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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  June 18, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>> today on kron, 4 news at noon, fire crews getting more control over the point fire that's burning in sonoma county. we have the latest on the wildfire fight. >> and i'm human. i are not only on the conditions for
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firefighting but also the air-quality in the bay. i'll have details in your weather coming up. also, san francisco mayoral candidates getting together for a second debate. and mayor london breed. >> appearing to be a common target. we have the highlights. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. and news. >> thank you for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. we begin this afternoon with a check on the point fire that's burning in sonoma county. and you can see the area that the fire has declared a local emergency so we can request federal and state help to fight this fire. 40% contained. so percentage actually went up in the overnight hours from 20 to 40. >> and you can see there are drivers hoping to come back. and unless you live here, they're not allowing anybody through this particular checkpoint. it appears that is a resident heading back out
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from the home into the community. so they were allowed to come through at this particular point. you can see the horizon not as smoky as it was yesterday, but the breeze certainly picking up at this particular time. and it appears that is a resident allowed to come back through. fortunately, they still have homes intact. as far as what's going on today, it is hot, but they hope to make more progress like they did yesterday. right now, the acres 1200. so it has not gone up. at least not significantly. let me show you video from yesterday. the firefighters still continue to attack it from the sky as well as the ground. 400 firefighters altogether about 10 bulldozers. they actually declared a state of emergency for this location, allowing the local politicians here to tap into state and federal resources. today. the biggest concern will be the winds.
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they hope that the embers don't jump from ridge to ridge and into the populated areas of healdsburg or even to santa rosa, which is about 15 to 20 miles from this location. in the meantime, they do have checkpoints not just at this particular intersection, but other intersections to allow the residents to go back inside to get what they need, but also to make sure that the neighborhoods are safe. not yet. we have not heard reports of anything happening like that here, but we've been to other fires where people claim to be residents go inside and burglarize. so right now it is for everybody safety unless you live your, of course, to go inside. a lot of people still concerned. but i did talk to firefighters from san francisco. they are here and they're hopeful to make a lot of progress today, especially with conditions, not as bad as it was yesterday and they made progress yesterday. also northern california, a massive
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fire exploding overnight to more than 5,000 acres in calaveras county. it's called the arrow fire containment. there. >> is that 20% reporter claudette. stephanie brings us the latest. >> and i want to go ahead and give you a glimpse of what we're dealing with at this hour. as we watch on over. you can see that rain is falling, right? you can see that we have flames shooting up from that for you can see also the amount of smoke coming off of that. and of course, this isn't the only thing we're seeing this morning. as my photographer, dan walks on over. you can also see some small during over in the distance. of course, this is just one scenario that we're showing you. this is a situation that's playing out all throughout this particular region that's been affected by the fire. and with that, we actually watched as this tree was falling. take a look at this. the fires burned more than 5,000 acres and is sitting at 20% containment more than 3600 structures are under threat. >> according to cal fire, firefighters said a decreasing winds and an increase in
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humidity that helped crews make a fire break preventing the fire from spreading further. this is an area that is not seen a fire since 2003 and is burning in grass and oak woodlands. we know about several evacuation orders and warnings have been issued. fox 40 caught up with residents who were forced to leave their homes. >> we've got fires here, but this is the closest we've ever had and not be able to predict the wind is just kind of insanity. it swirling. it's it's going in different direction. we have our trailer hook. you ready to go? loved the horses to dogs, grab the flag and i'm out and we've been saying a lot of this where fire vehicles are just zooming by, of course, still tackling this fire. so their fire fighting isn't done quite yet. we'll have to see how the rest of the day persist. >> another big wildfire in northern california is inclusive county. this is northwest of sacramento. this is time lapse video of the site's fire started around 3
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yesterday afternoon now grown to 10,000 acres and there's no containment. the national weather service says that smoke is now moving towards the bay area from this fire and with some major wildfires burning across the state might start to see more smoke drifting into the bay area. exposure to wildfire. smoke can cause some serious health concerns. the national weather service says wildfire smoke is a mix of gases and fine particles from burning vegetation and other materials. some common symptoms coughing, wheezing, and trouble breathing. but more severe symptoms. stinging eyes are rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and maybe an asthma attack. so too, prevent these health conditions from happening. the national weather service and the red cross recommends you stay indoors and keep the windows closed. also keep your pets inside too. it's also really important for using air conditioning to make sure you keep the outdoor air intake closed and clean your filter to prevent the smoke from getting inside. also use portable air cleaner, avoid
