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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  May 31, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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on the kron morning news. scary moments for san ramon. a high school after threats of explosives on campus for some aockdown. one parent saying this is the new normal. crews battling flames on the ground and in the air after a fire breaks out a farm in petaluma.
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governor newsom is stepping in to help thousands of homeowners in california on the brink losing their home insurance. lot of critics say newsom's plan would harm more harm than good. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, good friday morning thank you waking up with his bride early for the kron. 4 morning news here on may 31st. an rv. all right. well, you made it to the weekend. many of have to make it to the day. however, the weather is supposed to be a nice one for us. good morning there. yet we are looking at another nice day. as far as weather goes, at least if you love the heat you're going to like today we warmed up to our warmest temperatures. the forecast yesterday and today is going to be quite similar. like yesterday. >> you pretty much enjoy your friday. looking at golden gate bridge skies are crystal clear out there had a beautiful sunset along the coast last night. tonight we will see the return of fog in that cool ocean air sweeping into the
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bay area. although we've got a clear fog free morning, you can see that sea breeze will kick up as we work and especially the late afternoon today into tonight, do expect the cooling impact from all of this as we do round out this next. 24 hours here. as for temperatures right now we're hanging out in the 50's 60's. even low 70's inland in brentwood currently berkeley year at 53 alameda. 57 while oakland at a cool 56 degrees later on today. daytime highs, as i mentioned, similar to yesterday, likely going to be a lot of upper 80's inland and upper 70's near 80's along the bay shore. as far as roads go, you would hope for friday light. but that is not necessarily the case. we are actually talking a pretty major incident on 101, northbound right now. this actually has 101 completely shut down just before you get to palo alto right around mountain view there. we do have confirms of a fatality there and all lanes blocked heading up 101 northbound. so my advice to you is either get
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on 82 the camino royale or try to head on over 2 to 80 and head up that direction. both routes are completely unaffected. just avoid 101. if you're heading up trying to get up to the peninsula, particular burton bridge right before that intersection is where we do have that fatal accident on 101, northbound resulting in that complete closure this morning. bay bridge you're doing just fine at 7 minutes to make. you're crossing the san mateo bridge at 12 minutes. well, looking at the richmond, sandra fell at 7. and finally, the golden gate, only 19 minutes from novato to the tolls. rania. all right, john, thank you for that. a big story we're following this morning. >> donald trump became the first former u.s. president to be convicted of a felony crime. he was found guilty of all 34 charges in that hush money trial. basil, john is in new york city with more on this historic moment.
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>> this is disgraceful for former president. donald trump was furious after he left the courtroom and was found guilty in the hush money trial. we didn't do very innocent trump is now the first former u.s. president to be convicted of a crime and now faces a possible punishment o 4 years in prison. new york district attorney alvin bragg calls this a huge win. we should all be thankful for the careful attention. >> that this jury paid to evidence and the law jury deliberations took place over 2 days as the verdict came down. >> near the end of the second day. >> the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury. some of the president's most loyal supporters like colorado, republican congresswoman lauren boebert call this a political prosecution. this is malpractice of our judicial system. >> but victoria nurse with
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georgetown law school says the jury did its job. how it was supposed to they actually do their homework and they ask for the replay the testimony. i think they did their job. >> meanwhile, trump will be in san francisco next thursday for fundraiser hosting the event are billionaire david sacks and his wife, jacqueline sacks, the ceo of children's clothing line, haven. but going to be held in pacific heights. and then trump's arrival will come a day after vice president kamala harris. this is the city she said to attend a fundraiser next wednesday that manny's cafe is hosting the specific venue and time have not been released just yet. said to the north because of fire damages in a farm barn in petaluma. no chickens or people were hurt. the fire caused quite a scene for people miles away. well, there's tons and has that story. >> smoke from the fire here at the pedal. luma egg farm could be seeing all the way down town which had some worried about the chickens and the
