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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  June 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon, a notification for everyone in contra costa county. this is just a drill. we have the details. plus certain crimes falling in oakland. we're taking a look at the data and get a reaction. in alameda county da
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defending her actions following criticism over her handling of recent cases. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. and news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin today. contra costa health medical providers and first responders kick off a county wide drill testing emergency plans and response times to sudden surges in emergencies. kron four's charles clifford gives us a look. >> well across contra costa county on wednesday and thursday, 8 different hospitals are participating in an emergency drill to simulate a mass casualty incident. and this scenario, multiple people have been injured in a disaster involving chemicals. patients played by actors arrive at the emergency room on foot by ambulance and by helicopter arriving. victims are evaluated decontaminated if necessary and then moved to an intake area.
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>> the drill gets hospital staff chance to prepare for something that doesn't happen very often. it might seem scary might seem very unusual but allows us the opportunity to exercise things that we don't get. >> enough time. so this drill is also an opportunity to practice emergency communications between different agents. >> this is allows our hospitals and our responders and our sheriff's office to exercise communicating and working together to provide the highest level of care to our community. wednesday's drill will be repeated on thursday giving everyone involved a chance to reinforce their skills and procedures. now this drill is being paid for through federal funding. also for the california department of health is here observing as well. >> but for now in contra costa county, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >> chp is on the lookout for a hit and run driver who seriously hurt a woman in a crash near pleasant hill. it happened just after 2 sunday afternoon on 6.80, south of willow pass road. chp says the
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the area as part of a targeted crackdown on crime. prof was michael thomas reports. >> governor gavin newsom says the crime in oakland is down by 33%. but those who live and work here say they're not feeling that decreased. according to governor gavin newsom. this drop in crime includes rates of homicide, robbery, burglary, car larceny and arson. adding that since february, over 880 vehicles were recovered. 440 suspects were arrested in 47 crime related firearms were seeds. >> adding that overall burglaries are down by 53% with 60% fewer car break it.
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we took the steps to the people living and working in oakland and asked if they've seen a difference. this was their response. it is late. yeah. avail. >> earlier this year the governor deployed an additional 120 chp officers to the city as part of a targeted search operation to crack down on crime. and despite these new numbers over the last few days, 3 teenagers were killed in a deadly shooting in oakland marking the city's 40th homicide number this year. councilmember noel gallo says the city thankful for the help from the state, but they still need more adding that things still need to change. you know, grandma and grandpa still can walk down the street because they're afraid of being robbed. >> people jump out of their cars. still there person hit them over their head. last year, oakland lost 126 people to homicide. and while some say they can't fill the decrease, others say it is
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helping. but crime isn't going to just think it's likely is that to happen? so i think. >> perhaps he could speak of it on the >> and i think people should >> the governor says he plans to maintain this relationship between chp and the bay area cities. they've been assisting for the time being. that's a very latest here in oakland. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. >> alameda county's district attorney is defending her office's handling of cases. this comes in response to recent controversies impacting her office and as kron four's lezla gooden reports, the da is also speaking out over concerns about a specific member of her staff. on tuesday. da pamela price addressed growing concerns within her office and the midst of her recall election. she announced that she plans to meet with the alameda county sheriff's office. >> this comes after the agency praise federal law enforcement officers for arresting robert rocha who was accused were
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stabbing in hayward. rocha was prosecuted at the federal level after the da decided to not bring charges example of the images on federal probation, the penalty. allowing them to go through the process of having their probation parole revoked actually going to result in a harsher penalty. then what we would be able to obtain. but the alameda county sheriff's office says was identified by the victim. >> and has a criminal history spanning 30 years, including federal drug and weapon convictions. sheriff's office says this is not the first time they've had to point out that the da did not charge one price share that her team review charging patterns and police reports dating back to 2019. what we found was that in 2024 we received 535 police reports from the sheriff's department of that. approximately 49% were
