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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  June 5, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, we continue following the breaking news out of napa county. that's where crews are currently battling a 60 acre grass fire. and we spoke live with a cal-fire worker who >> was telling us about a half hour ago that this fire is now 50% contained up from 0% containment prior to that. so they made good progress. they have stopped the forward progress on this thing. >> and the fire that as you can see from map there is burning on crystal springs road about 7 miles north of saint alina. press releases stasio. she has been on scene covering this fire all evening for she joins us now live on the phone with the latest teresa. >> think everyone feeling a little cautiously optimistic at this hour right now. they can grant. that's really good news. you know, i can see some hot spots out here on the fire
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line. crews are going to be out here all my life all night long as they're going to come back again and the morning i was just talking to public information officer for cal fire and he tells me again that they have been able to make progress on this fire. they are fortifying aligned right now. men just basically means that crews are out there. it got hand tools are going to be digging into the ground to make sure that fire doesn't go into a tree and then run along, find some oxygen and then come up and start another fire. so that's basically what they're going to be focused on. and the next, you know, couple of hours to make sure that fire stays down and does not spread. we've been talking a lot about the win. they seem to have calmed down. there's no think got war. a lot of movement out here grant vicki. so that's also really good thing as well. >> you i'm glad you mentioned about the root system them making sure that the fire is not traveling underground through the root system
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because that was the source of that massive of fire east bay firestorm in 1991. up in the east bay hills. they put the fire out. they fought. and it still lived underground in the route and then reignited. and then we all know what happened after that. so >> we know painfully well. what happened and that is what they have learned so much over past couple of decades, right? so they're not going leaving boy. every enforcement. they've caught multiple agencies out here. and then i was also talking whether they're going to be flying at night and that kind of a new development able to have these helicopters to be able to have night vision goggles so that they can fly at night and track in for wentz. a lot of new technology is really helping firefighters out on the line. speaking of which we haven't seen any drones out here, but i do know that pg and e has putting drones up into the air to try and see if they can see any kind of down lines that might cause some problems as well. there a huge
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contingency up eugenie out here. >> because there are lots of power lines out here. so they need to make sure that thos energized. but that doesn't cause any kind of they have no idea what happened to start this fire. so i will i want to make sure that there is no correlation about pg anything out here. and we're in idea making any kind of connection. so right now they don't know what started the fire. they just know that it started in the afternoon. i talked with the resident nearby. she said that if you really stirring up some emotions for her because she was out here when the glass fire erupted in exact same area. and we know back in 2020, but the glass fire caused lot of damage and stirred up a lot of emotions here to have another fire sparking exact same area. grant vicki. >> yeah, it's hot out there. you mentioned earlier that the fire firefighters are out are suffering from heat exposure. do we know what their condition is?
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>> i appreciate the night. i forgot about that, though. there were 5 firefighters that were certainly affected by the intense heat out here. the spokesperson tells us that out on the line about 102 degrees out there. 2 firefighters were transported to local hospitals. 3 firefighters are still. >> ambulances up on the line and just getting hydrated in making sure that they're ok. so again, 2 firefighters transported to the hospital. when i asked fix it, that would heat related. didn't want really go into it, but certainly that playing a major role here on because it is it's incredibly caught out. >> they've got to get that body temperature down. i mean, you just consider, you know, north of 100 degrees and then wearing all that protective gear and then you're close to a fire. its heat did. most common folks really can't even imagine. and these brave men and women endure it too. keep
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people and property safe as we here in the bay area, theresa stasi live for us tonight in napa where there is cautious optimism. thank you to use for that. >> meantime, let's go ahead and go to kathy with what the conditions are out there right now. kathy, speaking of the heat, it is hot across much of the entire state of california right now. we've got triple digit digit temperatures in many areas in the center of the state, as you might imagine, 105 degrees up north. that is in reading 102 in sacramento, 100 degrees for sacramento. and you see right along our coastline. some members reported in the 60's right now. so he's a big swing in temperatures. but in the napa area, we're now still at 89 degrees. so the numbers have come down just a little bit. still 100 degrees in concord and again, along our coastline, half moon bay. 58, san mateo 78. so it's a really big difference in the temperatures. but we have heat