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farm workers. well, i just turned the corner and there was this shot. it looks like a monster. thankfully, no chickens were inside. everyone is okay. >> that's good. that's really a large plume of smoke could be seen coming from a farm in the unincorporated part of petaluma. i just saw dark clouds like that. >> okay. there's no rain in the forecast. not sure about that. and then the next something came over my phone and then i knew a barn caught fire at petaluma egg farm on kavanaugh, a lane just after 2. >> the sonoma county sheriff's office used a helicopter to assist multiple fire agencies on the ground, putting out the flames and making sure the fire didn't spread. but the wind made their job harder was pushing the smoke right now on top of the other bar. and so. >> creating an immediate exposure to catch those on fire as well as the grass and the homes across the across the way. and so when not in
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our favor and had we been about a month later than this, it would better tremendously different story. fire crews were able to contain the fire to the barn. a spokesperson for petaluma egg farm says. >> the barn was recently remodeled and wasn't being used. yes, that's a really so everybody's okay. and it was just the bar and the structure itself and the chickens. a veteran coal bit the last couple >> so yeah, they need a break. >> fire crews remain here at the farm to investigate the cause of the fire. the family that runs pedal in egg farm is working with investigators trying to figure out if this was arson or an accident. i'm sara stinson reporting in petaluma kron. 4 news. >> happening now in napa county and overturned trailer is blocking a road in the pope valley community. hazmat crews been on the scene since last night. the trailer dumped 800 gallons of a liquid fertilizer on how milton road around 8 5.45 no one was injured in the wreck. firefighters are monitoring the same pretty
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closely because vapors from the fertilizer could spark a fire. there's currently no estimated time of reopening that road. well in the south bay, the man arrested after an assault at a vta station now facing attempted murder charges. investigators say andy perez was wearing armor vests. attacked a man on the station platform. investigators have released surveillance video that assault. we do want to warn you the video might be disturbing to watch. okay. so this was at the vta children's discovery museum station. you can see perez going up to the man with a bike and immediately starts punching and kicking him. that assault continues for little bit of time. and you can see in this closer vantage point, perez is wearing an armored vest. president ali ran off and barricaded himself inside his home before he was arrested. the victim only identified as a 45 year-old man was taken to the hospital to be treated for injuries, including some deep cuts that required staples.
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>> unfortunately, this is their norm. i think this this kind of behavior has happened. decades before this experience today. >> local high school in san ramon put on lockdown for several hours after getting a call about explosives and a gunman on campus. all started around 10 wednesday morning. police in specialty units responded. these bomb-sniffing dogs and drones while students were kept inside their classrooms. >> we have to like block out the door us all the lights are turned off can all are not always the bathrooms norm. now, right? >> all the school shootings that have happened over the last couple years. yeah, that's what we always have. these lockdown drills as well. that's also also was a long happened. and then that's when find those of other serious. >> well, police did not find any explosives in students were sent home. police say they plan to do an extensive investigation, trying to track down who made the calls. for
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your money. this morning. the state insurance commissioner working on bringing insurance companies back to the state. the governor is also weighing in with a proposal to not seeing unanimous support from lawmakers covered kerman has that story. with homeowners across the bay area and the state being dropped by insurance companies, mostly due to fire risk. >> the governor has proposed speeding up the review of insurance company rate hike requests to just 60 days. the time. >> is important. in terms of the rate decision making. and that's what we're promoting as short-term step and continue to promote the larger package in partnership with the insurance commissioner. this is an important element. >> of what needs to be a multi pronged fix so we can get back business in california. >> rex frazier's with the personal insurance federation of california, which represents large auto and home insurance companies in california. oftentimes it takes months and months before an insurance company even knows where it stands with the state. under this proposal,
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the state at 60 days and every 30 days thereafter they would have to declare where they stand on a rate filing that accountability. that's good for everyone. as the governor has proposed a plan that is not going to get homeowners access to more coverage and affordable price. but carmen bill burr with the group consumer watchdog thinks the proposal gives away too much. what the governor has proposed will tie the hands of the insurance commissioner and reviewing rate hikes and cut public participants out of the process. and that is guaranteed to lead to higher unjustified rates for california homeowners. now it'll be up to state legislators to decide whether to include the governor's insurance proposal as it stands or change it when approving this year's budget. dan kerman kron, 4 news. still ahead the kron. morning news, a former bay area professor has been sentence for arson. that happened during a major wildfire. >> and a solar project in the east bay could be saving you money over the next few years.
