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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  June 5, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> and baseball uniting the community of the callers. very first home game will have that more coming up. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> well, thursday morning. thank you waking up with us bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news. i'm reyna harvey in for darya folsom and i'm john shrable in for either darya. james. suppose it doesn't matter. look today what does matter? the heat is a hot one, john. yeah, it is indeed. very hot out there. yesterday we saw some triple digits in spots like brentwood, napa as well as santa rosa. today. we've got a few more of them, too. this is your look outside at the coastline, which, hey, if you are heading out there to understandably trying to escape the heat, keep a little extra distance between yourself and the waves. we've got 15 foot swells that are coming up along the shoreline
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make for some dangerous sneaker waves of time. so just that extra distance will be coming in handy 50's 60's 70's to even 80's already. right now it's just 09:00am in vacaville. you're at 85 degrees. you're one of our triple digit spots later on today. concord, pittsburgh, brentwood, you'll also reach the triple digits and you're already in the low 80's. so that window of time to enjoy some cool feeling temps. it's already closed for a few spots. excessive heat advisories and warnings in effect right now across much of the bay area. these heat watches across the bay area are extended all the way through thursday night. tomorrow night at midnight. now winds will push towards the coastline but not caring enough power to push anywhere past that. some coastal areas are moderated the rest of us not so much. we're in for an even hotter day today with 80's 90's and triple digits for your warmest of temps rain. right, john, thank get you moving here on a wednesday morning traveling into the city right now, not seen any major delays. >> 14 minutes on the bay bridge or san matteo bridge
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just short of 20 minute, which was number fell bridge, a 14 minute ride in the golden gate bridge, 37 of the top 30 minutes, thomas one breaking news out of stanford university. pro-palestinian protesters. they barricaded themselves earlier inside the university president's office, michael thomas was on scene is so much of this was happening. the protesters initially gathered at 05:30am, this morning. >> police quickly showed up after that point, michael is still standing by just outside of the president's office with some more of those details. what's the latest on there? >> hey, good morning. everyone will be are getting word from this group of protesters that 13 allegedly pro-palestinian protesters have been arrested by the santa clara county gheriff's office. now take a look to the entrance of the stanford university president story. you can see it's completely essentially destroyed. not only is that window broken, but also the handle area completely torn down. now as to what exactly happen. we're getting reports 5.30, a group of
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pro-palestinian protesters entered into the building unlawfully and started to barricade themselves inside of the president's office. at that time. they remain there for the next few hours or so. so the store that you're looking at here live again, we're not sure if the protesters did but we did see some videos of times in the morning that the police were trying to enter the building and trying to break some of the windows because those protesters were barricaded inside. so nonetheless, of who's responsible for the door, this is what the entrance of the president's office is looking like right now. and when it comes to the amount of proeesters that were here, we've got video of your screen. you can see there was around 3 dozen or so pro-palestinian protesters that were outside the president's office. in addition to the and those being arrested, there's also one person that was taken away on a gurney with the paramedics. now from what we could see, that was the stanford public safety police officer that was taken away on that gurney. their condition this morning. we're still unknown. but i will see in
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that video the person you can see is moving and was speaking so they don't look as if they were in complete that shape. but it's so the fact that they were taken away on a gurney in addition to that after the protesters were taken out and carried away in a sheriff's van. again, we're talking about 13 pro-palestinian protesters, according to the protesting group. that's what they're reporting. they started to block in that van. and that is when school officials with the police department in the sheriff's office brought out more senses to try and block them. so then could drive away. they were able to drive off one seed to drive off. group of protesters push forward that gate about 30 feet or so trying to get back towards the building. and lastly, on the outside of the building, there is writing's on the wall regarding the situation happening in gaza, calling for a cease-fire and other things in the affiliation that the group is alleging that the university house with that situation happening in gaza. so >> back out here live, you can see these 2 gentlemen from the
