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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  June 6, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> now, icloud 4 news at 507. donald trump supporters are rallying in san francisco as they wait for the former president to arrive. we are live there with the latest and following the recent string of wildfires all across the bay.
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we hear from cal fire about the potential for a busy fire season this summer. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at thanks so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 5. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm grant lotus. yeah. hundreds of people have gathered in san francisco to support the former president. >> he's expected to be in the city this evening for a fundraiser kron four's. rob nesbitt is live at marina green where trump supporters have assembled there. waiting his arrival. rob, what's the latest? >> grant i was here earlier today when there were just 8 people in the marina green parking lot. the event was supposed to start at 11, 15 by midday, as you can see. and now at 05:00pm, this crowd has really grown in size. there's about a few 100 people that are here with their trump hats there. trump flags, maga merch, if you will, here to
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show their support for president trump. they are standing along the road next to the marina green, where cars have been honking in support as they've driven by. i only notice one counter protester with a sign that read trump is a pathological liar. the trump supporters are standing in a bike path and i've heard some bikers the anti trump expletives as they buy buy, not happy to have people in their way. i asked the people who are here supporting trump. what's important to them this election, they mentioned being upset with trump's conviction on 34 felony counts as well as things like border security and inflation for jason's it's trump's success story that appeals to him most. >> so he stands for the fact that there is an american dream you can achieve. so if you have to go through the car and then you have good government job, you can fight your way through and you can win. >> i asked the trump supporters that they plan on attending his fundraiser
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tonight. they said that they won't because allegedly a cost about 6 digits. just 2 10 that event, according to routers, reuters, the event is going to be held at a tech billionaires home named david sacks who lives impact heights. a lot of the supporters are hoping to get a glimpse of trump. they say they're also lined up along the road because they're crossing their fingers that he drives by on his way to his fundraising event later tonight, reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt. kron. 4 news. yeah, rob, a trump campaign expecting raise a lot of money at that fund-raiser tonight. impact right? >> as we take a peek outside talk whether we can see the marine layer rolling sure wasn't sunny, where rob is a long marina. green golden gate bridge socked in as well. >> kathy trafton you know, you like to call it what mother nature's air-conditioner? what? yes. as a matter of fact, i do. she definitely has provided some cooling after quite a few days of hot
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weather. finally, there's a bit of a change in store for us. and speaking of the golden gate bridge, you can see the tops of the towers. can you? but you can certainly see old glory flapping in the wind. so there is the gray and there is the air-conditioner. how much cooler is it? well, current winds right now, of course, going to the golden gate and it is much cooler, not so cold in antioch. still 92 degrees protected from the a cooling effect of the marine layer. look at that 67 degrees. and if you're fighting a fire in that area, you're going to be happy with cool temperatures and moisture air santa rosa right now down to 79 and was only 66 degrees. here's that temperature change. that is impressive. look at that. napa. 22 degrees cooler nevado 16 degrees cooler. 15 degrees cooler in santa's a 13 in hayward. even 2 degrees cooler in half moon bay. temperatures across the rest of the state toasty hot in the central valley. i've got the big
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forecast coming up in just a bit. all right. thanks, kathy. look forward to the big one. take a look. this is new drone video from. >> the crystal fire that started yesterday north of saint crews began battling a fire in napa county yesterday afternoon along crystal springs road. the fire burned 60 acres. it's 75% contained. 4 firefighters were hurt in the fire fight. the fire destroyed a building. you can see all the damage there. the charred hillside, how close it came to the home in the area with the swift aaron ground attack. the crystal fire's progress was blunted now crews are doing mop up duty to prevent hot spots from taking off again. just a few days ago, the corral fire erupted near tracy east of livermore. it is mostly under control. now has burned more than 14,000 acres. it is 98% contained. started saturday afternoon near lawrence livermore national laboratory. the fire did not threaten the labs facilities because flames
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spread away from the site. the cause of the fire is being investigated. cal fire says both were grass fires, which can really turned dangerous quickly. they say while crews continue to actively monitor brush moisture content, it is vital that people be wildfire ready and ready to go. now that summer and the heat are really here. >> the summer is here. there grasses are the most receptive to you know, we have a slogan. one less spark. one less while we encourage folks to go to ready for wildfire dot org and look at your defensible space. also have a plan have a plan. what you're going to do if your areas impacted by there are checklists. >> officials say that the county sheriff and cal fire law enforcement continue to examine the crystal fire for clues as far as where exactly it started in what caused that fire kron four's here for all
