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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  June 6, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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the upper 90's to near 100. john anyway. hi. those triple digits just did not feel good for anybody. we only saw for for this inland areas. but even those of us along the bay shore, we're seeing well into the 80's, if not low 90's. >> today is a step back, especially for the coast and the bayshore. you've got a little bit of that ocean cool there. now streaming right over them are in had plans right there. some of it getting into the bay this morning that it can result in our greatest cool down for some areas closer to the water. right now we're in the 50's up and down the coast. 60's along much of the day and some 70's inland already vacaville at 77 degrees. right now, we still do have some upper 90's for a few spots for this in mind. and that's still some heat advisories. one more day. these heat advisories expiring tonight at midnight. we are going to be looking at increasing breeze into our overnight hours tonight and ocean temperatures are really chilly. so this is going to have a moderating impact on us. come the weekend. as for
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today, still in the midst of the heat wave, just not our hottest day with the 80's to 90's, right? all right, john, thank you for that. bridge is little busy this morning and 90 minute ride heading into the city on the bay bridge or san matteo bridge about 23 minutes there. richmond, sandra fell about 14 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls, 40 minutes. in the north bay, fire crews have continued put out a grass fire up in saint helene with 4 firefighters now taken to the hospital for injuries just trying to put out that blaze from personal trend live in st. with the latest. >> good morning. well, >> our fighters erasing back up the hillside because they plan to be here for the next 24 hours or so. hot spots are a huge concern. we will move our camera over here and you can see the hillside still smoldering. we don't see any huge flames at this particular time. but you might be able to see some of the cars and vehicles and fire trucks rolling along that frontage
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road right there. so that's what they are. >> planning to do not leaving this area because obviously hot spots are concerned because if they flare up, it can carry embers to a new location. and then here we go. another fire. so right now we understand it's at least 65% contained. let me show you video from yesterday. this actually broke out at around one 65 excuse me at one, 40 yesterday afternoon. this is in saint they through as much as they possibly can at it, including attacking it from the air. fortunately, they were able to say this homes in this place. the wineries, but unfortunately one out house did go up in flames. this is a horrible sign. james and rain. because this is the 3rd fire, at least in just the span of 6 days or so. let me show you another fire closer to the heart of the bay area. we are
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talking out the east bay, tracy, the corral fire exploded on saturday before saturday was over. it was in to the thousands of acres at last check. it was around 14,015 1000 acres burning. fortunately, 92% contained. and then a day after that, there was a fire in livermore, not a lot of acres compared to say the corral fire. but you get the point is happening fast and furious when it comes to fire season on monday before all the other fires broke out. i got a chance to talk to a cal fire spokeswoman spokeswoman. and here's what she had to say about the season. already. >> be ready for what's coming because as you guys all know, i'm sure we have a heat wave that we want to be prepared for the worst, which means everybody needs just trying to things. >> and it was defensible space that saved the winery and some of the nearby homes of the fire in crystal fire. but
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because it's still smoldering james reyna, they have issued air advisory for the bay area. so breathing could be a little compromise today. and if so, you can say it's because of the crystal fire right now. in fact, let me show you remember, i was telling you about the trucks showing up at this particular time. >> let me move the camera and let me show you all the fire trucks that are showing up to the scene as we speak. so lots going on. look at that. i told you they would not be leaving for at least the next day or so. and sure enough here comes more back out. back to you. >> all right. they're very busy out there. thank you will. well, the crystal fire burned awfully close to a winery that's still working to bounce back from the 2020 glass fire. we spoke with aaron jordan, the owner of failla wines, and he said these flames spared his property this time, but it was too close for comfort. >> ignition point of the glass fires frighteningly close to the ignition point of this fire. that they were within. i
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mean, i have a map in front of me, but i mean, a mile of each other, maybe i it's ominous to me. it would be the word that comes to mind when you have a fire like that in june. burning that's already burned long ago. >> jordan is praising cal fire says they jumped on these flames. quick. he also suggests that property owners do their best to clean up the land around them, make sure their fire ready as much as possible. >> people forced to evacuate during corral fire. now raising concerns about the safety of their community. residents from the tracy hills development are asking for the city to build a retaining wall to block future fires. they also want to connect some of those back roads in the development to main roads outside of the community, trying to give them a second way out. and alameda county, the patterson grass fire that grew. 95 acres inside pretty large. it's now 95% contained. cal fire says it broke out just after 4 monday afternoon right near the altamont pass wind farm substation. well, i
