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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  May 29, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. we begin now with breaking news. >> we're starting the 9 o'clock hour now with still traffic accident in san jose that's really causing a mess involved big rig on its side and strawberries everywhere. crop was michael thomas has been following the scene. good morning, michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. that's red strawberries everywhere. it's important to note that everybody in the situation is safe. and i actually just spoke with the driver's father, looks at the driver who was driving this big break filled with strawberries was heading towards richmond from salinas. took that curve a little bit too fast. take a look. actually, we'll send you over this way. you can see that's exactly where that big rig it's tipped over. this is at the connector of northbound 101 heading onto northbound 8.80. so again, everybody is
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safe and the situation. but as james said, shoppers everywhere was carrying 40 1000 pounds of strawberries and will put the camera over towards some of those strawberries. you can see they've been emptying out this big rig all morning. they started at 7 o'clock. this is just half of what they've already emptied out. what they're doing is putting all the strawberries here, then putting it into a dump truck taking onto northbound 101 and heading over towards the dump. it's unfortunate that they all are going to waste. but the good thing is is that everybody is safe when it comes to how long these roads are going to be closed we're not sure because as you can see, they're still taking strawberries out. going on the 3rd hour. once they get those strawberries out, they still need to get this big rig right side up, clean up the actual road because during this accident, they also the driver did hit some of the sand buckets which went on to the opposite connector 80. those heading onto northbound 101. so they're both closed. so once the strawberries are taken out, that truck is lifted up. these roads will open back up. they also have
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crews out here on standby, caltrans to clean up the actual mask because there is a lot of essentially now jam here on the ground because they're pushing all of it as they're trying to get it all out south. it is a big mess and it does smell a lot like strawberries. but the good news is is that everybody is safe and these roads hopefully will be opened up. i would say at least buying new, but that is the very latest here in san jose. and michael thomas story engines that will send it back to you. >> huge operation saw that strawberries to cook has so many troubles problematic. yeah. thank you so >> michael problematic. logistically problematic commute wise for everybody trying to get where they're going in the southwest. check in with rain. arvin. look at some alternate and just see how bad the backups are. yeah, it's been a big mess. all of our highways impacted by this. unfortunately. >> that connector route one, a one to 8, 80 81 to one on the northbound side. both closed as a result of that. the traffic has been backed up the past 4, 5, hours now was
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originally saying 6.80, into a good alternate now saying take those surface streets, at least until the traffic along those highways starts to die down. all the bridges and highways bay bridge. 19 minutes traveling into the city this morning, 70 over down from 30 to 22. so that's progress. the richmond, sandra fell bridge 13 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of tolls, 30 minute john, thank you so much. rain, all that sunshine at the golden gate bridge. what a change from yesterday morning. at the same time. >> we kind of said goodbye to that cool ocean breeze like it was yesterday and temperatures are going to start climbing now taking another perspective of the golden gate skies. crystal clear, not a cloud in the sky out there and same all the way up and down the coastline. now, we will see that all day long today. if you're heading out to the giants game in san francisco, winds will pick up just a little bit around 20 to 25 miles per hour. not bad, though, when paired with some 70's were downtown. san francisco will be later today. brentwood in pittsburgh right now. you're at 67, oakland and
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berkeley still hanging out right around 60 degrees later on today. as i mentioned, a lot of 70's to low 80's making their return and we get warmer from here talking that in your forecast. back to you. thanks a lot. john is 903. and happening today, convicted murderer scott peterson returns to court. >> for his second of 3 motion hearing. yeah, the group representing peterson is asking the court now to perform dna testing on pieces of evidence that were found near the peterson home. at the time of the cross kron four's will tran has been fun is live from redwood city along with media from around the nation. good morning. well what's going on? >> well, right now it is happening not only today is happening right now. it started at 9 o'clock this morning. i can tell you that he is being represented by the los angeles innocence project and they're hoping that the judge, by the end of the day, and we expect this to go on all day that the judge will force prosecutors to turn over
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evidence which they want to do. dna testing. scott peterson has claim for the past. 22 years, believe it or not, that he has not. he was not the killer of laci peterson, that, in fact, he did go fishing to the berkeley marina his wife was alive at the time when he left that, in fact, he claims she was abducted and they at los angeles innocence project. they are pointing to 2 things. one is a burnt orange van found near the peters home peterson's home in modesto. and a mattress found inside that van. they wanted to do testing because they believe if lacey's dna is found side that van, it proves that scott peterson was not the killer, that she was abducted and therefore he deserves a new trial. prosecutors say during the trial, by the way, he was found guilty at this same courthouse 2004 20 years ago.