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lighting candles, fireplaces and gas stoves. and if you have to go outside, maybe wear an n 95 9, 100 mask. you can always go to the center for disease control's website to check on air quality in your neighborhood as we monitor these wildfires and stay with us here on air and online on kron 4 dot com. as we're working to keep you updated on the latest wildfire evacuation orders, the number of acres burned and containment just scan this qr code on your screen right now and we'll take you to a wildfire section on our website. let's find out what's happening with the weather outside right now with a live look outside here at the embarcadero in san francisco. meteorologist kyla grogan in the weather center with the conditions and looks hazy behind you. that's right. it is hazy and it's all about whether it's mixing down to the surface. we are seeing that in some places. it will take a look at the air quality to second. but i want to start with temperatures to say that. >> going to be very similar to yesterday, maybe a couple degrees warmer in the inland spots. you can see where the warmest spots right now, our inland in the low 80's. so not
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too bad. now, as far as air quality is concerned, not surprisingly, we're seeing some of these yellow dots that are showing up in the north bay, the east bay all across the peninsula and down into the south bay. and that is because some of the smoke that has been blowing with that northerly direction that was in a place like yesterday and also overnight. now the good news is we are going to see that start to change direction as we get throughout our afternoon right now, you can see still that kind of north northwesterly flow in most spots. san francisco sitting at about 15 miles per hour. but as we get to the afternoon and the sea breeze kicks in, it's all going to be about the onshore flow. and this is the difference that will make. this is basically a forecast for the w nd combined with some of the smoke. and you can see as we get to the afternoon, once we start to get that westerly push, it's going to start to make this move away from some of the populated areas in the bay area. now, obviously, tomorrow, you know, it going to start to see a little bit of a swirl there. but it looks like at this point we are seeing the worst of it, of course, has everything to do with how much containment they're able to get on the fire. what happens with it
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today? but having said that, at least going in a better direction, these are the highs today expecting 65 in san francisco. 87 in santa rosa. 88 in concord. 84 in san jose and some nice 70's around the bay. i'll be back in a bit. we'll talk more about the weather for the firefighting today. back to you. kron 4 is your local election headquarters and for the second time now, the top 5 candidates for mayor in san francisco debated on the city's top issues. >> including homelessness, affordability and crime in the city. the debate did not come without several candidates targeting mayor london breed kron four's jeff moment reports. >> well, the debate may be over, but the energy that they'll this room will stick with the candidates through november. it took place here at uc law in the tenderloin. it's one of the many neighborhoods in which many of the candidates running for mayor say the current administration has not done enough to keep people safe. 5 candidates running to become san francisco's mayor duke it
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out on the top issues at the top was public safety. former mayor mark farrell says mayor london breed's policies have forced police officers out of their jobs. >> i will restore the stopping levels inside our san francisco police department to make sure we have a lot recruits support supervisor dorothy's drop program and fully fund our police academy. mayor breed responded saying it was federal budget when he was mayor that drew police away. and to be clear. >> we had when he was mayor, his contract was one of the reasons why many of the officers decided to leave in the first place. but no matter what the facts are candidate and the best routes. air daniel lurie says people don't feel safe. city hall insiders that are on a stage may have built up a broken and effective and corrupt city hall bureaucracy. >> and with the drug epidemic and 3,000 overdoses since 2020 candidates also targeted breeds administration sf supervisor ahsha safai where folks. >> we are failing us. the
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city. there is no other issue that defines francisco right now. more than our overdose crisis. >> and that's that supervisor. aaron peskin says it's not just a public safety issue, but a public health crisis. we need to stop with the fingerpointing and come together around these overdoses around these mental health crises the way we did during covid-19 at the end of the debate, candidates had a chance to shoot questions at each other. >> and if you could name 3 lgbtq advisors for your campaign, i'm incredibly proud of so sport that i armor lgbtq+ community here in the san francisco. >> the commotion wasn't just inside as this event was hosted by the san francisco democratic club. other candidates protesting outside saying the public has a right to know they're running too. >> they keep telling the people only 5 people run it. it people running. i'm running because i work for the government and i see the corruption inside.
