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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  May 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> now, a 2 decades after he was found guilty of murder. scott peterson back in court today. his lawyers attempting to get him a new trial while they say new evidence proves proves that he deserves one.
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plus, east bay father suing the city of pittsburgh accusing the police department of using excessive force on him. well, he was suffering from a mental health crisis. it was all caught on camera. and the san francisco sheriff's office is defending its use some chemical materials that caused 20 elementary school kids to get sick. station. 2. thank you for joining us here on kron for news of 2. i'm justine waltman. when you get the latest now. >> what happened in court today with scott peterson. a lot of new developments conference. charles clifford is there for us live to give us an update. thanks for joining us. >> well, good afternoon. inside the courthouse here in redwood city, mateo county they just had a lunch break in the courtroom. they have just resumed for the afternoon. let's going take a look at some video now. scott peterson
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is attending via zoom. he's on video conference currently incarcerated in prison east of sacramento serving a life sentence. but he is in the courtroom appearing on a monitor this morning started with his attorneys from innocence project, basically walking through the case in describing what they believe are deficiencies in the original investigation, saying that witnesses were can talk to and the evidence wasn't properly tested. and that's sort of the point of today is that they're requesting an opportunity to do dna testing on blood evidence as specifically blood from a burned out van that was found near the peterson home around the time of lacey's disappearance. now, attorneys from these tennis leftist district attorney's office also spoke this afternoon and said the lot of these questions about evidence and retesting have already been asked and answered and denied in the past. they don't feel they should have to do this again. they also say that they don't want to put the victim's family, laci peterson's family through any more court hearings and they also claimed in court today that a lot of the evidence that the innocence project is trying to test either doesn't exist
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anymore. this a 20 year-old case or it's contaminated. now the hearing is going to continue for this afternoon. we don't know exactly how long, but it's possible that the judge could make a ruling at some point later today and decide whether or not the innocence project can examine that evidence. but for now in san mateo county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you so much. >> david de pap also back in court today for the state trial and that 2022 attack on paul pelosi. opening statements are set to start today. in this case, the pap facing charges, including attempted murder. >> assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse and residential burglary. prosecutors say the pap admitted that he broke into the san francisco home with the intent of holding former house speaker nancy pelosi hostage. the state trial is expected to last about 3 weeks. just yesterday he received a sentence of 30 years in federal prison for the attack in the federal case. and coming up here during kron for news at 2 o'clock today, we're going to follow developments on former president donald trump's hush money case. the jury has been
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dismissed for the day. they are deliberating on 34 counts. so stay with us. we'll go to new york to get the latest there in just a few moments. now, 2 years ago, san mateo county declared a very bold goal of pledging to end homelessness. and since then, the number of homeless people living on the streets or in tents or in vehicles has actually gone up. according to the official one day homeless count that was released today, 2130 people. we're experiencing homelessness at that time of the count in january. that is an 18% increase in population from what was done in 2022, the director of human services and he's saying now they did see an increase in those receiving shelter in emergency facilities. the 2024 count found that redwood city has the most homeless individuals followed by pacifica and also some unincorporated land along the coast. in the south bay roads back open after this big rig carrying 40,000 pounds of
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strawberries overturned, shutting do n highway 1, 0, 1, 80 in san jose this morning. this traffic jam lasted about 3 hours after that, crashed around 07:00am video showing us crews working to clear all those berries and getting the roadway back open. flipping that truck back up again. all the lanes are back open. talk about our forecast now on this very sunny and bright blue day with a live look here. the bay bridge on the embarcadero in san francisco. grogan in the weather center even ice of the coast today. i'm tellin ya. you know, it's a gorgeous day when we're out of half moon bay, we've got blue skies there. no green layered site. >> it's just been beautiful. kind of wall-to-wall. sunshine across the bay area and temperatures starting to reflect that in our inland spots. that's for sure. we're still cool out of the coast. 56 degrees in half moon bay, but downtown san francisco just hit 69 degrees. that's a pretty nice temperatures. sunday, 70's around the bay and obviously to head inland. we're in the low 80's in concord and livermore in antioch. we're at 86. wow, i have to say that just jumped
