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tv   KRON 4 News at 2pm  KRON  June 6, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT

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>> to responding to this recall effort, what oakland mayor sheng thao just told us here on kron 4 now that the effort to remove her from office has cleared a huge hurdle and a rally san francisco to welcome former president donald trump to the bay area. why at least one person there says last week's guilty verdict was the
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decision maker for his support. plus, in the past week we've seen a number of wildfires pop up in the bay area. so is this a sign of things to come? we will hear from an expert. station. >> news. 2. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 2. i'm justine waltman. we're going begin with the latest on the wildfires that are burning right now. crews again battling that crystal fire and napa county yesterday afternoon and saint helene at right near the intersection of crystal springs road and silverado trail. that fire has burned 60 acres. it is 75% contained right now. 4 firefighters were hurt in this and the fire to destroy one building and the crown fire burning in san joaquin county has burned more than 14,000 acres. it is 98% contained. that wildfire started saturday afternoon near lawrence livermore, national laboratory. the wildfire did not threaten the labs
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facilities because the flames spread away from the site. the cause of the fire is under investigation. and these 2 fires have crews on their heels and sounding the alarm today. fire season is here. kron four's terisa stasio has the story. >> the summer is here. there grasses are the most receptive to you know, we have a slogan. one less spark, one less wildfire. that's cal fire division chief in incident commander mike wink. >> he spoke to me while at the crystal fire on wednesday. that fire broke out on crystal springs road near silverado trail in saint alina. >> with a swift aaron ground attack, the fire's progress was blunted. now crews are doing mop up duty to prevent hot spots from taking off wanting a uninhabited small out building was destroyed by the fire. >> the other homes that were threatened by the fire had good defensible space. there are hard there are fire resistant in construction materials.
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>> the folks had done what they can do to help just a few days ago, the corral fire erupted near tracy. it is mostly under control now, chief weeks as both were grass fires, which can turn dangerous quickly. it's really too soon to say, you know, we have a lot of technology that we use to monitor fuel moistures in the larger fields, the grass being the most receptive to drying out. hearing the brush models that we monitor regularly and and look for that feel moisture in the ground and in the fuels themselves. the brush feel models are still showing that they're still leveling out there, you know, peaking and going back down towards critical yet. >> the chief says as crews actively monitor brush moisture content throughout the state, he says it is vital residents be wildfire ready to go now that summer and the heat are here. >> you know, we courage folks to go to ready for wildfire
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dot org and look at all those things that you just talked about. your defensible space also have a plan, have a plan. what you're going to do if your areas impacted by there are checklists and ticks. he adds napa county fire and cal fire. law enforcement continue to examine the crystal fire for clues to its cause. theresa kron, 4 news. >> all right. let's talk about our forecast now live. look outside at the marine layer that's coming in over san francisco right now. we're going to check in with our meteorologist kyla grogan with what's happening in napa as those crews are still trying to put that crystal fire out. that's right in county. and you can see kind of where this is just a point of reference basically between saint helena and calistoga. little closer, though, to saint helena. so want to zoom in and talk about the conditions there. and you can see in santa lena 87 degrees. wind not bad, though, under 10 miles per hour. that is kind of the better story of this. but this afternoon we are going to see that wind pick up a little bit. and of course, you can see pope valley 95 degrees. so the further inland you get the higher those temperatures are
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temperatures are one thing when does another. and as you can see over the next few hours, it is going to pick up in this area. so that will be something the firefighters will have to be dealing with. having said that, we are still under this heat advisory until midnight tonight. so temperatures are still an issue. if you are inland. and as we take a look at some of them, you can kind of see where the marine layer made it to and where it didn't. in san francisco. 58 degrees. that's where we've got a little marine layer presence this morning. oakland, 66, but san jose about 79 livermore, 89 degrees, concord, 91 to inner east bay still quite warm today. 82 in santa rosa. we're looking pretty good there. 57 in half moon bay. all right. so this is the sustained wind right now. one of the things that's starting to see is a little bit more of a pronounced onshore flow in some spots. you start to see that westerly flow that brings in the marine layer brings in that cooler moister air mass will very helpful for any firefighting and just bringing our fire danger down in general. so tonight, starting mostly clear as we go into our evening and the overnight
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hours, we will start to see some of that coastal and patchy valley fog develop. temperatures will drop a little bit more because of that. and so that will start to change the profile and certainly can see that as we take a look here at the golden gate bridge were all day. it has been shrouded in a little bit of cloud cover will be back in a bit. we'll talk more about our extended forecast with the weekend holds back to you. thank you. not a big story. we're following the group looking to recall oakland mayor sheng thao says it has now collected enough signatures to force a recall election. >> at a news conference yesterday afternoon, the group said they had turned in more than enough signatures to meet the threshold to force a recall election. backers of this recall are blaming the mayor for firing a popular police chief. also losing the oakland a's a surge in crime and more. mayor thao joined us during kron. 4 news at noon today and defended her record no matter what you know, naysayers say or, you folks who trying to recall you know, i think at the end of the day we were able to reduce crime by 33%.
