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tv   KRON 4 News at 7am  KRON  June 13, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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>> right now, the kron, 4 morning news mayoral candidates for san francisco facing off in a debate how they say they'll protect the city from crime. plus, what's next for the oakland coliseum? now that city leaders have decided to sell its half of the stadium for more than 100 million dollars. and alameda county da pamela price is facing a new lawsuit filed by one of her former employees. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. good to see you again this morning. at 7 o'clock, darya james and we've got a beautiful day on tap weather-wise with temperatures. >> very comfortable this afternoon. all right. well, let's get right to those numbers. and i, john, yes, definitely feels so much nicer than it did just a couple of days ago. it was a short-lived
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warm up and it quickly cooled right back down. >> part of the reason for that is what you see behind me. a lot of that low gray that's hovering right across the bay this morning. and you can see it's sweeping into the bay and this view right there along pier 15, the bay bridge behind those flags just blowing around that pretty strong breeze that's pushed back in temperatures in the 50's for most of the bay area this morning. cool. start. get the light jacket ready to go, especially if you're going to be outside for more than just a couple of minutes. we will be stealing seeing still a warm afternoon with some clearing skies later on. as of right now, a lot of us do see that low gray overhead. the visibility is holding just fine as cloud cover sitting above us. winds currently pushing in from the south and west. that's going to transport more ocean, cool their direction. keeping us in the low 80's at the very warmest inland. most of us today in the 60's to 70's. all right, john, thank you for that. fortunately, we've been tracking a traffic fatality. >> 5, 80 westbound in livermore. so if you are
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traveling from livermore to dublin is going take you around 40 minutes to make that drive. same for street. a good alternate for you to get around half on a 4, 6, 80 other highways and bridges. no major issues there. 15 minutes traveling into the city, mateo bridge just short of 16 richards overfill 13 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls 20 minutes. all right. james, back to you. thank you. reyna brown for your local election headquarters and the 5 candidates who want to be san francisco's next. mayor. >> talked about their plans last night. yeah. going head-to-head discussing the issues. kron 4 sarah stinson has the highlights. >> 5 candidates took to the stage here at sydney, goldstein, theater and hayes valley to duke it out with one another and convince voters why they would make the best. next. mayor of san francisco tickets sold out for the first san francisco mayoral debate wednesday night. the debate was hosted by manny's and city arts and lectures the candidates supervisor ahsha safai. e. >> former mayor and supervisor
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mark farrell, philanthropist, daniel lurie, mayor london breed and supervisor aaron peskin with each candidate answering questions about key issues in the city. more than 800 overdose deaths were recorded last year. more than 80% involving fentanyl. each candidate. explain what they would do to prevent more deaths. we need to aggressively arrest and prosecute fentanyl dealers as mayor, i will declare a fentanyl state of emergency. >> it will allow us to pass a state and federal government for additional funds to allow them to bring in additional law enforcement. we're spending 700 million dollars a year on our behavioral health system. we've skewed so heavily to harm reduction, which i believe is part of the continuum of cop chair. it's very important, but we forgot about building the bats and treating people. there is no other mayor in any major city in this country that is doing what i am doing with the various services that we are doing in order to help combat this issue. and we are seeing
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improvements in our city walk the beat with the captain of the tender line the other day. and he said a lot of our resources are going into the downtown. >> if you want to stop the drug trade, you've got to get the officers on the street. you have to address a drug dealer. candidates also described how they would make city streets safer for visitors and residents. my plan for public safety. >> i believe we need new police chief. i believe we need to restore the budget of our police department inside of city hall are seeing one of the lowest crime rates we've seen in 10 years and that crime rate is continuing to trend to this very day, including. >> a 50% reduction right here today in car break-ins. we a fully staffed police department. most of the officers in my district know the shopkeepers in the residents on their beats many of them by name. doesn't just keep people safe. it makes them feel safe. but what's been missing has been the leadership and the investment to recruit. if you don't invest in the recruitment budget, you can't go out and get officers and all the other
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public safety personnel that we need. so how did voters feel after the debate tonight? >> a lot because i really had no idea who i was going to vote for. so it helped a lot in my opinion might have changed. and i kind of staff i think it is. he was pretty solid guy. but aaron peskin did pretty well. didn't anticipate it do. but i still like london i'm sarah stinson reporting in san francisco kron. 4 news. >> well, all 5 candidates, by the way will meet again for another debate next monday night. and kron four's theresa stasi will actually be moderating it. the debates being put on by the san francisco democratic county central committee is scheduled to start at 7.30, at the university of california college of law in san francisco. it's free to attend. it's open to the public. and we will, of course, be streaming it on kron on. if that works better for you 705, in the east bay, the oakland city council votes unanimously last night to sell their half of the coliseum.
