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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  June 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> tonight at 5.30, transportation officials in san francisco are getting ready to switch course on a bikeway project in the city's mission district. you have a bike lane that runs along the middle of valencia street. boy, has it been the center of controversy among business owners in the area mainly because >> it's restricting a parking
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there for sale on live for us in san francisco with details on the changes they're considering making their gayle. >> vicki and catherine, the sfmta spent the last few months getting feedback from the community. and today the transfer its transit agency. they didn't fail. a proposed new design that can hopefully help the situation. >> ever since the sfmta pilots center running bikeway on valencia street was installed last summer. we heard a lot from the merchants about. >> motorists, confusion about occasional large deliveries blocking all traffic and variety of other impacts that we didn't anticipate. but that's why we do pilots. why the experiment we learn and we put and now the transit agency plans to pivot and is proposing a side running bikeway concept. instead, part of that plan unveiled at a virtual press conference thursday afternoon. the green
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lines represent. >> the bike lane right against the sidewalk. we've also reflected back parklet placement. so those are the yellow. >> rectangles a trapezoid. some people want that that parklet floating out in the floating parking lane. some people have preferred to keep that parklet against. the current was fan of that more longtime mission district resident rachel's a narrow the says the center bikeway is challenging to get around the neighborhood. i feel like you're less safe like writing with my kid. it's really hard to get in and out of the bike lane safely. i feel like. >> accessing shops that we like to access the local businesses here in lafayette. and it's really hard block to get on and turning back in february, business owners along valencia street threatened a lawsuit over the center bike lane citing economic losses. the sfmta says if approved construction of the new design could take weeks and is now leaving it up to the merchants were hearing from restaurants. >> to please not do construction during the warmer months summer and fall. and
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we're hearing from the retailers to please not do construction during the holiday shopping season of particularly november and december. so will be working carefully with the merchants to figure out when exactly is optimal time to make the switch. >> and the sfmta plans to present this proposed new design to the sfmta board of directors on tuesday reporting here in san francisco, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> thank you, gayle. >> at the pinole police department get a look at this man spotted climbing over the counter. this was a tuesday afternoon. police say first you rang a bell on the counter. then he grabbed staff member somehow by her right arm. he had climbed over the counter through a window, chased the woman down a hallway. he was detained. he's been arrested on several charges. the woman has minor injuries but will be ok,
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governor newsom is more than doubling the drug operations within the california national guard counter task force, boosting the number of service members at the border with mexico from 155 to nearly 400 last month. newsom said the count guard operations did help with the seizure of nearly 6 million pills containing fentanyl. that so far this year. his office says that synthetic opioids like fentanyl contributed nearly 70% of overdose deaths. >> in napa county, ukrainian winemakers at visited napa valley to learn how to he'll their war damaged. vineyards of this comes in the midst of that ongoing war with russia. some of the winemakers vineyards have been bombed by russia and others have had minds dropped on them. pulling in cranes to live. >> yes, war is saying or so in life, but we need to continue a life. you to a life. so of
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course, we need to and i makers in and now it's they work hard. >> so far nobody has been hurt in the ukrainian but it has damaged their land. it's causing real stress and despite fears for their safety. the ukrainian say that they're wineries actually are still operating. >> as we get closer to the 4th of july weekend, the vallejo fire department, one of the department's as always warning people against using illegal fireworks. they are banned within city limits. the department has already seen a spike in grass fires this year. firefighters will be patrolling neighborhoods on the lookout for anybody with fireworks pg and e planning to inspect more than 7 miles of gas transmission pipeline in san ramon. >> dublin and livermore by the end next month. the utility says that the inspections are meant to ensure that their meeting, federal and state standards pg and e completed more than 150 miles of inspections in alameda and
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contra costa counties between 2021 2023. >> all right. time to take another look at whether this is a beautiful shot. montana police and gail earlier, though, she looked a and trout id and fog and kind of chilly. yeah. but not inland. not in the old east bay lawrence has looking at there. welcome to bay area weather, right? you could be freezing at the coastline win. >> you're seeing all the hot temperatures in the valleys and we're going to see that again. i think for tomorrow's temperatures like a warm-up. >> a couple degrees. but that fog kind of settling in along the coastline today and look at that. and the san francisco, it is cool out there. the wind is blowing. it is damp in spots. even a little drizzle along the immediate coastline right now. but we're going to watch a drier air mass big in the mix in as that drier mixes in probably a little less fog. now over the next couple days. of course, we're getting closer and closer to the 4th of july. and so we are concerned about the fire weather. and of course, there's a fire weather forecast for you as we head through time tonight. not so bad. and then by the afternoon tomorrow you see all the yellow on the orange begin to
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show up. and that is and increase the fire risk. and that's just because we see those afternoon sea breezes kick in. we've got some drier air that's going to settle in. so a little bit elevated by tomorrow afternoon and more so over the weekend. in fact, we'll see some stronger winds over the weekend. get lake county get the parts of solano county. some gusty winds likely to kick in the humidity, going to be dropping off too. so a fire weather watch being posted for that period. starting on saturday, continuing all the way until monday as well. winds out the door right now still gusting to 30 miles an hour into san francisco. 28 mile an hour winds fairfield that some pretty good sea breeze all around the bay area right now. that will continue tonight, that fog start to push on shore, you can see that little finger fog stretching all the way across the reaching out the east bay hills right now. more of that on the way, but beginning to dissipate overnight tonight. we'll see that fog kind of mix out. but high pressure going to sneak in here, bring us some drier air for them. also warmer temperatures, too. start to cool things down for the weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes.