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>> overall crime across the board, right? we're doing what we know. make sense. we're do. we're making progress. oakland is turning a corner in lists. reminded many of these issues that started way before my tenure. and so within that short one and a half year that we've been in office, we've done so much already in west oakland, in east oakland and so i know that we're stronger together and i floor everybody that we should work together to ensure that we have a better and say for oakland for all. >> the group oakland united to recall sheng thao are house is calling talent, incompetent and dishonest. mayor. they say she needs to be removed from office as soon as possible. >> mayor sheng thao has to she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground. it is just mind boggling that anybody could try to support this. mayor. >> the signatures still need to be verified backers of the recall are hoping to have this
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election scheduled for november. if cow is recalled, then a special election would be needed to a pick. her replacement. the california supreme court today ruling that construction on berkeley's historic people's park will be able to move forward. the high court saying a new law that did in 2021 invalidates claims by 2 local organizations that sued the school. opponents arguing students living in the downtown area without noise, pollution and then already dense area. the projects that off years of protests over that landmark. but california's high court ruled that the university can start construction. uc berkeley is pleased with today's decision adding that the campus is turning its attention now to a time line for resuming construction. the school releasing a statement that reads in part here, we are grateful for the strong and ongoing support. this project has received. the campus is committed to addressing the high cost of low supply of housing close to campus. that undermines students ability to
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thrive, succeed and fully part taken all that the university has to offer. and investigation now underway after a teenager was shot and killed near mission dolores park in san francisco. this happened just after 10 last night on dolores and 18th streets. the person who died is a 19 year-old man supervisor rafael mandelman says he asked the police department to step up its presence around the park. >> it's you know, this is this is a part that does have some public safety challenges. it is just really a pretty safe place and a wonderful place come. we can't live in fear, but people should be aware of their surroundings. >> anyone with information should call police. people that spot a mountain lion roaming around san jose. so this now marks the 3rd south bay, citing just in the last week. it was after 9 o'clock last night that that big cat was spotted live drive. and we're admiral way. the animal also spotted relaxing, they say on the sidewalk before
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starting to make its way through yards. a resident tells us he heard the commotion carrying on throughout the neighborhood. >> one person gave us oh, yeah. and then out there that, you know, the police come into like a things with that. own pocket to that house. >> so last wednesday in milpitas, a big cat was caught jumping a while and then searching the area. fair meadow way. that's inside of a mobile home park in both sightings. police were called, but they were not able to locate the animals. officials warning people what to do in case you do encounter a mountain lion first, stay calm. don't run. stand your ground, maintain eye contact and try to appear as large as possible. also call police immediately. donald trump will be in san francisco tonight for a fundraising event for his re-election for president and to welcome the former president supporters held a rally today at marina green kron four's. rob nesbitt was
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there today. he joins us now live in the newsroom with the details and how big of a show out was this today, rob? not a big one. justine, san francisco in california are known for voting blue in presidential elections. so not a lot of people showed up to show support for donald trump today. >> i counted 8 people who gathered with trump flags and maga hats in the parking lot of the marina green today. i asked why so few showed up and they say there are a lot more trump supporters in the city, but they don't like to show up to events like this. when counter protesters show up too no counter protesters that i saw at the marina green, though, whereas trump supporters, what is important to them this election season. they mentioned securing the borders and inflation for travis lewis. it was trump's conviction on 34 felony counts that persuaded him. >> i wasn't for trump for a while, but in the last 3 weeks, especially given the court he's completely won me over is obvious that everything now is designed pop seas ridiculous. honestly,
