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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  May 29, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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with breaking news. the breaking news is in san jose and it could break your commute. yeah. big rig with more than 40,000 pounds of strawberries is on its side. this is on highway one 80 in san jose is a big mess to clean up and a big mess of traffic is resulting crabbers. michael thomas live at the scene. what's going on right now? >> hey, good morning, everyone. right now they are emptying out that big right with the stop you can see here. but take a look. this is on the side of highway 101 and it is the northbound lanes. as we mentioned, the connector for both northbound 8.80, and northbound. 101 are completely close. stop essentially move the camera over here. so you can see that big rig tipped over on its side. chp says they do believe that the driver may have tried to make too wide of a turn connecting on to north about 8.80, heading over towards the east bay. lead them to hit the railing and then their tractor and trailer tipped over and you can see was filled with 40,000 pounds of strawberries.
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thankfully that driver is okay and drivers still here on the scene. he's he would not speak with us, but everything inside all of that product is now being thrown out. you can right here in this tractor, what they're filling it with is the strawberries and they are dumping them all out. so thankfully everybody is ok, but when it comes to clean up tractor and trailer also hit some of the sand buckets which caused more congestion. because now the connector of 8.80, getting onto northbound 101 is also close. and you can see all those strawberries now going to but the good thing is nobody was harmed in as far as the cleanup, it's going to take at least a few hours. and as we get more details from officials what may have exactly happened, keep you updated. but from what they tell me here on the scene, they think maybe possibly just made too wide of a turn, they but they don't think it was anything too crazy. maybe possibly he could have fell asleep, but no other details have been given eta. no eta. as of right now, south, i
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didn't grab some shoppers to give you guys a closer look at exactly what was in there. so if these tiny packages, i did do some math. these are about $3 or so. a pop and if you do that by 40,000 pounds, i mean, this is about $120,000 worth of product. that is the very latest here in san jose michael thomas and live in the 3 starters. i wonder if people are going to be pulling over trying to get all their at this point. not saying they will let you do that. all right. thank you, michael. i let's continue our team coverage of this because we have rain in the traffic center following sort of the ripple effects. people get around be ours, i guess, right? yeah, this is a mess out there. you can see strawberries all over the highway. also some sand as well. >> the connector ramps are closed northbound 1, 1, to 8, a north. >> 8.80 to 101. okay. so if you're trying navigate and get around those delays, he's already see traffic building along 101. it took take 6.80, up or to 80 the 101. those are your 2 options. surface streets also ago for you this morning. just stay away from 1, 0, 1, 8.80, until they're
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able to upright that clear that off the highway. other bridges looking good. 21 minute ride into the city on the bay bridge. mateo bridge just short of 20 minutes. a richmond center fell bridge 12 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 24 minutes. tom, back to you. what a change from yesterday at the golden gate there rain that perfectly clear this morning. no cloud cover whatsoever. >> get a nice to have that switch up as you're getting up for your wednesday. start. you look outside from mount tam which had been my look above the clouds is now just showing a look above the city skyline san francisco with some really clear conditions out there today is going to be a little bit warmer than yesterday. and a nice and sunny one from start to finish. now we are going to see our most noticeable warm-up for our inland areas. winds have relaxed a lot from today. celeste of that ocean cool. they're being pushed inland and that does mean temperatures are already fairly mild and will climb quickly under the sun. brentwood, pittsburgh in vacaville in the 60's right now, vacaville is only 07:00am
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in your home 70 degrees already later today, we're going to be looking at 80's for your highs inland and 70's along the bay. back to thanks. a lot of the 703 happening today. convicted murderer scott peterson returns to court. >> for the second of 3 motions hearing. yeah, the group. >> representing peterson is asking the court to perform dna testing on pieces of evidence that were found near the peterson home kron four's will tran is live at the courthouse now. and redwood city. what's going on right now? well, >> wild area. we're about 90 minutes away from the courthouse opening to the public. we do expect this to begin at around 9 o'clock this morning. and this is an all day event and depending on how the judge rules, it could be a win for scott peterson or he could suffer a fatal blow for his attempt to try to get a new trial. so what's at stake is, as you mentioned, the dna testing, scott peterson is being represented by the los angeles innocence project. he
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claims still after all this time that he did not kill laci peterson, despite at this same courthouse decades ago, he was convicted of killing laci peterson and their unborn son. connor. now back on 12/24/2002, it's irrefutable. that's scott peterson was not home at the time. now. he claims he was actually at the berkeley marina fishing that he had nothing to do with laci peterson's death, that, in fact, it was she was abducted in. mean his attorneys and peterson claim that there was an orange band found near their home that was burned inside. that van was a mattress. they want to do dna testing on believing if they finally sees dna in there clearly proves that he was not the killer. the prosecutors say they had an airtight case
