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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  June 7, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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>> right now, the kron, 4 morning news, a rare visit by former president donald trump drawing hundreds of supporters and protesters to san francisco. plus oakland mayor sheng thao speaking to kron 4 after the effort to remove her from office clears big hurdle. and san francisco mayor london breed getting the green light now to raise money to bring giant pandas to san francisco. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. and thanks for waking up with us on friday on jayme's feels good to say it's a friday feels good to know that we're not going to triple digit heat. well, yeah, it's going to be a nice cool weekend, john. yeah. looking at nice cool down the past couple of days have been. >> pretty warm yesterday brought us first signs of that cool down. and today we're really settling into normal conditions for this time of year. looking outside a part of the reason why we're back to normal is all that cloud cover that you're seeing here from mount tam. it's a thin
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veil of low grade that's pushed right in through the golden gate this morning and really offering us up that ocean cool there. temps in the 50's at the coast 60's for the bayshore for most of our inland areas right now. kelsey bill, you're not really tapping into that cool air. you're 82 compared to the rest of us. the obvious standout now futurecast of winds does show continuation of these cool ocean breezes through the afternoon, really, actually picking up later on today, which will further cool us down into tomorrow. 70's to 80's for most of our highs, right? all right, john, thank you for that. let's get you moving on a friday were drive times. look really great. >> traveling into the city right now about 10 minutes. no accidents or hazards. there. 13 minutes on the mateo bridge, 80 to 101. the richmond, sandra fell about 8 minutes. golden gate bridge. also looking good at 21. are going to be traveling in the eastbound 8, 80 right at stevenson boulevard. that's in fremont. you have an accident drive times a little slow. 36 minutes selanne to 37 darya.
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james, back to you. thank you, reyna. now let's get to the big story this morning. former president donald trump was in town in san francisco for a fund-raiser last night. yeah, this was his first visit in about 5 years and it brought out both supporters and protesters. kron 4. sarah stinson has the story. >> people spend hours rallying outside of donald trump's fundraiser here in pacific heights trying to get a glimpse of him or even see him before or after the event. but he took a different entrance each time there's not only supporters, but also some people protesting his visit >> supporters of former president donald trump taking over san francisco's pacific heights neighborhood. >> and and before a campaign fundraiser at the home of tech billionaire david sacks. >> it's also 2 shows that there's a lot more people and people think that are behind trump. and that love him and >> want to back the crowd, including people from a short drive away. we live in san
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francisco or vote for trump open as well as those as far as to our president. trump commander-in-chief. well, i want to see president trump, roland, you know, i feel like california's neglected by republicans donald trump isn't coming a very off. the trump's campaign stop follows his conviction on all 34 counts in his new york hush money trial last week. his supporters still on his side. will be exonerated. just remember, you what happened to sets a precedent. a lot of people are trying to say that trump is a felon, but actually it was a kangaroo court in a banana republic. trump protesters also showed up. the felon in chief is visiting some of these people. talk about law and order constantly or kissing up to biggest criminal in the entire country. it states civil. but there were some tense moments between the
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2 >> the rally began hours earlier in the marina with hundreds of people gathering weaving around their trump flags and wearing their maga hats. tickets to this fundraising reportedly cost $50,000 per person or up to $500,000 per couple. and all of that money raised will go towards trump's efforts to become our next president. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco kron. 4 news. >> 903, is the time. the chair of the san francisco democratic party in response to all this is denouncing the former president's fundraiser in the city. nancy tung wrote in part, quote, people can throw their money away on a convicted felon who cares nothing about the american people or actually work with 3 leaders like joe biden to solve the issues of the day. san francisco democrats look forward to working with president biden for the next 4 years to move san francisco and america forward end quote. >> it's 904. and shane tao is defending a record as
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oakland's mayor. this after the group that wants to recall her says that they have enough signatures. now to put that on the ballot. they say they want or out because of the loss of the oakland a's and the firing of the popular police chief. plus, they point to a surge in crime. but the mayor says the city is headed in the right direction. no matter what. you know, naysayers say or, you folks who are trying to recall >> you know, i think at the end of the day we were able to reduce crime by 33%. overall crime across the board, right? we're doing what we know. make sense. we're do. we're making progress. oakland is turning a corner in lists. reminded many of these issues that started way before my tenure. and so within that short one and a half year that we've been in office, we've done so much already in west oakland, in east oakland and so i know that we're stronger together and i floor everybody that we should work together to ensure that we have a better and say for oakland for all.
