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tv   KRON 4 News at 6am  KRON  June 6, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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the center. >> right now on the kron, 4 morning news. we are following the latest with the firefighting firefighters injured battling flames in the north bay. we're going to be live in napa county with the latest on the crystal fire. plus, another mountain lion sighting in the south bay. police are urging residents to be alert when walking outside. have to go. >> she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground. >> and oakland groups celebrating now after days apparently reached enough signatures to go ahead with the recall of mayor out. t. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> good morning. thank you for joining us this morning. i am james fletcher and a radar be in for darya folsom this
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morning. they have out of the numbers the past couple of days. yeah. it has been blistering hot as we all know, triple digit heat that my car did as yeah, we're james. you are. you are at. >> not that far off from what your car thermometer said, which is kind of wild because a lot of times they are rugs. so accurate car thermometer looking outside at downtown san francisco from way, way, far away. the top of mount tam. >> we do have just a little bit of fog streaming through at the coastline. the first signs of at least it's rounding the corner. we're still in the heat wave, but not as hot as yesterday. today, ocean temperatures actually really icy cold. that's bring in pacifica, half moon bay point raise down into the 40's right now. well, air he's like pittsburgh at 67. brent would last time i checked with you, you are still in the 70's. so some of our inland areas didn't get a ton of relief last night. still kind of warm this morning. heat advisories are still in effect through midnight tonight. so we've got our last day of our hot temperatures today before and much more mild weekend winds
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will kick up especially into the 2nd half of the day from the coastline. this will really start to bring us some ocean cooled air into tomorrow. in the meantime, today, still 90's inland and still a fair share of 80's along the bay shore, right? all right, john, thank for that. let's get you moving year on a thursday. >> a ridge right now, 13 minutes traveling into the city. no accidents on our bridges. 14 minutes on the san mateo bridge. richmond, sandra fell 8 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37, tolls. 19 minutes. >> okay, 602. the time. let's get to our big story now. the wildfires happening in the north bay where crews continue to put out a grass fire up here saying polina for firefighters had to be taken to the hospital after being hurt trying to put out that fire there. kron four's will tran life or is on scene with the latest in that part of the bay will. >> i'm in downtown saint helene. unfortunately, no evacuations at this particular place. if they are very nervous, obviously with fire
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season happening right now in a couple years ago, they were evacuations up in napa county. fortunately, as you can clearly see, it is safe. but a few miles from this location, firefighters remain on the scene. let me show you video of the crystal fire. it is predominantly contain more than 60% contained this morning. and we do expect an update in about an hour from now. and as you mentioned, 4 firefighters were injured when they had to jump into action at around one yesterday afternoon and say, we know when a fire broke out private property? they attacked it from the ground as well as the a full recovery from their injuries and they hope to put out the hot spots today. it is
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not 100% contained as of this minute. let me show you video of the other fires this week. we have seen an explosion of fires all over the bay area last saturday in tracy, the coat, the coral fire. excuse me, the corral fire broke out in need immediately jumped into thousands of acres burned at last check nearly 15,000 acres burned. but fortunately, 92% contained. >> and then we also saw a fire at patterson pass near livermore. that was not as big a star as acreage. but you get the feeling look at this. 3 fires in the span about 5 days. got a chance to actually talk to cal fire on monday at the corral fire. here's the spokeswoman saying they are off to a fast start. >> what's coming? because as you guys all know, i'm sure we have a heat wave that we want to be prepared for the worst, which means everybody needs just trying to things.