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the prosecutors say that they had an airtight case that peterson did not show any remorse during the trial afte- the trial that the case is over, that they should not be here and they will not turn over the evidence, evidence and less. the judge rules that they have too. so lots going on today. it is a huge day, james and area for scott peterson because if the judge rules in his favor, that obviously moves him closer to possibly getting a new trial. and if the judge says no, according to many legal experts, they could that deliver a fatal blow to his attempts for a new trial. >> fascinating. all right. well, thank you. >> and at 906, david de pap is also going to be in court today in state court. this time for the attack on paul pelosi opening statements happened this morning. he's charged in this state trial with attempted murder, elder abuse, residential burglary and other felonies.
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prosecutors say that pap actually admitted to them and to authorities that he broke into the pelosi's home in san francisco with the intent of holding former house speaker nancy pelosi hostage. however, she wasn't home at the time. and as we know what ended up happening was he hit her husband, paul pelosi with a hammer in the head. this trial. this state trial should last about 3 weeks yesterday in federal court where he had already been convicted. he was sentenced and actually re sentenced 30 years in prison. >> happening right now, jurors in new york just begun deliberating in former president donald trump's hush money trial. our dc correspondent basil john has the latest. the case is now reaching a pivotal point. we jury deliberations and a possible verdict making this the most important week of the trial. >> kerry said this is a dark in america. the clock is ticking for former president donald trump as the arguments
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are wrapped up in the country, waits for the jury's verdict. we have a trump was accompanied by his kids, eric and don junior and laura who all question the validity of the case involving hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels by trump's former lawyer michael cohen. if there's a goat >> of liars is michael cohen. this is a case about politics, pure and simple. the entire country knows this is nonsense. the defense needs to convince at least one juror that the former president is not guilty. we new yorkers years to tolerate him when he was just another grubby real estate hustler masquerading as a big shot. but biden harris campaign surrogates, including robert de niro. >> 2 time outside the courthouse to talk about trump and the damage she does to the country is fighting for one person. that's donald trump's want to make sure the american people understand it is now up to the jury to evaluate the 34 counts of falsifying business records. and these charges are
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punishable by up to 4 years in prison. >> reporting in new york city, basil, john. 908, is the time. and a man convicted of a woman in massachusetts has been arrested here in the bay area. some 16 years after the fact been on the run this whole time. >> u.s. marshal service says the tween lee ran away from his trial back in 2007 after he's convicted of kidnapping and rape. he was known at the time as the bad breath rapist. based on the description that victims gave police after 16 years, though investigators in massachusetts say they discovered that he had been living in de which is a town just east of danville in the east bay. so massachusetts investigators traveled to the bay area yesterday morning and took him into custody. and he's father is now suing the city of pittsburgh, accusing the police department of using excessive force on. and while he was suffering a mental health crisis. so the federal
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lawsuit is tied to this incident that you see here on the screen. this was video captured in february of 2022. from police body cameras showing officers using a battering ram and tear gas at a hampton inn hotel. now the lawsuit. claims that ashton porter refused to leave his room because he was experiencing a psychotic episode at the time he believed people were trying to get him. and despite him telling officers he needed more time, basically a calm down. the lawsuit claims that police aggressively forced him out of the room, using tear gas and even firing several rubber bullets at them. porter suffered significant injuries in addition to the city of pittsburgh. porter's also suing individual police officers, including this one here. this is officer ernesto mejia roscoe. he's the same officer who choked bertha martinez to death back in 2016. that case led pittsburgh to pay a settlement of 7.3 million dollars and the fbi also arrested the officer last year on suspension. suspicion of wire fraud.