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advisories in effect for many areas across the bay area, especially the inland valleys and the mountains of the north bay, as well as the east bay as well as the south bay. but you notice the bay shoreline, no heat advisory in effect. the heat advisory, though, that is in effect will be a through midnight tomorrow night and the heat warnings further inland. we'll stay in effect through friday. so hot temperatures continue in many areas across the state, but not in san francisco. 65 there. 59 degrees right now in half moon bay, 100 and conquered. so what a difference in temperatures. 99 degrees in livermore. also, if you head to the coast to try and invade the heat. well, there's another set of problems there. and that's the dangerous surf. 15 to 20 foot breaking waves and a risk of sneaker waves. so if you walk along the beach, make sure you pay attention because that way it could really come out of nowhere. temperatures overnight, mainly in the 50's
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temperatures tomorrow we're looking at slightly cooler conditions than today. 76 the forecast for napa and 75 degrees in hayward. a look ahead for the next 7 days. cooling begins tomorrow. cooler again on friday and temperatures much cooler for the weekend. still a bit above normal but will see a rise in temperatures come next week. back to the heat next week. thank you, kathy. meanwhile, fire crews continue to make progress on the corral fire. >> that is now 94% contained since saturday. the corral fire has burned more than 14,000 acres in san joaquin county, east of livermore near tracy cal fire is looking at full containment later this week. people forced to evacuate during the corral fire are raising concerns about the safety of their community. residents from the tracy hills development are asking for that city to build a retaining wall to block future fires. they also want to connect some of the back
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roads in the development. 2 main roads outside of the community to give them a second way out. in alameda county. the patterson grass fire, which grew to 95 acres in size is now 94% contained. cal fire says this started just after 4 o'clock monday afternoon near the altamont pass wind farm substation, high winds and dry grass contributed to the fire spreading the only remaining road closure in the area is crossroad between tesla and patterson. pass roads. the causes are being investigated. kron four's here for all your wildfire coverage. just scan the qr code on the screen to go to our wildfire page on kron 4 dot com there. we have updates on evacuation orders. air-quality maps, active fires and more. >> another dead whale washing up in the east bay. the marine mammal center says that 30 foot gray whale washed up in richmond this morning. that whale is being towed right now to angel island, crop c to determine the cause death. the
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dead whale was first seen floating in the east bay rather the bay east of timber on on monday. this is the second gray whale to wash up in the bay area so far this year, new restaurant is temperatures go is bouncing back after having to delay their opening due to thieves stealing over $15,000 worth of items today, the mediterranean style restaurant is finally able to open. first, let's look good and has been following this story for us and brings us the latest. >> nearly a week ago as the pack sf was set to open its doors as one of the newest restaurant in hayes valley. that was until themes broken hours before the opening, stealing thousands of dollars worth of alcohol and cooking supplies. fact might have gotten a little higher said before. >> as far as what we have and what's this even you know, where we're getting a dorsal. and but we're about to 2025 you know, we're not counting loss business. >> chef george, how we need.
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the owner says this was a setback for them, but he and his team have been working 14 hour days to officially open on wednesday. that. >> we're not quitters will be every buddy remain very optimistic, enthusiastic. we believe location. believe in in the business model, adding the support from neighbors and the community was a welcome surprise to him. his team. so one thing to take the welcome today's valley and how it's very strong martian association strong that ball, which mean all the motions and the community as a whole george says they are still in theiprocess of replacing those stolen items in a working with police but says he hopes people remember them for their cuisine in san francisco. less a good in kron. 4 news. >> prosecutors in the state trial of david de pap have already rested their case in a san francisco courtroom to pat. the man already convicted in federal court for attacking paul pelosi with a hammer in a san francisco home. he's being
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charged with attempted murder, elder abuse, residential burglary and other felonies. prosecutors say the pap admitted to breaking into the pelosi home in 2022. with the intent of holding former house speaker nancy pelosi hostage. the defense will present its case friday in federal court last week. the path was sentenced to 30 years in prison. >> this evening, san francisco's district attorney brooke jenkins plans to hold a press conference to roll out a new crime prevention initiative. jenkins will announce that plan at the southeast community center at 06:00pm tonight. >> well, after several really hot days, the question is, when will we start to see when will we start to see relief? slow network is no network for business.