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that's right. they sold it to the african american sports and entertainment group which has plans to revitalize the area. crawford's michael thomas in oakland with the latest on the story. michael. >> hey, good morning. everyone in that sale was over 100 million dollars. essentially the city hoped it's going to bring a lot of entertainment and possibly some new housing to the area. so lots of good things to come. take a look. this is general video. we've got up on your screen like break it all down. now. the oakland city council unanimously agreed to sell its 50% interest in the call. coliseum complex. excuse me, as we mentioned to the african american sports and entertainment group, the sale price 105 million dollars. it will pave the way to transform the site into a sports and entertainment destination with new businesses along with an open public space and parks. the deal also requires a significant portion if any future residential units are put in to be designated as affordable housing. however, keep in mind, the a's still have the other half of its interest and have yet to sell
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no word on that. oakland city officials hope and believe that the sale will help in multiple ways by maximizing economic, social and cultural benefits for the city of oakland and everyone else. so back out here live as we get more details as to finally patients of everything or what's to come. we'll continue to keep you updated. we did reach out to some city officials this morning for comment and what they may know as we get more details. we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest reporting live in oakland. michael thomas will send it back to you to live in the studio for now. ok, we'll see what comes of this. thank you very 706. another big story. a former employee of the alameda county district attorney's office. >> has filed a lawsuit against pamela price and the they're alleging racial discrimination, wrongful termination and retaliation. and all this comes as price. don't forget, he's facing that recall election in november. got our hands full ground where dan kerman has more. alameda county district attorney pamela price is former spokesperson. >> is suing her for racial discrimination. beardsley
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asian her predecessors. were. there were also asian. there was a lot of mistreatment and inconsistent conduct and the way that those folks were treated their water act comments that you not stayed in the workplace. in the lawsuit, former price employee patti lee alleges price told her that her enemies with the media and the asians. in a statement, police said i have never been subjected to such humiliating and bullying behavior in the workplace. it is unacceptable in any professional environment. but when the perpetrator is a public official who claims to be a civil rights advocate. it is unconscionable. office doesn't seem like the kind of office that we would be proud of having the district attorney right. but lee's attorney nick roxboro says racial discrimination is only part of the problem. lee is also suing price in the county for wrongful teamination and retaliation. you know, fire people for doing the right thing. you don't fire people
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for protecting the purse those allegations stem pamela price news conference, a november 29th of last year when a reporter for the berkeley scanner was refused entrance that led to a flurry of california public records act requests requiring the da's office to turn over records relating to that incident. lee was the one required together that material. but the lawsuit says when she tried to the alameda county district attorney chose instead to hide elite and change the records when she refused to sign off on those records. the lawsuit says lee was fired, you know, do those sort of things. that's not your job. you're there to fight crime in fighting crime a serious business. producing documents. wherever the chips may fall. whatever they say, whatever you did wrong, you let them out. that's we all make mistakes. but when you try to cover it up and you ask somebody who's public informational, sir. to join you, cover up and she refuses and find her. that's not what
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we're about. a spokesperson for pamela price says the da's office cannot comment on litigation on personnel matters. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> 709. of the honda in the east bay berkeley police are warning they've seen an increase in burglaries and thefts targeting specifically honda's. fact, tuesday night alone, there were 7 car burglaries or cars that were stolen. and of the 7, the majority were either honda civics or honda accords. 4 were the suspect actually stole the airbag out of the steering wheel of the vehicle. well, i knew they were going would you call it, you know, the catalytic converters. but under the airbags. today, the california public utilities commission wants to know what you think about water rates going up in san jose say i if you want the increase at this san jose water company says i there. here's the plan for the increases. they want parades by more than 7 and a half percent next year. and then almost 4%. 2026. and then for almost 4 and a half by 2027