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>> back inside the debate hall. now, this was just the second debate and what's supposed to be a long list of debates happening with these candidates through the election in november. reporting in san francisco, jack moment, kron 4 news. >> coming up, a big insurance company is dropping thousands of policies as pet insurance exploding in popularity. plus, the 4th of july is coming up in a couple of weeks. and now there's an extra edge to this year's warnings against using illegal fireworks. and a violent attack on police car in the south bay. reaction from the san jose mayor and from the san jose mayor and the search for the suspect. when you host, your bathroom
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>> in the south bay, police are looking for the suspects who vandalized this police car over the weekend in san jose kron four's rob nesbitt reports they have arrested one suspect already. >> in this cell phone video you can hear. the windshield of this police car being kicked in near santana row in san jose just before 07:00pm saturday. according to san jose police, the officer was responding to reports of a person being struck by a reckless sideshow. driver. but the sideshow participants became reckless towards the responding officer who suffered minor injuries. acting police chief paul joseph saying, quote, this conduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our city detectives in crime analysts from our real time intelligence center are actively following up to identify all those responsible to see one of our officers attacked by an out of control mob while in the process of trying to help a seriously injured person is truly chief joseph says the sideshows broken up once more police
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units arrived and arrest was made in less than 48 hours. 24 year-old aiden real was arrested for felony hit-and-run and felony reckless driving. police are still searching for other suspects involved. and mayor matt mahan responded to the weekend crime saying, quote, if you drive to san jose for a side show, you'll be going home on a bus or heading to jail in handcuffs because in san jose, not only a sideshow participation in promotion, illegal spectating is to the last time police in san jose were busy responding to reckless driving was during cinco de mayo celebrations when nearly 90 people were arrested for crimes involving fights, duis and sideshows in san jose. rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> a tractor-trailer carrying salt water overturned on northbound 8.80, in fremont this morning. there were no major traffic delays but that gordon avenue on-ramp was closed. tow trucks did get to that area about 45 minutes ago to help upright that big break. a lawsuit on behalf of
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11 alleged victims has now been filed against a south bay school district of claims. the current interm superintendent at alum rock union elementary school, the district there and the former staff conspired to cover up abuse by a former teacher. israel santiago was a music teacher at i don't want a dual language academy. he is accused of sexually abusing 10 students according to this lawsuit, the staff was aware of a string of complaints against him and still transferred him to other schools in the district. he continue then to teach for nearly a decade before he was charged in 2022. and since then, a total 4 lawsuits have been filed against the district. we did reach out to the district for comment, but so far have not heard back. talk about our forecast now as this. we have live picture here shows us what's happening at sfo and the hazy skies in that direction. kyla grogan in the weather center now with details on the wildfires. we
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should be watching under the conditions a little bit better for containing the fly me today are and the one that we are going to have not northerly or northwesterly wind but onshore flow, but still wind of any kind is a concern. 6 wanted to kind of i look at all of this, right? so the largest one. >> post fire in los angeles. we talked about this yesterday. now. 24% containment over 15,000 acres. now if we head up to collusive county, that's where the site's fire is. 10,000 acres. 0 1% containment right now. calaveras county would be. there's county would be the% arrow fire. that's over 5,000 acres or 20%. containment. and the point fire up in sonoma county, 1200 acres 12, 0, 7, and now 40% containment, which obviously much better than we had yesterday. we're at 20%. so let's start with the point fire because that is where some of the smoke is coming from. that is headed into the bay area today that you're starting to see all that haze in the sky and the conditions there. now they're in the low 80's. we've got wind out of the northwest. it is mostly less than 10 miles per hour. so that is some good news. and as i mentioned, this wind is
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going to shift directions. so while we've been dealing with a northwesterly flow, we're now going to see an onshore flow as we get into the afternoon, you can see that it's our sea breeze, right? so what it does is a couple of things. number one kicks up the wind. that's not great. but it's bringing in a cooler moister air mass and that is great. and it's also going to help to usher in that marine layer. so some high clouds expected across today in the afternoon. and as we get into the evening in the late night hours, you do start to see that marine layer start to build back in and tomorrow morning. that means we wake up a little fog now. does all of this make it as far to where those fires are? no, not necessarily. but it does help those relative humidity levels a little bit. as you can see. you know, we're here in the 10's in teens up where that fire is in sonoma county. and even as we come down into the bay area yesterday, we're down in single digits. this is how dry it is out there. livermore right now. just a 15% humidity. so that means that, you know, any fire that starts can spread easily. and that is not a great position to be. and so hopefully we'll get those relative humidity levels
