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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  May 28, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> now at 6 concerns growing tonight about drug overdose deaths in san francisco, possibly getting worse before they get better. good evening. thanks for joining us here in confidence at 6, i'm noelle bellow and i'm grant lotus health officials across the country say they're starting to see this fentanyl mixed with a new animal tranquilizer, which is causing a surge in overdoses. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> beating back san francisco's overdose crisis is hard enough. but now the new drug being mixed with fentanyl could make things significantly worse. several u.s. cities, including chicago and philadelphia, are now starting to see fentanyl laced with minute home a veterinary sedative that is causing a surge in overdoses
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philadelphia within just a few. >> is there 600 hospitalizations fearing the drug could be in san francisco now or soon arriving. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey has sent this letter asking the city's medical examiner department of public health and police department. if san francisco's illicit drug supplies being monitored from edit omitting. and if that monitoring is insufficient, how the board of supervisors can better fund and support that effort. the drug supply changing it to unpredictable unprecedented ways terms of how that will be deadly. it and we need to make sure we have enough resources and talk to politics to be monitored. >> this is not the first veterinary sedative to be mixed with fentanyl in february of last year, the san francisco department of public health sent out an alert that xylazine or tranq another animal tranquilizer was being mixed with fentanyl. meta toma dean appears to be even more
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potent. these are issues that are really important to me as a recovering addict myself. i want to make sure that >> we can keep people alive so that they have a chance to get a recovery. and during the first 4 months of this year. >> san francisco has seen more than 250 fatal overdoses. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> meantime, state law enforcement agencies eave taken up nearly 6 million fentanyl pills since january. that's according to governor newsom's office, which says in april alone more than 2 million pills were seized across the state that was done through california national guards at counter drug task force, which helps a local and federal partners take fentanyl off the stceets. >> developing tonight, new details are emerging after a woman was found dead at a home in san jose. one man is now in custody. police responded to reports of gunfire at the home on north 20th street. not far from san jose high schools, about 6 o'clock last night
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when they arrived, police say a man barricaded himself inside after hours of negotiating. he eventually surrendered. officers say they then found a woman with serious physical trauma inside the home. they say she died at the scene. her exact cause of death is still being investigated. >> we're still trying go through the entire investigation, determined you know what occurred in what order? that's again, part of the puzzle that we're trying to put together. we just know that was one loss like that we didn't architect is again, are doing outstanding job trying to figure out what happened. what went down. do have the suspect in custody and we're just working together to make sure bring justice for the victim and her family. >> police say the suspect and the victim did know each other, but investigators have not revealed their exact relationship. officers say the suspect also shot another man before police arrived. that victim was treated at the hospital for minor injuries.
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the identities of the victims and suspects have not been released. this is san jose's 16th homicide of the year at this time last year, 11 homicides have been reported. >> an update on one of 2 standoffs in concord last night. police say the man who forced his way into a home rose brook court. 47 year-old christian stewart. police say a woman lived at the home with her 3 daughters. >> neighbors were asked to shelter in place when they heard gunshots. a standoff lasted for a couple of hours until stewart came out, there were no injuries reported. stewart told officers he. entered the home because he was being followed by several armed people and investigation concluded there was no evidence to support that statement. stewart was booked on several charges. a local businesses having to delay its grand opening in san francisco this week after thieves took off with thousands of dollars worth of items leaving the rest of the store untouched kron four's lezla gooden spoke with the owner. she joins us
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now live in studio with more less that's right. the seth located in hayes valley was said to have a soft opening today. >> but a strange break into the restaurant has left the owner with many questions and harper again. >> this is chef george howell. we need he spent the last 6 months getting hit new restaurant zieback sf ready for its grand opening on wednesday had about. >> 8 for staff can come in today and you know, about 6 back in the house and and i beef over a great. >> on cloud 9. but that will change once he saw this video, surveillance of people breaking into the restaurant and stealing over $15,000 worth of cooking tools. >> and liquor. somebody has the guts to do it so so easily. so they pry they they they use the window. these got a crowbar. nathan lifted broke the lock. >> and then there were just apwalking around. george says this all took place between 03:00am and 05:00am on