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it's a disgrace anyone would accept a case like that. i asked the trump supporters if they planned on attending the fundraising event tonight. >> they said no, because it allegedly costs 6 digits to attend. it's also not clear where exactly the location is for tonight's fundraiser reporting in the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron 4 news. rob, thank you so much. >> coming up, we are preparing for pride as volunteers begin installing a signature piece of pride month in san francisco. also why animal rights activists are now speaking out against bringing pandas to the san francisco zoo and why a north bay nonprofit is trying to prevent solano counties, california solano counties, california forever from moving forward.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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it was a big no for solano county's so-called city of the >> prominent nonprofit is formally opposing this east llano county plan. it's a billionaire back ballot measure which approved with which if it is approved, would allow urban development on land that's currently designed for agriculture kron. 4 to explains. >> the non-profit solano land trust says voters should vote no on november ballot measure that would approve the billionaire back development called the east so plan sponsored by the group, california forever. the project is a proposed new town near the travis air force base that could accommodate up to 400,000 new people. at the end of the day, it's the development of this magnitude is just not good for
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>> our agricultural economy is our second largest, largest economy in solano county or the habitat or the slide county and the solano land trust says the proposed development has been pushed ahead with misleading messaging. >> adding that the area in question is not a wasteland or landscape of no value. we can have houses and economic development and we don't have to do it at the detriment of our farm economy, of of helping natural environment and that we can still have open spaces for our community to get outside and enjoy in a statement to kron 4, california forever says in part, quote. >> we are proposing a compact sustainable community where there is no ecological habitat on poor soils with little fire risk. according to official state and county maps. it goes on to say the east plan will bring thousands of jobs, homes and economic opportunity that can benefit all of the diverse communities of solano county urged the community about now
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in november, more than 20,000 solano county voters signed a petition to put the east plan on the ballot. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. all kron. 4 news. >> now to a sign tha month has officially arrived in san francisco. the 29th annual triangle will make its debut right on top of twin peaks this weekend that pink try and call was used by nazis to identify game. and so each year, san francisco reclaims that simple to commemorate people in the lgbtq+ community who have faced discrimination several 100 volunteers are working to install this triangle for a big celebration on saturday. but it will set francisco for the whole month of june as a reminder of this piece of pride history. >> enjoy. it's there to it's a giant in your face educational tool. that's really why it's because people don't know what the thing triangle means. so it's super sized up on the twin peaks of people driving
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by on the freeway over the bridges were safe. what is not and then the looking up and go. so that's what it is. >> the ceremony is set for saturday morning at 10, 30 right on top of twin peaks. there will be some drag queens there. also the freedom band and san francisco mayor london breed. jewish organizations are speaking out after the san francisco pride parade announced it will not be, including in israeli float this year. pride organizers say they value the contributions of jewish people advocating for peace. they say they're being careful not to conflate jewish groups in jewish people living in america with the state of israel. this is coming in response to the war in gaza between israel and hamas. pro-palestinian groups are though being welcomes and the bay area, jewish community relations council says they are disheartened by they put a post on instagram. they said in part we call on sf pride to clarify that everyone including lgbtq+ israelis are welcome at pride. no one
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should be singled out because of their ethnic identity. we did reach out to sf pride to chat about this but have not heard back. the pride parade is going to be held june 30th. a group of jewish students at ucla have now filed a lawsuit alleging civil rights violations over those pro-palestinian encampment on campus. the lawsuit contends civil rights were violated when ucla did not step in to stop activists from blocking jewish students who are trying to get to class library or other offices. the protest against israel's actions in gaza started in april before the encampment was finally dismantled last month. the lawsuit lists uc regents and other university officials. ucla has yet to comment. all right, taking a live look outside here at the embarcadero in san francisco. we got a cruise ship rolling into town cruise into town. we have pilot here now so we can talk about how hot it has been past couple of day. every time i see that ship, i think i