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>> those signatures still need to be verified. if the recall does happen in november, then there will be a special election needed to decide who replaces mayor thao. >> okay. 95 is the time. let's cross the bay to san francisco where the city's panda project is moving forward. now, the mayor of oakland just got the green or a at the green light for to raise private money to pay for the pan and bring him to the city. crawford's michael thomas following it all from the michael. hey, good morning, everyone. these giant pandas are not here quite yet. and mayor london breed is still essentially needs to raise the 25 million 2 house up and is here in san francisco. but she is one step closer to making that happen. that to meet the goal of the 2025 goal that she set. the mayor's office has asked the board of supervisors government audit and oversight committee to approve an ethics rules waiver allowing the city to have its departments raised. 25 million from private donations. >> not everyone supports up and is coming to the city. but the resolution did pass the
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committee which could be seen as the hardest part of the mayor's plan. now, the last part is getting that final approval from the board of supervisors yesterday. during the meeting, community members lined up opposing the giant panda coming to the zoo and san francisco saying it isn't what it should be right now. the board responded with these remarks. >> is little more limited. and it really is not a verdict on the zoo or you know, the future roles is it's more given the facility that we currently have given a decision by executive branch to move forward to secure pandas, to make sure that that the funds are there. >> now to meet entire excuse me, the final approval for the board of supervisors is set for next week. at that point, we will see if that final approval is given and then that 25 million still needs to be embraced. now as we get more details, we'll continue to keep you updated. but that's a very latest the newsroom. i'm michael thomas
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during james. we'll send it back to you. okay. 907, right now. and there's going to be a ruling soon. that's allowing university of california to build a new student housing. >> the court just said that they can build at people's park to get the green light as well. kron four's gayle ong has reaction from neighbors. >> it's disappointing. >> i'm a neighbor and a mother. my kid has grown whitney sparks not surprised at the state supreme court's decision to allow uc berkeley to start construction on a student housing project at people's park. the project set off years of protest over the landmark people's park is now surrounded by stacks of shipping containers blocking the view of the park and security guards at every corner. something else, opponents of this project do not want to will be petitioning to get that removed for guard list of this ruling. and even if they want to build construction, they still don't need to have this shipping container all around. in a statement uc berkeley road, it is pleased with thursday's decision adding,
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quote. >> the campus is turning its attention to the timeline for resuming construction. we are grateful for the strong and ongoing support this project has received. the campus is committed to addressing the high cost and low supply of housing close to campus that undermine students ability to thrive succeed and fully partake in all that the university has to offer the high court on thursday has ruled that a new law enacted last year invalidates the claims by 2 local organizations that sued the school saying more students living in downtown berkeley would add noise pollution to an already dense area. the court noted that berkeley provides housing to the lowest percentage of students compared to other schools in the uc system. uc berkeley plans to build a 312 million dollar housing complex for about 1100 of its students. the park was founded in 1969. as part of the air is free speech and civil rights movement and for decades served as a gathering space for free meals, community
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gardening and our projects and was used by the unhoused. it's not just about housing is also about the environment and green space. it's about history. >> and a community gathering space. >> and we reached out to the groups who initially filed the lawsuit against uc berkeley. we have not yet heard back in the studio. gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> it's 909. and we want to update you now on the wildfires. the corral fire, which forced evacuations near tracy earlier this week. now it's 100 percent contained. they stopped it at just over 14,000 acres. it started saturday afternoon and now crews are looking into what caused that fire. then there's the crystal fire in napa county. it's 90% contained at this hour. it only burned about 60 acres and that started wednesday afternoon near saint alina. for firefighters are in the hospital for heat related conditions. and cal fire says both of those started as grass fires and they can turn dangerous very quickly. so they say it's important to be prepared.
