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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  June 6, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> critics of oakland's mayor say they have enough signatures to get the recall effort on the november ballot. we'll get her response when she joins us live. plus, a predators spotted on the prow in the south bay neighborhood. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and
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news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. our top story at noon. the california supreme court today ruling that construction on berkeley's historic people's park can move forward. the high court says a new law enacted in 2021. invalidates claims by 2 local organizations that sued the school. opponents arguing students living in the downtown area would add noise pollution to an already dense area. the projects it off years of protests over the landmark. but california's high court ruled the university can start construction. uc berkeley pleased with today's decision adding, quote, the campus is turning its attention to the timeline for resuming construction. the school releasing a statement that reads in part, we are grateful for the strong and ongoing support this project has received from the majority of berkeley students, community members, advocates for the
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unhoused, the city's elected leaders, the state legislature and the governor, the campus is committed to addressing the high cost and low supply of housing close to campus that undermine students ability to thrive, succeed an fully partake in all. the university has to offer. an investigation is underway after a teenager was shot and killed near mission dolores park in san francisco. it happened just after 10 last night on 2 floors and 18th streets. the person who died a 19 year-old man supervisor rafael mandelman says he asked sfpd to step up its presence around the park. >> you know, this is this is a part that does have some public safety challenges. it is just really a pretty safe place and a wonderful place come. we can't live in fear, but people should be aware of their surroundings. >> anyone with information is asked to please get in touch with police. the group looking to recall oakland mayor sheng thao says it now has enough
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signatures to force a recall election kron four's. dan kerman reports on the latest developments and brings us reaction from the mayor. >> i am. >> exhilarated. i'm excited. >> i am energized phone. we are ready to go at a news conference wednesday afternoon. those who want to recall oakland mayor sheng thao say they've turned in more than 41,000 signatures. far more than the nearly 25,000 needed to force a recall election. mayor sheng thao has to she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground backers blame the mayor for everything from firing a popular police chief to losing the oakland a's a surge in crime. it is just mind boggling that anybody could try to support this. the mayor points to oakland police, crime stats indicating crime is down 17% over the last 3 years and down 34%. when you compare last year to this year. but recall backers maintain that is not true.
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they claim people are just not reporting crime anymore. part to the people who've been victims of crime. talk to the people, some of whom have just not just given even reporting in a statement, mayor thao pontto her successes and says every day i fight to create a better safer oakland, regardless of the naysayers or negativity, i will continue that fight because the progress we're making makes it all worth it. we will not be distracted by the politics of out of town, billionaires, a special interests and i will continue to work every day for oakland's interests. once the signatures are verified, it moves on to the oakland city council. >> backers of the recall are hoping to have this election scheduled in november. if towers recalled in a special election will need to be scheduled to pick her replacement. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> and ahead at 12, 30 mayor thao joins us live to talk about the recall effort. her plans to balance the city's budget and much tore. so stay with us. now, police san
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francisco are looking for suspects in connection to racist graffiti found outside of city hall. graffiti happened overnight and is now covered up. mayor london breed says what happened is disgusting, but unfortunately not surprising. >> public space of inclusion and equity in place that also feel welcome to come for any particular purpose. and we will never tolerate any discourse or any hay like what we're experiencing now, this is not unfamiliar to me. i do with deal with this every whether it's, you know, things that have said on social media as well as e-mails that i received that describe is exactly what was on this wall or even in front of my own home where they've been spray paint, such sadly consistently. >> investigators are reviewing surveillance video. anyone with information is asked to please call the san francisco sheriff's office. a south bay
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man spoke to kron 4 from his hospital bed after being brutally attacked at a vta station just a week ago. kristin chenoweth remains hospitalized with multiple injuries he says he was going for a bike ride when a stranger randomly assaulted him. >> no words were exchanged and then even give him a dirty look or it's just really scary. he knocked me to the ground was beating me. i don't know if there was a weapon or not, he was beating and he would let me go. >> that attack captured in this surveillance video. there. it happened at the vta station near the children's discovery museum in san jose. the suspect 26 year-old andrew perez barricaded himself at his home after the attack. police later arrested him. perez faces an attempted murder charge. investigators added that perez also tried to attack another person before targeting chenoweth. china was says he suffered multiple gashes to his face cuts to his legs and arms and a fractured vertebra. and because of that,