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back up as we get into tomorrow. that will help the firefighters out a lot. we're also gonna catch a little break on our temperatures. you can see wednesday and thursday dropping down a little bit before we warm up again. this is livermore's example were saturday. we're expecting about 95 degrees. so i do think that the next 48 hours are going to be good for our firefighters as far as the potential for getting more containment and then we'll see how we go as we get into the weekend where we're at tnd we start to see that warm-up on the way. back to you. >> thank you. and take a look at this right here. this is what about 160 pounds of fireworks. looks like east palo alto. police say they seized this after getting a report about a group of kids shooting roman candles at each other. police say that this happened last week near an apartment complex and that the kids were hitting not only each other, but also buildings, cars, carports and other people. police cited in the adult and a teen the next day. and fire officials are reminding everyone about the dangers of using illegal
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fireworks, especially with fire season ramping up here called for swift calls and contra costa county with the story. >> in the weeks leading up to independence day, the contra costa county fire protection district says it has seen an increase in fireworks related calls and noise complaints and reminds the public all fireworks are banned. that includes those considered safe and sane. >> and we usually use air quotes around that because even things like sparklers burned a very, very hot in the thousands of degrees and that could be dangerous to the people holding them, which oftentimes small children. >> but can easily ignite vegetation and other combustible materials. it gets too close in neighboring alameda county. fireworks are illegal except in dublin, newark and union city where those labeled safe and sane are allowed for the holiday. >> they are mostly illegal in solano county to few cities allowing safe and sane devices during certain hours on the
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4th. all too rarely fatal. you can have some very serious injuries from fireworks. john muir health chief medical officer doctor russell rodriguez says about one-third of the more than 10,000 fireworks related injuries. the national fire protection association says are reported each year. >> result from device failure and not necessarily someone mishandling them. even the most benign still have a huge fire risk this time of and you risk of burns, especially for small kids for those who want to do the display on their own. >> are subject to criminal enforcement by our fire investigation unit and our partners in law enforcement last year, the fire protection district says the county experienced a 20% increase in ems related calls on the 4th of july compared to a typical weekend. >> in contra costa county, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. trevor shirley in washington. president joe biden announces a new policy giving protections to migrants
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here illegally if they're u.s. citizen. >> got that story coming up just ahead. >> also a warning about sunscreen. what you should be looking out for before getting looking out for before getting some sun after the break. [♪♪]
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your skin is ever-changing, take care of it with gold bond's age renew formulations of 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. for all your skins, gold bond. what was that? of 7 moisturizers and nothing.ns. ahh! gorilla super glue. brush for edge to edge coverage, and nozzle for precise application. all in one. for the toughest jobs on planet earth did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease,
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even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak. well, your health this afternoon, doctors say now is really great time to check your stash of sunscreen. sunscreen is required by the fda to remain at its original strength for at least 3 years. >> and most have an expiration date printed on the bottle. so if you don't see one experts say right on the bottle, the day you buy it and then you can throw it away. 3 years later, dermatologists
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recommend a broad spectrum sunscreen of at least 30 spf and recommend applying it every 2 hours. even on cloudy days as uv rays can penetrate cloud cover for your money. this afternoon. you might have to pay out of pocket the next time you take your pet to a vet nationwide be canceling about 100,000 pet insurance policies across the country. the insurer says it's dropping the policies to maintain its own business viability as the costs for vet care continue to rise. nationwide is adding the cancellations won't be due to the pet's age. breed of the animal or prior usage of insurance by the owners. travel experts have a warning. now people are taking a closer look at the next time on get an e-mail or a call that you won a free vacation this morning is coming. us vacation scams are on the rise. that some red flags are out there that you should be looking out for such as fake websites. these sites can be designed
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genuine, but they can actually be a front for scammers to steal your information, adding to steer clear of sites that ask for payments in the form of a wire transfer or gift card. and if you've never heard of that website or hotel, check them out before you hand over your hard-earned vacation dollars. apple saying it will discontinue its pay later service which allowed customers to make purchases for products by taking out a pay later loans that would be paid back in 4 interest-free installments over 6 weeks. the move coming a year after rolling out this payment method. apple says it has these loans that it's getting customers to in order to do more flexibility with them in moore locations with apple pay unable lenders and adds it will offer consumers access to installment loans to credit and debit cards and through lenders when they check out using apple pay. next at noon centuries-old and preserve what was found at george washington's home in mount vernon
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>> also, francisco mayor london breed plans to cut funds for a program that aims to help people find a new home. now woman has a message home. now woman has a message for the mayor about this. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging.