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back then they refused to do any dna testing. now, unless judge orders them to do so that scott peterson is desperate man trying to prove that the police officers did shoddy work. they claim prosecutors say that they did not that he was an airtight case, depending on what happens. it's a big day, obviously for the prosecutors for scott peterson, depending on how the judge rules, we will be inside and let you know exactly what happens. scott peterson will not be in the courtroom, james and ari, in fact, he will be doing it from a conference call. i've seen him before. he will be there because he's in a prison far away from this location. but again, he has obviously a very vested interest and what's going on because we're talking decades into it. he still has not claimed that he was the killer that all this time that he is innocent man, increased. back to you. >> all right. thank you. will
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another big court case today? david de pap is going to be back in state court for the attack on paul pelosi in san francisco, opening statements. we'll begin in just a few hours. he is charged with attempted murder, alger abuse, residential burglary. >> among other felonies, prosecutors say that he admitted he broke into the pelosi's home with the intent of holding the former house speaker nancy pelosi hostage and videotape her and getting her to admit. that the government was corrupt. she wasn't home, as you know, and he ended up hitting her husband, paul pelosi with a hammer. this trial is expected to last about 3 weeks yesterday in federal court because he was always can already convicted in federal court. he was sentenced to 30 years in prison. so happening right now, jurors in new york are getting jury instructions from the judge in former president donald trump's hush money trial. the jurors begin
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deliberations this morning. our dc correspondent basil john has the latest. >> the case is now reaching a pivotal point. we jury deliberations and a possible verdict making this the most important week of the trial. >> perry said this is a dark in america. the clock is ticking for former president donald trump as the arguments are wrapped up in the country, waits for the jury's verdict. we have a trump was accompanied by his kids, eric and don junior and laura who all question the validity of the case involving hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels by trump's former lawyer michael cohen. if there's a goat >> of liars is michael cohen. this is a case about politics, pure and simple. the entire country knows this is nonsense. the defense needs to convince at least one juror that the former president is not guilty. we new yorkers years to tolerate him when he
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was just another grubby real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot. but biden harris campaign surrogates, including robert de niro. >> 2 time outside the courghouse to talk about trump and the damage she does to the country is fighting for one person. that's donald trump's want to make sure american people understand it is now up to the jury to evaluate the 34 counts of falsifying business records. and these charges are punishable by up to 4 years in prison. >> reporting in new york city, basil, john. >> basil, thank you. 708, is the time. and a man convicted of a woman in massachusetts has been arrested. now here in the bay area after being on the run for 16 years. so the u.s. marshal service says that twinned lead ran away from his trial back in 2007 after he was convicted of kidnap and rape. lee was known there as the bad breath rapist that was due to the victims describing their encounter with him after 16 years. investigators in massachusetts say they found information that lee was living in the town of the opera, which is just east of danville in the east bay. the
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massachusetts investigators traveled here to the bay area yesterday and they took him into custody yesterday morning. and he's bay fathers now suing the city of pittsburgh, accusing the police department of using excessive force on him while he was suffering from a mental health crisis. so his federal lawsuit is actually tied to this incident, which was captured on video back in february of 2022. this police camera footage shows officers using a battering ram and tear gas in this hampton inn hotel that he was person suing was staying now, the lawsuit states that ashley porter refused to leave his room when they knocked because he was experiencing a psychotic episode at the time. and he believed that people were out trying to get now, despite porter telling officers needed more time to calm down the lawsuit claims police used 6 aggressively force against him to get him out of the room, using tear gas, even firing several rubber bullets. porter
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suffered significant injuries during the whole thing. in addition to the city of pittsburgh, porter's also suing individual police officers, including this officer identified as officer ernesto, mejia orozco. he is the same officer, by the way, who choked berto martinez to death back in 2016. that case led pittsburgh to settle a lawsuit for 7.3 million dollars. the fbi, by the way, also arrested this same officer last year on suspicion of wire fraud. >> time now 7.10, and today governor newsom is going to be joined by other college officials and they're going to talk about generative ai. it's a summit bringing together tech leaders, government academics to discuss how artificial intelligence can best serve. california residents, representatives from stanford university and uc berkeley will be there. the summit starts at 2 o'clock this afternoon. it's 7 eleven's the time. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news at san jose state professor placed on administrative leave after joining campus. protesters will have the full story and