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>> it's 9.10, and today governor newsom will be joined by other bay area experts in colleges are all going to be talking about generative ai. it's a summit that brings together tech government and academic leaders to talk about how artificial intelligence can best serve. california residents. there will be representatives from stanford there and uc berkeley. the summit starts at 2 o'clock this afternoon. oakland summer food service program is back. so right now, kids under 18 and under as well as adults with disabilities who are enrolled in a school program. they can sign up and get free lunches all summer long. you know, during the school year, thousands of children rely on school to get free and reduced costs. meals. but what about the summertime? this oakland is hoping will bridge the gap throughout the summer. if you need a list of meal sites that might be near you, you can download the ca meals for kids app on your phone. >> we're going to take a break or 9.11, but still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, tesla
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is facing a new lawsuit why some of its workers say they feel harassed. and growing concerns over a new drug on the streets. what doctors are warning out. >> and today going to be a gorgeous one 60's towards the coastline and a good dose of sunshine out that direction. well, inland areas will be back into the
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>> it's 9.13 right now before you head out the door. let's peek. wow. look at that. yeah. not bad. looking here at the golden gate bridge, we get that we get the expense of you with is a best office in the this high up also got a pretty they're 2 guys climb that i'll
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let you guys do that. i'll stand here at the surface this view looking up is nice and sunny out there. >> beautiful, beautiful skies all the way out to the coastline. and we've got the sunshine inland to, of course, high pressure ridge firmly in place at this point, jet stream is send well to the north and this is all going contribute to a pretty warm forecast ahead of us as we round out this month and kick off june. here's your early june outlook for the entire country looking warmer than average. but especially so for the west coast and here in the bay area and then different. we've got a warmer than average june expected just around the corner. so that cool memorial day weekend. we're talking all about that's not really been or moving forward. skies will remain clear today tomorrow on into friday. our 2 warmest days of the forecast will actually be tomorrow and friday. daytime highs today, super comfortable in the city game day 60's and 70's for the giants. we will be looking at 60's at the coastline, a little breezy out there. light jacket, kind of stuff elsewhere in the bay area, though, definitely don't need the jackets today. those
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low 80's in the south bay definitely warmer than we've been the past few days. east bay temps also 70's to a tease for you. hey, we're at 74 oakland. 76 concord, up to eighty-four today in vacaville are hot spot at 88 degrees for your daytime high tomorrow. most of the inland east bay is actually going to be in those upper 80's as will be the case on friday for inland areas, too. bayshore city's upper 70's starting tomorrow. we do have a little temperature back off from the heat this weekend before we're back up into the upper 80's next week. all right, john, thank you for that will busy. most of the morning talk about this accident in the south bay. >> more on a one to 8, 88, 80 to 101. the northbound connector still closed because of an overturned big rig. we've been seeing the backup far-reaching along 101 to 86, 80 this morning earlier was saying that hit the highways 6.80, a 1, to 2.80. now things are so busy surface streets are your best bet. a ridge right now, 16 minutes into the city. so drive times start to go down there. 21. but it
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brought on the san mateo bridge that we started off the morning around 30 minutes. 60 minutes long. want to 85 to menlo park. if you're in the south bay and 80 in the east bay crockett outdoors, the maze 30 minute ride back to you. >> time now to talk winners and losers on wall street with financial expert rob black. joining us this morning, rob, where the dow is off by more than 300 kind of read across the board. as a matter of fact. what your what your take this morning. things are so good that they're bad for interest rates. interest rates have ticked up above 4.5% or 4.5, 9 on the 10 >> that makes things more expensive. that slows the economy. but we are at record highs yesterday on the nasdaq were one to 2% below of s p 500 and the dow. this is not bad. actually normal. i'm giving back some recent gains. today we're seeing american airlines say their stocks down about the kind of messed it
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up. they went more domestic flights, then international flights and the profits international this quarter. so that's kind company specific, but it's still not good news. dick's sporting we may not be spending it. well, mark, we may not be spending as much target or starbucks or mcdonald's, but sporting goods are spending a lot of so you get their see their stock is up now. 15% on strong revenue and outlook for the next quarter as well. interesting. well, a surprise that american airlines are struggling. we had well, maybe it was just too little too late as friday was a huge for airlines, right? in terms of passengers. >> best day which is nice to saturday. 2.9, 5 million. >> 5 of the best days ever team in the month of may. so the airline industry is doing fine. it's just what routes pick, which are more profitable, which ones are. i'm not filling up quite as well. very company specific. the airline industry's fine. there's a little concerned that things are slowing on the consumer. terribly notice