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sheriff's office are blocking the entrance. they continue to stay here. all of protesters have left at this time as to if they're going to be popping up somewhere else. later this morning. time will tell. we're going continue to be here and check out some other places to continue to bring you that live coverage as very latest here at stanford and michael thomas. back to live in the studio. >> all right, michael, thank you for that breakdown. there. times for and another big story we're following a warning for people heading to the beach today to cool off. you've been talking talking about in the forecast. you know, so many people are trying to get out escape the heat. >> but we could see waves today reaching as high as 15 feet or many of our bay area beaches obviously pause risk to some bay area. beachgoers will tran is in pacifica enjoying a little bit of cooler weather, but also warning us what to expect. >> it's going to be a scorcher of a day in most parts of the bay area, especially inland where it could be 90. >> maybe 100 degrees and a lot of people there. they don't
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have air conditioning or they simply cannot afford air conditioning with electric prices so high days. but nature has are back so long as you don't turn your back. when mother nature, sneaker waves will be a problem over the next couple of days or so 15, 20 feet waves. so if you're coming down here to get cool conditions, very careful because you don't want a full game into a tragic day. there is some chips to pass along to you. yes, you might have heard it before, but it's worth repeating. make sure it don't turn your back against ocean. always look forward because that way you can see how strong the waves are, especially with the sneaker waves coming out of nowhere. it doesn't have that the consistent a lot of experts believe wake up, call and then it's not coming anymore in a
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flash. so very careful about that. also, keep your eyes on your children and your pets. they might going there without your permission. as far as the ocean or even worse, that might be swept into the ocean without you knowing it. and most parents without even thinking twice about it, they will run in it. maybe that sweep you out to see. you've got to be careful about that and last but not least make sure you drink plenty of water, whether here or inland and licensed. >> the south bay is seeing its fair share of heat this week. so a lot of people are trying to escape that temperatures were in the low 90's yesterday, but expected to be even hotter that moment reports on how you can stay safe. it's been a scorching start here to the week in san jose with temperatures going into the mid 90's of families here at chavez plaza are looking to escape the heat through these fountains here. there are also other ways to
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stay safe during this time, including cooling centers, excruciating. >> you know, very hot. so that's where i kind of cool down. >> it always in the middle of a city with a sense of chavez plaza downtown san jose was the place for people seeking relief from heat. >> the kind of stopped for a while. i'm not sure why. were back out here back on. so very happy that that just make sure a lot of water and then we we've got residence starburst. the temperature in san jose was in the low 90's tuesday. >> and medical professionals say that can take a toll on the body. it's really easy for your terminal thermostat. >> 2 going to the red doctor. grant lipman with santa clara county. health care says this is the first heat wave of the season and could hit people harder since they aren't acclimated. the terms we aren't climate aisd. so not going be able to cool down is officially we'd been one or 2 or 3 weeks into a hot summer.
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so we're not going to be able to cool down. you could be overwhelmed 11, says to stay hydrated so you can sweat easier and to limit your time outside. utilizing cooling centers senator, a vital resource for all of our residents. dylan coleman haley with the city of san jose says this cooling center of union avenue, the camden community center. >> along with 2 other up fresh farm park and the roosevelt community center. they provide a place for all residents to go during all kinds of national emergencies, even ones like this where it's a >> heat advisory by the national weather service. all of those cooling centers will be open wednesday and thursday. >> from 01:00pm to 09:00pm in san jose. jack moment kron 4 news. >> all 3 cooling centers are to be open during this heat wave camden community center on union avenue. roosevelt committee said on east santa clara street there opened 08:00am and in the purse farmpark of south king road 8.30, there. i was going to be standing today and tomorrow. the city's cooling centers offer as bottled wat1r, wi-fi outlets to charge now the
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roseville community center is pet friendly, but they got to be on a leash or in a crate. but from the hours are from one to 09:00pm, only. residents in the east bay trying to adjust to the second surge in temps. lot of people are in the they were stopped a tower store. take a fan's portable pcs. store manager says job is not just about selling products, but also giving advice on how you can stay cool. >> making sure they're staying hydrated and keeping the air moving in circulating not opening your blinds in your windows in the morning if you can cool off at night because we're lucky that in the evening it does cool off here. doctors also making recommendations of their own drinking extra fluids, avoid that caffeine and alcohol apply reapply sunscreen if you're outdoors, wear protective clothing. hats to avoid direct exposure to sunlight. >> alameda county sheriff's office, they identified the little girl who drowned last week in fremont. authorities say 11 year-old gonzalez got stuck against the flow control structured alameda creek.
