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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  May 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> this was disgraceful trial.
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>> now at 5, donald trump has become the first american president to be can vick a criminal, a felon who is the presumptive republican nominee for the president, the united states. thank you for joining us for kron. 4 news at 5. >> i'm dan thorn and i'm noelle bellow in a verdict that is both remarkable and historic. a jury has found former president donald j trump guilty of 34 felony counts. washington, d.c. correspondent hannah brandt has the details. >> this is a hugely consequential verdict for former president donald trump. and even though his trial is over, he says the fight is not. >> a very innocent man. in a stunning verdict, a new york jury found former president donald trump guilty of 34 felony charges. prosecutors convinced the jurors that trump illegally falsified business records to cover up the hush money scheme. but the former president complains the trial was unfair. this was disgraceful the real is going to
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>> november by the people. the charges could carry jail time for former president trump. that will be up to the judge. sentencing is scheduled for july. 11th, but trump's legal team is expected to appeal the decision and we will fight for our constitution. this is about the biden campaign is applauding the verdict saying in the statement in new york today we saw that no one is above the law. donald trump is always mistakenly believed he would never faced consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain. >> and we're expecting to hear from the manhattan district attorney who brought this case later tonight in washington. i'm hannah brandt. >> people across the nation are reacting, of course, to this guilty verdict, including our bay area, political analysts kron four's catherine heenan joins us from the newsroom with more. catherine. >> well, i think regardless of anybody's politics, this news was so dramatic and unprecedented. even some of our guests, analyst did sound a little more quiet somber than usual. we asked david mcewan chair of the political
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science department at sonoma state to talk about why he finds that sobering. >> his sentencing occurs, july 11th. that's just 4 days before the republican convention in milwaukee. so setting aside the legal components, the impact of this, the reverberations of this on the political and constitutional side, those 2 sides are huge on the political side. this has ramifications beyond november. if donald trump order when the white house back what that looks like for the rule of law, it has implications for tho constitution and what happens. and just to remind your it was 50 years ago this summer, august 20th that richard nixon resigned the presidency. the united states. this is a different animal. and in some ways come full circle. and that means that we're going to see a pressing of a political campaign and election season that we haven't seen anything like this since at least 18, 60. so this is a very sobering day, but it has at least these 3 components of legal, political and constitutional problems or
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issues all wrapped around with donald trump right in front and center. >> and this is a trump arriving back at the trump tower just about an hour ago getting a mixture of applause and cheers from supporters. some loud boos from others. we also talked to john dennis chairman of the san francisco republican party. he argues the trial was not fair. he agrees with trump. the process was politicized. denis argues people should not be surprised by the verdict. he referenced the new york district attorney and new york's attorney general. >> for those of you are not following other news sources that would be considered on the left. you would have learned that that alvin bragg and teacher williams and we're going to the white house on a regular basis and, you know, visited with presumably discussing some of these things is completely inappropriate and should have led you know, to some sort of sanctions or, you know, we're moving of the venue. but none
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of this was discovered are discussed. and so that's where we are. of this is coming as a surprise. you shouldn't be just so, you know, expand your your sources of information. >> and a few other examples of the immediate reaction to today's verdict as we the trump team leaving the courthouse, there cheers and fist bumps outside the courtroom, but also trump supporters spotted who woods were suddenly of bursting into tears. meantime, not surprisingly, politicians on both sides of the aisle lining up either to declare justice has been done or to be mon what they consider an unfair trial and conviction. the only trump family member in court when the verdict was read today. trump's son eric, he posted today that may 30th 2024 might be remembered as the day donald trump won the election. he thinks supporters are going to rally. and remember, this is just the first few hours since the verdict came down the days ahead could be very interesting. dan. all right, catherine, thank you.