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customers of santas, a water company are going to be able to communicate directly with the cpu c at 2 meetings that are online on the website at 02:00pm and the other is at 06:00pm. >> okay. we're going to take a break here at 7.10, but still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news police in oakland are making a number of arrests in connection with more than a half dozen burglaries and robberies. we'll tell you more about that. plus, condemned homes in the bay area are pretty valuable as investment properties for some find out why. and san francisco's public safety cameras are seeing some early results. we'll tell you what officials are saying and today is going to be noticeably cooler than where we have spots like oakland back in the upper 60's. >> fremont hayward even conquered down in the 70's. got your forecast and we're tracking a fatal traffic collision. this is a long 5, 8, livermore right along the altamont pass is a backup on the highways were not 2 major the highways were not 2 major i
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>> 7.13, is the time. and we're looking for a great day in weather going do all those outdoor things that you might need to do, james? yeah, perhaps >> he's like, you whether john, he always leaves it open. good morning, john. >> you know, depends honestly if the naps going to happen. that's always my question, mark. but today try to get out there. enjoy it. >> this is what you got going on right here in san jose. gorgeous. start to the morning. this is the kind of stuff that entices you that get out there. take that jog. who wants to do that when it's too hot. it's nice and crisp this morning. it is a little bit cloudy for much of the
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rest of the bay area, especially the bayshore, the east bay and the north bay. so don't be surprised when you're getting out there. and it's not the brightest just yet for a lot of us, at least where we're sitting in the big picture set up jet is set up shop just to our north. we do have that strong southwesterly flow and that's pushing that cool air jurek lee into the bay. eliminating any heat advisories, northern california, they still do remain in the eastern desert east of la, though can see those winds actually picking up later on today. so much like yesterday, especially if you're along the coast through the golden gate bridge, you're literally going to be standing right in front of mother see below and that cool air right into the bay today. temperatures are in the 50's to 60's an asset for your daytime highs. that's pretty much the same as yesterday was same for the rest of the coastline. a lot of the rest of us, though, are going to be tapping into a cooler afternoon. lot of mid 70's on the peninsula. some low 80's in the south bay. that's similar to yesterday. well, the inland east bay big for one of our biggest cool downs
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dublin that 76 walnut creek. 77 today for you, oakland, up to richmond. you stay in the 60's. vallejo are right at 70 antioch are warm spot out of the 90's back into the 80's today. tomorrow, a little bit warmer, but only one day of a little heat spike. then we're back down in level for the rest of the forecast in the mid 70's along the bay and mid 80's inland right john, thanks for that. well, unfortunately, we have a fatal traffic collision. >> this is on a little more. so this is actually a photo image. the backup that is currently right there right now. if you're traveling along the altamont past, it's about an hour to make it from livermore into dublin this morning. this accident involving a motorcyclist attractive tragically lost their life. try to navigate around him saying first street, a good alternate. that's i'd over here in this area and take first 84 and continue to navigate depending on where you're heading to. you can get back on 5.80. that other highways are experiencing that type of delay. so the bay bridge about
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17 minutes, san mateo just short of 16 and the south bay still just starting to build. 41 minutes. 85 to menlo park. kellyanne shut to 37 about 30 minutes. i know dorian will tran has been a on scene is going bring us more about that fatal right now, the breaking news. let's continue our team coverage of that crash on westbound 5.80, in livermore, several lanes as a ranger said closed major backup. we've got will tran on scene right now with the very latest. we'll >> i'm right next to the accident scene. and even though 2 lanes are going by the backup, according to the chp, goes all the way into tracy's. so we're talking hours as far as the scene being finally cleared up the morning commute. just all but decimated through this area. you can see the chp right there. there's the motorcycle still on the roadway. found out that this all took place at around 05:40am, in the morning with hamas.