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need to get on that ship and go for vacation. you can always hear the horn. >> leave it. they actually played the love boat theme sometimes. yes, they do. i've heard it. i live close. never get here. it's chemical. hey, let's talk about the highs yesterday. there were wild 102, in concord, one-on-one in livermore. napa got up to 1, 0, one. 99 santa rosa. i should have 92 in san jose. oakland got up to 85 in san francisco. 76 degrees. and then there's today. say hello to our friend, everybody. this is my shot from up in the suit, church tower camera. and generally we can see it's a clear day across the bay and uc san francisco. but we do not see it today because we've got a little marine layer presence. and what that means is that temperatures have been dropping because of this. and boy, it's a big difference. if spot like napa, 18 degrees cooler right now than it was 24 hours ago. but i think that overarching thing here is that entire bay area has cooled down and it's just the beginning of the cool down. 55 out of half moon bay, 79 in san jose. there is still heat out there. livermore sitting at 89 degrees right now. you
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see fairfield inn 87, but downtown san francisco, just it's 60 up in the north bay. it's kind of interesting because we've got low 70's in napa and sonoma that we get 79 in nevada. 82 in santa rosa head up the cloverdale 93 degrees. so microclimates on full display. we also and actually looks like they got this still going on at the coast. have a beach hazard statement. it did just check. and we do have right now about 10, 11 foot high waves. so this is throughout the rest of the day today. so if you are headed to the coast to cool down, just understand that there is some coastal danger. there a risk of sneaker waves so that he has been courtesy of high pressure, this ridge of high pressure that now has moved over the 4 corners as it moves away from us. it allows low-pressure have a little bit of influence over our weather. having said that temperature trends as we look from mount tam, we could see a little more of that marine layer shows that the cooldown is a little bit short lived because it will be cooler this weekend. look what happens we get to next week and the show you really quickly on our extended forecast a little bit more clearly here we start warming up again as we get into monday, tuesday and wednesday. now it doesn't look
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to be as extreme as the heat that we just had. and it is not that long lived. having said that, we're back in it. we get into monday with some above average temperatures. all right. the oakland ballers are going to host there a 3rd home game tonight. and it is set to be historic followers pitcher kelsey, what morris set to start the game against those. >> you high wheelers you will become the first woman to start a game pitching in pioneer league history last night the ballers won their first home game of the season. tonight's game 6.35. at raimondi park oakland. one bay area person has drawn a winning ticket for the powerball. they got 5 matching numbers but missed that jackpot number. the winning ticket worth more than $620,000 drawn at the 7.11 on milpitas boulevard in milpitas. but the jackpot now up to 206 million dollars. the drawings on saturday. so check in with your friends and the p to see if they've got that winning ticket. still ahead,
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california's earthquake early warning system getting major upgrade. we'll explain how it should keep us safe.
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>> the first human to contract the bird flu has died according to the world health organization. this 59 year-old man. had this april and he was in mexico and after developing a fever and shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and discomfort. ended up passing away. it's still unclear how he was exposed to the virus. scientists say that the death is unrelated to the outbreak
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in the u.s.. california's earthquake. early warning system is getting a major upgrade. now people will receive more timely alerts ahead of a large quake in years past hundreds of seismic sensors in the earth would measure quake activity. however, once it got past a magnitude 7 point, oh, those sensors would just become overwhelmed. and so that would delay an accurate reading and that would prevent a timely relay of actual magnitude, which then could cost live. so this update now utilizes gps sensors that measures the first movement. the combination of the 2 allowed more accurate reading some earthquakes much sooner so people can be better prepared. retail giant tjx, which owns tj maxx, marshall's and home goods is now going to equip some of its employees with body cameras in order to try and reduce shoplifting. the company is calling this a de-escalation tactic, adding that people are less likely to
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do something when they're being videotaped. some people are skeptical saying other anti-theft methods would be better. the national retail federation reports more than a 3rd of u.s. retailers are researching the use of body cameras for employees. up next year. why animal rights activists are now speaking out against bringing pandas to the san francisco zoo. >> also, how lawmakers are responding to that. israeli airstrike on a school in gaza that has reportedly killed dozens of people. but first, the biggest stars in nascar now roaring inko the bay area erin wilson is going to join us from the sonoma raceway so us from the sonoma raceway so we can see what's happening ♪ you're the one that i want ♪ nexgard® combo is the only monthly topical that protects against fleas,