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we details on the 25 year partnership after the break. weeks after governor gavin newsom unveiled his proposed state budget. now, democratic legislative leaders have unveiled capitol correspondent eytan wallace. i'll tell you how it differs from the governor's sp
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>> well, here 4 things you to know today. 3 san mateo county sheriff's deputies were hurt while arresting would because these was a night in a parking lot right outside of cbs, san carlos avenue. >> 2 men from morgan hill were arrested and face several charges injured. deputies were % taken to a local hospital and are expected to make a full recovery. a new solar project
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will help the east bay municipal utilities district cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. well, the 12,000 solar panels the size of dining tables have been a stop on 12 acres of land over net. all in an effort to save energy and money on customer's utility bills. giants at a well-deserved rest day yesterday after losing to the phillies. now they're getting ready take on the yankees tonight. first pitch 07:15pm. and the school. it's coming san francisco dj sosa rave on saturday. who's already saying stays on thursday afternoon for months already sold out more than 20,000 people expect to show up. happening today. san francisco's castro merchants association. they're going to be changing now. >> iconic rainbow pride flag with a new one. the association says they do this quarterly to keep it in good condition. the ceremony is going to be at 11 this morning at the flagpole located castro and market streets. the time
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the city of oakland will also be raising their pride flag this morning. ceremonies and eleven-thirty city hall. mayor sheng thao city officials and community leaders will all be in attendance. all right. a lot of events happening today, john, if they want to go, how's the weather going to be? yeah, weather still going to be warm out there for another day with winds from that. last fact, that was really going dad. >> or it was just a teaser, that we can actually soak let's look at it. you can see outside this morning how crystal clear it is beautiful sunrise going on right now. nice chance to maybe get out there. temperatures are mild. enjoy. what is such a clear start? okay. we can go back to the other view. thank you guys. looking outside at that right there. this is your view from mount tam looking absolutely beautiful. and crystal clear now, skies clear all the way up to the coastline. as you already got a little hint at. we're not seeing a lot of fog this morning, but things do change in this forecast. have this low pressure area situated to
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our north and the system clips right past us, creating just enough limb or a lyft in just enough to push in some cool ocean air into the bay tonight into tomorrow. and that does result in a cooler weekend before another warm up into next week. so a bit of a dip back down to comfortable. and then we're back down to the heat. you can see winds are very relaxed this morning, but that sea breeze kicks up into our late afternoon and overnight hours tonight, resulting in friday night into cast. there's your fog streaming back into the bay as we move into your friday night. as for today, though, we've got the clear start. weve got yet another warm one with daytime highs expected to range anywhere from the 50's and 60's at the coast. 70's and 80's along the bay shore to some upper 80's for our inland areas. again, south bay temperatures just a couple degrees cooler than yesterday and some cases while the east
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bay looking at temps is close to 90 degrees is 89 in livermore and concord, oakland, you'll be at 73 for your daytime high antioch, pittsburgh and vacaville still hanging on to the 90's for you. and a look ahead. does show temperatures tomorrow. way cooler than today. as much as 10 degrees cooler for some of our inland spots. mostly leveling out in the low 80's for your saturday and sunday and even cooler yet with some upper 70's will waste no time after that. climbing again with highs nearing the 90's, if not even triple digits for a few spots by the middle of next week have a major incident to talk about all the roads this morning. and that does involve and unfortunately, fatal accident on northbound 101, just before your next. but for the dumbarton bridge right around palo alto mountain view areas right there. right now. your drive time from san jose to menlo park is 37 minutes. but really getting past that is where you're having the issues. my advice to you is if you are on 101 right now, try
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to steer south onto 37 connecting with 85 and then join up at 2.80 and head up the peninsula that way or head up. 82 the camino real and just make your way up that way. it might be a little bit easier, but it certainly not going to be an easy go getting up 101 as we do see cleanup occurring there. and of course, all lanes blocked because of that incident. bay bridge are doing just fine. 8 minutes to make your crossing right now. the mateo bridge at 12 minutes while the richmond center fell sitting under sunshine and no delays there. the golden gate just looking absolutely gorgeous morning, right? all right, john, thank you for that. well, a jewelry store in the east bay is all boarded up. >> newark police say at least a dozen people, rob, the hindi jewelers is part mall road wednesday afternoon. shattered glass display cases took off with a bunch of jewelry getting into multiple getaway cars. no one was actually hurt during the robbery. police are still working to figure out the exact value of the jewelry