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>> thank you, lawrence. bay area expected to see a major economic boost over the next 2 years. next year's nba all-star game. that's going to be the3chase center. and then 2026. the super bowl and world cup matches are going to be hosted at levi stadium according to the nonprofit group of bay area host committee. those events are expected to bring a 1.4 billion dollars boost much needed boost to the region and expected to attract half a million visitors and create some 13,000 jobs. meantime, after several businesses announced plans to leave the san francisco center, the mall is announcing today 7 retailers have signed leases. they include a cellphone, sensory and repair shop. a toy store and a shop selling japanese inspired products. join the big name retailers already in the mall, including a chin and lululemon and looming dales. there is a new state bill that would prohibit schools from notifying parents
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if their children identify. >> as transgender or lgbt q, this is now a closer to becoming law. passing the senate easily today it would ban school districts from any kind of lgbtq+ notification. it would ban teachers from outing children to their parents. that's unless the child gives permission. supporters children could suffer emotionally and even consider suicide of parents are not supportive and believe students every right to privacy. opponents argue those policies are important and making sure parents know what's going on with their children. the bill will now advance to an assembly committee. members of the legislature have passed a proposed state budget comes as california is facing a huge deficit. lots of cuts expected. hey, tom wallace has that story. >> well, what lawmakers here at the state capitol approved is, in essence, just a place holder to beat the june 15 deadline requiring them to
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pass a proposed spending plan or else they would not get paid. it's a spending plan democrats say will benefit the state while republicans argue it's not sustainable. measure passes with that democratic members of the legislature officially approved their proposed budget for the coming fiscal year. >> backers of the proposal say the 294 billion dollars spending plan. we'll invest in key programs including local homelessness services and will reverse the governor's proposed cuts to state funded social services, including in-home care for eligible undocumented californians and cash aid for low income californians in the cow works program. >> we are insistent that we will not balance this budget on the backs of the poor. among the largest proposed investments k through 12 public school spending last year. our budget funded students that just a shade over $22,000 per people. this year's budget will be over $24,000.3. people we are doing right by students by educators, by parents. but it
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comes as the state faces a deficit. the governor more than 27 billion dollars as a the legislature spending plan includes proposed productions including 1 billion dollars in cuts to climate programs and an additional 1 billion dollars in cuts to prison programs. >> the proposal also calls for the elimination of 10,000 vacant state jobs. we had to make some difficult choices and some difficult challenges. >> but we have done that in a way that we have been slaves or focus on protecting those core priorities. but republicans say they're frustrated with much of the spending plan, including a proposal to pass some tax credits for larger businesses. >> over the next 3 years, they say that directly contradicts the governor's promise not to increase taxes. that is definitely an absolute tax rate increase and the governor would have a very difficult time defending it. otherwise, republicans also say the proposed budget includes spending priorities. they believe the state cannot afford, including a minimum wage increase to $25 per hour for most health care workers. that's a 2 billion dollar item
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which not a sustainable spending plan. this body is out of touch. this budget is out of control. >> and the people are out of money. >> vote no on this budget. but the democratic super majority overwhelmingly passed the spending plan in both chambers and now they must negotiate a final budget with the governor and the questions are going well, i'm obviously a lot of issues to discuss issues that we're working but i feel like we're making some good progress and hope we can have some news to share in the next couple of days. and lawmakers and the governor must agree to a final budget by july. first reporting at the state capitol eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> looks like the mlb is keeping a close eye on the oakland ballers. the latest player crossing the bay to play for the giants and a lot of children lose access to meals during the summer break. now a local food bank is stepping up. >> to help.
