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tv   KRON 4 News at 3pm  KRON  June 6, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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>> now from the area's local news station. this is kron. 4 news at 3. >> now at 3, this city of the future coming under fire after a local nonprofit is trying to put a stop to california forever. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 3. i'm justine waldman. it's this billionaire back development that's promising housing jobs and a lot more at no cost to taxpayers. but there's now a local nonprofit. that's a skeptical this kron. 4 sweet recall has the story. >> the non-profit solano land trust says voters should vote no on november ballot measure that would approve the billionaire back development called the east so plan sponsored by the group,
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california forever. the project is a proposed new town near the travis air force base that could accommodate up to 400,000 new people. at the end of the day, it's the development of this magnitude is just not good for. >> our agricultural economy. it's our second largest, largest economy in solano county or the habitat or the slide county and the solano land trust says the proposed development has been pushed ahead with misleading messaging. >> adding that the area in question is not a wasteland or landscape of no value. we can have houses and economic development and we don't have to do it at the detriment of our farm economy, of of helping natural environment and that we can still have open spaces for our community to get outside and enjoy in a statement to kron 4, california forever says in part, quote. >> we are proposing a compact sustainable community where there is no ecological habitat on poor soils with little fire
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risk. according to official state and county maps. it goes on to say the east plan will bring thousands of jobs, homes and economic opportunity that can benefit all of the diverse communities of solano county urged the community about now in november, more than 20,000 solano county voters signed a petition to put the east plan on the ballot. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> all right. we'll turn now to our wildfires that are burning in and around the bay area. crews began battling that crystal fire and napa county yesterday afternoon in saint helene on near the intersection of crystal springs road and silverado trail. that fire has now burned 60 acres. it is 75% contained. we covered. this is breaking news for you yesterday. we have learned now that 4 firefighters were hurt in that firefight and that fire destroyed one building. the crown fire burning in san joaquin county has burned more than 14,000 acres and is now 98% contained. this wildfire
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started saturday afternoon near the lawrence livermore national laboratory. the wildfire did not threaten the labs facilities because the flames were spreading away from the site. the cause of the fire is under investigation. the 2 fires, though, do have crews on their heels and sounding the alarm saying fire season is here. kron four's terisa stasio reports. take a look. this is new drone video from the chris to fire broke out wednesday along crystal springs road and say molina. >> you can see yourself the charred hillside and how close it came to a home in the area. it's the summer is here. >> there grasses are the most receptive to you know, we have a slogan. one less spark, one less wildfire. that's cal fire division chief in incident commander mike wink. >> he spoke to me while at the crystal fire on wednesday. that fire broke out on crystal springs road near silverado trail in saint alina with the swift aaron ground attack. the fire's progress was blunted.
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now crews are doing mop up duty to prevent hot spots from taking off wanting a uninhabited small out building was destroyed by the fire. the other homes that were threatened by the fire had good defensible space. there are hard there are fire resistant in construction materials. the folks had done what they can do to help just a few days ago, the corral fire erupted near tracy. it is mostly under control now, chief wing says both were grass fires, which can turn dangerous quickly, really, too soon to say, you know, we have a lot of technology that we use to monitor fuel moistures. >> in the larger fields, the grass being the most receptive to drying out. hearing the brush models that we monitor regularly and and look for that feel moisture in the ground and in the fuels themselves. the brush feel models are still showing that they're still leveling out there, you know, peaking and
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going back down towards critical yet. >> the chief says as crews actively monitor brush moisture content throughout the state, he says it is vital residents be wildfire ready to go now that summer and the heat are here. >> you know, we encourage folks to go to ready for wildfire dot org and look at all those things that you just talked about. your defensible space also have a plan, have a plan. what you're going to do if your areas impacted by there are checklists and ticks. he adds napa county fire and cal fire. law enforcement continue to examine the crystal fire for clues to its cause. theresa kron, 4 news. >> summer is here. according to some of the temperatures out there and the marine layer. also here, we're going to check in now with kyle us. we can talk about the weather forecast up there in napa county. yeah, i want to talk about this because this fire now 75% contained and at least we're going in the right direction. as far as the weather is concerned. having
