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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  June 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> that was nothing in the game of baseball. willie mays could not do better than any by the bills.
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>> remembering willie mays today on kron. 4 news at noon. the bay-area honors the greatest player to ever wear a giants uniform. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. noon. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. >> here, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great sadness that we announce that san francisco giants legend and hall of famer willie mays passed away peacefully this afternoon at the age of 93. please join us in a moment of silence as we remember willie mae. >> saying goodbye to the say, hey, kid, that was major league baseball honoring willie mays at a game last night. the former giants hall of famer passed away yesterday at the age of 93 kron. 4
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sports director jason dumas has more on the legacy he leaves behind. >> considered perhaps the greatest player to ever play the game. willie mays was already a superstar. when the giants moved to san francisco from new york in 1958. but even before he was a giant mays played 3 seasons in the leagues helping lead the birmingham black barons, senate in 1948. after the giants beat out multiple teams to sign him. the say hey, kid was brought up midway through the 1951 season. his debut was in auspices as he started his major league for 12. but on his 13th, that bad made hit a home run off. future hall of famer warren spahn and the rest is history. mays was a major contributor and the giants historic run to catch the dodgers in the 1951 national league pennant race winning the league's rookie of the year war in the deciding playoff game. mays was on deck bobby thompson, shot heard around the world to take dependent and propel the
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giants into the world series. >> i didn't understand what was happening until everybody started jumping up and down. we want to kind you can harris hodges on the loud speaker saying that as one that out big hit, don't with the bad home plate. >> they lost to the yankees in 6 games. >> after missing part of the 52 and all of the 53 season to serve in the army during the korean war where he was taught his famous basket catch by fellow service men may's return to the giants in 54 with a renewed determination to get back to the fall classic. he had a league-leading 3.45. 41 home runs to win his first of 2 national league. most valuable player. more importantly, he led the giinto the fiftyforward series against the heavily favored cleveland
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indians who have won an american league record 100 in 11 games that season. what a game one mays turned one of the greatest defensive plays time. >> when the ball was hit in my so i think i was going mister ball. my mind is that hours were howard. i don't get the ball back into the unfair. that only thing i was thinking about and 2 men was on. will ease. amazing catches vic wertz drive into the 450 foot center field at polo ground immediately grabbed the series momentum for the giants went on to sweep the tribe in 4 games for the say, hey, kids first and only world series title. mays was the primary inspiration for the term 5
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tool player. he could hit love for power, run field and throw. >> and then all of them so well is manager leo durocher was prompted to say, quote, if you could cook, i marry mays was everyday hero in the big apple. but his days there were limited at the giants game to move west and fun and go and gave you that. no pain. way in 1958. >> mazin the giants were greeted with a hero's welcome as they relocated to the city by the bay. and he wasted no time hitting a career-high 3.47. in his first season in san francisco leading the giants in a offensive categories in 1962. and to the world series of eventually falling to the yankees a seven-game thriller, mays hit his 5 100th home run in 1965. when he won his second. >> nl mvp award and 600.
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>> in 1969, becoming only the second player along with babe ruth to accomplish the feat at that time, his numbers are mind 660 career homes. the record tying 12 gold glove and also a record tying 24th all-star game appearances prompting ted williams to say they invented the all-star game for willie made the say hey, kid was inducted into baseball's hall of fame in 1979. >> his first year on the ballot, possibly no superstar. in the history of baseball brought more joy, the field and willing. also play with a flair and in reverence unmatched in the history of the game, his legacy in giants in baseball lore is none more apparent. then his statue that stands gateway. oracle park, the official address. 24 willie mays plaza. >> and a memorial continues to grow at oracle park in san francisco in honor of willie
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mays. he was beloved to all giants fans, young and old kron four's. sara stinson joins us live now from the scene of that memorial. sarah. >> stephanie, the memorial here at willie mays plaza. it just continues to grow minute by minute with that myers, stopping by 2 pay their respects to the baseball legend. you can see right now people dropping off flowers, taking a moment to look at his statue here at oracle park. fans have really gone all out, leaving flowers, bobbleheads jerseys, notes and candles. some might even seen taking a moment of silence. others breaking down in tears when news got out yesterday about may's dying at age, 93, it completely broke the hearts of people nationwide. i mean, not only giant spans but fans on the east coast as well across the country, political leaders. i mean, you name it.
