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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  May 30, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. now with >> breaking news first now on kron for to the jury and
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donald trump's hush money trial has reached a verdict. thank you so much for joining us here at 2 o'clock today. i'm justine waldman. a lot to cover with this. the verdict is from this 12 person jury. it is now just reached a unanimous decision on former president trump's fate. eliminating the possibility of a hung jury in the first ever criminal trial of a former president trump faces. these 34 counts in this hush money trial here. there are allegations here. the trump participated in this hush money scheme aimed at suppressing stories that they allege he feared could be harmful to his 2016 presidential campaign. again, he faces 34 counts of falsifying business records in connection with this payment to his former attorney and his ex, quote, fixer, michael cohen. they were then made to this actress stormy daniels ahead of the 2016 election to keep secret her alleged affair with trump a decade prior and
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they were hoping to keep the story quiet until the votes were cast. where teak have a live look right here inside the courtroom there in new york city were having our eyes on the courtroom there. there's or security there as we're waiting now for the former president to learn his fate. we have reporters outside of the courtroom there in new york city in manhattan and also reporters and our washington, d.c., bureau. so we'll be getting updates from them throughout this hour from between here and now whenever this verdict. that's right. we're going to be watching this very closely. again. trump denies this affair. he has pleaded not guilty and we're waiting to hear some more information as far as this verdict. just for some timing here. once the jurors have reached this verdict, they did so in the notes that was signed by the foreperson, about 4.20, local time there in manhattan, the jurors then requested an extra 30 minutes to fill out some forms. take some other steps. the judge did confirm that. so that was
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about 20 minutes ago. they asked for this extra 30 minutes and then it does take about there was a 45 minute time period that they were saying for all the up the prosecutors and the defense team for all the people to get back the reporters, everyone to get back inside that courtroom and then it's going to take some time. 2 read these 34 counts. prosecutors have charged trump with 34 felony counts for falsifying business records. so we're watching this very closely. and welcome back to this breaking news story. as soon as new information comes in. stay with us for that. we're going to move on to some other stories now that we're watching, including some developing news out of san ramon, california. high school no longer now on lockdown. police say school staff got a phone call threatening some violence kron four's terisa stasio live now from the school with the latest here. thanks for joining us. i in a lot of parents as well as students and faculty and police here at cal high in san ramon. >> you can see behind me that some of the students have
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returned. that lockdown lifted a couple of hours ago. but again, some very tense moments for a long time. we have some video that we want to show you. this all started to unfold around 10 o'clock this morning. and that is when police say multiple calls came in to cal highs office informing the staff that there would be explosive devices scattered around the campus and that there would be someone that plan to come onto campus opened fire. that prompted a widespread response from police and specialty units coming in from different agencies. trainer bob sniffing dogs were brought into the grounds. drones are flown above all students were locked inside their rooms after a few hours, nothing was found. students and perry parents tell us that it was a pretty scary few hours. and around like 10, 30, we got a >> school like lockdown are mark down. it is very serious. and we want a lot of do
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anything we had to escort. we need to go to the bathroom. i went through your mind. the whole thing. >> unfortunately, this is their norm. i think this this kind of behavior has happened. decades before this experience today itself from a pair perspective. i appreciate how quickly the how seriously they took. the call. but it just saddens me that there are people out there that want to harm others when they're not happy with their life. >> back here live, police tell us that they're going to be doing an extensive investigation into who made that call, trying to trace back the caller reporting live here in san ramon, theresa stasi. back to you guys. >> theresa, thank you so much. we're going go back now to our breaking news that a verdict has been reached in former president trump's hush money trial. we're going live now on the phone with michael
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cardoza, a former defense attorney, a defense attorney. michael, thank you for joining us here live during kron for news this afternoon. what do you make that the jury only took about 12 hours to come to their verdict? >> that doesn't surprise me. they have some read back. so they've heard some of the evidence 2 times once in person read back where the court reporter reach from the transcript 12 hours, certainly a succession. and the case of particular magnitude, what the evidence is so it doesn't surprise me that they reach that quick verdict. what been a problem with this because and a lot of trial lawyers will agree with us. it's very difficult predict. what this verdict will be. some say. if they considered a quick verdict, it will be a guilty longer. that's more.