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm.
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then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. issue of retail theft once again front and center at the state capitol. most democratic leaders are doubling down on this plan. >> and one, a powerful democratic assembly member has now come out against it. capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> well, the democrat coming out against these proposed amendment is none other than assembly public safety committee chair kevin mccarty. he calls these proposed amendments which remember were
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introduced by members of his own party. poison pill. democratic assemblymember kevin mccarty seen in conversation on the assembly floor as lawmakers begin a new week. but he was nowhere to be found as the senate appropriations committee took up a package of bills to address retail theft. mccarty had authored one of 7 retail theft bills. the committee was supposed to take up, but then this happened party. he has pulled his bill. >> we will not be hearing it mccarty ended up removing his bill before it came up. his bill would have helped to create a database for retailers to report theft. other bills in the package include want to add a penalty up to 3 years in prison for someone found to have stolen property with the intent to resell and want to expand the california highway patrol property crimes. task force mccarthy removed his support for the package because he does not agree with the plan by democratic leaders to at amendments to it. that would cancel several the retail theft bills. if voters approve a ballot measure to reform
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prop 47. >> the 2014 voter approved a law that turned some nonviolent that some crimes from felonies to misdemeanors, including retail theft when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. in a statement, mccarty said, unfortunately, i cannot support the retail that's package which contains my retail theft accountability bill ab 17, 94 with the poison pill non operative amendments included republicans echoing a similar message nonsense. >> these bills to get bills. if they didn't have that inner opper ability class and you have full support from everybody and that would be a bipartisan bill. but in the end, democrats on the committee voted in favor of the amendment, arguing the legislature's proposal does not go hand in hand with the ballot measure to reform prop 47. they believe that measure will lead to mass incarceration opposite of what they say. their bills will do it full solutions to retail crime and endeavors to preserve criminal justice reforms that have been affected necessary steps retail
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>> returning to overly punitive that proven not to work. >> and we could go through this all over again on wednesday when the assembly appropriations committee takes up other retail theft bills reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 >> the richmond city council voting tonight on whether to put a polluter pay initiative on the november ballot. and if they do, voters will then decide if they want to implement an oil refining tack generate nearly 100 million dollars each year for the city. chevron says this tax could lead to higher gas prices, but supporters say it would hold the refinery accountable for putting pollutants into the air residents in favor of this idea will hold a rally tonight at richmond city center plaza to encourage city leaders to pass this initiative so that it can be put on the november ballot and people can vote on it. san francisco, nonprofits and community programs are worried over. mayor london breed's proposed budget that would cut their funding kron
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four's lezla gooden talked with one woman who says thanks to these programs. she now has a home. reyna aguilar is a volunteer with the southeastern tip association and has called the bay area home for 17 years. and nearly a year ago, she was battling homelessness. i was suffering a lot of harassment to where i was. living was very depressed. i was, you know, here full of not having a place to live. reyna says this program under the housing rights committee of san francisco. >> it's how she was able to navigate the challenges of securing housing and within mayor london breed's proposed budget cuts which includes outreach efforts. this is a program that could lose its funding. and we i mean, and she needs to know there are a lot of families visit them with anything fiona that depend on these organization going wrong. i don't recall that and i am saying to what police do not make these cut
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rain and now spends time speaking up for tenants rights and connecting others with resources, other nonprofits and community groups who have been speaking out against these cuts says leaving them without funding will create future problems. if you don't have access to basic needs, if you don't have access to to case referrals or anybody that can help you understand and navigate any system >> then you're kind of instead of have allowing them to become a contribution to our our our city, they become part of the system in san francisco as a good and kron. 4 news. district supervisor's dean preston, joel on guard eo and hillary ronen joining community leaders asking mayor london breed to keep the community ambassadors program. >> this program is nationally recognized recognized and it's a multilingual community safety in neighborhood engagement, job training program. and currently the mayor's proposed budget would cut money to it. there was a
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rally about this today at san francisco city hall at 10:00am. and san francisco mayor london breed. welcome. the first group of students in the city's hbcu summer program. the program is part of the mayor's 30 by 30 initiative which focuses on bringing 30,000 residents and students to live work and study downtown by 2030. this cohort of 60 hbcu students will spend the summer living working and learning in san francisco. they'll take part in lectures and workshops and work unpaid internships as they're placed in different city departments. santa clara county will offer short-term relief to family caregiver. santa clara county has this adult day service pilot program that helps caregivers with day care costs the board of supervisors need to further assist caregivers after the creation of a direct care worker registry program. the county has roughly 177,000 family caregivers, according to the 2023, santa clara