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up. 86 degrees in santa rosa right now. it's obviously the heat is on. if you are inland and this is just the beginning of a run of warm temperatures are going to have to the rest of this week. when does a little bit breezy out there, too? you can see about 50 miles per hour in san francisco in half moon bay. we're at 16 in fairfield, 15 in san jose as well. so that's going to part of our afternoon to i don't think will be quite as blustery as yesterday, but still, you definitely feel a little wind out there. high pressure is more in control now and that is going to dominate our forecast as we head across the next few days. that low pressure has started to scoot a little bit off towards the east, helping to ease its influence on our weather. so that means we get these just unbelievably clear skies. that is the hallmark of high pressure. so tonight, mostly clear skies out there. we'll have a nice shot of the moon tonight and little bit of gusty wind temperatures be a little warm inland in a spot like antioch, looking out for a high low rather of like 56 degrees tonight. so that will be a change of the back a little bit. we'll talk about
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how long these warm temperatures last 2 right? thank you so much. a mental health crisis that turned into a police shooting in pittsburgh back in 2022 has resulted now in a federal civil rights lawsuit. the plaintiff who was shot twice claims that the shooting was unjustified and as kron 4 develop reports the officer who opened fire allegedly killed the person while in custody years before. >> ashton porter, civil rights attorney adante pointer says pittsburgh police supervisors dismissed members of contra costa county's mental health team without reason. february 23rd 2022. that is when they responded to porter's mental health crisis while he was staying at the hampton inn and suites in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed tuesday. the complete says, although the mental health team told officers porter was the only person in the room and was not threatening anyone after hours negotiations, police escalated
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the situation by forcing porter the next morning eventually shooting him with rubber and live bullets in a were unsuccessful and breaking down the door and forcing a confrontation. >> they instead used pepper spray and tear gas to do it. the lawsuit lists the city of pittsburgh, its former police chief. brian, adding to it 2 police supervisors, officer ernesto mejia rosco and up to 50 doe's from the police department as defendants, porter and his wife who was called to the scene to help de-escalate the matter, but was also allegedly dismissed by the is accused of shooting puerto twice in the arm and abdomen nearly killing the father of 6. the lawsuit claims porter exited the room with a knife above his head and never charged at my hero. rosco as pointers says police reports suggest and which body camera footage seems to the bunk. mister porter had his hands above his head hand, holding a knife in a position
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of surrender and he was shot after taking one or 2 steps out of this hotel. the door in a separate case may hear rosco was among several pittsburgh and antioch police officers federally indicted last year. >> for obstruction of justice, bribery and civil rights violations. 9 he showed up to the scene blood already on his hands because he choked someone just several years before choked him to death. >> just several years before this, that in custody, death allegedly happened in 2016 leading to the city of pittsburgh, settling a 7.3 million dollar lawsuit with the man's family. >> in porter's case he spent more than a month in jail before eventually posting bail exceeding $400,000 city. took him 2 years. >> fighting this case to the court system to finally get the criminal charge dismissed. supporters lawsuit seeks monetary damages and demands a jury trial. the city of pittsburgh, the police department and former chief have not responded to our
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requests for comment. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> san francisco leaders announcing progress on drug-related arrests. mayor london breed and police chief bill scott today said about 3,000 arrests have been made and 200 kilos of narcotics have been seized over the past year in the tenderloin and the south of market neighborhoods. most of the drugs seized have been fentanyl with methamphetamines. today marks exactly one year since san francisco launched its drug market agency coordination center, bringing together local, federal and state officials to crack down on the drug crisis in san francisco. more than $30,000 worth of metals and industrial equipment stolen from a uc berkeley warehouse. police say this happened probably in the past week at the university's richmond warehouse on regatta boulevard. anyone with information should call uc berkeley police. and now to a major conference on the future
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of ai in california. but just wrapped up, governor newsom delivered a fireside chat earlier this afternoon. the focus was how to best use ai to serve californians and impact on the workforce. other speakers included university faculty, state officials and union and labor leaders. speakers touched on how ai can be applied to issues like climate change, health and medicine, transportation and a lot more. the city of san leandro is getting introduced to the new interim police chief tonight, angela beretta hosting a self introduction and live interview with the community. she plans to explain why she would be a good candidate to be the city's permanent police chief. and you can watch this live on youtube at 06:30pm, tonight. coming up here as the school year comes to an end and students who rely on school lunches will have the opportunity still to eat for free. >> we'll tell you where you can find the location that serving the food near you. and police investigation uncovers a gun trafficking scheme where
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officers found all these weapons and what san francisco officials are saying about how a chemical material spread to a nearby elementary school. the cause behind this training the cause behind this training mishap. did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak.