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>> and defensible space as far as to say, tummy in a fire that actually saved the vineyard because the fire started near vineyard. so they took all those precautions. and because of that actually saved a lot of structures. one out house was in fact destroyed. and that's spokeswoman told me on friday before all the other fires broke out. so we are off to a very fast start. she even mentioned on saturday they had to do evacuations and rarely do they have to do evacuations come june 1st, as far as this particular fire james, the crystal fire the cause of the fire still under investigation. next time you see me. we hope to get a little bit closer to the scene and show you what's going on. and again, a briefing should happen around 7 o'clock this morning. >> back to all right. well, thank you for that update. yeah. well, the crystal fire actually burned really close to a winery that still trying to come back from the 2020 class fire aaron jordan, who is the owner of fellow wines,
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says the flames spared their property this time, but they've dealt with the worst before. jordan is concerned with how early these fires are popping up. despite back-to-back years of above average rainfall. he also says they're lucky it wasn't too windy either. >> ignition point of the glass fires frighteningly close to the ignition point of this fire. that they were within. i mean, i have a map in front of me, but i mean, a mile of each other, maybe i it's ominous to me. it would be the word that comes to mind when you have a fire like that in june, burning that's already burned. that long ago. >> jordan is praising cal fire with their quick response. he also suggests a property owners at this point clean up their land and make sure they are fire ready. well, people forced to evacuate are in crossfire. >> the raises some concerns about the safety of their community. residents from the tracy hills development are asking for the city to build a retaining wall to block future fires. they also want to
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connect some of the back roads in the development to main roads outside of the community, trying to give them a second way out. and alameda county, the patterson fire, which grew to 95 acres in size. now 100% contained. cal fire says it broke out just after 4 monday afternoon right near the altamont pass wind farm substation. high winds, dry grass contributed to that fire spreading. the cause is still under investigation. >> well, happening right now in the .outh bay, there has been another mountain lion sighting this time. one was in san jose marking that now the 3rd sighting in the past month has been back to back over michael thomas live in san jose with the latest on that morning. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. this is now the 3rd within the last week or so. and this most recent time, it had neighbors calling 9-1-1 because this big cat was really just searching through people's yards. now, take a look. is is a map up on your screens. you can seeexacy where it happened. it happened last night at around 9.30, in south san jose near ellon drive. and we're admiral way.
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neighbor spotted the mountain lion casually walking through the neighborhood entering into yards, making this the 3rd sighting in the last week here in the south bay. now take a look at this video. this is from the first 2 sightings and this was last wednesday 20th over in milpitas near so meadow fire, fair meadow. excuse me can speak this morning. fair meadow. >> over at a mobile home park and you can see that video of that big cat jumping the walls and kind of just rounding the area's this was around. 02:00am and 04:00am just 2 miles apart from one another. so it does appear that this cat is coming out during the night hours. take a look at your screen. these are some details and tips. if you do come in contact with a mountain lion because none of these mountain lions have been caught and we don't know if it's just one that's making its way through the south bay or if it's multiple. so you should stay calm. do not approach the mountain lion. try to look as large as possible and always remain eye
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contact with the mountain lion. do not turn your back. and of course, do want to call 9-1-1. so back out here live as the sun starts to come up in that neighborhood where the mountain lion was spotted wakes up this morning. we're going to chat with them. see if we can get a new video and see exactly if this is the first or maybe second time that they've spotted. but san jose police say do see a mountain lion remain calm and come that's a very latest here in san jose. michael thomas will send it back to okay, michael, thank you very much. >> former president donald trump will arrive in san francisco this morning for a fundraising event and the pac heights neighborhood. now we talked about was political analyst michael yaki. hawaii. thanks. trump is coming to the city. usually consider blue. >> pretty much everywhere, especially in silicon valley. the 2 people hosting the fundraiser or both tech entrepreneurs from silicon valley. but i have a feeling that whole having in san francisco is really about all about optics. it's about for like n-word. owning labor owning real live letter, as they say, you know, because
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they could have done it a worthy couldn't in a mansion in atherton in the park. what have you? but they're doing it here. and it's to sort of. you know, get get the attention because trump subscribe to the theory that all press is good press no matter what it is. >> vice president kamala harris was in the bay area yesterday and was pro-palestine protesters. here's was attending 2 fund aisers, one, oakland, another in san francisco, demonstrations both locations and the demonstrators there demanded and and what they believe is the biden administration's support israel's genocide against palestinians in gaza. police say no arrests were made. and i to protest. >> well, san francisco police now investigating a shooting that occurred last night. police say was just after 10 at night that they responded to this. report of a person being shot at dolores park despite cpr efforts. the sfpd
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just couldn't save them. the victim died at the scene. they have yet to publicly identify this victim. the investigation is still ongoing. meanwhile, south a middle school teacher now custody accused of inappropriately touching a 12 year-old student. now the police say the incident happened at graham middle school in april. the teacher has been identified as route turner police arrested that teacher yesterday after he was first placed on administrative leave. police say they are concerned there may be additional victims. they're encouraging anyone with information to give them a call. we're going to take a break. 6.11, the time. but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco city hall vandalized by racist graffiti. >> why mayor london breed believes might have been targeting her. plus thieves in berkeley. still multiple catalytic converters targeting a speeific brand of cars will tell you which one. and after the break, animal rights activists are against the plan to bring in giant pandas to the san francisco zoo. tell the san francisco zoo. tell you why. ow network is no network for business.