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rejected for filing. most of them, the largest percentage of them ejected for insufficient evidence. another concern addressed is the call for de price to fire one of her employees. desmond jeffries, her director of recruitment and retention due to his comments made at a re car rally held on saturday. mister jeffries is not facing any disciplinary action. mister jeffries, as far as i exercise his first amendment right on a saturday. >> morant and again, it's a double standard to expect that mister jeffries would be disappointing. jeffries posted a facebook live where he called recall leader. >> brenda grisham, gruesome and referred to the recall group has a violent gang. >> we have a code of ethics for lawyers, not for all employees. and i can tell you over the last year, many of the import of the lawyers who were interviewed by the media violated the code of ethics did so without eating consequent grisham says her
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group sent the letter to the board of supervisors and says this behaviors do to prices leadership. >> that's something. >> they got freedom of speech. if that's the way she wants to play that it's still a reflection of her. they're cheney. was we support pamela price? so at that point, there's important they're representing her. when you look at it, there are a representation of loves a good in kron. 4 news. >> in a statement, the alameda county sheriff's office says the has a team of seasoned investigators who have successfully handled intricate cases providing resolution to victims in the pursuit of justice. for those who entrust us with their safety. sheriff sanchez is interested in gaining insight into the case evaluation process employed by da price and her team, our phone foremost concern is public safety and we are committed to collaborating with the da's office in every possible way to ensure safer streets for our communities under our care. in vallejo,
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the founder of the north bay nonprofit is recovering from a violent attack. a jewel mcdonald is an educator and founder of the nonprofit, the valais hope project as she's in the icu after she says a young man she'd been helping attacked her with a box cutter. and you can see some of those wounds in those photos there. it happened on monday. she says in a parking lot near the walmart on sonoma boulevard. she says the man had been homeless with a history of mental illness. she spoke to us from her hospital bed >> this is life. this is the work that i'm doing. you're going to live. you're going to die i mean, don't that weather than it? but, you know, it's it's not going to make me curl up in a ball and go high. you know, this wouldn't be the worst way to go. it would be. unfortunate. but it doesn't make me. withdraw. it makes me. consider deeply how i can
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be impactful. >> they don't says she sharing this story to highlight the lack of mental health resources in the community. she hopes her attacker gets the services that he needs through the judicial system. she does expect to make a full recovery from this. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at walnut creek looking really pretty out there. let's check in now with kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan for more. hi, hey, there 70. so i want to talk about how warm we've got yesterday because some of these numbers are very impressive. you can see livermore got up to. >> 101, 100 in concord. 99 in pittsburgh, 97 in santa rosa. 98 in novato. 74, even in downtown san francisco in 85 in oakland. so obviously a very warm day out there. happy to say that we're going to see a cooler profile today that has a lot to do with the fact that the marine layer is a little present and will rolling in tonight in a way that we haven't seen in a bit here. so right now, 64 in san francisco, 68 oakland, upper
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70's in san jose and liver where we are in the 80's and conquer. they are warming up right now. so 83 there, 80 in santa rosa and half moon bay. we've got the clouds still at 57 degrees. we also are a little bit breezy out there. and it's an interesting thing here because you can see some of this direction from the south. some of it actually more of a westerly flow. so we're getting a real mix today and that has to do with the fact that we have a low pressure system to our south and then we have high pressure out in the pacific and another low-pressure system to our north. so you've got kind of on-shore wind coming in one direction. and then, of course, you've got a little bit of this southerly flow coming from that low pressure system to the south of us. so a little bit breezy as we go throughout our day today. but you can see the marine layer is pulled away from everywhere, except the immediate coastline there. so, yes, half moon bay still definitely in the clouds. so highs today will be much more pleasant than they were yesterday. for many of you who sweating it out and that triple digit heat can see any act of expecting about 89 degrees. so we could see some of those upper 80's today. santa rosa, san jose, about 80
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degrees for you today. but around the bay itself, some 70's 60's and the coast about 50 degrees. so 57 out half moon bay. so, you know, a whole different profile than what we dealt with yesterday. more cooling to come. in fact, pretty dramatically between today and tomorrow. i'll be back. we'll talk more about sounds good. thanks so much, hala. >> coming up, the biden administration is looking to help your credit report. 5 taking aim at medical debt. we break it down. plus the city of san francisco orders dozens of people living in rv's to move or risk getting towed. the reaction from unhoused advocates. and the fate of a new city in solano county. rest in the hands of voters this november. we've got the this november. we've got the details after this. when you host, your bathroom