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>> the san francisco sheriff's office releasing some new details on how a training exercise went wrong and released some chemical materials into the air that then spread to a san bruno elementary school. we covered the story last week when these kids got sick kron four's to be justice in the newsroom. now with the update. thanks for joining us. yes, law enforcement defending the use
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of chemical agents. the san francisco sheriff's office releasing a statement today. >> addressing where the chemicals came from. officials say on tuesday of last week, canisters containing chemicals were brought over by the uc berkeley police department for a training exercise on the sheriff's office jail property in san bruno today. a report in the francisco chronicle indicated that some of the chemical agents involved in the exercise may have been decades old. the sheriff's office says that the chemicals used do not change over time and had no expiration tabs on them. adding, quote, the mechanism by which the canister is deployed may in fact, be less effective rendering the product potent. now 20 students and one teacher, a portal elementary school experience burning sensations on their faces and scratchy throats. the san mateo county board of supervisors, vice president says this should never happen again. >> they treated on site. that location is maybe a half mile a way. it's so here's issue. the issue is and i've said
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this from the game and had conversations. what share of moto? could never happen again. were in 2024, there has to be protocols and processes in place. that's why now deeply, deeply more alarm is that now we find out that was a multi agency >> you know, police, various police departments and that we're looking at canisters that are from the 1960's. that would disposed. >> story that we will continue to follow for you reporting live in the newsroom to be justice kron. 4 news. tiffany, thank you. we'll go now to the north bay where this sandra fell. police department is warning people about thieves who are impersonating federal agents and targeting. >> pedestrians. they say that the thieves will come up to people both on the street and in their cars and then identified themselves as an agent and demand their wallets or cash. the police department
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says no legitimate federal agents are involved in these incidents and that law enforcement agents would never demand your entire wallet. purse or cash. california highway patrol's maximum enforcement period led deputies to arrest more than 1300 people over memorial day weekend. extra officers were patrolling from friday through monday, more than 1000 of the arrest for dui related. that's an average of one dui arrest. every 4 minutes. the agency also issued nearly 32,000 citations for other violations. most were for speeding and 42 people died in crashes over the memorial day weekend. a live look here. pull this picture really looks right now. i looking at thinking that someone papers or something is beautiful out there. let's hear now. i mean, that is quite stunning. i mean, what do you want if that doesn't do it for you? i can help. it's beautiful today. just gorgeous. i mean, look at the golden gate. just a few clouds out the sky, but that's
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it. >> got to feel great about anybody visiting today. they got quite a show at this sunshine and lack of marine layer. it's been really nice out there. temperatures have been warming up inland quite quickly. and so we do have some 80's out there. santa rosa now at 86 degrees. low 80's in concord and livermore as well. close to done san jose sitting at 79 degrees. even oakland get a little warm there. it's 73. so we are feeling the effects of that high pressure in the difference in temperatures because of that is between about 5.10 degrees compared to where we were 24 hours ago. so if you feel like it's warmer, you are correct. as we take a live look at stormtracker 4, you can things are relatively quiet here. not getting that little bit of disturbance that we had yesterday in the sierra now are nice and quiet today. so a little bit different. so if you want to take the dog for a long walk today, you've got some great weather to do it. we're looking at san mateo right now. another spot that's getting nice and warm. lots of sunshine and some nice clear skies this evening as well. so it's that day we can take the extra long walk and take your time. so high pressure,
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obviously giving us the sun today as that low pressure is moved aside. it's going to continue to strengthen as we go over the next couple of days. so between now and friday, expect those above average temperatures. we could even be flirting that ninety-degree mark for a few extreme inland spots. most will be in the 80's if you're in love but temperature trend wise. let's look at livermore. we're obviously warm today. we're expecting the same tomorrow, even warmer. and then, you know, maybe pull back a degree or 2 as we get into friday will really start to cool down a bit over the weekend, but still pretty nice weekend on tap and then notice by the time we get to next week by tuesday, temperatures rocketing up once again. so this is a very sunny, very warm forecast. you're going to see here for the next 7 days. i did mention that cool down comingoover the weekend. we'll get a little marine layer presence that will roll in. but it is short-lived and you can see what we've got on the other side of tuesday here. now things really starting to heat up inland. all right. thanks, kyle. well, the jury and donald trump's hush money case has ended its first day