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he will have to be in a brace for 6 weeks. his supporters started a gofundme page on his behalf and you can find a link to that on our website. kron 4 dot com. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero. we are seeing some nice blue skies as well as a breeze. right. gorgeous out there. and one more day of some very warm temperatures, particularly inland, not as warm as yesterday, though, but >> heat advisory and warnings go through this evening until midnight for the heat advisory. but this will be the last day of some of these really wild temperatures inland. now, you can see that we've got that breeze going, which means that marine layer is able to move in a little bit into the coast in the bay, at least. and that is keeping us cooler in san francisco. 59 degrees. oakland at 64 san jose warming up though, it's 79 and you can see we've got, you know, mid 80's already. also the upper 80's in livermore, concord and santa rosa in the low 80's half moon bay, where we've got the clouds right now from that marine layer. nice and cool out there at 57 degrees. little bit of a breeze happening. and as we go
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through the day, we should start to see the direction of this kind of shift to more of an onshore flow across the board. as a poster right now, we've got a little bit in spots and not in but that is what's ultimately going to bring in that cooler air mass so well yesterday we had a high of 102, and conquer one a one in livermore, napa san rose up to we get into the low 90's, by the way, in san jose to yesterday, oakland got up to 85 in san francisco to 76 today will be a very different day for many of us because temperatures dropping, as you can see. precipitous writes san francisco now just looking at for 62 and said 76 yesterday and that triple digit heat becomes 90's for spot like antioch, looking up around 93 for you. and of course, we live to the north bay. we see some more palatable 80's. same story down in the south bay and around the bay itself, 60's and 70's. so much more close to where we should be. but tomorrow will be even more of that. that has everything to do with this. this is the marine layer. you can see it kind of hanging out right here at the golden gate bridge, though, as far as this is able to push inland. that's as far
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as those cooler temperatures can go. and today it didn't quite make it inland to spots like livermore concord. but tomorrow, i think you will start to see a little bit of that so we will be hanging on until then. i'll be back in a little bit. we're going to talk about what's happening with some of the fire danger that's been going on and the weather conditions around that today. back to important information there. thanks so much. the animal rights group in defense of animals spoke out today at a board of supervisors meeting against giant pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. >> the group cites past animal deaths, endangerment issues and a history of infrastructure problems at the zoo. mayor breed is asking supervisors to allow city departments to fundraise. 25 million dollars to create a new enclosure for the pandas from china. but supervisor and mayoral candidate joseph, it has already spoken out against the move and center and several animal rights groups say they agree with him. >> another dead whale has washed up in east. bay mammal center says this 30 foot gray
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whale was first spotted floating in the bay east of timber on monday washed ashore in richmond yesterday morning. the will was towed to angel island where it will be examined to determine the cause of death. this is the second doug gray whale to wash up in the bay area so far this year. another mountain lion spotted in the south bay. this latest one in san jose marking the 3rd sighting in the past month. kron four's michael thomas is in san jose with the details. >> residents in the south bay neighborhood say was last night when the big cat was spotted. it was just relaxing on the sidewalk before it got up and started roaming around. screams of fear were heard at around 9 o'clock wednesday night in south san jose near ellon drive-in war admiral way. the reason? well, a mountain lion was roaming the streets and miguel serrano says it was near his yard. >> the hero one person gave us oh, yeah. and then i that, you
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know, police come into like a things with that. own pocket to that house 9-1-1. was called in san jose. police arrived shortly after. but the big cat was not found even after an hour of searching the neighborhood. it that the club die. the speaker, you know anybody's the zion and say the house does that when those going and know in miami in. >> this is the 3rd sighting in the last week for the south bay. the first was last wednesday. may 29 over in milpitas near fairmont away at a mobile home park. you can see that big cat jumping the wall and searching the area. police were called then too. but that big cat was not found either. so if you do encounter a mountain lion, but remember to stay calm, do not run. stand your ground, maintain eye contact and try to appear as large as possible. and of course, call 9-1-1. so if you are in south san jose in this neighborhood, officials say you really should be aware. and of course, if you do see one call 9-1-1.
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>> that's a very latest reporting here in san jose and michael thomas will send it back to you in the studio. >> coming up, more about the first document to human death tied to bird flu. how the world health organization is responding. plus. >> not quitters everybody remain very optimistic. >> francisco restaurant officially opens its doors but only after it suffers a $15,000 theft. we go inside. see after the break. and firefighters are injured battling flames in the north bay. the latest developments on the crystal 5.