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growing concerns over a new drug on the streets. but doctors are afraid of. and governor gavin newsom facing backlash over his budget cuts will tell you which ones may impact undocumented californians. ♪ ♪ get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> 7.13, right now. we're so glad that you're here because you can hear about what's going to be in the way or commit a lot of people don't tune in to the traffic and they just leave the house then they run into problems. so rain has got you a well in hand here with the problems happening in the south bay right now. yeah, that's right. we have overturned. big rig was filled with 1000 pounds of strawberries. that's causing quite a bit of a mess and we
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shut down northbound. want to want to that connector and 8.80, to one on north right here in the south face. you can already see the back of building along 101. i'm saying good alternate for you. 6.80, or 101 to 2.80, surface streets. also going to be a best friend this morning while that is still shut down again, 1, 0, 8, 88 the connector shut down both sides this morning. the bridges and highways, though, a 23 minute ride into the city. so traffic continues to bill. 24 on the san mateo bridge. we started off. they're pretty busy. we've been staying there. a 42 minute ride the last check in along highway 4 were still at. 35 minutes of things have gone up just a bit. and 24 want to crack down 5.80, a 14 minute ride. john, back to you. and we are looking at lots of sunshine out there. you notice that at the golden gate bridge just a minute ago, but also in the south bay. take a look at this. >> nothing but that's an overhead in for san jose. you got your first day back in the low 80's today after the break from the heat over the past few days. now temperatures
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will continue to rise over the next couple of days as we see this high-pressure ridge really building in across the really building in across the region. now, it's not jus area that is in for a warm-up. take a look at your temperature outlook across the country as we make our way to june here in just a few days, warmer than average for virtually everyone, especially so for the western united states, though. and that certainly applies to those of us back home. so after that break from the heat memorial day weekend, it is back to some summer feel and stuff and consistently so as we start off in june on saturday, futurecast shows that we will be nice and clear today and continuing to remain that way as we work our way on into thursday and friday, which will be your 2 hottest days of the forecast. today's daytime highs comfortable in the city. we've got a giants game going on today. and 72 at the ballpark doesn't sound bad at all. 60's towards the coastline with some 70's for the most part along the bay shore today. and as i mentioned at the start of your forecast, some low 80's returning to the south bay
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east bay, daytime highs, mostly 70's on the east bay shoreline, but some low 80's, unpleasant and danville on up to concord, further inland and close to 90 today in vacaville are very warm. a spot tomorrow. i'm expecting a few low 90's on the forecast, although most of us inland will average out into the upper 80's. certainly warm enough and some upper 70's along the bay short temperatures will moderate a little bit into the weekend. james. >> john, thank you. 7.16 is the time and for your money this morning in a survey says americans are feeling better about the economy. the for the first time in months and home prices. they continue to soar. we've got jane king live. that has a great for homeowners. not so good news for those trying to find right. >> well, fact, james, we saw mortgage applications of the three-month low. i think just people are giving up. they can't afford a home right now. so we did see another record high large. the s and p corelogic kaye scholer national home price index jump 6 and a half percent from a year ago. sussex time. the index has reached a record
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high in the past year. now, persistent shortage of housing is one of the key factors putting upward pressure on prices. the average home price california, $782,000. according to zillow. well, americans attitudes toward the economy improved for the first time since january. the main reason for that is the job market but elevated inflation still looms large. and that's why consumer confidence has been down for 3 straight months. starbucks and the workers united will resume bargaining talks this week. workers united pushing for better pay and benefits as well as improve staffing and scheduling. starbucks says it's made significant progress over the past 2 years on those issues and elsewhere. tesla ceo elon musk facing scrutiny over his 56 billion dollar pay package. and in a last-ditch effort to rally votes, he's offering tours of the tesla factory. do 15 shareholders who vote on his hefty pay package. now, court struck this town. they said that it was to organized a this is all
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according to reuters. it says that to some of the shareholders think musk has distracted often making controversial comments that hurting tesla so they will vote on that 13th live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. back to ok, jane, thank you very much. >> okay, 7.18, on the clock. and santa rosa police now are asking the community for help in finding an at-risk teen who went missing monday morning. so we've got a picture here. this is 16 year-old addison hide. she apparently left her parents a note indicating she left with her cat in a cart cat carrier. haven't seen since. they say hyde is at risk due to her age and her medical condition that requires medication that she might not have on her. addison stands 5 feet. 5 inches tall. weighs about 145 pounds. you can see in this photo she has brown hair and blue eyes heights parents say that she also goes by the name ace. so if you have any idea where she is, give police a call. >> it's 7.19 san jose state university professor is on administrative leave right now for her role in the ongoing