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that i'm in here for things to know. a new state bill would require california public schools teach students about the dangers of fentanyl. >> the bill passed the senate education committee with bipartisan support yesterday. the bill's author says it will save lives by making sure young people are aware what this deadly drug does. fairfield police meanwhile, are looking for a man who allegedly attacked 2 children while they were on their way to school. this happened on a bike path near meadowlark drive and east tabor avenue yesterday morning. police say the man was on a great bmx bike. the graduate dive bar in
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oakland is closing its doors on july. first, the bar was popular among cal students and known for its affordable drink prices and free popcorn. but it is shutting down and a reminder that an ocean hazard warning is still in effect at bay area. beaches. experts say we could see waves as high as 20 feet hitting the coast. i was out there of one of the beaches yesterday and the waves are pretty pretty high. i think a lot of people were probably flocking to water some way to try beat the heat. i'm sure they'll be there today as well. be a warm one. still another one on tap, john. yes, still going to be a hot one, but not as hot as yesterday. so we're working our way in the right direction. now. >> one of those hot spots yesterday was walnut creek, which you can see here is looking at nice and bright this morning. you're going to be in the 90's. still today, but not quite as hot as yesterday was temps as much as 10 to 12 degrees cooler than yesterday. still enough, though, that we do have heat advisories for all of our inland areas. >> including the inland east bay, most of the north bay and
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even the south bay as well. these extended into health tonight at midnight winds kicking up a little bit more towards the latter half of the day from the coastline. this is certainly going to help us out. keep us a little bit cooler in the days ahead of us. we just cut off all access to ocean cool there the past couple of days today in san francisco, expect temps down in the 60's and 70's. it was low 80's in the mission in financial district yesterday. so that's definitely an improvement 60's right along the coastline and then 70's to 80's along the bay shore today. south bay temperatures are still going to be comparably hot yesterday. not a huge dip for you just yet. san jose at 90 degrees today. fremont 84 while livermore at 94 degrees today, oakland, san leandro up to richmond. you're back in the 70's today that comfortable zone that you're used to antioch or how to spot still at 97. well, vacaville falls out of the triple digits to 93 today. as for the next 7 days will tomorrow through sunday anyways. cool back to
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where we should be 70's to 80's for your highs. we do see another spike in temps next week, especially towards tuesday. back in the mid to upper 90's, right? all right, john, thanks for many are traveling into the city this morning. >> about 15 minutes metering lights are on, no accidents. temperature about 13 minutes. a 80 to 101 richmond center fell 9 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls, 19 minutes. >> well, another dead whale has unfortunately washed up in the east bay. the marine mammal center says this 30 foot gray whale was first spotted floating in the bay just east of temper on on monday and it washed ashore in richmond yesterday morning. that whale was towed to an shull island where a necropsy will be performed to determine the cause of death. this is the second great whale now to wash up in the bay area so far this year. san francisco police are investigating a break-in at a cannabis dispensary. stitt see cannabis dispensary is 61 there at 61
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camp on drive in the parker said area. it was yesterday morning at the owners found their glass entrance shattered. we have reached out to san francisco police trying get some more details on what happened. but so far haven't heard back. >> well, police is able to still they're looking for the person or people responsible for paying racist graffiti the front of city hall graffiti was done overnight is now covered up. mayor breed believes was targeted at her. public space of inclusion and equity and place. >> that also feel welcome to come for any particular purpose. and we will never tolerate any discourse or any hay like what we're experiencing now, this is not unfamiliar to me. i do with deal with this every day, whether it's, you know, things that have said on social media as well as e-mails that i received that describe me is exactly what was on this or even in front of my own home where they have been spray paint, such sadly consistently. >> investigators say they are