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stolen, asking anybody with any information to give him a call. a college professor has been sentenced to more than 5 years in a federal prison for arson. yeah, remain are pleaded guilty to 3 counts of arson back in february. prosecutors say maine are sent a series of fires in the shasta-trinity national forest back in 2021. while crews battled the dixie fire later taught criminology its estate and santa clara university's. from 4 is your local election headquarters. san francisco mayoral candidate mark farrell says he has a plan to ease the cost of childcare in the city. former mayor also called mayor london breed out for not doing enough on the issue lezla gooden takes a look. all exactly. that means. >> on thursday, mark farrell announces plans to create universal health care for children in san francisco, adding that the city has been slow and making progress in the childcare department. problem is not a lack of
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funds. >> it's since simply a lack of leadership and accountability. voters approved the tax in 2018 dedicated for this. you specifically. but nearly 400 million dollars sitting unspent in city hall today. he's referring to proposition c. >> that pass and is aimed at giving early child care and education services for children up to 5 years old for low income families. but due to legal challenges that tax revenue cannot be spent until april of 2021. farrell says he has a plan to help struggling families faster. >> we will offer subsidies to help low and middle income parents and guardians of 4 local child care services, ensuring accessibility across all income levels here in our city for child care. we will raise wages for childcare workers to address the shortage of qualified professionals. >> he says parents spend an average of nearly $40,000 between infant and preschool, karen mount. and if he's
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elected as mayor, he promises to change that. >> state reimbursements failed to cover the true costs of this care. exacerbating the financial strains on families here in san francisco that are still trying in many cases to recover from the covid-19 pandemic. and these early years or so critical. but mayor london breed's team says >> barrels idea. it's coming straight from her own child care. >> and early education platform and shared the following statement in a desperate attempt at relevance. marc farrow has been digging through the recycling bin outside mayor breed's office for his policy ideas and listed off what she says are her accomplishments, including that she doubled the number of children receiving early care and education subsidies annually from 6,000 to 12,000 in just 5 years, adding that the also cut the waitlist for subsidized early care and education by 72%.
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they can real rally off whatever staff so they want right now. but the honest answer is >> they have not use these funds and they are sitting there and francisco. let's look good in kron. 4 news. >> and mayoral candidate daniel lurie caught for als plan every cycle. one laurie said in a statement, quote, our city needs a lot more show. lot less tell from the people he spent the better part of a decade in city hall. felt act. affordability, childcare, public safety and homelessness all remain in a state of crisis. if we keep turning to the people who got us into this mess in, quote. coming on the morning news. >> california's first ever adopt a pet coming up, we'll tell you how
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>> well, nationwide says it's cutting about 100,000 pet insurance policies. the company cited inflation and the cost of that care is one of the reasons policies are going to come between this spring and next summer. it says affected policy holders will be notified in writing. happening tomorrow, california having its first ever adopt a pet day. san francisco is one of the 170 animal adoption site across our state trying to find homes more than 2000 pets. organizers also trying to bring awareness to overcrowding conditions in our shelters across california times got a very a different animal shelters. but san francisco's event will run from 11 in the morning until 6 tomorrow night. and florida street locations. not only you can adopt to the south bay. san jose residents can sign up to adopt a block. it's a new volunteer program that mayor matt mahan launched would help clean streets clean. the pilot program will require
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volunteers clean up litter in their neighborhoods. the city will provide participants with litter kits, safety vests, gloves, residence inn. sign up for it at the mayor's office. coming back to the kron. morning news governor newsom's weighs in on regulating ai. >> well, morning, state lawmakers not to do. >> and i will trend live on 101. there has been fatal accident causing traffic. this snarled for miles. >> i'm at the scene now. let you know exactly what happened and when all lanes will be open to the public.