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of deliberations without a verdict. the panel did asked to rehear potentially crucial testimony about the alleged hush money scheme at the heart of this history-making case, our washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has more. just before noon today, the judge sent the jurors to a private room to start their discussions. now, both legal teams, the judge and the former president are left to wait. >> the criminal fate of former president donald trump is now in the hands of the 12 person. jury mother teresa kidnapping charges. >> these charges are thing trump is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. prosecutors say he misrepresented hush money payments to cover up an affair with adult film. actress stormy daniels. now the jury will decide if prosecutors prove that in court. the jury deliberation room been called a black box. >> no one knows what's going on in their gregory mize is a retired trial judge in a georgetown law professor. he
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says each jury deliberation looks different. but with 34 counts to consider, i think it's going to take a long time. my says the jurors will likely take a while to go over the testimony. they heard over the past 4 weeks and to discuss what believe, the witnesses who took the stand credibility of witnesses is he. >> element. the jurors have to reach unanimous decision on each one of the 34 counts. they're kind of probably have some dispute among themselves and they've got to resolve them. to reach a unanimous verdict. and it only takes one holdout to complicate the case. the judge will be hands off unless. >> he receives a note were deadlocked. >> if the jury does get deadlocked, the judge may ask them to keep trying to reach unanimous verdict. but if the deadlock continues, he could declare a mistrial in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> still ahead, officials addressing the opioid epidemic why they say that the overdose numbers are going to get worse before they get better. and
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shoppers saying goodbye to self-check out why a grocery store chain is doing away with do it yourself paying options.
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for your money this afternoon. self checkout no longer an option for safeway. shoppers have turned locations in the bay area safely says it took them out of select stores. >> due to increasing amounts of theft. this is not the first step that safeway has done to prevent crime. they didn't stall exit gates which only open after customer scanned there were seats at some locations and because retail fact is an issue that continues to plague california. a state senator has proposed a bill to prevent
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retail fafton if past it would prohibit stores from happening south. check out unless that store follows a long list of requirements. >> regulating that you can only have 15 items or less, you know, coming through self-checkout and we think you need at least one worker for every to checkout lanes and my target. there 12 checkout and one worker. and so this this worker is trying to help. you know, folks who were less tech savvy, figure it out. while someone may be trying to bombard them with a cart pushing through to steal items. >> self-checkout is no longer an option for. >> these store shoppers at certain locations. >> so here's what we're learning about this bill. it would require stores to conduct a study before implementing technology that could reduce employees. the bill is headed to the state
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assembly. and if it passes, it will then head to the governor's desk. oakland summer food service program is coming back. those 18 and under as well as adults with disabilities enrolled in a school program can sign up to get free lunches during the school year. thousands of kids rely on their school's free or reduced cost meals. oakland helps to bridge that meal gap throughout the summer to get a list of all the nearby meal sites. you can download the ca meals for kids app. across the bay area. families can take advantage of summer meals for their children. thanks to a web site helping residents find where they are available. the summer meal site finder created by the u.s. department of agriculture's food and nutrition service works is a map that shows which schools are offering on site and to-go meals for those under 18, there are more than 20 spots in the bay area. coming up, we're we do havr a warning
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from officials about increase in mountain lion sightings. were those big cats have been spotted and also what to do if you happen to come across one. >> also, hundreds of thousands of customers still without power in texas following those heavy winds. we'll take a look at the impact of the storms. college going to be tracking where they're going next. also, a number of illegally made guns just seized by. police will say where that police will say where that happens when salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body
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to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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rosa police arresting a man accused of trafficking guns from china following a months long investigation. officers say 44 year-old bond, kim ordered a gun part from china.