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>> evidence may be a not guilty, but i do now trump is not very well liked in manhattan. so that certainly cuts against them. but on the other side of coin and i've talked to a lot of lawyers on people that are involved politics that this case doesn't pass the smell test. why didn't you bring this case against trump when, for example, georgia has a stronger case against him. a lot of people think thanks, this is. >> political in nature. i don't know if jury will go there. but if i had to guess right i would guess that's appeal verdict. but that the guests tonight, like most trial attorneys don't know anything more than the public won't wait, trying to predict what a jury will do. >> so if you are on donald defense team here and you're
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awaiting this verdict, what to watch for as the jury comes back into the room. what do you what you try to make of what's happening? we have these live pictures here outside of the courtroom in new york. city of their cameras are not allowed inside, some of the stuff that we've been reading from reporters were there is that they are just waiting now for these 34 counts to be read. what's going through your mind as a defense attorney during these moments when you're just anticipating counts to come in. >> well, first of all, your blood pressure is going through the rules. you've got all sorts of things going through your mind. for example, there's they say that there are 3 pretty thing. court. and that's one that you're right. that's one that you give. and then you're thinking about the one that you should have given. and so you're running that through your head. now, when the jury
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comes out, you watched them to see if they look at you if they walk by you when they're not looking at you and they sort of turned away from you, that's not a good sign. a lot of times when the jury comes back not guilty, one or maybe 2 jurors. we'll walk by you smile or you can tell on their face we've got the verdict. it it's it's you know, it's a so you're trying to read body language, but i'll tell you with a walk by you as a defense team and they don't look at you and they ignore you. you're going i were sunk. this is a guilty verdict. so they'll be watching for that very closely. so anyone in court should watch them as they come out to see if they look at $0.10. or trump and maybe just sort of gave a little smile. you know, toward him like we got show, you know. >> and michael, as we're waiting for these for akbar account to come in for former president donald trump on this
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hush money case. the jury, you know, didn't take very long. can thought many experts that i was listening to thought it would at least come by the end of business tomorrow that they would have this kind of wrapped up by the weekend. today wasn't something that people really had on their bingo card for this. was there anything about the testimony that the jurors wanted to have read back to them, michael packer and also michael cohn. what they want to have that key testimony read back to them. that's where they had questions. and also they wanted the actual instructions of how to proceed redback to them, which they could actually get that, that the actual copy of it. they had to hear it and it took over an hour. was there anything about those 3 things that the jury wanted to hear that signal to you which way this might be going. >> absolutely not. i can tell you i've tried very conservative delays and my over 40 years of trying sure
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ii trials that when they get read back and you think, oh, they're doing that for this reason as the 2 were never right, because then they'll come out and i'll talk to you after verdict is read. the judge allows them to, you know, speak with the lawyers after and they'll tell you things like, oh, no, no, no juror number 10 was confused about those. and we had, you know, 11 for guilty here, 11 for not guilty. we just had to show that person that they misunderstood. the testimony. so you can't read into that at all. you think you can. but i care. and kate, most the time the jurors come with glee. different reason for asking for us specific testimony to be right back. and michael, i just want to go over the breaking news we're getting now into the kron 4 newsroom. donald trump has been convicted in his hush money trial. this is a landmark jury verdict making him the first former american president to be found guilty of felony crimes. >> in our nation's nearly 250
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year history. we're showing some live pictures from outside the courtroom and also outside of the actual courthouse there in manhattan where there have been crowds gathering. but again, our breaking news and let's get your reaction to this. now. the verdict is in donald trump convicted now on all 34 counts. he's been found guilty. what do you make of this historic moment? >> it doesn't surprise me. like i said, i didn't i couldn't predict certainly any more than any other trial or or any other person on lawyer. i. >> it doesn't surprise me. but politically, really do not think that this verdict well have. and the pass on most voters because people are concrete ties to mayor. thank you. is think this case should have been brought and therefore trump was signal doubters singled out by this prosecutor. i don't think it's going to change many votes. people will even become more entrenched and say this wasn't
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fair, what they did to him on the other side, people. that's a good he should have been convicted. they're going to vote against him. so i don't think it's going to have too much of a fact on the political landscape. but as you said, but first ever president has now arrived in a now, the big issue and i laughed at this, i think with a minute he's got to be at least here in california. you're sent to probation to talk to the probation department and they right. a report for the judge and i'm cut that probation officers said mayor and it is manhattan you know, donald trump, you it's like, wow, i you know, let's sit down and tell it only starts asking questions. and then what is judge do with this by way sentencing? does he put him in jail? does he deprived him you know, continuing with his campaigning. you know that