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said that, we have a little breezy condition that's going to pick up this afternoon right now. not bad. you can see is we take a look at santa lena southerly wind about 8 miles per hour. that's great. i like it. we get under 10 miles per hour. that helps firefighters having said that, it looks like we're going to see a little bit of a push of some breezier conditions as we head into the afternoon and evening and then things should get a little better as we get into the overnight. now, we do still have this heat advisory and heat warning that is up throughout the rest of the evening. but i said things are going in the right direction and that is simply because we are starting to cool down a little bit. you can see here in san francisco where we've got some breezy conditions certainly going on. but also we've had a little marine layer presence today and that's helped to keep things a bit cooler. so right now, san francisco, 58 degrees 65 in oakland, but you can see we've got upper 70's in san jose and then we do still have those upper 80's low 90's in the inner east day. now, the north little cooler. 81 in santa rosa and obviously half moon bay's a lot cooler. but here's a bit of the breezy conditions i i do expect to see. we'll see more of an onshore flow,
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meaning it will come from the west as we get later into the evening and certainly into tomorrow. and that's going help to bring that marine layer in tonight. so tonight we're going to start off with mostly clear skies. but overnight coastal a patchy valley fog as we get into tomorrow morning. so just be ready for that. it's been a minute since we've had very much of this marine layer presence, but it's a good thing because it certainly cooling us down. i'll be back in just a bit with your extended forecast. >> thanks so much. former president donald trump will be in san francisco tonight for a fundraising event for his campaign for reelection and to welcome the former president's supporters holding a rally today at the marina green kron four's. rob nesbitt was there earlier today. he's now live in our newsroom with details. thanks for joining us, rob. >> just francisco in california are known for voting blue in presidential elections. so not a lot of people showed up to the event today for donald trump initially, but apparently the crowd is growing in size. when i first got there, though, i counted 8 people who gathered with trump flags and maga hats in the parking lot of the marina green. i asked why so
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few showed up initially and they say there are a lot more trump supporters in the city, but they don't like to show up to events like this one counter-protester show up too. i asked trump supporters what's important to them this election season. they mentioned being upset with his conviction on 34 felony counts. and for nina marley of hayward, it's inflation. that's a top concern. >> well, every time i go shopping one. so you know, conservative about money. you know, my money and how i spend it. and when i go the following weekend, i say $7 and you know, for a dozen eggs come on now. >> it's just too much. >> i asked the trump supporters that they plan on attending the fundraising event tonight. they said no, because allegedly it costs 6 digits to attend. according to reuters, tonight's fundraiser will be held at the pacific heights. home of tech billionaire david sacks reporting the newsroom. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. rob,
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thank you so much. >> the california supreme court today ruling that construction on berkeley's historic people's park can move forward. the high court saying this new law enacted in 2021. invalidate some claims by 2 local organizations that sued the school. opponents arguing students living in the downtown area would add noise pollution to an already dense area. the project set off years of protests over that landmark. but california's high court ruled that the university can start construction. uc berkeley pleased with today's decision adding that the campus is turning its attention now to a time line for resuming construction. part of the statement that it put out reads here part we are grateful for the strong and ongoing support that this project has received. the campus is committed to addressing the high cost and low supply of housing close to campus. that undermines students ability to thrive. succeed and fully partake in all that the university has to
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offer. well, they're considered pretty cute ambassadors from the east to the west, but a plan to get those 2 giant pandas deliver to san francisco from china. it's not sitting that well with everyone. animal rights groups speaking out today at the board of supervisors meeting against these giant pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. >> we are deeply concerned by mayor breed's panda plans. giant pandas are living beings not tools to drum up business. boost tourism or wind votes. >> mayor london breed asking supervisors to allow city departments to fund raise 25 million dollars to create a new enclosure for the park. pandas coming from china. and despite the opposition, that resolution passed by the committee and it will now go on to the full board of supervisors. >> coming up next, a bay area climber climate experiment has now been put on pause over safety concerns. the research
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that's now making national headlines and this controversial decision that came from alameda leaders to stop it. we're going top of the mayor live right after this. also going to touch base with oakland's mayor has the campaign to recall. her is now taking another step forward. and a barrier breaking picture suiting up for the bees tonight. these stories and more when kron for news at 3 comes right back. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better!