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>> in the north bay, fire crews continued to battle a grass fire in saint helene up that blaze, injuring at least 4 firefighters. kron four's will tran is on scene with the latest. >> we don't see any visible flames at this particular time. but hot spots will be a problem at least for the next day or so. you can see the hillside there and it is still smoldering. let me show you some video that i shot a little bit earlier this morning. firefighters, they had their briefing and then they came right back up on the hillside. and you can see so many of them going up there because it's only 65% contained. so containment numbers did not go up in the overnight hours. i can tell you it started at around one 40 yesterday afternoon. let me
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show you video of it. napa county, obviously very sensitive to fires because this place had to do mass evacuations just a couple years ago, they threw everything at it, including tackling it from the air for firefighters were hurt. but fortunately, it appears that they should make a full recovery. it was the steep terrain not to mention the incredible heat that added to the injuries as far as the crystal fire defensible space sayed year by wineries and they were able to make sure it did not spread to other parts of napa county and saint. let me show you video of a fire that took place just a couple of days before that the tracy fire. this is the corral fire that happened on saturday and quickly exploded. in fact, it's now around 15,000 acres. but fortunately, 92% contained. they had to do evacuations and that is worth
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mentioning because it is so rare for cal fire to evacuate anybody on june. first couple of days after that, the livermore fire that was only a couple of dozen acres. but you get the point. this is one to 3 as far as fires over the span of 5 or 6 days or so. as far as the saint. helene, a fire here. the crystal fire, the cause of the fire still under investigation today. not as hot as it was yesterday, but make no mistake about it. it is hot. it is smoldering to the point where there is an air advisory for the bay area. so if you're breathing, is compromise, it's probably because of this fire. >> next, crystal fire burned very close to a winery, still working to bounce back from the 2020 class fire aaron jordan, the owner of fatal mine says the flames spared his property this time, but it was tol close for comfort. >> ignition point of the glass fires frighteningly close to the ignition point of this fire. that they were within. i
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mean, i have a map in front of me, but i mean, a mile of each other, maybe i it's ominous to me. it would be the word that comes to mind when you have a fire like that in june, burning that's already burned that long ago. >> jordan also praised cal fire with how quickly the crews responded to the blaze. he suggested the property owners clean up their land now and make sure that their fire ready. people forced to evacuate during the corral fire raised concerns about community safety. residents from the tracy hills development demanded their city build a retaining wall to block future fires. they also called on the city to connect the back roads from the development. 2 main roads outside of the community to create a new evacuation route. and in alameda county, the patterson grass fire, which grew to 95 acres in size is now 100% contained. cal fire says it broke out just after 4 monday afternoon near the altamont pass wind farm
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substation, high winds and dry grass led to the fire spreading. the cause is under investigation. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at walnut creek. what we are seeing some nice blue skies out there. and of course, some warmer weather likely. let's check in now with cuyler who is also breakdown of the conditions of firefighters are up. and that's right. because everything to do with how they're able to get some containment on the fire and want to start crystal fire. and just take a look at this because conditions today, obviously a little bit better than yesterday in the sense that our temperatures are not quite as warm. >> having said that, you can see in and around this, you know, pope valley, 92 degrees. 82 in saint helena. wind is not bad, though. it is out of the but as we kind of take a look at the future, wind gusts and we look at this in the afternoon, it is going to picking up as we get through the afternoon and the evening. so that will make things a little bit more difficult for them. what make things like little bit easier for them is these temperatures are coming off of these wild highs that we've had. so you can see how about 14 degrees cooler in a spot like napa and even in
