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tv   KRON 4 News at 10pm  KRON  June 10, 2024 10:00pm-10:46pm PDT

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if you want, you can try on his clothes. why don't you take his clothes off, put it on you? -i'm alive. i'm alive. mannequin is free. -how long are these credits? [ cheers and applause ] >> now at 10 pro-palestine protesters rally as a federal court case against president biden takes place in san francisco. concerns about safety and leadership san jose unified schools. >> what a damning report from a grand jury says about how the district is being run. and get ready. high pressure building in the hottest temperature of the year, possibly coming our way. we'll talk about that next. when fun time. >> from the bay area's local
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news station. you're watching kron. 4 news. >> thanks for joining us here on kron. 4 news at 10. i'm noelle bellow and i'm dan thorn after a few days. a break from the first heat wave of the season. temperatures are set to soar again tomorrow. i'm kind of looking forward to the warmth first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is back. he is tracking the heat advisory. >> set to go into effect in the morning. yeah. going to be very hot around parts of the bay area. these temperatures going to be soaring, triple-digit some spots inland. so here we go. the good news is it's not going to stick around long time. so high pressure building in that he really going to settle in as we head throughout the day tomorrow, especially away from the immediate coastline. but anywhere else, those temperatures will be running hot. so a national weather service issuing some heat advisories across the north bay, the east bay all the way from the napa valley in the east bay as well. you toward livermore and pleasanton very hot temperatures all the way through milpitas santa clara valley going to be very hot tomorrow afternoon as well. so be prepared. those temperatures soaring tomorrow afternoon, some places. yeah, you could be up in the triple
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digits inland. how about 100 degrees in livermore about the 98 degrees in concord. 99 in antioch, 91 degrees. >> in downtown san jose, big contrast toward the coastline to find some sunshine there. but enough to sea breeze right at the water's edge. almost 40 degrees cooler up toward the beaches. so the next few days, yeah, we're going to see the heat through the middle of the week. cooling down just slightly on wednesday. more cooling that fog returning on thursday. guys. >> all right. thank you, lawrence. some harsh criticisms tonight about san jose unified school district. a new report by the santa clara county civil grand juries says district leadership is failing to serve its student. the report also recommends changes be implemented by the end of this year. come for jack moment has the story from san jose. >> well, they report commissioned by the santa clara county civil grand jury is more than 40 pages long and says that it stemmed from complaints within the district. many of the issues of the highlights go back to leadership here at the district i think do have pull
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special i as a parent with san jose unified his 9 year-old son in elementary student. he says the school district has struggled to care for his son who is autistic, they have rely. >> little more more care about space. specifically, which is why antonio wasn't surprised when we told him a new report from the santa clara county civil grand jury says one of the bay area's largest school district has a glaring issue with leadership. >> the highlight issues are as and found that several leaders in the district were insensitive towards the concerns of parents and teachers. it also found that the district officeslower out and allowed verbally abusive
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behavior. superintendent nancy around sent a statement to kron 4 news where she calls the report misleading and inaccurate. she goes on to say, quote, san jose unified school district will use our required response as an opportunity to reflect on the areas of potential growth. some of the report's recommendations include getting a 3rd party assessment to investigate these issues. further. and for parents like antonio, you want more help for your child? yeah, his family is taking matters into its own hands. his wife attending a special education training at the just you know that things up in school. so what you want to make sure >> maybe okay. that happen so reporting in san jose jack moment. kron 4 news. >> candles now lay in an open neighborhood where teenager was shot and killed. and this is just one of 2 locations where teens were killed in the city this morning. family and friends gathering this afternoon that filbert intense streets near martin luther king junior elementary school.