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>> that was intercepted by u.s. customs last month and then handed over to investigators. officials then searched his house captain way. and that's when they found a number of 3 d printers manufacturing tools and other privately made weapons. kim had a total of 19 guns and they say meth inside of his home charges now include felony possession of the firearm, aching and assault weapons and importing a handgun to california. concerns over drug overdose deaths in san francisco. now u.s. health officials believe they could get worse before they get better. this is because we're starting to see a new trend of mixing fentanyl with a new animal tranquilizer. it's causing a surge in overdoses. kron four's dan kerman has the warning. >> san francisco's overdose in fentanyl crisis could get worse. a handful of cities across the country, including chicago and philadelphia are now starting to see fentanyl laced with melatonin. dean, a
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veterinary sedative that is causing a surge in overdoses. >> timing is striving overdose spikes. not all of those spikes are fatal but their spirits and wine 600 people over a few days in philadelphia are sent to the hospital because they you know, to encountered a drug which tony, being as president we've got to take it seriously. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey sent this letter. >> asking the city's medical examiner department of public health and police department to answer the following questions. is san francisco's illicit drug supply being monitored from toma dean. and if the monitoring is insufficient, how can the board of supervisors better fund and support that effort? we could have predicted that the drug supplier he believes is. and what's alarming is that it's changing seemingly every few months or something. new driver of this and more
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addictive and more data. if this all sounds familiar, it should in february of last year, the san francisco department of public health sent out an alert that xylazine or tranq another animal tranquilizer was being mixed with fentanyl causing respiratory issues home. eating, which is also better better area. >> trent was or actually more to the side scene from january to april of this year. san francisco seen more than 250 >> fatal drug overdoses. dan kerman kron. 4 news. new developments now from the memorial day mass shooting in south sacramento, where 5 people were hurt, including a teenage girl. >> sacramento police say one of the victims may actually be one of the shooting suspects in this case and is now in jail after being medically cleared. 23 year-old jovanni head was arrested and booked on felony assault related charges. residents say that kids, we're shooting gel beads each other during a barbecue. and that's one. another person
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allegedly shot back with real bullets. community activists are now reacting to this latest act of gun violence. >> guns, bullets have no name. so whoever you aim and that is probably not going to the person that you end up hitting and the consequences and repercussions of that are life changing. >> the shooting remains under investigation. and national news. one person is dead. 7 others hurt after an explosion at a bank in youngstown, ohio. this happened yesterday afternoon in a building that houses a chase bank and several apartments. the body of a chase bank employee has been found in the rubble. the victim has a name has not been released, but witnesses describe smelling gas and hearing the leak just minutes before that explosion. >> we were down there working when the gas started pouring out of the lines. then took off up the steps. we sound of the fire lines from. we've got to the top of the steps we
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just heard a big gas leak. so we all started running now. next thing, you know, i call 9-1-1 and >> building goes. the cause of the explosion under investigation. a military pilots seriously hurt after crashing a fighter jet and out fighter jet in albuquerque, plumes of smoke rising high there. the pilot was the only person on board. it was an f 35 fighter jet that stopped kirkland air force base to refuel. this is the second recent military plane crash in new mexico in april, an 16 fighting falcon went down in a remote area. your holloman air force base. so while video now out of texas showing an unoccupied american airlines plane being blown away from its gate at dallas. fort worth airport, 80 miles an hour. winds no match for this boeing 7.37, which weighs about 90,000 pounds. no one was hurt, but several flights were canceled out of that airport
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due to powerful winds and hail more than a million customers in texas without power as of tuesday as more storms unleashed, hurricane force winds across the dallas area and we'll talk about what's happening and that part of the country right now with kyla. yeah. hey there. so you can see it's not bad in dallas right now. you can see where the severe thunderstorm watch is in the area that's surrounded by the yellow boxes here. so all the way from the dakotas heading down into parts of colorado. >> we have had some showers have been rolling through and some heavy downpours. parts of texas, louisiana. but i want to show you basically what's going to be happening over the next couple of days. first of all, they've got heat. so we've got that in place. that is one of the ingredients they can get severe weather going. severe weather, meaningful storms that are capable of producing tornadoes. now as we look at the future weather here, you can see as we go through today, a few these firing up in the panhandle, texas. but watch what happens as we get into tomorrow. you see very quickly some of these storms start rolling yet again