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>> you know what? we got great shot because will is at the scene. we're going to have more from him. obviously, we just lost him. but there's going to be a problem, obviously for hours about doubly. so we'll keep you post a tune more team coverage to come. >> meanwhile, for your money, this morning-a, let's move on to what's going on on wall street's starbucks launching their first value meal. >> and tesla shareholders cast votes on elon musk's 50 billion pay package today. jane king is live at the nasdaq with those stories and more hedging. >> haidar a good morning. so, yes, tesla investors will decide today if ceo elon musk deserves that. 56 million dollar payday. all shareholders had already approved it. if musk hits certain sales and profit targets, which he did now, some think it's too much that vote will come in probably tonight. well, after plummeting in 2020 is the pandemic lockdowns kept drivers off the road. insurance companies even return to some premiums to policyholders the average cost of car insurance has skyrocketed up 20% over the
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past year and reached about $165 a month nationwide. industry experts point to a variety of reasons for this, including rising repair costs, more frequent in serious crashes, severe weather and an uptick in consumer litigation. us travelers can now renew their passports online, eligible travelers can process applications about sending everything in the mail and you can get that passport back in 6 to 8 weeks. a limited number of appointments will be available as they try this out and roll this out gradually. they do explain to a plan to expand those appointments later this year. and starbucks has a new value meal. the first starbucks pairing is a tall, hot or iced coffee or tea and a butter croissant which starts at $5. the second is a tall, hot or iced coffee or tea. paired with the breakfast sandwich which starts at $6 live from the nasdaq market site. i'm jane king. back to you. >> all right. thanks a lot. j. thank you. 7.19 and was taken to the east bay because more than 600 acres of county open
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space at the last minute and a special line that's between concord, pittsburgh. they're going to build on that area. put housing there. the contra costa, local agency formation commission just approved our request by the city of pittsburgh and the developers, discovery builders. they're going to build on undeveloped ridgeline above the city, 1500 market rate. homes will be there. they're calling it free southwest chills, annexation project. and it has been the heart of controversy with environmentalists voicing their concerns about wildlife and the impact that this would have. they say there is, though, a need for affordable housing as well. we're not sure when the project actually will begin. >> the brentwood city council has approved a new housing development project. it's going to be built on an open space right now on loan tree, right? right across the brentwood from the brentwood community center. the planning commission had 2 recommendations on the number of units that would be built.
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one called for 37 the other for 40. well, they decided this housing development will have 40 single-family homes, including for affordable units. well, a quarter happening today, oakland leaders are going to be gathering for the grand opening ceremony of the new affordable housing project. there. the axe cherry hill apartments will have 55 affordable units, including a community health clinic operated on the ground floor. oakland mayor sheng thao councilmember trevor reed and other city leaders are going to be there for it. the grand opening starts at 11 o'clock this morning on international boulevard and 90th avenue. >> 7.20 is the time and the price of houses at a site in the bay area. so condemned ones are actually becoming more attractive for homebuyers. the supply is dwindling. so investors are getting creative. they're buying tear downs like this one in san jose. and then they'll rebuild on the property. we told you about this 1, $700,000 for a tear down. we spoke with a realtor about this trend.
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>> this is these are very special circumstances where you have larger lots, you know, half acre in that range you're going to be a special buyer that's able to to see what's possible there and have the capacity to make something happen. it just really speaks to the fact that there's been incredible demand and need for housing opportunities in the bay area. and we just haven't kept up with the supply to meet that demand. >> he says he's not seeing a big influx of these types of properties for sale. however, a modest structure on a larger lot an area that's already zoned for housing tends to attract attention. it's 7.21. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. there's a surge of covid again. >> and there are a few unlikely symptoms maybe haven't heard before the patients are experiencing.
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>> and we're back at 7.24. with breaking news this morning. the u.s. supreme court has unanimously agreed to allow access to a medication that's used in nearly 2 thirds of all abortions in the u.s. last year. it's the court's first abortion decision since conservative justices overturn roe v wade 2 years ago. the justices in this latest ruling ruled that abortion opponents lacked the legal right to sue over the federal or federal food drug administration's approval of the medication the case had threatened to restrict access to mifepristone across the country, including in states where abortion is still legal. more than 6 million people. if you as mister press tone in the past 24 years. another