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responders got to the scene around 6 last monday evening pulled of the water political died. the hospital they to march second of at least 2 children drowned in the bay area last month, a 5 year old route and bethel island early may. >> 9.10, dow. and happening today, vice president kamala harris will be campaigning in san francisco. she'll attend a fundraiser for she and president biden's reelection campaign. manny's cafe is hosting the event, but the time has not been announced. meanwhile, people will also be rallying as vice president. kamala harris is in town. they are demanding a ceasefire in gaza and to stop military aides. israel, there will be 2 rallies. the first one starts at 11, 30 this morning in oakland at the intersection of manchester and ocean view drives the other starts at noon in san francisco at valencia and 19th streets. and former president donald trump will also be fundraising in san francisco this week. he said to arrive tomorrow
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co-hosting the event are billionaire david sacks and his wife, jacqueline sacks, the event will be held in pacific heights. so out of the kron, morning news. what's next for the housing problems on the peninsula? >> after project promise nearly 200 affordable units in redwood city all went up in flames. is your vote secure? how state lawmakers are working to protect your vote in the next election as concerns grow over how ai could impact it? well, so details of the car fire in the calder cup tunnel cause a major traffic backup for hours and the heat is on for some bay area cities across the bay. that advisory 4, huge on trails going over that. we'll trails going over that. we'll be right
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: sydney, what's up? sydney: nothing. girl: are you ok? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ girl: talk to me. just shut up! nicotine's a neurotoxin that can escalate teen irritability. (♪♪)
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today, the santa clara county health department, they were to host 2 pride flag raising ceremony san jose. >> first started 10 this morning at the o'connor hospital force avenue. second, it's going to be noon at the santa clara valley medical center. how south bascom avenue hospital say they're going to help bring awareness to the lgbtqia plus community and they're going fight for equality and inclusiveness and orange county, a hospital in novato. >> will also host a flag raising ceremony. this will be at the sutter health nevado community hospital on roland way at 11, 30 this morning. nevado mayor mike milberg will be joining lgbtq and hospital leaders as they raise the flag. so lot of cool pride events going tuesday. that flag is not going have a lot of wind to blow and now not also really hot one. and you yesterday, right? yeah, hotter than yesterday for a lot of areas. we could like that sea breeze at this point to just kick in and clear things out.
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but >> and this is your view of the golden gate bridge, our normal spot that this sea breeze will kick on in and cool us off. not going to be doing a lot today. it's going to be nice and calm out there for crossing over the golden gate or a trip out to the coastline. but all in all, it's just going to be really toast elsewhere. skies are crystal clear across the bay. you can see that in all of our views out there. now temperatures will continue to rise today. as mentioned, it is going to be hottest. one of the forecast heat advisories for the entirety of our inland portions of the bay effecting everyone, but the immediate coastline and the bayshore itself, these actually continue through tomorrow night. now winds are just president enough to keep our coast cool. now, if you have plans on heading out areas like highway one, just keep some extra distance between yourselves in the water breakers going to be crashing as high as 15 feet today should make for some dangerously high waves in many spots. coastal areas of san francisco like golden gate park will stay in the 60's while downtown in mission district in the low 80's 60's to 70's out along the
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coastline on highway one 80's 90's to even triple digits. elsewhere, redwood city in mountain view at 90 for your 9% highs today. well, a triple-digit down in morgan hill getting up to 100 degrees today. fremont's as well as castro valley. each at 90 well conquered sonoma and pittsburgh at 101, antioch in vacaville at 102 today, santa rosa after yesterday's triple-digit, you should stay at 97 today. now tomorrow's temperatures won't be as hot as today's but still 90's and still heat advisories for thursday. after that, the weekend does bring relief with highs falling into the 70's and 80's, right. all right, john, the for that. let's get rolling here. 14 minute ride into the city. not seeing any major accidents or delays on our bridges. mateo bridge, 17 minutes hours, december filled out. well. >> and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls. 23 minutes. well, nevada police, they need your help. they're trying find a missing woman. callie harris shown on your screen was last
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seen tuesday afternoon live in the san marin area. 5 feet tall, 130 pounds. she's got around here. lies she was last seen wearing a dark colored shirt pants, purple headphones. you have any information you're asked to contact police. and this morning, the corral fire. now 92% contain since saturday bar more than 14,000 acres. san joaquin county, 2 firefighters have been hurt. well, fighting the flames were taken to the hospital, but they're expected to be okay. cal fire's hoping for full containment this week. those by alameda county, the patterson grass fire. what's going on? 5 acres in size now. 92% contained. broke out just after 04:00pm monday minor the altamont pass wind farm substation, high winds, dry grass contribute to the fires spreading the only remaining road closures in the area. it's a crossroad between tests and patterson pass. the cause is still under investigation. 9.18, now and san francisco is focusing on
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revitalizing downtown. yesterday. mayor london breed unveiled a plan to focus. >> on union square and your boy neighborhoods, part of the plan is to create busy public spaces by investing in powell, street and entertainment zones. the mayor says it would allow restaurants and bars to sell alcohol during outdoor events and activities. >> we're doubling down working hard and with the support of our downtown and unions were ambassadors. >> we are really changing the experience that people have when they come downtown. well, more activity, more entertainment zones, more excitement for the downtown. let's go san francisco it. let's make the magic happen. >> now the parts of the plan include investing in the vacant survivor program, which is finding local pop ups to fill empty storefronts. also investing in a filipino cultural have been here bubbling up and developing upper floors in union square to help convert commercial buildings into housing.
