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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  June 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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4 news 5 anchor tonight from the family of an east bay murder victim after alameda county district attorney pamela price reaches a plea deal with the accused killer. >> and it's the end of an era in the bay as golden gate fields gets ready to close its doors for good following years of controversy. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at
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>> thanks for joining us at kron. 4 news at 5. i'm vicki liviakis. i'm grant lotus. our top story tonight. alameda county district attorney pamela price is under fire tonight for reaching a plea deal and the sister of the murder victim involved is not happy about the crown prince. dan kerman has more now on the case involving a da who is already facing recall election in november. >> pamela price is more concerned about her when the last record then bringing justice to the california bay area. >> this east bay murder victim's sister says alameda county district attorney pamela price has reached a lousy plea deal, allowing her brother's kidnappers and killers to serve little time behind bars on action. disparaged. >> i feel that they have. they've let us down. >> henson's brother ben hammond was kidnapped during a home invasion robbery on september 6th of 2021. he was
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eventually bound, gagged and strangled to death and dumped alongside the road in the oakland hills. initially, 4 people were taken into custody. several charged with murder and kidnapping. but by the time prices office announced the plea deal on monday of this week, whole kidnapping charges were dropped and only one person pled guilty to second-degree murder. the murders should have 25 years to life. >> considering all of that information, she's refusing to acknowledge their prior behavior. one of the alleged kidnappers pleads guilty to a home invasion, robbery and faces a 6 year 8 month prison sentence. >> and the other alleged kidnapper pleads guilty to first degree residential burglary and faces a 6 year state prison sentence in its press. release prices office says the pleas by the defendant ensures they will face the appropriate consequences and accountability for their conduct in these cases. but the dead man's sister doesn't
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see it that way. >> this hangs me every single day. every single day. and health to accept the fact that my brother is not coming back. unfortunately, i have to accept that. she has made this plea deal and it may not be changed at all. but i will not accept the fact that. as long as she is in her position of power. she has the authority to make other families feel the way that feeling. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> happening now, a suspicious package has prompted a major road closure in the city of santa clara, both eastbound and westbound lanes of el camino. real between. >> calabassas and keely are closed as law enforcement assesses. they asked people to avoid the area and use alternate routes. the reopening time is currently unknown. we will update you once we learn more.
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>> all lanes of i-580, in castro valley are now back open. a chp sharing this video as crews are turning a tanker truck back on its wheels after it rolled over during a crash. chp says that no one was injured. >> the list is growing now with a number of wildfires. we have been following a grass fire in benicia that forced evacuations is now completely bin contains burned. 3 acres started this morning near bayshore road. crews say they're just mopping up hot spots. no one was hurt and no buildings were damaged. in brentwood. what they're calling the albert's fire is now. 95% contained. but it burned more than 500 acres. it started just before 11, 30 this morning near the intersection of albert court and deer valley roads. no one was hurt. buildings were not damaged. kron four's here for all the wildfire coverage.
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just scan the qr code on your screen. you go to our wildfire page on kron 4 dot com where we have updates on evacuation orders. air quality maps, active fires and more. >> all right. taking a live look outside right now at mount diablo was skies are pretty clear out there. grass is definitely. >> golden. yeah, it's been plenty hot to home that grass. if this week was any indication it's going to be long. hot summer. kathy trafton is with us now with a look at the forecast for the weekend. >> wasn't it a thrill to see those hills green after a very wet season. we had to. we had green hills and they all of a sudden turn brown. that's the way it is for much of the summer time into the fall for us. at the coastline. skies are gray. here's half moon bay. as you can see, it is just socked in. you know, nice beach day that still go for a walk. big temperature change for several reasons. partly just thanks to the marine air. it's pushing inland gosh, a
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lot cooler, especially in the inland areas where yesterday we were in the 90's. now we're in the 80's. if we're lucky down 10 degrees, 11 degrees in concord. little bit warmer right at the coastline in san francisco. here's where the temperatures sit right now. morgan hill, the 73 degrees along the bay shoreline. 60's 70's, dublin, only 76 degrees. but there are a few areas in the 80's, including pittsburgh and 82. brent was 92. but santa rosa, only 71 degrees and point raises 59. so as you can see, much cooler and thanks in part to the wind gusts, lots of windy sea breezes are cooling down the temperatures at the coastline. and finally even inland. i have the seven-day forecast coming up. we'll talk more about what is precipitating these big changes and the temperatures stick with us.
