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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  June 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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thao. was knew that >> now at 5, the recall effort to remove oakland mayor sheng thao from office has hit another milestone. we're going take a look at what comes next. the catch and then that throw remembering the say, hey, kid, how the bay area's
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celebrating the life and legacy of willie mays. >> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> thanks so much for joining us tonight for kron. 4 news at 5 o'clock. i'm grant lotus and i'm vicki liviakis. we continue to honor the legacy of san francisco giants legend willie mays. the baseball great died yesterday at the age of 93 mays was born in westfield, alabama. he played his first professional baseball game with the birmingham black barons of the leagues when he was 17 years old, 1951 may signed with the new york giants and made his major league debut stayed with that team when they moved to san francisco. 7 years later. >> at oracle park all day today, people have been stopping by the address there. 24 willie mays plaza to add to the growing memorial. our kron sarah stinson has that story.
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>> like today is the day and you my respects and taken by fan after fan stopping by a growing memorial at oracle park wednesday to pay their respects to the late willie mays. >> news of his passing has both baseball and non-baseball fans heartbroken across the country. gordon bain in tears as he dropped off flowers mean it just shows you how much he meant to everybody. >> and i've seen people out here tears like mine just overcome with emotion, because like he was a coach, >> mays died tuesday at age. 93. he's known as one of the best players in major league history. this is just my first sports hero. randy wright says he fell in love with baseball when he saw may's play at candlestick park in the 60's. see him in person. i mean, a lot of people aren't old enough to see way. we was really road. >> i want to see also just 34 years old at the in 1965. 52
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home runs. i with james fever. you know, i was really, kevin de jesus grew up in san francisco. he says he became a giants fan when he was just 10 years old after he got to meet haze, which turned out to be a major influence on his life. going over the mission. >> you know, sports kind of kept me out of trouble. day has to stop by the willie mays say, hey, experience exhibit is normally closed during away games, but the team opened it for fans to learn more about his legacy. there's memorabilia from his early days birmingham to his time in new would seals stadium. and of part it opened in may. unfortunately, mays never got to see it. fans say he'll be missed but never forgotten. just baseball player ever. and there's never going to be another like the giants have decided to open work park for fans on thursday on the scoreboard. they will televise the giants first cardinals game at rickwood field.
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>> and there will be a lot of different things. fans can do to pay tribute to may's the game starts 4.15, but again, doors open at noon. i'm sara stinson reporting in san francisco. kron 4 news and you know, well, sir, was out there right by the statue of willie mays. yes, you know, showed up all kinds of fans. >> do you see in new york knicks game but not to right. but today he made it here. legendary filmmaker spike lee. he had a lot to say about willie mays about the game will have a little more from him. >> coming at 6 o'clock and it's on kron 4 dot com right if you want to check it out. >> but right now we are thrilled to be joined by former a's pitcher dave stewart is with us on zoom. dave, thanks so much for your time. i know, you know, as a bay area guy, how much willie meant to you? how are you processing the loss of willie? >> well, it's really, really tough to do to process. and
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you know that 93 years old. you know, you're not on the young side of life. you on the other side of that. but you know, willie >> 4. >> san francisco in the bay area. you know, at the time when i started watching baseball, which was the early 60's was the best player in the game and remain the best player baseball. as far i was concerned, my family was concerned. so, you know, having an opportunity at a very young age to meet him. and talk to really influence the way. i went about playing the game and my appreciation for plan. >> so dave, we know you're a whole lot younger. and but a much beloved player at the other side of the bay. the a's. i know you have a willie mays stories. what's your favorite? >> well, you know, it actually took place at the whole thing.