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nevada than we were this time yesterday and check out san francisco that's really dropped at 16 degrees less than we were this time yesterday. so here's current temperatures, san jose 79 degrees. we're at 60 in downtown san francisco, 81 in concord. so there is some warfare in the inner east bay for sure. 83 and fairfield, as you can see as we head up towards napa and sonoma temperatures, you know, really mild right now. 82 in santa rosa. we're getting a little more sunshine. they're so we're starting to see the school data you may think of heading to the coast. but remember, we're still under the influence of this northwest swell that has come in and expecting 8 to 15 foot breaking waves today. and i think more importantly, that risk of sneaker waves, which you got to look out for, that is throughout today. i did just check. waves are about 11 feet high at this hour. so all of this heat has been courtesy of high pressure which was sitting off the coast. then it move right on top of us. and now you can see it's tracking over towards the 4 corners. as we zoom out, you see a little low pressure there that is set to roll into what that means is we are going to see these temperatures pull back even more as we head towards the
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weekend. this is when looking at right and let folks a few who could see some low 90's today roll into the 80's tomorrow and then low 80's for saturday and sunday. but you see on the other side of that are going look at our 7 day forecast. real quickly, the warm-up that's coming again as we head into next week now does not look as extreme as the warm-up we had this week, but it is just a brief pause before we see these temperatures start to go above average again as we head into monday. all right. cuyler, thank you so much. a new restaurant in san francisco finally opened its doors a week after suffering a $15,000 theft kron four's lezla gooden reports nearly a week ago as the pack sf was set to open its doors as one of the newest restaurant in hayes valley. that was until themes broken hours before the opening, stealing thousands of dollars worth of alcohol and cooking supplies. fact might have gotten a little higher said before. >> as far as what we have and what's this even you know, where we're getting a dorsal. and but we're about to 2025
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you know, we're not countinh loss business. >> chef george howell. we need the owner says this was a setback for them, but he and his team have been working 14 hour days to officially open on wednesday. that. >> we're not everybody remain very optimistic, enthusiastic. we believe location. believe in in the business model, adding the support from neighbors and the community was a welcome surprise to him. his team. so one thing to take the welcome 2 hayes valley and how it's very strong martian association strong that ball, which mean all the motions and the community as a whole george says they are still in the process of replacing those stolen items and are working with police but says he hopes people remember them for their cuisine in san francisco lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> trevor shirley in washington. president joe biden gives remarks at the
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>> well, your health this afternoon, youtube is changing up its policies banning videos that show how the suit safely remove devices from firearms. the company says it is working to keep underage users from accessing these videos. youtube also plans to restrict video showing handmade guns, automatic weapons in certain firearm accessories like silencers to viewers 18 and older, the changes go into effect. june 18th. for your health. the first human to contract. the bird flu has
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died. that's according to the world health organization. the 59 year-old man died in april of mexico after developing a fever, shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and discomfort. it's still unclear how he was exposed to the virus. scientists say the death is unrelated to the outbreak in the u.s.. and for your money this afternoon, the diamond industry seeing a major decline in demand is lab grown diamonds and other gemstones grow in popularity, diamond prices dropped nearly 6% so far this year and more than 30% since their all-time high in 2022, that's according to sub in skis. rough diamond index. experts say the main driver behind the decline is the preference for lab grown diamonds. those diamonds can be up to 85% cheaper than natural diamonds. experts say half of engagement ring stones will be lab grown this year. costco announced plans to stop regularly selling books. the company plans to only sell books from september through december for holiday shoppers. costco says this is due to the
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amount of labor involved. books are stocked by hand and need to be replaced frequently as new books pull out. coming up next here on kron, 4 news at noon. oakland mayor sheng thao joins us live to talk about her plans to balance the city's budget. >> plus, the latest on the oakland ballers and her response to the recall response to the recall campaign against her. did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak.
