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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  June 14, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> now on the kron 4 morning news, a shooting in san mateo has a community frightened and one person injured. plus, a huge group of thieves armed
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with hammers ransack says southbound south, a jewelry store. what the owners now saying. and francisco is closing working with federal officials on a new program to tackle drug dealing in the tenderloin. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning, everyone. and thanks for joining us at 05:00am. this friday morning. it's the last friday of spring. this june 14th. i'm john shrable in for harvey to kick your last friday of the season off. while the think that summer is just around the corner but hate it has been feeling like it already. that's for sure. and earlier this week, we did have those extremely warm temperatures that, yeah, they didn't feel like summer indeed. today is going to be just a touch warmer than yesterday. got some relatively clear skies by comparison with a little bit of marine layer overhead from the east bay hills. winds are actually fairly relaxed throughout the early part of
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the day. but much like yesterday are going kick into gear this afternoon. if you are in the city or out along the coastline, it is going to be able lester e finish to the day much as we've seen the past 2 afternoons which will help to cool us off into tomorrow. visibility, as i mentioned, is actually a little bit better than it was at the same time yesterday. remember, yesterday was pretty socked in with that june gloom in full force throughout the day. we are looking at a day that will bring a little bit more sunshine today. 40's to 50's for current temperatures. alameda redwood city at 54 oakland at 56 degrees. currently take a look at those 40's up in the north bay, santa rosa at only 49 degrees and sonoma at 44 degrees to kick off the morning. definitely need a light jacket and some of those areas as we inch towards the afternoon, do expect a slightly warmer one inland highs will reach the upper 80's to low 90's. well, coastal in bayshore cities in the 60's to 70's. let's get a quick look at the rose yesterday was already a
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relatively light morning commute this morning, hopefully we have the same. it's 8 minutes across the san mateo bridge right now. sorry, the bay bridge, mateo, you're at 12 minutes currently. let's get a look at our other 2 bridges with just a little hint of cloud cover above the richmond center fell, but no traffic backups at either span. it's 502. now and a frightening day for families in the san mateo neighborhood after shooting left, one person injured and forced police to issue a shelter-in-place order. one person is now in custody in the shelter in place has been lifted. kron 4 sarah stinson is at the scene with the details. >> police are still investigating the shooting that happened here on lago street. it happened in front of an apartment complex which not only scared families that live nearby but also shocked them. >> siren. >> great. >> this 8 year-old bryan junior was at home with his mom when shots rang out near
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their san mateo part mundt complex parents earning lifetime closing. his dad, brian polis was at work at the time. he says he rushed home to make sure his family was ok, pretty shocking to that. you point neighborhoods. san mateo police got a call about shots fired off of east hillsdale boulevard on lago street around 4.45 thursday afternoon, officers learned the shooter was hiding in a nearby apartment. so they told the neighbors to shelter in place. police say they found the suspect, but it took some time to get him to surrender. the suspect finally exited apartment and was safely deter. no victim was found at the scene. but shortly after police got a call about a shooting victim being found in san carlos interview, the victim and determine that. >> that victim was associate, said this shooting. that victim was later transported to a local area hospital after
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determining the public was not in danger. police lifted the shelter-in-place know at this point. this looks like a a very targeted and isolated incident. police and neighbors say this kind of gun violence is rare in san mateo, paula says he's proud of how his son handled himself. you know, they go to the active shooter training school on the immediately just kind of snapped and do it close in blog. and course, he's got great little him. >> police would not say if the suspected shooter was a man or a woman nor any information about the victim. police say we should get more information on friday. for now. i'm sara stinson reporting in san mateo kron. 4 news. >> 505. now 2 more miners are in jail in connection to a deadly shooting in sunnyvale. it happened back in april on south bernardo avenue and everyone avenue near the diamond gas station. police say they found a man inside a car with gunshot wounds. he later died in the hospital last month of officers