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temperatures go. police are looking for this person they believe may be connected to messages and threats. >> left outside of a home on grove street. the victim telling police that he found the racially offensive items and messages left next to his building. this video is from back in april. this happened in the same area where a longtime resident, a black man told kron 4 that he received packages containing a black doll with a noose around its neck just days before his home burned down. police have not said if this man is connected to that incident, but anyone with information about this person of interest is being asked to call police. a judge dismisses several state charges against paul pelosi's attacker who was convicted in federal court last month. the following that federal conviction state prosecutors brought their own case against a pap, but his public defender says that the state trial represents double jeopardy for david de pap and in response to judge on thursday dismissed
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state charges of attempted murder of elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. but to pat still faces charges, including false imprisonment to residential member of a public official as - well as aggravated kidnapping. those charges were not part of the federal trial. pap has pleaded not guilty to all the charges. today. more reaction is pouring in following the state supreme court's decision to allow uc berkeley to move forward with its plan. >> to build housing at people's park. berkeley's mayor is now weighing in. this decision ended a yearlong legal battle over the historic berkeley landmark. some opponents had argued the historic park should be preserved but uc berkeley says now that all legal barriers have been cleared, it will proceed with building student housing on the site with support from the city. berkeley mayor jesse ever again today noted that the plan for the site includes more than 2 acres of open
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space. this will provide permanent housing for the needy is people community. >> people that are currently living on the streets. think that's really a great resolution due to the fact that people's party long been place of people sought refuge from homes for people at people's park. >> the court noted that berkeley provides housing to the lowest percentage of students compared to other schools in the uc system. >> well, is that time of year again, the big rubber inflatable dam on the russian river is getting pumped full of air. the sonoma county water agency is going to start inflating the dam on monday and it could take them from about 4 days to 2 weeks to get things completely full. there. the ponds help recharge groundwater in the area at a time of year when water demand really begins to increase. >> juneteenth celebrations are taking over san francisco this weekend. we details on parade route and street closures. >> plus, a loophole you may care about if eat out at
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restaurants as a new state law goes into effect. >> and it's pride month. governor newson is in the bay area pushing too enshrined marriage into the state's marriage into the state's constitution. network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to
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>> it's imperative but states like california step up and assert themselves at this critical time. just 5 months out from election day today, governor newsom officially launching a ballot measure campaign to enshrine. >> the right to same marriage into the california
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constitution. eytan wallace was with the governor during the campaign launch in san francisco with a closer look at the so-called freedom to marry initiative. >> well, to be clear, same marriage is legal in california just as it is in all 50 states. but our state constitution still contains language that says otherwise. and now governor gavin newsom hopes to change that. >> we have a special role and responsibility to lead. and that's with this initiative. it's all about with that. governor gavin newsom officially launch the campaign in support of what's been dubbed the freedom to marry initiative set to appear on the ballot. >> this november. it would enshrine the right to same marriage and to the california state constitution. i want to be here believe in a little history, as you may know on this issue. but it's the state's recent history. why newsom says this measure is needed in 2008 california voters approved prop 8 to ban same marriage across the state
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and formally defined marriage in the state constitution as a union between a man and a woman. well, a federal court overturned the law 2013. and while the united states supreme court legalized same marriage nationwide in 2015, the prop 8 language defining marriage between a man and a woman has remained in the state constitution all these years later, newsom wants to change that. we're making the decision to stand up. newsome, an lgbtq+ advocates say the bella measure is needed now amid concerns the united states supreme court could one day overturn its decision to legalize same marriage nationwide just like it overturned roe v wade 2 years ago leaving abortion rights to the states. overturning of roe versus wade showed us that our most basic rights >> can be taken away. they're coming for us. and what is important then is that we live our authentic lives and that we're fighting here. we are. >> in 2024, and what we're not experiencing. we're not experiencing a rights expansion. we're experiencing