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when we were we were at the hall of fame and willie was sitting with. bob gibson and sandy colfax and their bunch of hall of and well, he was talking about the first time that he faced gibson. and he was saying that, you know, he was young and bob was was a veteran or had been in the league and heat step to home plate he said he really was bin attention was just trying to do his ritual, which was to to dig that back foot in and make sure he got a toe back during the batters box. he said many stuck his head up and he saw that it was bob gibson out there. he said he immediately got on his knees to cover. that holds up. and that was one of the funniest stories that i've ever you from from a willie in regards to >> he's come his combat a position with the bob gibson. >> almost universally thought of as the best player to ever play the game. and it's hard to think of other people in
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all of sports where that's the case. and you think about where he played, you know, candlestick with the weather conditions, you know, his his home run numbers is his numbers in general could have been so much more gaudy. heavy played elsewhere. but he was he was still excellent. the kids these days use the word vibes. you know, the good vibes them. and it feels like willie was ahead of his time with the vibe to it. would you a great? >> well, i when you when you listen even my my first meeting with my father's a longshoreman. my my father. love the giants loved mays. an took me to a game one bad day in 19. 62. and on that day, said i was going to meet willie mays and willie spent. >> hours signing autographs. i was the second to last autograph. sign. and the typical question that you asked, kids are, you know, what do you want to be when you grow up? and you know, for
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my family, the right answer is a doctor. a lawyer, you know something like that. but my response was, i want to be a baseball player. and then we'll there's niche response to me was, you know what that takes, what it takes to be a major league player. and i said no. and he said you got to love the game. that stuck with it stuck with me. and as if we're using the word by it. but with me, but you've seen stories, where will he would take kids play stickball with the after they finish stickball games would have ice cream. and as i said, i was 7 year-old kid in 1962. well, when i had the opportunity to meet him, in those words stuck with me it was. who i became as a player and what he came off the steal as a player that opportunity with will. >> he had a tremendous amount of influence. you know, his godson, barry bonds. i spent
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some time doing stories with with barry bonds. bobby bonds is dad and willie mays. and i remember and hopefully we'll be able to play this at some point to but that willie mays on camera was giving some advice to he's got a 30 years ago and barry was a hot shot. and, you know, he informed me said, you know, it takes a lot more to be a legend to be is someone that people look up to and he was trying to guide him and give that kind of advice to a lot of people. i think. do you think they make like that anymore? >> no, there. there's the there's one. >> god made one. and after that one, broke the there there. there's one willie mays. >> never be another willie mays and, you know, say this once again, i'm the best player in my opinion, ever put a baseball uniform on. but also one of the best, if not the best player when it came
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to fan interaction and giving people what they came to the ballpark to see, which was. in joyful playing and enjoying what he was doing, but also leaving them with an experience that they could go home with and make them come back to the ballpark and be a fan of the game. >> dave, it's poetic and poignant that he died 2 days before he was going to be honored birmingham and the giants are going to play that game. of course tomorrow. how do you put into words? the timing of all this? >> you know i wished i had words for the you know, god works in mysterious ways need does. what he does when it's time and, you know, willie, been on earth for 93 years imagine how many people in 93 years he's touched how many people he's brought joy to. and sometimes god says it's time to bring my soldier home even done. and you've done a
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good service. you've done exactly what you're meant to do with the platform that you had and you bring them home. and i it's wished i had words to to to express why things happen when they do. only thing i can say is that it's it's in god's plan. >> we'll leave it really appreciate your time. that's dave i know it's a tough time for you. i'm sorry for your loss of a friend and a mentor, but certainly you've done well to pay tribute to him tonight. we appreciate you. >> appreciate you having me on and give me this opportunity to talk about. one of the best people to ever be around this game. >> great. great words for a thoughts. and we wish you well this evening. they've stewart. >> please join us in a moment of silence as we remember the great willie mays.