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there's something the judge has to now decide. what do i do with that convicted or is the conviction and not the largest put him on probation now and let it i don't get. is the crimes are punishable. >> by up to 4 years in prison again, he has denied any wrongdoing. he pleaded not guilty, but again, he has been convicted now in the hush money trial found guilty. do you think he will spend any time in a prison cell for this? >> i don't if i lost you a little bit there, but do i think he will do in present time? no, i don't think that's come out. i really don't. especially if he gets elected president and the next election. what do you do with that? you know, up there for years, i don't see that happening. and i my guess is that guest, what the that the judge is going to think? okay, this about you got convicted felony. put you on probation. maybe some fines. >> you know, like trump is going to worry about >> you know, some money he has to pay. so i think that's
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that's as the best an educated i can give. i don't see him being put into jail. we're getting some sort of, you know, public service like u 2 weekends. what picking up garbage. that's not going happen. so there are there are some other options. >> to be punished for this besides going to prison? >> yeah. and i like i said, i don't see that happening at all or county jail for that you know, there's prisoner kind. i don't see that happening. i believe that the judge will say you're the first president ever to be coming to us about punishment. now i'm going have you on probation report to probation and we'll go from there that the best i can do with, you know that you're good to michael cardoza, we appreciate your time to join us here to talk about this breaking news. donald trump has been found guilty in his hush money case. >> we hope to check back with you again today to get some more insight on what unfolded
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here. this is a history making day. michael cardoza, thank you so much. you're welcome back. and now we're going to go live to our political analyst michael yaki. he's also joining us here during kron for news this afternoon to go over this. donald trump again convicted in his new york hush money trial to landmark jury verdict. michael yaki, thank you for joining us. thank all right. what's your reaction? >> i think this is this is really interesting people were a little worried that you can actually find 12 jurors who really didn't have an opinion on this matter because we had all been following this for so long. but a 34 count conviction. the first merit first former american president to be convicted of a felony. this is not something that you see every day and certainly in 200 died years of our country democracy. it's a first and in many ways. it's a sad first because you don't want to see someone who was the leader of our country at the slow. but then again, it's
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also demonstration that justice does. work for every american no matter who you and that it's sort of been an argument. prosecutors and also from the judge saying, you know, no one is above the law that they were going to hold him accountable, treat him just like anyone else. i had my math wrong at the jury. only deliberated for about 9 and a half hours his 4 and a half hours on wednesday, 5 hours thursday. so under 10 hours of deliberations, does that say anything to you about? how good of a job the prosecutors did to say that these reimbursements were falsely logged as legal expenses. >> well, i think they did a really good job of doing of using the trail of e-mails, texts and quite frankly, recordings that michael cohen to serve document that these were anything but just sort of routine routine payoffs. but i
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mean that the hurdle i always thought was going to be difficult for the prosecution was linking the falsifying of the business. does records to another predicate act. that is falsifying concealing information with regard to the federal elections commission for the purpose of benefiting presidential campaign. it's that was always the hardly that a lot of a lot of us in the legal profession where think you were thinking what could be the hardest thing for the prosecution to do, but they did a very good job of it. they start off strong with the with publisher of the enquirer, basically confirming that they did it for the presidential campaign and then ending with michael cohen basic leaving all the details together. easter monday is in between. now the defense did a very good job. i thought going after michael cohen. but in the end, i just think that the evidence was insurmountable from from multiple sources that this was in a manner done it for the purpose or purpose of evading federal election laws and 18. donald trump's
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presidential campaign being able to establish that was the key to getting the conviction on the 34 counts and making it misdemeanor into a felony. >> so this is coming now, 6 months before the presidential election. we're assuming that trump is the presumptive republican nominee. i think that that could changh. and how do you see things playing out over the next 6 months with this? now with donald trump being convicted and being a felon >> well, i think first of trump's legal team, it's going to do everything they can to try and get an appeals court to train strike did set aside the verdict as quickly as possible. it's going to be a very hard bar for them to for them to out that enables. the biden campaign to basically start using the narrative that. you have someone who's been convicted of felony, someone michael, hang on one
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0nd here. donald trump is coming out of the courtroom and we're going to listen in to him address what just happened. >> not great body language well, he had a rough go of it let's listen. >> this was a disgrace. this is a was correct it's retrial this race. it would give us ad, james. we at 5% or 6 per said and this district in this area. this is a the real is going to november by the people. and they know what happened here everybody knows what happened here. respect and day. we didn't do very innocent man.