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a rights regression and that's why it's imperative. but states like california step up and assert themselves at this critical time. the measure already qualified for the ballot with bipartisan approval from the legislature. but the california family council is a post citing concerns the ballot language. >> is too vague. look at what initiative actually says under this new law. there would be no limit to the number of people who could get married the age of people who could get married. >> or did the genetic relationship between people who could get married? that is opening the door to catastrophe for our state and election day is november 5th reporting in san francisco, a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> whether time here as we get a live look outside, you see the wind blowing along san francisco's embarcadero as we embark on the weekend. yeah, it's almost here and kathy trafton is here as kathy? >> hi, you know, skies are blue there, but they're not blue everywhere. we're seeing an awful lot of gray right
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along the coastline. and that's the winds are certainly pressuring the gray inland. so depends on where you are. this is the view from mount tam, a pious. yes, if you can see above the big blanket of grey or blue skies, you go the way high up in elevation at mount temple pilots below those. of course, those sky, those gray clouds, it's nothing. but, you know, cooler conditions. so right now temperatures are not exactly warm. san francisco at this hour is 50 half moon bay, 59 degrees. san francisco, 60 and oakland is 66 degrees inland. temperatures are a little warmer, but cooler than yesterday, concord down 11 degrees compared to yesterday at this hour. what is going on? it's a big area of low pressure. yeah. sits up in the gulf of alaska, but it is influencing our weather is helping to push an usher. some of the winds and some of the clouds right in our direction. remember how hot it was a couple of days ago that was courtesy of this area of high pressure right here it is gone
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is now over the 4 corners, bringing some hot conditions there for us. the cooling trend continues. the low pressure is helping. but guess what? we've got another area of high pressure coming in our direction. there it is starting to head toward us toward the end of the weekend. then we're looking at considerably warmer conditions for next week. the next 7 days and show us cooler cooler cooler for a few days. and then a little warmer. but nothing like the really searing heat we had just a couple days ago. we have situation. yeah, thanks, andy. >> it is the last weekend's coming up for horse racing at the historic golden gate fields. the track is in the it's the last of its kind here in the bay area and has faced scrutiny for repeated deaths, of course, is over the last year. plus kron four's lezla gooden reports. >> golden gate fields will open their gates for their final time on sunday. the track is holding races throughout the weekend. on
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friday. some fans came to experience the track. >> where the nostalgia the last day i got buddy. coming over here. circle track holds memories and family ties for some like samantha fay, a local force advocate. >> grandfather was the mayor of albany when the track first opened in 1941. >> yeah. when my great grandfather opened golden gate fields in the 1940's, he would also preside over the winner's circle ceremonies in these types of things. and i even have family members that may come out and watch the final race and honor of my great grandfather. >> but she says the closure is long overdue, calling the treatment of the horses here at tragedy. thoughts my my heart and my mind are both with the horses that we weren't able to save. so golden gate fields kills many courses every year since they announced the closure in july of 2023, 19 horses have been
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killed here. according to the california horse racing board, there was, course, death recording here on friday. samantha says this is why she's been calling for their closure. bring, course, racing board claims that horse racing deaths in california are decreasing. the rate of deaths is decreasing, but the california public has shown that we see horses as individuals and every single that is a travesty and every single that is not worth entertainment of whatever people believe the 140 acre tract is going to be missed. but other residents who say the financial impact will be felt it's not developed into something else. for the city of albany because get almost a million dollars in taxes every year from the owners of the racetrack. so we're going to lives it out with let's get in kron. 4 news. >> today is national gun violence awareness day and one bay area organization is making a big impact. moms
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demand action is leading the charge to end gun violence and a representative joined us earlier today. >> aunt and uncle affected by gun violence in a home invasion. and also my really close friend died of gun suicides. so this is a very personal journey being that today is gun violence awareness day. we want to start by showing the importance of wearing throughout the nation so that we can send a clear message that there are more actions that we must take and that we can take in order to end gun violence and create society for responsible gun ownership. >> there are 3 events happening to bring awareness to gun violence. yeah, one in a richmond. >> is. >> happening now. tomorrow you can head to livermore and there's a memorial bike ride on sunday. you can find out