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>> that's wrigley field today where the cubs honored willie mays before there game this afternoon against the giants. will his death comes at a time? we reference this one major league baseball is paying tribute to him in birmingham. also paying tribute to the leagues that is where may's got his start with the black barons. it's a game that between the giants and the st. louis cardinals. that will happen tomorrow. the timing is just as we said, very profound. and still ahead tonight kron, 4 news at 5. we'll be going live to birmingham and chat with colleagues there as preparations for that game are certainly well underway. >> all right. now to the latest on the point fire that's burning near lake sonoma. containment now at 50%. that fire sunday
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afternoon. and then it spread rapidly to 1200 acres within just 24 hours. it has destroyed 2 homes. one firefighter was injured, but they are are expected to be okay. >> our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow is with us now to talk about the weather component here. yeah. and seeing some helpful weather for folks trying to fight that fire humidity way up compared to where it was. are a couple days ago we're talking about single digits. so extremely dry air. we can see it right there. that fog has rolled back inside the bay in the valleys. and well, we've seen that moisture on the rise that really helps to slow down the progress of these fires. that being said, you get to the afternoon and all of a sudden you start to see the winds blowing. amid this. the sites fire in and around those areas. you can see those fire spread again. but there's been more of a westerly component to the winds overall today. and you can in around the skies for actually get in the east wind right now, which will blow the fire back in on itself. that's not a bad thing. burning back over some burned area. so looks like
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they're getting a little bit of a break there right now. the afternoon will continue through the evening hours before beginning to subside. again, the fact all around you can see that onshore flow kicking up around the bay area. tomorrow. looks like that will be back again in the afternoon. so things calm down the morning hours in the afternoon. that's when these fires tend to get a little more active. when you get those afternoon breezes kicking overall, things are much improved from where they were. 24 hours ago. all right. looking good. thank you, lawrence. coming up. >> we'll continue our coverage. remembering the say, hey, kid, willie mays. and we're going to go to his home state of alabama as
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>> continuing our coverage of the passing of giants legend willie mays tomorrow. major league baseball is set to honor may's during a game between the giants and the cardinals. that game he's being played at rick woodfield. that's in birmingham, alabama, and joining us now to talk more about the plans to honor maze. >> and the significance of rickwood field is d jackson. he's live in birmingham. good evening, d our thanks. >> good evening to you, vicki and grant. this is a monumental occasion here birmingham, alabama. they've been prepping for this internally for about a year now. exactly a year to the day where major league baseball game in town and they said they were going to do a tribute to the leagues and honor birmingham's favorite son, willie mays. and it's so unfortunate over the last 24 hours. what we've seen happen here and yesterday, i'm sure you guys saw the grieving fans here at america's oldest ballpark is the news was announced that he had passed.
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but today's a little bit different were as it was somber yesterday. today people are more celebrating the life of the say, hey, kid, he was a phenomenal athlete, a phenomenal man. a humanitarian is what they're all say. and most of all, a hero to so many, not just here in alabama, but throughout the world. everyone knows the name. willie mays is synonymous with baseball excellence. the hall of famer certainly touched a lot of lives, including former giants pitcher latroy hawkins who look forward to seeing may's every day and the giants clubhouse. one thing i always hear about willie mays is he really enjoyed being willie mays and he like to spread that love to everybody. what are some of other founder members of it? >> just being in the clubhouse like this holding court and being able to tell the stories that. it took you back to when they were playing here where it would we take you back when you know, and i was satchel paige, like this ability to, you know, capture room and just take you to where he's
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been was phenomenal. >> and they started that phenomenal hall of fame career right here at rickwood field at the age of 17 a professional baseball player at that time playing against men well beyond his age. but certainly he was far ahead of when it comes to talent, heart and even character. guys. we're live at the oldest ballpark in america. rickwood field in birmingham, alabama jackson will send it back to you yet. i bet you're hearing all kinds of stories about willie mays, other telling him far away right here in san francisco as well. he touched a lot of people. >> they a quick question for you 9. i know you've been in that that city a long time. you mentioned he's a favorite son. birmingham. expand upon that a little bit like the kids know who willie mays is there and and talk a little bit about rickwood the ballpark and just, you know