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a dry grass contributed to the fire spreading the cause still under investigation. >> okay. to do 5, let's turn our attention to the south bay now where there's been another mountain lion sighting have back to back. the latest one was in san jose making this the 3rd in the past month we've got crop was michael thomas on the story for us live in san jose. michael. >> hey, good morning, everyone. well, i assess the area talk with neighbors and it seems like it was a bit chaotic there. yesterday happened around 9 o'clock or so. take a look. this is a quick map up on your screen. it is in south san jose. it's at the cross streets in the neighborhood of l a drive and or admiral way. and this is some video of the neighborhood. you can see they say at around 9 o'clock or so they heard screams and they came out and all the neighbors were looking at this large cat. they say that it was kind of just relaxing on the sidewalk before it made its way from one side of the street to the other. they immediately called 9-1-1 san jose police arrived. they were searching for about an hour in
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the area. they were not able to get that cap take a listen to what one neighbor his name is. miguel has to say. he said that the cat was actually in his yard at some point. >> hear one person get us yoli and then out there that, you know, the police come into like a things with that. own pocket to that house. >> and as we mentioned, this is not the first sighting here in the south bay. there was another sighting to actually over in milpitas. that was last wednesday on may 29th. it was near the fair meadow on your mobile home park. and that cat was just jumping the walls and searching the area. so if you do come across any of these large cats mountain lions, take a look at your screen. these are some details of what you should be doing to keep safe. you want to stay calm as best as possible. do not run. stand your ground, maintain eye contact and try to appear as large as possible. and of course, you're going want to call 9-1-1, back out here live. keep in mind, this mountain lion has not been cat caught
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yet here or over and now he neighbors. tell me that the helicopter search a specific area for about an hour hour and a half or so. and this morning, a lot of them did wake up to search the area, but they did not see anything south. keep an eye out if you're in this area and just try to stay safe as best as possible. that's very latest here in the south bay michael thomas. i will send it back to you to live in the studio. ok? thank you very much, michael. probably saying, right, man. >> former president donald trump will arrive in san francisco today for fundraising event. it's in the city's pac heights neighborhood. now we talked to kron four's political analyst michael yaki on white things. trump is coming to the city usually considered blue. >> pretty much everywhere, especially in silicon valley. the 2 people hosting the fundraiser or both tech entrepreneurs from silicon valley. but i have a feeling that whole having in san francisco is really about all about optics. it's about for lack of better word. owning liver owning real live letter, as they say, you know, because
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they could have done it a worthy couldn't in a mansion in atherton in the park. what have you? but they're doing it here. and it's to sort of. you know, get get the attention because trump subscribe to the theory that all press is good press no matter what it is. >> my president, kamala harris is in the bay area yesterday. it was met pro-palestine protesters. harris was attending 2 fundraisers, one in oakland, the other in san francisco demonstrators, both locations demanded and into what they believe is the biden administration's support of israel's genocide against palestinians in gaza. police say no arrests were made in either protest. >> well, san francisco police now investigating a shooting that occurred last night. it happened just after 10:00pm at dolores park. police say the victim died at the scene. no word yet on that person's identity. but we'll keep you updated as that investigation
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unfolds. meanwhile, a south bay middle school teachers in custody accused of inappropriately touching a 12 year-old student. now the police say the incident happened at graham middle school in april. the teacher identified as ralph turner was first placed on administrative leave, but is now under arrest. police are worried there may be other victims. so there encouraging anybody with information about that to give them a call. >> all the city doesn't have a new mayor following the resignation of former mayor melissa hernandez recently was appointed to serve on the bart board of directors. so on tuesday, council members, unanimous decision to appoint councilmember michael mccorriston for that role the course and will complete the rest of the mayoral term until december. and san jose, a groundbreaking ceremony is planned for this weekend. that's right at the site that is going to help connect vta trains with art. so construction has already started at the east ridge transit center. one the riders will be able to use the light rail at the east bridge station connect directly with bar at the milpitas station. officials say construction is
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expected to close lanes temporarily and increased traffic. they expect everything to be done by at least 2028. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, san francisco city hall vandalized by racist graffiti. why the mayor thinks it was targeting her. plus, animal rights activists are against the plan to bring in giant pandas to san francisco zoo will tell you why. and after the break, grass fire season off to a hot start and sometimes fires are started by vehicles. so we'll tell you what experts are recommending to keep your car from sparking the next fire. >> and today we're going to see daytime highs, not as hot as yesterday, but still he worthy. heat watch where concord in antioch still 90's. so are you in livermore to san so are you in livermore to san