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>> it's okay. fighting for a country fighting for a countries. big regret this done administration. >> you know her and opponents political opponent. >> i think just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting fight get. because that country's going to, we don't have the same country anymore. we have best. when they serious millions and millions of people pouring into country right now. from prisons medical institutions. terrorist and they're taking over a country. we have a country that's big trouble that this was big decision. today was with a conflicted should try this case we'll fight for our constitution. this is small for
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>> all right. michael yaki, you're still with us. yes, former president donald trump addressing. the nation here after just being found convicted in his hush money trial to a landmark verdict. he called it a rigged trial of disgraced trial. he blamed the biden administration saying it was trying to hurt a political opponent. he said that the real verdict is going to come on november 5th. that is election day this year. michael, let's touch on that. do you think the real verdict will come in november 5th? this is going to ignite his base or ignite people to to turn against him. >> one of when we opinion polls i think a few months ago show that the people who are kind of in the middle would view a felony conviction very poorly with regard donald trump. no, this is over, but that occurred november 5th. this is a state court. he cannot pardon himself from from this now really actually facing jail time likely to say
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was a very, very unlikely. but still, the fact is that you have someone running for running for the presidency who has been convicted by a jury of his peers, even though he's trying to say that they're not his peers and was rigged in etc 34 34 counts felony counts together is it is a pretty. pretty high number. and the fact that these felonies were convicted were connected with his campaign presidency is another thing that i think that they're going to be a lot of people out there have questions about whether or not years they wanted to or thought about it. someone who justin has decided that this verdict is wrong and is rigged in whatever, along with everything else that he said has been wronged and rigged for the too. well, how manye years has it been since this all i think it's going to be. interesting that find the biden campaign. i'm pretty happy because i think it's
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going night. people. we have always been with donald trump's, but that's not what this election about. this election is about the middle, the middle who were would be concerned about the economy. concerned about inflation concerned about basically that the price of gasoline. but now you've introduced up a felon into the equation. i think that's going to have an impact. >> he did not testify but did every day during you know, more than 6 week long trial address the reporters there in the hallway going into court coming out of court every single day, but never they decided against doing that. but you know, has said that he wanted to be campaigning during all this and that this was preventing him from doing that. he was only able to kind of do that on the weekends. but use those sort of speechns there just like he did just right now to kind of blame the biden administration. also to
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start talking about people, immigrants and people mental health issues and the prison system turning these the speeches into, you know, a campaign stop essentially how does he now take his campaign? is this something that they just keep sticking on saying, you know, i'm a very innocent man. this was rigged in was disgraced. do they lean into it? >> well, i'm if they have no choice but to lean intuitive. if life gives you a hard pitch in the face i think you just take. it is hard hard as you can and then blame it on somebody else. that's what they're going to be doing. that i'm sure the first fundraising letter has gone email right now basically attacking joe biden essentially the state of new york for going after him. so this is this is this is going to be perfectly on brand for donald trump. this is going to part of his continued grievance campaign. but again,
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the issue is going to be with with middle with the undecided with the people the reagan, the reagan democrats and the reagan republicans for that matter, you know, is this something that is this a bridge too far for them in terms of their ability cast a vote for someone has been convicted in a court of law, 34 counts 34 felony counts. and that's going to something that with no matter what it is, what he says and the step would have job. i'm says on the snow or whatever you're getting your social media, clicks. you know, start rolling into the different websites. eventually it's going to how the american people feel about voting for someone convicted convicted felonies in in a court of law. and that's with that that i was feeling this election is taking a very sudden into into that being pun intended. the influencer on the final
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verdict of donald trump the trial. but and donald trump on november 5th. >> all right. so you're the biden administration now you're inside the white house and thts is just been dropped on your how how be biden team. take this over the next several months during campaigning. how do they use this? i would think to advantage. >> well, i think to a large extent, you'll hear the word felon more than a few times out of the mouths of joe biden, even if even if his advisors don't want say it, but you'll see felon up last a lot of places on social media and on tv they're independent expenditures. what have you? you'll see all sorts of elements of paraphernalia. i'm probably in both sites as part of this, but look, obviously. joe biden is it is it's much
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position after today that donald trump is donald trump again has to deal with the fact that that he has to deal with the word felon, convicted felon in terms of a description of and that's something that i think anyone anyone know i can say with with great assurance do in this country. wants to have associated with their activities. so it's going to be it's going to it's going to be interesting. but yeah, you're going to see him lead into it. you'll see them. >> they really did them. and they break your market in the mug shot in the so this is all going to be part of it. i i sincerely doubt been a lot of time campaigning in and around new york the i probably either side, a, you know. we'll we'll see. i guess there's going to there. they're going to be running opinion polls probably starting tonight over the next few days and we'll see what kind of impact it has going forward. >> so the last we heard and this is obviously subject to
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change. there was going to be a debate between biden and trump on june 27th. we have just learned that trump sentencing date is now set for july. 11th. let's just a few weeks after one to think this debate is still going to happen. and 2, when sentencing comes, he's. could be sentenced up to 4 years in prison. i want to hear if you think if he will spend any time behind bars. >> well, it it. i mean, this is these are these are what are called know accent for better where these are kind of jumped up, felonies, they their families by by virtue of conversion. so it's not as if they're not quite as owner is as other ones kunst. when you add up all the counts together, they can only add up to pass possibility. i think over 4 years in jail if he continues with this behavior, the kids, the new york courts against the new york judge. might the judge decide just a
