 90's, at least inland cooler 60's out of the coast. >> officials from alcatraz city cruises are working to reach an agreement after workers went on strike over the weekend. the workers say they are fighting for a new contract following unfair labor practices. well, many gather to pay their respects in san francisco's national cemetery. this memorial day. every year, 30,000 flags are placed on graves. former house
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speaker nancy pelosi says we should not only remember those who died, but also try to build a better world in their memory. >> so we have to work together to come together. one nation. one destinee. to honor the vision of our founders, the aspiration of our children. and the sacrifice of the men and women in uniform. be permitted, committed 2 working to gather to build a future worthy of the sacrifice of all of >> well, former kron 4 anchor ken wayne, a veteran himself served as master of ceremonies during this event. and several other events happened in the bay area this memorial day. kron four's rob nesbitt has a look at how people in the bay area honored the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. >> memorial day is a federal holiday that gives many the day off from school and work.
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but you can't forget what really stands for to honor the members of the u.s. military who died while serving their parades like the one held in hillsborough happen in cities all across the u.s. monday memorial day celebrations with marching bands and onlookers. but most importantly, veterans men and women in uniform who help remind us to honor the heroes who died while serving their country. >> it's why navy veteran louis ross and others gathered on the uss hornet in alameda knowing that we are respected. and what we did is respected. that sentiment also ran true in san jose for memorial day ceremony at oak hill memorial park. tyler where major robert adam patterson with the united states marine corps read the names of fallen soldiers. john maloney to water them. remind us the cost of freedom is one day out of the year that we citizens and those privileged enough to be here.
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>> homage to those who gave their lives for our freedom and for our way of life. >> from keynote speakers to city leaders, san jose mayor matt mahan also spoke at oak hill about the importance of the holiday. may more opportunity. >> to not only recognize and honor. those gave for our nation but to pass those values to our children. and rachel. >> several memorial day events including the one at oak hill, had wreath-laying ceremonies honoring and remembering the fallen reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> the golden gate bridge is 87 years old today on this day in 1937, the bridge opened for the first time. it took 4 years to build the celebration of the iconic bridge connecting the city of san francisco and the north bay lasted an entire week. 200,000 people walked, ran and even roller skated across the bridge before it was open.
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car. so happy birthday golden gate bridge. definitely happy birthday. gg bridge. >> coming up, beauty in every statue, fashion, easton known around the world, visits the bay area showing us how her line of adoptable and climate-friendly close might make their way to closet. next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron.
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get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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>> and from 4 continues our coverage of ap a heritage month fast fashion may be a great fit for our changing styles and moods. but what about the cost? but at the
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register and on the environment, kron four's vicki liviakis introduces us to bernice pan, a woman who is fighting for fashion that sustainable adaptable and pretty cool >> so we called this year's campaign beauty in every stitch. bernice pan has a thing for style. she's a phd in fashion. innovation an organic cotton. worried that fast fashion is creating mountains of discarded clothes dumped in places that are out of sight. out of mind. she looked for ways to look good and do good that all 100 billion garments produced every single year. yeah, on. yeah. of which most of it gets into the landfill or incinerators within one year of being produced as that, the waste that comes out unsold comments. bernice created a clothing company called deploy. sure the garments are sustainable and organic, but that's just part of it. >> and then you can actually take apart. and where it has
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will miss the bike, a jacket. >> creating outfits that are well convertible. can take this each piece is adaptable and multipurpose. we really try to design waste out of office based in london from east pan travels, the world here in san francisco for a climate conference and the catwalk of her earth friendly factions. >> when he says sharing her id staying stylish while being ethical. >> co-authoring this book and even speaking to the un is actually dress will impact and where your values ultimately, byrne says we're hard wired to want to look and feel great and dressing up is certainly one way to express yourself. well, now you can imagine unlimited possibilities. i'm comfortable piece to left that is also sustainable in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. coming up next.
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your next flight into the friendly skies might
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>> our top story this half-hour, community and half moon bay in mourning after the son of the mayor was killed in a crash. police say he was riding a motorcycle during the crash on highway one over the weekend. video shows the area where it happened on saturday night. the collision also involved a pickup truck at the intersection of morocco road. investigators have not said what caused the crash. only that the truck driver was not hurt and is cooperating with
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the investigation. on sunday, the family of the victim, joaquin dominic jimenez gather to remember him at his uncle's house. we heard from his childhood friends. >> oh, man, it's unbelievable. we can't we can't imagine. we honestly, i woke up this morning i think i was i was waking up overnight. i was just screaming the whole time. but unfortunately, no, that's not the case for us. when we lost, we honestly, a very humble, very friendly just on on this on this to heart all you know, fellow brother to us. >> city officials say walking worked as an engineer in san francisco. >> police in belmont are looking for a suspect who shot a man several times to say it happened friday night near or win and hillary streets just off 101. the victim died at the scene. anyone with information about the shooting is asked to call police.