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>> all 13 is the time and grass fire season off to a hot start. as we know here in california fact, just yesterday morning we saw one temporally closed lanes of highway 4 hercules because of sometimes these fires can start. >> because of actual vehicles shanahan talking experts about how to prevent your car, starting to fire him. >> well, here's an example of a potential problem right here under this hood. all of these dry leaves these can fall on the hot components of your engine. one of many ways your car can be a fire hazard. this grass fire tuesday afternoon in that home began as a car fire that spread to the grass. just one of many examples we could show and it got us thinking, what can we do to avoid this? our job is to let you know what's wrong with your car before breaks. we visited with university
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automotive mechanic tony harlan. he also has a popular automotive youtube channel called nuts and bolts with tone. we asked him what are some of the most common ways cars start fires. one big ways breaks. >> when your brakes become metal metal. then you have sparks. in addition to warn outbreaks he showed us a failed axel that can be a fire hazard and it's been filled for a while because you can tell there's no grease left in there without greece in the axle. it's just metal on metal. and so it's constantly turning and can create. friction can create sparks. leaks can also cause fires oil dripping onto a hot exhaust pipe may ignite in summary be on alert for the smell of fuel or burning oil war. now brake pads failed axles and wheels bearings, which often make a noise dragging chains behind your vehicle and parking on dry grass. your catalytic converter coming into contact with dry grass is like exposing that grass to a blazing hot oven. that's exactly what it is. it's an oven for exhaust. harlan
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strongly recommends regular vehicle maintenance to avoid problems before they become dangerous and very expensive. the biggest thing really is going tota good quality shop that does all repairs. harlan also says do it yourself. electrical installations like car stereos can be fire hazards if not installed properly in sacramento, covering local news that matters to dennis shanahan. just my luck. going to be my car. no, let's hope not of radio why to but i don't like the fact that we're already seeing fires and temperatures going through the roof here. so, that is concerning. her and you know, a lot of these have been grass fires. we had so much growth this year. that's always what we talk think all fuel. so. >> it's been high and dry fire seasons to think about for sure. we're looking outside at some of those now. pretty dry grasses and brush up there in
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the east bay hills. clear skies today and a littge bit of a cool down along the east bay shoreline, especially. >> we are going to see a day today that is noticeably cooler than yesterday for coastal and be sure cities for those of us in london, even in the south bay. it's not going to be quite as noticeable just yet. you're still in 1st quarter. and we still do have those heat advisories out there for the vast majority of the bay area. aside from the immediate coastline and bayshore winds do kick up a little bit more on into the evening tonight, especially helping to transport some really chilly ocean. cool the air on into the bay giving us that moderating impacted to the weekend that we typically enjoy here in the bay 60's to 70's for your highs in sf today. 60's at the coast considering san francisco got up to 80 yesterday that low 70 is a change not as big of a change for spots like a san jose where you're going to be at 90 degrees today. yesterday was 92. so you're still feeling very similar spots like conquer, though. you do have a big temperature drop from the triple digits to just
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90 while oakland. at 75 today, vacaville, 93, antioch, still 97 degrees today. tomorrow's temperatures fall into the 80's that are warmest in will stay that way into sunday. so nicely time cool down for the weekend before another heat spike next week right right on 's get a look at bridges this morning. a 15 minute ride. >> traveling into the city this morning, mateo bridge about 21 minutes there, which was refill 13 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls almost 40 minutes. 1, 1, in the north, a little slow. and kate. >> well, the diamond industry is seeing a major decline in demand as lab grown diamonds. now, another gem stones are increasing in popularity. diamond prices have dropped nearly 6% so far this year and more than 30% since their all-time high back in 2022, this is all according to ziminski is rough diamond index experts say the main reason for the decline is the preference. as i said, for lab grown diamonds, you can get much bigger diamonds for
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cheaper. the diamonds can be up to 85% cheaper. in fact, the natural diamonds experts say half the engagement ring stones will be lab grown this year. >> well, more than 40% of american adults report having stolen merchandise from a store. the survey by express legal funding also found 66 of respondents in all age groups say they know somebody who shoplifted before. it also found that women shoplift more than men. times 18 retail giant tjx who owns tj maxx, marshall's own goods and they're equipped some employees now with body cameras trying to stop shoplifting from happening. the company calls it a de-escalation tactics saying people are less likely do something when they're being videotaped. some are skeptical saying all i have met is would have been more effective. national retail federation reports more than a 3rd of u.s. retailers are researching the use of body cameras for employees. >> happening right now, brentwood police are looking for 4 suspects in connection
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with the theft at an ulta beauty store. so take a look. police say these 4 women stole more than $2000 worth of products back on may 6th at the store on sand creek road. and this isn't the first time the store has been targeted. either was back in january. storm more than $7,000 worth of products. and then $6,000 worth of products were stolen in march. anyone with information about the suspects in this recent theft are asked to police. all right. take a look at this surveillance video captured the man walking out of a nari i store with an arm load of jackets. police say this was the store in berkeley back on may 20th. apparently went out the back door with about 15 jackets worth a total of more than $4,000. police later found and arrested the person in oakland back. police say they found wire cutters and security tags in his possession. >> animal rights groups now speaking out against giant pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. >> this is not panda francisco. he's not panda