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covid surge could be coming to the bay area. the california department of public health is reporting now higher virus levels in san francisco's wastewater. they're also alerting the public of symptoms that may not always be associated with covid. >> we've been seeing more a typical sentence as more people get being moved. no eyes. yeah. and you know isis. that money in the hospital recently with just diarrhea and i did the president being covid positive. it's not the common symptom, but i think people have to be aware that we had some tense might sometimes mean it's covid when the numbers going up as high as they are. >> yeah. so i guess the rule of thumb is if you've got any symptoms of any kind, just make sure you test yourself. doctor peter chin. hong also is but advise ing everybody to be updated with the latest booster, especially those who are older than 65. and those with compromised immune systems. >> in san francisco supervisor, aaron peskin wants to save a critical lgbtq
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health facility from closing. it's called the life space or que el has and he's right in the heart of the castro. it's a mental health care facility. that's a potentially facing eviction. now after 13 years in that location, supervisor peskin is plan would create land use controls that would protect the critical health services use of that center. the legislation is going to go up for a vote next month. it's 7.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news, a san jose elementary school aid. >> he's accused of sexually assaulting a young girl. officials say he was caught. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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>> 7.29 right now and it's going to be nice enough out you have some tattoos that don't usually see the light what's leaves for well, 80's, i love that. yeah, it's that kind of weather i would say, although this morning it's still kind of put on that sure layer kind of weather as we are seeing the gray out there and a pretty steady breeze moving in from the coastline. >> let's get you look at downtown san francisco. they will peak of sun through those low clouds pushing on inland via that cool southwesterly winds that is going to continue all day long today. as of right now, visibility is a-ok unless europe and some hillsides of northern marin and sonoma counties. that's where we are seeing some fog having formed temperatures in the 50's. currently, oakland, you're at 58 degrees. same for brett. would you finally cool down further inland? the past few evenings have b%en really warm for you, but we got that relief last night as that cool sea breeze pushed further and further inland temps in the
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70's for your daytime highs for most of the bay shore today. few low 80's for the statement right now. i don't think that fatal accident. 5.80, westbound. >> in livermore, we know that will tran is out there on the scene live in this back up is a live look at what's going on there. currently got miles and miles of backup. there. if you are traveling from livermore into dublin, it's going to take you around. 42 minutes to maneuver through that. i'm saying first street good place to exit, maybe have 84 to try to navigate around those delays. >> pretty much only major issue you have out there, 17 iran to the city are to return around 17. they are rich december fell just short of 13 and the golden gate bridge. 27 and you got that. fox definitely take time read back to you. thanks. a lot of let's get on your team coverage now. the breaking news, right? we're just talking about the fatal crash on westbound 5.80, live. yeah, we chatted with will a moment ago. the signal broke up. but let's get back out there now. will. >> okay. right now that chp still on scene, they have put
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the motorcycle on a flatbed truck. the motorcyclist, however, died from the accident. we do know this took place at around 5.40, in the morning in the westbound direction. 5.80, just as you enter livermore, they plan to hopefully be out of this location in the next hour or so. we do know that earlier this morning the motorcyclist described to be a man in his 40's was going about 80 to 100 miles per hour, lost control of his motorcycle clipped a big rig, let that spun him out of control. and then another big rate comes along and hit some and he died from his injuries. you can see caltrans there. they are moving the cone over a little bit. so they plan to open up one more lane of westbound 5.80. in the meantime, the backup is horrific. according to the chp, it stretches all the way back to tracy. so as far as when this whole scene will be cleared as far as traffic
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getting back to normal. they say maybe 2 to 3 hours from now for tracy residents coming into the heart of the bay area. this is pretty much their only gateway. and whenever there's an accident, it's disastrous. and that's what we're seeing. a lot of people are getting off of the freeway at north livermore avenue and that is jus clogging all of the city streets and livermore. so there's really no way around this other than that. just bite down. barrett because it's going to be terrible for quite some time. they're still investigating this scene that just saw them take measurements. they're trying to talk to the driver the big rig driver number 2 that was involved in this accident. he pulled over, but it appears that they're looking for a translator to talk to him, to try to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. but we do know one motorcyclists, as you can clearly see, there's his motorcycle. he was killed in this accident. back to you.