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>> i welcome back to the kron. morning news on friday. a lot happening were seen some pride events taking place. addition to that, it's the weekend. john's been tracking forecast morning. glad it's the weekend. glad we get a little break from the heat this weekend to not necessarily just yet today. but tonight, this golden gate bridge views going to be out of that fog year. >> as we'll see that cool ocean air slipping back in for your friday evening this morning. it's really crystal-clear out there. we're not talking to any visibility issues. a little bit of good news there. futurecast winds does show relaxed, calm winds this morning, but winds picking up into your evening hours tonight. you can see that right here. that is going to usher in that ocean. cool there. really cool us off tomorrow. so whole different story for your saturday and sunday in the meantime, right now, still really mild. a lot of 50's on the map. brentwood, you're a warm spot at 71 degrees while pacifica and nevado our cold spots down at
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48 right now later on today, daytime highs will still reach the upper 80's for a lot of inland areas. one or 2 90's for for this in spots. i'll talk more about this forecast as we go. will some really on the peninsula this morning. if you are commuting up and down 101, we do have a complete closure of 101. just before getting to the dumbarton bridge. this involves a fatality and all lanes being blocked. there crews are advising that. is those of you trying to get up the peninsula to absolutely take the 8.80, route 2.80, route this morning. and if you are on 1, try to steer south. get on to 37 connecting with 85 or the el camino real and tried to get up that direction because 101 itself is just absolute no-go and it's likely going to take some time to get this accident cleared. right now. that backup is extending a little bit further southward. so if you are trying to get from the south bay on to the peninsula, really 2.80, or the outcome, you know, reality. 82 are your 2 best options right now. bay bridge. 8 minutes to
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make your crossing there. while looking at the san mateo bridge at 12 minutes, the east bay to the north bay, that's find 7 minutes currently and the golden gate bridge. beautiful this morning. no fog or backups rain. all right, john, let's continue on that breaking news north highway 101 in palo alto. >> shut down because of that fatal crash krogers will tran is live at the scene to give us the details there. so we'll what's going on. >> the fatal crash took place 2 and a half hours ago and it is still causing a traffic mess as this is still and active scene. let me step out of the way and give you an update. you can see lane number one. they just open that up about 5 minutes ago. chp officers walking on the freeway as they are still taking measurements. unfortunately, one person did die from this accident. you see that green pole right there. >> this is a chain of events as far as accidents at around
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2.55. in the morning. a red suv it's right down the road here. it's still there are a red suv pulls over here, had some kind of car problem. they still are trying to find out why it drifted back into traffic when it drifted back into traffic. you see that silver silent hits the back of the suv at some point, the driver of the red suv gets out of his car. he's out of his car, possibly in front of it. then all of a sudden a tractor comes along and also hits the red suv pushing the red suv into the person dragging that person underneath the red suv all the way to that point where ultimately stops the driver of that red suv died from impact. you can see the tractor right there. all
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parties remain on the scene, cooperating with chp. they're not exactly sure what happened. possibly one speculation, according to a chp officer, i spoke to possibly because it was 3 o'clock in the morning. one of the drivers possibly was drowsy at the time and that might have caused the accident. as far as what's going on, they did open up one lane. they're hoping to open up another lane soon. but in the meantime, you can see tow truck drivers standing on the divider right there as they're waiting to be called in to remove the cars. but it's going to take some time because you cannot remove the car, obviously until the coroner's office is here. and so they finished with their investigation. so lots going on that will swing or camera back this way. we'll show you just the damage in terms of traffic. 101 backed up for as far as i can see. you can see the overpass there. that is san antonio and cars are backed up there as well.