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pro-palestine demonstrations happening on campus. yeah, the professor is an adviser to student activist on campus and says that the school is trying to censor her. >> kron four's jack moment has the story. well, spring semester may be over. graduations happened and many students have already left campus, including many who are part of this encampment protesting the war in gaza. meantime, though, the events are not slowing down. a professor was suspended by the university over her role in the encampment. she tells me she's denying all of the allegation felt like gaslighting. >> to it felt disingenuous. doctors saying kills a professor at san jose state and the adviser to many activists, students on campus. she says the university put her on administrative leave after she made a speech to students protesting the war in gaza for some reason, they think i'm directing the students, which i'm absolutely not. i'm i'm supporting the students kill shared with kron 4. the e-mails that san jose state sent her. they say she
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encourage students to march to the campus and set up an encampment back when students will only hosting rallies. she is denying all of it saying her speech is only in support of what the students wanted to do. >> i really don't see any evidence or any any any fact that they're showing me to say that i violated any policy whatsoever. according to the letter sent the doctor killed, she is suspended with pay for a maximum of 60 days. >> we reached out to san jose state and they told us they don't comment on personnel matters. i believe that their fat threatened by my exercise of my free speech think he'll says she's worried the school will try to extend her suspension so she can't talk to students next semester. i am mentally preparing for that possibility as last time we were here on campus with several weeks ago with many students here still protesting back then san jose state said it was working to decide what kind of punishment if any could be put on the students.
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but they say broke the time place and manner policy. we followed up again with the university to ask if they came to a conclusion. >> we did not hear back reporting on san jose state's campus jacmel but kron 4 news. >> and 7.21. and for your money. governor newsom is facing criticism over proposed budget cuts. advocates are worried that the cuts will hurt thousands of undocumented californians who rely on in-home support services. but 94 million dollars would be cut from a program that funds in-home supportive services for about 2500 undocumented californians. this program helps to pay for in-home assistance and care for eligible seniors and californians who are living with disabilities. the governor says he doesn't want to make these cuts but that he has no other choice because he needs to balance a budget. advocates are urging him to reconsider. >> if this program is taken away for undocumented recipients, it would be devastating news for many families. it is indefensible
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for governor newsom to eliminate services for population for no other reason. but for their immigration status. >> legislature now has a couple of weeks to review the governor's plan and send him a fully balanced budget. >> 72 right now, paper or plastic might be a question of the past in california. we'll tell you why they're looking to repla
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>> 7.25, to tide. california lawmakers are banning reusable plastic bags from grocery stores across the state. both the state senate and the assembly said that the move
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was needed after the elimination of single-use bags failed to reduce plastic bag pollution because they had multi use plastic bags still available. people just during those away like they did the old ones. so it's piling up at landfills stores are going to be allowed to sell, though. other types of reusable bags primarily made of cloth or woman textiles that can carry 22 pounds for at least 300 uses. so that will be the new standard. if governor newsom signs the measure, the ban will go into effect in january of 2026. >> for your health, the fda has updated a warning about some recalled cinnamon product. several brands were recalled earlier this year because a possible lead contamination. the first was this new jersey based company called cullen of brothers. but now the fda has fda has bumped up that company's recall to a class to health hazard. the affected cinnamon was packaged in clear plastic jars. no illnesses have been reported from it so far. in the east
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bay. uc berkeley is getting 1.2 million dollars to help cultivate and develop diverse school leaders. the university has been selected because they say their dedication to social justice and equity in education. the berkeley program is also partnering with the school districts in oakland, san francisco and contra costa county. the money is going provide tuition assistance to aspiring leaders of color. >> kron 4 is your local election headquarters and climate policy director, igor trig is leading the race now for berkeley city council's district 4. he's 31% of the vote voting in that special election ended last 100% of the precincts have reported. the other 3 candidates include auerbach weve got solely alpert and ruben hernandez story. the seat was left open by kate harris resignation back in january. so whoever wins will finish out her term, which runs through 2026. we'll take a break. coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news.