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habitat. >> well, the covid event, animal plans to speak at the city's on it and oversight meeting tomorrow. but this morning, ashley, they have read is asking the supervisor's permission let city departments fund raise. 25 million dollars to create a new enclosure for the pandas from china supervisor and mayoral candidate stuff. i e he's already spoken out against the plan. several animal rights groups say they actually they agree with them. >> and it's a terrible place to bring giant they require highly specialized treatment. they require been which is pretty hard, actually to many cities finds that when they bring pandas they actually lose money. they have to pay loans every year to china boston like an initial boost in ticket sales. date numbers just don't stack up they find themselves losing money on this very very expensive panda cat. >> well, google also cites pass animal des endangerment
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issues and a history of infrastructure problems at the zoo. there's a meeting is at 10:00am at city hall organizations in defense of animals sf zoo watch the panda plan to attend. >> and then he just relentlessly beating me in the head. i mean, i have suffered a severe injuries. >> coming up on the kron, morning news, this man recovering in the hospital after being attacked while waiting for light rail in the south bay will have well, his south bay will have well, his story don't go anywhere. the rash on your back,
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>> we're back in a 24 police in san francisco are looking for the person or people responsible for painting racist graffiti on city hall. so the graffiti was done overnight. it's now covered up, as you can see, mayor breed believes it was targeted at her. >> the public space of inclusion and equity in place that also feel welcome to come for any particular purpose. and we will never tolerate any discourse or any hay like what we're experiencing now, this is not unfamiliar to me. i do with deal with this every whether it's, you know, things that have said on social media as well as e-mails that i received that describe is exactly what was on this wall or even in front of my own home where they've been spray paint. >> such sadly consistently. >> yeah. investigators say they are reviewing surveillance video. anyone with information about what happened is asked to call the san francisco sheriff's
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department. >> well, youtube changing up their policies to prohibit any videos demonstrating how to remove safety devices from firearms. the company's trying to keep underage users from accessing these how to videos. youtube also a video showing homemade guns, automatic weapon. certain firearm assessor is like silencers restricted to viewers who are 18 and older changes go into effect. june 18th. well, the contra costa county people can now use disappear. court stuff in it portal for traffic matters. he will now schedule their own rain at times. the best fit their schedule reduce any potential confusion and the rain that process users can also check citations request reductions committee service alternatives, course, has defended portals part of their commitment to expand access to justice through technology. >> we're going to take a break a 26. but up next on the kron, 4 morning news after suffering a $15,000 theft. a san francisco restaurant now has francisco restaurant now has officially open.
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are back. a 28 is the time as we have a live look behind us here looking at the bay bridge. and when i a little bit of a breeze, little more breezy than the past few days, john has been on it. talk about how we're going to drop down just a little bit as to touch a little bit yesterday as looking at those palm trees. and when it's quiet too quiet. >> and yet, neil, what happened yesterday without that when out really be in the hot out there, it was toasty all across the bay area. today is a step back, but we're still in the heat wave and definitely still got some 90's for ya? yeah. you can see a little bit of that breeze around the cruise ship pulled
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up at the embarcadero like you, the travelers right there, getting a nice day in the city today as temperatures will be in the 60's and 70's and san francisco. a lot of the rest of us still in the 80's to 90's. so definitely on the hotter side of things. pittsburgh, you're at 75 right now in vacaville at 77 while alameda and sf right now at 57 degrees. heat advisories do still remain in all the same spots is the past 2 days, but only until midnight tonight after that point, sea breeze kicks up even more and really moderates temperatures as we do roll into this upcoming weekend making for what will be some comfortable temperatures just around the corner today. 60's at the coast, 80's and 90's further inland, right? all right. on the eve of that, let's get a look at your morning commute. things start off. pretty busy now. ercot right. real level announced a little bit 15 minutes on the bay bridge or san matteo bridge. about 20 minutes there richards center fell bridge 14 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 34 minutes. all 30's the time and the group that
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wants oakland chantelle out of offices apparently collected enough signatures to force a recall election covers. kerman reports. >> on the campaign wants their son out and how the mayor is now responding. >> i am. >> exhilarated, i'm excited. >> i am energized phone. we ready to go at a news conference wednesday afternoon. those who want to recall oakland mayor sheng thao say they've turned in more than 41,000 signatures. far more than the nearly 25,000 needed to force a recall election. mayor sheng thao has to she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground backers blame the mayor for everything from firing a popular police chief to losing the oakland a's a surge in crime. it is just mind boggling that anybody could try to support this. the mayor points to oakland police, crime stats indicdting crime is down 17% over the last 3 years and down 34%.