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your wildfire coverage. just scan the qr code on your screen. you'll go right to our wildfire page on kron 4 dot com where we have live updates on evacuation orders. air quality maps, active fires and more. new today pressure is being put on the owners of the radisson hotel in east oakland last year the city found the hotel violated a local minimum wage law by and are paying more than 120 workers for almost a year in a letter sent out this week. the oakland city attorney warns the owners if payment is not made by june 18th, the city will file a lawsuit against them according to union reps, the workers are owed a total of more than $400,000. the 300 room hotel will soon shut down and be converted to affordable housing part of the state's project homekey initiative. we reached out to the radisson hotel executives for comment, but so far have not heard back. california supreme court
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ruling will allow the university of california to build new student housing at berkeley's historic people's park. the high court says that a new law in 2021 invalidates claims by 2 local local organizations that >> sued the saying that more students living in downtown berkeley would ed noise pollution to an already dense area? our curve has gayle ong joins us now live in the studio with reactions. gayle. >> vicki grant, decision capping a years long legal fight over the landmark opponents of this ruling say they plan to add more pressure on the university and continue to have their voices heard. >> it's disappointing. >> i'm a neighbor. i'm a mother. my kid has grown whitney sparks not surprised at the state supreme court's decision to allow uc berkeley to start construction on a student housing project at people's park. >> the project set off years of protest over the landmark people's park is now surrounded by stacks of
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shipping containers blocking the view of the park and security guards at every corner. something else, opponents of this project do not want to will be petitioning to get that removed for guard list of this ruling. and even if they want to build construction, they still don't need to have this shipping container all around. in a statement uc berkeley road, it is pleased with thursday's decision adding, quote, the campus is turning its attention to the timeline for resuming construction. we are grateful for the strong and ongoing support this project has received. the campus is committed to addressing the high cost and low supply of housing close to campus that undermine students ability to thrive succeed and fully partake in all that the university has to offer the high court on thursday has ruled that a new law enacted last year invalidates the claims by 2 local organizations that sued the school saying more students living in downtown berkeley would add noise pollution to an already dense area. the court noted that berkeley provides housing to the lowest percentage of students
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compared to other schools in the uc system. uc berkeley plans to build a 312 million dollar housing complex for about 1100 of its students. the park was founded in 1969. as part of the air is free speech and civil rights movement and for decades served as a gathering space for free meals, community gardening and our projects and was used by the un house. it's not just about housing is also about environment and green space. it's about history. >> and a community gathering space. >> and we reached out to the groups who initially filed the lawsuit against uc berkeley. we have not yet heard back in the studio. gayle ong kron. 4 news. all right, gail, another big story we are following for you tonight. the group looking to recall oakland mayor sheng thao says. >> it is collected enough signatures to force a recall election at a news conference yesterday afternoon. the group says they have turned in more than enough signatures to meet the threshold to force a
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recall election backers of the recalled blaming the mayor for firing a popular police chief or losing the oakland a's. also a surge in crime and more. mayor thao joined us on kron. 4 news at noon. she defends her record no matter what. >> you know, naysayers say or, you folks who are trying to recall you know, i think at the end of the day we were able to reduce crime by 33% overall crime across the board, right? we're doing what we know. make sense. we're do. we're making progress. oakland is turning a corner in lists. reminded many of these issues has started way before my tenure. and so within that short one and a half year that we've been in office, we've done so much already in west oakland, in east oakland. and so i know that we're stronger together and i floor everybody that we should work together to ensure that we have a better and say for oakland from. >> of the group, oakland united to recall sheng thao are oust is calling tao
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incompetent and dishonest mayor. they say that she needs to be removed from office as soon as possible. they are sharing town has to she has to because she and driving out city and to the ground. it is just mind boggling. >> that anybody could try to support this mayor come up. >> the signatures, shirzad do need to be verified backers of the recall. they're hoping to have this election scheduled for november. now, if mayor thao is recalled, then a special election will need to be scheduled to pick her replacement. after decades of helping families in their search for missing children. the class kids foundation. >> will be closing down this year. the foundation was set up by mark last after his daughter, polly was kidnapped in petaluma and murdered in 1993, i got a chance to speak with class about the legacy he hopes his foundation leaves behind it. >> i mean, i look back on our legacy, i think we've done some tremendous things. you
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know, though, very first thing we're focusing on was was criminal justice legislation and we supported and promoted bills and laws and concepts that ultimately cut crime in america half. okay. and that would be violent crime and property crime as well. >> the class kids foundations final day will be december 31st. >> temperatures go as a new grocery store where nobody pays for food, how it works and how it hopes to help underserved community. >> and the a's could be pulling a move to trying to stay rooted in northern california. what now of the team's request to play some home games away from vegas once they move there is stirring up controversy. but first, why a north bay nonprofit is trying to prevent a lot of counties. >> california forever from >> california forever from moving forward.