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police say they found a 16 year-old suffering from a gunshot wound. he died before he could be taken to the hospital. the other shooting happening near the intersection of international boulevard and 100 and second avenue there. police say they found an 18 year-old who had been shot. he was taken to hospital where he later died. and then just a short time later, police have learned a 17 year-old had also been shot. there. they have taken themselves to the hospital and they also died. >> loss of life is too much and especially the head. 3 young individuals getting the start life to have their lives taken from them such an early gauge is tragic. >> well, investigators say at this point it does not appear the 2 shootings are connected. >> new at 10 and east bay theater is scrambling to recover after losing everything in a grass fire. the last coming days before their next performance. this
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is what's left of a warehouse belonging to the pittsburgh theater company. the storage facility on john henry johnson parkway had shelves of props, costumes and sets dating back to 1979 firefighters say a fire broke out sunday on a nsarby hill. it quickly grew to 55 acres and spread to the storage facility. while the cause of the fire is still under investigation. the company's former board member david ward called the outcome devastating. >> since 1974, besides working as a teacher. this was part of my life. i mean, i i've been in so many of the shows and been on the board and so many things could start to group that. it's just it's just heartbreaking. >> the theater company has a show titled the sunshine boys is scheduled to open friday night as they say the show must go on. ward says his church is going to be lending chairs to the theater for
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opening night. >> a 15 year-old girl and a man in critical condition tonight after being trapped in an apartment fire. the fire sparking this morning in pittsburgh near the railroad avenue exit on highway 4. crews say a resident on the ground floor was able to get out. but the man and the girl were trapped in the second floor. the cause of the fire is still under investigation tonight. >> police in san francisco are looking for the driver who hit and killed a man in bernal heights. it happened early this morning near mission and 30th officers say the man was taken to the hospital where he died. if you have any information, you're asked to contact san francisco police. >> in petaluma 2 people are in police custody after investigators say they found stolen merchandise and meth pipes in their car. police tell us pulled over the suspects while they were driving on 101 and cast road. they say one suspect, parole warrant. the other was out on felony probation out of warren county. lawmakers at the state
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capitol are working to stop more suspects from getting away with the retail theft. but they can't seem to agree on how to do it a decade ago, voters turned prop 47 into law changing nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including theft if they're valued at less than $950, it's been with met with criticism in attorney of a group of attorneys collected enough signatures to put it on a ballot measure to overturn the law. governor newsom is opposed to this. i don't think there's a need to happen on why have something on the ballot. doesn't actually achieve the goals that are i do something that can't be done legislatively. >> democrats agree with newsom and now they're making amendments to many of the bipartisan retail that bills that would make them take effect immediately this summer. but republicans are arguing the amendments are part of a larger plan to defeat the ballot measure. they're trying to deceive the voters into believing that there's a choice. there's not
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a choice we can do both. the cynical part is. >> the democrats are putting this in place so that the ballot summary entitled can say that this initiative and does public safety bills passed in the legislature. >> lawmakers are set to take up the retail that bills at the public safety committee tomorrow. >> pro-palestinian protesters faced off with police in san francisco today. citizen app video showing the scene this afternoon outside the city's federal building. protesters are demanding an end to the ongoing war inside the building. lawyers were arguing for a judicial oversight of u.s. foreign policy. plaintiffs are accusing president biden of giving israel too much support. >> every single member of my family at this point has either been killed. what is being star has been displaced
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and all of them have been dispossessed. everything. well, meaning and value to that. in the most, deliver it and well documented fashion. >> justice says have not given a time frame for when they might make a decision on this case. san francisco mayor says the city is facing a budget deficit and they're looking to make cuts some community organizations and nonprofits say they will lose invaluable programs because of the proposed cuts and they won't help the city progress. >> budget cut to program. it's 100% cut. we have 100% cut to leadership development over district 11. alliance we have 100% to please take a good the people a second system. the board of supervisors is expected to finalize the budget in the next couple of
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weeks. >> the part silicon valley extension project broke ground this weekend project is now expected to be completed by 2037 project. leaders say a six-mile bart line will be built from the berryessa transit center through downtown san jose all the way to santa clara. >> the da's office is supposed to be taking care of our children. so why are they throwing in our face? >> still ahead, the push to recall alameda county da grows momentum after the family of murder victim say one of her staff members was disrespecting them. >> the bay area firefighting community coming together to help one of their own after some severe burns while battling the corral fire near tracy. plus. >> drivers putting on an illegal sideshow for people on san francisco's embarcadero. san francisco's embarcadero. the details after the break.