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from testing. >> these marine cloud brightening technologies in the city. what it is is sort of some a way that they send up salt into the clouds. it's a method that some scientists say could offset the effects of global warming so it's the salt that then gets sprayed into those shallow marine clouds order to brighten them increasing the reflection of sunlight. it is then supposed to be reducing the amount of heat that's absorbed by the water below plans to start those experiments. and alameda had been in the works since earlier this year. under the watch of scientists from the university of washington. but the city stopped at this week, council members and the mayor citing health and environmental concerns. so they shut down this experiment. so we want to talk about what went into that decision with the mayor of alameda. marilyn ezzy ashcraft is joining us here on kron for this afternoon. thank you for joining us. and thank you for having me. and so racially staff said, you know what, this was okay. and then this week, you along with council member said, you know what?
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let's put this on pause. we want to stop this program. what caused this flippin decision? okay to to be clear staff never said this was ok, i'm staff and in the city didn't know anything about these experiments until. >> we learned about it from a new york times article the that the experiment began and that was in late march of this year. so after hearing from concerned residents, i sure my colleagues reached out to our city manager and said what if we know about this? and the answer was nothing. and i even you know, very brief letter from the hornet back in november of last year. telling about am a climate change science steady cloud patterns was how it was phrased that nothing beyond that know. scientific into tuesday. it all the scientists from the university. washington just put this >> piece of equipment on the
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uss hornet and never said anything to you guys about what was going to be happening. okay. so that probably so to some of your decision of not not appreciating that they maybe they're asking for forgiveness for says, asking for permission. what is it that concerns you about it? what environmental and health impacts where you are you hearing about this story. so let's start with the health impacts our staff. did it quick pivot and ask them paused the experiments we looked into what the implications were. both for the environment. we're at there and some sensitive territory near the lee street breeding area. >> but also, this is an area close to soccer fields where children play close to one of our high schools in snow, high school, their sports field. and so it wasn't enough for the scientists who had, you know, i'm out out of nowhere to tell us, no, no, don't worry about it safely needed independent verification. so we got an biologically
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implicate opinion that this was safe for the wildlife and for the shoreline. and then as far as the public health implications, they didn't go for whatever reason to an actual public. health experts say it ucsf or some nearby institution that the biologist asked a toxicologist to look at the 9 chemicals in the tap water was it was added to the tap water that is being sprayed from the cornett and compare them to osha standards, osha, the occupational health and safety administration, of course, government safety in the workplace. we don't find children working in the workplace. so that didn't apply 2 of the health implications on children. but it was to be a 20 week study. that was when we, you know, finally started getting some chris pond. it's the study was to be 20 weeks. well, the silver folks misskelley wants or and these are nice people and not attributing any no
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motives to them. she reached out to last week and said, mayor, could we meet before the council meeting and said, well, of course you know, time is short. we met last friday and try to city manager to join the meeting. and so we're talking and i said miss once if council were to get a majority vote for this to go ahead. this is a 20 week steady. have you how many days of that 20 weeks have you accomplished or would you be starting fresh if you've got the approval? and she said, actually, would like to go to the end of 2024 and in fact, it's possible we'd like to go to the end of 2025. well, the data from the studies also considered the duration of the experiment. so making it more than a year, more like a year and a half certainly would required to new testing. so that was a concern in i think one of the things that to me
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is this is science. these are really smart people and a deal and science experiments. it's a bit more specific than that. don't you go in knowing what you're testing for? how long i? it was confusing to say the least. and then there listen that city council meeting that happened this week. >> one of things you said you've been quoted as saying this, while i think you support like researching climate change in stopping it, you have no desire for the city to be on the cutting edge of technology at this. and i'm wondering why. with 2020 hindsight, there are things that you might say at one in the morning. that might be better in other times if we're going to partner with someone on the cutting edge of technology. >> i want to have a firm understanding of what they're going, how they're getting there and a great example. if you watched the rest of the meeting, was the item just before we have a really