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tuesday. >> sharing the individuals used garbage cans and double backs to take the items and hour later, they came back 4 to 5 people. >> it looked like 2 females got on the bar, start bringing down all the bottles, handing them. george explains that the thieves did not cause any physical damage to the restaurant. instead, he says they took liquor from the front and back of it. eventually they made their way to the kitchen where they were seeing looking through his recipe book. they even opened up the freezers. i don't know what they were searching for. they open up every door this pep table says police were here earlier investigating and dusting for fingerprints telling him they haven't seen anything quite like it. >> you know, having having this when the light is right, there's where we're at the finish line. and this kind of just. they sure are a little bit. but again, have to move forward. >> and george tells me has plans to add more security. and despite this setback, he still has faith that san
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francisco will continue to improve for businesses like his he plans to open in the next week by the stimulus going kron. 4 thank you, leslie. >> happening tomorrow, scott peterson, the man convicted of killing his wife, laci and their unborn child is set to appear in court via zoom. his defense team is trying to get him a new trial by gathering new evidence. but the stanislaus county da's office is opposing that motion. the nonprofit representing peterson wants to dna test a rope and a stolen van. it was buried near the petersons home around the time his wife laci went missing. the district attorney's office is asking the judge to deny the motion because of evidence previously used to convict peterson in 2004. david de pap the man who attacked paul pelosi. he was in a federal courtroom today to be re-sentenced. this comes after the judge in the case failed to ask pap if you wanted to address the court prior to being sentenced the
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first time kron four's tiffany justice reports. >> standing with h s attorney by his side. david de pap was back in court to be re-sentenced tuesday previously district judge jacqueline corley had sentenced a pap, but days after crowley said there was an error on her part in not allowing the path to speak to the court as required by law in court. the pap seen apologetic telling the judge that he has reconnected with family and promises not to be violent. again, says in court he was influenced by the january 6 capitol riot judge corley stating that the sentence needs to reflect the damage and seriousness of this crime received a total of 50 years. the maximum allowed 20 years for attempting to kidnap nancy pelosi and 30 years for assaulting paul pelosi with a hammer inside of their san francisco home. the 44 year-old will serve his sentence concurrently, meaning the total length will be 30 years. the paps ex-wife and son not agreeing with the
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sentencing tuesday, a lifetime sentence. quite goal. so. >> white the was also given credit for the 18 months. he's been in custody. >> reporting tiffany justice kron, 4 news. >> david de pap is also facing state charges and is expected to be back in court tomorrow morning about 9 o'clock. >> let's get you a check of the forecast. taking a live look across san francisco at this hour. we've had some nice blue skies. you can't really tell licenses from our sutro tower cam. not too much wind. >> that kathy trafton where the winds are dying down just a little bit in some areas. but it is beautiful. as you see the palm fronds behind me, not with thing quite as much as they were just a few minutes ago. >> so we'rstarting to see a few changes now. this is the view of the senate's a skyline from santa san jose state university. blue skies down there as well. and the temperature in san jose, it's 74 degrees. now. this is an
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interesting thing right now. these are the temperatures spanning almost 30 degrees is caught. 28 degrees difference between half moon bay at 56 degrees right now. and santa rosa at 84 degrees. this is the kind of spread and even more impressive. spence will happen as we get into the full summer. we're starting to see some changes, which is kind of fun. i mentioned the winds have died down a little bit. okay. maybe not point race. 28 hpmile per hour winds but through the golden gate now it's only 15 miles per hour. so that's good news. if you're heading out to the ballgame, many want to me. they're already because the first pitch is coming up at 6.45. 59 degrees right now. it will cool off just a little bit to 55. i've got the 7 day forecast coming up just a bit. thanks. >> kathy. coming up, why there's a growing demand for an oversight committee focused on the alameda county sheriff's office. >> one of the most dangerous railroad crossings in the
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country is here in the bay to tell you where and what is being done to try to change that. governor gavin newsom is facing backlash over proposed cuts that could impact undocumented californians who need in-home care capitol correspondent eytan wallace to speak with people trying to stop the proposed cuts from going into
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>> new at 6, a man convicted of a woman in massachusetts has been arrested in the bay area after 16 years on the run. the u.s. marshals service says that tune leave ran away