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show off to the world. ask your child's eczema specialist about dupixent. right. welcome back. let's talk a bit about our forecast as we take a live look outside at sfo. >> let's check in now with kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan for a bit on. tornadoes
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are keeping an eye on. that's right. so this was yesterday. i want just talk about this. you may have heard about this, this tornadoes that rolled through parts of michigan where there was one fatality into ohio and then. >> kind of oddly right through baltimore. so this is washington, with the suspect yesterday. you can see the storms rolled through and all of these are reports of tornadoes in all. 22 reports came in. it looks like there may have been, too, can tornadoes. they're still working to confirm all of that. but just some extreme weather. you can see the you know, this was a report of a tornado crossing. i-95, which is the main north-south corridor on the east coast. trees down, power lines down. and in one instance that i saw there were reports of houses that had trees roll right through them as some of the videos. pretty incredible. but i'm happy to say that at least right now things are looking a little bit better. although you do see that there is still a severe thunderstorm watch in all of this area from norfolk, virginia, right on up to the jersey shore right now. so they go through the afternoon and evening. still looking out for the possibility of some of those to become what's known
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as severe thunderstorms, which are generally storms that could have a little rotation in them. and that's where you start to get tornadic storms that come out of those are no tornado watches or warnings out right now, though, however, but there are heat warnings and heat advisories all across the west coast. as we bring this back to the west coast, you can see where all of this should be set to expire for us around midnight tonight. everyone else around that time as well. you can there's still plenty of heat in the center of the state right now. we're at 98 degrees in bakersfield. 97 in fresno are doing a little bit better. certainly as you come towards the coast for the simple reason that the marine layer is impacting the weather. so 73 in los angeles, you can see sfo coming in at 62 degrees. and it's just because of this, right? we're at half moon bay gone are the blue skies that we've been seeing and instead replaced by the cloudy skies that are out there. but of course, that has been the thing that has cooled us down as well. current temperatures right now half moon bay, 54 degrees 60 in downtown san francisco. antioch, however, still rolling up into those low 90's. you can see at 91 79 san jose, but 82 in santa
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rosa, i'll be back a little bit. we'll talk about our 7 day forecast and where we go from here. alright, sounds great. thanks so much. and we're joined live now by oakland, mayor sheng thao to talk about the major headlines coming out of her city. good afternoon to you. good afternoon. all right there. so let's start off with the oakland ballers, the city's brand-new professional baseball team. they just had their first home game. >> so mayor, can you set the scene for us? we know you were there. what was it like? >> you know, electrifying. i join all oaklanders and welcoming the ballers to their new home at raimondi park in west oakland. you on the park has a rich history with the baseball greats like frank robinson kurtz lead. you know, these folks came through that park and what we also saw was it's it's a full switch. when i took office, that was the site of the largest northern california encampment. and so what we have been able to do with community with private businesses and the government, my office specifically, this is the fruit of that labor.
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and so we see that things can get done in the city of oakland. it's wonderful to hear that positive news done to really just to learn about the huge community. >> response to this game. >> you know, at the end of the day, folks haven't yet gone to a same. i implore you to go the feeling there. you're going to be, you know, you're going to feel the community of oakland. what oakland is about. again, there's no stopping us if we all come together and we work together. this is about not just speaking about what we're going to do, but literally this is the action that we take. and this is a huge success for the whole city for west oakland community that has had high pollution rates, you know, for so many years and have been quite honestly forgot about by previous politicians and investors. and so we're happy for this. but we're also happy for what's happening in deep east. with the coliseum as well. >> all right, wonderful. so let's talk a bit about that. so tying that into your proposed budget for next year. your council does have until
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july 1st to pass a balanced budget. so walk us through how this coliseum sale comes into play with all of that. >> well, you know, for me it's about it's been a long time coming. the development. the coliseum is a huge win for east oakland, the city and the region. you know, for far too long is the same situation where we seen politicians come and go, investors come and go and yet nothing is done on a site that is so deeply needed. the resources in the development on that site. you know, i know there was talks about a coliseum city at one point, but never came to fruition is for me, i'm all about making sure that we can get things done for the city of oakland in its constituents. and this is what we're talking about. we're working scg actual local investor that is black on who are going to with the community to ensure that we have a minimal amount actual threshold regards affordable housing, making sure the east oaklanders can remain in that space. as we're developing. not just that but really
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invest for the community. this is exciting news. you know, again, for far too long east oakland has been forgotten about. and this administration here is here to say we've got your so how will the sale of the coliseum affects the of the of the budget proposal? >> you it's just lined up a kind of right in time. and so we're able to, you know, utilize some of those funds to help with large budget deficit, you know, still stemming from the pandemic. and so with that being said, we still have some structural deficit that we have to really plan on addressing as we move forward in. this is why we're starting that budget discussion. the biannual budget discussion usually starts in january, but we're starting that in september of this year. we know there's a lot of work that needs to be done. a lot of hard discussions, but i do believe by starting early and having these early on conversations about the reality of our budget and making sure that we can move that forward is going to be in trouble regards the city success. this is also why