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exciting company called mattel at alameda point that is designing and manufacturing these turbines that generate hydroelectricity. but unlike generations of hydroelectric turbines. these don't kill fish, in fact, say protect fish. they help at scene. bring power to the grid and they help increase biodiversity by not killing off species. we're off for that kind of we have. and alameda point are former naval air station. we have so many different green tech life science, biotech kinds of companies doing this cutting edge of work. i am not opposed to cutting edge science, yes, that is that the quote, that was a that since running out of time a little bit. wondering if there's anything that the u.s. researchers from the university of washington could do to make you change your mind. is there anything that would make you let this program come back and have it be an alameda at the uss hornet. what what they have to
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prove. >> yeah, i mean, i would keep an open mind the of our city staff did have a list of of conditions they would need to me. i would want a public health expert to look at the composition that the chemicals being added to the tap water. that's being spray and especially the impacts on children. we need a public health pediatrics to do that. and then just a clearer understanding. and that's what i tried to explain to them that when you just up here after being shrouded in secrecy and then say, oh, don't worry, just trust us. that just puts you at a disadvantage. we have these questions. there were 4 months from the time they that the hornet apparently thought they were giving us notice until the experiment started. so much could have been done in those 4 months that wouldn't have held at the experiment. so it's and then to last, it just want to say that i also really favor collaboration and
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the concern that i raised and others to to. in fact, we listen to scientists from all over the world and 146 countries have asked that these kinds of experiments not be done because of the unintended consequence of then impacting the climate in negative way for other countries. but that's the sort of thing that you could look could model you could work collaboratively. the only response i got to that concern was we're not doing cloud brightening. well, no, not at a large scale. as we sit here today, but that's what this experimentation is geared toward contributing to. what are you going to do? how are you going to work to make sure you avoid this unintended consequences. but no, we're we're we support science. we believe in but the scientists case to and in a timely dible e- fashion. mayor, thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. we appreciate your time here. what's going on? thank you. and we take mind. the researchers behind this
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program who did say that they're disappointed by the decision from the city of alameda. >> saying that this experiment is not designed to alter the atmosphere and climate and not to alter clouds or any aspect of the local weather or climate and are not cloud brightening activities or experiments. let's quickly talk about our weather looking outside and now a look at so she can tell us what's going on with. >> that warm weather for today. yes, so obviously pulling back today. you really feel that if you walk outside everybody notice the temperatures are quite so wacky as yesterday. at least injuries. they still pretty warm. but everybody else really play back. let's take a look at some of those wacky temperatures yesterday. those shall we 102 in concord yesterday. 101 in livermore, napa 101 santa rosa. 99. 92 by the way in san jose oakland. 85 yesterday in san francisco. 76 big difference a day will make especially when you have a marine layer. you're taking a live look here right now. this is from my sutro tower camera and obviously gives your really good idea of why these temperatures are a lot
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cooler. then they were yesterday. this is the difference in temperatures. if you're in napa, 19 degrees cooler. but across the board, we're cooler everywhere, right? so it has everything to do with that high pressure kind of moving on and allowing some of that marine layer to build back in. obviously we're cool the coast. 55 in half moon bay, 79 in fremont and san jose. but the heat is still on a bit in the inner east bay conquer right now. 87 degrees. 71 in napa, though. you see some of these nice number. 75 in petaluma head up to cloverdale 95 degrees, which is a far cry from the degas bay, which is only 57 degrees. speaking of the day today, we still have some danger at the coast. so just make sure if you are headed that way to stay cool. today, we have dangerous surf and a risk of sneaker waves. did seize waves are about 10 to 11 feet breaking right now. so this goes through the night and then tomorrow we should see that pull back of it. i mentioned our high pressure head screwed on by us. it that on top of us now it's to the side of his head of top of the 4 corners. and what that does is it kind of opens the door for a low pressure to move in just a little bit and start to
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press down here and change that dynamic and allow that marine layer to build back in and here it is as we take another view here, this from mount tam. so that had trend over the next few days is that will continue to cool down. however, once we get to next week, things are going to change yet again. and we're going to start to see a warm-up. so tonight, yes, we will see some marine layer bill back in and you'll likely notice in the morning. here's your extended forecast. you can see the cool down over the weekend, but the warm up into monday tuesday, even wednesday of next week. not as warm as we've been, though. i just want to say not triple digit heat. all right. thanks, kyla. still ahead this hour, a big powerball win in the bay area. how much the winning ticket is worth. >> and the diamond industry on the decline. we'll tell you the decline. we'll tell you why for your money is next.