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arrested a minor in connection to the shooting. the other 2 were arrested this week. in the south bay, a business owner in milpitas is cleaning up after someone tried to break into his restaurant. you can see the damage done at the window at tech or talk urrea las vegas on north milpitas boulevard. the owner tells us it happened shortly after midnight yesterday. the total cost of damages is $3300. 2000 of that is just to replace the window. take look at this wild surveillance video, a group of at least 20 people run in and ransack a south bay jewelry store. many of them smashing display cases with hammers and taking off with thousands of dollars worth of jewelry. the story in sunnyvale is now boarded up and closed until further notice. the manager tells kron four's leslie goodman. he was inside when the group of thieves came rushing in. >> indeed, jeweler says it wis a typical wednesday afternoon for them until they heard
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glass shattering at the front door around one 30 with the unfortunate it was getting to begin with one of the managers who did not wish go on camera for his safety says he was in his office when the robbery this mask each other really. >> a call govern show kids that are going to see. they were within safe one half minutes. maybe that whatever the he says, that these were hoodies mask. >> and we're caring hammers. they smashed each display running off with the jury and duffel bags and go on with life. >> venue. inside. so it was a look of know you have put the 35 people working something, it was a little blind. >> the group of robbers then jumped into multiple cars, sitting outside the store before sunnyvale police arrived 2 cars with possible suspects were eventually spotted by police in a chase took place and they went westbound camino through
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sunday. bill. >> through mountain view and ultimately onto northbound highway. 85 and then onto highway 101. our officers last of the for the first vehicle and terminated the pursuit. a short time later, our allied agencies in the peninsula did locate the second suspect vehicle. the suspect attempted to flee from those officers by banning their vehicle near highway one on one with full. the exited the vehicle and suspects ran lanes of highway 1, 1, into the nearby industrial area. for the suspects were taken into custody. pretty one suspect tried to hide and police say a total of 5 suspects were arrested, but others remain at large. >> and the store says they're not sure how much was stolen or when they'll be able to reopen in sunnyvale wasn't going kron. 4 news. >> in pittsburgh, a suspect is
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in jail connection to a string of vandalism zahn. several businesses over the past few months. police say pellet guns were used to shoot glass windows of these businesses resulting in major financial losses. in response, a property owner installed surveillance cameras and managed to catch the suspect in the act. police later found them with an air rifle and a bb gun. officers have not released the suspect's name but say they were charged with 8 counts of felony vandalism. federal efforts are ramping up to crack down in drug dealing in san francisco's tenderloin specifically at night. the u.s. department of justice joined other federal agencies like the fbi and dea to announce a program called all hands on deck. the goal is to ramp up arrests of street dealers and suppliers of fentanyl who sell the drug near federal buildings. the program will also fast track certain federal cases. so they take as little as a month from arrest to disposition. san
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francisco's district attorney brooke jenkins met with community members yesterday at manny's in the mission to discuss her re-election campaign, public safety and the current drug crisis during the gathering, jenkins answered questions about the fentanyl crisis from a moderator as well as 50 community members that attended the event. jacobs says although her office has 850 felony narcotics arrest, there's still 75% of dealers still remaining on the streets after the discussion and hard hitting questions. da jenkins believes voters will reelect her for another term. flowers and candles. now lay at a light post in the city's bernal heights neighborhood. a man was struck and killed by a driver earlier this week near mission in cortland avenues advocates from walk sf leaving heart shaped notes with the names of other people killed this year while walking in the city. >> and number 10, and that
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because very people the crashes. it's 10 too many. this why here today. >> getting people to come at the moment. >> walk sf says they are actively fighting to make streets in the city safer. 4 pedestrians. mayor london breed along with other city state and federal officials plan to hold a press conference today to announce new actions to protect elderly community from abuse. the gold, the press conferences to offer insights into how to prevent scams, fraud and financial elder abuse sponsors will also announce the results of the citywide can the scams education campaign for older adults. the press conference will be held at 10, 30 this morning in san francisco. in the south bay nurses and doctors rallied against outside the regional medical center yesterday in san jose.