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tiny bit of it as one might too, to make an example of him and and give him some time in prison. i would be surprised about that at all. >> i a he got several $1000 over the course of this trial for speaking out. poorly against the judge. he just did when we were listening to him coming out of court right now, he it was an unfair judge. she was. i'm conflicted judge with some of the words that he used in the judge is going to be sentencing him on july. 11th, do those the fines and the things that he's been. former former president trump's been saying does that, you know, in the back of the judge's mind go into the sentencing decision. >> again, i think it's it's it's more about sentencing guidelines. and i'm not familiar with what they are in new york state, but obviously 34 is a lot the fact that the probation report, we'll look at his behavior prior to after the conviction as as any or of
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whether or not he shows any remorse and whether or not he needs a little time in the cooler for lack of better word just to to to do the adequate kind of and it's for what he's what he's done. that's going to be part of it. but obviously, these these these were violent is their but then acadia martha stewart served time for non for a nonviolent in federal court. so you just don't know we'll but i think that the debate will go forward. and i think that that trump would want the debate to go forward in june and that way until after he sense because it's if it's bad being a convicted felon in the debates will be worse being a convicted felon. head being asked to serve jail time during the debate. so i expect that to go forward to go forward. and certainly that will certainly be another opportunity for trump to simply talk about how you know, he's a victim of of all
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these nefarious conspiracies. but the fact is, again, for the american people, for those in the middle, for those who aren't aren't, you know, wild about biden are wild about trump. you know, is that a message that's going to work when it when it always comes down to really the economy and how people are feeling about their country going forward. but how they feel about their country is down going to be inexorably linked with whether or not how that feeling is about electing casting a vote for a convicted felon. >> michael yaki, appreciate you joining us here. so we can go over this breaking news. always great to talk to to learn a little bit more. we are going just keep you on standby and hopefully we can talk to you next hour to a lot of new developments coming into our newsroom right now. we're going to talk now with jon dennis, who is the chairman. we're going to go now to our catherine heenan. she is live now in our newsroom. she's been watching this case very closely over the last 6 weeks. our desks
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are right next to each other. and when this verdict came in, i heard her. do it have a little gasp. and catherine, i looked at each other and we've been waiting for this catherine is in our newsroom now with updates. thanks for joining us. all right. were working to get her situated. here is john dennis there for us. ok? so here's what's happening now on kron 4 today. let's go over some of the breaking news details that we've learned about former president donald trump. he has been convicted in his hush money trial. the jury reached this about an hour ago. they wanted wrap this up. trump found guilty on 34 felony counts. this was during the second day of deliberations that the jury came back. they had a mighty task before them. they did deliberate for about 9, a and a half hours total 4
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and a half hours on wednesday, 5 today. at some point we thought they were going home for the day and that things were going to resume on friday. but quickly before court closed there manhattan, the jury did come back with a verdict. we have to live pictures here that we're showing you what's going on there in new york city right now. looks like there is the helicopter over the exits to the courthouse there in manhattan. looks like some suv is probably waiting to escort former president trump out of the courthouse. he was not allowed to leave today as jury deliberations were underway. we also have this live picture of a people who have gathered outside to sort of watch the circus unfold today. and when former president trump left the courtroom after learning about this conviction in his hush money trial. he did address the public. and let's listen quickly here to the former president after he was found guilty of felony crimes.
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>> this was a disgrace. this is great this race. they wouldn't give us and change. we were. 60 per said. and this district in this area. this is disgrace. go try the real is going to be november by the people. and they know what happened here everybody knows what happened here. respect. >> very innocent man. it's fighting for our constitution. countries. big station. >> you know, her and opponents
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political opponent. >> just a disgrace and we'll keep fighting fight get it because going we don't have the same country anymore. we have best. when they should people pouring into country right now. from prisons from medical institutions, terrorist and that taking over a country, we have a country that's big but this was great with a conflicted should try this case asked him to shoot. this is >> all right. now we're going speak with jon dennis, the chairman of the san francisco republican party. thank you so much for joining us here on kron 4 to go over this breaking news. >> it's usually my pleasure to
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join you. i'm not so happy at the moment, but i'm always happy to be with all right. talk to me a little about that. why why are feeling a little down today? >> also that down in the sense that so much for partisan reasons. but really, for the country, mean, this this whole episode has been the pollen from the charges themselves, which we're, you know, they are actually that would begin with the charges themselves because the ftc found that there was there was nothing illegal done. the fact that it was. that the white house was shopping for dan uzan for crimes to go after it said that the president's chief, a political opponent, it's also pulling, you know, we set up a system in this country. people talk about democracy and another one protected. we set up a system to protect rights. and here we have a situation where it appears that the but the leader of the country but,
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you know, going after his chief political rival, something that the former president for president trump did not do. the case of hillary clinton precisely for this reason the fact that the venue was in new york and wouldn't be changed to me. no fair-minded person would agree with the choice you not changing the venue. the judge's instructions and his behavior. we just his customers up. you know, this is not a great day for the american republic. it's not a great day for law and order and it's a it's a terrible day for people who are cheering this on think that this is a victory of sir, some substance that meant they may want to think about that again. >> so he is now the first former president to be found guilty of felony crimes in our nation's nearly 250 year history. but you believe that this is some sort of attack by the biden administration trying to hurt a political opponent, which is also what
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we heard the former there. you also think that this was an unfair jury and an unfair judge. >> if you that one of the problems that we run into now is that people judged her shopping to shopping district and the news people shop there, new sources and they don't here from each other trying try and you read across the political spectrum to get a sense of what's really going on. for those of you who are not following other news sources that would be considered on the left, you would have learned that that alvin bragg and teacher williams and we're going to the white house on a regular basis and, you know, visiting with presumably discussing some of these things is completely inappropriate and should have led you know, to some sort of sanctions or, you know, we're moving of the venue. but none of this was discovered are discussed. and so that's where we are. of this is coming as a surprise. you shouldn't be just so, you know, expand your your sources of information. all right. so this was the first of trump's for indictments, too.