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he spent his time here, the giants. and that's what fans tell me. they they view him as the giants, the face of the team. of course, his stats over over 3 decades are impressive. but fans say it's more about who mays was as a person. and of course, his part in the leagues as well. now, if you are a fan who wants to come by here, who's just trying to figure out how to pay your respects? well, we just found out there is event that is tomorrow. you know, there is a game tomorrow with the giants at rickwood field, but they will be playing the game here at oracle park on the scoreboard. you can come for free gates open at 12 o'clock. and you can also there's a guest book you can sign give your condolences. you can also do the mays experience experience. but what fans tell me is that they will never forget him. >> i upon when the maze. he's
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the first ball player. remember growing remember watching the cartoons on saturday morning at this, a kid and he's always represented the giants like today is day and you my respects and say goodbye. >> say goodbye. but he will truly never be forgotten. and you can always come here to willie mays plaza and pay respects. now, if you haven't done so already, there's the willie mays experience. usually the museum is closed when the team is away. but the giants opened it up today. it's open right now until 4 o'clock in open tomorrow as well. we're going to be alive tour of that coming up at 12, 30 show. you all you can experience and learn about the legacy of willie mays time. sara stinson reporting live in san francisco. kron. 4 news at join in the world of sports. thank you so much, sarah. we look forward to a live report at 12, 30. >> reaction is also pouring in from san francisco officials
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past and present mayor london breed posting this image on social media. she says it was an unbelievable opportunity of a lifetime to meet someone like willie mays. she added, quote, he was from a generation who face segregation and racism, a generation that paved the way that so that many of us could have the freedom to thrive. mays will forever be the greatest of giants in the story of san francisco and their rights. there. governor gavin newsom also tweeting this photo with the baseball icon newsom saying in part, quote, he was an integral integral part of san francisco's cultural fabric. his legacy will forever the intertwined with the legacy of the city. he loves newsom also sharing on his website. quote, willie, you will be dearly missed, but your spirit will forever remain in our hearts. and in the game. you%loved so much. all right. let's check in on our forecast conditions as we take a live look outside from our mount tam camera
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kyler we were checking in with sarah earlier was looking a bit overcast out in san francisco. yeah. and certainly there are spots. we've got the clouds and the golden gate bridge is one of them. but we will get a little sunshine in this afternoon for most spots. not necessarily right here. they do hang on to those clouds sometimes. but >> temperatures are cooler today. and the marine layer is actually welcome. given all the fire weather conditions that we've had. so right now, 54 in downtown san francisco. we are warming up in the inner east bay to the tune of about 79 degrees in antioch. 73 down in san jose. and we've got between about 65 degrees in napa to 73 up in the north bay out of the coast. just stay in the 50's. so the wind kind of change direction brought back that onshore flow. and you can see it's still here a little bit breezy out there. that's what helped to bring that marine layer in. and it's also what's going to keep us cooler today and is helping out a little bit with our air quality as well as we take a live look from the east bay. you see where, you know, we don't see that haze that we had yesterday. right? lot better. once that wind is now not coming down from the north. so air quality today expected to be between good
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and moderate. and that's what i'm seeing right now on the gauges so far. so so far, so good highs today expected to be cooler. not surprising, right? we start off with a fog, a foggy start. so 84 in antioch, my highest number on the map. you can see got some nice 70's, san jose at 76. 74 expected in sandra fell about 58 in san francisco and then head up to the north bay and some low 80's so not a bad run. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about the conditions of some of the fires that we've been keeping an eye on. all right. cuyler, thank you. coming up, we continue our coverage of the legacy of the say, hey, kid. >> a special tribute to billy mays of the head. also, we'll break dohn what's next in the recall effort against oakland mayor sheng thao. plus. well neighbors. look. the school field. it is in our backyard. and why plans to build a new athletic facility for students in the east bay is upsetting in the east bay is upsetting some neighbors. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser?