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they want the hospital's trauma center to stay open after officials announced its closure last month. the hospital says it decided to close due to only a few people utilizing the center. but critics say the closure could put lives at risk. >> we want to keep stroke stemi and trauma available to the residents of santa clara county and the surrounding counties. no matter where you live in santa clara county, the last of this trauma center is going and it's going to have impacts on our other 2 trauma centers in the county. that makes is a risk for every single person who lives here. >> rally organizers say they plan to submit a petition signed by community members and send it over to governor newsom. well, still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a bay area city has its grand opening ceremony for new affordable housing units. >> who's eligible and who can apply for the and we'll have a preview of the bay area's next. big rain and a live
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report. stay tuned for that. and your forecast still to and your forecast still to come. (♪♪) the best summer plans come from the back seat. let's go camping! i want to see a dinosaur! let's rescue a puppy... a real one. let's go on a big family road trip! volvo plug-in hybrids short trips on electric, longer trips on gas. mom, can we drive until we see the stars? the volvo xc60 and xc90 plug-in hybrid. visit your local volvo retailer to explore plug-in hybrid vehicles during
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the summer safely savings event.
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here are 4 things to know this morning. the teams in berkeley are breaking into older model honda civics and accords. police say 7 hondas were either stolen or burglarized wednesday night. and in 4 cases, the thieves stole the driver-side airbag. the car behind the city of oakland is one step closer to revitalizing the coliseum wednesday night by unanimous vote. the city council signed off on selling its 50% share oakland mayor sheng thao says she's been working with the 105 million dollars sale for
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some time and says she plans to invest that money in east oakland. a sky-high rescue for a woman paddle boarding at lake berryessa. napa county deputies responded to a report of a missing woman at the lake on wednesday. she was found about a mile offshore. deputies used a water rescue basket to hoist her to safety. she was not hurt. and the bay area's expected to see a major economic boost over the next 2 years. next year's nba all-star game will be at the chase center and in 2026, the super bowl and world cup matches will be at levi stadium according to nonprofit group bay area host committee. >> those events are expected to bring in 1.4 billion dollars. well, that sounds like a nice about for the city. hopefully those events go off without a hitch. welcome back. let's get another check at the weather this morning. things yesterday. if you are outside, especially closer to the coastline who it was a windy
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out there, that wind was pushing inland, allowing us that nice little cool down. we bay bridge, that wind is still present and working its way in from the coastline towards us. and that's going to help to will moderate temperatures at least a little bit again today. radar does show a little evidence of marine layer and fog towards the coastline, although we're going to see clearing skies quicker than we did yesterday. as of right now, we do have a weak trough for rushing right past us, helping to stir up those winds out of the south and west. well, warm conditions will return for inland areas, nearing 90 oor some of our peak inland temperatures winds today fairly calm through the middle of the day, but you can see what happens as we roll into the afternoon and much like yesterday, 30 to even 40 miles per hour gusts and help the surprise year hanging a little extra tight on to your hats today. as for our daytime highs, antioch, i got at 90 degrees. santa rosa temperatures will hang out anywhere between the mid to upper 80's for you. while
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oakland and hayward in the low 70's sfa, blustery, 69 degrees today. those winds rushing in from the coast. tomorrow's daytime highs do settle down just a little bit with mid-eighties at our warmest and a lot of 70's on the bay shore. in fact, we'll stay that way for the rest of spring with highs in the 80's inland and 70's along the bay thursday next week. summer insight, the first day of the new season. as for your roads, it's been nice so far we don't have any issues on our spans. the bay bridge at 8 minutes, which is the max speed across. as for the san mateo bridge are also at the limit there at 13 minutes. well, looking at just a few clouds over the richmond, sandra fell a clear morning than yesterday and a little bit of fog, but definitely a strong breeze. as you make your crossing at the golden gate. 5.18, now and back to the news in the east bay. brand new affordable homes are ready for move in in oakland, there was a grand opening ceremony yesterday at the cherry hill apartments on international boulevard. the
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complex offers 55 housing units. officials say the new homes were made possible. thanks to 350 million dollars. voters approved last year for housing projects. they say the additional housing will serve as a great resource for those experiencing homelessness. >> city put the land as well as close to 10 million dollars. and so these 55 units, 14 of which will be serving people exiting homelessness is really such a valuable contribution to the deep, deep me that we have for affordable housing. >> mayor sheng thao was also in attendance and says there's 11 other housing projects in the works quit. the city is hoping that a regional bond measure put forward by the bay area housing finance agency passes in november to help pay for future ground breakings. after several businesses announced plans to leave the san francisco center. the mall announced yesterday 7 retailers have signed new