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>> 7.29. see how things are going to san jose. if you drive through that mess. it's the big breaking news story this morning. 40 pounds 40,000 pounds of strawberry getting in your way. we've got reyna harvey in a minute with the traffic impacts. but michael thomas is standing by at the scene to talk more about what's going on. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. we've got about 20,000 pounds of those shoppers right here behind me. you can see they're actually just tossing them all away. this is near the 101
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northbound in 8.80, connector. you can see there was a big rig that turned over filled with 40,000 pounds of strawberries and that big rig. we're going to show you in just a second. you can see what they're doing right now is taking out those strawberries. the only about halfway through that actual trailer that was connected to that big rig. they're getting those out. the driver is safe. essentially, chp does think that the driver made too wide of a turn, connect trying to get onto northbound 8.80, on that connector. there hit the railing, caused his big break to flip over and then it hit on to some of those sand buckets and those sand buckets went over to the connector of 80 heading to northbound 1, 1, so we've got 2 connectors that are closed this morning. we've got lots of strawberries. they're trying to get off of our out of that truck. i should say. you can see right there. they are throwing them all away. so it's a lot going on this morning. the traffic on 101, northbound is slowing down in this specific area.
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we've got lots of looking lowers people wondering what is in this big pile. well better. those strawberries and again, they're throwing those away. so as we get more details from chp of when this will be open back up, we'll keep you updated. but for now, they say it's going to be like this at least for a few hours because once they finally empty out that big break, also need to turn it on its right side so they can haul it away. that's a very latest here in san jose. i'm michael thomas story. and james, i'll send it back to a lot of massart. thank you, michael. all right. now let's continue our team coverage. you go to the traffic center and see what reyna harvey has for advice getting around that. yeah, it's going to be quite a delay for the next few hours. in fact, like michael just mentioned. >> that northbound 101 to 8.80, connector ramp and 8.80 to 101, both shut down right now because of that overturned big rig. you can already see the backup forming along 101. that's option for you right now. because, look, everything's pretty busy. first try to take the surface streets. and then if you need to take the highways 6.80, 101 to 2.80. but as you can see,
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everybody's doing that this morning. so hoping able to get that cleared up. but as of right now, it's problematic for roadways in the south bay service treats first in 6.80, or 2.80, to 101 to the options. this is actually a photo of the scene there. as you can see, mike's been talking about that throughout the morning. the next few hours. if you're in the south bay, it's going to be a problem. 25 minutes on the bay bridge. there are other highways, busy, but not because of accidents. 15 minutes along a richmond center fell bridge. look at 80 over the east bay. 34 minute ride nearly 40. you might want to take some possible avenue to navigate around those delays. and 24 walnut creek down to 5, 80 15 minutes. johnson, thank you so much. rain that we are looking at a lot of sunshine out there today. so any backups that you may be venturing into at least weather is not complicating those any further. we are seeing clear skies at the golden gate and some clear skies in downtown san francisco, too. >> much lighter wind. so all in all, a huge difference from yesterday morning. visibility
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is fine in the presence of marine layer very, very thin. so temperatures are going to warm really quickly. we're not talking a lot of winds today, either. definitely calmer than yesterday was this adds up really nicely for heading outside, enjoying a day under the sunshine. it is noticeably warmer inland, but not our warm us just yet. vacaville. you're close to 70 degrees right now. oakland and berkeley in the mid-fifties, as i mentioned today, does warm up. but our warmest days are still ahead of us. i'll be talking those in your full forecast ahead. back to you. thanks. a lot of 7.33. and self-checkout is no longer an option for. >> many safe ways around the bay area. a safeway says they took him out of select stores because of theft. and this isn't the first step this safeway has taken to try to prevent crime either. they also installed exit gates at some stores. so customers have to scan the receipt to get out of the store. a retail theft
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is an issue that continues to plague california statewide. as you know, in state senator lola smallwood quay of us has proposed a bill to prevent retail theft that if past would prohibit stores from having self checkout lines unless they follow a list of requirements. >> regulating that you can only have 15 items or less, you know, coming through self-checkout and we think you need at least one worker for every to checkout lanes and my target. there 12 checkout and one worker. and so this this worker is trying to help. you know, folks who were less tech savvy, figure it out. while someone may be trying to bombard them with a cart pushing through to steal items. >> the bill would also require stores to conduct a study before they can implement any technology that would reduce the number of workers that they need. the bill is headed to the state assembly right now. >> we have new details now emerging after a woman was
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found dead at a home in san jose. police say that woman and her suspected killer who is now in custody, by the way, knew each other. police responded to reports of gunfire at that home on north 20th street right near san jose high school at about 6 o'clock monday night when they arrived. police say a man barricaded himself inside and it wasn't until hours later that they finally negotiated his surrender. police say that's when they went in and found a woman with serious physical trauma in that home. she sadly died at the scene. the exact cause of her death is still being investigated. >> we're still trying go through the entire investigation, determined you know what occurred in what order? that's again, part of the puzzle that we're trying to put together. we just know that was one last life that we didn't architect is again, are doing outstanding job trying to figure out what happened. what went down. do have the suspect in custody and we're just working together to make sure bring justice for the victim and her family.
