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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  June 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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corral fire last weekend near tracy alameda county firefighter was injured while fighting that fire is currently in the hospital and will need several more surgeries because of severe burns. he suffered well now as friends are reaching out there, trying to help him and his family through this time. >> kron four's terisa has more now on their efforts. >> and that the fire has burned over flown out to santa clara medical center. >> that's brian son, tony communications director with alameda county fire department. he is now on a journey to thank the community for coming out in support of brandon franco. franco shown here with his wife and child was out fighting the corral fire that erupted june first near tracy with ferocious
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winds. the blaze cut through grass quickly. crews ultimately did get the upper hand on the blaze. but franco is still in the hospital and he suffered 3rd degree burns on his arm and his back. >> and he's just such an amazing firefighter said tony says that franco has already had surgery and we'll need more specialized care for his burns. can talk visit him this morning. he was in great obviously he's got a long road ahead of them as far as some of his burns on his arms back. >> but a menos airway works. well, he's able to talk is able to see he's going to able to come back and hopefully make a full recovery. so in that really proud and really happy for him already. the gofundme set up to help franco and his wife has received thousands of dollars a long journeys. got some surge coming up. >> he's been very happy with community support. he really wants thank everyone in the community. >> everywhere fire department. so was a firefighter, santa clara county firefighters, livermore pleasanton firefighters, newark police department beyond all their
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members have come together together to support. still funny. >> theresa kron, 4 news, a landmark bill to fight wildfires has just been introduced in congress and several. >> california congressman are at the forefront of the sweeping package. our catherine heenan is live for us in the newsroom with details on this. hi, catherine. hype. okay. well, a lot of people are saying about time for something like this. >> it is a first of its kind bill that would essentially modernize the way the u.s. is tackling the ongoing wildfire crisis. we talked today to one of the sponsors, congressman john garamendi. it only makes sense that california legislators are helping to lead the push. >> leaders here have been pointing out we cannot talk about wildfire season it's always wildfire season in california. >> a year-round crisis. the new thing is that climate change is real and we now have
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a 365 day fire season in california and do with the heavy rains that we had this year. there is a lot of grass out there and we saw that with fire in the tracy area just last week. >> the bill takes a four-part approach. it aims to get rid of firefighter shortage is by creating a new academy to train and hire more of them. there would be a focused effort to hang on to the experienced firefighters who are considered experts, including giving them better benefits and working conditions. the bill would update technology like developing risk maps to improve response time. and a real-time air quality monitoring system with alerts would be created to help tackle the fact so many people get sick from the smoke from huge wildfires. the bill is called modernizing wild fire safety and prevention act. it
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is said to be gaining bipartisan support also look to of the senate. >> find a companion measure in the senate really important that we're getting with the people that are on the fire lines here. >> the bill's attention to wildfire smoke that one of the things plotted in this bill. studies show the smoke can lead to a shocking number of deaths and injuries more than most people would realize. on another note, we know wildfires have led to a home insurance crisis on that threatens to for some residents to leave the state grant. >> yeah, that's a whole other issue in a very real one. thank you, catherine. fire season is here and here in the bay. we've already seen several fires and heat advisories. officials are urging people to be prepared in case of an emergency that includes making sure you have defensible space of at least 5 feet. but ideally, somewhere around 30 feet around your home, also make sure you're cutting down dead grass and weeds to be 4 inches or
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shorter. officials say significant rain. this year's lead seasonal grasses and vegetation to grow more than usual. you heard representative garamendi talking about that. people should also trim back trees, remove low hanging branches and clean gutters. >> we're all in this together. if everybody does their part to prepare their properties, that everybody will be safer. >> the national weather service is hot and dry days elevate the risk of fire. and so we're coming up on the hot spot this week as we turn our attention to the 4 zone forecast. taking a live look outside and there you see the part of the bay bridge part of your island in the middle of the bay. you know, such a nice day today. it's hard to think that it's going to be miserable tomorrow. but you're here to give us the misery index. that's pretty hot spots. i mean, if you you know, some people like 90's and triple digits, right? but >> the good news is only stick around for about a day day and a half. then we start to cool down. but yeah, we've got the grasses that are starting to change out there. now we've seen those turning brown around the bay area will see