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leases. they include a cell phone, accessory and repair shop, a toy store and a shop selling japanese inspired products. they'll be they'll be joining big name. retailers already in the mall, including h lululemon and bloomingdale's. in a victory for abortion rights advocates. the u.s. supreme court rejected a legal challenge to the abortion pill. but for press tone, the unanimous p% ruling preserves access to the widely used medication. for now, washington correspondent jessi turnure joins us live with the latest. good morning. jessi. good morning to as well, john. so both sides are saying this is still far from over since the ruling. >> was not about the safety of the medication itself, but rather whether abortion opponents have the legal right to sue. >> all 9 u.s. supreme court justices rejected a lawsuit seeking to restrict access to the abortion pill. mifepristone. but both sides of the debate say that's not
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the final word will continue to advocate for women's health. >> and to restore common sense. safeguards for abortion drugs. erin hawley with the alliance for defending freedom represented the plaintiifs. >> she argued against fda regulations that allow easy access to the drug, calling it dangerous. we're hopeful that the fda will be held to account for putting politics about women's health. the supreme court decision for now allows people to still easily access to mifepristone, which is used in about two-thirds of all abortions. this is not a cause for celebration. >> because the reality is certain things are still not going to change. vice president kamala harris argues too many women still lack access to abortions. two-thirds of women of reproductive age in america live in a state with the trump abortion abortion is banned at all stages of pregnancy in 14 states. and after about 6 weeks of pregnancy in 3 others, republicans like florida congressman byron donalds say the federal government should stay out of
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it an issue but the senate's top democrat leader chuck schumer argues republicans in congress are still working to roll back access. this shouldn't be a decision. women are forced to fear year after year. >> and schumer has been bringing report i reproductive rights legislation to the senate floor for votes really to put republicans on the record in an election year. >> and the latest effort on this was to essentially get federal protections to ivf treatments and that failed on the floor yesterday live in washington. i'm jessi thanks so much, justin. >> well, after the break, a controversial bike lane is getting another redesign after facing months of push-back from business owners and community itself. and after the break, health executives arrested for prescribing drugs to people. we're not supposed to those stories and more
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>> welcome back. 5.20, for a pair of california health company executives have been arrested for allegedly making millions of dollars by funneling out are all and riddle into illegitimate patients. investigators say the duo conspire to provide easy access to stimulants over the internet and received monthly subscription payments from patients. one of those executives was arrested in center fell. the other is from southern california they face several charges, including conspiracy to commit health care fraud and conspiracy to distribute controlled substances. officers have arrested a man they say was starting fires in sausalito on wednesday. sausalito police say they were alerted to a
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brush fire near bridgeway at marine ship way wednesday morning. within an hour of the brush fire being reported. 3 other small fires were reported in close proximity as police and fire crews worked on getting the last fire extinguished. they stopped and questioned a man riding on a bike in the sausalito lateral. police say the 59 year-old man made incriminating statements. it was caught with evidence of arson. no injuries were reported. the man was booked into marin county jail on charges of arson. and you see, groups are asking a judge to unseal court records in connection to the lawsuit over abuse. at the now closed women's prison in dublin. this comes after prison inmates claim that the federal prisons bureau failed to stop the abuse after several reports the prison was closed earlier this year and the 600 inmates were transferred. what's going to cost you a little bit more to ride from the ferry from