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>> for your money this afternoon, one bay area resident has a winning ticket for the powerball. they got 5 matching numbers but missed that jackpot. still, though, a lot of money to be had here. that winning ticket worth more than $620,000 join drawn at a 7.11 on milpitas boulevard in milpitas. the jackpot is now up to 206 million. the drawing on saturday. the diamond industry seeing a major decline in demand as lab grown diamonds and other gemstones are increasing in popularity. diamond prices have dropped nearly 6% so far this year and more than 30% since their all-time high in 2022, this is according to the rough diamond index. experts say the main reason for the decline is the
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preference for these lab grown diamonds. those diamonds can be up to 85% cheaper than natural diamonds. experts say half of engagement ring stones will be lab grown this year. costco announcing plans to stop regularly selling books. the company plans to only sell books from september through december. that's for holiday shoppers. costco says this is all due to the amount of labor that's involved. books need to be restocked by hand. instead of rolled out on pallets and they have to be replaced pretty often new book start to roll out. up next here on kron for news at 3, we will be celebrating pride month today. the iconic pink triangle is now underway. plus. >> as opposed harvey milk terminal is honoring a very important figure and lgbtq+ history. so we'll talk with travelers to see if they now what's going on. also, san francisco's pride parade right around the corner. but organizers are saying israel is not a lot to take part
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>> nascar fans will be in wine country this weekend where the cup and xfinity series will battle on those winding roads of the sonoma raceway kron four's. erin wilson joins now live from sonoma with a preview of what's in store has a going aaron. >> justine. it's going as you can see, it's pretty windy out here in sonoma. so fans, at least if they get here today, they can definitely expect some winds and it's pretty cool. but other than that, we talk about what's happening this week in. there is a lot in store. there are 3 big
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races. obviously you have the the series happening on saturday in the big one. that's the cup series happening on sunday. and then you have another race with classic cars taking place on friday. it's tomorrow now and it talks about what fans can do. well, starting today at 4.30, the parade gets started when that's when they bring the big rigs in their carry the cars. but past day. other than that, they have all obviously is going to be hard for fans to find tales because it's a lot of fans coming in that that city expected as one of the biggest events of the year, however, is always this race is a big this nation raise with people expected from all over to be coming in. when i say that, i mean people from to pay in netherlands, the netherlands, rather to be specific columbia, new zealand. and that's all coming from the gm, brian flynn of the sonoma raceway. take a listen to what he had to say. >> the thing that makes nascar such a great sport is the fan. they're the foundation and fabric of our sport. they wait all year to welcome. watch this one event weekend. it's
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like the super bowl coming in the cinema so we couldn't be more excited about that. >> i was still >> all right. thanks, erin. now jewish organizations are speaking out after the san francisco pride parade announced they will not be including an israeli float this year. pride organizers say they value the contributions of jewish people advocating for peace. >> they say they're being careful not to conflate jewish groups and jewish people living in america with the politics of the state of israel. this is coming in response to the war in gaza between israel and hamas.
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pro-palestinian groups are though being welcomed the bay area, jewish community relations council says they are disheartened by a post on sf pride. instagram story. they say in part we call an sf pride to clarify that everyone including lgbtq+ israelis are welcome, but pride no one should be singled out because of their ethnic identity. we did reach out to sf pride but have not heard back. the parade is being held on june. 30th. and a sign that pride month has officially arrived in san francisco is the 29th annual triangle is going to make its debut on top of twin peaks this weekend. that pink triangle was used by nazis to identify game each year. san francisco reclaims that simple to commemorate people in the lgbtq+ community who have faced discrimination several 100 volunteers are working to install that triangle for that big celebration on saturday. it's going to set high over san francisco all june as a reminder of the history behind pride.