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reviewing surveillance video. anybody with any information you're asked to call the san francisco sheriff's department. animal rights groups are now speaking out against giant pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. >> this is not panda francisco. he's not panda habitat. the group in defense of animal plans to speak at the city's on it. and oversight committee meeting this morning. a breeze asking supervisors for permission to let city departments fund raise. 25 million dollars. great new enclosure for the pandas from china. supervisor and mayoral candidate joseph, i e already spoken out against the plan. several animal rights groups say they agree with him. and it's a terrible place to bring giant they require highly specialized treatment. they require been which is pretty hard, actually to source. >> many cities finds that when they bring pandas they actually lose money. they have to pay loans every year to china boston like an initial
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boost in ticket sales. numbers just don't stack up they find ipthemselves losing money on this very very expensive cana. >> although also cites past animal deaths, endangerment issues and a history of infrastructure problems at the zoo. the meeting is at 10:00am at city hall. the organizations in defense animals sf zoo watch panda voices. they're all planning to attend. >> well, today marks the 80th anniversary of d-day. and as many parts of the country. look back on that day. president joe biden is there in france visiting. yeah, he's in a marked the day one soldiers stormed the beaches of normandy. washington correspondent basil john live in front of the 2 memorial with the latest. >> well, james, good morning. the administration says this is an important time for president joe biden as he draws the connection from world war. 2 to today where the u.s. is now part of the nato alliance. >> 80 years ago, more than 150,000 allied service members
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stormed the beaches of normandy trying to change the course of world war. 2 today, president joe biden is in france honoring their bravery and sacrifice. the president and other western leaders are looking back at the invasion of normandy. one of the largest military invasions by sea. more than 4,000 allied troops were killed. >> you you. thank you guys. thank you. >> some senators like missouri senator eric schmitt and alabama senator tommy tuberville also made the trip and say these are lives. we should be eternally grateful for. these were. >> 1920, 21 year-old man who you came from all across america and fought for their country and died d-day was such a pivotal moment. they also understood that america and the freedoms we enjoy. >> we're worth fighting for. >> now the president will return to after the ceremonies and will continue his trip
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with a state visit with french president emmanuel macron. saturday reporting live in washington. i'm basil, john. >> all right, david, thank you for that. there. and then he just attacked relentlessly beating me in the head. i mean, have suffered a severe injury. >> coming on the kron morning news. this man is recovering in the hospital after being attacked while waiting for a light rail in the south bay. we'll talk more about that coming up. and done. can we just call my dad now? ohh. ahh! gorilla glue. of course. gorilla glue is incredibly strong and versatile, even outdoors. for the toughest jobs on planet earth
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costa county, people can now use a superior court stuff in it portal for traffic matters. people can schedule their own arraignment. best time fi your schedule and reduce any potential confusion in that are the process users. you can also check citations request fee reductions, community service alternatives and a whole lot more. the court says the defendant portal he's a part of their commitment to expand access to justice through technology. well, retail giant tjx owns tj maxx, marshall's home goods, also equipping some employees with body cameras, the trying their best to reduce shoplifting from happening. the company calls it a de-escalation people are less likely to do something when they're being videotaped. some are kind of skeptical saying other anti-theft mandate methods would be more effective than this. the national retail federation reports more than a 3rd of u.s. retailers. our research in the use of body cameras for employees.
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>> happening right now, brent, what police are looking for 4 suspects now in connection with a theft at an ulta beauty store. take a look. police say these 4 women stole more than $2000 worth of products on may 6 that the store located on sand creek road. and it isn't the first time the store been the target of a theft back in january. the thieves stole more than $7,000 worth of products and $6,000 worth of products in march. anyone with information on the suspects and this recent theft can call brentwood police. we'll take a look at this surveillance video capturing a man walking out of an already iced or look at that with an arm load of jackets. police say this happened at store on in berkeley was back on. may 20th. suspect ran out the back door with 15 jackets with more than $4,000. police later found and arrested that suspect in oakland. officers also found wire cutters and security tags in his possession. we're going to take a break. 6.26, up next on the kron. 4 morning news after
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suffering a $50,000 staff to san francisco restaurant has officially will take you there. it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll. to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars.