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we're in the middle of... livin' large!
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and having a big day! in the middle of being the fun uncle! in the middle of being a kid again! beep! beep! there's something for everyone in illinois. the middle of everything! >> and alameda county firefighter in the hospital tonight after battling the corral fire last weekend. >> near tracy, his friends say he suffered some severe burns and he'll be needing several surgeries. kron four's terisa stasio reports. >> i'm in a fiery was burned over flown out to santa clara medical center. >> that's brian son, tony communications director. without me, the county fire department. he is now on a journey to thank the community for coming out in support of brandon franco. franco shown here with his wife and child was out fighting the corral fire that erupted june first near tracy with ferocious
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winds. the blaze cut through grass quickly. crews ultimately did get the upper hand on the blaze. but franco is still in the hospital and he suffered 3rd degree burns on his arm and his back. >> and he's just such an amazing firefighter said tony says that franco has already had surgery and we'll need more specialized care for his burns. you can talk visit him this morning. he was in great obviously he's got a long road ahead of them as far as some of his burns on his arms back. >> but a menos airway works. well, he's able to talk is able to see he's going to able to come back and hopefully make a full recovery. so in really proud and really happy for him already. the gofundme set up to help franco and his wife has received thousands of dollars a long journeys. got some surge coming up. >> he's been very happy with community support. he really wants thank everyone in the community. >> everywhere fire department. so was a firefighter, santa clara county firefighters, livermore pleasanton firefighters, newark police department beyond all their members have come together
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together to support. still funny. >> theresa kron, 4 news. >> boat catches fire on lake tahoe, forcing 6 people. the jump in the water for safety. they were eventually rescued and they're expected to be okay. this happened yesterday afternoon. you can see the flames there. deputies say they're looking into what caused this boat catch fire and create a scene like this. >> lets get your check of your 4 zone forecast as we take a live look at coit tower tonight. we do know the fog kind of rolled in, cooled us down the it's going to get hot heat back >> yeah, there's much fog out there now. we've got some patchy fog, maybe a little dense, especially toward the coastline overnight tonight and some of that fog has slipped inside the bay, but it's just a shallow marine litter out there right now. that usually means off and running with the sunshine early on the temperatures going to be hot spots as we head toward tomorrow afternoon. so be prepared for that. otherwise. yeah, i think a nice day. the good news is this heat wave not going to stick around forever and
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that's when it starts. get a bearable after you've gone through a few days. that heat well, not worry about that. low clouds and fog. you can see some of that inside the bay right now as we throughout the bay area, though, the temperatures today, not bad. 66 degrees right at the average in san francisco. 72 a nice day in oakland, 80 degrees in san jose. a hot 90 91 degrees in lemore and also in the concord. 85 degrees in santa rosa. really, i'm not bad for this time of year quality so far, not so bad. a little hazy in spots out there right now. you see the some of the areas shaded in the yellow there. those of some hazy condition showing up right now. but overall, a looking pretty good now. tomorrow afternoon, as high pressure builds overhead. yeah, certainly will be hazy in spots, especially in the east bay in the south bay. by tomorrow afternoon, some of the begin to build up in the atmosphere. otherwise we're looking good. the north bay and along the coastline for equality for tomorrow afternoon. temperatures outside right now you've got cool 50's along the coastline. start to cool off. now the sea breeze blowing up inside the bay numbers down. the 50's are still 70 and conquer right
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now. so you the east bay hills and see the very warm temperatures. 71 pittsburgh, even 84 degrees in brentwood. 77 right now in vacaville and 73 degrees in calistoga, warm temperatures around the bay area outside the winds, not all that strong. in starting to see a little bit of a northerly component developing out there in some of the new yo forecast right now is we're seeing some of those winds turning more of a northerly wind. and that means a little bit of an offshore flow. and that's we're going to things up around the bay area. so all that being said, it looks like that fog. yeah, we're going to see some of that early on, but it's going to be the marine layer and it's going to break up once it breaks up. the sunshine is on. well, those hot temperatures kind of rolling on in tomorrow morning. couple patches of fog early on. then here comes that sunshine, much warmer weather expected hot tomorrow afternoon. all right, lawrence, thanks a lot. more problems tonight for alameda county's district attorney. >> the group wants to recalled da price now wants one of our employees to be fired over comments that he made at a rally kron four's. dan kerman reports saturday. opponents of