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we, you know, are investing into entertainment industry in regards to getting the initiative for our film initiative to come up and about this will be a driving force to create new money's not just only for the city government, but new monies regards to direct funding to our local businesses. got it. and how do you plan to invest in say crime prevention with the new budget and also respond to concerns about potential job cuts related to it. absolutely. those that's a great question. you know, of course, that budget still needs to be passed. the city council level. i'm all constituents to call their councilmember email them to say support the mayor's budget because we fully fund department about prevention. we fully fund the ceasefire program that has shown to work to actually deter and actually attacked the crime issue that we had last year and the year before that. i mean, the crime is actually down by 33% across the whole city. and then by about 17% within the last 3 years. so with that being said, it is working to
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strategy is working. so we're not going lead off of the gas pedal right now. of course, there were talks about possible layoffs insulin. these tough decisions happened. you got to lead with your values. and that's exactly what we did. i know that many of our workers live in this city. and so it was a important aspect of mind to ensure that there are no layoffs of city staffers and that we continue this conversation for negotiations. but at the same time, you know, our fire departments there, there's no branding out our fire departments and are police academies will move forward so we can retain our officers. foot patrols will be out there. investors will be funded. and so it's a strong budget with, you know, and what we did was we really look at the different positions in the city and that's where we cut is like we froze a lot of positions that were not fielder. eddie, and that's how we were able to create that cost savings. thank you for breaking that down for us. mayor now. well, we have you here. we like to ask you about the proposal to change the name of oakland's airport. how do you feel about the argument
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that that name change could actually be confusing for travelers? you know, at the end of the i know that this is issue for many people and it's it's causing some concern. however, you know, the city of we are actually autonomous and the port of oakland. they have their own governing board or what have you so i am very supportive in regards to making sure that oakland it remains a strong partner regards to our airport airport. i think that all it is is just making sure people know where oakland is where local oakland is located in that in the san francisco bay area. okay. there is, of course that trademark lawsuit pending from the city of san francisco. is that a point of concern at all for you? >> you know, that is going to be again, the port of oakland in the airport. they have a their own governing boards. and so that's the situation that they're dealing with. and it doesn't truly impede upon the city. >> also, we want to touch on another big headline, of course, which is the recall
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campaign against you. your opponents say that, you know, they have enough signatures to get this recall on the ballot in november. is this a point of concern for you? >> you know, at the end of the day, whether it's rebuilding raimondi park in west oakland, investing directly in getting that huge win, you know, or also, you know it to invest into east oakland for the coliseum area. you know, all of this is coming into fruition is so no matter what you know, naysayers say or, you folks who are trying to recall you know, i think at the end of the day we were able to reduce crime by 33% overall crime across the board, right? we're doing what we know. make sense. we're do. we're making progress. oakland is turning a corner in lists. reminded many of these issues had started way before my tenure. and so within that short one and a half year that we've been in office, we've done so much already in west oakland, in east oakland. and so i know that we're stronger together and i floor everybody that we should work together to ensure that we have a
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better and say for oakland for all. >> all right, mayor, thank you for that. as we wrap things up here, we wanted point out something that you've mentioned earlier, which is this push that you're making to encourage more movies to be made in oakland. so how close are we to seeing maybe the next blockbuster films in the town? >> you know, i'm crossing my fingers for as soon as in the fall. but of this is all-inclusive in the budget. and so we can see that, you know, something like you know, the starz series by spotting, which is set oakland if they found 100% oakland, we're talking about 80 million dollars into the revenue will be injected into the city of oakland. and so we're hoping early in the fall, but it all depends on weather. the city council approves the budget as it is. and you know, so i just say stay tune and we're hopeful that we can start doing the bring in the film industry starting in the fall, which again, this book are 8
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in larger revenue stream for the city of oakland so we can stop going after this property tax. you know, we have to give those who live here a break. and that's really the initiative is thinking outside the box to say, how can we curry in larger a revenue generation here in the city of oakland. this is what this project. all right. we will definitely be stay to do that. thank you so oakland mayor sheng thao for your time. >> thank you. >> all right. today marks 80 years since soldiers stormed the beaches of normandy, france eventually bringing into world war. 2 on june 6, 1944, allied forces came from land, sea and air to liberate nazi-occupied western europe. the operation was given the code name overlord and delivered 5 naval assault sta 5 beaches in normandy. world leaders and veterans gathered at one of the landing areas for a ceremony earlier this morning. and this is omaha beach where you can still find german bunkers to this day. washington correspondent
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trevor shirley reports on how those in normandy remember this day. the president was joined by other world leaders along with dozens of veterans who are part of the invasion. >> the president, the first lady arrived at the american cemetery in normandy earlier this morning. they met one-on-one with veterans who served in world war. 2, many of whom took part in the d-day invasion at the cemetery overlooking the d-day beaches. the president reminded the world to never forget what happened. there. his remarks touched on the history of the moment and the importance of democracy. the anniversary comes amid the biggest ground war in europe since world war. 2 president biden urged those listening to remember the sacrifices made at normandy per not far off from the time last boy says those who fought i'm glad i d day will no longer be with us. >> so we have a special obligation. cannot allow what happened here. be lost the silence of the years to come. must remember, must and live
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>> the president heads back to paris later on today. but then he returns to normandy tomorrow to give a speech on the importance of democracy reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. kron. 4 news celebrating pride month with a look back at the life and legacy of harvey milk are michael thomas speaks with a man who worked closely with milk. >> and they reflect on the progress that's been made and the work that still needs to the work that still needs to be done. that story coming up.