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northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. you told mom to send her prescription to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. you're so sick, you can't even get up,
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to throw up. so, you scheduled a virtual visit with amazon one medical. maybe now you can stop looking at your popcorn bowl, like a toilet bowl. ♪♪ 6.30, the time and we're checking the weather here at the half yeah, it's supposed to be another hot one. just not as hot morning, jenna. yeah. i like not this high. i would prefer just now high but we're getting there we're looking outside at the south bay, which is going to be
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another day in the 90's for you. >> not as hot but still high way to describe. but san jose's got later on today in the low 90's. temperatures currently in the 40's at the coast while areas like brent would have actually held on to the 70's all night long see, didn't really see that much really for some of our for this to inland areas, although a lot of us closer to the bayshore in the coast are certainly feeling that cooldown. now excessive heat watches and warnings still in effect for much of the bay area. exact same locations as yesterday. coastal areas of already tempted to that sea breeze. we're going to feel that relief across the bay into the evening hours tonight, getting a nice push of cool ocean air that is really going to make tomorrow a much more pleasant day. temperatures today in the 80's to 90's. no triple digits today. so there's a plus. be talking more in your forecast ahead right right on the eve of bridge is a 17 minute ride heading into the city this morning. our mateo bridge just short of 16 richmond center fell 12 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37, tolls 20 minutes. 6.30, is the time of
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the group who wants the oakland mayor out of office have turned in enough signatures apparently to force a recall election and current reports on the campaign who wants mayor sheng thao out. >> and how the mayor is now responding to that. >> i am. >> exhilarated, i'm excited. >> i am energized. found we ready to go at a news conference wednesday afternoon. those who want to recall oakland mayor sheng thao say they've turned in more than 41,000 signatures. far more than the nearly 25,000 needed to force a recall election. mayor sheng thao has to she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground backers blame the mayor for everything from firing a popular police chief to losing the oakland a's a surge in crime. it is just mind boggling that anybody could try to support this. the mayor points to oakland police crime stats indicating crime
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is down 17% over the last 3 years and down 34%. when you compare last year to this year. but recall backers maintain that is not true. they claim people are just not reporting crime anymore. part to the people who've been victims of crime. talk to the people, some of whom have just not just given even reporting in a statement, mayor thao points to her successes and says every day i fight to create a better safer oakland, regardless of the naysayers or negativity, i will continue that fight because the progress we're making makes it all worth it. we will not be distracted by the politics of out of town, billionaires, a special interests and i will continue to work every day for oakland's interests. once the signatures are verified, it moves on to the oakland city council. >> backers of the recall are hoping to have this election scheduled in november if towers recalled in a special election will need to be scheduled to pick her replacement. dan kerman kron. 4 news.
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>> it's i remember thinking that i was going to this guy's going to kill me because he's not stopping. >> well, south bay man speaking from his hospital bed. they're talking about the brutal attack. he suffered a defeat he station about a week ago. christian channel with remains hospitalized at this. you can see multiple injuries. he said he was going for a bike ride when a complete stranger started assaulting him for no apparent reason. >> no words were exchanged and then even give him a dirty look or it's just really scary. he knocked me to the ground was beating me. i don't know if there was a weapon or not, he was beating and he would let me go. >> that attack was captured in the surveillance video. it happened at the vta station right near the children's discovery museum in san jose. the suspect 26 year-old andrew perez barricade himself at his home following that assault. it was later arrested. he's now facing an attempted murder charge for wearing an armored vest at the time of the assault. investigators later said try to attack another
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person before targeting channel with and leaving him covered in blood. >> i mean, my head was so swollen. i was in icu for 3 days. i didn't know it yet. couldn't even look at myself. i sick, really traumatizing. i'm a peaceful person. i've met. i don't i'm marion experience. that kind of violence every my it was really scary. and i remember thinking that i was going to die or had channel with says he suffered multiple gashes to his face and scalp. you see is elbow there. >> cuts to his legs and arms to antually had a fractured vertebrae. 2. and because of that, he's going to have to be in a brace, they say, for about 6 weeks. and while he says he is grateful to be alive and didn't suffer any permanent injuries, he is worried about having to miss work now as he faces a long road to recovery. he's at friends of actually put together a gofundme page on his behalf and you can find a link to that on our website at kron 4 dot com. >> well, former panel of the
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lease in sonoma county sheriff ricky boston has been convicted of 15 years to life in federal prison after pleading no contest to rate. a district attorney says back in 2007 bostic sat and waited outside a club santa rosa or even follow that victim home broke into their residents and sexually assaulted them. 2013 when boston was arrested and convicted of assault in baltimore county, maryland. the dna was uploaded to the u.s. database 2021. santa rosa police confirm his dna in that 2007 saul case brought back to face charges. bostic was convicted to 50 years to life in baltimore. well, that the assault case and will serve both sentences consecutively. fairfield police are searching for man who allegedly attacked 2.12 year-old children. agency said the man was on a gray bmx bike when he allegedly attacked the 2 yesterday morning. the kids were on the bicycle path by between meadowlark drive east hopper avenue. police say that man