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alameda county district attorney pamela price had their recall campaign kickoff rally at the county courthouse in oakland. many attending your family members of murder victims. they were met by supporters to price among them, an employee of her office. >> desmond jeffries, who is listed as the da's director of recruitment and retention during that rally, jeffries posted a facebook live video where he frequently refers to recall leader brenda grisham as gruesome and says the recall groups call for justice for victims. this post all of side by a violent gang. i am the leader, but you're not going to stress picnic, disrespecting the family's. you're not going to play the fact that they have lost their children and you get it facebook. the price recall campaign is now sent this letter to da price and the board of supervisors. >> calling for jefferies to be fired because the video, quote, contains remarks that are not only insensitive but also profoundly disrespectful to those who have suffered
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unimaginable loss. such behavior is completely unacceptable and undermines the trust and confidence. but the public places in the district attorney's office, the da's office is supposed to be taking care of our children. >> so why are they throwing in our face? angel santos is a supporter of the recall effort and was at the rally saturday. >> her son was killed in 2019 and his case is still pending in alameda county. >> an employee of kellogg price, too. basically town to us. was that? >> in what we're going through is not okay. >> kron 4 reached out to jefferies and the da but did not hear back a spokesperson for prices campaign had no comment on the letter. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> measure to repeal a decades-old state law allowing employees to sue their employer over labor violations officially qualified for this year's november ballot.
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however, the governor is leading negotiations between labor and business groups to take this measure off. it's known as the private attorneys general act or and lawmakers passed it in the early 2. thousands people opposing the law argue attorneys are taking advantage of the system by filing lawsuits agairst employers and then keeping a portion of the settlement money. it's cash, officials say should be going to employees. >> workers are left with very little. and so what happens is you file these lawsuits on behalf of workers. but it's the lawyers who are getting rich and then workers are getting not that they're they're getting less than what they should be getting. the deadline to remove measures from the ballot is june 27th. >> free legal services are being offered to residents in these hammer fell canal area. the clean slate program in marion county aims to remove barriers to self-sufficiency and help residents succeed. residents can be helped with criminal services, public benefits and housing issues.
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the free legal help will be offered june 20th at the picnic area of the pickle leave park on canal street in sandra fell. >> those services are being offered from 3.30, to 06:00pm that day services are offered in spanish as well. residents in need of legal help are asked to bring all relevant documentation. >> coming up here at 10 o'clock, what police say happened in the hotel in the north bay that forest everyone out of their rooms. plus the new program on the peninsula that law enforcement hopes wili help catch burglars and the worst city in the u.s. for a staycation is right here in the bay area. that's according to a new study will tell you where and why. coming up.
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♪ do what you want, yeah ♪ ♪ come on ♪ find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at your local audi dealer. guests at a runner park hotel had to evacuate after one man in a room caught fire. >> it happened over the weekend on redwood drive near 101. investigators say the man accidentally caught himself on fire. well, on some sort of illegal drug. they did not say what kind of drug he was using. the smoke turned on the sprinkler system, forcing everyone to have to get out. officials say they found a man with burns to his arms and torso. no word on his conditions or it is going to be charged with anything. >> san mateo county is hoping to catch thieves with your health. officials are launching a new burger lurie
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reward program tomorrow where they will offer financial incentives to people with information about burglaries. >> be criminals will now know should they choose to invade the safe to be able persons here in mateo county? every person with knowledge about their crime directly or indirectly we'll have a strong financial incentive to share that information authorities. we'll bring them to justice. >> county leaders say information leading to an arrest and conviction could lead to a reward of up to $10,000. >> coming up next, the new proposed law gaining bipartisan support aiming to fight wildfires. >> and we hear from neighbors after drivers put on an illegal such a legal sideshow for people on san francisco's for people on san francisco's embarcadero if you're happy and, you know it, clap your hands if you're happy and, you know it, ride your bike.