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the city to the east and north face starting july first, the san francisco bay ferry is increasing its fair by 3%. going one way from alameda, oakland's or richmond to the city will now cost you $4.70. if you're coming from south san francisco will cost you $7.20. and the fair from toledo will be $9.60. this fare increase was approved by the board of directors last year. >> and we're just hours away from one of the biggest parties in the bay area starting coming up, i'll tell you where and who will be [♪♪] there's a way to cut your dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. ( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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>> welcome back, everyone. thanks so much for joining us on this early friday morning. the last friday of the season we have some are kicking off next thursday. so hopefully enjoyed this last week of spring. certainly has felt a little bit like summer already for a lot of us. san jose. you are in the 90's earlier this week today. it's going to be a tease for you. we are looking at a clear start to the morning down in the south bay and hopefully get a chance to get outside and enjoy this. a relatively clear friday forecast that we have. it's going to be a lot clearer along the bay shore than it was yesterday had that june gloom yesterday and it was blustery along the coastline. now winds are going to increase yet again today. and that is going to make for another rather windy one, especially for coastal spots. now visibility is good for most areas. we do have a couple spots up in the santa cruz mountains or it could be running into a little bit of fog. but all in all, you're just looking up at some patchy cloud cover this morning. temperatures as of right now,
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we're actually really chilly. ocean temperatures have been downright cold and that's kept us in the 40's during morning hours towards the coast. you're also seeing a lot of that in london, the north bay, too. so don't forget that extra layer as you are venturing out there, looking at the airport right now in san francisco. it's definitely a little on the cloudy side. 70's to 80's later on today with temperatures just a little bit warmer than what we saw yesterday. as for your roads, things out there are still doing just fine bay bridge. getting a look at it at 9 minutes. currently we expect to see the metering lights on in a few minutes. but if it's anything like yesterday, metering lights not might not have to be used for a few more minutes as it's kind of calm out there. san mateo bridge to 12 minutes. that's a good drive. time. well, the richmond center fell and the golden gate both rolling along a ok as well. so nothing holding you up just yet this friday. start. it's 5.31. and back to the news in the south bay. san jose is hosting its first ever latin house music festival this weekend. the festival will be
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taking over discovery meadow in the downtown area. that's where we'll find kron four's will tran this morning live in san jose with a preview. well, it sounds kind of like an exciting start to the weekend out there. all my goodness, john, and you're talking about good weather. so it is a perfect day to start this. >> and we do know that it begins at 10 o'clock this morning. it will go on throughout the weekend. san jose, huge latino community. so it is no accident that the organizers actually chose this venue. they could have chosen it anywhere in the bay area, but they decided right here in downtown san jose at discovery meadow should be the place where they expect so many people to turn out. now, i can tell you this is a little bit of a different as far as music venues. we are talking house latin music. so there's something for everybody. a little twist under traditional music. so if you have a little
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bit of swag and i know john yup, tons of swag, i'm sure you'll come down here and enjoy yourself as well. we've got a chance to talk to the organizer. here's why he decided to choose san jose. >> it's a hard market for sure. and that's hard for promoters. want to do anything. even the big you know, like golden voice live nation, they didn't even want to touch this. >> it's it's hard, very hard market that we're really tap into the just show people it's possible. >> they could have chosen san francisco, but that's too easy. rice and jose, if you guys are not aware, didn't really think about it. it is the largest city in the bay area. so they have more than a million people here. and we do expect a lot of people to show up. discovery meadow is one of the biggest venues in san ose's. needs. all this landscape to hold the people
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who will come down if you can't make it down at 10 o'clock starting, that's where it begins. you have all weekend. and john, you were talking about great weather. so you have great weather and great music. some adult beverages and then plenty of parking. this should be in downtown san jose. you have a winning combination and hips don't lie, you know what? was anything like the grave that was like 2 weeks ago at city hall, which was super successful. >> i'm sure is going to so busy out there. you're the one with well. thank you so much. well, and the courts senior reports the rest of the board. it. well, the city of oakland is one step closer to revitalizing the coliseum. wednesday night's by unanimous vote. the city council says signed off on selling its 50% share to the african american sports and entertainment group. oakland mayor sheng thao says she's been working on the 105 million dollars
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sale for some time and says she plans to invest that money in east oakland. >> be able to affordable housing on the site. more green space exist that's needed a grocery store, possibly. i mean, the possibilities are endless. >> well, the new buyers of half of the coliseum are hopeful for what this could mean for entertainment and oakland. >> we see the arena has a sort centerpiece as part of the development because it there's so much you can build around you know, you're familiar live and how they build around that. the staples center with hotels and restaurants and that piece of things. i'm not to go too far into the site plan, but that's what you do with vision with the entertainment peace. >> now, don't expect shovels in the ground any time soon. that's because the other half of the coliseum was sold to a's owner john fisher and the african american sports and entertainment group says it's trying to purchase that half.