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>> and initiative to build a green city in solano county has qualified for the november ballot. voters will be asked whether to allow development on land between travis air force base and the city of rio vista kron four's will tran has the details. >> no matter how you see it will be up to voters come november 5th decide whether or not california gets another city. they have enough signatures, people behind this and they're mostly business people. they have enough signatures to give the solano county registrar of voters permission to go ahead with the 13,000 signatures place it on the ballot. so it will be the county board of supervisors will take the next step and about 2 weeks from now. no explain the next step in a couple of moments. but let me tell you what's at
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stake. 27 square miles. it's the city between rio vista and travis air force base. it's going to be green. the people behind this are saying they're mostly business people who gobbled up farmland to the point where opponents are saying that they actually force some of the farmers off of their land. now, the people behind this, they're calling it california forever. that's the business people that it will create jobs at will generate about $68,000 per year for the average job, bringing about 40,000 residents to this new possible city. but a lot of people against it, including conservationists who say that will just take away a lot of resources, including water, agriculture, air quality, not to mention the traffic that brings to the area right now. it's agricultural land, but it will be up to obviously the
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county as well as county residents to decide whether or not that farmland. we'll turn into a city. >> well, thank you. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at sfo. we've got from frisco broken tracking all those weather conditions for us. hi, hey. there are lots of sunshine today without the crazy heat. that's basically the story you can see. we do still have clouds out at half moon bay. the marine layer is certainly present. but, you know, we've got lots of sunshine out there, too. so beautiful day today, temperatures are dropping across the board here. you can see for those of you inland where you're looking at triple-digit heat, you know, we're 9 degrees cooler than we were this time yesterday. indication of the direction that we're going in. so currently 78 in san jose, these are just really pleasant temperatures today, right? 76 in double. and we're at 61 in berkeley, 83 in fairfield. so we're a little warm inland, but not to the tune of wildly, you know, high temperatures in the 100 degree range north bay petaluma about 81 degrees in downtown san francisco, 60 at this hour or so because we're
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getting a little cooler. i was just talking with with folks in the newsroom about this. i wanted to mention if you use a ceiling fan to clean yourself down, there's a little switch. usually the top and you can make it go clockwise or counter-clockwise in the summer. we want to counter clockwise and could see that chilling effect in the winter. we have a clockwise and you know how heat rises and you heat your house and then all that he goes to the ceiling. it forces the air to come down. so counter clockwise is are setting for summer. if you stand underneath that, look at it. that's the direction you want it to go and hopefully we'll keep you nice and cool. high pressure still there. but we are flanked by low pressure to the south and the north. you can see what happens here as we get into tomorrow. this starts to press down a little bit. this starts to move up a little bit and that will cool us down. it doesn't last that long before had pressure built up a little bit more. but the good news is that even though we're going to see this kind of toggling between the 2, nothing extreme coming our way. so i do see a little wind for sunday. so wanted to kind of give a quick look ahead to father's day. if anyone has
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celebrations, sunny temperatures are going to be that 61 at the coast, 86 inland. but i do think we'll have some breezy conditions to look out for both friday afternoon and also sunday into monday. having said that, this is a really good looking 7 day forecast. now tomorrow we're going to cool it down. you can see just low 80's expected inland. so we will have that am fog more president and then warm up again on friday. but the weekend looks, kinda great, everybody. and so does the beginning of next week. i don't have anyone. hundreds or 99 is on the whole map. glad kind think you so much and good tip on that ceiling fan, too. well, dozens of people living in rv's near lake merced said are about to lose their parking spot. the city ordered people to leave in the next few weeks or get their vehicles towed. the group held a protest yesterday against the pending eviction kron four's. sara stinson reports. >> sfmta has put up these for our parking signs here on winston drive. this is where dozens of rv's are part, but they haven't started enforcing it yet. people who live here say they've been warned by the
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city that their mobile homes will be towed if they don't move by july second, we have living here for a ready for for about 3 years. now. >> and as the pandemic many problems was, we were not able to pay for the because he was too expensive. this man lives with his cousin margot in an rv near san francisco's lake. moore said they're among more than 100 families living on winston drive. >> including seniors. people with disabilities. >> and children. the man asked to remain anonymous, but he helped translate for his cousin. lets you that says she's not sure what they will do once the city starts enforcing a 4 hour parking restrictions and we have no way to go. and that is why we need this. you need to do something for. also the 2 say they got a notice from the city about the road being repaved in 3 weeks, warning them to move or they'll be towed. >> sfmta created a plan to restrict parking in this area.