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>> in san jose, a man is dead after a shooting at an apartment complex. this happened between blossom riverway and 85. police say they found the victim sunday afternoon. no word yet on a suspect. >> investigators and delay how say a man has died after trying to dog in a mobile home fire. it sparked yesterday afternoon on carolina and to loom streets blocks away from the solano county superior court crews say they rescued the man who later died in the hospital. they say he has already. it's a scape, the flames, but what he had already escaped the flames. but went back inside to try and rescue has popped. unfortunately, the dog also died in the fire. no word yet on how it started. and as we take a live look now at sfo. the tsa says this weekend it broke its record for most airline passengers screened in a single day last friday.
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>> with nearly 3 million people making their way through airports nationwide. i mean, well, as millions of americans arrived back home after the long weekend, scientists say severe turbulence could become more frequent on sunday. 12 passengers and crew were hurt on a qatar airways flight from doha to dublin. one passenger said he saw people hitting the roof, food and drinks flying everywhere. the plane landed safely in ireland. 8 people were taken to the hospital. and last week. severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight killed one passenger and left 70 others hurt. we're told 48 people are still in the hospital. the plane reportedly dropped 6,000 feet after encountering turbulence. this marks the first turbulence linked fatality in roughly 3 decades. now it's important to know the airlines continue to remind people how rare these cases of severe turbulence are. but sore pilots say these events are happening more frequently and there isn't much they can do about it. even with all the
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latest weather spotting technology. we can say that the weather is definitely getting stronger of the winds are faster. >> that convective weather that we do see is a lot larger and scale as far as out the 2. but distance wise, you know, in and they'd those type of convective areas. all that said, experts say serious injuries from turbulence are still. >> relatively rare. >> as the weather warms up, blue whales are starting to migrate north from mexico from their summer feeding season tour guides say they've spotted a number of the beautiful endangered whales along the california coast. just over the last 2 weeks, the mammals can grow up to 110 feet long and they can reach a weight of 200 tons. experts are hoping that they will stick around through july. hopefully they make the journey safe. yeah, let's check our forecast now taking
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a live look at the bay bridge where a lot of folks are headed home. yeah. if this is the rally making their way back sa, we check little bit of a ridge around 5 o'clock. it was like barely any car right now. here we are 10, packer trust in a they don't want the long weekend to end no, i understand that. yeah. they really were there all other parties afternoon, the barbecues in our but he's headed back home. >> well, it's been a nice holiday weekend. that's for sure. but whether things are changing as we've got that fog that is rolling back onshore tonight. that's not a surprise. but boy, we'll see some hotter temperatures in your tenant. coming up in a minute, going to see some probably the hottest temperatures so far of the season out there. now, though, we've got that fog. boy, it is cool out there. you get that cool. damp fog moving in. that wind blowing things feeling very chilly as you get closer to the coastline. that fog moving well on shore overnight tonight, golden gate bridge, not much activity out there, kind of quiet up toward the golden gate bridge right now. but that pushing on overhead tonight. will be racing well
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onshore. the valleys as we head through the night tonight, maybe even a couple patches of drizzle along the coastline. temperatures today just about the average in the san francisco 63 degrees. 67 for a high in oakland. 76 degrees and sunny. nice. warm day in san jose. then start to warm things up. some 80's in a little more. 81 degrees in concord is 70 degrees in santa rosa tonight. the clouds. yeah, pushing well inland tonight and we're going to see a little patchy drizzle along the coastline tomorrow morning. most places looking at fog early on. that is going to be that slow march back toward the coastline to the middle of the day, becoming mostly sunny in the afternoon ahead. well, we've got changes coming. summer pattern kind of settling in now. and i think we'll see some of the hottest temperatures seen in quite some time as we head toward the latter part of the week. but of course, along the coastline temperatures, they're going to be much cooler high pressure trying to hold on here. although you can see a cold front to the north, that's going kind of flatten out that ridge as we head in toward tomorrow fog. yep. we're going to see plenty of that overnight tonight. see computer models by tomorrow morning. get out there early on, going to see some patchy
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fog to start out the morning. then that you pull back toward the coastline, we're going linger throughout the day. get ready to move back on shore by tomorrow night. ridge of high pressure going kind of fluctuate throughout the week here. you've got that front. that's going to move on by high pressure, going to try to build in behind that. and as it does, that is going to heat things up, especially as we get toward thursday or so. that's where these temperatures likely to roll up into the 80's and 90's well inland. then as we get toward the weekend changes again as we see those clouds rolling back in and the temperatures are going to start to cool down numbers around the bay area. tomorrow should be nice. a little cool on the coastline. 50's 60's and breezy in the san francisco. a cool 55 degrees in mont era. 55 also in half moon bay. but you get inside the bay will find more sunshine for you in some warmer temperatures, too. 65 degrees in redwood city tomorrow in sunny in the afternoon. beautiful in the santa clara valley. boy, these temperatures really comfortable tomorrow afternoon, just a little bit below the average. but nice in the 70's. then warming up in the tri valley. you see a lot of 80's spoken up fund those areas. 65 degrees. much cooler just inside the bay in