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>> enjoy. it's there to it's a giant in your face educational tool. that's really why it's because people don't know what that thing triangle means. so it's super sized up on twin peaks of people driving by on the freeway over the bridges would say what is and then the looking up and go. so that's what it is. >> the ceremony is set for saturday morning at 10, 30 on top of twin peaks. there will be drag queens, the, freedom ban. and mayor london breed will also be there. as we celebrate pride month. lgbtq+ icon harvey milk is now front and center and a lot of people in bay area already know his story. but what about people who visit the harvey milk terminal at sfo? do they? no his legacy kron four's michael thomas went to the airport to find out. >> harvey milk help change the world when it came to rights. and now decades later, will his legacy is shining like a beacon of love here at the harvey milk terminal at san francisco airport, welcoming
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travelers and sending them off with a message of hope. moment that his colleagues from the 70 say they never could have imagined for some. the name harvey milk doesn't ring a bell. my first time i came here. francisco travelers like abdul say they got an unexpected history lesson at the harvey milk terminal discovering how in 1977 harvey milk became the first openly man elected to public office by winning a seat on the san francisco board of supervisors just a year before his assassination. and these highlighting moments are special for activists. allen klein, who worked with harvey in the 70's telling me the terminals tribute in education on the walls still shock him. a terminal at 7 cisco airport named after is kind of amazing photos on the wall in the terminal. have clients friends protesting any still remembers when harvey asked him for help almost 50 years ago, called me up you had a successful. >> then if the dense you need to break, let's do to raise money to fight the brakes
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initiative which he helped defeat. he says the castro was a place of community where everyone knew your name. >> harvey was a politician. he was also a person you could talk to. you know, it wasn't like he was on the pedestal but he was also on a soapbox fighting for rights. in reality, he never lived to see this terminal is just a small glimpse of a klein says they fought for. >> and having this story at a place where thousands pass through not only educate people, but also may even start a conversation at home, which is what this traveler says is needed. even if you're not like or whatever, identifying as, something like that, having that be something >> it's visible and like easily seen, i think it never hurts his. and while many things have changed, some of the lgbt community continue to fight for equal rights as to what harvey may think today. well, around how far we've come. >> but also taken aback by this. still so much hatred like against trans people.
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>> well, there's still a lot of work to be done in the lgbtq+ community. the ideas that you leave san francisco airport with a message of hope for the future. that's a very latest reporting here at san francisco airport. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you in the studio. >> make sure you join us thursday. june 27th at 06:30pm, for our pride special this year we will be celebrating the beacon of love that shines bright across the bay area. >> and communities just outside of the nation's capitol picking up the pieces after several tornadoes ripped through the region yesterday. the storms causing widespread damage. have now left. several people hurt video here showing us fallen trees roads and houses. the tornado warning has been dropped but much of the dc area still under a flood advisory today. >> tornadoes also moving through the detroit area with winds reaching about 95 miles per hour in the suburbs, officials confirming a 2 year-old boy was killed. his
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mother seriously hurt after a tree fell through the roof during the storm. so we'll see where that storm is right now with kyla grogan. she's in the weather center. yeah, they're actually roll this back to yesterday afternoon. we could see kind of how this developed. you can see this line of storms rolled across and as it did it left in its wake. all of these tornado reports that what you see in the red and white here and that is in michigan down to ohio valley. but then check out what happened here just at the washington, d.c., in the baltimore area. all of these reports 22 of them when this tornado, it sounded like was to actually now we're finding out the national weather service, tornadoes. >> rolled through and they have one reported at one point that went right over. i-95 if you've been on the east coast, you know, i-95 is the north-south corridor, the main highway, the roads across there. so the have, you know, trees into houses that took roofs out. it's been a pretty wild day now. today, they are still dealing with some of that. as we zoom out here, you see the area in yellow. this is the watch area for more severe thunderstorms. and in fact, have a few warnings that
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popped up in north carolina and virginia throughout the day today. so obviously still dangerous weather there. now, as we zoom out, you can see where the picture with the rest of the country on the west coast, at least it's all about the heat. as you can see these oranges in and the hot pink boxes mean warnings and heat advisories. and we're under that here in the bay area until this evening. and you can see even though we're cooler than we were this time yesterday for sure. check out what's happening in the middle of the state. fresno 105 degrees reading at 102. obviously, we are much better but still pretty warm out there in antioch right now. 94 degrees. just 60, though, in downtown san francisco. i'll be back in a bit and we'll talk about our 7 day forecast. all right. coming up, some new questions about gun control in california today. state leaders talk about whether it's working and how >> to move forward. and world ocean day right around the corner. we're going to talk with some experts who underwater about how we can underwater about how we can keep our water healthy. ow netwo network for business.