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>> welcome back to our breaking news coverage of a grass fire in napa county where crews are stopping it. they have stopped its forward progress, which is great news. 60 acres, though, have burned this afternoon. we spoke live with calfire worker the 40 minutes ago who told us the fire is up to 50% contained. it was 0% containment previously said they made good progress in pretty quickly. yeah. that fire burning on crystal springs road, which is about 7 miles north of saint important to check on the conditions out there across first meteorologist kathy trafton with us in the studio tonight. kathy, what's it look like? >> well, it looks like fire weather, doesn't it? yes, blue skies sunday, but very hot conditions in some parts of the bay area, not everywhere, but certainly the napa valley. we're looking at some very
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warm conditions right now in napa. you're saying, alina, it is 89 degrees. so as you say, you see the green, very cool pacifica. 63 issued head inland toward the oranges and the reds. those are the hot areas. livermore at this hour, 19 9 degrees as you head up toward concord. 97. look at fairfield 101 petaluma by contrast, 83 point raise 65 degrees. so you know where to go if you want the cool conditions, but the heat advisories in effect for much of the bay area. that includes the north bay, the inland valleys in the interior mountain ranges and also through the east bay. but look at that. there is a hot, a heat warning and that's in effect for valais. how solano county heading right into the central valley where temperatures are really scorching. and as you see right now, again, hayward, 83 degrees, the winds. that's part of the story. the good news we've got a seabreeze
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tried to come through the golden gate right now. it is at 23 and going right into oakland at 13. but the winds are a bit variable at times those cool ocean breezes will certainly help the firefighters if they get a chance to really prevail. there's also a beach hazard statement in effect, and that's in effect through tomorrow. dangerous waves, 15 to 20 and a risk of sneaker waves. those can really come out of nowhere as you're walking along the beach in terms of temperatures tomorrow we see a slight cooling trend already coolish at the coastline. but as you head inland conquered, the forecast tomorrow is for 86 degrees. ond for napa. 76 degrees. as you see, 86 in santa rosa. it really varies a little bit. a look at the extended forecast shows tomorrow will be the warmest of the next 7 at well, at least while. will you be cooler on the weekend and then we'll start to pop things back up again as we head into next week. all right up. yeah, know there. yeah. i wish we could have a few drops. okay. talk
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november. kathy? >> as the state grapples with its ongoing fentanyl crisis. a new bill in the legislature would require california public schools to teach students about the dangers of fentanyl kron four's capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, this bill easily passed assembly education committee here at the state capital needs something member of a lot there to believes it will make an impact in the fight against fentanyl. >> this bill will save lives san diego assembly member david alvarez speaking about his bill ab 24 29, if signed into law, the legislation would require local school districts have already made health education. a high school graduation requirement to also include the dangers of fentanyl is part of the curriculum. we need to make sure that our young people are aware. >> of what this drug can can cause, which is which is death and we make sure that they are informed in a way real information that they're through education. i'm not through fear tactics or
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misinformation. it comes in a state where as of 2022 statistics from the department of public health showed more than 6,470 californians died of fentanyl poisoning that your loan. >> coming out to an average of 124 deaths per week. young people need to be more aware that and we also, by the way, want to make sure that people know that there also will be consequences for those who deal with this. >> think that peddling and selling and getting young people addicted to this. it's not ok, communication. >> and it will come order his bill unanimously passing the senate education committee with bipartisan support the state has already incorporated curriculum about the dangers of narcotics. >> but not specifically fentanyl. alvarez is concerned if students are not taught about the dangers of fentanyl that could lead to deadly results. >> i want to make sure that families who have suffered needlessly as a result of fentanyl in there young person's is a story we don't
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hear about any more. >> and the bill has no formal opposition. and next heads to the senate appropriations committee reporting at the state capitol, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> this cdc is now recommending an antibiotic as the morning after pill to prevent stds. but only for certain people at their latest recommendation applies to and bisexual men and transgender women who have had an is td in the past year and are at high risk of getting infected again. past research has shown the drug, the doxie cycling also known as doc c pap works, have taken within 72 hours of having unsafe to reduce is syphilis and chlamydia infections by more than 70%. but the agency says there's really not enough evidence just yet to recommend it for all american adults today in washington, d.c., senators are taking action on legislation which is meant to protect women's access to contraception our country's washington correspondent