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>> tnt says a nationwide issue that has been affecting calls between carriers yesterday has now been resolved. >> 18 t said in a statement just before 05:00pm that they worked with other carriers to find a solution calls and texts between the same carriers weren't affected. the company says the issue was customers unable to complete calls between other carriers website downdetector noted a spike in reported outages and tnt and verizon. yesterday. it's unclear how many customers were affected by the outage. take a look. we now have video of the fire in the caldecott tunnel that we first brought you yesterday on the kron 4 morning news. a pickup truck caught fire around 10:00am and affected traffic for hours. caltrans had to activate blower fans inside the tunnel to push all the smoke out of it. crews say around 75 to 100 people were stuck in the tunnel behind the burning truck and had to get themselves out of their vehicles and actually walk out
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of the tunnel itself. it took caltrain's caltrans several hours to move those empty carson clear out the burning truck. the cause is under investigation, but witnesses tell us that they saw some sparks coming from underneath the truck before it caught fire. while this latest fire in the calder cup tunnel. fortunately result it no. >> deaths or injuries. that was not the case many years ago. here's a look back at when chain of events led to one of the deadliest traffic tunnel fires in u.s. history. kron vicki liviakis reports there was almost no escaping the call to cut tunnel fire when a drunk driver crashed in turn the 3rd bore into a raging inferno. >> 7 drivers died after midnight on april 7th, 1982. trapped inside their burning cars. no message signs to warn motorists. no traffic lights emergency gate. the chain reaction causing a double tanker carrying 8800 gallons to spill its fuel igniting
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gasoline bomb. temperatures hit nearly 2000 degrees. it took hours to finally put out the fire. but the damage was repaired and less than a week later, the called the ca tunnel was up and running. one result of ban on tanker trucks carrying flammable liquids except during limited hours, the fatal 1982 fire also forcing engineers to improve safety standards like putting in a more robust water system for firefighters we have an 8 inch water line is going so that will make it a lot easier for the fight of arms to. >> have a good, strong supply water. other safety features include more powerful ventilation fans as well as more cameras and signs added to the existing boars. vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> coming up in the rubble morning, news man tries to sell a property in oakland that was and is officials now warning real estate agents and buyers of the rise in these types of schools. and it's hot across the bay area today that those fines and temperatures
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just depending on where you right, you can see triple digits. we're tracking that and right back after the
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>> welcome back. 9.25. shots fired. and san jose after robbery suspects were confronted by security for forcing their way into dispensary. police say this happened back on february 14th at a cannabis dispensary on charter park drive and hillsdale avenue. they say 3 people force their way into the business and took merchandise while a 4th person stayed outside when they tried to get away, they were confronted by security guards. all 4 suspects got away. but last tuesday, one of them was
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arrested while executing a search warrant at their home. detectives seized a loaded stolen handgun, ammunition and several vehicle license plates. some of which were reported stolen. police are still searching for the 3 other men. and a 13 year-old boy is in the hospital after police say he got hit by a truck while riding a bike in millbrae. police say happened yesterday afternoon at an intersection of el camino real and taylor boulevard. that's next in millbrae square with trader joe's safeway and walgreens official officers say the teen for some reason rode his bike into the back of the truck. they say the driver of the truck remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators. >> welcome sight argue for electric vehicles gained a lot of support san francisco. the t% board of supervisors voted unanimously to create a plan for the city's first publicly accessible ev charging program. san francisco currently has just under 1200 public ev charging stations. the plan aims install more than 5,000 across the city might hear 2030, apollo
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demonstration for the project is set no later than next year. and laughter is good for your health, especially for the doctors and medical workers. that's according to researchers in germany, a new study focused on 600 medical workers who use light humor to get through their long shifts. he says found being gently funny, make them feel happier, more confident of their job and more motivated. this hysterical. you are when discussing unhealthy behaviors can build a better relationship with patients. sarcasm could really scare patients but you don't want your doctor being sarcastic with the bay area's in for more hot temperatures when do we get a break? heat advisory for parts of the bay area. the highs expected to reach going to be up there. the details coming up.