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with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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oakland voters have a big decision coming in november. >> oakland mayor sheng thao is now up for a recall today. the group behind that recall effort addressing the next steps. kron four's. tiffany justice joins us live now from the newsroom to explain the process here. tiffany, stephanie is now up to oakland city council to decide what they want to do next. they're set to meet on july 20 seconds and they will decide. >> on when the recall will happen, which will more than likely take place in november. now, if the mayor is recalled, there will be a special election to decide who will be her replacement. the group that is working to replacing
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mayor oakland united to recall sheng thao also called oust gathered more than 40,500 signatures. well over the 25,000 needed those signatures were verified by the alameda county register voters. now house claims oakland has gotten worse since tao has been in office stating the main reasons for the recall are the surge in crime, homelessness and the firing of former oakland police chief. on armstrong. they mayor touts recent 2024. statistics from oakland police department that show homicides are down 17% with 33% fewer violent crimes overall compared to last year. however, not all crimes are reducing robberies, rose 11% with residential robberies up by 118%. >> my message to the mayor is this. the people have spoken. more people signed petition you. first choice and the rangers. do right thing by
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oaklanders. mayor sheng thao 9. we had some we signed now mayor child and that november it action a mayor. >> now we have reached out to oakland nation tells office for comment. reporting live in the newsroom to be justice kron. 4 news. stephanie, thank you so much for your reporting. and of course, we also know the alameda county da pamela price also faces that recall vote in november. thanks for your insight this. all right. let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero in san francisco. some nice blue skies out there and some some clouds as well. they're kyla. yeah, exactly. a little bit better weather for firefighting, which i just wanted to take a look at some of the firefighters, the 5 fires that we've been keeping an eye on. the post fire still over 15,000. >> acres but more containment today. 39%. that's the one in
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southern california. and then we have these 3 to be keeping an eye on. obviously the point fire the closest to us. but the sites fire, which has over 15,000 acres. i think as we get later into the week, the smoke from that could very well affect us. they're only 5% containment. where is the point? fires at 50 in the era fire now at 33%. so let's start with the point. fire, which is obviously up to the north of just to the north and the east of he and the west rather of healdsburg. and you can see where temperatures are not too bad today. a little bit cooler than yesterday. obviously it has to do with that marine layer that came in. we've also got the wind now from the west and also from the south. so we're not getting that northerly flow, which would be pushing it towards us. and we're also seeing these numbers now just between about 5 and 9 miles per hour. i've also seen some improvement in healdsburg and relative humidity, although you can see teens and ten's down in other spots that are nearby. so that's the marine layer factor trying to help that out. and it certainly has made a difference in the east de yesterday were in the teens. and you can see we're in the 20's, even 30% relative humidity. that really does
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help because it just kind of gives that recovery overnight as far as air quality goes, we're actually looking pretty good. we've got a few yellow dots out there which would be moderate air quality. but for the most part, we are pretty good. and then if you look at the wind as we go up to where that point fire is, you can see in and around lake sonoma. you know, we're going to start to see that onshore push again as we get into the afternoon and evening. but i think it's going to change a little bit on thursday. that's when we could start to see things push towards us again. so again, that onshore flow kind of pushes things away. but what happens is high pressure is going to build by the time we get into thursday friday. and then you can see some of this starting to roll down again. and it could be that it's from that a fire that is to the north of us as every to do with high pressure that's going to build in and you start to get that northwesterly flow yet again. so that is just something to keep an eye on. and we're also going to warming up and that has everything to do that high pressure strengthening, too. so that warmth really kicks in thursday, friday, saturday, sunday peaking on saturday. you can see was the mid 90's, even potentially upper 90's inland. all right. cuyler thank you for that suspect.