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tried to stop both kids, but they were able to fight him off, get to school with a reported in anybody with any additional information you're asked to call fairfield police. >> 7 cars had their catalytic converter stolen in berkeley this week. those thieves targeting toyota brand cars on monday and tuesday night that 4 prius is and 3 toyota's were vandalized. police say several of the thefts happened in south berkeley right now, the ashby bart station at the first 3 addresses. but you see prius is devised at blake street. they were targeted what prince street. 2 corolla has had their converters stolen. another priest was targeted at lurie in street. witnesses who saw the theft on grant street say they saw purple dodge challenger, speeding away. police tried pulling it over but couldn't catch it. >> all right. those were going to beat the heat this week in the east bay. they even heading to shadow clips, regional recreational area in pleasanton families are out biking, fishing, swimming. one
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mother to boy says she prefers a quick visit to this part on hot days. instead of going to a playground. the park's get a little too hot with the sun, touching the slide. so >> here is the perfect place to come where they can actually get some water, the sun and cooldown. lifeguards on duty at the lake swimmers are asked to be mindful of the algae warnings. >> can keep a pretty close eye your kids. grass fire season off to a pretty hot start. you might remember just yesterday morning we saw one temporarily closed highway 4 hercules because of a grass fire. some of those fires have been started by vehicles, one of the most common ris starts when your brakes start to wear down one big ways breaks. >> when your brakes become metal metal. then you have sparks. >> in addition to checking for more outbreaks. also want to warn you be on alert. the smell fuel burning oil filled, axles, noisy will be areas which can cause a spark. they'll drag chains behind
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your vehicle. don't park on dry crash. exhaust system under your car can get extremely hot. starfire comes in contact with dry grass. experts also recommend regular maintenance at a full-service. i'll shop tech issues before they become dangerous. >> well, oakland, staple frequented by both locals and cal grad students is closing the graduates graduate, which is a dive bar on claremont avenue in the town's rockridge neighborhood is going to be officially closing july 1st. the bar was known for its affordable drink prices and free popcorn cal students even received a discount if they show their student id. they announced on facebook that their last day of operation will be june. 30th. they say they are thankful. so for all the memories. well, restaurant san francisco opened its doors nearly a week after suffering a $15,000 burglary. kron four's lezla gooden has their story. >> nearly a week ago was the
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pac sf was set to open its doors as one of the newest restaurant in hayes valley. that was until themes broken hours before the opening, stealing thousands of dollars worth of alcohol and cooking supplies. fact might have gotten a little higher said before. >> as far as what we have and what's this even you know, where we're getting a dorsal. and but we're about to 2025 you know, we're not counting loss business. >> chef george, how we need. the owner says this was a setback for them, but he and his team have been working 14 hour days to officially open on wednesday. that. >> we're not quitters will be anybody remain very optimistic, enthusiastic. we believe location. believe in in the business model, adding the support from neighbors and the community was a welcome surprise to him. his team. so thing to take the welcome 2 hayes valley and how it's very strong martian association
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strong that ball, which mean all the motions and the community as a whole george says they are still in the process of replacing those stolen items in a working with police but says he hopes people remember them for their cuisine in san francisco lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> well, h mart expand its base at a san francisco location. the korean american grocery chain while the entire building athe ocean view village shopping center. several businesses, including a chase bank, a subway. so far, 8 has revealed any plans what to do with the new property. h mart first opened there in 2021. and the popular pop wrath before mitt series drag me downtown. it's coming back to san francisco for its second year. the event's going help support local businesses in the downtown area. also uplifting the lgbtq+ community. the events are every thursday this month are free to attend. they also be to history bus tours singalongs hosted by sister of the sisters of perpetual
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indulgence. the final draghi downtown performances on june 27th at one 3.30, in the afternoon. >> we're going to take a break here at 6.40, but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, we celebrate pride month with a look back at the life and legacy of harvey milk. michael thomas talks with a man who worked closely with milk and reflects on the progress we've made and the work that still needs to be done. we have all that coming up. plus, as well, the giants and the diamondbacks finishing their series in arizona will find out if the team is heading out of town with a victory. >> and today still going to be hot. just not as hot as we have been our hottest. but today will be hit. 97 livermore up in 94 oakland and hayward cooling back into the hayward cooling back into the
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know today. >> sandwiches and police are investigating a break-in at a cannabis dispensary yesterday morning owners found their glass entrance shattered reached out to the san francisco police get details. we haven't heard back yet. the crystal vibe are very close to a winery still bouncing back from the 2020 glass fire owner says the flames spared their property this time dealt with worse before they say. another dead whale washed ashore in the east bay. we're in mammal center says this 30 foot very well first floated in the bay east, timber monday washed ashore richmond yesterday morning. this is the second day great. well to wash up in the bay so far this year. the groundbreaking ceremony planned for this weekend at the site that's going help connect the t 8 raises bar. construction has already