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more at where orange dot org. meantime, a a woman is behind bars tonight after police say she stabbed a man to death in downtown san jose. it happened on sunday on north 17th and east santa clara street. police say that they found a man bleeding from a stab wound and not breathing. days later, officers found and arrested him at a home in san jose. no word tonight on a motive. >> santa rosa police have arrested a woman who they say forge to more than 100 identities. police arrested melissa gutierrez tuesday at her home on pioneer way. they served a search warrant at her place because they say she failed to return a rented u haul. and they say this is what officers eventually found inside stolen id's and forged checks. when police started investigating the u haul situation, they say they found gutierrez rented it with a false i d detectives identified a man named mark boy says her co-conspirator
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police have booked both people into the sonoma county jail. >> after a truck fire caused a traffic nightmare for commuters. earlier this week, crews say they're going to be partially closing. the eastbound called the cove tunnel for several nights next week. caltrans says the left bourke connecting are in debt opened on highway. 24, it's going to be closed from 10:00pm monday night until 4.30, tuesday morning to clean up the set left behind from that fire. the closure will be repeated each night until cleanup is complete. >> still ahead, a stunning reversal from the fda why the administration is walking back its stance on juul e-cigarettes and the monterey bay aquarium loses a beloved member of their family. rosa, the otter. >> passes away at the age of 24.
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doc? >> today, hundreds people in san francisco's chinatown were able to pick up free bags of food. dozens of volunteers handed out 5,000 bags of food. mayor london breed was they're stressing the importance of programs like these. >> this is an opportunity for us to come together as a community and to support and to uplift one another. and there is nothing better do that then with food and it brings people together. >> people can pick food bags at the cameron house that's located on sacramento street. >> one of the perks of living in san francisco just turning on the kitchen faucet drinking straight out of that happen. join the city's public utilities commission's annual water. quality report is out and they say the water has
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once again met or exceeded all state and federal standards over the past year. and that is mostly because san francisco's tap water is clean. comes from the sierra. the snow melt which is stored in the hetch hetchy and that is in yosemite national park. >> napa county is launching a i translation platform called world lee word. worldly to the next board of supervisors. budget meeting this so that spanish speaking residents can understand the platform will provide real-time translation and closed captioning in spanish, on phones and computers and other electronic devices. residents have to bring their own devices and earphones to listen or read the translation in person. the meeting will be on monday at 06:00pm. it will also be held on >> and alarming attack caught on camera. the sapd is searching for the man who grabbed a woman there. surveillance video of it that happened in chinatown. we'll show you that. also a first of black bear mauling northern
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california woman is dead, but officials say the bear did that they think is how she died. plus, restaurants are pushing back against a new state law about transparency when it comes to service fees. you know, you get to the bottom of the receipt. you see some stuff. well, we'll
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>> back to a developing story. we have been tracking in the south bay, a suspicious package prompting police to close a part of el camino real in santa clara. our crop jack molmud live on the scene to provide us with some details on that. jack.
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>> yeah, that's right. guys of standing on the corner of el camino, real and keely boulevard here in the senate there. police said they were responding to a suspicious package. that package was by the bank of america right here el camino boulevard back the entire shopping center, which probably about maybe a half dozen different outlets that the well up time and some kind of the restaurant they were all shut down people or asset. they keep area and stay behind the caution tape here. just within the last couple of minutes, obviously road here is back open up. that just happened with last minute or 2 here. it all led up to that? well, because we did see some kind of robot go all the way from the goodwill here to the bank of america be able to detect what that suspicious package was not. it was difficult for us on this and develop a real to see that's the suspicious package. but a bystander told somebody, rabbi, let the double back there. and that's what caused that


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