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>> massive sideshow over the weekend in san francisco. police say several cars took part around 02:00am sunday morning near the embarcadero and washington street from four's. rob nesbitt spoke with a resident who lives near. we're all this chaos happened. you can see hundreds in this video gathered along san francisco's embarcadero at a sunday morning sideshow. from this video, there were lots of >> explosions and like fireworks. diana taylor lives right next with the chaos took place and says one of her neighbors thought she was waking up to a bomb going off at one point, a car even caught on fire hostility that's perpetrated against
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them. >> from these huge groups, hundreds of people were there at that after sideshow. and they really take on the police a much more assaultive and >> aggressive taylor's the president of the barbary coast neighborhood association and has been in contact with police about the increase of sideshows according to chief bill scott. the crowd dispersed into several small groups and other side shows followed in the city, including one of the mission. the chief saying, quote, sfpd officers in responding firefighters faced reckless drivers careening out of control as well as explosives and potentially blinding laser pointers each location around the city, officers gathered dpevidence developed a plan and ultimately flush the vehicles out of the locations. this is our primary focus during the events to ensure public safety. i asked police about their protocols when responding to sideshows, but they said they don't speak about their tactics with this particular crime. i asked the same question of chp officer andrew barclay in march and he explained how recent legislation allows officers to
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take later. action doesn't have to be. we see it right there. stop them and take the vehicle. >> if we identify that vehicle, we can, you know, come in a couple weeks later without warrant and take that vehicles. but no arrests from sunday sideshows chief bill scott emphasize the fact that his department's investigation is far from over and that police hope to get more information from the impounded cars, videos and witness accounts. that seems to be the new mode. the use of >> these lights, these laser beams, explosions and now car fires. i mean, that's >> really. >> getting out of hand. taylor hopes that police being able to use license plate readers will lead to more arrests and deter sideshows from happening in the future. reporting in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. and san jose. a seven-bedroom home is selling for nearly $700,000. >> sounds like a great deal right? well, it's been condemned by santa clara county and it is deemed unsafe to live in by government
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standards. realtors say condemned homes is hot market for investors with many looking for land value in one of the state's most expensive real estate markets. >> crews are our they spent the day working to put out a grass fire in sonoma county. tonight. the flames burning in the area of old adobe road just east of petaluma. >> at last check, calfire listed the brush fire 2 acres forward. progress has been stopped as the temperatures are forecast to rise tomorrow. the national weather service is warning of more wildfire. danger. meantime, crews put out a fire this afternoon in san jose. this is time lapse video of those flames and that thick black smoke. they say one person was taken to the hospital. the flames erupted around 3.45 this afternoon on higuera road. crews say the fire which was less than one acre involved a building with several cars. no word tonight on what caused it, though. a landmark bill to fight
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wildfires has just been introduced in congress and several california congressman are at the forefront of the sweeping package kron four's. catherine heenan has more. >> it is a first of its kind bill that would essentially >> modernize the way the u.s. is tackling ongoing wildfire crisis. >> we talked to one of the sponsors today, congressman john garamendi. >> it only makes sense that california legislators are helping to lead the push. leaders here have been pointing out. we cannot talk about wildfire season all wild fire season in california. >> a year-round crisis. the new thing is that climate change is real and we now have a 365 day fire season in california and do with the heavy rains that we had this year. there is a lot of grass out there and we saw that with fire in the tracy area just last week.