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>> it came progress. that's good to see. thank you. will. >> i don't want to sugarcoat the. >> the break-ins are debilitating to small businesses and small businesses are. what make oakland thrive. it's >> mixed reaction coming in after governor newsom says crime is down. 33% in oakland. this comes after he deployed 120 additional chp officers to crack down on crime. but some business owners that we spoke with say they actually feel differently. >> the numbers speak to the day-to-day life of oakland where the crime has kind of dissipated. the problem is the last night's gratefully. i think there's been less window. smash in. >> in montclair village. so that's that's a good thing. but resoundingly people do not feel safe. >> newsom's is backed by the oakland police department. they say auto burglaries are down 60%. commercial
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burglaries are down 43%. and there has been a 20% reduction in homicides. the report also comes as oakland. police say they made several arrests in connection with a surge in home invasion, robberies and burglaries. they say one of the suspects is responsible for at least 4 home invasions in the highland park neighborhood. back in april. >> basically, the suspect was just scooping out the area. he would just normally drive around park several blocks away. i then walked to the locations that he wanted to burglarize. we're committed robberies that how he specifically identify those targeted residence. we don't know. >> well, a group of teens are in juvenile hall as well. officials say the group is responsible for more than 30 commercial burglaries and properties. >> video posted by police department shows a man jumping over a counter at a police building in attacking a city employee. take a look. happened about 4 in the afternoon tuesday. the panel,
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public safety building on tenet avenue. and officers ended up arresting the man. 65 year-old chester victor, from the unincorporated san pablo area. he walked around the reception area. another person was being held at the front desk and then he approached the front counter, rang the bell several times. and then within seconds, he look at this grab. the staff members and went right through the window. the worker was able to break free and then ran over to the main hallway of a police building got help and officers came over and arrested. victor. and faces an attempted murder charge now of for shooting at san jose police officers and then jumping out of his own second-story window. none of the officers was hurt or hit. but take a look. this was around 4.30, sunday morning in this area of delaware avenue and morton way, police responded. they found a 52 year-old man named anthony handy, throwing things out of the window of the home. they tried to talk to him. he ended
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up barricaded himself inside. and then they said he fired shots in their direction. and ended up in the end jumping out of the second story window. he was taken to the hospital for his injuries and then later booked into jail. >> in the south bay, the santa clara man who worked as a therapist for children is now behind bars this morning. charges of alleged assault of a girl under the age of 14. rob nesbitt has the story. >> police say nunez worked as a therapist to children in an instructional aide at a san jose elementary school saying he sexually assaulted one of his young clients multiple time since march. this is the mugshot for 48 year-old alejandro lopez. nunez taken june 9th arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a young girl who leaves a therapist for. >> according to stacy, she with the san jose police department. a relative of the girl reported the assault they were able to. >> basically catch the suspect in the act. act of sexually
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molesting or assaulting the victim. according to she, the girl was under the age of 14 and had special needs. nunez was working as the victims, behavioral therapist for trumpet behavioral health, making in-home visits. >> the company sent a statement wednesday saying they are disturbed and saddened by the allegations and that, quote, nothing is more important to us than the health safety and well-being of the children in our care. as soon as we were made aware of the incident, we took immediate action and cooperation with law enforcement, including terminating the employee and beginning an internal review. nunez also worked as an instructional aide at forest hill elementary school in san jose starting in 2022, the school district says he worked under the supervision of a teacher and that, quote, to our knowledge, the alleged behavior did not involve our students. the individual has not worked with our students since june 6, 2020 for the last day or students were in school. our district will be taking appropriate personnel action upon the conclusion of our investigation. police are encouraging parents to ask questions house the session. how to day co.
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>> make sure they're ok and they know you know what to look and what signs to look because has worked as a person of trust with children. police believe there could be other victims. you're asked to contact the san jose police department. if you think that's the case with your child reporting in san jose, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> 7.38 is the time and a graduation night was ruined for an east bay team because of a car break-in until the company or the community actually stepped in to make it better. so sure. far says she went to dinner near 40th and broadway in oakland last thursday after graduating from envision academy. few hours later, though, she found her car had a broken window. the trunk was open. her graduation cap was gone all over graduation, a gift money, including $600 in cash that was gone as was her iphone. but since word got out about this, the community has come together, stepped up to replace what was taken. >> i felt relieved because i
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was just i just felt like all the money that was planning to use for college. >> housing and food and all that. i feel like it was a weight lifted off because i will be able to still buy those things down. >> yeah, oakland based money payment company block inc gave far $500. and then donald lacy who you see here with her runs the love life foundation and they raised another 150 far. wants to remind people, though, not to leave your valuables in cars because as she found out, you never know when it might be robbed. >> 7.39 in north bay family is expressing their gratitude now to a good samaritan who gave them a graduation card that ended up in the wrong address. >> that your mail at her house. thank you. >> yeah, they got this from their neighbor, angela, shaq, says the card had $50 in it was meant for her son elijah, who had recently graduated
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from high school. and you can see a neighbor coming up, ringing the doorbell there with the card in hand. >> you know, we call homes and how much money was available and hearing that, you know, they return every penny exactly how this ended. it restored my faith in humanity a little bit knowing tou know, they drove from around the corner. >> and the mom and son posted that many on social media and the hopes of thanking the person who returned it in a really appreciate that. >> so want to tell me what i should do about my property. but the most important thing is you have a chance to save yourself. >> that's a lot get those residents who saved his own home by doing what firefighters say, which is making sure that you get to spend a defensible space around their home because look at what happened last month in los gatos. you can see the area that burned here. but the home was ok, fire department actually sends out 11,000 letters. they did that this year encouraging residents be
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proactive and make sure you get rid of all that vegetation e that could fuel a fire around your home. if you do that, it will slow down the fire and give time for crews to suppress it. >> all right. we're going to take a break at 7.42. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news. the giants in a high stakes game against the astro's who would walk away with the series of the highlights. and after the break, we're going to take a walk into the national aids memorial at golden gate park, a space that insurers, those who lost their lives to the disease are never forgotten.