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county adult caregiver study. there's also a respite program that will offer between 500 to $101,250 a month for caregivers to use and short-term relief for care, giving. now, this program is expected to launch next year in april. about 1 million young chinook salmon have been released in see san pablo bay. this is latest in a string of releases by the california department of fish and wildlife this year. the state is hoping to ease the problem of poor conditions in recent years which have led to fewer salmon and fewer salmon fishing season. it's let's talk about our forecast now live with outside here wide view of san francisco. very hazy out there. let's check in with meteorologist kyla grogan to see what's happening outside. hey there. we do have some good news today and that the red flag warnings, the only ones left in the state right now in southern california can see watching around santa barbara that still overnight tonight. >> and highs and those ventura
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mountains that is going to be until that 6 o'clock this afternoon. the rest of the state, those red flag warnings now have dropped, meaning that conditions are a little bit better. temperature wise. we're going to see similar to today and you can see receiving to low 80's inland spots like bakersfield rating spots that tend to be our warmer areas. la right now, 74 60 in monterey. and as we take a look at what's happening in the bay area, we've got some cloud cover out there. a little bit of haze as well. 60's in downtown san francisco, 70's around the bay and low 80's inland. so not bad, right? comparatively speaking to some of the warm temperatures we've seen now, we do have a little bit of that haze out there, but still some blue sky as we take a look here at the golden gate bridge. we've also got a little bit of a breeze happening. you see the flag kind of flying there. the wind is going to be helping us out later this afternoon right now, still seeing in some spots here, some of that north northwesterly wind. but as we get into the afternoon, we'll start to see that push of a sea breeze bringing that cooler moister air mass in and helping us out with our fire fighting, but also bringing in
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cooler air in general. as you can see where the temperatures start to roll down as we get into wednesday and thursday in our inland spots. and again, that will help firefighting conditions. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about our 7 day forecast. today. president joe biden announced a sweeping new order allowing immigrants in the country to legally stay if they're legally married to a u.s. citizen, this potentially keeps. >> hundreds of thousands of people from being deported. our washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with more. today's announcement comes after pressure from some rank and file democrats just around 5 months before the general election. >> the policy offers protections for spouses here illegally without having to leave the country to apply for lawful resident status, which is the current policy. the administration says the directive will be implemented by the department of homeland security. it would impact around 490,000 people who entered the country illegally
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but are married to u.s. citizens. the white house stressed the program only applies to people in legal marriages. the program shields them from deportation and offers work permits that they've been in the country illegally for at least 10 years. president biden's move comes as polling shows his support slipping among hispanic voters. it also comes weeks after president biden announced stricter border control policies, angering many democrats. this morning, though, many in the president's own party supported the move. it's going to help keep hundreds of thousands of families together. that's what it does. bring families together, keep them together. >> and it will provide peace of mind and dignity. and most of all opportunity to contribute so that these people can contribute to this country even more. >> the new policy is expected to be challenged in court like similar directives have been previously in the meantime, president biden is also expected to talk about this at some point later today
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reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> george washington never did cut down that cherry tree. despite that famous story. but he did pack away quite a few bottles of this fruit at his mount vernon home. this year are the dozens of bottles of cherries and berries in possibly preserved in storage pits that were uncovered from the cellar of his mansion. that's located on the banks of the potomac potomac river. and they were discovered during a dig connected to a restoration project. so archaeologists say the discovery of so much perfectly preserved food for more than 250 years ago is really unprecedented. whole pieces of fruit that are being recognized as cherries found in some of the bottles. they're also some bottles that might have gooseberries are currents and them, though, testing to confirm that is now underway. >> food remains have been found in other parts of the world. and even mention food
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remains. but finding. what is essentially fresh fruit 250 years later is pretty spectacular this pit. in particular. we have a theory. we think this is probably the summer of 17, 75, which is the last harvest just before washington road off to philadelphia and became commander in chief just before >> the revolution. >> so now mount vernon is partnering with the u.s. department of agriculture, which is conducting dna testing on the fruit. they're also examining more than 50 cherry pits recovered from the bottles to see if any of them can be planted. mount vernon announced in april at the work. it was doing logical l a - work that was doing that had found 2 bottles and then they kept digging. and that number then went up to 35 in 6 distinct storage pits. in the possibilities here. >> all right. coming up, the giants take on the cubs. they battled it out at wrigley
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field. plus, we'll take a look field. plus, we'll take a look at the nba finals.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ looking for a smarter way to mop? try the swiffer powermop. ♪♪ an all-in-one cleaning tool, with a 360-degree swivel head that goes places a regular mop just can't. ♪♪ mop smarter with the swiffer powermop.