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point in the summer months yet. >> okay. all right. let's move to our first official story this morning. the ncaa agreeing to let colleges, i guess pay student athletes directly. this is going to be a guess, a huge payday for student athletes see any downside of that. this winner, collin, for you? >> i see icy ncaa has a big business. i play division one sports. i didn't get kind of a side dead because i was eating ramen noodles. not read ribeye. anti-trust settlement was a 20 billion-dollar situation that they settled for about 2 billion, 5 of the biggest divisions division. one sports in the united states pulls about 16 billion dollars revenue in 2018 getting none of it to the athletes that we know of. but 18% of that money goes to scholarships and medical treatments. it's not like they give nothing but they're going to have be forced to give about 22%. that's which about 1.5 billion a year starting in
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fall 2025. expect every player on michigan. every player on ohio state almost $30,000 a year splits in the pros. fifty-fifty the splits in the ncaa worse student athletes is 22% 78% for ncaa. 22% for students. so it's kind of weird, you know, takes away the amateur feel of college football, top 25 become dominant the bottom. 25 going to probably shut down. i was just going to say you're going to have these like big power schools just buying up all the talent that's out there and >> some of these small small schools just going to struggle when it comes to their athletic >> and then you get athlete likely be done. i'm just out of lsu who are imprisoned. millions of dollars write in her name image and likeness that you sell. so college sports are they changing james. our parents when even recognize that, so. >> all right. let's wrap it up with our final story. i'm interested with this. i guess whose lives are luxury
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cruises? i should clarify. you say are writing the foodie wave on the big foodie i go on. the cruise is primarily to enjoy the food. everything else i can do with okay. so what are we talking about here? >> first and foremost, the whole morning crews get a free cruiseebecause we're talking about some of the costs 4,000 to $7900 per person luxury cruise is used to be about midnight here in the buffet or maybe u.s. liberty shaft. i kamrel in those days are gone. now it's about foodie cruises. authentically local ideas. i'm not. michelin stars you might get a tour with it that you need a translator because the sky. so tell you about the food you're about wow. 1 million guests took these cruises that typically small. chris, this is a big one that we're showing. but typically 1000 people or last for the cruises will pitch to take it in april to go in the best pizza shops in the world or you might go create sport or rabbit out of a clay pot or go
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to alaska. and there's 2 ladies call the salmon sisters who will teach you all about the salmon you're about to eat fresh onalaska rivers. super excited. actually saladin. never ever wanted to go on a cruise kids kind thanks are you saying i don't think i think your food? i think darren. think morning use out we were all we would all enjoyed. no doubt come on the ship and have these experiences for google off, shipped to them and enjoy this in whatever port of call there in both the excursion is kind the excitement where you go into the local cities. >> yeah, the food on the ship, you're learning how to make pasta. you're kind of getting in hands-on in the kitchen. so it's the first time in 25 years of doing this, i've ever said actually kind of want to go on a cruise right? i like the idea a lot actually. all right, rob, thank you so much for sharing that with us. all. >> bigger buddies gears to kind of turn to now when it comes to food. he cruises.
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we'll talk with robin tomorrow. so we'll see you then, rob, get your questions and comments in. you've got his facebook next handles there on the street. you also got his e-mail it rwe are back
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9.24. and gen z is reportedly reversing a decade-long decline in teen employment in the 80's. teen employment saw record highs with about 58% of 16 to 19 year-olds saying they were working or looking for work. however, those numbers begin to decline throughout the 90's into thousands when teenage millennials began entering the workforce. now gen z is bringing teen jobs back into style with 38% of
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them working or at least looking for a job. and that is a 14 year high. >> it's 9.25. and retail bankruptcies are on the rise. there were 26 retail bankruptcies last year. that's the most since 2020. the wall street journal reports even with these bankruptcies, landlords are seeing new tenants interest in in the closed locations. kim cole realty they on some of the red lobster property. the recently closed says they're already seeing an interest from the coffee chain. dutch brothers and from the restaurant raising canes more than a dozen retailers has said that they would also close stores after and during bankruptcy this year. and these spacey, berkeley is getting 1.2 million dollars shell called today and develop diverse school leaders. the university has been selected, they say because there are dedicated to social justice and equity in education. the berkeley program is partnering with the oakland, san francisco in west contra costa county school
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district to use this money help provide tuition assistance to aspiring leaders of color. >> we're going to take a break here 9.26. coming up next on the kron. 4 morning news. one bay area city is ranked number one when it comes to raising a family. we'll tell you where.