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when you compare last year to this year. but recall backers maintain that is not true. they claim people are just not reporting crime anymore. part to the people who've been victims of crime. talk to the people, some of whom have just not just given even reporting in a statement, mayor thao points to her successes and says every day i fight to create a better safer oakland, regardless of the naysayers or negativity, i will continue that fight because the progress we're making makes it all worth it. we will not be distracted by the politics of out of town, billionaires, a special interests and i will continue to work every day for oakland's interests. once the signatures are verified, it moves on to the oakland city council. >> backers of the recall are hoping to have this election scheduled in november if towers recalled in a special election will need to be scheduled to pick her replacement. dan kerman kron. 4 news.
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>> remember thinking that i was going to die this guy's going to kill me because he's not stopping. >> all right. south bay man, they're speaking about the attack from his hospital bed. he was brutally tech to vta station about a week ago. kristen channel with remains hospitalized. as you can see with multiple injuries he says he was just golfer by cry when a complete stranger. >> started assaulting for no apparent reason. >> no words were exchanged and then even give him a dirty look or it's just really scary. he knocked me to the ground was beating me. i don't know if there was a weapon or not, he was beating and he would let me go. >> the attack captured all of the surveillance video. it happened at the vta station right near the children's discovery museum. san jose. the suspect. 26 year-old andrew perez barricade himself at his home following an assault was later arrested. he's now facing an attempted murder charge for wearing armored vest at the time of the assault. investigators later said perez and tried to attack another person before targeting channel with am leaving him covered in blood.
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>> i mean, my head was so swollen. i was in icu for 3 days. i didn't know it yet. couldn't even look at myself. i sick, really traumatizing. i'm a peaceful person i've i don't i've never even experience that kind of violence every my it was really scary. and i remember thinking that i was going to for >> channel says he suffered multiple gashes to his face and scalp. you see on his arms as well. fact a fractured vertebra to and because of that, he's going to have wear a brace for the next 6 weeks. and while says he's grateful that he's alive and didn't suffer any permanent injuries, he is worried about having to miss so much work. now he's got a long road of recovery ahead. his friends have started a gofundme page on his behalf. you can find a link to that on our website at kron 4 dot com. >> well, former but a little police officer in sonoma county. sheriff's deputies been sent us now to 15 years to life in state prison. a county prosecutors say ricky
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people stick. he's a serial rapist who sexually assaulted a woman in santa rosa back in 2007, we followed her home from a club. boston is currently serving 50 years to live in a federal prison on the east coast for separate rape convictions in maryland 2021 santa rosa police confirmed they found his dna in that 2007 assault case. he was brought back to california to face charges. boston will serve both sentences consecutively. fairfield police are searching for man who allegedly attacked 2.12 year old children. agency said the man was on a gray bmx bike when allegedly tack the 2 yesterday morning the kids were on a bicycle path meadowlark drive east to bar avenue. police say the man tried to assault both kids. they want to fight him off, gets a school in a reported what happened if you have any information, please contact fairfield police. >> 7 cars had their catalytic converter stolen in berkeley this week with the thieves targeting toyota brands. so on monday and tuesday night for
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prius is and 3 toyota corolla as were vandalized. police say several of the thefts happened in south berkeley, right the ashby bart station at the first 3 addresses. you see there on the screen. it prius is that were vandalized that blake they were targeted as well. and it prince street with 2 corolla as they had their converters stolen. another priest was targeted in arena on la renta street. witnesses who saw the theft on grant street actually say they saw purple dodge challenger speeding away and police spotted it, chased it but couldn't catch it. >> those looking to beat the heat this week in the east bay. they even heading down a shadow cliffs, regional recreational area in pleasanton families are out biking officiants women. now one mother of 2 boys said she prefers just a quick visit to this part hot days. still to go into the playground. the park's get a little too hot with the sun, touching the slide. so here is the perfect place to come where they can actually get some water, the sun and