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>> there grasses are the most receptive to you know, we have a slogan. one less spark. one less while we encourage folks to go to ready for wildfire dot org and look at your defensible space. also have a plan have a plan. what you're going to do if your areas impacted by there are checklists. >> i was just going over that plan making sure i and all the stuff. and, you same plan for earthquakes, so this is all something you want to be ready for. >> ok, still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, more missteps for the a's. why the owners of the team want to play outside of their new stadium in las vegas. >> and today is looking so much more comfortable 60's at the coast, 70's to 80's elsewhere in the bay. antioch really are only spotting it on to the low 90's. i've got your forecast. >> and we've been off to a really great start on this friday morning. had a few issues pop up here and there that accident along i-80 in that accident along i-80 in fremont that just cleared. so
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> 9.13, right now and we are checking out the weather. i got a new bug zapper because i'm starting to spend more time outside. so nice out the season for the bugs john. good morning. yeah. nothing more fun than zap and some bugs. but for you chill out the yard. but hey, we are looking at the forecast. it's going to get a whole lot nicer to be out there in the backyard and not breaking a sweat. the moment you step outdoors. this is your view east bay hills right here been showing this one a lot because it kind shows you that fainter rise and if not, what's necessarily fog, but at least that ocean
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cool there, cool marine. they're really hugging the coast. i and streaming right over the peninsula this morning. that's one of our first signs of this cool down. been all about the high pressure the past few days. that was cutting us off from any ocean cooled access. but now a little dip in the jet stream moving overhead and this cools us off even further on into saturday and sunday. enjoy the break. because next week we do heat up a little further with another high building back in. as for advisories. any in the bay area been canceled. but we do still see some excessive heat warnings for inland areas like the central valley in the south eastern deserts, bay area, free from advisories unless you're heading to the coast. still have some pretty high surf out that direction. winds will pick up later on today. 2030, miles per hour. gusts into the afternoon and that even streams more coastal cool there inland in the bay area come tomorrow, cooling us off even further 50's to 60's for sf and the coast temperatures elsewhere, mostly in the 70's to 80's for some of us. daytime highs today are going to be as much as 20
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degrees cooler than where we were at the peak of this past heatwave 2 days ago. that applies to areas like concord, which got up to 102 just 2 days ago. now you're only at 81 degrees, oakland up to richmond. you'll stay in the sixties today. antioch, as i mentioned, really our only spot the low 90's. tomorrow's temperatures even cooler saturday and sunday bringing that cool air to the bay area before high temperatures rise really quick next week. back to the nineties by tuesday, right? all right, john, thank you for that. that accident along 80 in fremont. just clear. >> so you get slight residual delays but nothing major, a 30 minute ride selling to 37 a bridge 11 minutes. we haven't seen any major issues. are bridges today. it's a good thing. 13 right along the san mateo bridge will open. it stays that way. one of the south about 35 minutes you consistently been about 35 for most of the morning to 82. i'm not seeing major issues there. how it looks like 80's a little slow just past
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richmond. so about 19 minutes, crockett down towards the maze. if you are going to hopping on that right now. all right, james, back to you and rain as you have to fill up. gas prices edging down little by little. we're not. >> below five-dollars still, but we're getting there. take a look at the prices now. this is the new average is around the bay. napa county paying the most at 5.31, but still that's cheaper than what we're paying about a week ago. it's thing maybe about a dime cheaper than i think a month ago we were paying. >> i don't $0.37 more a month ago. so they are edging down in agency as you go down the list right in the middle. san mateo county at 5.12 and then on the low and is santa clara county 5, 0, for a gallon. >> okay. at 9.17, check this out. you're probably seen this on social media. slithering snake. getting on muni, scaring a lot of riders here in san francisco. this was voted. a video posted on reddit. the user who shared
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video of this little guy says it happened on the quay line outbound from civic center. >> i like how you say this little guy because we got he's harmless because you're not on the muni, right? hopefully is not poisonous. we're going to try to figure kind of snake that is, but apparently was spotted a few days doesn't look like he had his clipper card with them. don't know where he is now. >> the poster didn't say so. who knows? might still be on a train scarier than snake on tv? so this weekend we are going to be at the sonoma raceway were there right now. getting ahead of the race very exciting. everything going on this week is going to be a lot of fun kron four's will tran is out there with a preview. >> of the well. >> it is a traffic mess already, james and area at the gates just opened up about 17 minutes ago. this is the first of 3 days of fun in the sun and a lot of thunder, not from the sky, but from the ground. as you can see, the racetrack right behind me. we have the