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>> well, officers say the suspect also shot a man before police got there. that victim was treated at the hospital for minor injuries. identities of the 2 victims and the suspect have not yet been made public and 7.36. and right now investigators are still trying to figure out the cause of this fire that started on sunday night. >> in oakland, they have figured out where it started. it was at this lumber warehouse at the economy, lumber company on high street right off of 80 that the fire first broke out. you can see how quickly it spread. crews got out there. they were still out there yesterday putting out hot spots and investigating. the tesla factory in fremont is being sued by hundreds of workers who allege severe harassment against black workers at the facility. the court documents say the black workers said that their higher ups had called them the end word and fellow workers refer to the plant as the plantation or the slave ship. workers also say they saw anti-black graffiti
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and new says racial slur. swastikas, tesla responded in this lawsuit saying that if it was informed absut racist incidents that took, quote, immediate and appropriate corrective action and quote, the class action lawsuit revolves around whether a judge can find a pattern of widespread racial abuse at the fremont factory. >> fentanyl laced with an animal tranquilizer now is causing a surge in overdoses across the country. and that has san francisco officials now worry that overdoses might go up here too. health officials in philadelphia and chicago are reporting spikes in overdoses with this drug called dead of a dime. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey is asking local health officials to monitor for the drug just last year. san francisco department of public health sent out an alert about silencing, which is another animal tranquilizer being mixed with fentanyl causing overdoses. >> we could have predicted that the drug supplier he believes is. what's alarming is that it's changing
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seemingly every few months or something. new that drive and more addictive and more >> yeah. from january to april of this year, san francisco seen more than 250 fatal overdoses. >> 7.38 right now and a big step forward for the forever. >> development in solano county, the city of the future officials have shared a timeline now for this california forever development that they hope to build. they submitted a petition with tens of thousands of signatures. che get to move forward. what happens now as election officials have until june 12 to verify the signatures, make sure they meet the threshold uor qualifying for the ballot. solano county supervisors will ultimately decide whether or not california forever gets on the ballot. >> great news for the bay area. as far as places to live wallet. hub says that fremont is the pet best place to live
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to raise a family in america. this study looked at 180 cities. they looked at the cost of housing, quality of schools, health care system. and while have says that fremont is number one, it for a few reasons. a couple of them, public schools and summer camp opportunities are great and they say in fremont 1.4 kids lack health insurance. so that's very low. only one percent of population lacks healthy food. also very low. san jose ranks 7th on the list. san francisco ranked 12. >> well, happening tonight, the city of san leandro set to host a self introduction and live interview with their new interim police chief. angela everette. the city says he will introduce yourself to the community and explain why she thinks she'll be a good candidate to be the city's permanent police chief. the interview will be held live on youtube 6.30. group of concerned citizens is calling on the alameda county board of supervisors now to create an oversight committee for the sheriff's office. the group
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wants them to look into in-custody deaths at the jail and shootings involving officers. santa rita has come under attack for years several years ago to deputies pleaded guilty to abusing inmates resid4nts we spoke with wanted more transparency and wanted this committee to be independent from the sheriff's office. >> a civilian body that has designated duties. for example, to look at trends to look at best practices to look at complaints as well as authority to get information. >> alameda county supervisors will talk about the committee during next week's meeting and we'll keep you informed on that. >> i think there are women. byron maine, joined before they remain in the army. so way back to england. >> can you believe it female bartenders used to not be a thing. this week marks 53 years says the california supreme court ruled women. serve alcoholic drinks in a
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bar. yesterday was the exact day that dick's cafe in the castro district hired its first female bartender. and this is kron. 4 archive footage from may. 28 it seems like it's from 9 15 doesn't like that. doesn't look like the 7 news. so weird. >> and you see these new things. james called women bar will they get it right? can they mix a drink? oh, my god. i look at the guys drinking, by the way. look, all guys at the bar. yeah. >> this is chris a oh, my gosh. take a listen. >> what's it like being a lady? mask mask oceans are bartenders. they say the difference is very little. >> the stories of this, you basically get the same customer. >> 3 years ago, like seems like 100 years ago and the way