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>> nascar fans have a date in wine country this weekend where the cup and xfinity series will battle it out on those winding roads of the sonoma raceway kron four's. erin wilson joins us now live from sonoma with a preview of what's in store. it's a little windy out there. but that can't be bad for racing house out there today. >> testing. cannot i wasn't prepared for that. actually thought it would be a lot warmer here in sonoma than it is today. and of course, it's because of what you just mentioned, the wind. but how exciting that mass car happening in california this season, the one right here at the sonoma raceway. that so exciting, so much for fans to be able to be a part of. and the first thing that they get to experience is obviously the parade that's happening later on at 4.30. and get to that in just a minute. but check out
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to run down of the things look out for its the biggest i've raced fans of the year hreighton. so when you think about it, you can imagine that hotels will be hard to come by, but no big deal, of course, for those diehard fans will be pulling up and camping out in the parking lots around here that have opened up just this morning. a lot of fans, though, here in race, we are usually local didn't there are expected to be a lot of people from far here watch way since comes out victorious each one of is over the weekend. people from pay the nether, though, the netherlands, columbia, new zealand, according a gm that's coming brian flynn. he's a i just mentioned. so obviously tonight. but big next car parade, it's a night now, like that one takes place little better. course, that's when everyone gets the watched regular is bringing in the race card. >> that will be preparing raise over the weekend. it's quite a bit happening that a
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lot going on cnn crew set up right now. there is a lot going on. a happened over years. it's the nola so i think we're in store for a really nice treat myself. and of course, my crew here. you guys all the fans are competitive ice rink is the roadways paid race at the a smooth ride, at least less. tearing up the where on cards both paid. so this it will be exciting to see how breaks down over the weekend thing. >> erin wilson live for us there at the sonoma raceway. thanks so much. and now we'll talk about our forecast as we take this live look outside here in a very foggy golden gate bridge different than it looked yesterday for sure. was in the weather center with details on what's going on
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outside. yeah, i was looking sonoma right now, 70 degrees but hazy and that has everything to do with the fire stuff that's going on a little north of but >> as you can see as we take a look around, pretty nice day out there for most places. but still very warm in the inner east bay. we can see antioch is up to 95 degrees. 91 in concord, obviously much cooler. you had san francisco where it's 60 55 out of half moon bay. so that's about around a lot of the bay area, but head a little bit for the further inland. you can see where the triple digit heat is very much still around 103, in fresno, 102, in bakersfield up and reading right now, 102, and my goodness. phoenix won 10 in las vegas at 109. so that is the high pressure that is sitting right over the 4 corners right now. that is why you see all of these heat warnings and advisories that are up now for us here in the bay area that goes through this evening and then we should be done with it. want take you over the east coast. kind of wild weather yesterday. this started and this i took back to yesterday to show you have these tornadoes are rolling through parts of michigan where sadly a child died when they had a
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tree that fell right onto a house. and then this down in and around. baltimore's. this is washington, d.c., and just north of that, you can see baltimore, maryland. all of these reports rolled right through yesterday and they had 22 reports of tornadoes. it looks like to possibly went through and you can see when you look at the news reports, kind of astounding to see cross. i-95. that's the main i-95 corridor, the highway that goes from north to south right near baltimore, maryland. so something to keep an eye on today because as this kind of went through yesterday today, we still have some reports of some severe weather. thankfully, no tornadoes that we've seen today. but this is all the area in yellow where they have the threat for severe thunderstorms today. i'll le back a little bit. we'll talk more about our bay area forecast. back to you. all right. well, saturday is world ocean day today to think about how to keep the ocean healthy for generations to come. and earlier today i spoke with 2 scuba diver spa. they were under water off the coast of carmel by the sea. >> to learn what we can all do to help the water. stay blue.