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now the san jose metro area is the least affordable metro area in the nation. >> that's according to this year's silicon valley pain index report. this is the 5th year san jose state's human rights institute released their findings. it highlights persistent inequalities in the region, including homelessness and income inequality. some notable findings include 46% of the people laid off in the tech sector over the last year. were women. it also found the number of homeless students from kindergarten to high school. it's up almost 3 times since 2020. just think about that in the richest country in the richest that country we have 300, almost 300 homeless students get our act and we got 900 in the east side union school district up from 300. >> in the whole county, 3,000 homeless students. who are those folks? 82% are black latinx and native american.
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>> the group urges the region to make significant changes to improve quality of life for all residents. and neighbors in the east. they are not happy with one school districts plan to build a new athletic facility. kron 4 sarah stinson has that story from castro valley. >> so the proposed field is every part of green. >> jeff small lives in the neighborhood above canyon middle school. he's among a group of neighbors in castro valley opposed to the school district building a new athletic facility there. the 14 million dollar project involves building for fields primarily for soccer baseball and softball games. it includes a scoreboard. bleachers field lights, a batting cage and black tops. the new athletic facility would be for the community to use year round. small says they support youth sports but are worried about how it will affect their day-to-day lives.
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the issue is the scope of the project. it includes 15 stadium lights that will be on until 10:00pm. >> and the noise generated from the house to school and moist travels up. there's a track and field there right now. i can hear the gravel and the people sneak the district began planning this project in 2017 after a bond measure passed by voters. since then, there have been many meetings with public forums and design proposals. the latest was june 12th when an environmental impact review was presented. we look at the distance between the field and the nearest homes. >> we look at that part of all those kinds of things are in the analysis. our conclusion is that based on that the site works pretty well. and we do not have a significant impact in terms of noise. >> the company must go. sports lighting also presented the type of led lights that would be installed, saying they would cause minimal light pollution. we on the other hand, we the neighbors have contracted with 2 experts. a
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sound expert. >> and a lightning expert that completely disputes their claims. and environmental review small says they sent their findings to the district, but don't feel as if their feedback has been considered. we invite them to work with us. just come to the table together and talk and be heard. >> and that was sara stinson reporting for us. the castro valley school board has delayed voting on those athletic field in an email to kron 4. they say the district wants to make sure that all the information options are evaluated thoroughly adding they want to ensure the board has all the information necessary to make an informed decision. >> trevor shirley in washington. lawmakers are pushing for a crackdown on ai-generated revenge and some lawmakers say it's time for lawmakers say it's time for big tech to get invo
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>> public health officials are warning of a surge m-pox cases in los angeles county kron four's. dan kerman reports on the latest guidance from medical experts. with san francisco pride month under way. and the parade less than 2 weeks away. >> medical experts are reminding members of the lgbtq community that were not vaccinated during the outbreak in 2022. to get vaccinated. now for m-pox. it really is incumbent upon you know, encourage that new generation. i'm to have the same level of safety is we've had before ucsf, infectious disease specialist doctor peter chin-hong says m-pox is a virus that's transmitted through close contact through fluid sores, or shared betting
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and can cause a painful rash, sores, and other flu-like symptoms. well, impacts can impact any community. the majority of the 30,000 u.s. residents getting it during the outbreak of 2022. were men who had with other men. >> and the difference that m-pox and say something like covid is it's very visible. i could be segment ice and you can just get over very it can take up to 3 to 4 weeks. scots to fall off. >> well, san francisco is seeing no cases recently, los angeles county, which is also in the midst of pride festivities, just reported 10 cases in the past 2 weeks. that's why doctors are recommending the 2 dose vaccine to limit transmission and lower the risk of severe disease. you know that 2 vaccines better than one. >> but one boxy is better than on. >> dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> next at noon kron four continues. our celebration of pride and juneteenth. coming
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we continue to remember and honor legacy of willie mays. he passed away tuesday afternoon at the age of 93 kron. 4 sports director jason dumas reports. >> we continue to honor willie mays, his legacy not only as a ballplayer, but as a man who broke barriers in transcended the world of sports as a player, his talent was generational. during his 23 year. major league playing career mays was named most valuable player twice first as a new york giant in 1954. and