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>> it's 9.28, and we're still trying to help you steer around this big rig crash that's caused a mess in san jose. yeah, this is the story of that. a big rig carrying strawberries it overturned. michael thomas has been on scene for us all more can morning long tracking the progress of getting this thing back on its wheels. michael, what are you
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>> hey, good morning, everyone. it good news with all the strawberries are removed from the back of that big rig and take a look there now preparing to try and get it on its right side. now to give you all some perspective, the where we are, we on the northbound 101, where it needs northbound 8.80, at around 3 o'clock this morning. the driver of this big rig made too wide of a turn, hit the railing on the right hand side of the road and tipped his tractor and trailer over and you can see it. there was filled with 40,000 pounds of strawberries during that tip over and also hit some sand baskets they were filled with sand. so that poured over into the opposite connector and the lanes at 80 that merge onto northbound 101. so for the last 3 to 4 hours, they have been trying to get the strawberries out of the tract. and they did so and we'll have our photographer edgar show you this is part of those strawberries. you can see, though this is probably about 20,000 pounds or so because they've already removed dump
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trucks have common taken part of those shoppers out. so those are all going to waste. the driver is ok and now the biggest issue was just trying to get this big rig up on its right hand side and get these lanes open back up. they're hoping to tip it back over on its right hand side within the next 15, 20 minutes or so and then hopefully get those roads right back open. they do have crews here on standby to refill those stand. baskets are barrels as one would call them. and get this traffic moving when it comes to what i can i think brain it can hear me from what i can see here on northbound. 101 cars are still moving pretty sluggish. pretty slow. lots of looking a little but as we get more details from officials on when it will officially open back up, we'll keep you updated with very latest here in san jose and michael thomas, tara and james. we'll send it back to with the abolition. there's a lot to look 6 planes to slow down, but it's good. michael, give us the update. there is progress, at least in trying to get this thing back up on its wheels. let's continue our team coverage then. and reyna is in the traffic. yeah, that
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a backup far reaching across 101 and are adjacent highways as well. >> that connector and northbound on a one to 8, 80 82 want to want still close. >> it's been that way for the past 2 hours, surface streets going to be best option right now because you can see 6.80, to 81 want all still pretty backed up in the busy covered in red. all the highways that we've been focusing on the bay bridge gradually as the morning goes on, things are improving. 15 minutes there. 18 minutes on the san mateo bridge because we got up to 30 minutes on both of those bridges. a richmond center fell bridge 11 minutes and the golden gate. 37 to the tolls. 22 minute ride. john, back to you. thanks so much. lots of sun out there at the golden gate this morning. you see that behind me as well. >> and a different perspective looking down from suture tower. not a single cloud in the sky out there along the coastline this morning. just a gorgeous way to kick things off. and what a difference from yesterday. visibility clear from the coast to our inland areas. so we're going to be later today. will skies are going to stay clear? winds will pick up just a little bit
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around 20 to 25 miles per hour gusts. if you're heading to the ballpark for the giants today, i would bring the extra layer, although it is going to be super pleasant feeling. we're already in the low 60's in sf and got some low 70's in downtown just around the corner right now, fairfield and vacaville already in the 70's berkeley back up into the low 60's temperatures this afternoon for inland areas will be warmer than yesterday's back into the 80's for the first time in a few days and getting hotter from here later this week. i got that your upcoming forecast. back to you. thank you, john. it's 9.32 and self checkout is no longer an option for safeway. shoppers is certain locations around the bay. >> because safeway says they took him out of select stores. there was just so much stuff going on. they want to cut down on that. and they've also taken other steps to prevent crime. you'll notice in some stores, dave installed exit gates where you have to scan your receipt. >> before you get out, retail theft has been an issue, of course, not just in the bay area, but across california
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and state sen lola smallwood quay ms has proposed a bill now to prevent retail theft and preserve jobs. if this passes, it would prohibit stores from having self checkout lanes unless they follow a list of requirements. >> regulating that you can only have 15 items or less, you know, coming through self-checkout and we think you need at least one worker for every to checkout lanes and my target. there 12 checkout and one worker. and so this this worker is trying to help. you know, folks who are less tech savvy, figure it out. while someone may be trying to bombard them with a cart pushing through to steal items. >> she doesn't want to but workers in that position and she doesn't want to put customers and that position either. the senator's bill would also require stores to conduct a study before they can implement technology that could reduce the number of employees that they need. the bill is headed now to the state assembly. and if it passes, then it goes to the governor's desk.
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>> well, we have new details emerging now about that woman who was found dead in a home in san jose. police say that woman and her suspected killer knew each other that suspected killers in custody. by the way, police responded to reports of gunfire at this home on north 20th street right near san jose high school was about 6 o'clock monday night when police say they arrived to find a man barricaded inside of this home after hours of negotiations, he finally surrendered. and when police went in, they found a woman with serious physical trauma. they say she died at the scene. the exact cause of her death. that's still being investigated. >> we're still trying go through the entire investigation, determined you know what occurred in what order? that's again, part of the puzzle that we're trying to put together. we just know that was one last life that we didn't architect is again, are doing outstanding job trying to figure out what happened. what went down. do have the suspect in custody and we're just working together to make sure bring justice for the victim and her family.