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joining us now, state parks, scuba divers, erica de la mayor and patrick webster. they're under water there at whalers co in carmel by the sea. how's it going under there, guys? >> just needed good here. the california state parks are closed or right 5 communicator. patrick, sir? a pretty good time. a point where state for 8 or looking really good. her. so you're going to a lot of stuff floating in the water around but we're really excited to speak with you today for world oceans day. >> at what is it like under there right now? what is the water cold? is it clear? are you are you happy with how healthy the water u.s.? >> i hot over there everybody
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watching at but today is a little bit of our refined. i hear that a lot oil. or anybody on the field, the perfect the water for time year here along the coast at that time, think with a lot of that are turning off the ocean bring their treasure that to the 1st half. think from that is going to grow all of the final point that that's going eventually grow the world that are visiting later and then offer going to supercharge help that we're surrounded by right now. want to turn the camera around and help america. about have a little show and tell about 50 degrees. not 50 degrees. >> they're the just. the waters around water. have a look at the pump here this us. tried help. this. one of
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opponents of the underwater habitat that you see here. well, pretty much wrote. british columbia, alaska not for us. are pundits are coastal egos aside. they were celebrating election day. >> coming up during kron for news at 3 o'clock today, we'll hear what erica and patrick had to say about the health of the ocean all around the bay area. well, they're pretty cute ambassadors from the east to the west, but a plan to get those 2 giant pandas deliver to san francisco from china's not sitting well with everyone. animal rights groups are speaking out today at the board of supervisors meeting against the pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. >> we are deeply concerned by mayor breed's panda plans. giant pandas are living beings not tools to drum up business. boost tourism or wind votes.
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>> mayor london breed asking supervisors to allow city departments to fund raise 25 million dollars to create a new enclosure for the pandas that are coming from china. despite the opposition. the resolution passed by the committee and it will go to the full board of supervisors. >> happening right now, brent, with police are looking for 4 suspects in connection to a fafton ulta beauty store. so we'll take a look now. >> police say these 4 women stole more than $2000 worth of products on may 6th at the store on sand creek road. this is not the first time the stores been targeted back in january. thieves stole. they say more than $7,000 for the products. then $6,000 worth products stolen in march. so anyone with information about the suspects from that most recent theft pictured here should call brentwood police san francisco police are investigating a break-in at a cannabis dispensaries. tz cannabis dispensary located on
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camden drive in the park. where said areas what we're talking about here, the owner's found their glass entrance shattered yesterday morning. we did reach out to police to get some details on what happened so far that we have not heard back. and that without a cease-fire deal, the death toll in gaza continues to rise. there was a deadly israeli airstrike at a un school that's now sparking outrage from humanitarian groups are dc reporter raquel martin has more. >> overnight, israeli strikes killed dozens of palestinians sheltering in a un school in gaza. the united nations relief and works agency says 6,000 displaced palestinians. we're sheltering in the school to many times during this war that has been and and this we got to international humanitarian juliette touma with the un says at least 40 civilians, including 14 children were killed in the blast. that's unacceptable. israel's government says it targeted up to 30 hamas
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militants using the school as a compound that was useful. staging attacks. israeli government spokesman ensor says israel will release the names of the militants killed. they obviously sought to exploit the school and the shot and shell to that. the un says it can not verify israel's claim that hamas militants were hiding inside of the school. >> you would lawyers are demanding more information back in the u.s.. how does this not cross the red line that the president laid out? the u.s. state department says it's awaiting more information about the strike pressing. >> the government, israel, the idf, to be completely transparent. the biden administration says it's focused on securing a cease-fire deal to stop the fighting too. >> start alleviate the suffering that is happening every day in gaza this week, hostage families visited washington to support the cease-fire proposal. it's time up to 8 months drilling to have back malls has not agreed to the terms in washington. raquel martin.
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>> boeing starliner mission is navigating some new issues as it heads off to the international space station following that successful launch, the space agency announced late last night that to helium weeks have been detected on the vehicle. leak was also discovered before yesterday's successful launch and then it was deemed acceptable. officials say the new leaks have been closed and the spacecraft remains stables the astronauts on board are expected to dock with the iss today. they will then spend 8 days tnere. they're also carrying out a very important mission, which is bringing this crucial water pump. >> for the space station's after. >> coming up next year, we're going to celebrate pride month. we'll see. of the state history as we take a look back at the life and legacy of harvey milk. michael thomas is going to talk with a man who worked closely with malcolm. the reflects on the progress that we've made and the work that still needs to be done.
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>> we're not quitters and everybody remain very optimistic. >> san francisco has a restaurant that just officially reopened after it suffered $15,000 worth of. that's going to go inside and that's going to go inside and see how grand opening actually
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it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging.