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she's talking like, well, i mean, they're serving the same drink down. isn't that funny? the state supreme court may decision women could all before this before this. before that decision women could only make and serve drinks in bars that they actually owned the establishment or if james, if they were married to the owner of the bar shore than it's a family business, then we could all i asked and the guy did you see the guys smoking to still be a? no, no, no 7.42. right now. and still ahead, guard is making big changes. might affect your weekend plans. we'll tell you about that. >> and thieves burglarized a san francisco restaurant just
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>> 7.45 right now. and the breaking news is that big accident we've been covering since early this morning happening in san jose big rig on its side. we've got rain with a look at the impact arena. yeah, it's going to take them a little time to get that back up. right. at least a few hours. >> we know that that northbound 1, 1, to 8, 88, 80 to 101 connectors. both shut down right now because of that accident. you can see the backup all along. wanna one to 80 82 our highways in the south. we all pretty busy. so you might want to take it the surface streets because things are starting to build or 6.80, even 101 to 2.80, some options. a lot of folks are doing that this morning. so again, that mass right of that connector of 8.81, 0, 1, we also know that it was a chp tweeting out these images and they're saying that they don't have an estimated time or when the ramps are going to be back
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open because of that accident. so the south bay's pretty busy this morning are other highways. if you are going to be traveling and taking those routes, not as bad bridge about 30 minutes. not seen any accidents or hazards there, though, a richmond center fell bridge about 15. if you're going to take in the san mateo bridge 30 minutes, too. so we're already starting to see our highways pickup a little congestion forming 3rd a little bit right across the golden gate bridge. john, those skies are clear, though, at least we've got that this morning. you can see from the golden gate bridge reyna just showed. >> to half moon bay, no cloud cover whatsoever. what a change from yesterday today is going to be all together really enjoyable. one from venturing out whether you're out the coast or inland. high pressure ridge built up across the region is going to continue to keep a striped. and in fact, much of the country is going to be on a dry and warm trend in the days ahead of us. this is your 6 to 10 day temperature outlook. really the start of june. and as you can see, especially the
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western united states going to be way warmer than average in. this includes us here in the bay area with a warmer trend of weather ahead as we round out may really kick off june just around the corner. so don't expect those cool temps that we had for memorial day weekend to be much of a common thing over the extended forecast. clear skies today tomorrow and into friday tomorrow and friday are the warmest days. your forecast today if you're in the city may be heading to the giants game, expect low 70's and they're going to be gorgeous at the ballpark temps in the 60's at the coast while looking at 70's 80's for most of us today, not a lot of wind and certainly no cloud cover. you're seeing that already. so today is a good day for our sunshine lovers and those of you that may have missed that warmer feel a little bit. not too terribly hot just yet for most, though, san ramon up to concord in the 80's. oakland at 76 vacaville, definitely our warmest by 88 degrees today tomorrow and friday, our inland daytime highs will average out in the upper 80's. and i expect a couple of us to
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possibly get up to 90 bayshore cities in the upper 70's as well towards thursday and friday. james. john, thank you. 7.48 is a time and a new mediterranean style restaurant is having to delay its grand opening now, which was set for today. >> because thieves broke in and took thousands of dollars worth of items. so sit back as sep is located in hayes valley. and this is surveillance video from overnight showing the people breaking into the restaurant. and as i said, stealing more than $15,000 worth of cooking supplies and liquor. the restaurant's owner says it all took place between 3 and 5 o'clock yesterday morning. >> 45 people looked like 2 females got on the bar, start bringing down all the bottles, handing them. they even opened up the freezers. i don't know what they were searching for. they open up every door this pep table. >> somehow the thieves didn't cause any damage to the restaurant. thankfully, the owner says because of that, they'll be able to open its
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doors next week, but not before he has more security. in the north bay. the sanibel police department now is warning people about thieves who are impersonating federal agents and targeting pedestrians. so they say in this series of incidents, thieves apparently come up to people walking on the street sitting in their cars, the identify themselves as federal agents and then demand the victims wallets for cash. now, the police department says no legitimate federal agents are involved in these incidents and that law enforcement agents would never demand you hand over your wallet or your cash. so if somebody comes up, flashes a badge and ask for your money. believe that this is a scam. >> 7.49 right now and bay area officials are pleading with state lawmakers to restore money that was promised to improve cal train crossings. this one at broadway in california drive in burlingame is one of the most dangerous rail crossings and allstate. this crossing need 70 million dollars for safety improvements. the state legislature had set aside a total of 113 million to help