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>> officers say the suspect also shot a man before they got there. that victim was treated at the hospital for minor injuries. the identities of the victims and the suspect have not yet been made public. >> we do have an update now on one of 2 standoffs that occurred in concord monday night where police have identified the man that was accused of forcing his way into a home on rose brook court. >> as 47 year-old christian store, police say a woman lived in that home with her 3 daughters. when this person came in, neighbors were asked to shelter in place when they heard gunshots. they say the standoff lasted for a couple of hours until stewart finally came out. no injuries were reported. police say stewart told officers that he entered the home because he in his mind was being followed by several armed suspects. but investigation concluded there was no evidence to support that claim. stewart has now been booked on several charges. >> it's 9.36. and here we are on investigators are still trying to figure out what caused this fire in oakland on
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sunday night. this fire broke out and damaged this lumber warehouse. it's called economy lumber on high street right off of 80 crews got to the scene quickly and they worked for hours. they got all of the main fire and the flames and smoke there out. but then they stayed while the scene monday putting out hot spots. the tesla factory in fremont is being sued by hundreds of workers alleging severe harassment against black workers at the factory in court documents, black workers say the higher ups call them the end word and that fellow workers refer to the plant as the plantation with a slave ship. workers also say they saw andy black graffiti, including new, says racial slurs and swastikas. tesla responded to the lawsuit saying that if it was informed about racist incidents that took, quote, immediate and appropriate corrective action, the class action lawsuit will now revolve around whether a judge finds a pattern of
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widespread racial abuse at the fremont factory. >> the constitution kind of died at san jose state university for me right now and a little bit for my students. >> and san jose state university professor suspended by the school now for her role in the ongoing pro-palestine demonstrations that have been taking place on campus saying kill who you just heard from. there is an adviser to the student activists there on campus and she accuses the school of trying to censor heard in e-mails from san jose state sent to kron 4 by doctor kill. they tell her that she encourage students to set up encampments back when students really hosting rallies. well, she's denying that. she says her speech was only in support of what students wanted to do. we did reach out to san jose state may told us they don't comment on personnel matters. fentanyl laced with an animal tranquilizers causing a surge in overdoses across the country. and that has san francisco officials now worried we might see the same
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thing here. health officials in philadelphia and chicago now reporting spikes in overdoses with a drug addendum a dime. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey is asking local health officials to monitor for the drug. there's just last year that san francisco's health department sent out an alert about xylazine, which is another animal tranquilizer that was found mixed with fentanyl and causing overdoses. >> we could have predicted that the drug supplier he believes and what's alarming is that it's changing seemingly every few months or something. new. drive and more addictive and more >> and from january to april of this year, san francisco has seen more than 250 fatal overdoses. >> it's taken a long time, but there's a big step for now for the for ever community that they want to build in solano county and they've shared their renderings and also the fact that they have a timeline now for this california forever development sort of utopia community that they want to build. a california
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forever says they have collected the signature, the signatures to get on the ballot. 10's of thousands of signatures that they've sent now into elections. officials and now they have until june 12 to verify those signatures and see if it will qualify to get on the november ballot. solano county supervisors will ultimately decide whether or not that gets on the ballot. >> great news for the bay area. >> we are home to the number one best place in america, raise a family. its fremont. there's a study by wallet hub comparing 180 cities and fremont is number one. they considered things like the cost of housing, the quality of the local schools and the health care system and who is helping while of says that fremont ranks number one for many reasons. it points out at the public schools. the summer camp opportunities and that only 1.4% of children lack health care insurance there. and only one percent of the population lacks access to healthy food. other bay area
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cities on the list. san jose is number 7 and san francisco ranks 12. >> happening tonight, the city of san leandro will host a live introduction and interview with the new interim police chief. angela, every yet the city says that she will introduce yourself to the community and talk about why she would be a good candidate to be the city's permanent police chief. that interview set to be live on youtube at 6.30. >> i think there are women may join before they remain the fire made. so way back to england. >> it's hard to believe that can do that job. but about that, no. 53 years ago, they couldn't until women were allowed. and this because the california supreme court actually had to rule that women were allowed to serve alcoholic drinks in the bar. and look, it's all guys and smoke. and still is in this it seems like it's 100 years ago, but it's 53 years since dick's cafe in the castro district hired their first female
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bartender. and this is kron. 4 archive footage. >> this is from 1971 and it looks like it's from 19. 0, 2, >> anyway, you could the ladies serve up and that actually even talked 2 the one of the women who is serving and listen to this sound bite is so so strange. >> what's it like being a lady? mask mask oceans are bartenders. they say the difference is very little. >> the stories of this, you basically get the same customer. >> like bizarro world. this is in our lifetime. yeah. so strange way was and listen to this now before. >> the state supreme court said that that women could serve. yeah. women were allowed to make drinks if they either own to establishment or this is the best part. there has been. and it so like if
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you're married to your the guy who owns the bar than you're allowed to serve the drinks, it's a family, we can't trust, you know, like how is the drink going to be the same? think a fair and plus, look, females at the drinking is just a different time. interview the >> patrons of the bar. they're now. what's it like being a female bartender >> a waitress is what? couldn't we serve so we're funny. yeah. all right. 9.42. is the time we're going. take a break. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news themes, break-in and burglarize a san francisco restaurant just ahead of its grand opening. we'll talk more about that and what the owner plans to do.