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>> we're celebrating pride month here on kron 4. and today, lgbtq+ icon harvey milk u.s. front and center. many in the bay area already know his story. but what about people who visit the harvey milk terminal at san francisco international airport today? no, his legacy kron four's. michael thomas went to the
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airport to find out. >> harvey milk help change the world when it came to rights. and now decades later, will his legacy is shining like a beacon of love here at the harvey milk terminal at san francisco airport, welcoming travelers and sending them off with a message of hope. moment that his colleagues from the 70 say they never could have imagined for some. the name harvey milk doesn't ring a bell. my first time i came here. cisco travelers like abdul say they got an unexpected history lesson at the harvey milk terminal discovering how in 1977 harvey milk became the first openly man elected to public office by winning a seat on the san francisco board of supervisors just a year before his assassination. and these highlighting moments are special for activists. allen klein, who worked with harvey in the 70's telling me the terminals tribute in education on the walls still shock him. a terminal at san francisco airport named after is kind of amazing photos on the wall in the terminal. have clients friends protesting any still
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remembers when harvey asked him for help almost 50 years ago, called me up you had a successful. >> then if the you need to break, let's do to raise money to fight the brakes initiative which he helped defeat. he says the castro was a place of community where everyone knew your name. >> harvey was a politician. he was also a person you could talk to. you know, it wasn't like he was on the pedestal but he was also on a soapbox fighting for rights. in reality, he never lived to see this terminal is just a small glimpse of a klein says they fought for. >> and having this story at a place where thousands pass through not only educate people, but also even start a conversation at home, which is what this traveler says is needed. even if you're not like or whatever, identifying as, something like that, having that be something >> it's visible and like easily seen, i think it never hurts his. and while many things have changed, some of the lgbt community continue to fight for equal rights as to
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what harvey may think today. well, around how far we've come. >> but also taken back by this. still so much hatred like against trans people. >> well, there's still a lot of work to be done in the lgbtq+ community. the ideas that yor leave san francisco airport with a message of hope for the future. that's a very latest reporting here at san francisco airport. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you in the studio. >> and make sure you join us thursday, june 27th at 06:30pm, for our pride special this year will be celebrating the beacon of that shines bright across the bay area. the popular pop-up drag performance serious. drag me down town is coming back to san francisco for its second year. the event will help support local businesses in the downtown area. also uplifting the lgbtq+ community. the events are every thursday this month. they are free. they're also be to history bus tours and
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singalongs hosted by sister rome of the sisters of perpetual indulgence. the final drag me downtown performances on june 27th that one. and there's also one of 3.30, in the afternoon. all right. let's talk about our forecast right now. looking outside at the breezy conditions looking out towards the bay bridge here in san francisco. kyle is here now talk about what's going on. are we kind of start to cool down a little? definitely. i mean, there are few spots out there in the 90's, but boy, compared to yesterday. huge difference. huge difference. we're also getting a little sunshine. just little bit of a break there at half moon bay. you can see some folks out there taking a walk. we had. >> some pretty good cloud cover there for good portion of the day, but getting a little break. so that's all right. so mostly inland 80's in a few low 90's out there right now, the marine layer will be expanding this evening rolling in. and that means that we will get some additional cooling as we get into the next few days. and pretty seasonal through the weekend. but next week, a little bit of a warm-up on the way yet again, let's talk about where we are now. 55 in half moon bay. we were just looking 80 in fremont, 89 in livermore. so there's the warmth in the inner east day
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and 86 in concord, downtown san francisco about 60 61 berkeley sonoma. we've got that race going on today. 73 degrees, but you can see it cloverdale there. 94 look at the difference between there. but they give a worse 57 degrees. that's what you call microclimates folks where we get very different temperature profiles not too far away from each other, getting breezy. that's for sure. you do see a little bit of a northerly flow there in san francisco, but you start to see a little bit more of an onshore push out of half moon bay. so thet's where we get that cooler moister air mass that rolls in as we get into the evening. and that really never rolled out. as far as the golden gate bridge has been concern today. it's been shrouded in cloud. so we do still have our heat advisory. that does expire late this evening. so about midnight tonight, then that will start to wrap up and we're going to move on to the next thing, which is to say that we're going continue the cooling. this is the difference in temperatures in the last 24 hours. it is extreme in some spots, particularly the north bay today really dropping down from where we were yesterday looking at triple-digit heat