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not the other way. zevo traps use light to attract and trap flying insects with no odor and no mess . they were continuously, so you don't have to. zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly. approach national gun violence awareness day tomorrow. attorney general rob bonta says california is making progress and keeping guns out of the wrong hands. >> today the attorney general shared some new information about efforts to take guns away from people who are deemed dangerous. but as time reports, some republicans say they're skeptical. >> well, attorney general rob bonta is specifically talking about the ability of a court like this one to take away guns from someone the judge believes could be a threat. the attorney general says that has made the state safer, but not everyone agrees. >> enough is enough. that's
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attorney general rob bonta. the message on the issue of gun violence, all of it in a state where on average more than 3,000 people die of gun violence every year and in the country where as of 2023 more than 42,000 deaths were attributed to guns. the united states. has a uniquely american disease of gun violence that all can be changed. change he says is happening in california in part due to what are known as court issued protective orders when a judge can either restrict or prevent someone from owning a gun. if the court finds that person to be violent, abusive or dangerous, removing the fire arms from people who are in danger. others is a critical way to stop shootings before they are up and it's completely common sense. this new report released by the attorney general shows in 2023 statewide. there were a total of 288,000 court issued protective orders representing a 20% increase since 2020
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bonta believes that has helped keep california's gun mortality rate. 40% lower nation's. we have reduce gun violence because of these protection orders. the problem is they have all these gun laws, but they don't work because the fundamental problem is you have to have deterrence for people violate gun laws. assembly member billa say lee says that's his argument in a state already has some of the strictest gun laws on the books. he says he introduced bills to increase penalties for people who use guns illegally. but he notes those bills failed with no support from bonta and the democratic super majority at the state capitol. we had it simply built 30 37, which would have restored the firearm enhancement. it would have said that if you use the gun in the commission of felony, you get 20 years at a two-year sentence. he did not support it. and in fact, the democrats in this body rejected the bill. so that's why i don't take them seriously. i don't believe them when they say they care about gun violence, they care about getting guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. that's what they care about. and bonta was very clear. he
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wants other states to do it. california is doing on gun violence, protective orders. he believes that could save lives. reporting at the state capitol. eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> saturday is world ocean day today to think about how we can keep the ocean healthy for generations to come. earlier today i spoke with scuba divers who are under water off the coast of carmel by the sea and asked them about the health of the ocean around the bay area. >> california, we have network 144 program protected areas that are essentially like honor water that protect places like networks were actually diving water. right it is called a point where state for underserved to protect everything here. there's are out there. take. that's one of the protection of the california has put into place. he sure that oceans are staying healthy. happy about where those events happy to be in the water taxing of us are
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having on our global ocean. so as we celebrate world oceans thinking about the things that we could do help reduce our negative impact, we're thinking about climate change's impact on ocean chrissy that we're good shape. the story ex. but don't there's a lot of things that we can do slow climate change. well, the impact that happening on ocean record is paid box >> tell tell me a little bit more about what we can do to help celebrate world ocean day and keep our ocean's healthy and happy for generations to come. >> really your california state parks. we got great what they early on friday. it started near the for us. it's kind heat. i am. you can join her that way. let's not make world ocean people to take
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action. created a piece of art and sharing your love for the ocean, helping educate people about all the beauty that exists here. activists, maybe you with beach clean up or you're ready. let to leaders let them know that policy and the protect our ocean. there's a lot of different things that you can do. another one not lot notes trying to reduce your use single-use plastic search a that that prospect bike waterways and eventually end in our oceans. >> so patrick webster also along there for the dive and he added how important it is to maintain the kelp forest for all of us living along the coast. so it was really cool interview them. they were actually under the water there carmel by the sea island. talk about our weather forecast right now with a quick live
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look outside showing us what's going on here on the embarcadero in san francisco. kyle is in the weather center. and, you know, thursday means we can start talking about the weekend. we say that was amazing to be able to give an interview underwater that she could do. that was i could not do i have a panic attack. i'm pretty sure if at all that equipment out live look out king of the ocean at half moon bay, where we've got a little bit of when he through today. so one more day of some heat inland marine layer has been expanding. we're going to see that tonight. >> little bit of seasonal temperatures through the weekend and then we're going to go back to a little bit warmer. so let's take a look at temperatures where we are right now. 16 palo alto, 84 morgan hill, where 87 in pittsburgh, which is 60 in san francisco. 65 in oakland and get up to the north bay. we're a little bit warmer parts and rose at 81. but boy, kelsey, the hill right now is at 99 degrees. we are also breezy and you can see that here in san francisco. it is coming from the northwest and we are going to see that turn. at least we should tonight a little bit later to more of an onshore flow. and that's will