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>> cool down lifeguards on duty at the lake. swimmers are just asking mindful of the algae warning keep a close eye on kids. another reminder if you're planning to hit the beach day and ocean hazard warning is still in effect. experts say we could actually see waves as high as 20 feet hitting the coast. big waves often draw plenty servers. looking to seize the rare opportunity. and that's exactly what we found at san francisco's ocean beach yesterday. for a 6 foot for this time of year is >> definitely kind of rare. so that's why in my buddies are jumping on as soon as possible. our skill level, you definitely have to be aware of the conditions in particular because there could be rip currents because it's such a big beach. hard to kind of stay in one spot and like there's lifeguards spread out throughout the beach say definitely have to be aware of what's going on. >> well, the beach hazard warning is in effect, at least
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town's rockridge neighborhood. it's going to be officially closing as of july. first, the bar was known for its affordable drug prices and free popcorn. cal students even received a discount if they showed their student id. the bar announced its last day of operation be june. 30th. well, a new restaurant san francisco opened its doors nearly a week after suffering a $15,000 burglary kron four's lezla gooden reports now on what happened and the grand opening. >> nearly a week ago was the pac sf was set to open its doors as one of the newest restaurant in hayes valley. that was until themes broken hours before the opening, stealing thousands of dollars worth of alcohol and cooking supplies. fact might have gotten a little higher said before. >> as far as what we have and what's this even you know, where we're getting a dorsal.
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and but we're about to 2025 you know, we're not counting loss business. >> chef george howell. we need the owner says this was a setback for them, but he and his team have been working 14 hour days to officially open on wednesday. that. >> we're not quitters everybody remain very optimistic, enthusiastic. we believe location. believe in in the business model, adding the support from neighbors and the community was a welcome surprise to him. his team. so something to take the welcome 2 hayes valley and how it's very strong martian association and strong that ball, which mean all the motions and the community as a whole. george says they are still in the process of replacing those stolen items in a working with police but says he hopes people remember them for their cuisine in san francisco lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> well, h mart is expanding its space at a san francisco location. the korean american grocery chain bought the
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entire building. the ocean. you village shopping center center of several businesses, including a chase bank subway. so far a smart hasn't revealed any plans on what to do with their new property. h mart first opened there in 2021. the pop and rock performance series draghi downtown is coming back to san francisco for the second year. going help support local businesses in the downtown area while also uplifting the lgbtq+ community. and it's every thursday this month they're free chan. i will also be to history bus tours sing alongs hosted by sister roma of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. final drag downtown performance is on june 27th 1, 3, 30 in the afternoon. >> take a break at 8.40, but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news kron. 4 celebrating pride month with a look back the life and legacy of harvey milk. michael thomas talks with a man who worked closely with mill as he reflects on the progress we've made and what work still needs to be done. plus, after the
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break, the forty-niners back in santa clear this week for practice. but one familiar face is still missing. erin wilson explains. >> and still another hot one today, albeit not as hot as we had been the past few days, 60's and 70's at the coast, 70's 80's along the bay shore. still some of those 90's still some of those 90's inland antioch at 97. ow networo network for business.
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that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! >> well, that are many camp continued for forty-niners on wednesday. it did. yeah. after all, the massive contracts being dished out to wide receivers. we were all wondering whether brandon iu was going to show up kron.