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>> 44 right now checking out the weather for you and it looks like going to be pretty nice out. yeah, i feel like 80's. good morning, john. yeah, i'm kind of looking forward to this. nice little cool down even though it's still warm out there. 80's is way more comfortable than the triple digits and 90's had been. this is your look outside from walnut creek got highway. 24 winding through the east bay hills there at the bottom of the screen. all in all, it's pretty nice and calm out that direction. not so calm near the coastline, though. so we do see that ocean cool. they're rushing through at an accelerated pace. we've got the jet set up very nearby today, and that is really roaring in that southwesterly breeze right on into the bay with this is completely eliminating any sort of heat advisory, not just from the coast in california, but also now the central valley to so things have definitely been on the cooler trend where we're sitting currently with winds. it's not too too windy for most areas, but winds will pick up again later on today. and if it was breezy for you
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yesterday, do expect similar conditions today as far as those winds go. today's daytime highs will be similar to yesterday's along the coastline. 60's and 50's areas like san francisco down to half moon bay. well, a lot of us further inland are in for a little bit more of a cool down redwood city at 76 for your high south bay. temperatures still going to be in the low 80's, the inland east bay. that's really cool things off dublin, only at 76 walnut creek. get a nice 77. well, oakland up to richmond in the 60's, the lay how you'll be at 70 antioch out of the 90's where you were yesterday down to the mid 80's today. still our warmest but cooler. tomorrow's temperatures will warm up just a few degrees. that will be the warmest of the weekend for your friday. after that, we level out with some sunshine and very seasonable temps in the 70's to 80's right now. all right, john, thank you that. lane traffic collision. long, 5.80, westbound out in livermore. >> completely backed up along the altamont pass. if you're traveling from tracy into dublin this morning, say the
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soon as opportunity have to get off. one of the side streets i would first street is a good option. you can take that on to eighty-four and then get on a 6.80. other have as a ridge is a 15 minute commute into the city. thankfully not seen accidents along those bridges 17 for so long or send tale. what a lot of the south bay, about 50 minutes there to 82 good options for maneuvering around that deleon shut to 37 about 36 minutes. all right. james, back to you. >> 7.46 is the time. and a pitcher for the oakland ballers will be crossing the bay to pitch for the giants. how about that being called up to the majors? the ballers announced wednesday. that right, elijah pleasants contract has been purchased by the giants. he's just 24 years old. he's pitched in 5 games for the ballers starting 2 of them. he posted a 4.3 to with 16.2 innings of work striking out. 23 batters while walking just for some pretty good numbers. pleasants is the 3rd ballers player now to have his contract bot by mlb
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organization. >> the ball going to be kind of feeder arm team are like a showplace. all right. you know, good playing. well, speaking of the giants the giants in the astros, they played the last game of their series yesterday to decide who would take the series. giants got on the board in the 3rd inning and eventually took a 41 lead in the 4th. they went on to by final 5 to 3 logan webb. he was the star of the show. he put in 6 innings where the work picking up his 6th win of the season on the mound. the giants get a well-deserved day off today before hosting the angels for a three-game series starting tomorrow wrapped up their series but not with the same lack effect. they got sweep to buy sweet. it was a sweet. they got swept. >> by the padres neck-and-neck at first tied until the 6th inning when the a's took the lead. but then the padres tied up again and then what ended up happening. just couldn't keep up. and the padres ended in the 9th inning for they got
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for the padres got 5. so it's 5 to 4 the a's lose. and that's the a's 5th straight loss. >> well, as part of our ongoing pride month coverage, we want to take a trip into golden gate park. yeah, the national aids memorial grove, it's been a place of reflection and healing for anyone who's touched by hiv and aids for decades. and that memorial nears its 30th year of being designated a national memorial by congress. it's also playing a part in inspiring a brand new memorial in the park on fours. john shrable brings us the story. >> it may just be the quietest spot in san francisco. aside from the ever-present chirping of golden gate park's many birds and the wind rushing through the towering redwoods about. one of the few sounds you may encounter down. here is the sound of travis mathews head groundskeeper of the national aids memorial grove tending to this very intentionally landscape corner of the park. >> is that you move in and out of spaces of darkness and light. and i mean, you can see
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just behind us here you go into the redwoods and it's a darker space. and then you come out into don't opens up to all this light. >> this is a place of meeting to so many, but especially to those in the lgbt community who gather here for remembrance and healing. i had a partner who died from aids in 1993 before lifesaving medications came along. steve saga serve as the senior manager of the national aids memorial. this job was perfect for me through my work on able to help honor all of those lives that were lost to aids lives impacted by aids. >> this may be an incredibly beautiful sanctuary. but the story begins during one of the lgbt community's most painful chapters. the aids pandemic, which took the lives of thousands in the city alone and for a community that was oftentimes ostracized. aides only added to the stigma that so many faced.