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>> we're back to the kron. morning news. the top story we've been talking about the heat. >> the heat wave. john was wave you know what this weekend looks pretty good. >> but there's an end in but yeah, right now there's not really going on today. that's the bad news we're actually in for an even hotter day today, looking at temperatures out there climbing into the triple digits today. and that is something that for a lot of us just bracing for. you can see the clear skies out there across the bay area. right now temperatures are in the 50's at the coastline, which is definitely. a lot cooler than those 80's that we have inland vacaville sitting at 85 right now, fairfield in pittsburgh, 82 dublin 80 degrees currently. so definitely heating up already for those inland spots. excessive heat watches remain today for most
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of the bay area. aside from the immediate coastline and the bayshore itself actually seen effect through tomorrow at midnight at which point we can wave goodbye, at least to the very hottest of temperatures. still going to be a hot one. tomorrow, though, winds pretty still that results and stagnant sinking air and a lot of relief. so my advice to you today is get to some a c for at least a few minutes. and cooling centers are open library shopping mall, movie theaters, all great options. 80's 90's to yes, those triple digits. back with us today. >> all right, john, thank you for that. bridge is traveling into the city this morning. a 15 minutes there. no accidents on bridges. and we're busy yesterday. 18 minutes on the 70 oh bridge. richmond, sandra felt well, golden gate bridge just under 21 minutes. because i'm on 31 1 day after a massive fire destroyed affordable housing complex under construction. developers in redwood city say they're going to a kron four's. kerman was back out at the scene yesterday speaking with some of the evacuees who are allowed to return home.
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>> construction crews spent much of the day tuesday tearing down more of the scaffolding that burned up when this 109 unit affordable housing complex went up in flames monday in the midst of construction. >> this is the affordable housing development here in what's called north fairoaks, which has about a population of 20,000. it's on incorporated. and so it's a huge blow, especially critical this project up to 3 bedroom units, which means families could move in and affordable child care center. fire crews were able to save the adjacent building, which is also slated for affordable housing. >> they also saved all the homes along pacific avenue, his backyard to just 25 feet away from the charred building. i stay as long as i could. and then i was. >> soaking all house with a garden hose and all the different properties. and then i lost water pressure and i thought i thought we were going to lose the house and my
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neighbors are going lose your house and right as i thought that the fire department just dumped water and rich man. couldn't happier. and then we just got our pets and got out. james smith was one of the last 100 evacuees to be allowed back home tuesday morning. >> he says damage to his fence and back window will have to be repaired as well as smoke damage inside his house. still, he's thankful and grateful that the fire department contained it. i'm grateful that, you know, the neighbors pitched in we did what we can until >> that they can get the firemen going on the bigger hoses. just glad that no one was hurt. >> smoke continues to linger on scene and firefighters will continue to monitor and put out hot spots as debris removal continues. we do plan on being out here until we know that the fire is completely out. >> and then making sure that the fire investigation is complete and then be able to turn that over. so we do that as long as that takes. firefighters say all of the scaffolding should be down by
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thursday. >> and they're likely to remain on scene through friday. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> despite that devastating fire destroyed a housing complex under construction monday. developers say they're going to bill. the company officials says they have never experience this level of despair in the 92 year. history, but he said it fully committed to completing that affordable housing project. firefighters say the bar scaffolding should be completely down by tomorrow because that fires under investigation. come i-43 alameda county. why residents of an ongoing scheme, according to officials, a real estate agent, was duped into working on selling a 1.1 million dollar property oakland, scammers contact the agent claims died of cancer in texas and needed to sell the property at nearly half of the listing. price because, quote, to spare his wife despite never meeting the real estate agent found about the scheme just 11 days before the deal was that was close. say this
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is not just a local issue. the fraud scheme has been seen in other 9.34 now and fans packed into the inaugural home opener game. >> for the oakland ballers last night. the game was sold out over at raimondi park. sadly they lost 93 but they'll next time cover. sarah stinson has a recap. >> baseball fans packed the stands in oakland tuesday night wearing green and gold but not for the a's for the oakland ballers. the town's newest team held its first ever home opener at raimondi park. >> 100 plus a's games from the time i >> huge ball is fan already. very love having a local team for oakland like it's hayes who like this is like the one time i think everybody's in one location not thinking about days, not thinking about john fisher relocation think about baseball the bowlers