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then as the san francisco giant in 1965, he holds the all-time record for put out by an outfielder with a career total of 7,095. he won 12 gold gloves in center field and appeared in get this 24 all-star games. i'm not done. he led the league in home runs for time, stolen bases for time slugging percentage 5 times total bases. 3 times in triple street times. he won. he was 3rd on the all-time home run list with 660 until 2003, when godson, barry bonds past him. but like i said, his biggrst impact went beyond sports. >> i'm jason dumas kron. 4 sports. >> the willie mays say, hey, experiences of one of a kind exhibit immersive exhibit, rather featuring rarely seen photographs, artifacts and vehicle a video rather that the front that chronicle life of the greatest ball player of all time, willie mays and
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today kron 4 was invited inside. and that's where we find kron four's. sara stinson who continues our coverage this afternoon. sarah. >> stephanie, that's right. we're live inside the willie mays experience. this museum just across the street from oracle park. it is such an experience and it means even more today after the passing of the baseball legend, you can the jerseys from all of the teams that willie mays was on. i mean, this is just the start. this museum and experiences awesome. a lot of people coming by here to pay their respects. learn more about the legacy of willie and it's one that, as i said, we're lucky to have, you know, usually when someone passes, we train figure out a way to honor them. we really have this right here. that shows footage pictures. i mean, you name it. you can learn about his baseball history there, even handing out these postcards that you can get.
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but to learn more, let's talk with the museum concierge patrick fogarty. tell me about this museum and what people can experience. so it is a completely immersive experience. we have slide shows show his career from the 40's are all the way up to the 70's. retired. i have men with billion from his early days as well as information about his charity and show the documentary from hbo 2022 about life and his career. >> so it's a great way to honor and we're so happy that we can do this him. and obviously, as fans are very yeah, this is normally closed on away games. but you got the call. you open it back up. why is it so important to have this open today? a bulding route. he's a legend, so wanted to make sure that we can honor him. he wanted to make sure that his fans had an opportunity respect to him. >> so it just makes sense that
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were open today. guest book that people can sign pay respects to yes, we encourage people to come out and sign the guest book share their memories of it's just a great way to say thank you really, for a great career and great that to and what's great is it's free to open 10 to 4 today will be open tomorrow as well. right? that's correct. 10 to 4 today, 10 to 8 tomorrow, 10 to 4 on friday and we invite people to come in. it's free to the public. no charge. we just want people to get the opportunity see his life. i'm sure the memories and to show their appreciation for. thank you so much for chatting with us. now. again, you can stop by today. i know a lot of people have to today offer juneteenth. one man told me i'm so grateful i have today off so i can actually take the time to honor willie mays. so i'll send it back to you guys in the studio, right? sarah, thank you so much for that live report. >> of course, means legacy
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extends far beyond the baseball diamond. he's almost as famous for his work with kids as he is for his legendary flare on the field. the say, hey, foundation offers under privileged kids. new opportunities in communities safer than their own may's volunteered with the san francisco food bank. and with san francisco's whitney young child development center, his work earned him invite to a state dinner for queen elizabeth during her 1976. visit to washington, d.c., and in 2016, president obama honored maze with the presidential medal of freedom. barry bonds paid tribute to his godfather. he wrote on social media saying, quote, i am beyond devastated and overcome with emotion. i have no words to describe what you mean to me. you helped shape me to be who i am today. thank you for being my godfather and always being there. rest in peace. willie, i love you forever. bonds will be one of the celebrity coaches during today's celebrity softball game at rickwood field in alabama. in the month of june. doesn't just offer a time to
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celebrate lgbtq rights. today. the nation also recognizes juneteenth how fresno bello is taking a step with the city's youngest mayor used his perspective to create a celebration, highlighting both events. >> if you want to get to know someone, they say you should take a walk in their shoes are in devon murphy's case. just take a walk alongside is any support. so many every little gathering the city that we go to very personal mean he he knows my name in 2023. murphy became the youngest mayor in pinole's 120 year. history. >> being sworn in at just 29 years old. he was also the city's first black and openly mayor. >> was there ever a point where you felt discouraged you're like you couldn't do this. the short answer is absolutely. it was very difficult to understand how folks received money. and so as i was trying to build