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>> now to sportsthe gits on road taking on the cubs and the 2024 nba finals comes to a conclusion. kron. 4 sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> it seems like the story of the giants season all year long has been one foot forward. 2 steps backwards. every time they get to 500, they can't seem to get over that hump. we have some giants faat wrigley hoping the bats can stay high because sometimes shy one of the best
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cities in the world a 7 giants down a run. elliott ramos those other way and a time that ain't coming the solo home run ties the game at 2 >> later in the inning, same score bases loaded for tireless. try to it. i want to get hit by pitch right there on the elbow. run comes on into scoring a giants. take the lead. bottom of the frame act 3 all game to offer in happened that just so happens. to go out of car. cubs regained the lead on that 3 run bomb top of the 9th now shines down by ask strada. goes yard. ran out of real estate. he's got three-run blast. put the giants ahead yet again. bottom of the 9th, camilla, to melt it down the other day, but comes not this night. he gives cody bellinger the pop it out. michael
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conforto makes the catch dramatic giants with a great come from behind win. 76 7 hear from bono after this fall. >> we had a really, really tough couple games ago. and every time we have one of those seems like comeback responded. well, as for veterans yesterday behind the 8 ball a few times tonight you know, come through late in the game. so these guys really, you know, pushing and seems like. you know, for a lot of the euro basket better later in the game. >> nba finals in boston. celtics looking to clinch and win their 18th. nba title, jayson tatum. drive laying 31 8.11 for jt td garden is rocking. celtics win in dominant fashion. 1, 0, 6, 88. they capture their 18th title in franchise history. that's the most in nba history. nba season is over. now we turn our attention to klay thompson. will he resign with the warriors? all right-y. that's a look at sports.
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>s live look outside here across the golden gate bridge looking out towards the north, a little breezy, according to flag. that's there. we'll check in with cuyler see what's happening outside today. hey there. yes, obviously we're keeping an eye on all the wildfires throughout the state. there are many of them, some of them very large, that one in southern california over 15,000 acres. and as we take a look at how the weather is affecting things today, obviously the air-quality is not great, but the wind is set to help us out a little bit in northern california when we start to see our afternoon sea breeze coming, it's going to start to push some of that more hazy air away from us. you might say, well, you know, it looks like it's not too bad. sometimes it doesn't mix all the way down to the surface. and you just see that haze in the sky. but the surfaces where those sensors are and things will still be in a pretty decent. so we've been seeing some of those yellows pop-up temperatures are also a little warmer today. this is the difference in temperatures between 24 hours ago and now it's certainly can see inland. we're running 5 to 7 degrees warmer than we were even more than that down in san jose.
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but obviously the haze is the thing today that you notice when you take a look outside temperatures right now, you can see inland. we're in those low 80's. we're in the 60's in san francisco, oakland, in the low 70's and out in half moon bay, where i'm starting to see a little bit of marine layer, president's pop-up. they are in the 50's. so this is what i was talking about with the wind changing direction. so we've been dealing with kind of a northerly northwesterly flow this afternoon. it will be all about that westerly push and what that does is push smoke away from us here in the bay area because up to now, we've been getting kind of that direction from the north and the northwest pushing it down into the bay area. so that's going to help as we get into the next 24 hours. also this afternoon, i do expect to see the wind pick up here in and around where the fire is up in the north bay. but right now you can see we're still seeing under about 10 miles per hour. i'm starting to see a little shift there in healdsburg says southwest everyone showing that northwesterly wind. so here is the fog cast because we have few clouds coming through this afternoon. but here's about 11:30pm, tonight.