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start to get a little more of this, that marine layer that you can see here, this kind of hanging out at the golden gate bridge today. so we are still under the seat advisory that does go through midnight and the heat warning for those of you solano and yolo counties. but then that wraps up in tomorrow will be looking a whole lot better. this is the difference in temperatures, the progress we've made already from yesterday to today see, see anywhere from 4 degrees cooler, too. 19 degrees cooler. if you are in napa, you definitely notice that when you're dealing with triple-digit heat and a lot of spots yesterday, there's that marine layer just kind of hang off the coast. ready to move in tonight. as we zoom out, you kind of see where high pressure is now moved a little bit past us. it is more sitting over the 4 corners and what happens over the next 24 hours or so. if we start to see low pressure dip in just a tiny bit, not much. it's a weak system. but by next week, another ridge of high pressure is going to be building in. and that means that will actually warm up a little bit next week. so cooling it down through the weekend. low 80's for inland spots as we get into next week, though, get ready because we do start to
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warm up again. not quite as warm as we were this week, warm as we were this week, though. i'm happy to stay. nexgard® plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more... all in one delicious, monthly, soft chew. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures
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following is that the group looking to recall oakland mayor sheng thao says it has collected enough signatures to force a recall election. at a news conference yesterday afternoon. the group says that they have turned in. >> more than enough signatures to meet the threshold to force a recall election backers of the recall blaming the mayor for firing a popular police chief losing the oakland a's a surge in crime and more. mayor thao joined us during kron. 4 news at noon today and defended her record. no matter
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what you know, naysayers say or, you folks who are trying to recall you know, i think at the end of the day we were able to reduce crime by 33%. >> overall crime across the board, right? we're doing what we know. make sense. we're do. we're making progress. oakland is turning a corner in lists. reminded many of these issues that started way before my tenure. and so within that short one and a half year that we've been in office, we've done so much already in west oakland, in east oakland. and so i know that we're stronger together and i floor everybody that we should work together to ensure that we have a better and say for oakland from. >> the signatures still need to be verified. backers of the recall are hoping to have this election scheduled for november. if how is recalled, then a special election would be needed to scheduled in order to pick her replacement. looking in the hi there. so we
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talk about the weather, please. all right. let's do i'm taking a live look at the east bay here. and you can see where we've had a little bit of haze out there today. >> we are going to see a little more marine layer presents tonight. that does help to cool us down. so i thought let's start with little fog tracker to show you how this is going to work out this evening. says we get into tonight. again, it's going start of the coast within start to roll in. and i think what you'll see tomorrow morning, which we haven't seen in a little bit, is that it really kind of get in a lot farther and then we'll start to pull back towards the coast as we work our way throughout the day. so what that will mean is continued cooling. so whereas today we still had some of those inland 90's tomorrow, we should knock that down to 80's. and that certainly 70's for some. and then we get around the bay itself be looking at 60's and some low 70's. so a very different temperature temperature profile that we have seen in the past few days. so take a look here at your extended forecast. it's a pretty good looking forecast. so tomorrow we continue the cooldown that we really bring it down as we get into the weekend. and again, that does mean that we'll start off with some of that cloud cover in
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the mornings and then we'll get some of that marine layer presidents. but notice it doesn't last too long because high pressure is once again going to build in. it will be sitting right off the coast. very similar. we had this week only won't be quite as pronounced. so what that means is we will warm up as we get into monday and get into tuesday and wednesday. but you don't see triple digit heat. you don't see, you know, 98 99 degrees. and you also don't see it lasting too long. it looks like a start to pull back a little bit as we get into thursday. so deep breath, everybody. we've made it through the worst of the heat. now that we've hit this part of the day, this is the hottest part of the day. we're starting down the hill now. so i think just in we can take a little. sigh of relief and also just a reminder, we're keeping fire safe. you know, we've got to think about that as we roll through our next few months. thank you, kyla. well, that's it for kron for news at 3. i'm justine. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your time. properties of 4 is next. >> grant and vicki are here with what they're working on. have a great show. >> thank you, justine. and tonight former president trump heading to the bay area and
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happening right now, a large group of his supporters gathering at marina green in san francisco ahead of his visit. we are live there with the very latest. plus, the effort to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo takes a step forward despite vocal opposition to the plan. >> i'm grant lotus and i'm
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>> now on kron 4 news at 4, a major decision from the california supreme court over the future of people's park in berkeley. what it means for uc berkeley's plans to build student housing >> and following the recent string of wildfires across the


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