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kron 4 is celebrating pride month and today we're spotlighting lgbtq+ icon harvey milk. >> the first openly man elected to public office in california, a terminal in san francisco international is named after him. kron four's michael thomas reports from sfo. >> harvey milk help change the world when it came to rights. and now decades later, will his legacy is shining like a beacon of love here at the harvey milk terminal at san francisco airport, welcoming travelers and sending them off with a message of hope. moment that his colleagues from the 70 say they never could have imagined for some. the name harvey milk doesn't ring a bell. my first time i came here. francisco travelers like abdul say they got an unexpected history lesson at the harvey milk terminal discovering how in 1977 harvey milk became the first openly man elected to public office by winning a seat on the san francisco board of supervisors just a year before his assassination. and these highlighting moments are special for activists. allen
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klein, who worked with harvey in the 70's telling me the terminals tribute in education on the walls still shock him. a terminal at san francisco airport named after is kind of amazing photos on the wall in the terminal. have clients friends protesting any still remembers when harvey asked him for help almost 50 years ago, called me up and you had such a successful. >> then if the you need to let's do to raise money to fight the brakes initiative which he helped defeat. he says the castro was a place of community where everyone knew your name. >> harvey was a politician. he was also a person you could talk to. >> you know, it wasn't like he was under patton story, but he was also on a soapbox fighting for rights. in reality he never lived to see this terminal is just a small glimpse of a klein says they fought for. >> and having this story at a place where thousands pass through not only educate people, but also even start a conversation at home, which is what this traveler says is
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needed. even if you're not like or whatever, identifying as, something like that, having that is something that >> it's visible and like easily seen, i think it never hurts his. and while many things have changed, some of the lgbt community continue to fight for equal rights as to what harvey may think today. well, around how we've come. >> but also taken aback by this. still so much hatred like against trans people. >> well, there's still a lot of work to be done in the lgbtq+ community. the ideas that you lsave. san francisco airport with a message of hope for the future. that's a very latest reporting here at san francisco airport. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you in the studio. >> and be sure to join us on thursday. june 27th at 06:30pm, for our pride special hosted by our own john shrable and rob nesbit. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge, which looks to be a bit obscure for
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doubt there. kyla, right? it's bad. >> at half moon bay here confirming that the marine layer has been on the move today and obviously that is very helpful when you've been dealing with extreme heat. so temperatures have been falling and that's a good thing. i think for most of us. one more day of heat, though, if you are inland, we are looking out for those 80's and potentially a few low 90's out there. but it will be few and far between today compared to yesterday we had triple-digit heat that marine layer expanding, providing additional cooling as we get into the next couple of evenings and pretty seasonal through the weekend. but then next week we'll see that marine layer compress again. and we are once again to be warming up. so let's talk about where we are right now. 70 degrees in palo alto, 79 and san jose and fremont 58 out of but you can see there's a little more warmth as you head inland. 83 in fairfield, 72 in sonoma. pretty cool there in about 82 in santa rosa. so, you know, compared to 100 degrees yesterday are 102 like in concord yesterday. this is all right. we are getting that breeze will start to see that on shore flow actually started to see this direction. turn already an
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indication of that marine layer rolling in. so that's a good thing. and yes, you see that the golden gate bridge, that's always my telltale sign as to what's going on with the marine layer on any given but it is not too pervasive today. so we still do have these heat warnings and advisories that are up that goes through midnight tonight. so once we get into this evening, we will be done with this little round of heat and indication that we're making progress. here is how much different the temperatures heart for 24 hours ago to now, nevada, 18 degrees cooler. so there you go. we're cooling it down. folks stormtracker 4 showing we still got some pretty nice skies. there is still that marine layer hanging out at the coast. but as we zoom out, you can see that high pressure now sitting over the 4 corners and set of right on top of us. so as that tracks the way we also cool down now, what happens next? well, as we get into the next couple of days, little low pressure, kind of putting some pressure on the high pressure to make a roll away. but then as we get into next week, here comes another one. another ridge of high pressure rolling in. so that means that this is a bit of a short-lived cooldown, but it will be pretty cool as we head