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from his trial in 2007 after being convicted of kidnapping and rape. after 16 years, investigators in massachusetts found information lee was in diablo just east of danville, massachusetts. investigators traveled here to the bay area this morning and lee was taken into custody. in the north bay. police and sandra fell are warning residents after a series of incidents involving people impersonating federal agents. police say the impersonators are targeting pedestrians and people sitting in their cars. they walk up to the victims, identified themselves as federal agents and asked to see the victims wallets. that's when they steal the wallet or any cash. police want to remind you a law enforcement officer will never demand someone turn over their entire wallet. purse or cash. san francisco's health department is encouraging people to get their m-pox vaccinations ahead of the summer. >> it recommends the 2 dose vaccination, especially for the lgbtq community ahead of
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pride saying that those folks are likely to be most affected right now. health officials say they're not seeing a rise in m-pox cases in san francisco, but they say the virus continues to circulate across the u.s. health. officials say more than 50,000 doses of the vaccine were administered last year, helping to stop the spread. park service between the 24th street mission and daly city stations will be suspended this week. no service that will allow crews to make track improvements and clear nearby vegetation, free bus rides will be available between the stations. people should expect their trips to take about 30 minutes longer than normal. >> several states continue to be hammered by a severe weather tonight. dozens of people have been killed in the path of tornadoes from texas to kentucky. it's been pretty relentless. red cross volunteers now. >> from the bay area have been deployed to help in kron four's. rob nesbitt joins us live in the studio with more on the important work they're
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doing, rob well, the red cross of northern california has sent a total of 8 volunteers to states impacted by severe weather. 5 of them are in east texas where there's been loss of life and loss of homes. the images out of texas are hard to grapple. homes flattened by powerful tornadoes and dozens of lives lost oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky have also seen their fair share of severe weather day. >> homes have been and really damaged and and >> boarded at supported at all. regina james lives in san mateo with a volunteer with the red cross has spent the last 2 weeks in houston, texas, delivering food by truck to families in need as well as working temporary shelters to those who have had their homes destroyed at our shelter. there was a woman who is >> in a wheelchair and blind and didn't have a home to go back to and we're able to buy her and her 2 grandsons. she
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cares they think. the ability to >> have have shelter. james has worked on disaster recovery operations before for the red cross after hurricanes and wildfires. this may be her first time helping after a tornado, but it's not her first time experiencing my first encounter with the red cross was on. i was 11 years old. >> and and my small town was struck by 6 tornadoes and one night she remembers red cross volunteers offering food and shelter to her and her neighbors. >> that led left a lasting impression on james is why she did not think twice about traveling 1900 miles from san mateo to houston for the long days like. >> 10 16 hour day. when you get up the next morning and you do it again. but you do it happily because you make a difference in someone's life. and that's that's thing. >> the red cross is always looking for more volunteers. and james says you can reach out to your local branch about donating your time, money or
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blood reporting in studio. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. thank you, rob. now let's talk weather as we take a live look outside the out 10 ms. >> there's a windy tonight and we boy, hearts go out to all the people deal with these tornadoes. it feels like it has just been for last month and a half coffee. >> exactly. so, you know, we don't have a whole lot to complain about right now. just saying, okay, the winds whipping the camera. yeah. we get that. but you know what? we look at the storm still stretching all the way through texas up through colorado. that's pretty severe weather going on there. and also louisiana, new orleans. look at this band of moisture heading right toward louisiana. so the storms aren't done yet as a whole bunch of watches and warnings going on in those areas and it continues. of course, it's hot. that's part of what's fueling these storms you can see right now it is 72 in new orleans. 85 in miami. but my
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goodness gracious as you head toward phoenix, it's 102 at this hour and then lost wages. 98 degrees there. and in our central valley, bakersfield still holding on at 91 degrees. upper 80's as you head right toward fresno and in san francisco, it's a tranquil 63 degrees. high pressure is the main weather feature. we do have the winds coming down the coastline little bit of fog overnight, perhaps not as much as before. and we're looking great conditions tomorrow. yes, a little chilly in san francisco, but what he expects 67 degrees there as you would expect, of course, 50's right along our coastline shoreline. we look at 50, 71 degrees that is in burlingame and in foster city. 75 degrees. 75 also in mountain view. she head down towards san jose forecasting numbers in the 70's 80's down in the south bay and also similar conditions. as you look at the east 75 and hayward, 78 and richmond 90