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started. the eastridge transit center. officials say construction is expected to close lanes temporarily increase traffic, expect everything to be done 2028. okay. 6.44, if you are planning on hitting the beach at any point today, just know that there is still a ocean hazard warning in effect. >> exterts say we could see waves as high as 20 feet hitting the coast and big waves often draw plenty of surfers looking to seize on that opportunity. and that's exactly what we found out at san francisco's ocean beach yesterday as everyone is out there having a good time. >> 46 foot for this time of year is definitely kind of rare. so that's why in my buddies are jumping on as soon as possible. our skill level, you definitely have to be aware of the conditions in particular because there could be rip currents because it's such a big beach. hard to kind of stay in one spot and like there's lifeguards spread out throughout the beach say definitely have to be aware of what's going on. >> well, the beach hazard warning is in effect until
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tonight. officials say never turn your back to the ocean. keep an eye on those kids and pets. you never know when a sneaker waves going to come up and catch you by surprise. yeah. is that the beach yesterday? all families out with jazz little kids. that's really good reminder today. probably. yeah. be careful when you're out john. good morgan. another hot one. yet another hot one very tempting to get out to the ocean and just remember to keep yourself some extra distance from the waves. got the person in the dugout there already this morning. >> now you can see that we do have a little bit of that ocean cool. their marine layer scooter right back in at least over half moon bay. this is the first fog i've seen out there so far this week as we have been seeing the past few days, just so so warm. and so so sunny yesterday we saw triple digits in spots like concord and livermore. santa rosa, you avoided 100 degrees yesterday. you hit the day before. well, when san jose also got scorching hot now today, we're definitely taking a bit of a step back less so for san jose, you're only dropping from 92 to 90 degrees. but for spots like
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the city, you're going to drop from the low 80's to the low 70's, such as much as 10 to 12 degrees cooler than yesterday was we still have heat advisories for all of our inland areas. nothing close to the bay shore or the coastline itself. your 2 spots of a little bit of a break from the heat. winds will kick back up from the coast, especially into the evening tonight. this is going to push a little fog into the bay, but also cool us down to seasonal averages starting tomorrow into sunday just in time for the weekend. as i mentioned, the city cools down today, 60's and 70's 60's at the coastline, mostly still 70's to 80's elsewhere. and we still do have our fair share of 90's, too, like in the south bay where san jose you'll be at 90 degrees livermore at 94 today. hey, we're down into the upper 70's oakland and i-75 after yesterday. that's going to feel really good. antioch, still scorcher at 97 vacaville at 93 and santa rosa at 91. but 2 days ago you were at 101. so that is a nice cool
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down. is in the 80's tomorrow at our very warmest through sunday. we'll stay in the 80's before we spike again in the 90's early next week, right? all right, john campbell, them looking forward to the 80's. well, we need to break here. >> a traveling this morning, no accidents on your bridges. good start. 90 minute. ride into the city. to bridge about 17 minutes. a 80 to 101. your december fell 13 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls 20 minutes. >> all right. time now, 6.47, across for celebrating pride month. and this morning, lgbtq+ icon harvey milk is front and center. many here in the bay area already know his story. yeah. but what many people don't know who visit the harvey milk terminal sfo is they know his legacy. crump was michael thomas went to the san francisco airport to find out >> harvey milk help change the world when it came to rights. and now decades later, will his legacy is shining like a beacon of love here at the harvey milk terminal at san
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francisco airport, welcoming travelers and sending them off with a message of hope. moment that his colleagues from the 70 say they never could have imagined for some. the name harvey milk doesn't ring a bell. my first time i came here. cisco travelers like abdul say they got an unexpected history lesson at the harvey milk terminal discovering how in 1977 harvey milk became the first openly man elected to public office by winning a seat on the san francisco board of supervisors just a year before his assassination. and these highlighting moments are special for activists. allen klein, who worked with harvey in the 70's telling me the terminals tribute in education on the walls still shock him a terminal at san francisco airport named after is kind of amazing photos on the wall in the terminal. have clients friends protesting any still remembers when harvey asked him for help almost 50 years ago, called me up said you had such a successful. >> then if the you need to break, let's do to raise money
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to fight the brakes initiative which he helped defeat. he says the castro was a place of community where everyone knew your name. >> harvey was a politician. he was also a person you could talk to. >> you know, it wasn't like he was under patton story, but he was also on a soapbox fighting for rights. in reality he never lived to see this terminal is just a small glimpse of a klein says they fought for. >> and having this story at a place where thousands pass through not only educate people, but also may even start a conversation at home, which is what this traveler says is needed. even if you're not like or whatever, identifying as, something like that, having that is something that >> it's visible and like easily seen. i think it's never hurts his. and while many things have changed, some of the lgbt community continue to fight for equal rights as to what harvey may think today. well, around how far we've come. >> but also taken aback by this. still so much hatred like against trans people.
