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tv   KRON 4 News at 11pm  KRON  May 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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this is home. news 11. >> very trying. and and worrisome time. the exact. >> concern, homeowners back in town hall in the east bay
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tonight as they start to lose their home insurance policies. good evening and thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 11. i'm dan thorn, hundreds of homeowners in orinda say they are desperate for solutions as they're about to lose their home insurance policy just as wildfire season begins, the city hosted a town hall tonight for the community to ask questions about their insurance policies. but as kron four's, sara stinson explains someone home disappointed. >> homeowners here in orinda tell me they've either been dropped by their home insurance company or they're on the brink of that. many saying they are desperate for answers and solutions. that's basically why i came to see my worst fears were realized and they are. her brown is one of thousands of bay area homeowners experiencing the statewide insurance crisis. first hand. he's lived in orinda for 30 years and recently got told by his home insurance provider that he's being dropped this fall. don't have a plan right now. brown in more than 100 others packed
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into the library auditorium wednesday night for a town hall with the state department of insurance and the renda mayor, darlene been very, very hard hit. we were one of the hardest hit communities and but it, but it is very emotional. insurance providers say they are not renewing thousands of policies due to wildfire risk. state farm alone is set to cancel 30,000 insurance is statewide. >> nearly 2000 of them in orinda think it's really, really hard and it's it's terrible when you get dropped. the state does offer a policy for homeowners who are unable to get insured in the marketplace. it's supposed to be a temporary safety net, but the commissioner's office says 1000 people are applying for it every day. the deputy commissioner explained the state's ongoing plan to stabilize the insurance market. the california sustainable insurance strategy includes requiring insurance companies to write no less 85% of homes and businesses in distressed areas that are
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identified by the insurance commissioner. the state hopes to complete several reforms by december of this year. but some say that's too late patients are dying on the side of the road and they're your way from getting to the hospital. and we simply keep moving as fast as possible because this is very real is very worrisome. even handed out this flyer here at the town hall for the second annual wildfire prevention and safety fair is this saturday. it's at the community park and it starts at 10 30. i'm sara stinson reporting in orinda kron. 4 news. >> well, you have to certainly start thinking about those fires that with the hot weather day and conditions that are dry. we watch out for those offshore winds. we don't see that happening. in fact, they're onshore. good evening, everybody. that's going to check out what we've got going on. look at that car. but lights here for you on the east bay shore line is we're all clear going on the winds in place. we like the arrows in this direction. however, sometimes little weak front. you get the flood of the winds flip and offshore wind. that's the last thing we want to hear
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about. temperatures right now. this is how we stand. lot of 60's on the board. even some 50's poking out here and their brentwood holding on to 74. wow. that's impressive. number lower 60's up north with some upper 50's to come with the right. this is a little warmer than our numbers from yesterday. contrast with say half moon bay, which is trailing a little bit forecast lows tonight. 52 san francisco, maybe some patchy fog a little bit. this probably overdone de overdoes. it just a bit going stargaze for it. 52 oakland, 55 san jose tonight. pretty low side on the big board. 61 for antioch. most readings will be in the 50's futurecast for not a lot happens overnight. there will be a little bit of that fog, as i mentioned the morning hours. but then in the afternoon, maybe some patchy fog or clouds a little bit. but on balance, more sun than certainly clouds and a little warmer. still have more in your 4 zone forecast coming up in a new at 11, multiple
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aerial rescues in sonoma county. the sheriff's office says they rescued 3 mountain bikers inside trio in and in delta state park. all just mere hours from each other. and all those bikers had to be taken to the hospital. we know that those crews up there have been busy. other news tonight. authorities have identified the man shot and killed in belmont last friday as 27 year-old deontay gayden from san francisco. the shooting happened near irwin and hiller streets just off of highway 101. police say the victim was shot several times. investigators are still searching for a suspect. big story we've been following tonight, decades after he was found guilty. scott peterson is getting another shot at freedom. his lawyers are working on getting dna evidence they say will prove his innocence. kron four's rob nesbitt has the story from peterson's court hearing today in redwood city. scott peterson and his lawyers are asking for access to dna that
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they say will prove lacy was still alive. with pearson left their modesto home to go fishing. 22 years ago. >> on wednesday, the judge allowed access to dna testing of one item. it's been 22 years since the bodies of laci peterson and her unborn child. conner washed ashore in san francisco bay, her husband and the man convicted of her murder appeared in court via zoom wednesday. peterson's lawyers that the los angeles innocence project have filed motions for access to dna evidence they say will prove laci was alive on december 24th and vanish. while peterson was away fishing in san francisco bay, prosecutors with the san mateo da's office have refused to hand over dna evidence unless court ordered on wednesday. judge elizabeth hill ruled that a piece of duct tape down the lacey's pants. we'll be able to be tested but denied dna testing on 13 other items. peterson's lawyers also claim shoddy police work saying the modesto police department's original investigation allegedly suppressed and lost court documents. they also claim that eyewitnesses who saw laci walking in the neighborhood at