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pay for improvements at this and 2 other rail crossings on the peninsula. but the money was recently pulled from next year's proposed budget. have to see what happens next with that. the state legislature has about 2 weeks to decide whether to restore the money and how to balance the budget. >> a big milestone for the ballers. the oakland ballers are going have a full house. they after their inaugural home game. it's sold out next week. the june for the opener is going to be out there monday. park against the yellow high wheelers to love how they d the be. only vehicle tickets for the other games are still available. so if you want to catch the ball is in action. >> snap them up. if you know what they say, james, if you build it, they will come out. that's what happened. >> all right. let's talk about baseball when it comes to the giants taking on the phillies again at oracle for game 2. let's see how wet kron four's erin wilson has the highlights. >> well, the giants, they were
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looking to make it 2 in a row over the phillies on tuesday night. the enjoying a perfect weather day out on tuesday at oracle, but not as much as this young giants fan who caught not only one. vols before the day was over and i'm sure he was going to be happy no matter what the giants but the giants, they did him one better. the former giant zack wheeler always, you know, pitches will against his former team. he gave up 2 hits in 6 scoreless innings, but he received no offense of support. meanwhile, giants, they threw a bullpen game at the phillies with spencer howard making his giants debut and throwing 3, 2, thirds of shutout ball. he got the strikeout in the throw out here on the double play with patrick bailey. it's a scoreless into the night. now with tyler fitzgerald, who hit 2 on with 2 out. but he struck out watching here is he gets ready. the pitch is coming.
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he's trying to make sure bases stolen, but they you go. it's a strike there and we're headed into extras now. the phillies they actually failed to score in their half of the tent. but the giants they put 2 on with one out and louise motto at the plate. he got a high fly to left brandon marsh. he makes the catch on this one. a strong throw to the plate there. but fitzgerald says be some just by a hair as he throws out or tried to throw him out. but you see there, fitzgerald said he had other plans, make it the walk-off win. that 1, 1, to nothing with the final on tuesday. i'll toss to you guys today. all right, erin, thank you very much. 7.52. is the time coming up in the next hour. the copper morning news. nissan is warning those of you who drive some of its older models to get checked as soon as possible. >> we'll tell you what models are worried about why
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>> well, this is cool. new this morning, the ocean news calling on apparently just over an hour ago, disney released the first trailer for mill wanted to the first film was the most streamed movie in the u.s. last year. houston popular. the movie hits theaters just in time for thanksgiving on november. 27th. perfect time for family friendly business. >> 7.56. right now. and coming up in the next hour, a huge crash in san jose. there it is. when it first happened. we're live at the scene to see if there's any progress blocking a major connector.
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and lawyers for scott peterson are going to be in front of a judge again, trying to get him. a new trial will tell you what that's based on. and the san jose state professor is on administrative leave. she says that the school is trying to censor.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> still now in the 8 o'clock
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hour covering the big rig crash with strawberries and other stuff all over the roadway. that following up your commute this morning. it is on scene for us is part of our team coverage is kron four's michael thomas with the latest on the cleanup effort. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. thankfully, everyone in the scenario was safe. right now. we're just dealing with a lot of strawberries getting taken out of this big right. we're going to show you the strawberries. you can see these efforts of cleaning up started at about 7 o'clock or so. they're still going into that big rig. we're going to move the camera this way. you can see just exactly where that big rig hit. this is on the connector of northbound 101, going onto northbound 8.80, essentially chp does say the driver of this big break may have made too wide of a turn to connect onto northbound 8.80, heading over towards the east bay hit the railing bounced back and that big rig flipped over. so this all happened at about 3 o'clock in the morning, trying to get that big red right side up for hours. but they had to empty at first. so


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