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>> this week, kron 4 is focusing on food banks that get back to our communities. and as summer break is here many kids are just not getting the free lunches that they rely on during the school year. >> and as our parent company, next stars day of caring. he's coming up. kron four's terisa francisco marin food bank is stepping in to make sure children have lunches all year long. >> it is crunch time at the san francisco-marin food bank. college. the carrots, watermelon pineapple responded. it is all in an effort to try need the community's needs folks to being hit from all sides. as
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pandemic-era support. they've gone away inflation. stubborn inflation, just going to bank is concerned. >> we care on this day. i met with san francisco marine food bank executive director. tense she explains a food bank works hard to fill the gap for residents rising to meet a special during the summer months. >> during the school year in california, 6 million children receive free breakfast snacks and lunches. >> despite that large number, the food bank says data shows an estimated one out of 7 kids who need free meals actually get them. while some schools set up a supplemental program when school lets out most kids do without. and that is where the food bank is trying to help out. and so that's where the food bank comes but it's important for us to raise funds to make sure that we can serve on that increase and so right now we have a matching campaign underway, which is great. it's up to $100,000. we
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have a generous donor. $100,000 match. so your dollars go even further. one dollar now means 4 meals in addition to running food pantries in the community where residents can go pick up fresh, produce go online our web, color, food locator, our staff speak a whole lot of languages that we can serve our diverse communities. crosby says there is actually a new program out there to bridge the gap for kids called sun bucks or summer ebt. and this is going to help families that qualify for reduced meals to get access to increase funds so that they can buy groceries for their children to our school age. so if you want to get connected to this program, all the food bank crosby says it rather simple. of the who's in need? >> this after its discovery food primary focus is to make sure healthy food. >> this
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>> fresh, beautiful fruits and vegetables. most of the first right here in california. and this is the bounty of this harvest that we share with our community to recess. stasio kron. 4 news. a controversial new housing development has been approved in contra costa county. it's 1500 home community. >> it will be built on more than 600 acres of county open space last month. donald's ridge line between concord and pittsburgh. it's called free a southwest hills annexation project. environmentalists have been concerned about the impact on wildlife and the environment overall, supporters argue more affordable housing is needed in that area. not clear yet when this project will get underway. meantime, the brentwood city council has approved a housing development project of their own. this will an open space on the lone tree way right across from the brentwood community center. >> the new housing will have 40 single-family homes,
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including for affordable units. >> all right, taking a live look outside at the embarcadero and the palms are blowing in the wind it it has been. we keep saying spend a lot cooler, at least here. lawrence is here to let us know how long it's going to stay cool. yeah, i'm not long, guys. i think we may ask you watch these warm up a little bit tomorrow. so kind of are getting that point in the months where you start to see the weather. >> kind of this ebb and flow with weather pattern. that's what we'll see here playing out as we get the next few weeks here. we get ready for summer, but ah, there we go outside. right now, the fog is working its way back on shore least for the moment. i think overnight tonight going to see some dry air begin to mix in and that's all up to mix out some low clouds by tomorrow morning. looks pretty gray out there right now. i think by tomorrow afternoon we're looking at sunshine out toward the golden gate of those temperatures today. remember a couple days ago, we're in the triple digits inland. now, a lot of these numbers running below the average for this time of year. 58 degrees in
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san francisco for high 65 degrees in oakland, 77 degrees in san jose. 77 in livermore, 78 in concord and 73 degrees. well below the average there in santa rosa up there the winds continuing outside. we have seen some of that patchy fog out there. probably couple patches going linger overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning, least along the sunny skies tomorrow. little bit warmer outside as we'll see a brief buildup of high pressure for weakens over the weekend. then getting little breezy. i think a lot about the weekend right now, though, you can see a pretty good look at that. fog hugging the coastline to begin to push inside the bay bouncing up against the east bay hills over, although high pressure going try and sneak in here just for tomorrow. and that should make for an up to warming up just a few degrees by tomorrow. bumping back in the 80's. i think in many spots, well inland along the coastline. keep cool, as you can see that fog out there overnight tonight. just some patchy fog, not a whole lot. and then as we head toward tomorrow morning, not much in the way of fog and then we're off running with the sunshine. so temperatures tomorrow, the up we're going to warm things up a little bit, even in san
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francisco about 65 degrees. but little bit breezy in the afternoon. cool numbers. coast side generally in the 50's and low 60's inside the bay. 65 burning 72 in foster city. 74 out the south bay, enjoying lots 80's tomorrow afternoon. really comfortable weather a warm inland. you're going to be bumping closer to 90 degrees in places like pleasanton livermore by tomorrow afternoon. so you can feel that he kind of warming things up as we head throughout the day, 86 degrees and caulk or maybe 92 in brentwood about 79 in blaine will breezy by the afternoon 7, 9, in napa back toward the coastline. keeping those comfortable generally in the 60's. alright, next couple days, those temperatures going to cool down as we head into saturday and sunday winds likely to pick up on sunday as well. the fire danger going to be a little bit elevated throughout the weekend. don't forget, sunday is father's day. yeah, just reminder. look at that smile and you want some good coffee and everybody to kind of leave for speaking quietly to let me sleep in. yeah. all that stuff. all right. sounds good. >> thank you, lauren. thanks.