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times after her husband left modesto, were never interviewed by police. scott peterson is being held at mule creek state prison about an hour east of sacramento. the san mateo district attorneys office will now need to consult with the ags office to determine what lab will do. the dna testing reporting in redwood city. i'm rob nesbptt. kron. 4 news. >> a state trial is now underway for david de pap the man who attacked nancy pelosi's husband paul 2 years ago. opening statements began today just a day after a federal judge sentenced a pap to 30 years. pat still facing several state charges, including attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse and residential burglary. that state trials expected to last about 3 weeks. investigators have arrested a man who they say assaulted another man at a light rail station. according to deputies. the assault happened this afternoon on the platform, a vta station in san jose near children's discovery museum. the suspect then reportedly went home and
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barricaded himself. deputies say they were able to negotiate with the man and then arrested him. deputies say the victim took themselves to the hospital. no word on their conditions. and it's not clear what prompted attack. a richmond cowboys accusing police of misconduct when officers responding to a high-speed chase turn their attention to a bystander filming the police response. kron four's dan kerman reports >> but they they this richmond cowboys calling for the firing of to richmond police officers who he says attacked him and violated his civil rights while videotape them responding to an incident. this is surveillance video that may 5th incident near jos market on mcdonald. crazy gusts as the incident was almost over and he was in no one's way when officers turned their attention to him, them. >> what we've got get out of the way. your point.
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>> and i've got do. here of the way. >> and came back you know the start pushing pushing me, pushing me, pushing of the officer came my face. roughly a real gust was arrested for resisting arrest and interfering with a police officer in training that this is either out of control officer or >> there's a pattern and practice that exist that is allowed within department. but gus is attorney john burris says that was just an excuse for police to attack his client and violate his civil rights because of the basic respect person has a right to have as a citizen should be free from police abuse and beyond and ought to be able to exercise a constitutional right with what out fear that they're going to be subjected to boley type activities and essentially arrested and taken to jail for something that they didn't do that with the law would because they stood up for their right to exercise
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their rights. a news conference wednesday bursts announced he's filed a claim against the city of richmond for the actions of police. sergeant alexander canine officer nicholas redneck. this is the first step before filing a federal civil rights lawsuit to this is the kind of conduct that i very much offended by as fergus who was both a cowboy and a horse trainer. he thinks those 2 officers should no longer be on the job. i don't want this type of stuff to having a more because they have to. >> you know, countless young black men how many people they are aiming to do this to also that nobody knows about. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. russian police say they take all use-of-force incidents seriously and they are investigated. >> investigating they also reassigned one of the officers to a temporary administrative position. is no contact with the public. police are asking for the community's patients until this investigation is complete. take a look at this milpitas. police reporting another mountain lion sighting. they say this is
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video from 4.30, this morning in the area of fair meadow way. police are still looking for this big cat and it's the second cat sighting today in milpitas. this one was spotted in a mobile home park in dickson, landing road officials have been using drones with thermal imaging to try to find this big cat. but so far they have been unable to track it down. a bakery well known for its most. doughnuts and muffins is closing at san francisco location this week. 3rd culture bakery sent an email to customers today announcing their inner sunset location will close after sunday, june 2nd, the store in irving street first opened back in 2022. the owners say they decided to sell because of persistent challenges and finding and retaining employees. 3rd culture has 2 locations in the bay area in berkeley and in walnut creek. next on kron for news, 11 were 20 children in san bruno exposed to an expired chemical last week. how the san
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francisco sheriff's office is addressing that question after the chemical used during their police training exercise. >> drifted to a nearby elementary school. plus a bay area city that just came out on top in the country to raise a family. but first, a group of tenants in the east bank say they've been living without electricity and hot water for weeks. the legal action they are now seeking against their landlord. take a
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look at this. this is what it looks like inside an apartment building on 20th avenue in oakland's fruitvale neighborhood on top of that,