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hayward, about 63 in san leandro. 72 in walnut creek and warm 81 degrees in brentwood about 73 degrees in napa tomorrow. if you're headed there, 77 in snow up and then back along the coastline. much cooler with that sea breeze. temperatures hovering in the 50's least out toward the beaches. little bit warmer and that inland spots next couple of days, you're 10 10 for those temperatures. kind of hold steady. the next couple. then we get into thursday and friday. yeah, 90, maybe 91 degrees. the hottest spots as we get into thursday and friday looking livermore possibly in the tri valley. then everybody cools down on saturday and sunday that fall comes racing back on shore and those temperatures are going to drop off a hurry as we head toward next weekend. nice to see our first sudden 90's, though that, feel like usually around now we're still getting a lot of this cold weather like yeah. as long as they don't stick around for too long rights when you start to get 4, 5, days in the 90's that starts to wear you out. but >> this quick to will. take get look out for now. thanks a lot. thanks. microsoft is launching a new feature that
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remembers everything you do on your computer. don't be too reporter rich demuro takes a look at the privacy concerns. >> a new feature in windows remembers nearly everything you do on your computer with recall. >> we're going to leverage the power of ai and the new system performance to make it possible taxes. virtually anything you have ever seen on your pc, the software. take snapshots of your screen and makes them searchable either through a timeline or by keyword. based on research that we've people spend one hour a day at work, just trying to find things that could be a file. a web page you visited or an image called years. you basically a virtual photographic memory of everything you've ever done. your pc. it's a potentially helpful tool. you can see here a timeline of everything that you've done on your computer with some serious privacy implications. this is something that we'll watch this story only on your device. everything you've seen or down on your computer. >> and then you can find it in the timeline later, you could
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search for and pull up that thing that you're searching for that project, you are working on that thing you saw on the web site somewhere that you can't fight anymore recall is turned on by default. there is an option to pause it or turn it off completely. >> it won't record when you're in a private browsing session and you can exclude certain apps or websites completely with some limitations in my tests. searching was impressively thorough, but it wasn't always flawless. they want find some here. there are some trees that i was working on picture. one more tap takes you back to that document file or web page. you can decide how much storage you want recalled to use on your hard drive. snapshots are encrypted by the fall and everything is process locally. nothing is sent to the cloud. we've got built-in privacy controls, so you can always pause your content. you can delete your snapshots. microsoft's, as you will not be able to get the new recall feature on older computers. plus, it's in
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testing status, which means the features could change based on customer feedback. i'm rich demuro. >> a successful rescue in san francisco after rock tunes chased a dog over the side of a cliff. this happened in the patrol hill neighborhood. fire crews rescued the dog named cushy pop last night. such a cute name. the dog was not hurt. thankfully, they have been reunited with a sock. i want to know the back story behind the name cushy pup. yeah. haha. well, calling all bookworms the oakland public library is inviting readers of all ages to participate in its summer reading challenge. >> the goal is to read for 20 days this summer, meet that achievement and you get any book for free grand prize is also include a nintendo switch. golden state warriors, tickets and ferry passes throughout the summer of the library. also offers special kid events, including magic shows and petting zoo. so lots of fun options. they're definitely disney. plus has
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released a new documentary on one of the country's favorite southern california boy bans. >> everybody loves song. a deep dive into the music of the beach boys. the film explores new stories from the iconic group like how they got started, how their signature sound came about and how they were able to capture the essence of the california dream. >> ladies and gentlemen, 4. >> the beach boys represent some sort of fantasy. they were participating in the creation of the california dream. >> i >> the ban trying to capitol records being one of along and yeah, we we can't get enough boys. haha today, the ban does still perform. you have the chance to catch them at this year's california state.
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jamming along with yeah. exactly. jamming along and saying hello to miss kate rooney. sports night live is coming up. stick around, of course, for prom for news at 11. but of course, >> spurs. liked or not to jam along. i 3 and a half year old and he's obsessed with the beach. played all the time in our house long. >> fun, fun, fun, though. and there ultimately okay taste to check out that show. a lot to check out tonight on sports night live. the giants for back at oracle park today hosting the nl east. leading phillies will have highlights and reaction from that game. >> and we mourn the loss of one of the greats hall of famer bill walton who sadly passed away. earlier today. tributes pouring in from around the the sports world. we will share some next on we will share some next on spor ( ♪♪ )
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>> welcome to sports night live. i'm kate rooney, whether it is a jolt of energy from some of the young players they've called up recently or whether it's just the natural cycle of the season. the giants seem to be hitting there stride. now they've won 8 of their last 10 games and 3 straight series heading into today's game against a team with the best record in baseball. the philadelphia phillies, a beautiful day at oracle park on this memorial day. a sellout crowd of 40,000 honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice serving


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