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approval as most elected to want to do, i also have to recognize that, you know, i am who i and i was going to no matter what saw some people, but hopefully make a lot of people happier and make lives better. >> one of the ways he looked to make lives better was to create space for community empowerment. under his direction. the city launched a dual pride and juneteenth celebration now in its second year. >> it's about recognizing the historic significance of event. and i my purpose is to create spaces like it could be perhaps because i, you know, sit on these intersections of identities. but i also frankly think that's just >> being the first leader of the city to take off so many boxes wasn't new for murphy. he was also the first openly and black student body president at his alma mater, ucla. but just because he been the first before doesn't mean
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it was always comfortable. >> as mayor, i you know, what's in meetings with, you know, all mayors contra costa monthly, right. and most of those mayors certainly weren't my age most. mayor didn't look like i didn't have backgrounds very differently than i do. >> those differences only emboldened murphy to do more for his community, crediting his mother for influencing his passion for public service, seeing her work and social welfare and uplifting our city in our community inspired me to not just want to do that, but make systemic changes. murphy remains on city council and is currently mayor emeritus in pinole. his true passion is to create clean economy initiatives. one day, i hope that everybody know will have solar hope to have storage. >> for that's solar. and i hope that they feel that that is going to empower them to be better neighbors to talk. >> murphy joins this walking group regularly to connect with those. he represents. he says he simply wants people to
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feel like democracy is working for them. >> i want them to recognize that they're seen and that they're heard and that i may not know everything about their community, but i listen and i'm willing to green. they're back down cultures there. needs their understanding of the world into policy here. >> in pinole, noelle bellow. kron, 4 news. >> all right. let's talk a bit about our weather now as we take a live look outside at sfo. he can see it's a bit overcast out there. kyla. absolutely. getting some sunshine, though, right now in san francisco. you can see as we take a look downtown here at the transamerica pyramid those clouds are moving very quickly a few minutes ago. we're getting a little bit of clearing. 56 in san francisco, low 60's in oakland, san jose livermore concord, santa rosa, all sitting in the low 70's, obviously a little cooler than we were yesterday and some 50's out at half moon bay where we do have some of those clouds hanging on here. you can see it right now as we take a live look. so today
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tomorrow we're going to be seeing a little bit of fog in the morning and then a little bit of clearing in the afternoon. by the time we get to friday, then we're going to start to see that sunshine really start to pop up and the temperatures move up as high pressure is in control. so from high pressure to low-pressure, i want to take you now down to the gulf of mexico. we've got our first tropical storm of the season and that is tropical storm out storm alberto. and what's interesting here is you see the center of the circulation here is right off the coast of mexico. but the storm is such a with 2. it's really got an amazing reach. and it is setting all of this rain into the coast of texas where they are expecting to have some minor flooding incidents is there with this as it works its way through. so interestingly, you can see it's also starting to feed some of that to the north of it. just kind of giving the idea of what a big system it is. so tropical storm warnings are up there. and as we head across the next 24 hours, it's expected to go ashore into mexico where could cause some flooding and also, unfortunately, some landslides. but an interesting thing to keep an eye on. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about our local forecast. all right. cuyler, thank you. lawmakers in
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washington are pushing to crack down on revenge in particular. the kind generated by artificial intelligence if gassed, big tech companies could be forced to get more aggressive in policing. that kind of content. washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with more. lawmakers say it's time for washington and big tech to get ahead of this problem, especially as it relates to kids in schools. it was really scary to even go to school, just out of fear. this texas teen told senators her sense of security was shattered. >> after someone at school used ai to create and share nude pictures featuring her eye. so excited for high school, but this totally just throughout my ear. lawmakers say big tech companies must take this emerging problem more seriously. he didn't take someone else's nude images and put their faces on them. instead, he took their actual bodies using ai. to make the images look even more real. now, senators are pushing for passage of the take it down
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act. the proposal builds on existing federal law and wood for social media companies to remove deepfake revenge images within 48 hours. we're going to look for a way to move those bills forward. the move is a rare bipartisan effort in congress to address a problem. some lawmakers say tech companies already know exactly how to handle if you put seen from the lion king that will get pulled down almost immediately. senators say tech companies would be held to account by ftc action potentially including fines if the law passes and said those corporations will soon have to decide how to respond. this is the right solution. frankly, it's what they should be doing anyway. that legislation was introduced this week. but so far a full floor vote hasn't been scheduled reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. coming up on kron, 4 news at noon. we'll show you where you can celebrate where you can celebrate juneteenth today.