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the building hasn't had power for a month following a fire. >> back in january and now tenants are suing their landlord saying that the landlord has not made any repairs or reimburse them for lost food and medication and hotel stays. one tenant says, well, electricity has been restored to most of the units. 4 are being powered by a generator that sits outside of her window. and she says the fumes are making your family sick. >> we've been enduring for over 4 months being on temporary light. we don't know when this building with power power off again. >> kron 4 has reached out to the landlord. this building in as of this reporting, we have not heard back, but we're told the landlord plans to meet with the tenants about the situation this week. the san francisco sheriff's office defending its use of chemical agents during a training exercise that ended up spreading to a nearby elementary school. this after a san francisco chronicle
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report indicating that the chemicals used by the office decades old. this happened last tuesday, 20 students and a teacher at port whole elementary school experienced burning sensations on their faces and scratchy throats that has multiple law enforcement agencies were conducting a training exercise at a county jail in san bruno. the sheriff's office says the uc berkeley police department brought the chemicals. some of the office believed that the canisters had been pulled from storage. there appears to be no greater health risk than using a new product. san mateo county supervisor david canepa says that should have never happened. >> were in 2024. there has to be protocols and processes in place that way. this now whats is deeply deeply more alarm. is that now we find out that was a multi agency >> you know, police, various
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police departments and that we're looking at canisters that are from the 1960's that would be disposed. >> the sheriff's office said last week they are pausing all chemical agent training classes while they review this incident. more protests on campus calling for a cease-fire in the middle east. more than 50 students at stanford university held a march in protest today, mainly in response to the recent israeli strikes in the gaza city of rafah that killed dozens of people. protesters added that hearing israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu called the attack a mistake was upsetting. >> in addition to the fact that there's no way universities, there's no more
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schools and there's nowhere. and all of these are grave mistakes. so the idea is home anymore. grave mistakes can happen before the world finally wakes up and sees what is going on is wrong. >> students also say they are calling out how the administration has been treating protesters. one student tells us one of their fellow protesting students was arrested on monday during a protest and has not been allowed to return to campus. the best place in the country to raise a family in the bay area is right here. wallet hub ranked fremont number one, setting the city's public schools and summer camp opportunities. the study compared more than 180 cities considering the cost of housing quality of local schools and healthcare system in place. san jose came in at number 7. san francisco was ranked number 12. let's get you a look at your 4 zone forecast now as we're taking a look from our mount tam cam. but know are setting out there, but we do have some lights and it seems like a
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pretty calm evening. dave sphar giving us a look ahead a day and don't have fog 60 obscuring our view there. yeah, i don't there. dan. >> hey, everybody. we're going to see another warm day coming our way tomorrow. >> take a bit of a all of this over the weekend and then we turn on up as we get into next week that high pressure system just going take a break. here's the bay bridge for you. going to become a lot more active in about 6 hours or so. of course, 50's for the east bay tonight. 61 for antioch up in the north bay. some lower 50's. 52 san francisco, not much to be showing on futurecast for was run through it. there's some scattered clouds to make note of for tomorrow. on balance, mostly sunny will work. we'll just throw a little scattered clouds and they're not much in the way of weather makers. the weekend's a different story this week front to make note of it. they see some interesting clouds by the time we get to friday. but again, they're going to be scattered out. futurecast winds, the pops occur. our local winds checking in at least of some the right direction on shore. when we don't want flip, that would be a bad news. but we do see this front by the time we get to saturday driving more
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winds over a larger area for tonight. mostly clear and mild 50's expected over the district. that means that the coast all the way well inland. so that's nice cooling going. that means we have fairly dry air tomorrow. a few scattered clouds, not a big deal. hot inland. still cool at the coast. onshore winds going to keep those numbers. well in the 50's just about everywhere might scratch a couple lower 60's and weekend morning clouds on saturday. but we should open up nicely at sunday. we might be troubled more by cloud cover, but still rain-free, of course, and cooler temperatures coming with this as well. future cast for the sky here. excuse me has got all the way make way for this little front. yea, it passes. then it's back in the driver's seat into next week. we talk about next week. that's when those numbers really start moving. we get to tuesday and into wednesday. this highs influences all the way west to hawaii to actually all the way halfway across the pacific. 68 san francisco, the 4 zone forecast about 60 at the coast. 73 going on for burlingame. 75 foster city with palo alto at 82. let's keep the 80's going in the
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south bay little bit on the east bay shoreline to the south upper 80's for tri valley. like 87 going on for walnut creek, a chilly 74 delay. whoa. now 85 and 89 for santa rosa. spring is not consistent. so what does this kind of dance with us? here we go. we drop a little bit temporarily warming back up again, daniel for early next week. yeah, don't you know 92 wednesday? we see some warmer numbers by thursday's that sets some jump. moving around a lot that spring for all right, dave, thank you. all right. with the giants and phillies finished up their three-game series today where there was no shortage of brotherly love at oracle park. >> next in sports, ben ross tells us why the boys we're getting along.