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best drivers in the world in sonoma. so come here for winds. stay for the race. lots going on. this is the first year in decades that they are dealing with a new race course. they repaved did. so the driver's they are spending today in over the next couple of days to practice on the new course. it's going to be a lot smoother and a lot faster. so they have to adjust to that. we're talking 110 laps. it's not oval. it's a street lots of turns 11 turns altogether each lap full lap is 1.9, 9 miles. i can tell you that the professionals, the superstars in the sport, they will be racing on sunday. but you have events starting as early as this afternoon as they will bring out vintage cars, cars that raced in the 60's and 70's pun intended. classic trans will tran zam. they will
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be racing the course as well. so lots of fun for everybody got a chance to actually track down a public announcer. here's what he had to say about what you can expect if you haven't been. >> 2 and nascar road course event. this is most of us are used to them. go in a circle there's left and right appeals downhills here. so there's a lot to to be had. its sensory overload is would like to say we're going music. we're going fly over the patriots jet team. be here for the weekend. so it's it's just a very exciting weekend. you haven't done before. come out. do you want number one? how you can see the trucks. but you get to see. >> the logos and the colors and the drivers names. and it's just it's all part of the experience. it's it's a it's a thing to do. >> fun thing to do. in fact, let me go ahead. daniel suarez. he actually won here 2 years ago when you are a star, you can show up whatever time
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you want. he was supposed to be here at 9.15, but you know what? when you are so competitive, daniel, can you come on and thank you for joining us. you are a very special man. thank you so much for joining us. daniel suarez. he won here 2 years ago. you carry the weight of your entire birth country. i know you're going to be a u.s. citizen, but you are mexican born first to win a nascar cup series. your thoughts on the race guys made him a special. you know, first of i'm super proud of my background where i came from. what i grew i know is the. >> you know, raising here sonoma, california is special because to me like working at home, you know, already that he's in here's responding poblacion. i'm not i'm actually a double agent here and they feel at home. so to be able to to get it. but first win here in sonoma, california couple years ago, you super special i want to report to the audit. does weaken going to let up its a
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new track. so you have to get used to that track right? >> right now you can see about a little i walking the uniform, walking track just to see the little pieces. i'm i'm changes on the track because even though they had the layout is a man is different. i mean, he's a was a little. >> detroit, a little a little things. a little trick that you can find prague in the stuart. it's great. what is not great. i went some new patches on things laid out so so, yeah, sure can you and i think is going to be a new challenge while your fans obviously want you to win you one in atlanta. it was so 0, 0, 7 seconds. you didn't even think you won as cars pulled in at the same time. yeah. i so clearly mandate he was 3 cars through big. the more fire. >> all right. 0, 0, 0, 7, and the second one 0, 0, 3, i know
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really i was i was a winner. but when he when he's that gross, have no idea. you know, i mean, you're just hoping that you are the one is one of those races that. you know, raising normally when you cause us to feel like, you know, using his first second 5th and that's only time in my entire career in the last 20 years of that i crews to finish line. and i don't know if that not what you did and you'll have another chance today as well. heeled take to the course on sunday. he is carrying the pride of an entire nation behind him. so good like danielle, thank you for joining us.
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>> and we're back at 9.25. new this morning. the u.s. labor market remains hot. the many should say. the may jobs report has just been released and it shows 272,000 jobs were added last month, which is much more than wall street was expecting. it's also more than 165,000 jobs added in april, despite the bigger than expected number, do the nation's unemployment rate did tick up to 4%, even that's the highest we've seen in more than 2 years. >> a trade group says california's fast-food restaurants have slashed about 10,000 jobs because of our state's new $20. minimum wage. this has struggling franchises are cutting labor costs and raising their prices to survive the california business and industry alliances. several major chains, including macdonald's burger king. >> and even in and out burger, they have jacked up their prices to offset the higher wages. many had to cut employee hours as well. and
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some have expedited a move to automation. it's 9.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. >> not yet? bill city in the bay area just suffered a significant setback.