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they're not allowing anybody to hop onto the freeway this point. you can see clearly dead center of your screen. those cars. they're already on the on ramp, but they cannot go any further, which is why a lot of cars turn off their lights or that car right in front of us. that white to go to wrap just sitting there. they're not going anywhere until the chp clears the scene. and you can see just the backup reyna. i can't even see where it starts and ends as far as the backup. so avoid northbound one-on-one through mountain view. of course, and sell. i give you a further update, but it is just slow and go only one lane better than nothing. but still very little impact. even with one late. back to you. >> all right. we'll is just so tragic. i hate to see stuff like this happens. thank you for that update. there. well, time is now 5.35. and communities across the bay area. they're going to be raising their pride flags today. >> to honor the lgbtq+
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community and with so many special events happening in the month of june, the fbi issued a warning to all those who are going to be celebrating kron four's michael thomas live in the newsroom with that story, sir. michael, i've been seen a lot of warnings across social media. >> yeah, good morning, everyone. and that's right. you have been and that's coming officials. and today there's actually going to be multiple events kicking off pride month when it comes to being safe while those officials are warning that it's all major cities really across the country. that should be aware at any pride event that they're going to because they could be a target. this is video later this morning at 11, the castro community will be holding its first pride event with the changing of the pride flag in honor of pride month. and then the city of oakland will also hold a pride flag ceremony at 11, 30 this morning with city officials. this year's theme for san francisco pride is a beacon of love filled with multiple events almost daily leading up to the big parade at the end of june and federal
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law enforcement are warning both the lgbt community and its supporters that foreign terrorist or their u.s. based allies could be targeting lgbtq venues and events throughout this month, which could lead to hate crimes and possible violence. we spoke with san francisco, fbi officials regarding the alert. take a listen to what they had to say. >> one thing that is different this year than in years past is volume and the intensity of propaganda. following the october 7th attack in israel. the level of propaganda is concerning for us. >> now because of that, they are warning everyone to just be aware and be alert. also adding, if you see something you should say something at any of these events or even if you're just in an area specifically like the castro or an area where lgbt community normally populate. so as we get more information from officials will continue to keep you updated. that's a very latest here in the newsroom. i'm michael thomas rain. send it back to you. all
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right. thank you for that warning breakdown there. >> a search is underway in palo alto burglars who broke into 2 homes while the residents word site. the first break-in happened tuesday morning on sale avenue. police say a woman in her 60's notice your door been pried open from the outside. she believes the burglar her ran off. police say nothing was taken or move in the home. now that second one have a wednesday morning, a palo alto avenue. police say a woman told them she heard the front door open and close and then her phone wallet. they were gone. the victim says she went outside founder stuff on the sidewalk, a few feet away from the house. police say the 2 break-ins are not connected. 3 san mateo county deputies are recovering after they were injured arresting would be car thieves. this happened was in at a parking lot outside of cbs on san carlos avenue. deputies say a woman lost her keys earlier in the day in a group was attempting to steal her car. deputies attempted to detain them when they were assaulted and had to call for backup. 2 men from morgan hill
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were arrested and face several charges. the injured deputies were taken to a local hospital and are expected to make a full recovery. well, a new bill aimed at increasing access to opioid addiction treatment is one step closer to becoming law. the bill authored by san francisco assemblymember matt haney, when expand methadone access in the state. methadone is a medication used to treat opioid overdoses. the legislation would allow doctors to give patients up to 3 days or the methadone take home rather than only getting it at an approved clinic when also greece, the amount of medication, a patient can take home and remove some requirements needed to access to treatment. the bill passed unanimously out of the state's health committee now heads to the state senate. governor newsom urging state lawmakers to be careful about over-regulated. and i the governor giving remarks on wednesdays generative ai summit in san francisco. but alongside leaders in technology and higher education. this comes as more lawmakers are working to
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safeguard emerging technology to curb potential hazards. this is as he doesn't want to stifle and as growth in california and he would like to ensure the state remains a tech leader. >> i mean, this is this is a 35 to 50 top market cap and companies are just right here in our own backyard. so if we over regulate, if we overindulge, we chase assignee object, you know, we put ourselves in a perilous position. >> just last week, the state senate approved i regulations from napa senator bill dot. regulate how state agencies can use ai and now heads to the state assembly. in orinda. there's a new solar project. it's going to help east bay municipal utility district cut down on greenhouse gas emissions over the past 2 years. the utility partner with an energy company to install 1000 giant solar panels across major stretches of land. all an effort to save money on energy. payments as