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hannah brandt has details. >> senators just voted on a motion to bring the birth control bill up for an official vote. but that failed effectively killing the bill. >> a giant inflatable iuds stands in front of union station in dc a visual representation of birth control just blocks away from the capitol where lawmakers are debating the right to contraception act. what this legislation would do is in the name it would codify every american's right to access birth control. democrats say that federal protection is critical because birth control access is under attack freedom to decide if when and how someone becomes apparent. >> should be a long 2 americans not republicans. senator tammy duckworth accuses republicans of trying to roll back reproductive health care across the country. but republican senator john cornyn calls the bill absurd and it's a waste of time here. birth control access is not in jeopardy from republicans or anyone else. contraception is available in every state in america and there's no legitimate effort
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to change that. that senator tim kaine disagrees pointing to the supreme court's decision to overturn abortion rights for those who are saying, oh, this is a non-issue. go back and read the dobbs decision. reid, the invitation that was made by the court to go after contraception, though, senator john thune claims this bill is all for political show. these boats have nothing to do with legislating and everything to do. with boosting democrats electoral chances. democrats are also pushing a separate bill to ensure access to in vitro fertilization. they're hoping to bring that up for a vote in the coming weeks. >> in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >> all right, hannah. well, the news basically never stops here. kron 4. no, it doesn't. so let's go and check in with noelle bellow for what's coming up a little later on tonight. i know. well, hi, guys. going to for many. the idea of bringing pandas to san francisco's exciting. but it hall already has received some pushback. >> and there's more on the way coming up tonight at 10 11 were hearing from an animal rights group who claims the
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san francisco zoo is not the right place for the pandas citing decades of animal neglect mismanagement and aging facility. we have that story and much more to look forward to later on tonight on proper
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>> welcome back to kron. 4 news at 5. look at this guy. homeowner in san luis obispo woke up to find him wandering through the backyard sniffing around its big bear. big bear called 9-1-1. officer showed up. and they realize for guys just trying to find his way back to home. so they figured
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they'd expedite the process and keep people safe. they tranquilized the bear and then took it and released it back into the wild. well, here's a q rescue for you and maybe out of the looney tunes universe >> that huge bunny rabbit was found hopping around on a santa cruz highway last weekend. he's real and officer was able to catch the bunny and of course, named bugs bunny a it was taken to the vet. officers say buggs is receiving all the care they need. but out of a hitchcock movie, right sure did land on or that's news nation. >> white house reporter kelli meyer who's been on kron, 4 star parent company nexstar. she was obviously shot to win. bird just came down. thought her head was perfect spot to land. she shared the clip on
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social media saying she was getting ready for a live shot outside the white house wanted of decided they wanted to close up to do. is meant to be a sign of good luck if it lands on your head. so. despite a little scared things looking good for kelli meyer who took it all in stride. she's great at what she doesn't also as a good sense of humor. so now it's fun. yeah. and the lucky that they were rolling on in the studio you know, and love. all appreciate lucky the burden take that's it for kron. news at 5. keep it for news at 6 is coming up. >> next in the next hour, we'll continue to follow the breaking news in napa county where crews we're on the scene of a big grassfire. we'll have the latest coming up in a live the latest coming up in a live report there. network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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>> from the bay area's local news station. we now with breaking news. >> and that breaking news we're following tonight is in napa county where crews are on the scene of a grass fire that has been burning this hot afternoon. the fire has spread the 60 acres but containment has soared recently. it's up to 50%. good evening, everybody. thanks for being with us tonight on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm grant lotus and vicki liviakis. so we want to get right to the scene now. kron sarah stinson, a just arrived. she joins us now with the very latest. sara, what are you finding out? >> keep in mind that just pulled up. but we've had several crews here at this fire following the latest talking with cal fire. we do ow


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