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>> i-29 right now much cooler day than we've been used to last, too. >> and a milder weekend ahead, which will be nice to enjoy. john. good morning. yes, this weekend relief from the heat is welcome in nicely timed being right in the middle of the weekend. little bit of gray behind be the out there at the golden gate bridge, a sign of some of that ocean cool there that it's look back
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in. but we're also getting some sunshine as seen from the transamerica building right here. now we are going to be looking at daytime highs today. still warm inland. we've got some upper 80's in some cases, but it sure beats the triple digits 50's to 60's for our current temperatures out there. vacaville at 72 kelsey ville in calistoga are standouts in the north bay. back in the 80's already now winds from the coastline are intruding from the south and west and pushing back in at an increasing pace towards the evening. tonight. that's actually going to cool us off even further into tomorrow. today's daytime highs will be 70's to 80's for most of us tomorrow. looking even cooler gets right. all john, thank you for that. now we're making really good time. >> the r b hit the roads right now traveling into the city may be just 10 minutes. no accidents, no hazard to the meter lights. not slowing you down. 30 minutes to 81 want honor san mateo bridge or fell about 7 and the golden gate bridge a 20 minute ride. we are going to get those highways seen mostly green across the board. altamont
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pass a little slow, but other than that things look good. all right, james, back to you. thanks lauren. a 9.30, right now and the stadium has built yet. or finally approved in las vegas. but the a's have more controversy on requesting home games. >> not in that stadium. we have kron four's dan kerman now with a closer look. this is actually extremely normal. what is shocking me is again, how clumsy all this seems in public. former miami marlins president david samson is talking about the latest controversy. >> surrounding the a's new stadium in las vegas. its lease agreement, the a's to propose playing a number of home games outside of vegas. it's totally normal to have that in a lease agreement or in a non relocation agreement. but sampson says these created a mountain out of a molehill by requesting as many as 7 home games outside of vegas. one for is more appropriate. he also called out the a's president dave campbell, for telling a nevada newspaper
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playing home games elsewhere helps build the team's brand and attract players. it is beyond comprehension how he responded to this. i i really can't figure out what the business strategy is. what the pr strategy when this provision came up. >> all you have to do is be honest and say, of course, oakland, vegas, as one of 30 teams has to be available to play games internationally. so we have to work that into the least period. and that's literally would be the end of the discussion or taken games away. >> from your public and you haven't even played there yet. i don't know what the logic is. former a's executive andy dolan says whatever the intent the a's have made a bad pr move, especially when it comes to attracting new fans in las vegas. what people are reading those that might not be big. baseball fans are taking money away from us. >> importantly, you're taking games away from us. don't you want us to support your team?
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do you want us to become engaged in all of your activities? but you're going someplace else. >> the a's have already announced once the lease expires in oakland this year, they'll play at this minor league ballpark in sacramento until their new vegas stadium is built. suggested the home games controversy is a way to take the biggest deal. but the negotiating to make it look like. >> that the other side's unreasonable or your unreasonable, you just call a press conference and say it didn't work out. we're not moving to vegas. the a's maintain its not unusual to ask for as many as 7 home games to be played elsewhere. again, baseball insiders say it is. >> and they say it's likely the stadium authority will only grant them for every other year. dan kerman kron, 4 news. it's 9.33, in a murder
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near dolores park in san francisco has supervisor rafael mandelman asking the police to up their patrols. >> of the area. it was about 10 o'clock wednesday night that police responded and found a 19 year-old who had been shot and killed on delores street. >> it's you know, this is this is a part that does have some public safety challenges. it is jen really a pretty safe place and a wonderful place come. we can't live in fear, but people should be aware of their surroundings. >> supervisor mandelman says that the teenager had been shot multiple times and there's no description of a suspect right now. >> police and the layover arrested a man in a shooting that killed a woman and sent another man to the hospital. police say that shooting happened last month. it was long redwood parkway in front of hands. park. the woman died at the scene. the man who was shot was taken to the hospital. the suspect was arrested wednesday and reason behind the shooting has not yet been made public. in the north bay. santa rosa police have arrested a woman who they
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say forged more than 100 identities. police arrested melissa melissa gutierrez tuesday at her home on pine or way. they served a search warrant at her house because she failed to return rented u haul. and this is what police found inside stolen id's and forged checks when police began investigating the u haul case, they found out that air is leased it with a false i d detectives identified a man named mark boy says her co-conspirator police have booked both suspects now into the sonoma county jail. >> time now is 9.34 and after decades of helping families in their search for missing children, the class kids foundation is closing down. the foundation was set up by mark class after his daughter polly was kidnapped from their pedal in the home and murdered in 1993, we've got a chance to speak to him about the legacy he hopes his foundation leaves behind. >> i mean, i look back on our legacy, i think we've done some tremendous things. you know, though, very first thing we're focusing on was was