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and not feel tomorrow. so we're looking at just a variety of temperatures and the next 7 days looks great. dry conditions and numbers in 80's in the warmest in one spot. 70's when along the bay. >> on the peninsula, safety improvements needed at cal train crossings. elected officials are asking the state for help to pay for it. kron 4 charles clifford reports. >> there's currently a plan to spend 744 million dollars improving 3 train crossings to in santa clara county and one here in burlingame. this one particular needs 70 million dollars in state funding. but the california legislature has decided to maybe not provide any money at all. and now local elected officials are trying to get them to change their minds. here in burlingame, the caltrain crossing at broadway in california drive is one of the most dangerous rail crossings in the state over the years. dozens of vehicles and pedestrians have been hit here
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with multiple fatalities. the state legislature had allocated 113 million dollars in funding to help pay for improvements. here and 2 other rail crossings, one in palo alto, one, another in mountain view. but that funding was recently pulled from next year's proposed budget. this is a massive problem. we have a chance to fix it. let's not miss that window. state senator josh becker who represents the area is leading the charge to try to get that funding reinstated because that's going to leverage hundreds of million dollars to both federal funds county and local funds. so this is all ready to go. we're ready to break ground next year, but we need the 70 million with the thought of losing funding. it really does put in jeopardy our ability to get the project done. caltrain executive director michele bouchard says the transit agency supports the proposed safety improvements were operating an all-time high level of train our ridership is coming back. and so we really do need to be able to provide the level of service that the community needs. it's unclear why the funding was pulled from the
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budget or if governor newsom supports putting it back in. >> the state legislature has about 2 weeks to decide if that money will be restored in burlingame charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> coming up, governor newsom is trying to get rid of a proposition that would give voters a say in the approval of new taxes.
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>> businesses and taxpayer groups are doing what they can to stop a government overspending by proposing the taxpayer protection act. it would give voters the right to approve or reject all new taxes and require a two-thirds majority for approval.
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governor newsom argues the proposition would deny the government the money it needs to fix city streets or public safety. adding a two-thirds approval is a difficult number to achieve supporters for the measure say taxpayers are done getting steamrolled by lawmakers. the state supreme court has heard arguments and is set to rule in the next few weeks. >> after a series of delays, there is a new deadline now for californians to get a real id. if they plan to travel within the u.s. next year. >> the date is 5/7/2025. there are no signs of another deferment. so you do need to get your real id by then. dmv data shows nearly 17 million californians have a real id state population is nearly 40 million after the deadline. anyone trying to travel through tsa or enter a federal courthouse without a real id would be turned away unless, of course they had their passport with them information on how to apply for a real id can be found on the dmv website.
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>> up next, authorities have a warning tonight about inmate who escaped from jail. tell you about the barbed wire in the latest on the search there. plus, the hush money trial of former president trump wrapped up with closing arguments today. we'll recap day in court and that's how the city of oakland plans to keep tens of thousands of kids fed through the summer. keep it for news at 6. we'
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>> our top story this half-hour calls seem to be growing for alameda county leaders to create an oversight committee for the sheriff's
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body would investigate in-custody deaths at the jail or shootings involving officers kron four's terisa stasio reports. >> we believe that this year but all county should be accountable transparency. >> all. >> and citizenship involved in high walls enacted and enforced in our counties. that's jim lawrence with fixing san mateo and a member of the california coalition for sheriff oversight. and i believe just like president governor, you know, our sheriffs have no one has no oversight. and we've actually for people, you know, in expected position, it that supervises to step up. >> he explains in san mateo, they have been working with the board of supervisors to put forth such a citizen board, which could have independent powers to investigate issues such as in custody deaths in january. an inmate died in the jails detox unit. >> did you know mateo county, which is the one of the richest counties not only in california, but in


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