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what it's like in and what giants fans can expect to see on tv tomorrow. >> well, what's happened here at rickwood field. this is good is america's oldest ballpark. built in 1910, and so many players have come through here hall of fame players as well. you name it. they play here from the reggie jackson's to the willie mays is to the lou gehrig's, the hank aarons, babe ruth ty cobb. i could go on and on. she was joe jackson. everyone has touched the blades of grass here at this field and it is really an american treasure that really a lot of people don't know about. it's one of those hidden diamonds in the rough, if you will. and major league baseball is coming to town and revitalize this ballpark. and one of the most fascinating things about it when you see it on tv tomorrow, give you a little sneak peek. i am absolutely enamored. by the way, they designed the outfield wall. there are a lot of speculations could they keep charm, the old-school midst of this building here? and i got i got to tell you, they absolutely did. they capture the essence of what rickwood
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field is all about. the history of btrning in the history of baseball in america. it's all right here. and if you haven't been birmingham would love to have you guys and love to host. you know, the chamber of commerce could hire because you're selling and, you know, giants fans, i think they were excited for this game when it was on the calendar. >> but with with losing willie yesterday and you can only imagine what what he means to to the bay area here in this market. you know, all eyes are going to be on birmingham tomorrow excited that the that the nation can learn more about such a historic place. >> yeah, no question guys. and michael mays has been in town will be sun and he's been a great ambassador of the game and he's spoken so highly of his father when his father not only means to baseball, it to him as a as a father. and so our hearts go out to the mays family. of course, michael mays, who is here in town. >> all right, thank history definitely being made there
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thank you. dee. >> meantime, other stories we're covering for you recall experts say there hasn't been a big city mayor to face a recall election since 2011, but that will change before the end of the year. the alameda county registrar of voters is confirming those wanting to recall oakland mayor sheng thao. they've gathered enough valid signatures to force a recall election. as kron four's. dan kerman tells us tonight most to face recalls end up losing. >> chanting oust those who blame oakland mayor sheng thao for everything from crime to business closures gathered in front of oakland city hall wednesday to announce the registrar of voters has verified. they've submitted enough valid signatures to force a recall election. people hurting. they continue to hurt. >> you have have a long enough time in office to make things better. you have not made things better the group
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submitted more than 40,000 signatures, though, just under 25,000 were needed. >> tower received less than 40,000st choice votes in the first round of twenty-twenty two's ranked choice voting election. >> that's why her opponent's called on her to immediately step down. now resigned. now mayor thao. >> and that november, baby eve action day for a new mayor. that can happen if you were to do the right thing and resign, you will not win this recall. you cannot win. this recall recalls are incredibly successful nationwide. >> joshua spivak is a recall expert and research fellow with berkeley law. >> he says over 60% of elected officials facing recall nationwide lose and another 6% resign in advance. he says if thao loses, it could set up an interesting scenario. could be that. >> open would have 4 mayors in
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a very short time period. if thao loses the recall. spivak says council president nikki fortunato bas would become mayor until a special election is held within 120 days. however, bass's running for supervisor, which means if thao loses and vast windsor supervisor's race, would be mayor from november to january. and another council member would be mayor in till that special election. mayor thao did not respond to our request for comment. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> still ahead, one of the most popular promising young players in women's hoops was just dealt a huge blow. details on the road ahead for cameron break.
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>> lots of people across the country are celebrating juneteenth today. the holiday recognizes when the last enslaved people in the u.s. learned they were free. this happened in 18. 65 juneteenth was designated a federal holiday in 2021, it has become more universally recognize beyond black america. and on this juneteenth in oakland, educators out about the importance of teaching african american students about their heritage. and earlier today we spoke with co-founder of our african american female excellence program at oakland unified school district. >> our students really understanding that we have a very long legacy that spring sports from time immemorial and also was interrupted by the enslavement experience that african people had. we
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brought from rates of white patients in africa. students who are in california coming enslaved african people who are in places like texas, alabama, mississippi, louisiana, and brought those coaches with oakland and how that also shapes the fabric of oakland that we know and love today. >> according to ahmed, the program served more than 400 students this past school year. >> a trailblazing woman in the east bay. this juneteenth. we're going to be the first black woman to serve as the san leandro police chief. an effort to build more affordable housing in east oakland. the big help for big bank today. plus, we're continuing to honor the life of say, hey, kid, willie mays, a look at archive interview. i did with
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