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criminal justice legislation and we supported and promoted bills and laws and concepts that ultimately cut crime in america a half okay. and that ould be violent crime and property crime as well. >> the final day for the class kids foundation is december 31st of this year. >> it's 9.35. and a big no for solano counties. city of the future. yeah. prominent nonprofit is formally opposing the east solano county plan, which is that billionaire back ballot measure that if approved would allow urban development on land. that's currently zoned for agriculture kron four's philippe djegal takes a closer look. >> the non-profit solano land trust says voters should vote no on november ballot measure that would approve the billionaire back development called the east solano plan sponsored by the group, california forever. the project is a proposed new town near the travis air force base
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that could accommodate up to 400,000 new people. at the end of the day, it's the development of this magnitude is just not good for >> our agricultural economy. it's our second largest, largest economy in solano county or the habitat or the slide county. the salon. a land trust says the proposed development has been pushed ahead with misleading messaging. >> adding that the area in question is not a wasteland or landscape of no value. we can't have houses and economic development and we don't have to do it at the detriment of our farm economy, of of helping natural environment and that we can still have open spaces for our community to get outside and enjoy in a statement to kron 4, california forever says in part, quote. >> we are proposing a compact sustainable community where there is no ecological habitat on poor soils with low fire risk. according to official state and county maps. it goes on to say the east plan will
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bring thousands of jobs, homes and economic opportunity that can benefit all of the diverse communities of solano county. we urge the community to about now in november, more than 20,000 solano county voters signed the petition to put the east plan on the ballot. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> it's 9.37. and after that tough fire that happened earlier this week in the calder cup tunnel they're still have to do some cleaning, which means they're going to have to partially close. the eastbound called the caught for several nights next week. the left for connecting rid oakland on highway. 24 will be closed. >> monday night from 10:00pm until 04:30am. >> tuesday morning so they can clean up the soot and they're going to keep doing that each night until everything is all cleaned up. >> alameda city council has stopped a controversial climate project as soon as they found out which they just found out. now, this would have had scientists injecting
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salt into the clouds to offset the effects of global warming. they say that the salt would brighten the clouds increasing their reflection of sunlight and thereby reducing the amount of heat absorbed by the water below. but those plans for the experiment were nipped in the bud as soon as the city council found out about it. >> i'm staff and in the city didn't know anything about these experiments until we learned about it from a new york times article, the that the experiment began and that was in late march of this year. so after hearing from concerned residents, i sure my colleagues reached out to a city manager and said what if we know about this? and the answer was nothing. the researchers washington say that they disappointed that the city is not going allow this. they say the experiment >> was designed. so as not to alter the atmosphere or
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climate or any aspect of the local weather. >> well, yesterday marked 80 years since soldiers stormed the beaches of normandy, france eventually bringing an end to world war. 2 in the south bay. people spent the day paying tribute to the veterans who showed courage and bravery on that day. back in 1944, the moffett field museum is showcasing d-day artifacts in a special immersive exhibit commemorating the d-day landings. >> you know this. this is a a phenomenally important event. and world history, not just american what we have here is a series of mini vignettes are dioramas the represent anything from the airborne operations that were conducted the night of day with a morning of d-day, a medic displays. we have a world war, 2 jeep here we havena number of artifacts. >> well, the exhibit is open until tomorrow. if you'd like to take a look. san jose public library says their summer learning program has seen a rise in registration numbers this year about a 26% increase in people signing up
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this year compared to last year. the program officially kicked off on june first and it will conclude on july 31st. the library says outreach played a big role. they say they're eager to get to back to pre-pandemic numbers. 5,000 people of all ages and reading levels have registered this year. the library says it's already seen nearly 72,500 reading minutes tracked in the first 3 days of their program. their goal for this summer's learning program is to surpass last year's 10,000 sign-ups and 4 million minutes. read. >> it's 9.40. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, 7 pride parade is just around the corner, but organizers say that is really float. cannot take part will have reaction from some jewish organizations. and free groceries in san francisco will tell you when and where you can get them. and today is going to be a much cooler day than we were of the past few days. temperatures well into the triple digits for the most
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part back into the 70's and 80's. i've got your forecast. and if you need to get things done, now might be good time to do so. we're staying on top to do so. we're staying on top of your commute ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ it's ok.