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and there's a marine layer building back in bringing in that cooler moister air mass. that should help a little bit with those humidity levels as we get into tomorrow. now tomorrow, we'll also see a cooler temperature profile by about 3 or 4 degrees. and you see the difference there. thursday is our first day of summer will start to pick up a little bit then. but the warm-up really peaks as we get into saturday, expecting inland spots to get upwards to about 95 degrees. so mid 90's, back to you. all right. now on thursday, the san francisco giants in the st. louis cardinals will play at rickwood field birmingham, alabama. it's the oldest professional ballpark in the united states. >> the mlb says both teams will wear special jerseys in honor san francisco legend willie mays reporter amy high takes a look now at the preparations. >> the welcome sign is posted in the st. louis cardinals take on the san francisco giants at rickwood field on thursday. the tribute game will honor hall of famer willie mays, a birmingham
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native who began his career with the birmingham black barons. back in 1948, this larger than life-size mural of maize now graces the side of this building in downtown birmingham. just in time for this week's event. last minute. preparations are still underway at rickwood field. they're continuing fine tune the baseball field itself and that's a constant thing they work on that. >> by the hour. >> and when they get ready to play tomorrow night, it's going to be perfect is any baseball field could ever >> this time lapse video shows the renovation of the field by the mlb ahead of this week's game. >> overdue. haha. so i think it's going to be going to be a big crowd. >> parking is prohibited at rickwood field this week. ticket holders can come out here to legion field and take one of these free shuttles over to rick wood. the gates open at 2 o'clock on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. baseball fan, claudia young with roses tours has been running shuttle since friday.
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she's excited about the learning opportunity. the three-day event will provide. >> i think it's very important because the young people need to know why he's and we have a lot the man was that are still here with us and i'm excited for them. >> that was high bills reporting. and while that game will be honoring the great willie mays, he will not be in the crowd on thursday. he turned 93 last month and released a statement saying he will follow the game back on tv here in the bay area. he did say, quote, his heart will be with all of you are honoring the league ballplayers, who should always be remembered, including all of his teammates on the black barons. he says it's just harder get around now. so he's going to sit this one out. after the break. >> some very cute guys got to show you they have an interesting name. how did they get to the san francisco zoo will tell you? bob's donuts and
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san francisco's polk gulch neighborhood planning now to move locations only just a block away, though, this very popular donut shop has been around for more than 50 years. and according to city officials. >> the shop could not reach an agreement with its current landlord on polk street right by sacramento. its new plan location will now be on pope between washington clay. but no word right now on when that move will happen. >> the san francisco zoo. has
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stepped up to help some critically endangered animals. the zoo is now home to 5 new tax law dulls. these are rare and fabian's were smuggled into the u.s. before federal fish and wildlife officials could to rescue them. look at that face. the san francisco zoo then selected to house the animals in their conservation corridor. the zoo ceo says she is delighted to be able to give them a home. >> we were thrilled to take the salamanders, their unique they are critically endangered. and i like to say they are that they represent the fountain of youth. >> levels are native only to mexico. they have been threatened by humans. and these 5 full likely not be released back into the wild. but visitors to the zoo will have a chance to also now submit some names for these very special and very cute salamanders. there are 3 adorable. lion cubs that were born in march to some parents
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at a london zoo. the now have been named the names for the cubs are. mali. c hey, yanni and shot to you. they were currently selected from submissions by school children across the uk and this feisty trio grew from strength to strength. each developing, some distinct personalities. the charity said. that the cubs have recently been delighting visitors by practicing their wars. currently just sounds like a little mewing and these types of lions are endangered in the wild. the population numbers are around 600 to 700. so these 3 new lion cubs are critical towards building up a strong population in order to protect the species. that's it from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm justine waldman. i'll see you again. during crawford is a 2, 3, but for now live in the bay is next. >> thank you so seen we have
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such a fun show to day. coming up, we're talking about some summer eats and treats that you can enjoy with the whole family and an amazing initiative from comcast's. you want to know all the details. want to know all the details. stay with us. salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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live in the bay. we have a great show for you today. coming up, the new american sign language video remote interpreting services now available at a bay area. xfinity locations. we hear more on this inclusive initiative from comcast. then summertime is the best time for fresh fruits and berries. and we have some easy ways to enjoy trisha snacks for the whole family.


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