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sports reporter aaron wilson has an >> it. >> one of those bits, of course, was not present. he has a present the entire time that tas and mini-camp talking about brandon aiyuk. he decided to sit out yet again. however, he did post on his social media account on instagram posting to his story. a video of him actually working out it o-t-a's day 5. so obviously he's trying to stay active that deal. but according to so reports, there has been no progress when it comes to a deal between brandon aiyuk and the niners. on the other hand, a lot of progress when it comes to a few other guys. trent williams did show up. he was at the practice field. and of course, everyone was excited to see him. meanwhile, who found actually spoke with us. he told us that, although he did have to undergo acl surgery and he is a recovery that give or take he is looking to possibly be back for the season opener. that's his hope. and that's his goal. mean, wow. the biggest thing that people notice that lease us from the sideline with the fact that brock purdy, you
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know, coming into this season, it's finally his job and it's his job to lose that being say yet last season. if you remember sam donald in the room. was also a couple of other guys that were check or e through to figure out who was going to be the actual qb one because brock purdy was recovering from the injury at this time. and it shows in his demeanor out there on the field here. if you guys talking about it, but then us is media members also notice that he just seems to be a lot more confident this time around headed into this season. then we've seen him in offseason workouts. that being take a listen to what your in banks had to say about what he's picked up on his quarterback. brock kind of came in with the certain confidence and kind of swagger >> you see and i think he's kind of just started to kind of dove into the more years he's you know, started quarterback but i'm excited to see. you know, brooke, puts
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out there this year. i think he's really confident think he started to take, you know, leadership all the one thing us is that in the meeting as intense, you know, as far as his work ethic in the weight comes work every day as the been the same for day one. when you first got here, though, tas 2 years ago to now. >> a lot to look out for a lot to keeping tabs on. but i'll toss it back to you in the city of renown. erin wilson at levi's. >> all right. now, let's talk baseball. the giants taking on the diamondbacks in their last game of their series. they're itching to come back from a 3 game or a six-game losing streak. and boy, did they. top of the 3rd will pick it up. giants down by 3 and hears elliott ramos blasting this one back over the center-field wall that was out of here. and there really was no stopping the giants. after that, they win by a whopping 93 final score. they avoid the sweep and after that 6 game losing streak that was awfully nice to hear drives manager bob melvin in a better mood afterwards. >> was kind of a for while.
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you it's good things. offensively. the first place >> yeah, the giants have a rest day today and then we'll be on the road taking on the texas rangers tomorrow with first pitch at 505. all right. meanwhile, the a's looking to bounce back against the mariners. bottom of the 3rd, no launches this one pretty deep right-center fly over the extent the site. >> a stake an early one. nothing lead. bottom of the 5th. they say advantage of this slip-up by mariners. get to home plate a's when a 2 to one. the rubber match starts today at noon. >> supposed to be a little warm out. there it yeah. so we've got john here with the forecast talking about what we're expecting later this afternoon, john, after the a's game, it's definitely going to be a lot more comfortable today than it was over the past few days. really, that heat was really rough out there across the east bay, especially for this to inland at the coastline. today you have your first signs of cooling, as you can see, spots
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like half moon bay are actually going to be kind jacket where the today now compared to yesterday. today's daytime highs are not going to be as hot concord. you got up to 102 yesterday of got you at 90 degrees today. so that's a full 12 degrees. cooler. and really our biggest drop in temperatures. livermore. you got up to 101 degrees yesterday. i've got you at 95 today. santa rosa. just a little bit cooler for you. while san jose only dropping from 90 to yesterday to 90 degrees today. so our differences are definitely kind of subtle, but we are moving in the right direction. at least skies are clear for now. we are seeing heat advisory still in effect through midnight tonight for all of our inland areas across the bay. that includes the inland east bay, the north bay and much of the south bay as well tomorrow. really we notice that cooldown more and more as that cooler air pushes in as the big celebrated pace from what is very cool sea surface temperatures at the coast has quite the impact on us. once that activity cranks
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back up. now today in the city 60's to low 70's considering yesterday was low 80's. thio is a drop as for de the city and pacifica down to 66 burlingame at 77 wall and the rest of the peninsula. some 80's mixed in san carlos to 82 south bay temps. and jose, i mentioned you just a little cooler than yesterday. same for livermore dropping just a few degrees. biggest drops in spots like concord and walnut creek hovering around 90 degrees. and you're still at 97 today. still going to be a scorcher for you tomorrow through sunday. our temperatures, max, out in the 80's, some relief. and just in time for the weekend before another heat spike next week. all right, john, thank you for that. let's hear traveling into the city. >> drive times dropped a little bit. 15 minutes now get the peak of the morning. got to like 30 san mateo bridge. 19 minutes, a 80 to 101. our richmond, sandra fell bridge a 13 minute ride and the golden gate bridge. 37 to the tolls.