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>> 9.43 right now things are really cooling off for the weekend. they are just in time. john. thank goodness. haha right. it's like mother nature put and it just like clockwork. cooling off for the weekend today through sunday, much more tolerable, whether to get out there and do whatever you want to do outside. we are looking at conditions right now. nice and sunny over the east bay hills. although you can see that haze there in the distance, that's actually the evidence of some of that low cloud cover a marine layer which is made its return for a lot of us in the bay area. it's been all about the high pressure ridge the past few days contributing to the warmth that we've really been in the midst of brief dip in the jet stream cycling right through over the weekend is helping to keep us cool before another high pressure. ridge builds in next week. just a reminder to savor these
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next couple of days of cooler temperatures before we're back to the heat. still multiple heat advisories for the central valley as well as the eastern deserts of the state. but anything here in the bay area has well since expired after last night. so we're smooth sailing into the weekend, a little bit breezy at the coastline with some pretty high waves out there. so maybe not your best coastal day. we'll actually see winds picking up even further on into the afternoon and evening, helping transport even more of that ocean. cool. they're right into the heart of the bay area. temperatures today in the 50's and 60's for the city as well as at the coast. sweater weather out that direction while it 70's to 80's for pretty much everybody else. daytime highs in spots like redwood city at 78 are at 80 degrees. sonny bill 82, while campbell 87 free. but you'll be 80 today and 20 degrees ago was 2 days ago for concord. you went from 102, to 81 degrees today. oakland, 69 for your daytime high. antioch would have only a couple spots like brentwood in oakley, still hanging on to the low 90's. tomorrow's temps
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fall even further into the low 80's. the way we'll stay into sunday. 70's along the bay shore after that. like i promise you, we got some more heat around the corner. 90's back by tuesday right now. all right, john, thank you for nice and light on a friday. >> we had a few issues here and there. but for the most part, things are looking great. 12 riner wannacry cam as you're traveling from walnut creek down 5, a tz things. movin not seen any accidents. there. 9 minute commute into the city this morning while 101 and the south bay about 37 minutes. 2, 80 82, definitely much lighter right now. now along i-80, we had a few issues in the early hours we had an accident of fremont that cleared so residual delays. what you're looking at 30 minutes selanne to down to 37 on 80, 80 travel oakland, both nice and like choose either. checking on a te crockett outdoors. the maze about 21 minutes. all right, james, back to you. >> thank you very much, rea tonight. 46 is the time for your money this morning. the
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white house says it's taking steps to try reduce how much things cost at the grocery store. the usda announcing a proposal to help poultry growers and farmers by creating more transparency in the market, which they believe will lower the prices that you pay. however, republicans aren't buying it, the ones in congress anyway, they're blaming president biden for the high prices. we're seeing. i think i think what you see in some cases that grocery prices went up so fast so quickly into the first 3 years, the biden administration. >> that in some ways they've topped off. yeah. the white house says congress can help lower prices by passing president biden's build to ban junk fees. >> and by putting their support behind shrink, flay shun prevention act of 2024, which they believe would direct the federal trade commission to act against companies that are selling products. it's smaller packages but still charging the same or in some cases, even higher prices. >> it's not. 47 and a free grocery store is now open and available in san francisco's
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bayview district for families that are facing food insecurity covers lezla gooden takes a look at how it works. >> the district 10 community market is the ficst of its kind in the city here. all groceries are free to residents in need located in bay view. the market welcomed over 80 people on wednesday. the market is available to those who live in district 10 and they must meet certain qualifications to shop here and >> the criteria is also that you have some some form of medicare out how fresh, you know, you're low income inequality, 5 for that kind of services. and we're also looking for people that really are in need you. you've had a hard time. this is kathy davis, executive director of baby eve, senior services. and they have been contracted to run the market. kathy says, depending on the success of the market, they could at more days for shoppers. new to this and knew to happen. so many people coming. we've been doing it once a week. now we're going to do it twice a week starting next week. and then by the end the month we hope to be able 3 weeks, 3
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times a week. and so we have to gear up and get more food. and longtime neighbor can sondra who is raising her great granddaughter is one of the first people to shop at the market. she tells me it's a relief to have access to fresh food, you know, well, it helps raise. >> making >> him to be able to spend your money on and they need the market will also connect residents to other social services. >> and it's expected to serve 1500 households a month by this time next year. >> and once we get this up and running and we understand the process and we see how it works, i can see it being replicated other parts of the city and that's a desire. but it also costs money time effort and san francisco as a good in kron. 4 news. >> 9.49, the time and jewish organizations are speaking out now after officials with the san francisco pride parade decided not to include a float supporting israel this year. pride organizers say they value the contributions of jewish people who advocate for peace. but they are being