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sold out of 4,000 seat ballpark. the line to get in grass around the players greeted fans of the door handing out really tells the a's playing at the same time down the road. the mayor saying it's their loss. we might actually have more fence and they do right now. but that's ok, they they have the coliseum. and we on the before the first pitch, the co-founders of the team. thank community for volunteering and bringing the park to life. this is really a team effort. the whole community came out to make this happen and i'm proud of yeah. the last touches going minutes, hours before the game. i mean, really finishing up staff hours before the game. you have no idea. but we had a month to do the whole thing. oakland rapper mistah fab hit the first ball. he may have missed once or twice but he got hit the 3rd time. he says having team routed here is a major win for oakley. growing up playing baseball in oakland. >> actually come into this field playing around california to be a part of man. i'm just so. of the local giving them something cheer about. and it already looks
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like we have great our attendance right than open looking real good footballers are an independent team playing in the pioneer league. the first base and bench coach former sf giants player jt snow says. >> this is great for the community and young players trying to make it to the major working hard and lot kids don't get drafted, right? the drops only 20 rounds out and i came called his 50 around. some fans experienced a few hiccups during the first game with long concession lines and crowding knew was going to be perfect. lot of growing pains, long lines in certain but we're here to listen. we are here to work on it get better every single day. i'm sara stinson reporting in oakland kron. 4 news. >> take a look at this. to people being airlifted to safety after being stuck on a cliff yesterday. this happened at san francisco's marshall beach. rescue teams say they were unharmed. no word yet on how they got stuck.
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>> and also yesterday, a kite surfer was flown to the hospital after being rescued in foster city. san mateo fire crews responded to this call. they say they were surfer was blown onto beach and later crashed. they're currently at stanford hospital condition is unknown at this time. >> all right, cross for your local election headquarters and today marks exactly 5 months until election day getting close. the big day approaching and some state lawmakers say there increasingly concerned about the state's ability to keep the election secure. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. well, a huge part of this hearing that took place here at the state capitol focused on the role artificial intelligence could play. >> in the upcoming election, its an issue lawmakers acknowledge could take the state into unchartered territory. a fair, safe, accurate, transparent. >> election for everyone. that's what lawmakers say must
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be achieved as we approach the election this fall. but they have concerns we are officially coming to order at this joint elections committee hearing members of the assembly and senate from both sides of the aisle expressed concerns about the impact artificial intelligence commonly referred to as a i >> could have on the election. just really want note. >> the dangers that are being created by this new technology. something member mark berman says he's especially concerned about ai technology often described as deepfakes, which in a nutshell are manipulated images, audio video or other forms of media creating new footage of recordings of events, statements or actions that never actually happened. for example, a fake ad campaign voicemail or video from one of the major presidential candidates. you have. >> the right to say what you >> minor exceptions but the first amendment being very strong in california, very strong in the united states. you don't have the right to put your words in my mouth. and that's what this technology does. other parts
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of the hearing included testimony from the secretary of state's office in charge of overseeing the election and making sure voting machines are secure. >> the not susceptible to hackers. california has some of the most strenuous. >> voting system testing and certification programs in the country. new voting systems applying for certification must undergo months of extensive testing for both security and usability and confirmation that voting systems do not and cannot connect to the internet. he also expressed frustration about misinformation on social media circulating about the election. everything from who's running to security protocols, some who testified called for tech companies to implement third-party fact checkers on their platforms. professionals who make it their full-time jobs, whether they're on the right or the left. >> to uncover the truth and reported to republican assemblymember billa say lee believes fact checkers on social media who take down inaccurate of fake posts could actually be violating freedom of speech, false information or fall speech is protected
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speech. there has to be breathing room for open debate and discourse that that may include false ideas. the democratic committee chair feels differently. her goal. >> ensuring that the information that's disseminated is correct. people can make informed decisions is absolutely imperative for our democracy. >> and no official action came out of this hearing. but state lawmakers say they expect to introduce more bills to regulate artificial intelligence reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. dozens of assault suspects arrested in the south bay following a major police operation. and after the break, big news coming out of the forty-niners. the team finally signed one of the its major offensive weapons. and another look at the map of where temperatures will and this afternoon triple digits for concord, antioch in morgan hill. 80's to 90's for most of the rest of got your forecast. >> it's pride month. coming up