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>> 32 minutes. all 49 is the time at kron. 4 celebrated pride month and this morning, lgbtq+ icon harvey milk is front and center. that's right. many in the bay area already know his story. but what people don't know when they visit the harvey milk terminal at sfo. yeah. let's find out who knows about his legacy. kron four's michael thomas went there to see. >> harvey milk help change the world when it came to rights. and now decades later, will his legacy is shining like a beacon of love here at the harvey milk terminal at san francisco airport, welcoming travelers and sending them off with a message of hope. moment that his colleagues from the 70 say they never could have imagined for some. the name harvey milk doesn't ring a bell. my first time i came here. cisco travelers like abdul say they got an unexpected history lesson at the harvey milk terminal discovering how in 1977 harvey milk became the first openly man elected to public office by winning a seat on the san francisco board of supervisors just a year before his
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assassination. and these highlighting moments are special for activists. allen klein, who worked with harvey in the 70's telling me the terminals tribute in education on the walls still shock him. a terminal at san francisco airport named after is kind of amazing photos on the wall in the terminal. have clients friends protesting any still remembers when harvey asked him for help almost 50 years ago, called me up you had such a successful. >> then if the dense you need to break, let's do to raise money to fight the brakes initiative which he helped defeat. he says the castro was a place of community where everyone knew your name. >> harvey was a politician. he was also a person you could talk to. you know, it wasn't like he was under patton story, but he was also on a soapbox fighting for rights. in reality, he never lived to see this terminal is just a small glimpse of a klein says they fought for. >> and having this story at a place where thousands pass
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through not only educate people, but also may even start a conversation at home, which is what this traveler says is needed. even if you're not like or whatever, identifying as, something like that, having that be something >> it's visible and like easily seen, i think it never hurts his. and while many things have changed, some of the lgbt community continue to fight for equal rights as to what harvey may think today. well, around how we've come. >> but also taken aback by this. still so much hatred like against trans people. >> well, there's still a lot of work to be done in the lgbtq+ community. the ideas that you leave san francisco airport with a message of hope for the future. that's a very latest reporting here at san francisco airport. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you in the studio. >> and we want you to be sure to join us thursday, june 27th at 06:30pm, for our pride special hosted by our very own john shrable this year. we'll be celebrating the beacon of love that shines bright across
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the bay area. >> all right. we're going to take a break at 8.52. but coming up on the kron, 4 morning news and nba ultra exclusive jacket is now on sale. will tell you more about that and how much it's selling that and how much it's selling for coming up. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ yes, ahh!! mom: what is going on with you? get out! andy! get out of my room! get out! mom: andy. fight! fight! i didn't say anything. yes you did. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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8. 55 1 bay area person is waking up a little richer. thanks to the powerball drawing. they matched 5 of the numbers ms the jackpot by just one. but they got 5 of the numbers and that ticket is worth $620,000. it was purchased at a 7.11 in
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milpitas on milpitas boulevard. so check your ticket if you think you might be the winner jackpot, by the way. now up to 206 million dollars. that drawing is coming up on saturday. well, children fairyland in oakland, they are offering an exclusive discount admission. >> it's part of the 5 ton summer fridays residents be able to enjoy the theme park every friday from now 2 august 30th, $5 per child and $10 per adult visitors can receive the discount by showing your id with an oakland address of the ticket booth known as the theme park that inspired walt disney's disneyland. children's fairyland received prop of the year. warren california assembly member mia bonta. and the east bay hills dollars there to host their second game at home this season. and it's going to be a historic want ballers pitcher kelsey with more is set to start the game against the yellow high wheelers. this will be the first ever female player started game pitching. the pioneer league history. tonight's game 6, 35, 8 raimondi park. >> we're going to take a break
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here at 8.56. but coming up on the kron, 4 morning news in our next hour. other whale washes up in the east bay. we'll have more on that in a minute. plus, construction has begun for the extension of a light rail train that will help connect cta trains with farc. and former president donald trump planning to visit the bay area this morning for today. anyway, we're going to hear from prop fours political analyst on the reason for it.
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>> right now on the kron, 4 morning news firefighters are injured battling flames in the north bay. we're going to be
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live up in napa county with the latest on the krystal fire. plus, outline sighting in the south bay police urging everybody to be on alert when walking outside. >> mayor sheng thao has to she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground and the group. >> that's trying to get mayor sheng thao out of office says they have enough signatures to force a recall. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. good morning. thank you for joining us here at 09:00am on this thursday. i'm james fletcher right. harvey in for darya folsom. the top story this morning has been the heat past 2 days. in fact. >> and now the heat taken a turn for it hopefully start to come down just a touch. john, good morning. yeah. mother nature is taken like a half a step back today. and still a hot one, but not as hot as yesterday. so we'll take it. >> moving in the right direction. set


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