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>> former president donald trump is actually expected here in san francisco next thursday for a fundraiser in his campaign to retake the white house. the fundraiser is being co-hosted by billionaire venture capitalist david sacks and his wife, jacqueline ceo of the children's clothing line, same haven in pacific heights and his arrival will come a day after vice president kamala harris's visit to the city. she attend a reelection fundraiser hosted by many cafe in the mission. the specific venue and time, though, has not been revealed. >> other news tonight, an egg farm in the north bay has gone up in flames this evening. this facility on skillman and kavanaugh lanes just northeast of petaluma city limits. the fire sending a large cloud of smoke hanging over petaluma at this hour. while crews say the fire started inside an empty bar and the flames did post and threats. >> so it's a working at farm. many of the barns you have
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check they also have supplies and they're full shop here. so. >> no one was injured. the cause of the fire under investigation. kron four's sara stinson is headed to the scene. national bring us a full report tonight on kron for news at 10 11 crews are also on scene of a grass fire burning in san bruno. kron. 4 charles clifford sending in this video. he says it started around 3.45 this afternoon near san bruno golf center on snee flame. this is just off highway 2.80. fire crews did manage to contain those flames pretty quickly. all right. we're getting check of your forecast now. take a look from. >> now blow. you can see a lot of that green has turned gold. yeah. it's dave. obviously when we see fires like this and it's hot the winds. not too bad today, though, right? well, they're on short for a second, when i saw that, i thought, oh, is no, no, no, no, of course not too long too long ago. for all of that, we do have those onshore winds, though, helping out a bit that does keep temperatures down a little bit around the bay. but inland temperatures are climbing very nicely. here's a
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quick check into those winds. you see him out of the northwest and they are again on shore. we like it that direction as contrasted with having them offshore. that is problematic. now, look at temperatures as we speak. lower 90's. well inland, you can see over the east bay hills. in fact, we'll probably did all of this tomorrow. 95 going on for pittsburgh, but 70 for oakland quit contrast there. even at this hour, much cooler as you can see near the bay water. 83 checking for petaluma this hour. an 83 for fairfax compared to yesterday were a couple degrees ahead in a battle popping really ahead at 9 degrees. there, showing a little bit for half moon bay. it took 2 degrees behind. so your wake-up planner going on for tomorrow. we've got mostly sunny, chilly at the coast. kind like yesterday. today was 74 inland. gets to 83 by noon, mostly sunny and nice. and by the mid afternoon again, we'll be seeing some 90's well inland, sunny, breezy and hot and whatnot. looks like more of the same again for tomorrow. and then some big changes coming for this weekend. fans. all right, dave, thanks a lot. some tense
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moments in the east bay today. as we reported call about explosives and a gunman on campus fodced the closure of a high school kron four's grant lotus joins us live in studio now with more dead tonight. there are a lot of relieved parents, students, faculty, everybody from cal high in san ramon. >> but there is also profound frustration that somebody would do this ruin days like this. police say it was around 10 o'clock this morning when multiple calls started coming in to the school informing staff. there were explosive devices scattered around campus. the calls also said there would be someone going on the campus and shooting a gun that prompted widespread police response. you had specialty units from several agencies rushing to campus trained bomb-sniffing dogs were used. drones were flown above all students stayed locked in their classrooms. >> a precaution. that is yeah. we have to like block out the door us all. the lights are turned off can all are not
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always the bathrooms norm. now, right? >> all the school shootings that have happened over the last couple yeah, that's what we always have. these lockdown drills as well. that's also also was a long happened. and then that's when he found about the serious. >> sadly, kids are ready for it in 2024. after a few hours, nothing was found on campus students and parents say it was a really scary few hours. >> so the lockdown has been lifted because there is a systemic search that was conducted throughout the school with our officers from other agencies as well with the canines. and there was nothing of suspicion that was found at this time. fortunately, this is their norm. i think this this kind of behavior has happened decades before this experience today itself and the pair perspective. i appreciate how quickly the how seriously they took. the call. what it just saddens me that there are people out there that want to harm others when they're not happy with their life.
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>> police tell us they plan to now do an extensive investigation to try to figure out who made that call noel. dan, back to you. >> grant, thank you. the state insurance commissioner is working on a multifaceted series of changes to bring insurance companies back to california. while at the same time protecting consumers. the governor is also weighing in with the proposal, but it's not seeing unanimous support. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> with homeowners across the bay area and the state being dropped by insurance companies mostly due to fire risk. the governor has proposed speeding up the review of insurance company rate hike requests to just 60 days. the time. >> is important in terms of the rate decision making. and that's what we're promoting as short-term step and continue to promote the larger package in partnership with the insurance commissioner. this is an important element. >> of what needs to be a multi pronged fix so we can get back to doing business in california. >> rex frazier's with the
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personal insurance federation of california, which represents large auto and home insurance companies in california. oftentimes it takes months and months before an insurance company even knows where it stands with the state. under this proposal, the state at 60 days and every 30 days thereafter they would have to declare where they stand on a rate filing that accountability. that's good for everyone. as the governor has proposed a plan that is not going to get homeowners access to more coverage and affordable price. but carmen bill burr with the group consumer watchdog thinks the proposal gives away too much. what the governor has proposed will tie the hands of the insurance commissioner and reviewing rate hikes and cut public participants out of the process. and that is guaranteed to lead to higher unjustified rates for california homeowners. now it'll be up to state legislators to decide whether to include the governor's insurance proposal as it stands or change it when approving this year's budget. dan kerman kron, 4 news.