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>> the bill takes a four-part approach. it aims to get rid of firefighter shortage is by creating a new academy to train and hire more of them. there would be a focused effort to hang on to the experienced firefighters who are considered experts, including giving them better benefits and working conditions. the bill would update technology like developing risk maps to improve response time. and a real-time air quality monitoring system with alerts would be created to help tackle the fact so many people get sick from the smoke from huge wildfires. the bill is called modernizing wild fire safety and prevention act. it is said to be gaining bipartisan support also look to out the senate. >> i find a companion measure in the senate really important that we're getting with the people that are on the fire lines here. >> is talking in part about
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firefighters there. obviously, if this law passes and means any kind of a dent in the number of wildfires, that would be huge for all californians, not just in terms of damage and death and injury. another example wildfires have led to a home insurance crisis. one that is affecting the ability of a lot of people to live here. catherine heenan kron, 4 news. >> all right. let's get you checked your 4 zone forecast tonight. taking a live look at the bay briege. looks like a lot of people still out on the roads this evening. yeah. pretty busy out there for a monday night. that's for sure. a little bit of haze and fog out there as well this evening. >> laurent says by tomorrow, though, things are going to feel pretty warm yeah. grab your favorite beverage as you head out tomorrow. we'll see some very hot temperatures around parts of the bay area, especially away from the immediate coastline. those numbers, 90's, maybe some triple digits by tomorrow afternoon. so certainly some heat to deal with outside. it looks like though, overnight tonight we have seen some of that patchy fog beginning to move back on shore. looks like
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that fog going to kind of settle in kind of a thick layer as we head through the night tonight. so maybe skyland boulevard along the peninsula. watch out. maybe some dense fog there up toward sfl right now. you can see some of that fog there in the distance. but overnight tonight, some not going to continue to slip inside the bay, but not a whole lot. it's a thin layer. so it will burn off early on. and i think sunny skies even along the coastline will find lots of sunshine. the hot weather, though. yeah. inside the bay, the santa clara valley in the east bay and parts of the north bay to the midweek, heat will continue even though temperatures cooling down a little bit on wednesday. still going to likely see some 90's out there at least inland. and that slow cooling as we head in toward the weekend. but yeah, hi pressure. yeah. holding on here. we've got a weak cold front kind of slide toward the bay area that's going dissipate and fall apart. leave behind dry weather. and yes, some hot conditions least inland by tomorrow afternoon. some of these numbers going to get comfortable in spots. so breaking it down. then the san francisco not bad. you've got a low 60's in the sun said you get downtown temp. cisco may be high. 71 72 in the mission may be out. 71 the marina along the immediate coastline. keeping you on the cool side.
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temperatures there. we'll be in the 60's, although becoming mostly sunny as we head toward noontime inside the bailey warmer. 75 in millbrae. 76 degrees in burlingame and headed down the peninsula temperatures soar into the 80's. maybe couple low 90's in toward woodside about 84 degrees in foster city. 84 also in redwood city, the south bay. that's where we start really crank up those numbers. lot of 90's by tomorrow afternoon. maybe 95 in campbell. 95 insert talk about 90 downtown san jose. get the morgan hill igor tomorrow. boy, it is going to be hot. there may be some triple digits by tomorrow afternoon. speaking of that, you could see the same as you make your way of the east bay hills. those be some the hotter temperatures to 100. expect a little more about 99 in pleasanton temperatures as high as 95 in danville. 95 walnut creek, 102. and brett, one of 102, also in discovery bay. so you head inland tomorrow, you're just going to % find that heat as you head further and further inland away from the influence of the ocean. and that's going to keep things awfully toasty there. but really some nice numbers who want to speak out to stinson beach tomorrow about 72 degrees out of the beach should be mostly sunny
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after just a couple of patches of fog in the morning. all right. let's check out. you attend. this takes us all the way. the official beginning of summer, which next week next thursday. we'll be talking about some temperatures cooling off as we head toward the next couple of days locally in first more cooling on thursday. then we get the weekend right about average. i don't see a major heat up on the rise after this. but certainly, boy, this is not for at least a couple of days or so, right? yeah, i haven't seen the triple-digit there. yeah. how about? oh, yeah. if you like the heat, you just head inland, you'll find that banks aren't. they will come. >> you've likely seen the cybertruck roaming the bay-area by now. but what would you think about the cybertruck police vehicle? a company known for tesla performance upgrade has unveiled just that california-based unplugged performance as the next gen patrol unit includes the standard lights, sirens and pa system. but it also features several upgrades for law enforcement use like upgraded radio and computer systems. the vehicle can also be modified for specific missions