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>> reach trial. get indicted. 4 different times found guilty today of felony crimes. >> do you think that he will spend time behind bars? >> hard to say. but to the sentencing is in july from what i understand. i mean, he is protected by the secret service. he's in the middle of the political campaign i can't i don't know what what you know to expect from other my guess is and as you know, is and not professionals non lawyer is that that that will be a sentencing, a suspect. it will be unusually harsh and then that will be some bond put up and he'll be able to c ntinue with this campaign. that's my guess. alright, john dennis from the san francisco republican party. thank you for joining us here on kron 4. we preach 8 your time. >> and that we're going go to kron four's catherine heenan. she's in the newsroom, been following this case very closely. >> yeah, now i have 2 microphones on with fresh batteries. maybe you can hear me now. i think just staying, you know, just for people who may just be joining us. it really is an astounding moment. he is the for donald trump. the first american
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president to become a felon. we are 159 days away from the election. how this plays out, how he will play. it will be a really interesting is, you know, and we again a little while ago, he has been arguing angrily every day talking to reporters coming into and out of the courtroom, insisting that if they were going to do this, they should have done it 7 years ago. why do it now? he there that his defense team wanted a different venue. that didn't happen. you pointed out the sentencing is set for a for july july. 11th, we know that the felony convictions a call for a sentence of up to 4 years in prison. and i think most people probably agree that he may not see the inside of a prison cell. he could get probation when he is sentenced. we know again that he will certainly appeal the verdict. he and his team is making that clear. and that,
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by the way, could mean that it might be years before this case is resolved. still of this decision really is an astounding moment in american history. take a lot of people justin, because there were 34 felony counts that the jury might at least be split, you know, not guilty on some guilty on others, but no up and down the line. 34 counts. they went guilty on all of them. i'm always interested me. don't have a camera in the courtroom live. but in just watching donald trump and the people who were there say that he just kind of slumped very unresponsive, you know, not really showing any emotion looking absolutely drained. and obviously has been a and that very tough experience for him to go through know to get his wife is not there. his daughter, we've arak trump, one of his sons has been there almost every day. he was with his father today, but the only
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family member there as that verdict was read. so we'll just have to watch and see if again and you and michael talked about this a bit leading into this. does this continue to rally the base? does it all blow up? but it certainly and astounding day in american presidential history. just and trump now is free to speak to the press. he can travel. >> he can continue on with his presidential campaign. he's no longer bound by the gag order that he was being held against us so he could not talk about witnesses. he could not talk about jurors. he could not talk about the judge or the judge's family. he was fined several times for doing that. so as you're wondering, what what he look like or what he thought as this verdict was read. i'm sure we'll hear a lot about it on the campaign trail between now and november 5th, which is election day. so if you're wondering what he might be thinking, i'm sure we'll be hearing a lot about
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it, catherine. we were also kept sort of >> teasing with information that he had that he couldn't tell us about because he was gagged, whether that amounts to much of anything i don't know. but i guess we'll be finding out. he kept insisting that they were really bad things that we should know about that. he couldn't tell us about. and so now presumably he can also the jurors have been told is, you know, you can talk to reporters if you want. that doesn't always happen. we know that many, if not all of them were extremely concerned about their own personal security and not wanting to wade into this. a political nightmare, some of them and sustain that afterwards. they remain anonymous and fact, i think at least one at least one potential juror left citing concerns for personal safety. if they were even on this jury. so i'm not sure that we will be hearing from any of them, bet you never know. sometimes there will be at least one or 2 that will share some thoughts. >> and are live pictures that we're watching now showing a