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we reached out to the a's for comment but haven't yet heard back. this week. police are noticing a trend. thieves in berkeley are breaking into older model honda civics and accords. police say 7 honda's were either stolen or burglarized wednesday night. and in 4 cases, the thieves stole the driver's side air bag and left the car behind. >> that's something that's unusual here in berkeley. but it's not a new trend. and it's something that we've seen in other parts of the country's these air bags can be sold on the black market. and of course, of the consumer, you know, it can cost over $1000 to have it replaced. >> it is unclear if that that's committed by one person or a group of people. so far no arrests have been made. officials suggest drivers park in a garage if possible or if on the street or driveway park in the light and your cameras, you should also use steering wheel locks that will at least slow down the thieves process.
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i look at this is sky high rescue for a woman paddle boarding at lake berryessa. napa county deputies responded to report of a missing woman at the lake on wednesday. she was found about a half a mile offshore because of high winds. she was struggling to get back to the shoreline. deputies used a water rescue basket to hoist her to safety. she was fortunately not hurt. well, the controversial bike lane in san francisco's mission street is going away. the bike lane that runs along the middle of valencia street has been getting heat from business owners in the area because it is restricting parking in making it difficult to pass and drive on the corridor. kron four's gayle ong has the details on the changes. the sfmta is considering. >> ever since the sfmta pilots center running bikeway on valencia street was installed last summer. we heard a lot from the merchants about.
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>> motorists, confusion about occasional large deliveries, blocking all traffic and variety of other impacts that we didn't anticipate. but that's why we do pilots. why the experiment we learn and you put and now the transit agency plans to pivot. >> and is proposing a side running bikeway concept. instead, part of that plan unveiled at a virtual press conference thursday afternoon. the green lines represent. >> the bike lane right against the sidewalk. we've also reflected back parklet placement. so those are the yellow rectangles, a trapezoid. some people want that that parklet floating out in the floating parking lane. some people have preferred to keep that parklet against the fan of that more longtime mission district resident rachel's a narrow the says the center bikeway is challenging to get around the neighborhood. i feel like you're less safe like writing with my kid. it's really hard to get in and out of the bike lane safely. i feel like.
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>> accessing shops that we like to access the local businesses here in lafayette. and it's really hard block to get on and turning back in february, business owners along valencia street threatened a lawsuit over the center bike lane citing economic losses. the sfmta says if approved construction of the new design could take weeks and is now leaving it up to the merchants were hearing from restaurants. >> to please not do construction during the warmer months summer and fall. and we're hearing from the retailers to please not do construction during the holiday shopping season of particularly november and december. so will be working carefully with the merchants to figure out when exactly is optimal time to make the switch. >> and the sfmta plans to present this proposed new design to the sfmta board of directors on tuesday reporting here in san francisco, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> 5.39 now.