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more of that on the way live look outside right now. you've got some hazy conditions outside. we got some patchy fog moving in along the coastline. but here's your fire weather forecast as we take you through the next 24 hours. you this afternoon. you've got some areas that are elevated, of course, well inland. and that's generally where you get most. that heat and that lower humidity. i think overnight tonight, still enough for the seabreeze. but then by tomorrow afternoon, things begin to pick up again. you see some of that in the north bay, at least a elevation. the risk there for fire weather as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. and of course, in the city that kind of plays out to the summer generally not much. but you got to be careful this time of year. definitely great time to take care of the grasses in around your homes to make sure that you're safe. should a fire start air starting to be an issue to around the bay area? but looking good. we've got some places with moderate amounts up building up outside right now, parts of the north bay, the east bay and the santa clara valley. otherwise most bay area in the green tomorrow, high pressure overhead looking good in the north and the coast. but a little haze in the east bay in the south bay by tomorrow
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afternoon. so overall, high pressure. yeah, it's going to dominate here through least nhe next day and a half or so as that ridge going to bring a really so the hottest temperatures the week, i think by tomorrow afternoon, maybe some triple digit heat showing up in some of the interior valleys. this one of those times, again, huge contrast in temperatures. you may be looking at 100 degrees in livermore. then temperatures in the low 60's along the coastline. almost a 40 degree spread in a very short distance there. so over the next couple days, here it is. we're going to see high pressure overhead. temperatures stay hot, inland cooling down a little bit on wednesday. more cooling expected for everyone on thursday. thanks, lawrence. pro-palestinian protesters rallied outside san francisco's federal building today. >> demanding an end to the ongoing war and they're taking legal action to try to stop the u.s. from supporting israel like the white house has been. >> every single member of my family at this point has either been. what is being star has been displaced and all of them have been
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dispossessed. everything. well, meaning and value to that. in the most, deliver it and well documented fashion. >> the lawsuit filed dame's president biden, secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin as defendants. >> just a few months after democrats and republicans in the legislature announced some bi-partisan bills too address the issue of retail theft. leaders of each party are now accusing the other of pl-ying politics with the legislation are capitol correspondent eytan wallace says the story. >> retail theft. it's an issue. republicans and democrats in the legislature have long said they want to see addressed so much so that earlier this year, legislative leaders from both sides of the aisle announced a package of bills. they dubbed the bipartisan safer. california plan they believe will help tackle the issue. >> i'm on the bills in the package. one that would expand the california highway patrol
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property crimes task force and another that would increase penalties against retail thieves involved in the resale of stolen items. common sons, effective that will blunt retail theft and local crime. but the bills do not propose to overturn prop. 47 passed by california voters in 2014, the law changed certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. while supporters have long argued the law will help reduce california's prison population and lead to criminal justice reform opponents to this day say it emboldened criminals to take part in certain crimes like retail theft, with little to no punishment, property. 7 has been an unmitigated disaster for public safety in california. >> and so until this legislature get serious about fixing prop 47, we're going to keep pushing for reforms. and that includes at the ballot box. and that's exactly what voters can expect this
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november after a group of district attorneys and others in public safety. >> say they've collected enough signatures to qualify a ballot measure asking voters to overturn prop 47 governor gavin newsom does not want to see that happen. i don't think there's a need to happen on i have something on the ballot. doesn't actually achieve the goals that are i do something that can't be done legislatively. democratic legislative leaders, including senate president pro tempore mike mcguire agree with newsom and now they're proposing amendments to many of the retail bills, amendments that would make the bills take effect immediately this summer with the governor's signature, but would also cancel the bills of voters overturned. prop 47. it helps avoid having conflicting laws. >> in policies regarding retail theft so that we can be sure these are held accountable. but republicans believe the anti prep 47 ballot measure and the retail theft bills can both become they argue the democrat backed amendments are part of a
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larger plan to defeat the ballot measure. they're trying to deceive the voters into believing that there's a choice. there's not a choice we can do both. the cynical part is. >> the democrats are putting this in place so that the ballot summary entitle can say >> that this initiative and does public safety bills passed in the legislature and make it look like we're undoing it and making it less safe. that's the sentence. that's the cynical part. here's what i have to say to that. >> hogwash. hogwash. >> we're putting emergency clause into these bills so they take effect immediately. who doesn't support that as a cynical attempt. >> to remove the voters right to have a say on this important issue. >> and as you can see, this is a passionate debate likely be front and center on tuesday when lawmakers take up the retail tough to bills at the public safety committee reporting at the state capitol wallace kron. 4 news.