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>> willie mays was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in his first year of eligibility. back in 1979, cooperstown in new york is remembering maze for his infectious enthusiasm for baseball in his ability to capture the hearts of fans. we heard from the president of the baseball hall. >> he was truly beloved here in cooperstown. and had been a few years since he's able to come back obviously had some health issues in recent years that that precluded him from coming back here. but we still heard from him regularly holiday cards. and we know how much he meant to the people that come to cooperstown. i mean, when people are walking into the plaque gallery, they're going around the museum. but they are talking
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about willie mays and truly one the greatest players ever to play the game and they want to see his plaque or they want to see is artifacts and there's really no way to put into words what he meant. but now i think people who welcome to cooperstown know it and that they feel. karen lee. >> hall of fame officials are in the process of moving may's plaque from cooperstown to alabama for the mlb game at wrigley field. >> war very poor. generations baseball. and we will always cherish the memory of great >> that was one last standing ovation for willie mays, a rickwood field in birmingham, alabama. the say hey, kid, got his start at what is now america's oldest ballpark with the birmingham black barons.
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mays. death comes at a time that major league baseball is in birmingham to pay tribute to the leagues where may's got his start. the game in his honor between the san francisco giants and the st. louis cardinals is set to happen tomorrow just earlier this week ms released a statement that he was unable to attend that game but was going to watch it from home fans, both local to birmingham and from here in the bay area. remember him last night? >> the crowd was just amazing. they stand up. they gave whaley a a standing ovation. i'm glad they did that. it was very that happened during the game. wow. it rickwood field. >> it meant that the crowd really feel it was a big house in a about has to do take that hands out on it. >> was this a special moment for us to be in a place when a announcement happened? >> some of may's family members were already in birmingham as they prepared for the game honoring him mason. michael was there. he
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shared with this honor means to the family. >> again, i can't speak to because he did this event. that is 3. but full up. impressive bombing. really what we've we've gotten quite a few prepared for this so many people doing so much good work. >> the tribute game tomorrow is set to start at 4.25. all right. talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. the quite overcast up there with the touch of a breeze as well. kyla. yeah, that's right. little cooler for us today. but boy, it is not cooler in the northeast where they're having a heat wave. huge dome of high presslre here that has made a spot like boston, 94 degrees where you can't really see it because it's behind that qr code. but miami right now is 89 so warmer in boston right now than it is in miami. so that heat is pretty incredible. you can see detroit sitting at 90 degrees as well as you move over to the west coast. obviously
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we're having a cooler run today. we have a little bit of a foggy start. you can see la about 70 degrees. some nice 80's in the interior portion of california. even las vegas is just heidi one. that's not bad and locally here we're at 73 in san jose. 69 in redwood city, a little cooler out of half moon bay in pacifica in the 50's, 70 in dublin, little warm in pittsburgh at 78 just 50's for downtown san francisco. you can see some nice 60's and 70's up in the north bay. so today will be a little bit of a cloudy day for many, especially if you're out at the coast, those clouds will kind of hang on as we go throughout the day today. but we're starting to a little sunshine in his spots that are a little farther inland. you can see the difference in temperatures, though, what a difference the marine layer makes. right? we've got that low pressure kind of influencing our forecast were dropped 14 degrees in hayward. and this is all good news for those who are dealing with fire weather right up in the north bay. so tonight we're going to see this again afternoon. you can start to see some of those clouds rolling back in as we get into about that 10, 11 o'clock time frame. i think we coufd even see a little bit of coastal