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i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> a big no for us. a lot of county, so-called city of the future, a prominent nonpro>it is formally opposing the east solano county plan. the whole thing's controversial. it's a billionaire back to ballot measure, which if approved would allow urban development on land currently designed for agriculture kron four's dan thorn is live with us in the studio to explain grant vicki the nonprofit's a land trust says that voters should vote no on a vote. november ballot measure that would >> approve the billionaire back development called the east solano plan sponsored by
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the group, california forever. the project is proposed new town in the travis air force base that could accommodate up to 400,000 new people. >> at the end of the day, it's the development of this magnitude is just not good for our agricultural economy. it's our second largest, largest economy in solano county or the habitat or the slide county. >> that's a lot land trust says the proposed development has been pushed ahead with misleading messaging, adding the area in question is not a wasteland or landscape of no value. >> we can't have houses and economic development and we don't have to do it at the detriment of our farm economy, of of helping natural environment and that we can still have open spaces for our community to get outside and enjoy. >> in a statement kron 4, california forever says in part, quote, we are proposing a compact sustainable community where there is no ecological habitat on poor soils with low fire risk.
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according to officials, state and county maps. it goes on to say the east la no plan would bring thousands of jobs, homes and economic opportunity that can benefit all of the diverse communities of solano county. more than 20,000 solano county voters sign the petition to put the east salon on plan on the ballot. and of course, we're going to keep a close eye on how things shake out in studio. dan thorn kron, 4 news. thank you, dan. reminder if you're planning to hit the beach before sundown. >> and ocean hazard warning is still in effect until tonight. experts say that we could see waves as high as 20 feet hitting the coast. big waves, of course, often plenty surfers out there looking to seize the rare opportunity. but officials say, yeah, never turn your back on the ocean and always keep an eye on your kids and your pet proffers kathy trafton joining us now with a look. yes, you know, officials do say never turn your back on the ocean. and night grandfather said exactly the same thing. he was always right. >> yes, we do have the
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hazardous statement for for the coastline. but you know what that's about to expire. so we have a very energetic surf's don't still at this hour. and we have swell out of a north northwest and eventually this was going to go away are about midnight or so. this a dangerous surf warning is set to expire. it's not the only warning set to expire because you notice we've been having some really hot temperatures throughout the state of california right to the central valley. that's an excessive heat warning that expires this evening and the heat advisory we've then under over the last few days for the bay area for parts of the north bay, east bay and south bay. that is set to expire. also as we have some big changes coming our way, not to say it is not hot. still in h% the central valley 105 degrees and ready 105 degrees in some of the hottest spots in san joaquin valley. where is for us temperatures much cooler, barely. 85 in santa rosa holding on to 90 in concord overnight. low temperatures in
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the 50's so should be a mild overnight conditions. temperatures tomorrow cooler yet compared to today, san francisco's high temperature is 60 antioch. 84 in santa rosa. 77 degrees. look ahead at the next week. shows cooling conditions today. tomorrow, sunday. and finally coming into the new week, we get a little bit warmer, but i don't think we're going to see the kind of really hot temperatures we've been going through this past week. promise. yeah. >> all right. this is it a 4th mountain line in the span of a week was spotted roaming around san jose. this time near kelly park. this comes just a day after another big cat was spotted near ellon drive. and we're admiral way. kind of relaxing on the sidewalk before making its way through some yards last wednesday in milpitas, a big cat was caught jumping a wall and searching the area of fair meadow way inside a mobile