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or close to it. so they're stormtracker 4. you can see that marine layer is kind of hanging out. and as we zoom out here, you can take a look at the bigger picture and you see the high pressures moved over towards where the 4 corners are. so as that moves away, we start to get cooler. we start to get that marine layer back in and that changes everything. and you can see as we get into the weekend just inland, you know, low 80's instead of triple digit heat. but we do start to warm up again as another ridge of high pressure built for next week. so it's not quite as extreme, but still it s going to be a warm one as we roll into monday, tuesday, wednesday. thank you. kyla. there's a new restaurant in san francisco that just opened its doors nearly a week after thieves got away with $15,000 worth of and equipment. >> kron four's less. the good has the update. nearly a week ago as the pack sf was set to open its doors as one of the newest restaurant in hayes valley. that was until themes broken hours before the opening, stealing thousands of dollars worth of alcohol and
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cooking supplies. fact might have gotten a little higher said before. >> as far as what we have and what's this even you know, where we're getting a dorsal. and but we're about to 2025 you know, we're not counting loss business. >> chef george, how we need. the owner says this was a setback for them, but he and his team have been working 14 hour days to officially open on wednesday. that. >> we're not quitters everybody remain very optimistic, enthusiastic. we believe location believe in in the business model, adding the support from neighbors and the community was a welcome surprise to him. his team. so thing to take the welcome 2 hayes valley and how it's very strong martian association strong that ball, which mean all the motions and the community as a whole george says they are still in the process of replacing those stolen items in a working with police but says he hopes people remember them for their
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cuisine in san francisco lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> for your money this afternoon. the diamond industry is seeing a major decline in demand as lab grown diamonds and other gemstones are growing in popularity. diamond prices have dropped nearly 6% so far this year and more than 30% since their all-time high in 2022, this is according to the rough diamond index. experts say the main driver behind the decline is a preference for these lab grown diamonds. and those diamonds can be up to 85% cheaper than natural diamonds. experts say half of engagement rings stones will be lab grown this year. costco announcing plans to stop selling books regularly. the company plans to only sell books from september through december, really for holiday shoppers. costco says this is due to the amount of labor involved. books are stocked by hand and they need to be replaced frequently as new book start to roll out. new data is
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finding most popular baby names 2024 are being influenced by pop culture. some of the most popular names have sort of a fantasy influence with names like sunday's character from dune climbing more than 3300 spots in popularity for girls. officer bridgerton having its moment. the 33rd most popular name is now penelope and women's basketball. also leaving its mark with kaitlin jumping almost 1600 places for girls. clark also going up 15 spots for boyce. up next, how people in the bay area are honoring the lives lost on d-day 80 years ago. today
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marks 80 years since soldiers stormed the beaches of normandy, france eventually bringing an end to world war 2 and in the south bay, people are paying tribute to the veterans who showed courage and bravery back on june 6th 1944, the moffitt field museum is showcasing d-day. artifacts in the special immersive exhibit that commemorates the d-day landings. >> you know this. this is a a phenomenally important event and world history, not just american history. what we have here is a series of mini vignettes are dioramas the represent anything from the airborne operations that were conducted the night of day with a morning of d-day, a medic displays. we have a world war, 2 jeep here we have a number of artifacts. >> this exhibit will be open today through this saturday, june 8th. we still have a lot
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of news ahead for you here on kron 4 this afternoon. some of the stories we're covering at 3, the not so fast city of the future. why a prominent nonprofit is saying the plan to turn a large portion of solano county into a new town would be more helpful helpful. plus, the mayor of alameda schedule join us live during kron for news at 3 to explain the decision to stop a group of scientists from their controversial experiment that was set to offset global warming. decided to overrule staffs. want to talk to her about that. i'm justine waldman. kron. 4 3 is next.
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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> now at 3, this city of the future coming under fire after a local nonprofit is trying to put a stop to california forever. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. it's this billionaire back development that's promising housing jobs and a lot more at no cost to taxpayers. but there's now a local nonprofit. that's a skeptical this kron. 4 sweet recall has the story. >> the non-profit solano land trust says voters should vote no on november ballot measure that would approve the billionaire back development called the east so plan sponsored by the group,


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