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toward spots like dallas. and that is early on thursday. and then it continues on friday. so tomorrow and friday, i think are going to be some very dangerous days for severe weather. so it's going to be time when you've got to keep an eye out for that. once again. meanwhile, back in the bay area, we have very calm, beautiful weather. blue skies out there today. you can see these temperatures reflecting just how warm it is right now. 85 in antioch, 86 in santa rosa. and you can see low 80's in other spots like livermore, concord, beautifulsaround the bay. 78 in san mateo, little cool at the coast with still a pretty nice run and that will continue for us as we go through the next couple of days. limited cloud cover. if any. and as you can see, temperatures set to soar tomorrow inland spots again, looking to get up into those upper 80's, even potentially the 90 degree mark. we're going to stay just about there on friday and start to cool down as we get into saturday. that cooldown is short lived, though. we've got warmth. i would say heat actually. on the other side of that. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk about that. your 7 day forecast. tom's great. thank
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you. a student led organization at stanford university is protesting the disciplinary charges against the pro-palestine student. protesters. >> stanford students, justice for palestine, organizing a rally today to urge university officials to drop the charges on student protesters last week. muslim rights organization care center letter to stanford's president saying the charges go against students rights to free speech. according to care, 13 students received notice of possible probation or suspension. this rally is set for the memorial church on jane stanford. way. a san jose state professor is now on administrative leave for her role in the ongoing pro-palestinian demonstrations taking place on campus. the professor is adviser to student activists on campus and she says the school is trying to censor her kron four's. jeff moment reports. well, spring semester may be over. graduations happened and many students have already left campus, including many
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who were part of this encampment protesting the war in gaza. meantime, though, the events are not slowing down. the professor was suspended by the university over her role in the encampment. she tells me she's denying all of the allegation felt like gaslighting. >> to it felt disingenuous. doctors saying kills a professor at san jose state and the adviser to many activists, students on campus. she says the university put her on administrative leave after she made a speech to students protesting the war in gaza for some reason, they think i'm directing the students, which i'm absolutely not. i'm i'm supporting the students kill shared with kron 4. the e-mails that san jose state sent her. they say she encourage students to march to the campus and set up an encampment back with students will only hosting rallies. she is denying all of it saying her speech is only in support of what the students wanted to do. >> i really don't see any evidence or any any any fact
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that they're showing me to say that i violated any policy whatsoever. according to the letter sent the doctor killed, she is suspended with pay for a maximum of 60 days. >> we reached out to san jose state and they told us they don't comment on personnel matters. i believe that the fact threatened by my exercise of my free speech think he'll says she's worried the school will try to extend her suspension so she can't talk to students next semester. i am mentally preparing for that possibility as last time we were here on campus with several weeks ago with many students here still protesting back then san jose state said it was working to decide what kind of punishment if any, could be put on the students. but they say broke the time place and manner policy. we followed up again with the university to ask if they came to a conclusion. >> we did not hear back reporting on san jose state's campus jacmel but kron 4 news. >> in the east bay, uc berkeley getting 1.2 million dollars to help cultivate and about diverse school leaders
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according to the university, was selected because of its dedication to social justice and equity in education. the berkeley program also partnering up with oakland, san francisco and west contra costa unified school district's for this. the money will help provide tuition assistance to aspiring leaders of color. a major street in san jose getting a whole new look. hundreds of volunteers are painting a sidewalk. mural along san pedro street. the street used to just be a, you know, stretch of blacktop. but it's a lot different now on kron four's rudi garcia shows us this colorful transformation. >> my name is jimmy paints and i am the lead artist of this project. now we take oath. i will not apply the paint intentionally to my eyes skin. and now my name is aaron salazar and i am local colors, executive director and founder. we have a gigantic volunteer mural happening out here today was designed by local artists. name jimmy paints the inspiration for this project. >> based on a set up a
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blanket. and what i wanted to do was take that pattern and evolve into something else where the lines kind of begin. so we even shift organically and kind of like overlap and intersect. i never knew when i was younger, i never imagined that i'd be able to participate in a project like this. i've with love for the community to have ownership of this. you know, they're the ones who are. putting the paint on the floor. they're the ones actually doing the work. i was proud to part of some of community. but now i feel like i don't like i'm part of it like a. >> ownership it's supposed to completed by friday. but if everything keeps going the way it's going, then it looks like we will be maybe a little sooner >> have to check it out. and coming up after 16 years on the run, police arresting a man convicted of kidnapping and rape where he was found hiding in the bay area and 2 sightings in one month for big
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cats have been caught on cats have been caught on camera here in the bay.