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former president donald trump now convicted of a felonies leaving the manhattan courtroom waiting to get into these black suv. is there shaking hands with members possibly of his defense team getting into this suv now where he's going next and determined at this moment. but we will be following it. and there's a huge crowd of people outside of the courtroom. we'll see whether it's hard to tell from here if they are cheering that he's been convicted or i'm concerned about the way that the country is going now with this burden, these verdicts in. so we'll have to see if they have any reaction the former president now leaving the courthouse there. catherine heenan in our newsroom. we're going to come back to her in just a few moments. but now we're going to speak with nolan higdon, who is a lecturer of history and media studies at cal state east bay, thank you so much for joining us here. >> hey, thank you for coming. so what is your reaction to the verdicts today? >> i think this is quite a
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shocking historical you know, you'd listen. the generation that was alive when when nixon left the white house, they ing. it was to see him get that helicopter and leave and he was even convicted of a felony. let alone running so this just something that's out of the bounds of normal politics and something we've never seen before. >> how will the history book street former president trump after this moment? >> you know, i think the initial reaction we saw from trump really fits with the trump persona. he's he's promising that there was information related, the trial that we were able to see that he's going to really to previously with, you know, things like tax returns he's he's painted the whole trial as part of some scheme to undermine the 2024 election, which is what he did pre 2016 pre 2020. so i think a lot of this fits the you know, style of campaigning. but having said that, there are some serious differences here. trump know could be looking at that time behind huge poll
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show even republican supporters of trump said that he was found guilty that could get them to change their vote. so history may look back at this as being a a pivotal change in the 2024 election, especially given the precarious position of the biden administration. your comparisons to nixon. very interesting here. this is the first time a former u.s. president has ever been tried or convicted in the criminal case. and this is >> just one of 4 indictments to reach trial for the former president. how does this than contrast to what nixon did, especially? you know, we're watching him now. the former suvs leaving the courthouse there. we're presuming that the helicopter camera there is following the truck that he is in how to these 2 cases between nixon and trump. compare and contrast >> well, nixon was able to leave the spotlight for handful of years. and ultimately, you know, more last admit that there was some
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years later in his life. but for trump, trump is running for president. knighted states. trump is going to get sentenced. you know, 4 days before the republican convention this summer. so trump is going to have to be out there explaining answering questions about it. it's much the knicks and in that sense. >> do you think that? there's also a set to be a debate between biden and the end of june. do you think that that will still take place? >> i'm sure that the biden campaign would like to make sure that it's going to take don't know if trump will trump usually, you know, historically has never avoided media attention. so anything like a debate ring of the cameras he welcomes that. but i mentioned biden's going come out swinging and hits trial over and over again because polls do show that rip one of the few issues that could sway republicans away from trump was the outcome of this trial. so i imagine biden's going to everything you can to put this
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trial front and center, especially to distract from some of the critiques of him and he's president. you think that the biden administration is going to lean into this used the word fallon? >> talk about how he's been convicted as much as possible during the biden campaign. >> yeah. you know, evidence for that is that we're today is the 9 year anniversary of joe biden's son's and traditionally, biden family has stayed away from the media on this day. they want some privacy mourn their loss. but even biden you know, sent out a message to the responding to the outcome of this trial. so i think this is something that is campaign. can't wait to sink their teeth a political perspective. some point, i'm sure he will have. >> some sort of statement from the white house. it's interesting to note that this was the 9 year anniversary of that and falling on the same day as this and that normally the family stays quiet. they don't want to come out and talk to talk to the media, talk to the press, talk to american people. but today they made an exception for that.