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back in december, citing issues with disposal of sewage and trash as well as the use of generators near dry grass. jennifer freedom buck, the executive director of the coalition on homelessness says sfmta has delayed roadwork waiting for the city to open a safe parking site for rv's. there is funding in the budget for safe parking and the mayor has not. >> opened up a safe parking spot. it has not been a priority. >> it keeps being kind of i kicked down the road. the unofficial rv community is right next to san francisco state. >> lowell high school and behind stonestown mall wrong and that he lives nearby and is glad to hear about the upcoming inforcement. i don't think that they should be i understand the homeless issue. >> with a place to live but out near a state university. i don't think it's appropriate place to but the cause and say they don't understand why they have to move because no problem here because we clean.
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i reached out to the mayor's office to see if there's a future plan for a safe parking site for rv's. >> we did not hear back in time for this report. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco kron. 4 news. in an email to kron 4 sfmta says active enforcement of parking time limits in the area. >> we'll start after the planned repayment work is complete, but the timing is still yet to be determined. the city of san jose has passed a multi billion dollar budget. mayor matt mahan says it tackles a number of issues including plans to help 1200 unhoused people. >> this budget does something we have never done in the history of our city which is stand up. safe, sleeping sites for up to 500 people. not necessarily at one site. but manage locations with sanitation security. some basic case management to create an alternative. 2, unmanaged encampments. >> the mayor says the budget also addresses a 55 million dollars shortfall without
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laying off any city employees. in addition, the budget sets aside 40 million dollars for new affordable housing and more money for expanding the police force. still ahead, a new report says generic drugs from cvs are recalled far more than other brands. we've got the details.
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>> for your health this afternoon. a new report says generic drugs from cvs are recalled far more than other brands. bloomberg reports bacteria in water, barefoot workers and moldy factories are just a few of the allegations against manufacturers creating generic
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drugs for cvs pharmacies. over the last decade, cbs hired 15 manufacturers that were cited for problems resulting in 133 recalls. that's more recalls over the same time period than walgreens. and walmart combined. bloomberg says one florida facility use water contaminated with bacteria in its drug making and another facility in india had paint peeling off the walls and barefoot workers. in response, cbs says it prioritizes good manufacturing and ethical sourcing practices. farm workers in california are feeling the heat and it's not just taking a toll on their physical health, but on their financial well-being. triple digit temperatures are forcing workdays to end early in turn that's causing paychecks to fall short, leaving farm workers across the state struggling to make ends meet one study now finding that when it comes to heat related illnesses, farmworkers are 20 times more likely to die from the heat than workers in similar fields like construction or working in a warehouse.
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>> that one is past 3 days. they have worked 5 hour work days. they're not able to complete a 40 hour workweek and the sport in that. >> to avoid the hottest times of the day, farmers say they are now starting their shifts early around 05:00am and ending before news. for your money. this afternoon, the biden administration is proposing a new rule that would block medical debt from appearing on critical on credit scores. now the proposed rule is meant to help millions of americans applying for mortgages, credit cards and other types of loans. experts say about 15 million people have around 49 billion dollars in medical bills, which is about 6% of the adult population. they also say black and hispanic families are disproportionately impacted when medical debt is counted on credit reports. coming up next year at noon, the survivors of the sandy hook shooting now graduating seniors. >> other continuing the fight against gun violence years against gun violence years later. so, i didn't think i needed swiffer.