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this 4.6 megawatt installation laughs at about 10% of the agencies. current energy cost. each panel generates kilowatt hours. >> those kilowatt hours gets fed back into the grid and even mugs able to buy those kilowatt hours at a discount to occur by day. because clean energy's affordable. >> east partnerships with total energies removals slated to last. 25 years. utilities expect to save at least 26 million dollars during that span. the customers were going to be benefiting from that. not going to be seen rate increases, which are usually caused by rising energy costs. still ahead of the crop, a morning news. >> a group of rehab pelicans nursed back to health in the north. they are back in the wild. we'll take a look at the moment. they were really so we're right back. we're here fo
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to know today. former local college professor convicted of arson has been sentenced to 5 years in prison. prosecutors say gary maynard said a series of fires in the shasta-trinity national forest in 2021. crews battled the dixie fire. the crews in napa county, the shutdown, a portion of how milton road because of a spiel, a truck carrying 800 gallons of fertilizer spill over the role last night. crews are monitoring the closely because of a person the fertilizer could spark a fire. the hindi jewelers. this newpark mall road. it was wednesday. shattered glass displays cases took off with bunch of jewelry. multiple getaway cars. nobody was hurt during robbery. the nearly a
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mile long water main replacement project in san anselmo a few months of traffic disruption starting june. the project is a rental front street boulevard, san francisco boulevard to butterfield grow. as temperatures are rising, a beloved water park in the south bay is getting ready to open the now called cali mounga is promising 20 acres of water attractions at the san jose location. it's long been known as raging waters. ave remember, it raging waters. the sacramento-based company took over the lease for the former edgewater site earlier this year. they did not announce exact date for the grand opening said tickets are going to be available soon. >> all right, john, we're is county been when you need it because it has been hot. he's past few days warning it would coming in and the yesterday and today. but we do cool down a little bit after that for the rest of the weekend. so if you need something to give you some relief, we do have that to be looking forward to today. a crystal clear morning
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bay bridge pier 15 right here at the flag. just a light breeze pushing in this morning. nothing too bad to be worried about as far as weather is concerned as we do get this weekend started. now to our north. we do have our next storm system which is not going to have much of an impact, at least as far as rainfall in the state. but it will create a little bit of lift and a little bit of a push that makes us a little bit cooler into tomorrow, kicking up that sea breeze into the weekend. and that does result in this cooler trend of weather that we have for both saturday and sunday and even into monday of next week. you can see right now sea breeze, not much of a thing, but as we move into the late afternoon and evening tonight, it's really going to tonight, it's really going to kick up more and more with 20 that drops temperatures tomorrow along with the push of fog overnight tonight that you can see in future cast into tomorrow morning. so a little bit of a different start for your saturday. as for today, though, one more of these really toasty days before we do see a bit of a cool down. and if you do like that, sunshine and warmth. today's a great day at the
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coast, at least until late afternoon when the fog pushes back in 80's along the bay shore in palo alto, 81 santa clara, 85 san jose. still 88 today. well free but union city in the low 80's hayward on up through oakland and richmond all in the 70's conquer just shy of 90 will antioch pittsburgh in vacaville actually reaching the low 90's today. a look ahead shows today and tomorrow, a cool down from one to the next with a near 10 degree drop in temperatures for some of our inland areas. monday, the coolest of the forecast before we warm even further into next week. talking about traffic this morning. we do have major incident on 101, northbound that formerly had the road completely closed. but now we are seeing multiple lanes reopening the backup is less than now. i'd still give you advice to go up to 80 instead. if you are heading up the peninsula from the south bay. but it does look like chp as well as caltrain's chance. crews are getting things cleared up actually fairly quickly at this point, this
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did involve a fatality occurred much earlier this morning. very sad incident there and obviously resulting in still some delays. if you try to avoid that 2.80, is still the best route bay bridge. 10 minutes across the span this morning. not too shabby. the san mateo bridge at 13 minutes to make your crossing. while both the richmond center fell and the golden gate are looking nice and empty. all right, john, thank you for that. at the state capitol, hundreds of crime victims. >> gathered to demand governor newsom money for survivor resources and programs. while democrat leaders reached a budget deal, some aren't quite on board. have, of course, been a time. wallace has that story. more than 200 crime victim advocates demonstrating outside the state capitol. >> they're concerned governor gavin newsom's proposed budget will not invest in programs that they believe are crucial to help survivors of crime.