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>> the san jose sharks hitting the ice with a new head coach. ryan worse off ski stepping into the job after 2 years as an assistant under the recently fired a david quinn. he will be taking over team that's been struggling. the general manager mike greer says he is confident new leadership will turn things around. >> well, the giants have signed a fitch or from of the oakland ballers team to their team, right? elijah pleasants is going to be crossing the bay into oracle park. the 24 year-old he pitched in 5 games. only for the ball are starting to pleasant is now the 3rd ballers player to have his contract bought up by an mlb organization. >> well, the news never stops here. kron 4. >> so let's check in with noelle bellow for what's coming up a little later tonight. hi, vicki hike after and not long after san francisco have a surprise weekend. rave san jose is going to be hosting something similar. organizers planning to turn san jose's discovery
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meadow into a tech house music mecca on saturday. there's a handful of dj set to perform. we're going to have details on that. plus, there are a few new places to freely charge your electric vehicle in vacaville. we're going to tell you where all that and much more coming up later on tonight on kron for news at 10 11. thank you, noelle. >> if you are thinking about taking a flight with your dog. up next, the airline for dogs now flying out of the bay now flying out of the bay area. ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save?
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i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ ow network is no that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! (♪♪) the best summer plans come from the back seat. let's go camping! i want to see a dinosaur! let's rescue a puppy... a real one.
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let's go on a big family road trip! volvo plug-in hybrids short trips on electric, longer trips on gas. mom, can we drive until we see the stars? the volvo xc60 and xc90 plug-in hybrid. visit your local volvo retailer to explore plug-in hybrid vehicles during the summer safely savings event.
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>> happening nuw, the popular pop-up drag performance series called drag me downtown happening tonight until 7 know you've got a little time to be there. is a coyote on the california street. so again, there's a little time if you want to go. the event happens every thursday, though, this month. it is free. it helps support local businesses while also uplifting the lgbtq+ community. but you just can't leave your pup behind when you're traveling. this story is for you. what's called bark air. >> and airline that offers flights to dogs and their owners now offering service out of san jose. that is a shoe air airport. unlike traditional flights for dogs, there are no crate on bark air. your dog can ride with you in the passenger seat and ride in style. i might add of flights are not sold. the capacity yet. so there is enough space for dogs and people to, you know, to spread out, perhaps because it's a
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little pricey, a one-way ticket to new york, for instance, for a dog and human. it cost you 6,005 bucks. it said belly rub. they pushed a button that said billy that's pretty cute. you know what it is tempting, isn't it? >> 6,000 bucks. but even watching movies. the good little playground. if you have the that rough summer for news at 5. >> lot more ahead at 6 o'clock. stay with us. coming up in the next hour, dozens of doctors and nurses rally outside regional medical center in san jose that trying to prevent the trauma center from closing. plus, more reaction pouring in following the supreme court ruling that preserves access to a popular abortion medication. what the ruling means for abortion rights the future of the is still up the air.
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>> now on kron, 4 news at 6.20, feeds. armed with hammers break into a south bay jewelry store and its all caught on camera. >> and more affordable housing will be opening on the east bay. oakland's mayor says more housing is on the way. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. hello, everyone, and welcome. thank you for watching. kron. news at 6. i'm catherine heena and i'm vicki liviakis. our top story tonight. at least 20 people, rob, a jewelry store in the south bay. >> you're looking at a survan


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