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>> take a look at you look really carefully. there you see there, some writing a kite surfer was rescued off of davenport landing in santa cruz county after becoming stranded on sunday afternoon. so in the video and when it was up close, you can see the word spelled out help in the sand using rocks. pretty smart. he was actually spotted by a private helicopter who called 9-1-1 officials say fortunately he did not need any medical help. >> next in sports says lebron get a get a new coach. well, not lakers. well for this guy, the job you cousin head coach dan hurley to make with 10's of millions of dollars on the line. aaron wilson, as all of line. aaron wilson, as all of the draft coming up. network io network for business.
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book your getaway now at >> well, that is basically never stops here. kron 4, it sure doesn't. let's go check in with dan thorn for a look at what's coming up tonight. >> on kron, 4 news at 10. hi, dan. hey, vicki and grant with the san jose unified school district has been hit with a damning report. we've got questions tonight about safety in leadership within the school district. and what a parent is telling kron 4 about san jose's largest school district plus a bay area city ranked worst for staycations. we've got more on where and why. coming up on kron. 4 news at 10 grant. vicki, back to you. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, it is no secret that the lakers are in the market for new head coach after dropping darvin ham just after their early exit from the nba playoffs this season. so rumors have swirled when it
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comes to the possibility of jj redick joining and also the possibility of uconn's head coach dan hurley joining. but hurley says his focus is where and that's right where it's been the last 25 years. college basketball. now, dan, her a plus. 25 years staying fairly lift the husk%es to their second straight national title. this past season turns out he wants a 3rd before stepping into the nba. now last season marked his 6th title in the last 25 years. in a statement, hurley said that although humbled by the entire experience of being sworn in as a head coach in the nba right now, his team is focusing on getting better this summer. it connects to give the team continuing to pursue. guess what more championships mean? wow. former lakers head coach darvin ham will. he's agreed to join the milwaukee bucks. coaching staff is a top assistant after being dismissed from the lakers last one. ham now returns to the books franchise where he had spent 4 seasons and was a part
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of that 2021 nba championship team. he had 2 winning seasons with the lakers and overall his record was 90 in 74 in the regular season. ham reunites with the bucks star giannis antetokounmpo with. of course he has a great relationship we have and will now work alongside head coach doc rivers. so it'll be interesting to see how breaks down. meanwhile, with mandatory mini-camp wrapped up for the niners, the forty-niners now look ahead to training camp in july over the weekend. espn's jeremy fowler, he reported on sportscenter that there are whispers around some in the industry that treat just might want a new deal. eventually. right now, the 35 year-old william signed a record-breaking. >> 6 year 138 million dollar contract extension with the forty-niners. that was back in 2021. now despite his age, the 11 time pro bowler continues to produce for san francisco in could be looking to be fairly compensated for his work in an annual salary or might even want more guaranteed money. so okay. so i did the 6 into one. 38.
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that's 26 million a year. >> that's not enough. he's fairly up and say i'm telling you, what is 26 million nowadays. he's down like his agent. i know i can take just one of those and i'll be okay. either one and worth every penny. don't think you are. thank you, >> all right. other news tonight in santa clara county is moving forward to support family caregivers. the county board of supervisors is looking for ways to address adult caregivers. main areas of concern which include the need for more information about what services are available throughout the county. santa clara county also plans to create an assistance plan for caregivers to help pay for adult care. the aarp has right, california. 15th in the nation for a family caregiver
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support. the organization says the state lacks in assistance because it does not provide any tax credits to caregivers who frequently take on extra costs. >> free legal services are now available for residents in the sadr falcon now area in marion county. residents could be helped with criminal services, public benefits and housing. according to the county, the clean slate program aims to remove barriers to self-sufficiency and help residents succeed. the event will be on june. 20th at the picnic area of the pickle we parked on canal street in sandra fell. it's going to be from 3.30, to 06:00pm services in spanish will available to and residents in need of legal help. they're being asked to bring all relevant documentation. june 20th that is taking notes right of our 4 zone forecast. as we give you a live picture right now we had to go and get rich. lot of fog out there. pretty typical at this hour. >> some people go june gloom.