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everything from mental health services to legal assistance. how? >> the governor for him to do his job and for him to approve the budget that >> they say as a stance today, the governor's budget proposal lacks the funding needed to adequately help victims. it comes as the governor has said he may have no other choice but to either cut or limit funding for some programs that the state faces a projected multibillion-dollar deficit. we are here to demand that california step up to meet its rocks, responsibility to survivors while they are concerned with the governor's budget proposal, they applauded legislative democratic leaders for coming out with their own budget proposal. assembly speaker robert remus and senate president pro tempore mike mcguire announced the proposal wednesday claiming it will not cut core services include it in their plan. 103 million dollar investment for crime victims support programs. means our advocacy is working yet. >> just after this. good morning, everybody. the
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assembly budget committee met to review the legislature's budget proposal, a proposal that calls for 2 billion more dollars in education and homelessness pending the governor's proposal. in addition of that democratic leaders about their proposal will slash the governor's proposed cuts to state funding social services, including in-home care for eligible undocumented californians and cash aid for low income californians in the cow works program. we have ensured. >> at the budget is not balance our most vulnerable populations but to balance the budget. democrats who came up with the plan are proposing 1 billion dollars in additional climate cuts and 1 billion dollars in additional prison cuts. the plan also calls for the state to accelerate a pause of some tax credits for large businesses. these are difficult choices we have to set priorities and created in actions because that is what this moment requires. but republicans say they're frustrated. the plan was negotiated only among democrats. seems right now that the budget is very focused on a political narrative on a political ideology. and sometimes
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californians just want to the government to solvent. >> and the programs that they actually care about that actually affect their kids affect their daily lives. that's what we need to focus on that. >> and of course, this is not a done deal. the senate budget committee still needs to take it up. and of course, the governor will ultimately have the final say. the newsom administration confirms he is reviewing the proposal reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. last week's his treatment for starvation. >> a group of 8 rehabilitate brown pelicans. they've now been released back into the wild. so get a look at him. the pelicans, they were set free of for baker in sausalito yesterday. look at the goal. the birds were suffering from starvation. injuries caused by fishing hooks. the group is among 320 birds scheduled for release. most are which rescued from the monterey and santa cruz area. >> of these birds have been in care as little as a couple of probably were found and brought in still doing quite
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well. others were more like 30, 40, 50 days, even so those are birds that probably had a bigger challenge to overcome. >> the free pelicans going to track on the international bird rescue website bird rescue dot org. and a sold out. rain is set to take over the streets of san francisco this weekend. dj skrillex. and fred, again, going to be holding an outdoor concert tomorrow. scarlets announced a surprise show last week on x 8. he and fred again need to test out some new music crews are setting up the stage yesterday is already sold out with more than 20,000 people expected to a 10 san francisco rec and parks has teamed up with another planet entertainment of outside lands fame to put this on. parks department says this will be great for the city's downtown. we want to transform downtown into a leading. >> arts culture hub, my life. the goal really is to bring people to downtown ensure that people are having a good time and that they keep coming back. the parks department
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says they're working on several more free concerts with another planned for this summer. >> tomorrow's show is set to start 06:30pm. if you're traveling in the civic center area, expect closures and delays because of this. we'll be right back after the break. don't go anywhere.
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>> this reminder that with the warmer temperatures means fire season is here. crews are on the scene. a grassfire burry
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is sampling on thursday. proffers charles clifford actually sent in that video. he says the fire started around 3.45 yesterday afternoon, right near san bruno, singer on lane just off a to a fire. crews managed to contain it pretty quickly. extreme heat in the workplace is leading to an increased deaths at work. now the biden administration is pushing for new safety regulations according to the new york times, recent data shows a rising heat related deaths and one u.s. workers, particularly those who work outside in industries like construction or agriculture. now russia is preparing to propose new rules to protect workers from extreme heat. however, the push for new safety protocols is getting some resistance from business groups argue that it would cost them board cater to the regulations. coming up next hour, it's the eve of pride month and the fbi issued a warning for those plan to celebrate. crews battling flames on the ground in the air after a fire breaks out a farm in petaluma. >> the high school in the east bay goes into lockdown for
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several hours as the threats of bombs gunmen on campus will be right back.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news breaking news. a fatal crash on highway 101 shuts down lanes on the peninsula. we're live at the scene. plus, pride events start today across the bay area and the fbi issues. a safety warning for those will be celebrating. and scary moments for san ramon high school after threats of exelosives on campus forced a
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lockdown. one parent says this is the new norm. >> from the area'a local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> week friday morning and thanks for joining us. i'm sorry and i'm james. another warm one today on tap. we've got john starting off the hour with a check of the weather. hi, john hay there yet. we've got one more really warm day and then we get a less warm day into the weekend tomorrow for your saturday. today is starting out crystal clear for most areas and just really, really pretty out there. definitely a nice way to get things started. let's get a look outside right now. and as you can see, we've got the golden gate bridge right there with clear skies overhead. definitely noticing a little kept going on right now. and that is making for a bit of a smadi looking view. misty looking view just right along the surface, although not really talking any fog right now. winds calm for the moment, but tonight into tomorrow morning


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