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convicted of a woman in massachusetts arrested in the bay area after 16 years on the run. >> the u.s. marshal service says twan the ran away during his trial in 2007, he was convicted of and kidnapping a young woman in 2005 lee is now 55 years old and he was known then as the bad breath rape us because the victim says that he had foul breath and after 16 years, investigators in massachusetts say they found information that lee was in
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diablo. that's just east of danville and now massacusetts massachusetts investigators travel to the bay area yesterday and they took into custody. he now faces. prison sentence. a new mediterranean style restaurant having to delay its grand opening that was originally set for yesterday after thieves took off with thousands of dollars worth of items zieback sf located in hayes valley. here's that surveillance video from overnight showing people breaking into the restaurant and stealing more than $15,000 worth of cooking tools and liquor. the restaurant's owner says this all took place between 3 and 5 yesterday morning. 45 people? it looked like 2 females got on the bar. >> start bringing down all the bottles, handing them. they even opened up the freezers. i don't know what they were searching for. they open up every door on this pep table. >> somehow the thieves did not cause any damage to the restaurant. the owner says he plans now to add more security
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and will open next week. all right. people all across the bay area being warned to be on the because there have been a series of mountain lion sightings too, just in the south bay in the past month. the latest one happened this morning and we have some video to show you of that milpitas police officer sharing this home video of a mountain lion spotted in the friendly village mobile home park on dixon landing road. officials used drones with thermal imaging to try and locate that big cat, but they could not track it down. they say animal control officers have been notified. and then 11 days before that, a big cat spotted prowling through a yard in san jose may 18th this mountain lion captured leaping up onto a fence and taking a look around possibly bt to see, you know, there's anything good to eat out there. and then goes off on the trail. the cat eventually balances at south before making a huge jump onto some of bamboo hedges. so
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officials are asking people in the area to consider bringing their pets indoors, keeping them on a leash during walks. and if you see outline don't run, that's not recommended. instead, try to appear large by waving your arms and speaking in a loud from voice. nissan warning drivers about exploding airbag risk in older an repaired models. about 84,000 cars could be impacted here with the end inflators at a big risk of exploding in a crash and then hurling metal fragments. certain 2000 and 2 through 2006 centros, pathfinder, suvs. the infiniti. q x for suvs are on this. the company says owners should contact their dealer to set up an appointment to have those inflators replaced for free. openai has unveiled a new safety committee as it takes its next steps and training a new ai model this
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next frontier model will replace the system that is responsible for the ai to understand and generate new outposts in chatgpt. the committee will advise the full board at a critical safety and security decisions, sports projects and operations. the committee will evaluate and make recommendations to the board in 90 days where the company will then release which recommendations it will be adopting. there's a wildfire forecasting system being developed at the university, hawaii. that could be the first of its kind and could save some lives. the project created in the wake of those deadly maui wildfires. the forecasting system would blend climate data and historical wildfire data and use ai to pinpoint these at risk areas. it's expected to have real-time maps that are able to predict wildfire risks about one day ahead. or if >> probably be wi-fi. i couldn't around 0.1. it means that there is a very low-risk up wi-fi that the so on that day. if they like the problem
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because 0.9 or 0.9, 5 meetings. that is the highlight. he put our risk of wildfire. you know, at that big so on that particular day. >> the biggest challenge is hawaii as many diverse microclimates and very few data collection station. state lawmakers allocated 1 million dollars towards this project. fema provided another million. they plan to have this set up in the next 2 years. we're taking a live look here at the san mateo bridge. the water looking good traffic look, and you know, like and pilots here with that forecast really nice out there it's so nice. at least if you do get second traffic. you've got a nice of you. speaking of nice views this from the east bay lawrence hall of science. absolutely gorgeous. you can see the visibility. >> all the way to the golden gate from the east bay. that's when, you know, we're having a nice day out there. lots of sunshine all across the bay area, not just limited to our inland spots today, the warming continues tomorrow and