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drizzle and then tomorrow, once again, we will wake up with that marine layer presents that helps to drive those humidity levels down. and it does keep us a little cool now, tomorrow also happens to be the first official day of summer, which means it's also going to be the longest day of the year. as far as daylight is concerned. so sunrise 5 47 sunset at 8.34. that gives you 14 hours. let's say it's 46 minutes. and yes, 55 seconds. we don't want to miss any of that tomorrow being that longest day of the year. so kind of interesting because obviously will be a couple degrees cooler tomorrow, warmer tomorrow, but still not that warm. still running relatively seasonal once we get to friday. that's what is really going start to feel more summer-like inland. you can see that little pop of heat coming our way friday, saturday and sunday. it looks like it does peak on saturday when some inland spots could get to the mid even potentially upper 90's. so just be prepared for that. as we head towards the weekend. all right. let popsicle graphic. kyla was lot of fun. >> well, happening today, communities across the bay area are celebrating
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juneteenth today's federal holiday marking the emancipation of enslaved people in the u.s. at the children's discovery museum in san jose. families can enjoy a variety of activities from now until 04:30pm, check up that graphic on your screen. there for nature lovers, east bay regional parks is offering free entry today. san francisco hosting an annual block party as well this afternoon at fillmore webster, brent woods celebration happens thiafternoon at city park and in oakland, the heloc rated and last supper society holds a cookout. we heard from an organizer. >> essential of food and family and community and i'm a kid zone. there will be food from some of our favorite black chefs. it will be drinks. there will be music there will be to step in and dancing and mine dancing all those trappings of kind of a backyard. i could do. >> for more events celebrating
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juneteenth throughout the week. just head to our website kron 4 dot com. coming up next year. and you'll we continue our coverage. remembering the say, hey, kid, a special tribute to willie mays is coming up. stay with us.
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in tacoma, washington, celebrated the birth of a new sea lion pup. you can see it right there. this is the first in the zoo's 119 year history. officials with point defiance. zoo aquarium say the pup has been nursing, growing moving and getting accustomed to the care team. louise is a natural at parenting bonding with her baby and the pair are expected to start swimming lessons pretty soon. zoo guests can vote on the pup's name later this month. and before we say goodbye, we want to take a moment to honor the great willie mays once again. this is say, hey, by the trainers. and not question may. >> when great and at the plate
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>> when longest dom the and that means the i >> and might spain. it is bringing it job. is great on a say. >> just a giant in the world of sports and baseball. that's all from the newsroom today. thank you so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. take good care of yourselves today. live in the bay is next.
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salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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♪ (ominous music) ♪ come on. what can i do to help you? dad: come on buddy. headphones. what! dad: hey! dad: ok all right. what do you wanna do? i said i don't wanna talk about it! dad: trey! what are you doin'? ♪ (ominous music) ♪
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based on influential women of color. we sit down with the creator of color. her story. >> and open artist and activist tracey part, though, is spreading the love with her. emergence art. >> all the creativity and culture. you can experience at the last guest house. say area legend willie mays passed away peacefully yesterday at the age of 93. we'll take a look back at his legacy as we honor and remember him. >> plus, the space creating opportunities for black owned businesses to build their brands. all the products and events you can find out in the black. there's so much happening today on live in the bank. welcome to live in the bay. i'm so glad you can join us today. i'm jessica wills. >> happy wednesday, everyone. as you can tell by that lineup. we have an incre


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