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>> morning news. the bay area could see an economic boost in the coming years. we'll tell you why. 5.41 in here are 4
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things to know today. federal efforts are ramping up to crack down on drug dealing in san francisco's tenderloin. the u.s. department of justice joined other federal agencies to announce a program called all hands on deck. the goal is to ramp up rest of spring dealers and suppliers fentanyl to sell the drug here. buildings. flowers and candles. now lay at a light post of the city's bernal heights neighborhood. was
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struck and killed by a driver earlier this week. your mission in portland avenues advocates from walk us athlete, heart shape, notes with the names of other people killed this year while walking on the streets of the city. they're also actively fighting to make the streets in the city safer for pedestrians. a business owner in milpitas is cleaning up after someone tried to break into his talker raiola las vegas restaurant. the owner says it happened after midnight yesterday. the total cost damages is $3300. 2000 of that is just replace the window. and a suspect is in jail in connection to a string of vandalism several businesses over the past few months. police say pellet guns were used to shoot glass windows of these buildings. >> resulting in major financial losses in response, a property owner installed surveillance cameras and managed to catch the suspect in the act. police later found them with an air rifle and a bb gun. my goodness. police
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and sonoma county were led on a wild pig. cia's. this might be the cutest scene. >> officers in got reports yesterday of a piglet some baby. >> reading roadway. they teamed up with bystanders and chase the pig through the day of eventually catching the animal. the pig was later identified i can help with the and was reunited >> hits. oh, that is so cute. sorry. just love this. haha. if you just we are traveling. is airline 100 flights for both. you and your four-legged friends. i talks stories burke
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aired our offer out of san jose that >> there are traits on market share. critics lights aren't sold to capacity. so there is enough space for your dog the right next to you. it is a little pricey, though, a one-way ticket to new york city for a dog into cost. $6,500. yeah. that's that's a little out of my price range right there. but those dogs looking have input on that flight. little fancy >> the city of vacaville excuse me has announced the installation of 3 solar powered electric vehicle charging stations. and there free to use 2 of the chargers are installed at town square and the 3rd as at city hall, the beam ev arc stations are part of the city's commitment to enhance clean vehicle infrastructure and promote sustainable transportation solutions. each station is
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able to generate and store solar energy and doesn't require any ongoing utility bills. welcome back after the 2 key to stories ever right there. and we've got a pretty nice forecast today looking at some weather. that is definitely going to be much more inviting to get outside. let's get a look out from above the top of mount tam right here. as you can see, we've got and that of that low gray pushing back in. and yes, along with it, some pretty strong winds. that's kind of been the thorn in our side. as far as the forecast goes the past few days, everything else has been wonderful, but it's just been that when relentlessly pushing in from the coastline, i don't mother nature's. they see perrys and it has had a moderating effect on our temperatures yesterday was significantly cooler. today. we rebound just a little bit that wind does come along with that push of cool air, but a little less fog along with it today, winds actually really accelerate towards the 2nd half of the day and 30 to 40 miles per hour. gusts can be expected.
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sandra fell 30 to 40 miles per hour for you. one of our windiest of spots into the afternoon. as for temperatures, we rebound a little bit daytime highs for antioch. you're back up to 90 degrees, kind of close to the 90's and a few other spots like morgan hill in santa rosa. well, oakland and hayward at 72. concord and livermore in the mid 80's. looking ahead tomorrow temperatures will be just a touch cooler down into the mid 80's that are very warmest mid 70's along the bay shore. we actually round out spring that way. your final days of the season are looking seasonable and relatively moderate. it by thursday of next week. your first day of summer will be waving. hello to the 90's. again, as for your roads this morning, take a look at this. pretty easy going traffic conditions, honestly, by now, we usually see the metering lights turned on, but not so much this morning. i would call this officially some friday light 10 minutes across the bay bridge. a little bit of fog there at the san mateo bridge. but visibility is holding up enough in 12 minutes for your crossing. the
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richmond, sandra fell at 7 minutes and looking at the golden gates. definitely a lot of low gray up above winds right now aren't the breezy us just yet but will be picking up a lot, especially through the golden gate later on today. well, 5.47 now there's a new bill that would require automatic recounts in statewide elections that are particularly close where the candidates are separated by just a few votes. the author south bay assemblyman evan low, who know something about messi an extra close recounts says he was involved in the primary race to replace representative and has which was decided by just a razor thin margin after an initial vote count low was tied with santa clara county supervisor joe smitty and and since california does not have an automatic recount in close races, the recount had to be requested. lone narrowly won by just 5 votes. his proposal would mean that any statewide race decided by less than one