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nationwide says it's cutting about 100,000 pet insurance policies. the company said inflation and the cost of that care. >> the policies will be cut between the spring and next summer and says it affected policy holders. we'll be getting notified in writing. coming up, a group of brown pelicans are released back into the wild where there is they take on a new life. >> plus, fire crews take on flames of an east bay public market. what they're learning about the cause of that fire and police are searching for burglars who targeted a house while people were inside in the middle of the day, we've got the latest on the got the latest on the investigation.
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>> that search is underway in palo alto tonight for the suspects who broke into 2 homes while residents were inside. the first break-in was around 10 o'clock tuesday morning on seal avenue. police say a woman in her 60's notice that her door had been pried open from the outside and she says she believes the thief heard her and then ran off. officers say nothing was taken or moved in the home. but the second one happened around 7 o'clock yesterday morning on palo alto avenue. police say in that case, a woman in her 30's told them she heard the front door open and then close. and then our phone and wallet were gone. can then says, though, she went outside and founder stuff on the sidewalk just a few feet away from her house. police say the 2 break-ins, though, are not connected. >> a new solar project in orinda will help east bay mud cut down on greenhouse gas emissions as kron four's philippe djegal reports. it should also contribute to the utilities goal of being carbon neutral.
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>> on a grassy field where the sun hovers and shines down. uninhibited more than 12,000 solar panels, the size of dining tables have been installed on 12 acres of land in all of them tracking to the sunlight. we cannot be successful in our mission without protecting the environment. more than 8 years in the making on thursday, the east bay municipal utility district launching its orinda photovoltaic solar energy project with partners, hotel energies, renewable each panel generates kilowatt hours. >> those kilowatt hours gets fed back into the grid and even mugs able to buy those kilowatt hours at a discount to what they're buying today. because clean energy's affordable east bay mud says this 4.6 megawatt installation. >> well offset about 10% of the agency's current energy costs. this is a huge part of goal of getting carbon
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neutrality or net 0 by 2030. the partnership is slated for a 25 year contract term and the 10% savings in energy costs are projected to save the utility. 26 million dollars during that span. >> east bay mud board member marjorie young says customers will benefit all repairs will not see that would be associated with continuing the way we banks to gravity getting water from the sierra to treatment. plants does not cost a thing. we're really some molecule of carbon that the treatment and distribution of that water is expensive by going solar emissions and costs significantly reduced investing in a sustainable future. >> is the right thing to do for our customers. it's the right thing to do for our planet now for future generations panels are expected to be up and running within weeks in philippe djegal, all kron, 4 news. >> traffic will be disrupted in san anselmo starting in
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mid-june. crews will be working on a nearly mile-long water main replacement project. according to marin water. the project will run along sir francis drake boulevard from san francisco boulevard to butterfield road. the project expected to wrap up in november and will replace 4500 feet of aging cast iron pipe. >> having a group of seabirds are back in the wild weeks after they were found suffering from starvation. the birds were saved by the international bird rescue and kron four's gayle ong. was there. >> the first group of rehabilitated brown pelicans are back in the wild after spending weeks being treated for starvation. >> soaring over the san francisco bay. brown pelicans were released at fort baker in
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sausalito thursday afternoon. they are fat and healthy and ready to go back out to the wild. all 8 of them were monks over 320 brown pelicans found suffering from starvation and injured by fishing hooks. the birds were found in mid-april. most of them came from the monterey and santa cruz areas. jd bergeron is the ceo of international bird rescue base in fairfield where the birds were treated. some of these birds have been in care as little as a couple of probably were found and brought in still doing quite well. >> others were more like 30, 40, 50 days, even so those are birds that probably had a bigger challenge to overcome. the free birds can be tracked on the international bird rescue website. >> in the meantime, bergeron and his team are trying to figure out the cause of this crisis. i think there's clearly some access to food problem, whether that's caused by climate change. water weather. there's all been a whole lot of different theories. i think there's probably a combination of things. >> and the state fish and wildlife department is also investigating the cause of what has been making these