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careful not to conflate jewish people living in america with the state of israel. and this comes as the war in gaza between israel and hamas continues. the bay area, jewish community relations council says they are disheartened by the decision, especially since pro-palestinian groups are being welcomed at the parade. so they posted on their social media account. quote, we call on sf pride to clarify that everyone, including lgbtq+, israelis are welcome at pride. no one should be singled out because of their ethnic identity. end quote, we did reach out to pride but haven't heard back. the parade as we know is set to be held on june 30th saying about the with yellow stars and they forced anyone who is to wear a pink triangle. >> and that's why they put a huge pink triangle up every year at twin peaks. this marks the 29th time that the installations but going to be glowing during pride month. they want to reclaim the symbol and for their own to
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say how they were discriminated against and and march with that pink triangle, the lgbtq+ community face discrimination and they call that attention. as you can see here, several 100 volunteers working to get this up and running. it will be displayed tomorrow, sitting high above san francisco for the entire month of june. >> enjoy its there, too. it's a giant in your face educational tool. that's really why it's because people don't know what to think. triangle means. >> so it's super sized up on the twin peaks of people driving by on the freeway over the bridges were safe. what is not and then the looking up and go. so that's what it is. >> there will be a big celebration with drag queens plan for tomorrow's installation as well. with the san francisco police department is celebrating pride month as well. our san jose, i should say. >> by raising the pride flag in front of the administration. building the rainbow flag now flying high there, acting police chief paul joseph is helping
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continue that annual tradition. officers say that flag symbolizes the diversity and inclusion that they see inside the department. in other news this morning, the tanner family home from full house is now back on the market listed for 6 and a half million dollars. that home as many know is in the lower pac heights neighborhood on broaddrick street there between pine and bush. it has 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms and one half bath fun fact, most of that full house series was filmed the interiors anyway, rinna sound stage at the warner brothers studios in la. only that you write. it's only really the exterior shots of the house that were captured here in san francisco. so if you're going in there for a tour, don't expect to see the way on the show we'll take a break here at 9.52. we'll be right back.
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>> the roar, the rumbles spacex successfully launching the world's most powerful rocket yet again. this was yesterday the rocket lifted off from space-x's starbase facility in boca chica texas. a few minutes later after launch the rocket's booster successfully splashed down in the gulf of mexico as it was designed to do. then the first time spacex return the booster in one piece. by the way. and here you're looking at about an hour after that. the starship itself in re entry as it was coming through earth's atmosphere. glowing. see all that plasma. it also successfully splashed down in the indian ocean simulating
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what would be a soft landing. onto water surface. and it is not amazing that they can continue to stream live video from the starship as its goal. we can get a shot of sonoma and they get and they get live different on critical 9.55. right now coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, former president donald trump was in town. we'll take a look. >> and how he was greeted in the bay area and san francisco city leaders are asking for more police presence around dolores park because of a shooting. and the a's are facing more controversy over their as yet. not even built. stadium in las vegas. we'll stadium in las vegas. we'll tell you why. hey, flex. considering there's
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, a rare visit by former president donald trump draws hundreds of supporters and protesters in san francisco. plus, oakland mayor sheng thao speaking to kron 4 after the effort to remove her from office clears a huge hurdle. and san francisco mayor london breed gets the green light to raise money to bring giant pandas to the city. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching you. morning team. >> good morning and happy friday to you. i'm darya and i'm james a friday and weekend ahead. that's got fantastic weather on tap. yeah, it's for
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sure. not as hot and come on. oh, my goodness. those 90's to triple digits. it was an uncomfortable for even the heat lovers amongst us today. already looking cooler. just one look out here at half moon bay and he hits of relief, ogden out that direction. most of us aren't releasing the fog as much as we are a little bit. a low grade along the bay shore. >> and definitely noticing that cooler range of temperatures. right now it's 50's in half moon bay and berkeley 60's and san mateo sf and oakland, while a few 80's in calistoga and kelsey ville kelsey bill, you are going to be the exception to the bay area norm, not really tapping into dna. any of that cool coastal air that the rest of us have in a full force, as you can see it pushing in from the southwest into the bay. this is going to keep our temperatures nice and moderated 70's to 80's for the vast majority of us. back to you. >> thanks a lot, john. 10:00am now in the big story. former president donald trump was in the bay area who is in


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