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>> i-45 and with want to get a look at weather and traffic for your traffic has been a hot spot all morning. it has a big rig accident in the south bay. rain has been following it in the traffic center been problematic for most of the morning commute. still closed down. >> that connector ramp northbound 1, 1, 8, 8, in a 80 to 101, overturned big rig. the big rig carrying thousands of pounds of strawberries. >> so they have quite the time on their hands trying pick off the strawberries up, get that big rig back up right? all the adjacent highways and freeways. pretty busy this morning. some saints surface streets. your best bet. it looks like we've got a little improvement along 6.80. if you want to take that and that may be 1, 1, to 2.80. but as you can see, things are pretty congested there. a ridge is right now a 15 minute ride into the city. looking at the richmond, sandra fell just short of 13 checking on those highways. busy one on one. you know, it is 52 minutes there. and 2.80, not much better travel along 80 over the east bay. looks like we have some traffic hazard there. so silly up to oakland about 30
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minutes. you might want to hop on instead and highway 4 looks good. 60 minutes, antioch, into cocker johnson it over to you. thanks so much. rain that we are looking at a co-operative forecast today. >> temperatures out there going to be a little bit warmer under all this sunshine we're seeing this is the embarcadero right now. not a lot of movement on the flag north. those palm trees means a nice calm morning. and if you are heading to the city for the giants game today, beautiful weather to be doing. so expect some 70's there at the ballpark. high pressure ridge in place. and this is going to stay with us, sending the jet to the north and contributing to a warmer than average forecast for much of the country as we make our way into june june. first on saturday, your extended outlook does show way warmer than average temperatures for much of the west. and that includes right here in the bay area with temperatures running well below and above above average for so those below average temps that we had for memorial day weekend. no more of that skies clear today
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tomorrow into friday with tomorrow and friday themselves being the warmest days in the forecast. as i mentioned, downtown sf gets into the low 70's today, some 60's towards the coastline, little breezy out there time to time, but not as much as yesterday. 70's to low 80's for most of the rest of us south bay temperatures. low 80's for you with san jose and santa clara at 80 degrees. fremont at 77 dublin. 79 your last day holding on to the 70's. warmest spot being vacaville at 88 degrees today tomorrow and friday, the hottest days of the forecast near 90 inland and near 80 along the bay will back off the heat just a little this weekend. >> thank you very much, john. 9.48. is the time and a new mediterranean style restaurant is having to delay its grand opening now, which was originally set for today after thieves took off with thousands of dollars worth of items. zieback sf is located in hayes valley and this is video from surveillance cameras overnight showing people breaking into the
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restaurant and making off with more than $15,000 worth of cooking equipment and alcohol. the restaurant owner says it all took place between 3 and 5 o'clock yesterday morning. >> before to 5 people looked like 2 females got on the bar, start bringing down all the bottles, handing them. they even opened up the freezers. i don't know what they were searching for. they open up every door this pep table. >> for whatever reason, the thieves thankfully didn't cause any serious physical damage to the restaurant. so the owner says he can open his doors next week, but not till he installs more security measures. in the north bay. the sanibel police department now warning people about thieves who are impersonating federal agents and targeting pedestrians. they say they've seen a series of incidents in which these thieves come up to people that are walking on the street or perhaps sitting in their cars. the thieves then identify themselves as federal agents and demand the victim's hand over their wallets or
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cash. the police department says no legitimate federal agents are involved in these incidents and that law enforcement agents never we'll come up to you and him and to give the money. just not what they do. all right. let's turn to baseball now as the giants and the phillies met once again at oracle park for game 2 of their let's see how that when given to erode be nice covers. erin wilson has a look. >> well, the giants they were looking to make it 2 in a row over the phillies on tuesday night. the fans enjoying a perfect weather day out on tuesday at oracle, but not as much as this young giants fan who caught not only one. before the day was over and i'm sure he was going to be happy no matter what the giants but the giants, they did him one better. the former giant zack wheeler always, you know, he pitches will against his former team. he gave up 2 hits in 6 scoreless innings, but he received no offense of support. meanwhile, giants, they threw a bullpen game at the phillies with spencer howard making his giants debut