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state audit finds the vta needs to be more transparent and find new ways of generating revenue. this comes as the transportation agency is looking to expand kron four's jack moment has more. >> member mark berman out of menlo park is the lawmaker who requested the audit to be done on the vta. it focuses on the agency's leadership project management and the way -he vta makes its money. >> now the audit done on the eta brought several recommendations. one of them was to improve communication within the vta about big
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projects it has in the works just as an example of the audit cited one of the project's costs increased by 24% from the start of the project. >> to the end of it because of the lack of communication. it also says while the bts finances are goo host this election process to the public. the state auditor says new laws would need to be formed to increase transparency and of eta. >> now, despite the vta disagreeing with the audit saying it needs to be more transparent when selecting members or its board. the vta
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did say in an email about audits just like this one are useful as the vta is looking to continue expanding with bigger projects into the future reporting in san jose jack moment. kron 4 news. >> event. these in san francisco have officially been waived the board of supervisors voted yesterday to get rid of the permit costs, which can cost anywhere from $500 to $10,000 by removing these fees. the city says it makes the process of hosting a easier and cheaper. they're hoping to encourage smaller businesses to hold more events and gatherings. >> there are 9 ayes into knows the resolution is adopted. next item, please. china. >> notwithstanding the behest payment and with that san francisco city departments can start raising money to bring pandas from china to san francisco next year. mayor london she determined that she needs to raise 25 million dollars to pay for that new panda exhibit, the proposed one at the san francisco zoo. she says inexpensive new exhibit will be worth every
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penny and the pandas will attract thousands of visitors not only to the zoo but to the city itself. critics argue, though, that the money could be better spent elsewhere and say fundraising could suggest a conflict of interest for the mayor. well, for local election headquarters, the candidates vying to be the next mayor of san francisco debate again tonight. the event happens at the sydney goldstein theater in san francisco at 6.30, candidates, london breed mark farrell, daniel lurie. aaron peskin stuff. i are set to participate. it costs $11 and $0.50 to watch this online and tickets are sold online on city box office. temperatures federal building could be getting a new name. state leaders want to rename it after the late senator dianne feinstein. they say it would commemorate her legacy of sleeping with strength and shattering barriers. senators also introduced a bill to rename a post office on the city's embarcadero after of the late sen. state. lawmakers
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want marketplaces like e-bay and next door to verify sellers identities. a new bill would require online marcus. it excuse me, marketplaces to verify the identity of high-volume sellers who advertise online but collect payments offline. this would collecting bank account information and tax id numbers. the goal is to deter thieves from selling stolen merchandise. if law enforcement can track them. the measure is part of an ongoing effort to combat retail theft in the state. the california retailers association says the issue has reached crisis levels. meantime, the so-called locked door loophole bill aiming to crack down on car break-ins takes another step forward. under current law, a broken window is not enough evidence to convict a suspect of auto burglary. prosecutors have to prove a car was locked when the burglary happened. the current law also requires victims to physically come to court to testify. this bill would eliminate such requirements. it heads next to the appropriations committee next. force, putting the
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spotlight on local charities and organizations giving back to our communities, the food bank of contra costa and solano county operates the mobile food pharmacy. the proffers philippe djegal reports from fairfield where that vehicle makes a stop every week. >> lifeline for dietary restricted patients whose primary care is with solano county clinics are the food bank of contra costa and solano is mobile pharmacy. bring security to people living food, insecure. we stopped by a distribution at solano county, health and social services in fairfield a big sell since the county partnered with the food bank back in 2018 to launch the pilot program. the mobile food pharmacy has become a staple continuously station that family health services offices in vallejo, fairfield and vacaville. may closer where they might be on medication.
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>> the people cpl social services that are having the difficulties getting there, their food, fresh fruits and vegetables are always available to anyone who stands in line and says hello. >> the truck purchased the county by city. he went a nation and for those who need to pare food, medicine, mobile food pharmacy program coordinator rich oliver says. >> patients can simply ask their clinics receptionist for a prescription to receive a large supplementary box of food containing healthy, canned and shelf stable items. the day of the appointment. >> war 2 weeks. post appointment, you can ask about prescription fairfield and vallejo draw the biggest crowds for the mobile food pharmacy. >> each time out about 480 people are served. i appreciate the help that give to community show. daniels has experienced homelessness in the past and volunteering for the food bank helped her get back on her feet.