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then we're going to pull it back a bit this weekend. but point next week is shaping up to be another well above average week for us. so take a look at the temperature change past. 24 hours. we are, you know, anywhere from about 2 to 11 degrees warmer than we were this time yesterday. so the heat is on and you see that in some spots right now. 79 in san jose. but 84 in redwood city still cool out of half moon bay in the 50's pacific in the 60's. but you can see fairfield up to 86 degrees downtown san francisco. 69 berkeley, 70, not bad, right to head up to the north bay. it's also quite warm to have in santa rosa. 86 degrees right now. so obviously we've got high pressure in control. that does not negate our breezy conditions. unfortunately, that means that we do still have some of that out there. you can see where, you know, anywhere between about 10 to 15 miles per hour, a little more, a little bit higher in some spot. storm tracker 4, thoug3, really confirming this story, which is that high pressure now is giving us all of those clear skies. and that is what's going to stay with us over the next couple of days. so what
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that means is very limited. if any marine layer president, you can see just a little bit of cloud cover coming in here, but that's about it. so temperature trend wise today, i'm taking care as an example. the north bay. he was a nice 80's. tomorrow will be just a little bit cooler. we're going to make it into the 70's this weekend. and then you can see as we get into sunday same story in the 70's. but on the other side of that, when we look at our extended forecast, notice what happens we get to about tuesday of next week. temperatures go right back up to where they're going to be tomorrow and then they look like they exceed that as we get into the midweek timeframe. so the heat is on. thanks. kyla. as the bay area awaits for some giant pandas, the national kept the nation's capital is getting its back. the national zoo announcing today it's getting 2 giant pandas from china by the new year. >> the zoo in washington, d.c., had pandas for 5 decades before it had to send them back to china a year and a
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half ago. san francisco is trying to raise money right now to ready the zoo for pandas that china could send as early as the summer. major league baseball is rewriting its record books to include statistics from the leagues. according to usa today and will be will incorporate stats from 1920, to 1948, the move would give major league baseball, a new all-time leader in several categories. hall of fame catcher josh gibson will surpass ty cobb for the highest batting average. gibson batted 3.72, in his career beating out cobbs 3.66 batting average. he will also now be the career leading slug ring percentage person moving way ahead of babe ruth. still ahead, there's no place like home which bay area city is ranking on tap for the best place to raise a family.
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>> one of the most famous movie homes is now for sale. the home alone house and the chicago suburbs up for grabs. it's only 5 0. 25 million dollars while some of the house pretty recognizable fans of the film will see that that's exterior looks pretty much the stain. but this house is more than 9,000 square feet. and it's just been renovated inside. it features 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, a 3 car garage. also that really cool staircase that a 10 year-old macaulay culkin, famous least took a little sled ride down. there's also movie theater and an indoor basketball courts. this is the first time the house has been on sale since 2012. and then you get all these people that want to take pictures outside
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of it. all right. some great news for the bay area has wallet-hub says that fremont is the number one best place in america to raise a family. the study compared more than 180 cities considered the cost of housing, the quality of the local schools and the health care systems in place. there wallet hub says fremont ranks number one because of its public schools. and summer camp opportunities. only 1.4% of kids lack health insurance and only one percent of the population lacks access to healthy food. san jose came in number 7, san francisco ranked number 12. the ocean is calling back on a disney released the first trailer for more on a 2 today. the first film was the most streamed movie in the u.s. last year. >> the movie will hit theaters just in time for thanksgiving.
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>> november 27 could probably singing every song from the first about needs to happen now. maybe some other time. >> we do have a full hour of news ahead for you here on kron. 4. some of the stories we're watching decades after he was found guilty of murder. scott peterson back before a judge today asking for a new trial. so we'll see what happened there. plus, a lawsuit filed against the city of pittsburgh after the police department is accused of using excessive force on a father who says he was suffering from a mental health crisis. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 news justine waldman. kron. 4 news 3 is next.
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did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> now at 3 fighting for a new trial convicted killer scott peterson back in court today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waltman. more than 20 years after he was convicted of killing his wife and their unborn son, scott peterson back in a redwood city courtroom today. first charles clifford joins us now live from outside of the courtroom with what happened and how we got here. thanks for joining us. >> well, we've got here is a very long road, but that hearing is ongoing. let's go and take a look at some video from earlier today. scott peterson is appearing in court via zoom. he's currently serving a life sentence in prison to the east of sacramento, but he is appearing on a screen today in


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