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>> being aware at that time that the >> community, the community and people with hiv in age were. >> i'm being ignored and and hated >> demonized. >> the memorial is truly been a beacon of love to the lgbt community, but its impact has been expanding more and more a sign of this soon to be unveiled in another part of golden gate park. >> this is the circle of friends. what many people consider to be the center of the national aids memorial grove in here, the names of some people who passed away from aids, but also those who donated to setethis place aside. the circle also serves as the inspiration for one of the park's newest memorials. this memorial is going to be the first permanent memorial in the u.s. for cancer. just up the hill from the national aids memorial with a view as far as sutro tower. >> construction is about to start on a brand new beacon of love says daniel montana's with san francisco, rec and parks rec and park is
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partnering bay area young survivors, which is a group that helps and provide support for people that have been diagnosed with cancer. much like the circle of friends in the aids memorial grove, the bay area, young survivors, cancer memorial garden will feature a similar circular gathering space so people can look down at the words and then also up like do in this section, correct. and then there's also going to be like a metal kind of plaque breaking ground in the fall. this new memorial will transform this hillside much as the aids memorial grove did a quiet grove of redwoods. what's really exciting is that this is the first memorial to come to golden gate park since the aids memorial grove, which was 96. so that's over 2 decades. well, over 2 decades that we get a new memorial in golden gate park and that's really exciting. >> and join john trey ball who is hosting our special thursday june 27th at 6.30, for the whole thing. we've got everything. all the begin of
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love. >> storiew that we've done and contributed to for this pride month. we're going to be highlighted and that's special hope. you join us for that. >> kr we're going take a break at 7.52. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a lot of kids are losing their only access to a meal during the summer break. we'll tell you how local food bank, though, is racing against the clock to keep those kids fed.
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>> 7.55. and today san francisco's black film festival begins. this year's theme is healing the world.
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one film at a time. >> i think one of the biggest significance is obviously the black population. san francisco is not what's what it was. i'm and so i think it also helps to bring a lot of our communities back together, guard list of where they are from the bay area or in the world in the states. and it kind of shows a unity. and i think that's also part of the specialty about also being during juneteenth weekend, which is, you know, that. and for that as well. >> the festival runs through sunday and tickets are available on event brite and they range from $5 to $35. >> it's 75 in coming up next on the kron 4 morning news berkley. police are warning there's a specific type of car that is being burglarized and you might be surprised at what people are stealing out of and breaking news from the supreme court access to a popular medication for abortions is now preserved. plus, first
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lady jill biden visits the bay area today. we'll tell you more about her trip. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> right now, the kron, 4 morning news mayoral candidates for san francisco facing off in a debate. we'll tell you how they say they'll protect the city from prime. and we continue to follow breaking news on that fatal accident on 5.80, in livermore. we're live at the scene. and alameda county da
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pamela price is facing a new lawsuit filed by one of her own former employees. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning and happy friday. i'm and i'm james. we've got lots to talk about this hour. >> we'll get to that accident and our coverage over here in second with the rain up. but first focusing on the weather, which is a lot nicer than the traffic at the moment, john. yes, definitely much more co-operative. it's so much more pleasant forecast to be spending a little bit of time outside than it was just 2 days ago when you're at the peak of our heat, your view outside in san francisco coming along with a lot of clouds rushing in from the pacific. that wind is pretty noticeable yesterday near the coast in near the golden gate. 2 and we'll continue to be present today. now we do have a lot of this low stratus overhead. so visibility on all has been fine. you're just looking up at the grey in many spots. temperatures range anywhere from the 50's at the coastline. couple of 40's and areas like


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