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like tactical military or search and rescue operations unplugged performance as they expect to deploy these vehicles later this year. >> the biden administration is rolling out new fuel standards for cars sold in the u.s. over the next few years. officials say it's effort to reduce pollution and save drivers money at the gas pump. the rule would require automakers to raise fuel efficiency. yearly, which means cars could get an average of 50 miles per gallon. >> we want to much more if they want to. companies haven't lobby to weaken the rules and the administration had stronger rules that required more clean car technology. >> president biden has previously set a goal of having half of all new cars sold in the u.s. be electric by the year 2030. gas prices are continuing to drop in the bay area. we're seeing as much as a $0.6 dip since friday. gas prices or $0.12 cheaper than last monday. 37 cheaper than last month. the most
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expensive gas you'll find in napa county at 5.25. a gallon regular followed by sonoma county at 5.20, per gallon and in the east bay, you're looking 506, and the cheapest gas you'll find in the south and just around for 99 per gallon for regular gas. >> take a look at this. a herd of about 50 coats blocked a road in aptos near santa cruz. california highway patrol was called to clear those animals off the road. video from chp shows the herd moving off the agency says the goat's owner did eventually come and help safely take them out of harm's way. new at 10 fremont has been ranked as the worst city to have a staycation. according to a wallet-hub study which looked at factors like food offerings, entertainment and relaxation other cities. the study found to be the worst for staycation we're are being texas pearl
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ty, awaii to love this stuff here in california and yonkers, new york, the highest ranked from california, meaning the best for staycation, guess was san diego. they're ranked 7th san francisco coming in at number. 24. all right. >> well, wendell brooks, moon, former public address announcer for the san francisco giants is being recognized as woman of the year assembly member matt haney chose brooks moon for her 24 years of work. he says she wasn't just an announcer. she was and is an icon here in the bay area. haynie said she opened the door for so many women and people of color in broadcasting. brooks moon was the first woman to announce for a world series and the first to announce a championship game in any professional sport. well-deserved. that wraps up kron. 4 news at 10. stick with us, of course, for properties at 11. but first got a little sports night live. and wilson is here with what's happening. hey, how are you? i'm it. rain
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now a few times. so he's the nicest person was like when i first got here and >> i got to back out right now, if you're watching, i know it's been a minute, but will be contacting you. but we do. we have some area baseball going on tonight. >> of course, i'm talking about the giants and the a's. well, they were back oracle. the giants were hosting. the houston astros will have the highlights and reactions on net and the a's they were in san diego taking on the padres or >> taken by the padres will break that down as well after the break. stay with us. for the break. stay with us. for sports night laughs.
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♪ “jack n the box” by ice cube ♪ ♪ and your babies ♪ ♪ see my head is so big they call me ♪ ♪ jack n the box ♪ ♪♪ come on, fool, you know it's true. ♪♪ get a chick-n-tater melt in my new munchie meal. jack: welcome to jack in the box! (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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with four sandwiches to choose from, everyone can build their own munchie meal. or they can just get mine. or they can get exactly what they want. or they can just get mine. or they could just get yours. jack: build your own munchie meal. ice cube: or get mine. jack: welcome to jack in the box!
10:45 pm
>> yeah, it good. you know, we're at oracle rocking tonight for the giant is taking care of business. thanks for joining us. i'm erin wilson hosting sports night live tonight, waimea bay area baseball going on tonight. as you can imagine, some good some not so good. we'll break it all down right here. the giants. well, they were coming on when i series against defending world series champs. i'm talking about obviously the rangers to take on the previous year's champ today trying to keep those winning ways going. so let's pick it up. and the bottom of the 6th against the houston astros. no score one on for mike yastremski. he hit this towering shot to right center field off the


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