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>> well, there's still a lot of work to be done in the lgbtq+ community. the ideas that you leave san francisco airport with a message of hope for the future. that's a very latest reporting here at san francisco airport. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you in the studio. >> and want to be sure to join us thursday, june 27 at 06:30pm. our pride special hosted by our very own john shrable. this year we'll be celebrating at the beacon of love is shines bright across the bay area. >> well, now the bay area baseball, the giants taking on the diamondbacks in their last game of the series and itching to break a six-game losing streak. so let's take you to the top of the 3rd giants down by 3 ramos blast. this shot down to center field and that one is yeah, that's gone. there was no stopping the giants after that. the giants win a whopping 93. they avoid the sweep after a six-game losing streak. judge manager bob melvin was in a better mood after the victory.
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>> was kind of a thing for a while. you know, have enough support rise good things. offensively. the place >> well, the giants have a rest day today and then they'll be on the road taking on the texas rangers first pitch in that game is tomorrow at 505. meanwhile, the a's they were looking to bounce back against the mariners. here we are. bottom of the 3rd, no score and that's zack gelof launching this one deep to right center right over xfinity sign ace taken early one. nothing lead. and then here, bottom of the 58 take advantage of this slip-up by the mariners. and make it to home plate a's win this one to one. the rubber match starts today at midland. in the east bay, the oakland ballers, there goes their second game at their home season and it's going to be as stark. one. >> while his picture kelsie whitmore set to start the game against the yellow high
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wheelers. this will be the first ever female player start again pitching and pioneer league history. tonight's game 6.35. at fremont >> we'll be right back. after the break, we'll go anywhere.
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>> children's fairyland in oakland is a offering an exclusive discounted admission as part of the 5.10, summer fridays, ali, reza, to be able to enjoy the theme park every friday. now until august, 30th on dollars per child and $10
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per adult visitors can receive a discount by showing i d address at the ticket booth known as the theme park that inspire won't disney's disneyland. you this children's fairyland receive the nonprofit of the year award california assembly member mia bonta about that, ok, 6.55. the time in california now has more than >> fortune 500 companies than any other state. according to the publication's latest rankings, 57 companies are based here in california, the fortune 500 is made up of the largest u.s. companies by revenue. and apple is the top california representative at number 3, only arkansas-based walmart and washington state's amazon edged out apple. other california companies in the top 30 include alphabet, the parent company google, of course, chevron and meta. the parent company of facebook and instagram. all right. coming up in the next hour, the kron morning news. another day. well washing ashore in the east bay. >> we'll talk about that. well, construction has begun for the extension of a light
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rail that is going to help connect vta trains of art. >> and former president trump is planning to visit the bay area this morning. we're going here. political analyst on the reason for his visit will be right back. hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory."
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>> right now, the kron 4 morning news. firefighters are injured battling flames in the north bay. we're live in napa county with the latest on the crystal fire. plus, another
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mountain lion sighting in the south bay. police urging residents now to be alerts when walking outside. >> mayor thao have to go she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground. >> plus, an oakland groups say they have enough signatures to recall mayor sheng thao. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you for joining us here on this thursday morning. i'm james fletcher animate harvey in for darya folsom this morning. hot temperatures have really been on the top of the news past few days. yeah, that's been the story line. and i think today still more of the same, although maybe a degree or 2 relief. johnson, relieved he's a good thing. even if it is just a little bit at a time and we are seeing temperatures dropping finally around that corner making yesterday, the hottest day of the forecast now looking


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