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tomorrow, we take a look at the harvey milk terminal. plus, we talk with one of his colleagues on what it was like working with him right
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>> welcome back. 9.43. and cal fire showing off some of the latest additions to its fleet to help fight fires as warm and dry weather settles in. check this out. you're looking at a black hawk helicopter here. those can carry thousands of gallons of water each to help battle fires. cal fire officials say the addition of these blackhawks to their existing fleet, we'll give them the ability to fight these fires after the sun goes
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down. >> when the sun goes down, the helicopters usually go with it. with that comes our black hawk helicopter. we can fight fire all day transition. those crews into a nighttime operation and continue to fight fire at night. >> through the 16th, cal-fire will join the u.s. forestry service and the orange county fire authority to conduct a special night. trainings. they say in addition to these blackhawks, they also have several chinooks that can carry 2500 gallons of water each as well as a game-changer. me. they're going to stay on it day and night. >> now i know they were trying to get a handle on it before the heat wave, but now it's here. no, absolutely. you cal, fire crews have been absolutely wonderful getting all the defensible space prepared. >> we just had a lot of growth this year for winter season, which is, hey, why we've already seen some grass fires in areas like san joaquin county, eastern alameda county. the bad news is the heat does continue today. so that is resulting in heightened fire danger.
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absolutely. looking outside at the golden gate bridge skies the golden gate bridge skies cannot be more clear overhead. there skies will remain clear throughout the course of the day today as we're not tapping into much of a sea breeze at all. now for the bay area, we do have heat advisories that will extend through tomorrow night at midnight for all of our inland areas. and even up along the bay shore in the north bay and upper elevations on the peninsula. this is because of the hot daytime highs but also lack of relief at night. temperatures have only been dropping into the 70's in some cases, winds are very calm for most of our inland areas. mean, not a lot of that cooler ocean air is getting pushed inland. bayshore cities will be in the 80's, including downtown san francisco, head out to golden gate park and then down highway one from there and it will be a range of 60's to 70's 80's to 90's. for most of the rest of our daytime highs today, carlos, 88 redwood city at 90 degrees, south bay temperatures mid upper 90's and even triple digits in morgan hill at 100 degrees
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today. union city 88 while fremont's uno and castro valley each at 90 concord as well as snow and pittsburgh at 101, vacaville in antioch at 102, santa rosa down through center fell in the 90's as well. looking ahead tomorrow as temperatures cool down a little bit. but we're still in the midst of that heat wave in stilwell in the 90's inland, finally getting some relief by the weekend with highs falling into the 70's to 80's rain. all right. on the eve of that, taking on those bridges, 17 right on the bay bridge, san mateo bridge just short of 15 minutes. didn't want to one ever to. summer fell. >> 11 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls, 20 minutes. no, california rock climber and bay area native has been sentenced to life in federal prison for assault. charles bear to santa rosa. we'll send it on tuesday for multiple counts of central saw. according prosecutors, he assaulted multiple women at yosemite national park in 2016, cloudy magazine called bear a fixture in the climbing scene in california 2 decades
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following his indictment back in august of 2022. barrett also all the author of several climbing guides as well. police in san jose. they've arrested more than 40 people, probably outstanding assault warrant. the youngest suspect just 19 years old. police say the arrests are made between february and april. they say 3 were made out of the state. >> 9.47 today, san francisco's district attorney brooke jenkins plans to hold a press conference to roll out a new crime prevention of initiative. the initiative comes at a time when the city is desperate for change. jenkins will hold a press conference at the southeast community center at 06:00pm tonight for your money this morning, the sonoma county board of supervisors. they've approved an amendment to the county's living wage ordinance. >> that wi l include a lot more people previously. the living wage, 18, 10 per hour. only effective workers were employed directly by the county or had several contracts local government. now the leawood ordinance applies to all employees who