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>> she'll relies on the non-profit for meals. i do feel like am for the food that they get and volunteers feel appreciated for the selfless work. they this medicine. you know, we get so many nutrients and vitamins from what we see. >> from what we consume. and it's very important that we have a healthy community, a community that over the years has seen some of their government health benefits disappear. i like you, but it's not enough because i'm renting an apartment. >> so it helps relieve the mobile food pharmacy is one of the food bank's a t mobile distribution programs. it holds every week in fairfield, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. so great that they have that resource available for them. >> and now checking in our forecast now live look outside at the embarcadero, the bay bridge on san francisco. nice blue skies out there, kyla. yeah, absolutely. and i'm happy to say that we do not have heat advisory any longer or heat warning. however, you can see some inperior portions
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of the state due up in reading in fresno, down in bakersfield. in, of course, over in other parts of the southwest like las vegas and into phoenix. take a look at some of these temperatures right now. 104 already in vegas 102 in phoenix. having said that are pretty warm in a spot like bakersfield already today. 98. same story in reading. obviously las angeles, a little more mild there. 72 degrees there and also in san diego. and we're seeing a bit of a cool down to as we have a little marine layer hanging out there at the golden gate bridge, san francisco that 64 so temperatures will still be, you know, warm inland. there's not going to be wildly warm like they were yesterday, as you can see, conquer right now are already up to 83 degrees. half moon bay with those clouds are definitely still hanging on sitting in the 50's. so i want to talk about livermore, which is my how to spot yesterday that got up to 101 degrees. this is interesting. it compares the 2 temperatures from today and yesterday. notice how much warmer we started today. if we look all the way back to midnight, it was a 74 degrees. can you imagine? because we weren't cooling down from that
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101. now we're starting to go underneath the temperature profile this time yesterday was 88 and now it is 79. so an indication that we're going to be cooling it down today. and then as we get throughout our evening, this is about 09:30pm, tonight as we get into the later evening hours early morning hours. there it is. nature's air-conditioning is going to roll in and everybody and cooling us down even more. so as we take a live look here from out and you can barely see san francisco because the marine layer is letting us know it's on its way back in tonight. so cooler tomorrow, still than what we see today and then we'll warm up a little bit on friday. but it's still not going to extreme heat in the near future. back to you. all right. cuyler, thanks so much. turning to national news now, like graduating seniors everywhere, members of newtown, high school's class of 2024. >> expect bittersweet feelings at their commencement ceremony. excitement about heading off to college and sadness about leaving their friends and community. but about 60 of the 330 kids graduating wednesday. we're also carry the emotional burden that comes from having
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survived. one of the deadliest school shootings in u.s. history and knowing many former classmates won't get to walk across the stage with them 20 of their fellow first graders and 6 educators at sandy hook elementary school on december 14th 2012. >> your whole life since her in kindergarten use can lead to graduate and fell so far away for such a long time, but not now. it's here and you're ready. but i think we can't forget about that. there is a whole chunk of our class missing. and so going into graduation, very mixed emotions turned excited for cells and this accomplishment that we for so hard for. but also those who are able to share it with us who should have been able to him. >> many survivors say they continue to live with the trauma of that day. they say loud noises still caused them to jump out of their seats. and some always keep an eye rooms exits. many have spent years in therapy for post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety.
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>> and shooter actually came into my classroom. so i had to like watch all my friends and teachers get killed it and i had to run for my life at 6 years and i know that really like a traumatizing for me and just growing up with having the fear and the what ifs of what could have happened if i stayed because i was what i was going to be next. but there split-second decided to save and we did. we land and just. you know, growing up those memories of seeing your friends and teachers dying is not something anyone wants live with. matter what age. >> 5 seniors have been active in the junior newtown action alliance and its anti-gun violence efforts saying they want to prevent shootings from happening to gun control and other measures last week several of them met with vice president kamala harris at the white house to discuss their experiences and call for change.