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quarter of one percent or by fewer than 25 votes would trigger an automatic recount. it would also indicate who is asking for recounts. we saw with this recent congressional district, 16 silicon valley congressional race. >> and wish there was a tie and then followed by a recount. a recount was funded by out of state billionaire by super pac. of course, leaving a much to be concerned about given the political implications and also the type of intent we want to take those political motivations out of this process and help ensure that there's an automatic recount process while also making sure that we have a sense a real-time disclosures on who is paying for centric happens. >> low will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo and november to replace retiring can congresswoman anna eshoo. lowe's is the recount request came from the la camp which
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look harder denies. but lowe says he's still furious and that it was falsely claimed at one point that he had asked for the recount. the bay area's expected to see a major economic boost over the next 2 years. could be attributed to next year's nba all-star game, which will be at the chase center. and then in the following year 2026, the super bowl and world cup matches at levi stadium according to nonprofit group bay area host committee. those events are expected to bring in 1.4 billion dollars. they're also expected to attract around half a million visitors and create 13,000 jobs. well, as we're hoping to snap their five-game skid. they were in minnesota taking on the twins kron four's. erin wilson has those highlights. >> well, they continue their road trip in minnesota target field, opening of a four-game series in hopes of bouncing back after that tough series
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they had against the padres take up fans that made it out. minnesota hoping to see their a's win tweens well as picking up top of the second. let's see if their hopes were watching his back in the right place. here hit this one. well, to sit backing golden, gone for 2 run, homer they strike first. bottom of the frames and it's the same score right here to offer byron buxton. he grounds one up the middle for a base hit one run scores in the second run score than just like, hey, guys, we have a tie. ballgame. bottom of the 3rd, next is where we'll take you. where is tied at 2 to offer carlos correa. he grounds one to right gadhafi dies for because right past them. another one comes in to score that when they take the lead for career and he wasn't even done their bottom of the 7th one on the towering shot to no doubt about that when it's in the second big twins, they can't their lead to 4 on korea's 2 run bomb they fall. 62 in this one. they've now lost 6 straight back to that. thanks
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so much. still to come.
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>> welcome back, everyone. it is 5.54 now and the ruling comes as a powerful religious voting block weighing in on reproductive rights. okay. so the southern baptist convention is now condemning the use of inc in vitro fertilization. it's a worrying trend for many infertile couples who want to start a family and ivf fertility
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specialist in the bay area saying this is concerning for some of her patients. >> my patients are almost not at this point with all of the stories coming out. they're frustrated. they're scared. they're sad, especially patients that reach out to me from other states. they're worried that they should move their embryos to california, that they should stop doing ivf, where they live. most should come here and there are clinics that are shutting down in states like alabama, for example, right now, we just don't know what's going to happen. >> ivf involves combining aig's and in a lab dish to create an embryo. the process often creates more embryos than can be implement implanted. the baptist church considers those frozen embryos human life poll say that more than 80% of americans approve of in vitro fertilization for infertile couples. in the south bay. a man was arrested after police say he said a mcdonald's on fire in milpitas. it happened around
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2.30 yesterday morning at a mcdonald's on ranch drive. police say the man through a device inside the restaurant through a window. it was closed at the time and no one was inside. officers say they found the suspect identified as tight written about a half mile away from the mcdonald's. fire crews say for around $155,000 in damages. wilson matt haney will hold a hearing today in southern california to discuss san francisco's downtown recovery efforts from the pandemic. the hearing is set from 10:00am this morning and hopes to tackle the resounding effects of the covid-19 pandemic in downstairs, downtowns across california after the next year. additional hearings will be held highlighting so topics such as empty businesses, public safety and sanitation, homelessness and the fentanyl and opioid crisis. santa clara county has sees more guns from dangerous people than anywhere else in the state. according
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to a recent state attorneys general report, the county uses gun violence restraining orders, allowing law enforcement to temporarily take weapons from people court agrees are likely to commit a mass shooting, murder or suicide. more than 2000 restraining orders were issued last year with 24% of them being issued in santa clara county itself. >> plus, nurses and doctors rallying in the south bay. they want medical center to remain open. san francisco is closing working with federal offices. officials in new programs to tackle drug dealing in the tenderloin. those stories. coming up after this break.
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>> right now on the kron 4 morning news, a shooting in san mateo leaves one person injured and a community right? plus group of thieves armed with hammers ransacked south. a jewelry store will tell you what the owners saying this morning. and a big. edm. brave is coming to downtown san jose where live there this morning with a preview. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 6. >> hey, good morning. i'm stephanie lin in for darya. and james, thank you so much for joining us on this


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