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towards the weekend, low 80's for inland spots. and then as we get to monday, we're going back to upper 80's and low 90's. so not wildly hot like it was this week, but still certainly well above average. all right. great to know. thanks so much. and veteran mini camp continued for the forty-niners on wednesday. kron. 4 sports reporter aaron wilson reports. one of those bits, of course, was not present. he has a present the entire time that tas and mini-camp talking about brandon aiyuk. >> he decided to sit out yet again. however, he did post on his social media account on instagram posting to his story. a video of him actually working out it tas day 5. so obviously he's trying to stay active in just waiting on that deal. but according to so reports, there has been no progress when it comes to a deal between brandon aiyuk and the niners. on the other hand, a lot of progress when it comes to a few other guys. trent williams did show up. he was at the practice field. and of course, everyone was excited to see him. meanwhile, who found actually spoke with us. he told us that, although
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he did have to undergo acl surgery and he is a recovery that give or take he is looking to possibly be back for the season opener. that's his hope. and that's his goal. mean, wow. the biggest thing that people notice that lease us from the sideline with the fact that brock purdy, you know, coming into this season, it's finally his job and it's his job to lose that being say yet last season. if you remember sam donald in the room. was also a couple o1 other guys that were check or e through to figure out who was going to be the actual qb one because brock purdy was recovering from the injury at this time. and it shows in his demeanor out there on the field here. if you guys talking about it, but then us is media members also notice that he just seems to be a lot more confident this time around headed into this season. then we've seen him in offseason workouts. that being said, take a listen to what your in banks had to say about what he's picked up on his quarterback. kind of came in with the certain confidence in kind of swagger.
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>> you see and i think he's kind of just started to kind of dove into the more years he's you know, started quarterback but i'm excited to see. you know, brooke, puts out there this year. i think he's really confident think he started to take, you know, leadership. all the one thing us is that in the meeting as intense, you know, as far as his work ethic in the weight comes work every day as the been the same for day one, when you first got here, though, tas 2 years ago to now. >> a lot to look out for a lot to keeping tabs on. but i'll toss it back to you in the city of renown. erin wilson at levi's. all right, aaron, thank you. coming up next year at noon, what's driving the most popular baby names in 2024. 2024. >> we take a look.
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>> on this day in history, a beloved tv series aired for the first time. plus, the nba was founded news nation's nick smith takes a look back. >> today is june 6 also known as national drive-in movie did you know the very first drive-in movie theater opened on this day in 1933, it was also a big day for the windy city of chicago's elevated looped rain line known as the began operating in 1944. d-day occurred where allies stormed normandy coast. the national basketball association, aka nba, was found. and the ed sullivan show air for the very last time. you know, that sound the video game in 1998.
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the world was introduced to first season of and the city star sarah jessica parker, which became one of the most popular and influential television series of the late 90's and early 2010 police shot became the first african-american win 20 award for best actress. >> her performance in a raisin in the sun. >> new data finds the most popular baby names in be influenced by pop culture. some of the most popular names have fantasy influence with names like zendaya's character from do climbing more than 3300 spots in popularity for girls and bridgerton is also having its moment with the 33rd most popular girl name being penelope and women's basketball is leaving its mark as well with caitlin jumping almost 1600 places for girls and clark going up 15 spots for boys. that will be off from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. remember to take good care of yourselves today?
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1:00 pm
>> welcome to live in the bay, everyone. and thank you for spending your afternoon with us. i'm jessica wills today. we have a very special show as we take a look back at some memories where we discussed food pairings, live music,


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