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>> it's a way to feel like you're doing something because we are. we're fighting for change and not going to stop until we get it. >> they say their fallen classmates motivated their advocacy, which they all plan to continue after high school. the victims will be honored during the graduation ceremony. but details have been kept under wraps. >> apple gets into ai but with a twist, see how the iphone will get smarter but still protect your privacy. i'm rich demuro. that's coming up in rich on tech. >> and infamous bear known in the sierra is making headlines once again. this time with her once again. this time with her cubs. ( ♪♪ )
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race for on your phone. just got interesting. now that apple has revealed their plans. >> all eyes are on their new operating system. ios 18? alright demero explains in today's rich on tech. >> samsung, microsoft and google have all implemented ai into their gadgets. and now so is apple. but they're doing things a little bit differently with a mix of onboard smart private cloud computing. and when that's not enough, third-party assistance >> the iphone is about to get an ai makeover with something called apple intelligence. the most popular thing will probably be the general with these. these are custom emojis. you can create on the
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fly. thanks to ai. and so now they don't have to make a bunch of different kinds of emojis. people can do it on their own. i think people a lot of fun with that. apple's take i include strict privacy promises. so they're using their servers with their silicon to make sure that whenever the motto on the device is not enough and they need to go to the clouds, everything remains private and secure. they are doing something a little bit different. that's more based your own data and that that data about you stays on your phone. this system is twofold. syrian can access your private emails, text and more. but if that's not enough, you can send your request to an external ai assistant. jaccii bt will be supported at launch. eventually users will have the ability to choose other ai assistants like google's gemini. many of apple's new ai smarts require an iphone 15 pro or later. you need something really powerful under the hood in order to
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enjoy all these new features. i think there's a lot of people are going to have great ending series now has the potential to be the most useful personal assistant yet, i think to a certain degree with samsung's phones and the galaxy ai it feels bolted after the fact i think with the iphone and ios 18 in particular, it feels very much moving in to the system, especially with siri. i think what apple does really well is extreme the fundamentals. and so i think we're like look at. >> what's going to happen i don't know. become part of the phone be like, oh, it's iphone was take the phone. does things really well? >> developers are already playing with a beta version of ios 18. there will be a public beta. anyone can try coming in july. and the final really state is in the fall in cupertino. i'm rich demuro. that's rich on tech. >> all right. and let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. like it's shroud of just a bit of a kylo. we were just seeing that
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story that rich just did. and it was looking like blue skies over cupertino. yeah. absolutely. lot of blue skies in the bay area but certainly cloudy out at the coast. wanted to start with a look at the national picture here. you can see temperatures are too bad, but chicago c to 89 degrees right now. obviously the southwest has heated up to. you can see vegas at 104. if we take a look at what's going on across the country, there's an awful lot of rain in florida. they've had a deluge of rain there that continues today. a little bit of a clipper kind of rolling through parts of minneapolis into illinois, but pretty quiet here out the only thing that we're kind of dealing with is the fact we're going to be little breezy this afternoon at these temperatures have come down considerably, although antioch, right now at 90 degrees. so we're certainly seeing some big improvement for those of you inland that we're looking at triple-digit heat, a spot like livermore got up to 101. right now we're sitting at 79 and downtown san francisco about 60 degrees. however, having said that. the marine layer is going to be coming back in tonight. and that is certainly going to change things a bit here. so partner, everyone. pardon me.