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bird sick here in sausalito gayle kron. 4 >> all right. we're taking a live look outside at the financial district. nice blue skies, little bit of breeze out there. davey said it was going to heat up today and it sure did. it was nice out there will get comfy because we've got more where that came from. guys. good more. a good to a good day. everybody. >> and what we've got going on here is a little bit of a heat pump. don't call a spike yet because next week you see what i'm talking about. when i talk about spike will call, it's still a bump and you can see more of that for tomorrow. a little bit of haze going on for the golden gate bridge. you notice temperature check for you. look at those 90's are still the sun up. so 90's, east of the east bay hills, dublin, checking in at 89 70's for the east bay shoreline. now, though, hayward's coming in at 80 to 67 for berkeley and san francisco checks in at 70 petaluma at 83 for tonight to expect about 51 san francisco or san francisco with some late patchy fog. very, very little bit of that going to make a big deal about it. but almost a kind of the traditional fall, actually
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been a little thinner than that. probably for oakland, mostly clear and cold and then pretty pleasant going on for san jose coming in at 58. here's the bigger board show you the bigger numbers. middle 50's still chilly at the coast, though. half moon bay of 49 looks like these numbers haven't even budged. don't forget. we saw that good onshore wind and it's early in the season. the ocean hasn't had time to warm up yet when it gets a little warmer that will have a minor impact for us. a future cast for want to run through this real quick. this is some of the stubborn marine layer that's making itself known along the coast for places like half moon bay. sometimes it takes a lot of clear out. but as you can see by mid-afternoon, a pretty nice job with that. and then again, the fog returns. want to make a quick note about this on saturday morning particular the east bay shoreline. you might get a little stray shower or 2 very early pre-dawn or shortly afterwards. that will clear out, as you can see into sunny skies expected for saturday afternoon. again, we'll do these poll stations again for friday. the winds will pick up being driven by the inland heating and even on saturday. looks like that as well. but
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guys, i did say the heat spike is coming to the but but i want to scare anybody just yet time. >> only i enjoy today. now i'm a little nervous, but got to we've got winds at least helping out. so that's going stay. >> all right. coming up, turning general rob bonta addressing gun violence and ways to expand weapons restrictions across the state. >> and a nonprofit dedicated to giving formally incarcerated people a second chances getting a new headquarters where united playaz is breaking ground.
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>> and there you have it. san francisco city officials helping to break ground on the newest building for nonprofit united players. former house speaker nancy pelosi and mayor london breed in attendance today. the organization was founded by formerly incarcerated people who grew up in the soma neighborhood. now they're returning to their roots with their headquarters located in that same community. pelosi donated 4 million dollars to united play is calling it a full circle moment. >> this building will be to dispel. fear and isolation and story with hope and community. he's pace for people. >> the new space will be a center for kids to come to after school and during summer break and has a place to mentor students. >> california leaders are developing a plan to address gun violence. attorney general rob bonta among the officials at a roundtable discussion
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today. they met with community leaders in the central valley working to bring attention to gun violence and prevent shootings. the attorney general also sharing his own experience with gun violence when his daughter's school was put on lockdown because of an active shooter. >> and course, as a parent. sends chills down your spine and youth fear the worst. there are was helpless 90 miles away, not knowing the situation course wonder what i can do. >> no one was hurt in that instance. but looking ahead, attorney general bonta said he p ans to keep advocating for so-called common sense gun laws and to continue meeting with community members to come up with solutions. >> coming up next, universal health care for children in san francisco. that's what candidate for mayor mark farrell is proposing how his opponents are responding as california lawmakers navigate a massive budget deficit.
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hundreds of crime victims took to the state capital today demanding governor newsom approved funding for survival resources and programs. plus a beloved east bay public market goes up in flames overnight.
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>> tonight at 5.30, a popular market in castro valley is gone after an early morning fire leaving business owners and foodies. heartbroken crews are still working to figure out what caused this fire. >> flames erupted at 2 o'clock this morning and the lake chabot public market, fire crews were able to keep the flames from spreading to neighboring homes spring


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