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>> and now kron 4 sports. >> hey, welcome to sports. i'm ben ross. look, all of a sudden the giants have been red hot winners of 6 of the last 7 and 10 of 12 today trying to become the first team to sweep the league-leading philadelphia phillies. we had some drama in this one. bryce harper, right in the middle of it. he's not in a good mood today. he was angry about a strikeout and then in the 4th inning, this is when it gets real testy. the benches are clearing. we're going to have more on that in a moment. but let's get to the full highlights from this one. kyle harrison on the hill for san francisco. the phillies, they were not very nice to him. a rude welcome. the 4th pitch of the game. kyle schwarber says see later, 36 career home run leadoff home run. that is and before the fans could even get comfy, it's one nothing phillies. now to that 4th inning, phillies up 2, nothing harper at the plate to see
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harris and delivers not just one, but that was the second straight pitch up. and in it actually hit the bad for people at first thought it hit. harper walked both dugouts and bullpens emptied. it was. >> kind of casual emptying no punches thrown. just a lot of talking milling around. harper wasn't hit as we saw on the replay cooler heads prevailed. so there are no objections. warnings issued to both sides. we go to the 5th and then it's nick castillo. no such drive to left field. that's a home run to make it 4 to nothing. phillies. they didn't want to get swept today. they're the best team in baseball for a reason. top aides still 4 zip harper finally gets his first hit of the series. he had for his last 14 before that rbi single as philadelphia avoids the sweep. 61. giants get a day off tomorrow. >> before they host the yankees for 3 games starting on friday. >> meanwhile, the a's and rays playing game 2 of their series in tampa where it was short sleeve weather outside. and
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according to this young fan, it's not hot dog time. it's dippin dots, weather forms taking dad but to treat i like both. so, you know, you can't go wrong. top 6 tied at one in this game. runners at the corners of the go and do our dribble down the 3rd base line. that is a thing of beauty. abraham toro scores the go ahead. run a's. take the lead. bottom 7 tied at 2 with 2 on the soccer. a hitting a screamer down the left-field line. the run comes into score. but look at the rays get a little too greedy. that's not even close to the place. so tampa bay settles for just the one run. they do have the lead that top 8 raise up by one jj bleday going oppo. base hit to left matt schuman ones up at 3rd initially. they're going to get at second but heads up base running by schumann who slides in safely a's tie the game. were still tied in to the nines gallup with a man
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on. he sends it deep to center. did he just give oakland the jose siri says i think not. that is an unbelievable catch. robbery off, slams the helmet in frustration. an incredible play by siri to keep the game tied at 3 and siri wasn't time. how about at the plate with the winning run on 3rd liner to left. that's your ballgame. ahmed rosario comes into school and the rays. walk it off. 43 to even the series rubber match tomorrow bright and at 10:00am our time. all right. now to football where the forty-niners held another this morning in santa clara know brandon aiyuk. but >> there was a surprise guest. you see behind me wide receiver juwan jennings number 15, back in the fold, running some patterns. he signed a one-year extension with the team today. so rather than signing his restricted free agent, tender jennings agreed
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to this deal. >> which keeps him with the niners through 2025. to the contract is worth up to 15.4 million dollars, including 10.5 million guaranteed. 3rd and juwan jennings has played 45 regular season games with 78 catches 963 yards and
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♪ ♪ >> announcer: the world waits. >> as the jury deliberates, watch top players are predicting their verdict will be. to speak of his best hope as a


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