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so today's highs are looking out for more of those upper 80's and about 90 degrees as opposed to some of the triple digits that we saw. and as i mentioned, the marine layer is going to expand and it is going to start to move in today. so we will start to wake up tomorrow with a little bit of fog that we haven't seen in a bit. so that will be the precursor to the fact that we're cooling down even more as we get into tomorrow. she's going to get folks. i did okay. so by friday we're warming up a little more and then you can see just really pleasant temperatures right through our weekend. and of course, you've got father's day weekend. coming up. don't you love a good tickle in your throat, everyone. yeah, it gets all of us said at point or another highlight feel you on that. and the pollen count was also apparently really high today. so it could be that well, the cubs of an infamous lake tahoe mama bear once known as hank, the take were released into the eastern sierra mountains. >> the california department of fish and wildlife shares. that story. >> for young bears called year
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ling's are just a few minutes from being set free into the rugged mountains in the eastern sierra. but this isn't going to be just any release of cubs back into the wild. 3 of the 4 are siblings. offspring from the infamous mother bear that cause much of the property damage attributed to hank the tank in september of 2023. after breaking into at least 17 homes. she was captured and sent to a wildlife sanctuary in colorado while her 3 cubs were candidates for rehabilitation and release alexia running as a bear specialist with cdfw. >> even if we tried to put her in the wild, she one stay there. she would probably go back into urban areas. i'm at that point. at least 80% of her diet was human food. and that's what she had been doing for the past 2 plus years. and it was that's what she was teaching her cups. >> her cubs at a 4th bear also from the tahoe area abandoned by his mother, went to the
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sonoma county wildlife rescuer. the goal was breaking those habits. so at the time of release, they be wary of humans and ready for the wild. it's anything but peaceful won the release happenings. there's yelling and their horns, nontoxic paint are shot towards the bears to added urgency. whatever can be make fares on comfortable even a bit fearful of humans. and we want them to be very responsive to hazing as in if you are the yellow them are clap your hands. they should be running away. going up a tree. things like that. >> i do want to say they're going to be scared of us, but they should have extreme caution. so, for example, if you were to run into a black bear, you know, in the woods, they should stop at their tracks and look at you and be very cautious about your presence and most likely not want to stick around releasing bears is just part of the work for cdfw bear managers keeping track of the year ling's movements and comes next.
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>> the bears are wearing collars that send location signals to satellites, then to department computers. >> you can follow the arrows and that red circle is the last point that was received. >> every hour of bears location is updated. the forebears released or not far from the really spot. that's to be expected. >> they're right next to each other. pretty close. they kind of sick in the same area for 2 to 3 weeks at a time is to get their bearings. >> those colors are program to detach and fall off the animal after 9 months, environmental scientists like alexia will head into the wilderness to retrieve the colors so they can be reused. until then. the year ling's learned to be wild and habitat better suited for bears than lake tahoe neighborhoods. this is absolutely the best chance for them. >> but to see them back in the wild. and coming up next at
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noon, zoos are making more baby announcements. stay tuned for a closer look.
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preferences. lots of dogs, kittens, rabbits and all of them again are free to adopt. >> but we have that they're turnkey. some of them are house broken. we can give you history on the ones that we have history. so it's all about matchmaking come on out and let's find out what we can do for you. >> so if you can't commit to a full adoption, there's other ways you can help. you can also foster a pet for free. so get in touch with contra costa animal services in martinez for more information to help save a life. and staff at boise zoo in idaho. welcome. the birth of a baby cotton top tamarin. check these guys out the emma was born in april and is the 4th child of parents. eddy and mimi zoo staff said that the of the new board will be revealed during its first that examine the summer. so stay tuned for that. boise parks and rec director said the new tamarin baby helps advance the zoo's conservation work and serves a crucial role contributing to this species, which is critically endangered
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in south america. well, caught and tap tap tamarins are found in the northwest region of colombia and they are classified as critically endangered. so this is one of my favorite viral videos of the moment right now. a curious cat wandered onstage during an orchestral performance at the 52nd istanbul music festival. the feline took a pause for a moment to observe the swiss chamber orchestra. there are certain festival strings performing beethoven's pastoral symphony. number 6 as the cat continued its cat walk across the stage. some members of the orchestra acknowledge the animals presence with a smile. look at how calm it is. patriots spoke to local news saying, quote, being a resident istanbul, i wasn't so surprised because we love cats and we feed them. we are very friendly with the animals. and i've seen several times the cats wondering in the concert hall, but never on the stage
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in the middle of the very curious to know how the cat got there in the first place. but looks like it was enjoying the music. that will be off in the newsroom today. thank you s4 much for joining us here on fox. 4 news at noon. >> i'm stephanie lin. take good care of yourselves today. good care of yourselves today. live in the bay is next. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that
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ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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>> welcome to live in the bay. and ts


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