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lawrence is here with a look at how the forecast will play out the rest of the yes, some folks could be happy make a return. a little later on this week. these temperatures going to be very hot spots as early as tomorrow up in the 90's and even some triple digit heat. but not there at the golden gate bridge. you've got that fog that has moved on shore, some dense fog overnight tonight. that's kind of give you idea of that strengthening ridge of high pressure up above looks like. we'll see more of that fog just inside the bay. but most of is going to wake up nice and clear and then we're off and running with the sunshine. the temperatures getting hot heat advisory going up in the north, the east bay and the santa clara valley by tomorrow afternoon. midweek heat will continue then slowly cooling down as we head in toward this weekend is that ridge of high pressure going to dominate our weather now. but eventually it's going start to weaken just a little bit tomorrow. it will be on the hot side all around. in fact, these temperatures soaring by tomorrow afternoon, even as temperatures go got expect 60's, a few 70's there by tomorrow afternoon. maybe 73 in the mission co side to find some cool air. and of course, a couple of patches of fog early on, though. i think as
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you head toward the middle of the day, sneaking in some sunshine, 75 degrees in millbrae about 76 and sunny in burlingame. 83 in san mateo. 85 in redwood city about 82 degrees in mount view, the south bay. yeah, you're looking at some hazy conditions and hot 90's in the san jose about 96 in campbell. 96 also saratoga, 99 in pleasanton 100 degrees, possibly in livermore, maybe 102 of brentwood. 92 in orinda 97 degrees in concord. you get the idea these hot temperatures soaring by tomorrow afternoon. then cooling down just a little bit as we head in toward wednesday. more cooling on thursday and then looks like we get toward the weekend. just about average of patchy fog returning along the coast. all right, lawrence, the bart silicon valley extension project broke ground over the weekend. the project. >> as a six-mile bart line from the berryessa transit center through downtown san jose all the way down to santa clara project, expected to be wrapped up by 20 37. >> the company known for tesla
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upgrades has unveiled a new cyber truck police vehicle. look at that thing. california-based unplugged performance launched its division up fit. they call it to convert the tesla vehicles into a police patrol vehicles. the next gen patrol unit includes the, you know, police lights, sirens, pa system, but also has other upgrades, including upgraded radio and computer systems. the vehicle can also be modified for specific missions, such as tactical military search and rescue. you name it. unplugged performance as they expected deploy these vehicles later this year. >> coming up, apple is joining i race our plans break the software do it better.
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>> apple's annual worldwide developers conference kicked off this morning in cupertino. the company unveiled plans to integrate artificial intelligence into its business by announcing a partnership with open ai sam altman. the ceo of open ai was there. the company is branding. it. i apple intelligence. apple's also debuting new operating systems like ios 18, which will soon hit iphones. essentially, they say siri is going to be way smarter and way more intuitive i thought was pretty smart to begin with. >> highway patrol officer was called it clear herd of about 50 they were apparently blocking the road there in app. toss. they're sad of cruise video from chp shows heard goats leaving the road
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next to a patrol vehicle. you know, they're there to munch on all the weeds. they have an important task to do. the officer arrived on scene shortly after the owner was able to safely heard them out of harm's way to go about their business. >> they can chow down on that poison oak to soulful historic san francisco hotel is welcoming visitors back to the city with a vibrant display of flowers and food beacon grandes blooms and bubbles event runs through july. the event is part of the city's union square in bloom celebration, which commemorates the neighborhood's historic connection to flowers. despite the departure of many retailers in the area, the beacon grand leaders say they see tourism picking back up, which is good at a good time. >> and take a look at this. speaking of tourism, the sky star. we'll you notice is not there. it's gone from fisherman's wharf in the city but not forever. this a ferris wheel only temporarily closed its going to reopen to the
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public july first. apparently they're going to be performing some upgrades. so the ferris wheel can stay the longer they're on the war. every check got. yes, sirs time. i was little sad. i thought it was gone, we'll bring it back and be better than ever. we went to the one that they have that same first will believe in golden gate park. during the pandemic and, >> you masked up it went for it you. can you can do it again. can see a lot of their yeah. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 6. being with us this hour. that's 3 hours. in >> we'll see you tomorrow night. but keep it here on kron 4. the news continues at 10 o'clock. and then 11 o'clock. a good night.
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