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home park. that was pretty crazy. so athletic and sightings. police were called but were unable to locate them out live. and officials are warning people of what to do, what not to do in case you encounter one of these things. remember, they say to stay calm, do not run. stand your ground, maintain eye contact and try to appear as big as possible. raised your hands, make noise. also. when you can call police immediately >> the man who police say plowed an suv and a vendors setting up for a farmers market walnut creek has been charged. authorities say jose manuel chavez is facing 2 felony counts of dui, causing injury. that crash happened early sunday morning on locust street. 2 women were critically injured. the charges chavez is facing, including hampton, spent said because of the victims injuries. chavez was arraigned in court today. he sent behind bars tonight in richmond. well, the queue ambassadors from the east to the west, but
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a plan to get 2 giant pandas delivered here to san francisco. not sitting well with everyone. animal rights groups speaking out today at a board of supervisors meeting against giant pandas coming to the san francisco zoo. >> today it lives and to the supervises and some may have read side by 6,000 people in just 6 days urging you to cancel the panda plan. the san francisco zoo has a decades long history animal neglect gross mismanagement. animals safe from being harmed. >> mayor breed is asking supervisors to allow city departments to fund raise 25 million dollars to create a new enclosure for the pandas from china at the zoo. but despite the opposition that you heard there, the resolution passed by the committee and now goes to the full board of supervisors. >> a free grocery store is now open for people in san francisco's bayview help families who are facing food insecurity. kron four's lezla
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gooden spoke with people who live there about the new addition. the district 10 community market is the first of its kind in the city. >> here, all groceries are free to residents in need located in bay view. the market welcomed over 80 people on wednesday. the market is available to those who live in district 10 and they must meet certain qualifications to shop here. and the criteria is also that you have some some form of medicare out how fresh, you know, you're low income and you qualify for that kind of services. and we're also looking for people that really are in need you. you've had a hard time. this is kathy davis, executive director of bayview senior services. >> and they have been contracted to run the market. kathy says, depending on the success of the market, they could at more days for shoppers. new to this and knew to happen. so many people coming. we've been doing it once a week. now we're going to do it twicepa week starting next week. and then by the end the month we hope to be able to 3 weeks, 3 times a week. and so we have to gear up and
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get more food. and longtime neighbor can sondra who is raising her great granddaughter is one of the first people to shop at the market. she tells me it's a relief to have access to fresh food. it's a enough because >> i do a lot of their i do the white now taking the weight. when you want to you know the the market will also connect residents to other social services. >> and it's expected to serve 1500 households a month by this time next year. >> and once we get this up and running and we understand the process and we see how it works, i can see it being replicated other parts of the city and that's a desire. but it also costs money. time effort in san francisco as a good in kron. 4 news. >> still ahead, celebrating pride month in the bay area. under way for san fr ncisco's iconic pink triangle. >> and the big powerball win in the bay area much. the lucky ticket is worth.
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>> the 29th annual pink triangle will make its debut atop twin peaks this weekend. the triangle was used by hitler's nazis to identify a man each year. san francisco reclaims the civil to commemorate people in the lgbtq+ community who have faced discrimination. several 100 volunteers are working to install the triangle for a big celebration on saturday. but it's still will set high over san francisco all of june as reminder of the history behind pride. >> enjoy. it's there to it's a
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giant in your face educational tool. that's really why it's because people don't know what to think triangle means. so it's super sized up on twin peaks of people driving by on the freeway over the bridges were safe. what is not and then the looking up and go. >> so that's what it is. >> the ceremony is set for saturday morning at 10, 30 on top of twin peaks. there will be drag queens, the, freedom band and mayor breed. >> bay area climate experiment put on pause over safety concerns. the research making national headlines in the controversial decision from leaders in alameda. plus, a man recovering in the hospital after being attacked here while waiting for a light rail train in the south bay and then a barrier breaking pitcher is suiting up for the bees. tonight. the oakland bees. tonight. the oakland ballers. ow network is no network for business.
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