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and throwing 3, 2, thirds of shutout ball. he gets the strikeout in the throw out here on the double play with patrick bailey. it's a scoreless into the night. now with tyler fitzgerald, who hit 2 on with 2 out. but he struck out watching here is he gets ready. the pitch is coming. he's trying to make base is stolen, but they you go. it's a strike there and we're headed into extras now. the phillies they actually failed to score in their half of the tent. but the giants they put 2 on with one out and louise motto at the plate. he got a high fly to left brandon marsh. he makes the catch on this one. a strong throw to the plate there. but fitzgerald says be some just by a hair as he throws out or tried to throw him out. but you see there, fitzgerald said he had other plans, make it the walk-off win. that 1, 1, to nothing with the final on tuesday. toss to you guys at the
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>> thank you. it's 9.51 right now. and here's more sports. a big milestone for the oakland ballers. the new baseball team with their inaugural home opener is sold out about that. yeah, it's june 4th. >> a game for at raimondi park and can't get tickets anymore than a plea high wheelers. the cool thing is you to all the other games and it's great because remember what they say. if you build it, they will come. that's right. they are showing up. >> all right. well, a major street in san jose getting a new look. >> hundreds of volunteers painting a sidewalk, merrill all along it. pedro street. and it used to be just a stretch of blacktop. not be more kron. 4 photo journalists, rudy garcia shows us it's colorful transformation. >> my name is jimmy paints and i am the lead artist of this project. now we take oath. i will not apply the paint intentionally to my eyes skin. and now my name is aaron salazar and i am local colors, executive director and founder. we have a gigantic volunteer mural happening out here today was designed by local artists. name jimmy paints the inspiration for
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this project. >> based on a set up a blanket. and what i wanted to do was take that pattern and evolve into something else where the lines kind of begin. so we even shift organically and kind of like overlap and intersect. i never knew when i was younger, i never imagined that i'd be able to participate in a project like this. i've with love for the community to have ownership of this. you know, they're the ones who are. putting the paint on the floor. they're the ones actually doing the work. i was proud to part of santa community. but now i feel like i don't like i'm part of it like a. >> ownership of it's supposed to completed by friday. but if everything keeps going the way it's going, then it looks like we will be maybe a little sooner >> all right. 9.53 the time. and we'll be right back.
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>> you go disney movie is for i like the first 9 million. a lot of you get a babysitter so that you can go to this film. don't need a babysitter. know know that i want to go is for 100 since the new trailer from a lot of 2 debuted this morning. that was the most, by the way, the first was the most streamed movie last year in the u.s. so. >> wanted to with a built-in fan base set to hit theaters
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thanksgiving weekend on november. 27, all animation. look so real ways. central banks giving back we've got plenty of time that maybe coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. a big crash in san jose has been causing problems since the wee hours this morning. and here we are going into the 10 o'clock and still not done. >> lawmakers first started lawyers for scott peterson there in a court right now. >> trying to get him a new trial was already convicted of murdering his pregnant wife. laci. wouldn't see where this stands. and the san jose state professor has been placed on administrative leave because she says she was speaking out. the university says they violated. she violated rules.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> 10 o'clock now that 7 hours since this big rig crash in san jose and the backup still going on 40,000 pounds of strawberries overturned on highway 101 at on the connector. that's where coffers michael thomas is following the progress this morning. michael. >> this accident happened at 3 o'clock this morning. the good news is take a look. they already have that big rig on its right side up. we have been waiting for this moment since about 4 o'clock this morning. when we arrived here. >> and as we've mentioned more than or i should say, around 40,000 strawberries, take a look at those. they are actually, you know, we can't even show you those because they've already package most of them up into the dump truck. sorry about that. but that was 40


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