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work with the county and generate more than $350,000 annual gross receipts and employees who led have more than 25 workers. thomas, out 9.48. and the santa clara county district attorney's office that will be awarding $60,000 in community organizations, groups to help disadvantaged youth color. going to be used for the education of future of children in the county. the money given came from a fund that seize money from against drug traffickers and criminal organizations. da's office says this help any people that affected in the community. lot of harm criminals. is on line. 48 and the giants looking forward to a lack of a win against the diamondbacks after multiple losses kate rooney has this morning. sports highlights. the giants are still in arizona for game 2 of their series with the diamondbacks needed to lock down a win in the desert in hopes of avoiding a 6th. >> straight loss. i mean, when you're on a five-game skid
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like the giants scoring, only 13 runs in those losses. >> need to start taking your job seriously, right? how about like this kite? he knows what's going on. selling hot dogs were in the hot dog hat. maybe a little pre-game juggling will help cut down some of the miscues on the good hand-eye coordination, exercise, but spoiler it didn't work. >> we'll pick this one up in the bottom of the 3rd. no score runner on first from blaise alexander. he hits what could have been a double play ball that casey schmitt can come up with it. it rolls into left instead of 2 kyle harrison has 2 on and no outs. >> 2 pitches later. kevin newman. rips a rocket the glove of matt chapman. that was a tough play, but it goes for 2 run single d'backs up 2, diamondbacks at 4 more runs in the 7th. the big hit coming from lourdes gurriel. who laces a luke jackson slider off the bottom of the fence in
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left d'backs up 8 to 2 after 7 innings. under the heading of too little too late. 2 on 2 out in the 8th for mike yastrzemski. >> hits one high and deep to right. it's a 6th homer of the season, but >> 8, 2, 5 diamondbacks is our final. the giants longest losing streak of the season has reached 6 games. bob melvin was not in a good mood after the game. >> well, the a's are back at the coliseum hosting the a l west-leading. they earners at the top of the 3rd. no team scored. it wasn't until the mariners. first right. all part of the three-run 3rd inning is losing. 43 not cinemark says oakland won back-to-back games. going to be back tonight. playing against a and christian mccaffrey has agreed to a 2 year. 38 million dollar extension with the team largely extension of that lived ever for running it will keep the cmc with the team until 2017. he's going to be
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31 years old. the nfl reigning defensive player of the year remains the league's highest-paid running that he posted 2000 yards from scrimmage. 21 total touchdowns last season raises teammates coaching staff after practice yesterday. >> coming up on 10:00am 9.51 right now and well, let's get our high temperatures pulled up possibly these numbers right here. look at the next few days and wil
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>> and extremely rare star wars action figure has been sold for a record breaking price. so it this tiny action figure of boba fett for 500
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$25,000 at a texas auction house that makes it the world's most valuable vintage toy. the figure is less than 4 inches in size. it's only one of 2 known to have survived production line back in the 1970's at a new york city couple. quite the haul. and they went fishing at lake in queens. they're says they powerful magnets on row. one of the water last friday. the goal was to see what metal the magnet would latch onto and see if they could find anything valuable. well, struggle when they brought up small say feel about $100,000 soggy cast. the nypd has told the couple they could keep the cash is. there was no serial number on the safe and therefore no way to identify the owner. that's amazing. >> well, coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news, the bay area for some hot temperatures. here's a look at where daytime highs are going to be today. >> concord, antioch, morgan hill, back in the triple digits today. your forecast ahead. plus, big way as
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expected at bay area beaches this morning. she need to stay safe as well as vice president. kamala harris will be in the bay area today campaigning for her in president biden's reelection. that more coming up in the 10:00am.
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>> on a warning. if you're headed to the beach today, we'll tell you what you need to know in order to stay safe out there. >> and baseball uniting the community at the ball is very first home game have that more coming up. >> from the local news station. you're watching morning team. >> well, good morning and thank you for waking up with could still say it's brian
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earley. are in for darya folsom? maybe a little extra to bright and i'm john in 4 will darya and james this morning. yeah, we're having a good time making the best of what is the midst of heat wave that we're yeah, it's been a little bit brutal yesterday hopefully those of us without ac got some decent sleep. i know it's a little tricky out there. good news is if you want to get some escapes from the heat, head out to the coastline, cooling centers are opened up. just know there are resources out there for you now looking outside from mount tam this morning, skies are crystal clear overhead had been a beautiful sunrise, but under that sunshine, it is already searing hot for some inland areas. brent woods at 88 degrees at 10:00am vacaville at 91 degrees right now. a little cooler by comparison in berkeley, oakland and alameda down in the 60's, south already at 75 currently in those numbers are changing actively, as you can see on the map, excessive heat warnings and heat advisories in effect across the bay area.


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