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>> yeah, i think that's, you know, you know, indicative of where their their head spaces, that and how important this is going to be. and you know, trump keeps trying to dismiss it as a show trial or, you know, democrat party propaganda, the whole trial and even the verdict. but i something tells me voters are going to see it that way. he's going to have to to make the case that this shouldn't be a top priority for for voters. i think biden can everything he can to argue the opposite. >> so what happens between now and november? 5th out some of the reporters there outside of the courtroom asked him if he was going to drop out of the race. we presume he's the republican nominee. do you think that he drops out to think that the republican party make some changes based on him now convicted in a criminal case. >> no, i can't see donald trump dropping out. you know, i think whatever sentence he gets could play a critical role, but unfortunately, is going to sentenced july so that only gives them about, you know, 4 or 5 days. the
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that is the republican party to decide if and when to keep as the nominee. should he go to jail or or something like that? so they're in a bind in that if trump avoids jail time, i would imagine that he will, you know, do what he's historically done. hill argue that this is a witch hunt and we'll try take the grievances of his supporters and say, look, you're angry about things you're persecuted by the system on the embodiment of you. i'm being persecuted by the system. vote for me. sliding troubled everything can to try and turn this into a win as he has done previously. already called it rigged in disgrace to said that the real verdict is going to come. >> on november, 5th, do you think that that is how the american voters are going to go on november 5th really make a decision on whether or not that they think that >> he's guilty. >> you know, i don't know that will be the top priority in voters mind. but i do want to say for everyone out there who cares about democracy, whether regardless of who wins or who
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loses and for what reason i need to do our part to respect the integrity of elections in the outcome of elections. and so, you know, if trump wins ti winds, if you lose, you lose as we need to respect that outcome. and so i think we need to you know, sir, speculation on whether or not it is rigged or making accusations that its red didn't stick to the outcome of what the voters want. >> nolan higdon, we appreciate you coming here to join us to talk about this breaking news today. and i loved hearing your historical comparisons to what happened with nixon. i'm sure there's a whole generation of our audience watching today that remembers exactly where they were when that happened and they will remember exactly where they were when today happened. >> and thank you rery much. always a pleasure to bear. >> all right. we'll go live now to kron four's catherine heenan. she's in our newsroom and following the latest developments on former president trump being convicted today. >> so we've never seen anything like this is, you know, i mean, that's fairly incredible scenario. so some of the details, i think are fascinating. for example, i
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think just about everyone agrees. it is unlikely that donald trump will spend time behind bars. but who knows? that could happen. but i'm reading several different sources saying that if that does happen, if he is even a short time behind bars in jail in prison, the secret service goes along with him at least a couple of agents would be assigned to protect him from inside the prison. also, he has to go through some of the usual a protocol, for example, is a pre-sentence, procedure that people go through. they are interviewed sometimes by a social worker, a psychiatrist to see if showing remorse or to see how fit they are mentally to face. what's coming. so the former president would probably have to sit down and go through that kind of procedure. secret service, by the way, apparently has been preparing for the possibility of all of this. at one point to someone reminding donald trump when he was fighting the gag order and
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defying the judge that, hey, watch out because you could end up in jail before this all plays out and we would have to go to. so please keep that in mind. the 34 counts. it's a detail not everybody necessarily cares about. i think the drama of what's happening now is is in full play. 11 counts related to invoices. this is what the jury convicted him of today. 11 felony counts related to ledger entries, 11 counts related to checks. all of this going back to hush money payments after an alleged affair with an adult film. actress stormy daniels paying the prosecutors say his fixer to make that go away. so that's where all of this came from. and the the team, again, day the trump team manhattan as a venue for the trial saying its ultra liberal. get us out of that didn't happen. it's one of the the trump team was upset about. he has been
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insisting is, you know, all along this should have happened 7 years ago. why is it happening now? so and we were watching trump at least from descriptions of witnesses that when it all finally came to him and all 34 felony counts who found guilty. he just looked absolutely drained. just sort of slumped back in his chair just so you have to think he would need some kind of break before hitting campaign trail again, which he can do. he is alive to do that. he is allowed to talk to us again. >> yeah, the gag order has now been dismissed in this. and the jurors have also mid dismissed. the verdict is in and reactions now coming in. catherine, thank you. we'll check back with you during kron for news at 3. but we're getting some reaction now from other political leadera, house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan putting up this statement on x today saying this verdict is a travesty of justice. the manhattan king grew court shows what happens when our justice system is
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weaponized bipartisan prosecutors in front of a biased judge with an unfair process designed to keep president trump off of the campaign trail and avoid bringing attention to president biden's failing radical policies. americans will see through democratics lost their tactics and no president trump will now be vindicated on appeal. so that is certainly one side of the reaction coming in now in to our newsroom to former president donald trump being found guilty on all charges in his hush money trial. we're following the story for here during kron 4. some live pictures we're watching now from manhattan showing the former president now leaving there as a convicted felon where he's headed next. we're working to figure that out. we do know that it is going to be sentenced on july 11th and we're working to get more details for you on this breaking news story. we'll see breaking news story. we'll see when did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> we begin with breaking news this afternoon. a historic decision coming out of a manhattan courtroom. former president donald trump today found guilty on 34 felony counts in his criminal hush money trial. it was the first time ever a former u.s. president was ever tried or convicted in a criminal case. and this is just one of 4 indictments to reach trial. thank you for joining us on this historic day here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. let's go over this breaking news now. the former president convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying records to cover up a scandal that threaten to. keep him out of
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the white house. in 2016, trump giving remarks right after the ruling. >> this was a disgrace. this is a try was correct trial. race. they wouldn't give us and then a change. we were. 60 per said. and this district in this area, this is the real is going to be november by the people. and they know what happened here everybody knows what happened here. you have a star is back. >> very innocent man. it's fighting for our constitution. countries. big regret station.
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>> yoow


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